Link 2 14 - Our Lady & The Saints of Guernsey, Catholic

Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday 4th July
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday
Mary Lawrence RIP
SS 6.00pm For the People of the Parish
Sunday 5th July
SJ 8.00am Sister M Patricia RIP
SS 9.30am Carolina Silva RIP
SJ 10.30am Carol Tersigni RIP
SJ 6.30pm Ada Bourel RIP
Monday 6th July
SJ 7.30am Pauline McKenna RIP
SS 12 noon Decima & Brian White RIP
SP 12 noon Dr Amadeus Maguire RIP
(Mass in Sark)
Tuesday 7th July
LP 7.30am Joan Alliss & Cindy G.E.
SJ 9.30am Antonio & Emanuel R. Gouveia
SJ 11.00am Funeral Service - Jack Babbe
Wednesday 8th July
SJ 7.30am Yves Davy & Roger West &
Beulah West RIP
ND 12.05pm Holy Souls
Thursday 9th July
LP 7.30am Ken & Marie Finch
SJ 9.30am Alan & Sandra Hamilton
Friday 10th July
SJ 7.30 am Joe McGovern’s intentions
LP 11.00am Private Intention
Saturday 11th July
SJ 10.00am John & Lilian Renouf RIP
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday
Jean Bilham RIP
SS 6.00pm Patrick Carvill RIP
Sunday 12th July
SJ 8.00am Christopher Baber RIP
SS 9.30am Angele Shore RIP & Nita Dubois
SJ 10.30am Restituta Tersigni RIP
SJ 6.30pm Conceicçáo Santos RIP
SJ - St. Joseph’s Church
ND - Notre Dame Church
SS - Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
LP - Le Platon Home
SP - St Peter’s Church, Sark
Today’s Psalm Response
Our eyes are on the Lord
till He shows us His mercy.
Prayer of the Church: Week 2
Morning Prayer: 9.45am on Saturday (SJ).
Confessions next Saturday
St Joseph's:
Notre Dame:
Star of the Sea:
10.30am - 11.00am;
5.00pm - 5.20pm;
5.30pm - 6.00pm.
Feast Days this week
St Benedict
Thank you for your generosity towards the
work of the Church in Guernsey:
Standing Orders:
Approx. £580
Covenant with the Poor:
Peter’s Pence:
The retiring collection this
weekend is for the re-decoration
of St Joseph’s Parish Room.
Deacon Mark still looking
for volunteers.
If you can spare a couple of hours to help
please telephone Deacon Mark on
249776 or contact the parish office.
The retiring collection next weekend is
for the Apostleship of the Sea,
Sea Sunday is when the Church prays for all
those who live and work at sea. There will be
a second collection for Apostleship of the
Sea, the official maritime welfare agency of
the Catholic Church in Great Britain. It
provides practical and spiritual support to
seafarers visiting our ports. Please give
generously to support its important work.
For more information about its work visit
All items for the newsletter to the Parish Office, marked ‘The Link’ by Thursday noon at the latest.
Priority is given to Parish and Church events. Other items included when space permits.
Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - 5th July 2015
St Joseph & St Mary Church, La Couperderie, St Peter Port
Notre Dame du Rosaire Church, Burnt Lane, St Peter Port
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Rue des Monts, St Sampson
Parish Priest and Dean
Canon Michael Hore
Assistant Priest
Fr Paul Dzwig
Mark Leightley
Residence & Parish Office: Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, SPP, GY1 1JH. Tel 720196
[email protected]
The Parish Office is open weekdays 9.30am - 1.30pm
Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 246871
If you ever have the opportunity of going to the Holy Land, as I had once. You may
come away wondering what part of the pilgrimage was the highlight for you. It’s a
strange feeling when the coach from the airport climbs up the hill to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem being the city that Jesus loved and the city that would reject Jesus and
crucify Him. But we also must remember the city where Jesus rose from the dead.
Those words in Matthew’s Gospel come flooding back “ Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you
that Kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often have I longed
to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you
refused!” The pain of rejection is a very bitter pain indeed. To be rejected by a
girlfriend or boyfriend whom we love very much, or to be rejected by a partner in
marriage can be a very bitter experience. For the Saviour of the World to be rejected
by the city He loved so much. “How often have I longed to gather your children etc…
Mt 23:37.
It’s one thing to be rejected in your own city it must be something else
when you are rejected in your own village and in your own household. Jesus had to go
through this experience also. The home made dagger always has a long blade and can
cut deeply. “A prophet is only despised in his own country, among his own relations
and in his own house” Mt 6:4. Wasn’t there an awful blindness on the part of the
people. Even Jesus was taken aback by the extent of blindness that He encountered.
The final comment of today's gospel is “ He was amazed at their lack of faith” Mk 6:6
On a final point wasn’t it a pity that the people of Jerusalem and the
people of His own village rejected Him. Would you like to think they should have
known better? Well you would. Lets consider our own position. His message has
been around for a long time now and there are still some who can’t or won’t accept
Him. There are people in our own neighbourhood, excellent people who seem to be
genuinely persuaded that to cast off our Christian inheritance is an exercise in
emancipation. Never be ashamed of your Christian Inheritance. Any opportunity you
have to proclaim and renew your commitment to Christ don’t be slow to do so.
May we never reject you as Our Lord and Saviour.
Canon Michael
A warm welcome to visitors who join us for
Mass today. Coffee/tea are available after
8.00am/10.30am Mass at St Joseph’s and
9.30am Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea.
Meetings in St. Joseph’s Parish Room (SJ),
Our Lady Star of the Sea Centre (SS),
Centre for Peace (CP) unless noted
otherwise; Services in the Church.
Children’s Mass (SS)
JP Lyttle’s Mass followed by
Celebration in the Hall (SJ)
Rosary then Mass at 12noon (SS)
NO Exposition Today
GPC meeting (SJ)
Rosary (CP)
Rosary preceding 12.05pm Mass (ND)
Holy Hour & Rosary (SJ)
10-11.00am Exposition of Blessed Sacrament (SJ)
Catholicism DVD (SJ)
Legion of Mary (SJ)
Rosary preceding 5.30pm Mass (ND)
Parish Schola (SJ)
Please remember in your prayers:
• Bishop Philip (appointed 11.7.2012);
• Bishop Emeritus Crispian Hollis
(ordained priest 11.7.1965);
• Community of Notre Dame du
Rosaire (consecrated 4.7.1968);
• Canon Richard Hind and all who are
sick in our community;
• Frank Lesbirel, Margaret McIlroy,
Teresa Le Prevost, Michael Baird and
all whose anniversaries occur about now.
May they rest in peace.
The Island prayer scheme this week asks
prayers for Full Gospel Mission, Vale/
F.G.B.M. International.
Sacrament of Marriage
Congratulations to
Laura Gaudion &
John Baines
on their Marriage in Alderney.
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome in Baptism at
St. Joseph’s Alex Vieira.
Please remember him, his family
and Godparents in your prayers.
Father John-Paul Lyttle
As a Parish we want to congratulate you on reaching this day in your life. We
know that the priesthood has been very central to your life and you have spent
many years preparing, some of which hasn’t been easy. But you persevered and we
thank you. We wish you a long and happy life in the priesthood. Well Done!
UCM Tuesday 7th July, 7.30pm
St Joseph’s Parish Room.
Come and enjoy a social evening.
Moira & Norah will report back on UCM
National Conference, followed by a leisurely
fish & chips supper and raffle.
St Joseph’s 4.00pm
Sunday 26th July
All are most welcome
Holy Hour and Rosary
Wednesday 8th July at 7.30pm
St. Joseph’s Church.
Mass Monday 13th July at
Our Lady Star of the Sea
will be at 11.00am instead of 12 noon.
St Mary & St Michael’s School,
Leavers and Parents Mass
to which all parents, family and friends
most welcome .
Service of Blessing for the Sick and
This is followed by Afternoon Tea on
Thursday 27th August at 2.30 pm at Our
Lady Star of the Sea. If you know
anyone who would like to come please let
the Parish Office know.
Volunteers required to become a
Welcomer at St Joseph’s 10.30am Mass.
Last weeks sermon was about people using
their talents to contribute to the Church
community. We would love to invite
parishioners to become part of the
Welcoming Team at the 10.30 Mass at St
Joseph's. If interested please contact
Margaret Cusack on 07781423548 or Frank
Cusack on 254904.
The next meeting of the GPC will take
place on 7th July. Items you may wish
discussed should be put in writing and
addressed to ‘The Secretary, GPC’ c/o
Ampthill House.
Mission Red Boxes
Some kind person recently left their Mission
Box, in a white plastic bag, in the Sacristy.
Unfortunately there was no name on the
base-only the letter “C”. If the owner would
phone me on 256040 I shall be pleased to
return their box. Thank you Richard
All Saints Youth Club are meeting for the
last time this term on Saturday, 4th of July.
The club will resume on Saturday, 5th of
September and anyone in Year 6 and above
is welcome to attend.
Chewing Gum
Our Cleaners have been experiencing at
lot of chewing gum stuck under seats
etc., Please do not chew gum in any of
our Church’s. Have respect for your
Church and to our cleaners who are all
Our Lady Star of the Sea is in
need of volunteers for Coffee/Teas
Sunday mornings after 9.30am Mass
No more than once every 6 weeks – very
flexible. Please contact Jeanette Tel.
246770 if you can help.
Notre Dame School Evacuees
On Thursday 16th July 2015, a special
Mass will be held at 9.30am in St.
Joseph’s Church to mark the 75th
anniversary of the evacuation of pupils
from Notre Dame du Rosaire School and
the 70th anniversary of their safe return
to their Island home and families. All
former pupils of the school who were
evacuated and their families are warmly
invited to join the pupils and staff of the
school for this very special occasion. It
will be a moment to give thanks for the
courage, love and example of the Sisters
and staff who accompanied the school
children on that most uncertain of
journeys in June 1940 and who guided,
nurtured and loved them during the
evacuation years, the families who
remained in Guernsey with little contact
with their children and the children
themselves who were undoubted
bewildered by these events.
During the afternoon of Thursday 16th
July, Mr. McGovern has kindly agreed to
open the Burnt Lane site of the school
(including the facilities in the former
convent) to any former evacuees who
would like the opportunity to revisit their
old school and share the memories with
the pupils of today.
Please RSVP to tel. 723011 or
[email protected]
“Let the little children come to me, and
do not hinder them, for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as these.”
Le Platon Home Lottery Draw
June 2015 Winners:£100 - 36
- 24
- 86