CO MI N G E V E N T S 05.12.15 Now - May 23 − Prophecy Seminar. Powerful preaching and study of God’s word. Presenter, Evangelist Howard Small. 7:00 p.m. (Sat., Sun. Mon., Wed. & Fri. nights) Everyone is invited. Fi y-Fourth Street church. Info: 323-292-2762. May 15 – Stroke, Vascular Disease & Heart Rhythm and Osteoporosis Screening conducted by Cardiovascular Consultants Medical Group. Northridge church. To register for your appointment and to receive a special $10 discount, please call 888-653-6450 or visit www. May 16 – Free concert featuring Shelton E. Kilby III, visi ng professor and lecturer on religion and the arts. His concert is en tled EIDOS — The disƟncƟve expression of a culture, a mul -media concert and lecture focusing on expressing experiences of divine encounter, the power of transforma on of lives in musical expression and experiencing God in the sacred and the secular with musical instrumenta on of acous c piano, pipe organ, acous c bass with voices and ethnic percussion. Encounter musical rela onships of Jewish & Plain Chants, Negro Chants and Blues and Jazz, with the masterful piano of Shelton E. Kilby III. 7:30 p.m. in the new Troesh Conven on Center in the Zapara School of Business. A free-will offering will be received in support of Religion and the Arts at La Sierra University. Spaces limited, so come early! May 16 – A Look at Our Gospel Reach. Speaker, J. Alfred Johnson II, director, NAD Adult Ministries. 11:00 a.m. service and Q&A a er lunch: Where the church should be at this point? How far has this gospel reached? Has it reached the en re world? If not, how many countries s ll have not heard this message? Malibu Adven st Fellowship, 3602 Winter Canyon Rd, Malibu 90265. Info: 818-458-8884. May 16 − Youth Meet & Greet. Free! All are welcome! Food, Movie, Discussion. 7:00. p.m. School of Evangelism & Resource center, 1501 East Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 91206. Info: 818-549-4147; www.end May 16 − Three 4 One, An evening of musical reflec on and tes mony. Featuring Chester Hickman, Cesar Cerna & Donnie Shelton. Please join us a erward for refreshments and fellowship. 6:00 p.m. West Covina Hills church. Info: 626-915-7819. May 17 – Parking Lot Car Trunk Sale, a Health Ministries Dept. fundraiser. Vintage hats, shoes, clothes, hat boxes and more. Vendor’s fee, $25 or 20% of profit, whichever is larger. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 54th St. church. Info: 323-292-2762. May 17 - Religion, Music and Worship Workshop for musicians, pastors, laypersons, music leaders, praise leaders in religion and music. Presenters: Shelton Kilby III, Elvin Rodriguez, Timothy Gillespie, Bailey Gillespie, Monty Jackson. Price: $30.00 (cer ficate fee and lunch) at La Sierra University, La Sierra Hall at the HMS Richards Divinity School., 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Spaces limited so RSVP as soon as possible. Workshop par cipants will receive free VIP sea ng for the concert on May 16. Info/ Reserva ons: [email protected] to reserve your place, or phone 951-785-2041. May 17 − The 64th Cons tuency Session of the Southern California Conference will be held at the White Memorial church, beginning at 7:55 a.m. We invite you to join us in praying for God's blessing as the delegates do their work on that day. It is our desire to know and follow God’s will for the leadership of Southern California Conference as we move into the next four years. Info: 818-546-8403; h p:// May 22-25 – “Can U Hear Me Now?” Youth Conference, Removing Barriers that We May Hear Him.” Speakers: Michael Johnson, David Steward, Peter Gregory, Gerzon InTouch SCC C A L E N D A R In Touch can be downloaded from scc.netadvenƟ SCC Communica on Department 1535 E. Chevy Chase Drive Glendale CA 91206 818.546-8461/8462 e-mail: [email protected] scc.netadven Next In Touch Deadline: May 21, 2015 05.12.15 Gomez, David Fernandez, Sussanie Da Costa, Thom Mayer, Alvin Maragh, Sco Mayer. Camp Cedar Falls. Info: 818-549- 4147, May 23 – Evensong Medita on featuring a quartet of players under the leadership of Nick Akdag on bassoon, in a suite from Telemann's Tafelmusik collec on (lit., table music); and Mozart's youthful Mass in C Major. This work was sub tled the "Credo Mass" (Lat., "I believe”) because of Mozart's insistence on repea ng that word throughout the middle movement and highlights the 20-year-old composer's facility with brilliant instrumenta on and compellingly beau ful vocal wri ng. Patricia LathropMcPherson, soprano soloist. Admission is always free. 5:00 p.m. Ventura church. Info: Helen, 805-641-9646. May 24 – Free Community Health Fair and Carnival. Eng./Span. Health screenings (Diabetes, Cholesterol, Obesity, Body Mass Index & Dental). Free food, games, rides, jumper. medical lectures and/or consulta ons. L. A. Fire Dept. Safety presenta on. Alterna ve medical treatment. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fi y-Fourth St. church. Info: 323-292-2762. May 29-30 − Can U Hear Me Now Mini Youth Camp Mee ng. Presenter: Thom Mayer, Li le Light Ministries. Free! All are welcome! Fri., 7:00 p.m.; Sat., 7:00 p.m. School of Evangelism & Resource center, 1501 East Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 91206. Info: 818-549-4147; www.end May 30 – L. A. Adven st Forum. Speaker, Chris Blake, PhD, Assoc. Prof., English, Union College. Topic, “Why A New Earth Perspec ve Ma ers.” 3:00 p.m. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Glendale City church. Info: 818-244-7241. May 30 – 50th Anniversary Celebra on. Russian-American church (1809 Gardena Ave., Glendale 91204). 11:00 a.m. speaker, Artur Stele, GC general vice president; lunch, a ernoon seminar by Elder Stele, and music. Info: 818-662-9044 June 5 − Glendale Adven st Academy Consecra on Service. 7:00 p.m. Vallejo Drive church. Info: 818-244-8671. June 6 – “My Brother’s Keeper,” a Discussion on Men’s Health. Come because you care about your health or the health of a man in your life. Stay because we care about your well-being. Featured speakers: Freddie Muse (CEO, Men’s Health & Cancer Network); Nina Harawa, PhD, MPH (UCLA-Drew); Lynn Goodloe, MD (Kaiser); Stan Frencher, Page 2 MD, MPH (MLKCH-UCLA); The Drs. Pascal; and A y. Damon Brown. Topics will include prostate cancer, general health and wellness and workplace health. 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. Breath of Life Worship Center. Info: Ron Brathwaite, MD, 909-528-0868. June 7 − Glendale Adven st Academy Gradua on. 10:00 a.m. Hall of Liberty, Hollywood Hills Forest Lawn, 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles 90068. Info: 818-244-8671. June 13 − Second Saturday Concert Series. Featuring the Sunset Chamber Ensemble, led by cellist Michael Kaufman and clarine st Ran Kampel. A recep on will be held following the concert to allow an opportunity to meet the ar sts. Freewill dona ons are received at the door. 4:00 p.m. Glendale City church. Info: 818-244-7241. June 20 – The Young Ambassadors Chorale in Concert, featuring ar sts of Pasay City Academy of the Philippines. $10, General Sea ng; $5, Children (3-12); $25, VIP Reserved Sea ng. Sponsored by the San Fernando Valley Filipino church in celebra on of its seventh anniversary. Loca on, San Fernando Valley Academy Gymnasium, 17601 Lassen St., Northridge 91325. Info: 626-487-3633; websiste, sanfernandovalley22.adven June 21 – “Oh My Son,” an opera that tells the story of Jesus of Nazareth through a series of short tableaux, emphasizing the humanity and emo ons of each character and reminding us that all of the individuals in the tableaux are facing deeply human struggles. Though Jesus resigns himself to God’s will in being crucified, He is overwhelmed in the face of His Father’s seeming abandonment. Mary, when tested with the death of her son on the cross, suffers in agony before coming to acceptance. At the foot of the cross is a grief-stricken sinner, who cries out in despera on that she cannot help the man who once saved her from a life of sin. Even Pilate, before he hands Jesus over to the priests to be crucified, struggles between uncertainty and belief. “Oh My Son” is the story of a selfless and worldchanging act of love. 7:30 p.m. Walt Disney Concert Hall, 111 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles 90012. Tickets are now on sale for $15, 25, 35, 75, 100 and group rates, from or the Walt Disney Concert Hall box office, 1-800-628-1403. Info: h ps://scenealive-1. wis June 27 – Los Angeles Adven st Forum. Presenter, Calvin Thomsen, PhD, DMin., Assoc. Prof., School of Religion, Loma Linda University. 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel at Glendale City church. Info: 818-244-7241. 05.12.15 June 28 - Aug. 9 Summer Camp at Camp Cedar Falls, for Adventurers, Juniors, Tweens and Families. A range of ac vi es including Beginners Backpacking, Balloon Art, Guitar lessons, Teen Leadership Training, Ceramics, Horsemanship Class, Sports Camp, Water Skiing or Wake Boarding, Op cal Illusion and much more to choose from. Adventurer (ages 6-9) June 28-July 5; Junior 1 (ages 8-12) July 5-12; Junior 2 (ages 10-12) July 12-19; Junior 3 (ages 10-12) July 19-26; Junior 4 (ages 10-12) July 26-Aug. 2; Tween (ages 12-16) Aug. 2-9; Family Camp. Basic camp fee: $250. Specialty Class Pre-Registra on, varies. Download the detailed brochure from or call 818-546-8439. A er June 18, call the camp directly, 909-794-2911. July 2-11 − The 60th General Conference Session. San Antonio, Texas. The theme is Arise! Shine! Jesus Is Coming! 60,000 people are expected to a end the opening and closing Sabbath services and the an cipated Parade of Na ons on July 11. Simultaneous transla on into several languages. For more informa on or to obtain a brochure, visit July 9-13 − General Conference Session Travel Op on. A bus tour to San Antonio for the closing weekend of the GC Session is being sponsored by Adven st-owned Taylor's Tours. Hotel is an all-suite hotel 15 minutes’ drive from the Alamo Dome and Riverwalk, Non-smoking with an Indoor pool/hot breakfast. Different packages based on the number of people in a room. Only married couples will be allowed two to a room unless full cost is paid for the room based on package prices per person. Travel Insurance available. No refunds or transfers granted. Rooms, seats limited. Pick Up Stops: Breath of Life Worship Center, Inglewood (Please note, since the bus leaves at midnight, the church will be closed during the pickup and departure mes. Gates to the parking lot will be locked. No deacon/a endant will be present. People are discouraged from leaving cars in the neighborhood.) La Sierra University/ Southeastern Calif. Conference Office, and LLU Drayson Center. Reserva on Deadline: June 20. Info: Moira Taylor, Taylor’s Tours, 562-217-2979. July 26 – “Preserving Your Assets: When Medi-Cal Comes Knocking.” Presenter, Jonathan Cherne, Esq., CPA. A y. Free brunch. For reserved sea ng, call 818-546-8421; email [email protected]. Walk-ins welcome! 9:00 a.m. Scholl Canyon Estates, 1551 E. Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 91206. July 27-31 – Emerging Tools for Innova ve Providers 2015: Spiritual Transforma on Impact & Outcomes. Conference Page 3 speakers: Harold G. Koenig, MD, MHSc, Prof., Psychiatry & Behavioral Sci; dir, Center for Spirituality & Health, Duke University School of Medicine; Stephen G. Post, PhD, dir., Center for Medical Humani es, Compassionate Care & Bioethics, Stony Brook Univ.; Steven W. Cole, PhD, prof of Medicine, UCLA Schl of Med.; Robert A. Emmons, PhD, Prof. of Psychology, UCal, Davis; Peter C. Hill, PhD, prof of Psychology, Biola University, Rosemead Schl of Psychology. Other speakers include: Lee S. Berk, DrPH, LLU; Douglas C. Nies, PhD; Bruce Nelson, MA, GAMC. Conference loca on: Fuller Theological Seminary, Grad Schl of Psychology, Pasadena. Ask about discounts/ scholarships for Adven st pastors, professionals, and daily rates are available. Info/Registra on – www.Emerging ToolsForInnova, 818-409-8543, email: info@EmergingToolsForInnova Sept. 30 - Oct. 3 – “God Restores,” 9th Annual West Coast Music & Worship Conference. Presenters: Elder Bobby Mitchell, Sr., African-American Ministries (“Christ in the Crisis”); Pastor Gregory Nelson (“Praise & Worship”); Gerard Kiemeney, DMin (SHIFT—a Change in the Way We Do Ministry”); Lloyd Mallory, Jr., DMA (Voice Master Class); Javier Gonzalez (“The Vocal Experience”); Franklin Purnell (“Sound & Media”); Kim Logan-Nowlin, PhD (“Silent Expressions in a Hearing World”); Shervonne Wells (“Voice Master Class”); Soon Ja Lee, PhD (“Compassion— The Heart of Jesus”); Pedrito Maynard-Reid, ThD (“Diversity in Worship”); W. Patrick Alston (“worship Music from the Keys That Is Limitless”); Alan Woodson, DDS (“Voice Master Class”). Schedule: 7:00 p.m. Wed., Consecra on Service; Thurs. & Fri., morning workshops, doors open at 9:00 a.m.; Thurs. & Fri. evening workshops, doors open at 5:00 p.m. Sat., Concert. 6:00 p.m. at the White Memorial church. Info/Registra on/Fees: 909-580-0403, 626-239-6542; email, [email protected]; website, www.wcgms,com BULLETIN BOARD The Masters of Science in Community and InternaƟonal Development (MSCID) is a new program offered by Andrews University. It will give you the edge and the educa on you need to make significant posi ve changes in your community. An MSCID will equip you for leadership, mgment, & supervisory roles, domes cally and abroad. Gain competencies in development, needs assessment, grant wri ng, project design and evalua on, management, research, emergency response and a specialty of your choice. Concentra ons include: advocacy, development 05.12.15 communica on, development educa on, emergency preparedness and management, gender and development, global health, NGO development and opera ons; youth and sustainable development. Includes field experience with interna onal study tour and internships. To help finance your educa on, all students accepted into the MSCID program for 2015-2016 receive a scholarship amoun ng to a 45% reduc on in tui on. Info:; 269-471-6538; email [email protected] Teachers Wanted in Korea – Korea Language Ins tutes is seeking teachers of conversa onal English and Bible classes. These are salaried posi ons and approved by the General Conference and North American Division. Bachelor’s degree required, but not a teaching degree. Info: Oklahoma Conference/SDA Language School of Korea; contact Norma Shepherd, 405-761-0655; email, [email protected] Volunteers Needed – 1. Blacklight Chalk Ar st and 2. someone with an Adven st satellite system to record programs to share with hospice programs. Email [email protected] or call Elder (Chaplain) Roger Rustad, 949-295-9671. Current Hospice Staff needed – Ontario (Dir of Pa ent Care Services: can start immediately. Must be experienced and clinical. Star ng salary $125,000-140,000 plus benefits and extras. Posi on to be filled by 5/1/15; full and part/ me RN’s and LVN’s, hospice chaplain, bereavement coord., CHHA’s, social workers as well as a medical director) Oxnard (hiring a full hospice team – RN’s, LVN’s, chaplain, bereavement coord., social worker, CHHA’s.) Loma Linda hospice team (Per diem RN’s, LVN’s, MSW, Adven st chaplain and bereavement coord., CHHA) Orange County and Long Beach (Per diem RN’s, LVN’s, CHHA’s and MSW’s.) San Bernardino & Riverside coun es (Several RN, CHHA, LVN and MS posi ons per diem. Can work into a full- me posi on.) Email your resume to [email protected]; or call Elder Roger Rustad, 949-295-9671. Page 4
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