The Link , 6th February 2015 - Our Lady & The Saints of Guernsey

Mass Times and Intentions
Today’s Psalm Response
Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey
Saturday 7th February
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday:
Catherine Richardson RIP
SS 6.00pm Clifford & Leah Le Poidevin RIP
Sunday 8th February
SJ 8.00am Judy Battye RIP
SS 9.30am Angele Shore
SJ 10.30am Sister M Therese RIP
SJ 6.30pm Tim, Tessa & David Morgan
Monday 9th February
SJ 7.30am Yves Davy & Roger West RIP
SS 12 noon Helene Guilmoto
Tuesday 10th February
SJ 9.30 am Joan Alliss & Cindy G.E.
Wednesday 11th February
SJ 7.30am Sister M de Lourdes
ND12.05pm Canon Paul Townsend
Thursday 12th February
SJ 9.30am Mother Bernadette
Friday 13th February
SJ 7.30am Holy Souls
Saturday 14th February
SJ 10.00am Sister Mary Carmel RIP
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday:
Maria Chwaja RIP
SS 6.00pm John & Sandra Shore
Sunday 15th February
SJ 8.00am Sister M Agnes RIP
SS 9.30am Helene Guilmoto’s Intentions
SJ 10.30am Kevin Upton RIP
SJ 6.30pm Irene Horan RIP
Praise the Lord
who heals the broken-hearted.
SJ - St. Joseph’s Church
SS - Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
ND - Notre Dame Church
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
22nd November – 2nd December
Spiritual director – Bishop Philip
Assisted by Mgr Harvey & Fr James
Cost £1560.00 pp fully inclusive
Limited single accommodation – supplement £335
Information from Deacon Iain Macfirbisigh,
01534 725963, [email protected]
Prayer of the Church: Week 1
Morning Prayer: 9.15am on Tuesday &
Thursday and at 9.45am on Saturday (SJ).
Feast Days this week
St Scholastica
Our Lady of Lourdes
St Cyril & St Methodius
Confessions next Saturday
St Joseph's:
Notre Dame:
Star of the Sea:
10.30am - 11.00am;
5.00pm - 5.20pm;
5.30pm - 6.00pm.
Thank you for your generosity towards the
work of the Church in Guernsey:
Standing Orders:
Education Sunday:
Covenant with the Poor:
The retiring collection next weekend
is for WINGS - World in Need Group
Thank you to all who have
sent in Glass Jars.
Benediction Sunday 1st March
4.00pm Our Lady Star of the Sea
Annual Coffee Morning for the
Retired Priests Fund
Saturday 18th April to be held at
Our Lady Star of the Sea.
Details later. Contact Jeanette 246770.
Found in a bag of stamps left in the church
- set of Sark slides. Please contact the
parish office, 720196.
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B – 8th February 2015
St Joseph & St Mary Church, La Couperderie, St Peter Port
Notre Dame du Rosaire Church, Burnt Lane, St Peter Port
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Rue des Monts, St Sampson
Parish Priest and Dean
Assistant Priest
Canon Michael Hore
Fr Paul Dzwig
Mark Leightley
Residence & Parish Office: Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, SPP, GY1 1JH. Tel 720196
[email protected]
The Parish Office is open weekdays 9.30am - 1.30pm
Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 246871
Have you noticed how busy everyone is these days? Many carry this ‘busyness’
like a badge of honour and would be shocked if we were to suggest that it was
something within our control, as opposed to a burden placed upon us. We all too
easily immerse ourselves into work of different forms at the cost of so much. The
more this work is recognised by those around us, the more we feel ‘someone’, only
to discover that when all the activity is removed we now feel no one. Others
desperately seek to be someone, striving for what they feel they have not got, all the
while losing sight of what they actually have.
Jesus clearly lived a very busy life. We see a clear picture of just how action
packed his day was. Healing the sick, preaching, comforting those in sorrow and
gathering the suffering and needy around him. The one thing though that he was
never too busy for was to pray. He would take himself off to find a ‘lonely place’. It
was here that he would find space to recharge, to recover lost spiritual, mental and
physical energy. To be with God and pray, to listen to him and remind himself why
he was doing the work he was engaged in and without the Father’s help he would
not have the strength to do. As Mother Teresa once said ‘If you want to keep a lamp
burning then you must put oil in it’.
Perhaps it’s time to lay aside our excuses and regularly find our own lonely place,
to sit still and be quiet with the Father, placing in his hands our fears and difficulties.
Perhaps above all though, just being with him and giving him ourselves. I’m sure many
of us say a few prayers while brushing our teeth before bed and what better way to
start the day, than to say a few more as we drag our clothes on. But this really is just
like splashing our faces with water while fully dressed. It’s fine for a few days but
then we really do need to immerse ourselves in a bath or shower. Let’s try hard to
find that ‘lonely place’ a little more often, to seek out God and lay our lives and
struggles before him. It will transform and fortify us. If we truly feel this to be
important then Christ will lead the way. If, on the other hand, we are too busy to
seek this place then perhaps we are too busy.
Deacon Mark
HOME NEXT WEEK . Both the Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th February
Masses have been cancelled due to sickness at the home.
On these cold mornings why not
come inside and have a lovely warming cup
of coffee/tea and meet with other
parishioners after 8.00am & 10.30am
Masses at St Joseph’s and 9.00am
Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea.
Meetings in St. Joseph’s Parish Room (SJ), Our
Lady Star of the Sea Centre (SS), Centre for
Peace (CP) unless noted otherwise; Services in
the Church.
12 noon
Mass (Rosary at 11.30am) (SS)
10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament (SJ)
Rosary (CP)
Cygnet (SJ Hall)
UCM (Parish Room)
Holy Hour (SJ)
10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament (SJ)
Cygnet (On the Beach)
Christian Meditation (Les Cotils)
Legion of Mary (SJ)
All Saints Youth Club (SS)
Children’s Mass (SJ)
DVD (Youth Room)
Please remember in your prayers:
• Anne Lawrence, Kath Le Vallois,
Virginia Quintal and all who are sick
in our community;
• Evangelina Jardim who died recently;
• Yves Davy, Bishop Derek Worlock,
Cedric Hockey, John Bennalick,
Ruth Le Cocq, John Le Gallez and all
whose anniversaries occur about now.
May they rest in peace;
The Island Prayer Scheme this week
asks prayers for Alderney - Methodist
Church/Salvation Army.
We welcome back to Guernsey
Canon Richard Hind who is helping us
whilst Fr Paul takes a short break. Canon
Michael continues to convalesce off Island.
A very big ‘thank you’ to all who have
come forward to lend a hand during Canon
Michael's absence. Your continuing support
is greatly appreciated.
Want to learn more about the Mass?
Fr Stan Fortuna’s ‘Amazing Gift’
instructional Mass in four parts continues at
7.45-8.45pm on Sundays 8th & 15th
February, in the Youth Room at St
Joseph’s. Young
teens/20s/30s) are specially invited, and
all ages are welcome.
Tuesday 10th
February at 7.30pm in the Parish Room.
At this meeting we will be discussing
general aspects of being in UCM, what we
may do as a group during the Parish Mission
and your views on the year's planned
programme. It will be an early opportunity
to get together to talk and socialise.
Holy Hour & Rosary
Wednesday 11th February
7.30pm in St Joseph’s Church.
Welcomers at St Joseph’s 6.30pm
The next welcomers rota for the
welcoming group at St Joseph’s 6.30pm
Mass is being prepared by Jenny Trubuil.
Extra hands are much needed at this Mass.
Anyone wishing to help (probably once
every five weeks) please contact Jenny
on 255163/07781 425779.
Children’s Mass
Sunday 15th February at 10.30am
in St Joseph’s Church
Praise & Adoration
The next ‘Praise & Adoration’ will be on
FRIDAY 20th February at 7.30pm at
DELANCEY – a time of praising God
through music, followed by silent
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
There will be tea/coffee and cake in the
hall afterwards (about 8.30pm).
Special Eucharistic Ministers
A training / refresher evening is being held
at 7.00pm on 23rd February and
repeated on 9th March. Each evening
will last around 45mins and finish with a
meditation on the Eucharist. All
Eucharistic ministers are expected to
attend one of the evenings.
‘Swimming against the tide’
A renewal day for those working
with young people
Saturday 28th February 11.00am to 4.00pm
St. Peter's Catholic Primary School,
Winchester. Cost: £5
This day of renewal is for all those in our
diocese who work with young people Catechists, chaplains, teachers, youth
ministers. All are welcome, particularly
those who feel that they may be being
called into some form of youth ministry.
A simple lunch will be provided. To book,
contact Tom Saddington, 07781 129310, or
[email protected]
Parish Mission 2nd - 6th March
*** Drivers wanted ***
It would be such a shame if some
of our community were unable to
join the Mission due to a lack of
transport. Would you be willing
to collect someone and take them
home after? Do ring the office and
let them know what night you are
attending and what parish you
could collect from.
Mass and anointing of the sick
and house bound
Thursday 5th March at 2.00pm
Our Lady Star of the Sea
As above: If you are able to offer a
lift to an elderly or infirm
parishioner do let the office know.
Let's really make this Mission a week of
renewal and service to each other.
As part of the First World War
Centenary Commemoration, the
Irish Ambassador is visiting Guernsey during
which he will visit St Mary & St Michael
We are hoping to share stories with him
about the Irish community who served in
the 1st Guernsey Irish Regiment. We hope
to unearth some amazing stories that may
belong to great, great-grandparents of some
of our pupils. As we have a strong Irish
connection at OLSS, do any parishioners
have family memories, stories, memoirs or
photos that they are wiling to loan to us?
We will return them after the Ambassadors
visit on 5th March.
Guernsey Retreat Association
Three day Retreat 16/17/18 March
‘Glimpses of God’
Drawing closer to God as we prepare for Easter
Led by Rev’d John Richardson
Details and Booking: Rev Jan Le Billon, 234283