Mass Times and Intentions Today’s Psalm Response Feast Days this week

Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday 25th October
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday:
Madeleine Hewlett In
SS 6.00pm Mary Niles RIP
Sunday 26th October
SJ 8.00am Charles & Irene Horan RIP
SS 9.30am Pat & Wilf Cochrane In
SJ 10.30am Irene Tersigni RIP
SJ 6.30pm Lawrence Troalic RIP
Monday 27th October
SJ 7.30am Teresa Mooney RIP
SS12 noon Pauline McKenna RIP
Tuesday 28th October
LP 7.30 am Mirielle Ogier’s Intentions
SJ 9.30 am John Guilbert RIP
Wednesday 29th October
SJ 7.30am Fr Charles Chauvel RIP
ND 12.05pm Holy Souls
Thursday 30th October
LP 7.30am Isabel Rodrigues RIP
SJ 9.30am Sally Ferguson RIP
Friday 31st October
SJ 7.30am Sally Ferguson RIP
Saturday 1st November
SJ 10.00am Canon Hetherington
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday:
Angelique Blin RIP
SS 6.00pm Holy Souls
Sunday 2nd November- All Saints
SJ 8.00am Christopher Baber RIP
SS 9.30am Teresa Mooney RIP
SJ 10.30am Brooks & Martin Families
SJ 6.30pm Yves Davy RIP
SJ - St. Joseph’s Church
SS - Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
ND - Notre Dame Church
LP - Le Platon Convent
Items for next week’s Link should be
sent to the Parish Office by noon on
Thursday at the latest.
Today’s Psalm Response
I love you, Lord, my strength.
Prayer of the Church: Week 2
Morning Prayer: 9.15am on Tuesday &
Thursday and at 9.45am on Saturday (SJ).
Feast Days this week
Ss. Simon & Jude
All Saints
Confessions next Saturday
St Joseph's:
Notre Dame:
Star of the Sea:
10.30am - 11.00am;
5.00pm - 5.20pm;
5.30pm - 6.00pm.
Thank you for your generosity towards the
work of the Church in Guernsey:
Standing Orders:
Covenant with the Poor:
The retiring collection next weekend is
for Bamenda, our sister Diocese in
Thank you from Missio
Thank you very much for your generous
contribution of £1,720 to last week’s
World Mission Sunday collection. Your
prayers and kindness will help missionaries
across the world continue their work at the
service of the poor and vulnerable. Please pray
for the work of Missio and all those working
to offer the love of Jesus, that we may remain
strong in our witness to Christ’s love for all
peoples. To continue supporting mission
throughout the year please contact Missio
directly on 02078219755.
St Mary & St Michael
Catholic School PTFA
Dinner & Dance
At St Pierre Park Hotel
DJ “ Q-Sky”
including LED Dance floor!
On Saturday 15th November 2014.
Tickets £35.00 per person.
Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A - 26th October 2014
St Joseph & St Mary Church, La Couperderie, St Peter Port
Notre Dame du Rosaire Church, Burnt Lane, St Peter Port
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Rue des Monts, St Sampson
Parish Priest and Dean
Assistant Priest
Canon Michael Hore
Fr Paul Dzwig
Mark Leightley
Residence & Parish Office: Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, SPP, GY1 1JH. Tel 720196
[email protected]
The Parish Office is open weekdays 9.30am - 1.30pm
Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 246871
Refugees and Immigrants
Love God and Your Neighbour
When there is a recession in a country the welcome given to immigrants and refugees wears
very thin. Even now we see how it has become such a contentious issue in the UK. There
are so many incidents of racism and violence. Even political parties pride themselves on
being hard on them. Many of these are vulnerable people who lack the support of family
and culture and are open to abuse. As Christians we are only too well aware that this is no
way to deal with vulnerable people. Any country that has experienced immigration needs to
take a good look at its own experience and learn the lessons. Everyday from North Africa
there seems to be huge numbers trying to get into Italy. Take a look at the vast number
fleeing terrorism and they suddenly find themselves as refugees looking for safety and
protection for their children. It is a huge problem , costs a lot of money for the host country
and the agencies are stretched to the limit. There will be many who speak out against these
people and at the same time there are others who are prepared to make them welcome,
knowing full well that they may not be able to return home. While you will always have
some who take advantage of the system we must not judge the majority on the actions of a
few. Have a read of Exodus 22:20-26 which is the 1st Reading for Today's Mass.
Evangelisation There is much said these days about the New Evangelisation and how to
pass on the Faith. St Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians reminds them of their journey to
the Faith. In a world those who bear the Good News are convincing when they themselves
embody it. This is true for our time also. Love God and Love Your Neighbour. Does
anything matter more than love? The answer to the 1st Reading in today’s Mass must surely
be found In the Gospel. What is encouraging is that in the Gospel is a proclamation of
unfailing love. Firstly allow ourselves to be loved by God, secondly our love for others. To
love God and neighbour means we have arrived at the very heart of Christianity. Allowing
ourselves to be loved is the easy part. Practical Love of others is where we find the
challenge. To Love God with all your hearts, with all your soul and with all your mind means
we have made the break through to the love of neighbour.
Canon Michael
A warm welcome to all visitors who join us
for today’s Celebration. Please join us for tea/
coffee available after 9.30am Mass in Our
Lady Star of the Sea and 8.00am &
10.30am Mass in St. Joseph’s.
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome in Baptism at
St Joseph’s Annabel Wilkie,
Charlie Gorcan. Please
remember them, their families and
Godparents in your prayers.
Meetings in St. Joseph’s Parish Room (SJ),
Our Lady Star of the Sea Centre (SS),
Centre for Peace (CP) unless noted
otherwise; Services in the Church.
Benediction (OLSS)
12 noon
Mass (Rosary at 11.30am) (SS)
10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament (SJ)
Rosary (CP)
Holy Hour & Rosary (SJ)
10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament (SJ)
RCIA (SJ Parish Room)
Centre for Peace meeting
11.00am Legion of Mary (SJ)
Please remember in your prayers:
• Sister Carmel, Doris Meagher,
Monica Guilmoto, Angele Shore,
Nita Dubois, Cliff Le Prevost and all
who are sick in our community;
• Lawrence Troalic, Denis Mahy,
Matilda Mendonca, Winifred Harris
and all whose anniversaries occur about
now. May they rest in peace;
• The Island Prayer Scheme this week
asks prayers for St Andrew’s Parish
Rosary for the beatification of Edel
Quinn this Sunday. Please call Maud on
729445 for a time & venue.
Holy Hour and Rosary
Wednesday 29th October,
7.30pm, St. Joseph’s Church.
Centre for Peace meeting Thursday
October 30th 7.30pm at Centre for Peace,
Rue de L'Epinel, Forest. All welcome Tel
236171 / 236857 for information.
Pastoral Message
Please take a copy of the Pastoral Message
from Bishop Philip which you will find at the
back of the Church porches. You can also
obtain copies of the Pastoral letter from the
Parish office.
You should also receive Portsmouth People
this weekend, along with prayer cards for
the Year of Prayer, and CDs of the Rosary
recorded by Bishop Philip and pupils of St
Peter’s Bournemouth. Bishop Philip would
be grateful if these could be handed to
parishioners at each Mass. He encourages
everyone to pray the Rosary this weekend
in his Pastoral Letter.
St. Paul Missal 2015 now on sale
Price £5.95 at St. Joseph’s Bookstall.
A massive thank you to all the Parishioners
and Notre Dame School who organised a
special Harvest Collection, for contributing
so generously to the harvest collection in aid
of Guernsey Cheshire Home and The
Russels Day Centre. Jenny a resident from
Cheshire Homes attended the Harvest Mass
on Sunday with her carer and took away your
donations. Jenny said she found the Children's
Mass very uplifting.
Donations of tea/coffee/sugar and biscuits have
been passed on to The Russel Day Centre and
they are extremely appreciative.
The Children's Liturgy Group
On behalf of all our members at The Russels.
I would like to thank everyone at St. Joseph’s
for your kind Harvest Donations of tea, coffee,
sugar and most of all biscuits which I can assure
you will be enjoyed with morning tea each day.
Everything is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Guernsey Pastoral Council
The next meeting will take place on 4th
Items you may wish discussed should please
be put in writing and addressed to, ‘The
Secretary, GPC’ c/o Ampthill House.
The minutes of the September meeting can
now be viewed on the notice boards and the
Parish website.
Road Works that affect St. Joseph’s
Thank you to the Union of
Cat holi c M ot hers for
providing the hand rails
outside St. Joseph’s Church.
Can anyone help—Philip Smith is needing
somewhere to stay from 15 November until
19 December when he leaves the Island. If
you can help please call him on
Please note that the Grange Road is due to be
resurfaced during the half term in October of
this year. The work is scheduled to
commence Saturday 25th October; and be
completed Sunday 2nd November.
During the above period, whilst the work is
being carried out, access/egress to the
Education Department will be via La
Couperderie. Signs will be in place, diverting all
motorists via Vauvert and La Couperderie.
Diary Dates
Mothers Prayers Friday 7th
November new starting time of
3.30pm. For information and venue
telephone Christine 259995.
Special Remembrance Mass for those
Parishioners who died in the First
World War Sunday 9th November
10.30am at St Joseph’s.
Delancey Music Group 25th
Anniversary Celebration after 9.30am
Mass Sunday 16th November
The Children's Liturgy Group annual
cake sale following the 10.30 a.m.
Mass on Sunday, 30th November.
Parish Christmas Lunch 7th
December 2014 at Les Rocquettes
Hotel. Menus and booking forms will
be available next weekend.
Guernsey Fundraising Committee presents
Pugin, Barry and the Houses of
Parliament. An Illustrated lecture by Mark
Collins Monday 10 November 2014 at Les
Cotils 6.30 for 7pm.
After-lecture supper
Members £14
Non-members £16
Students £5
Supper £17
(price includes wine or drink)
Tickets available from Elizabeth Evans
720929 or at the door.
Noticeboard and porch area in
St. Joseph’s Church;
To maintain the presentation of this
main entrance to the church all posters
or notices for display should be sent to
André Hervé, via the Parish office, for
inclusion on the boards.