The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (A Government Company) Purchase Cell – 2X600MW STPP Phone: 08737-200207 Fax: 08737-200207 e-mail: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________ CORRIGENDUM Dear sirs, In the Enquiry no. ST114O0062 dtd: 19.03.2015 for Internal Electrical wiring in Bachelors trainees Hostel at STPP, Jaipur, the following corrigendum is made. The details are as follows: Existing under Scope of work & in Price Bid of NIT Amended under Scope of work & in Price Bid of NIT of NIT Item Description Qty Unit 13 Supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit 1500 Mtr. with 6Aswitch to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in wall including all accessories like white modular plate white surrounds etc. for tube lights/ exhaust fan points. of NIT Item Description Qty Supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit 190 with 6Aswitch to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in wall including all accessories like white modular plate white surrounds etc. for tube lights/ exhaust fan points. of NIT Item Description Qty Unit supply and fixing and wiring with 3 runs of 1100V grade and fire retardant PVC insulated multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit with 100w hump free 0-4 steps 14 1500 Mtr. electronic ceiling fan regulator 2 module to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in the wall with all accessories like modular sheet plate modular white surrounds screws including masonry and labour charges of NIT Item Description Qty supply and fixing and wiring with 3 runs of 1100V grade and fire retardant PVC insulated multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit with 100w hump free 0-4 steps 14 electronic ceiling fan 50 regulator 2 module along with 6A Switch to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in the wall with all accessories like modular sheet plate modular white surrounds screws including masonry and labour charges Signature of Tenderer Unit Nos. Unit Nos. Existing under Scope of work & in Price Bid of NIT of NIT Item Description Qty Unit supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, neutral and earth)in existing PVC conduit with flush type 6A 15 1000 Mtr. bell push to fixed on metal flush box concealed in wall including supply and mounting of ding dong bell complete with all required necessary accessories like shite plates white surrounds etc.. Amended under Scope of work & in Price Bid of NIT of NIT Item Description Qty supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, neutral and earth)in existing PVC conduit with flush type 6A 15 40 bell push to fixed on metal flush box concealed in wall including supply and mounting of ding dong bell complete with all required necessary accessories like shite plates white surrounds etc.. NOTE: The Bold Italic on left hand side indicates deleted and on right hand side indicates added. Further, the due dates of closing and opening pertaining to enquiry no. ST114O0062 dtd: 19.03.2015 are extended as follows: Revised Date of Closing: 15.04.2015 Before 12.00 Noon Revised Date of opening: 15.04.2015 After 03.00 P.M For and on behalf of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited General Manager 2X600MW STPP Signature of Tenderer Unit Nos. The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (A Government Company) Purchase Cell – 2X600MW STPP Phone: 08737-200207 Fax: 08737-200207 e-mail: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________ NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sub:- Internal Electrical wiring in Bachelors trainees Hostel at STPP, Jaipur – Reg. ***** We shall be obliged if you will kindly quote your lowest price for the subject work as per the following scope of work, terms and conditions. . Enquiry Number Last date for receipt of tender Tenders Opening EMD Type of quotation : : : : : ST114O0062 08.04.2015 08.04.2015 Rs.20,000/Three part Dt.19.03.2015 Time at 12.00PM Time at 03.00PM Note: Tenders should be posted in sealed envelope clearly superscribed with the subject, enquiry number, last date of receipt of tender and date of opening of the tender, without which the covers will not be considered. Tender to be submitted to:- General Manager(E&M) The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., GM Office, 2X600MW STPP Village : Pegadapally Mandal: JAIPUR Dist: Adilabad Pin: 504216 For and on behalf of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited General Manager 2X600MW STPP Signature of Tenderer General Terms & Conditions: 1. Bidder shall sign on all the pages of NIT terms and conditions as a token of acceptance for all NIT terms & conditions and submit the same along with the offer. 2. Name and Designation of the person signing the quotation shall be mentioned in the offer. 3. Tenderers are requested to submit their Offers as indicated hereunder : Part A -Technical offer (in one cover) I. II. III. iv. Technical competence of the firm Order copies for similar works made to reputed concerns or Govt. undertakings Performance reports, if any. Any other relevant technical details Part B -Commercial terms (in one cover) i) Validity, EMD, delivery period, applicability of taxes and duties, LD Penalty, warranty/ guarantee. ii) Specimen copy of Part C without prices. Part C -Price bid (in one cover) Basic price quoted, if any, duty, taxes and other commercial terms viz rebate etc. To avoid inadvertent opening of the cover, all the Three covers should be distinctly marked with the following on its left hand top corner: i) Enquiry Number & Date and name & address of the bidder ii) Cover No. i.e. Part A / Part B / Part C as the case may be and name & address of the bidder iii) Closing & opening date of the tender and name & address of the bidder All the Three covers are to be individually sealed and superscribed as mentioned above and shall be kept in another sealed cover superscribing enquiry No. due date of the submission of the tender and due date of opening of tender and name & address of the bidder. Without which the Offers will not be considered. Part -A & B shall be opened on the due date of the tender opening and Part-C shall be opened after completing technical & commercial evaluation & firming up with NIT conditions with advance intimation to qualified bidders. 4. Last date of receipt of tenders is 12.00 noon of the due date and the tenders will be opened on the date mentioned above during evening working hours. Tenders received after 12.00 noon on the closing date will not be accepted. Tenders received late for whatsoever reason will not be considered under any circumstances. Signature of Tenderer 5. The due date of opening of the tender may be postponed for any reasons. In case the bidder submits revised bid or more than one bid, the lowest will only be considered unless the bidder clearly specifies which bid is to be considered. 6. Quotations received after stipulated time and date will not be considered for whatsoever reasons therefore. 7. The SCCL is not responsible for postal delays, if any. 8. The Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or assign any reasons for non-acceptance. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard with suppliers. Enquiry / order in part or in full can be cancelled at any time without assigning any reasons. 9. SCCL may solicit the bidders consent for extension of the period of validity of the bid and EMD. The request and the responses thereto shall be made by letter, fax or e-mail. Bidders accepting the request are not permitted to modify the bid. 10. SCCL reserves the right to seek clarifications in respect of the bids / supporting documents etc. from the bidders by letter / e-mail / fax. 11. NUMBER OF SOURCES: 70% of order value on TAL1 firm and 30% of order value will be distributed equally among technically & commercially qualified Ancillary units registered with SCCL subject to Matching with TAL1 price 12. SCCL reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason and to cancel the tender at any stage before release of order / award of contract. The decision taken by SCCL in this regard shall be final. 13. The following information to be furnished along with the bid: a. b. c. d. e. f. Whether the firm is a Limited Company / Public or Private / Partnership firm with names of the partners thereof/proprietary firm In case of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development firms, they should invariably submit their registration certificate in respect of Micro, Small & Medium enterprises along with offers Banker’s names and address. Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) Sales Tax Registration Number / VAT / TIN / TOT No. Service Tax Registration Number. 14. Evaluation Method: The firms shall quote the rates for each individual item as given in price bid format. The quantities are approximate and may increase or decrease. However, the L-1 status of the technically acceptable firms will be based on the combined total value on all the quantities given in below table in SCOPE OF WORK. 15. Eligibility criteria: The firms having experience in carrying out the similar electrical works are only eligible. Copies of Previous order in support of the previous experience either in SCCL or any govt. Organizations to be submitted along with the quotations otherwise the offer will be rejected. The firm should have executed at least one such Contract / order of value not less than Rs.5.00 Lakhs in a single order during the past 5 years .The contractor should have valid electrical contractor license(B grade) 16. Tenderers are requested to inspect the site at STPP, SRP before submitting their quotations for detailed technical clarifications. Signature of Tenderer Part-A SCOPE OF WORK: S. No. Item Description Qty Supply and fixing of 19mm dia 2mm thick Heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls ceiling/run below ground where ever necessary 1 including masonry work and Labour charges for main power circuts 2935 20 Amps AC points /LAN cables /6Amps 3pin socket/Telephones/Intercoms/Calling Bell Points/Tube light/Ceiling Fans/Exhaust Fans etc. Supply and Fixing of 25mm dia 2mm thick Heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls sealing/run below ground where ever necessary including 2 masonry work and labour charges for main power circuits 20Amps 4728 AC points/LAN cables from Distribution box to Main Switch Boards/Telephones/Inter comes/Calling Bell Points etc. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Supply and fixing of 32mm dia 2mm thick heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls sealing/run below ground where ever necessary including masonry work and labour charges for main Power circuits 20Amps AC points/Distribution Board to room Main Switch board/LAN/Telephones/Intercoms/calling bell points etc. Supply and fixing of 50mm dia 2mm thick heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls sealing/run below ground where ever necessary including masonry work and labour charges for main power circuits/LAN cables/Air Conditioners/Refrigerant Pipes (Between blower and AC) Cable etc. Supply and fixing of 75mm dia 2mm thick heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories/ to be laid above falls sealing where ever necessary including mason works for main power circuit cables. Supply and run of 4 of 10 PVC insulated 1100V grade copper conductor multi stranded wire in the existing metallic/non metallic conduit pipe with one run of 4 PVC insulated 1100V grade copper conductor multi stranded wire for earth continuity including all labour charges etc.. Complete for mains (From MDB to LDB's &PDB's) (Low Smoke Fire Retardant cable). Supply and wiring with 2 run of 6.0 1 run of 2.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (Phase, Neutral and Earth) in existing PVC conduit for 20Amps AC points 16Amps 3 Pin Socket in canteen (Water cooler etc.) and from main distribution board to AC points. Supply and wiring with 2 runs of 4.0 1 run of 2.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (Phase, Neutral and Earth) in existing PVC conduit for Power Strips (Computers/UPS etc.) Unit Mtr. Mtr. 620 Mtr. 120 Mtr. 40 Mtr. 500 Mtr. 1500 Mtr. 3000 Mtr. Signature of Tenderer S. No. Item Description Qty Supply and wiring with 2 runs of 2.5 1 run of 1.0 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi stranded 9 copper cable (Phase, Neutral and Earth) In existing PVC conduit 3500 from distribution board to Main switch board in rooms for 6 Amps 3 pin socket/Lights/Fans/Exhaust Fans and Calling Bells etc.. Supply Fixing and connections of Power Strips consisting of 3 no's 6A 3 pin socket controlled by 16A to be fixed on 7 module metal 10 82 flush box make legrand (Mosaic) for computers including masonry labour charges. supply and fixing of 5 pin socket with 16A Sp switch control to be fixed on 3 module metal flush box concealed in the wall with 11 necessary accessories like modular white plates modular white 82 surrounds and screws including masonry and labour charges (water cooler, stores outside light control) Unit Mtr. Nos Nos supply and fixing of connection of 6A 5 pin socket with 6A switch control to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in the wall / to be 12 fixed on partition board with suitable modular white plates modular 80 surrounds and screws including masonry labour charges be fixed on common board. Nos Supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit with 6Aswitch to be fixed 13 on metal flush box concealed in wall including all accessories like 1500 white modular plate white surrounds etc. for tube lights/ exhaust fan points. Mtr. supply and fixing and wiring with 3 runs of 1100V grade and fire retardant PVC insulated multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit with 100w hump free 0-4 steps electronic ceiling fan regulator 2 module to be fixed on metal 1500 14 flush box concealed in the wall with all accessories like modular sheet plate modular white surrounds screws including masonry and labour charges Mtr. 15 16 17 18 supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, neutral and earth)in existing PVC conduit with flush type 6A bell push to fixed on metal flush box concealed in wall including supply and mounting of ding dong bell complete with all required necessary accessories like shite plates white surrounds etc.. supply and wiring with 3 runs of 25 and 2 runs of 16 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable ( 3 phase, neutral and earth ) in existing PVC conduit from mains to room sub mains (Panel) Fixing of exhaust fans with required accessories like 1.5 3 core copper cable with screws including connections and labour charges (Exhaust Fans will be supplied by SCCL) Fixing of Ceiling fans with required accessories like 1.5 3 core copper cable with screws etc.. Including connections and labour charges.(Ceiling fans will be supplied by SCCL) 1000 Mtr. 90 Mtr. 40 NOS 50 NOS Signature of Tenderer S. No. Item Description Qty Fixing of 250 V , 36 W 4 Ft Tube light fittings with tube fixed on side wall/falls Ceiling with necessary accessories (Round PVC Blocks) 19 150 Including connections and Labour Charges. (Tube light fittings with tubes will be supplied by SCCL). Supply, fixing and wiring of 20Amps Heavy duty metal clad plug and socket near blower of AC in a metallic enclosure with suitable front 20 cover, brass screws and with all required necessary accessories (To 50 be concealed / To be fixed on wall). Supply, fixing and wiring of 20Amps 1P MCB on din rail in metallic enclosure with suitable front cover brass screw with all required 21 necessaries to be concealed in the wall including masonry works 50 and labour charges complete. Supply and fixing of foot lamp points with Surya CFL lamps and 40 all necessary accessories complete. Supply, Fixing and wiring of 8 way TPN (CAT No.607712,IP43IK09,Legrand Make) distribution board with metal door 100Amps capacity Bus bar and din rail concealed in the wall with flexibility to 23 accept any combination of MCB/RCBO's with 1 no.40A 4 poleRCBO 8 with sensitivity 30 ma 20A 1 pole MCB including with all internal connections masonry works and labour charges etc. (For AC's) 22 supply, fixing and connection of 8 way TPN (CAT No.607712,IP43IK09,Legrand Make) Single door Distribution door integral with 125A capacity Bus bar din rail to be fixed in the wall with flexibility to 24 accept any combination of MCB/RCBO's 1 no. 6 to 32 A 4 Pole 4 RCBO with sensitivity 30 ma ( For Lighting Circuits) 2 no. 6 A 1 pole MCCB For Individual room control lighting) Including Labour charges. Supply, Fixing and wiring of 6 way TPN (CAT No. 607716, IP43-IK09 Legrand Make) Distribution Board with metal door 100 Amps capacity Bus bar and Din Rail concealed in the wall with flexibility to 25 accept any combination of MCB's/RCBO's with 1 no. 25 A 4 Pole 8 RCBO with Sensitivity 30 ma 9 no. 4 A 1 P Lexic D curve MCB's Including all Internal connections masonry works labour charges etc. (For Lighting/Sealing Fans circuits etc.) Supply, Fixing and wiring of 6 way SPN single door Distribution board (CAT No. 607711,607717,607712) with Din rail concealed in the wall with flexibility to accept any combination of MCB's/RCBO's 1 26 no. of 25A 2 Pole RCBO's with sensitivity 30 ma 4 no. of 10 A 1 4 Phase MCB's Connected in UPS outgoing circuits Including Chiseling masonry charges etc. Signature of Tenderer Unit NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS S. No. Item Description Qty Supply Erection, and commissioning of free standing floor mounting type MV Panel cubicle of 14 SWG CRCA sheet powder spray painted with Epoxy base paint after 7 tank process provided with 250 A TPN Copper Bus bars supported by DMC/SMC Barriers and colour coded with heat shrinkable sleeves 1 no's. 0-500V Digital Volt Meter with Pore Position Phase Selector Switch and 250A/5A CT Coils, Digital Meter, Digital Power Factor Meter, 2 sets of LED Indicating 27 Lamps for Phase Indication, Fault Indication ON/OFF Status etc. with 1 the Following Switch Gear Complete. INCOMER: 300A DPX MCCB 50 KA with Inbuilt Label Holder with EL,OL (80% to 100% setting, Thermal Release) SC & SPP Protections- 2 no's with Mechanical & Electrical Interlocking Facility and with Rotary Handle. OUT GOING: 63A RCBO 50 KA with Inbuilt Label Holder, with EL- 30 ma, OL (80% to 100% settings, Thermal Release) SC Protections- 8 no's Earthing System: Supply and Providing Independent earthing for grounding of main with 40 mm dia B Class 2.75 mts long GI pipes of 0.3 mtrs long connected with reducer providing GI Funnel covered with Mesh of suitable size enclosed in CC Chamber of 400X400X400mmwith suitable rein forced RCC Slab Cover Duly 28 providing staggered Holes of 16 no's of 12 mm dia to the earth 2 electrode filling salt and Char coal all round 150mm from the bottom of the pipe to the bottom CC chamber giving earth connection from the electrode through necessary 8 swg GI washers, nuts, Bolts and all labour charges etc. complete. Supply Laying and connection of 25 mm /5mm GI earth Strips with 29 GI coated fasteners including all accessories. 100 Supply and Fixing Buzzer Indicator for 40 rooms/40 bell pushes with 3 runs of 1 copper cable from 40 rooms to buzzer indicator 30 arrangement at located place including indicator, Boards and Fixing 40 arrangements 31 32 33 34 35 36 Supply and wiring of 2 Twisted Pairs of 0.5 mm dia copper conductor PVC Insulated Telephone wire conforming to ITD Specification in existing in PVC Conduit. Supply, Fixing and wiring of Flush Type Telephone socket to be fixed and metal flush box concealed in wall with all required accessories for telephone points. Supply and Installation of 20 Pair Krone type telephone Junction Box including connector termination of cable with peruling covered in MS box Painted with powder coated type paint with locking arrangement Supply and fixing of modular type television socket with white mounting plate housed in suitable module metallic flush box including connections along with all labour charges etc. complete. Supply and laying RG 6 wire in the existing metalic conduit pipe with connections labour charges etc. complete ( Low Smoke fire retardant cables) Supply and Fixing of Batten Holders/Slanting Holder In lieu of Ceiling rows or light point complete with all connections and labour charges to suit 11W CFL Lights complete (11W CFL will be Supplied by SCCL) Unit NOS NOs Mts Nos 3000 Mts 40 Nos 40 Nos 40 Nos 1500 Mtr. 110 NOs Signature of Tenderer S. No. Item Description Qty Supply and fixing of Ding dang Bell on existing board with all 37 accessories including labour charges etc. 40 Supply and laying of GI strip 40mmx6mm Including Nuts and Bolts and Necessary connections terminations of after excavation of the 38 ground to the depth of 900 mm and laying and drawing earth 150 conductor complete for finished item of work. Unit Nos Mtr. Supplying and laying of copper strip of 25mmx4mm including Nuts and Bolts and necessary connections after excavation of 39 the ground to the depth of 900 mm and laying and drawing earth 200 conductor complete for finished item of work. Mtr. Supply and Fixing of 20A MCB single Phase (Single Pole) with 40 enclosure for room control at outside of the room (Door Entrance) 40 with all accessories including labour charges etc. Nos The above mentioned quantities are tentative , it may increase or decrease NOTE: 1. Switches, 6/16A power sockets, fan regulators, telephone sockets, flush boxes, modular plates & surrounds, 20A plug and sockets shall be Gold winner/Anchor/Indo Asian /legrand make. 2. Ceiling roses, dummy plates, holders shall be Gold winner/Anchor/Indo Asian /legrandmake. 3. Cables shall be ISI marked, 1100 volts grade PVC insulated flexible multi strand, fire retard and copper cable (Make: Finolex/Anchor/Havells/L&T/Poly cab. MCBs, MCCBs, RCBOs distribution boxes shall be Legrand/Indo Asian make 4. PVC pipes, bends and junction boxes shall be Sudhakar/Nandi make thickness of pipes shall be 2mm. Terms and conditions: 01. Firms have to submit the sample materials to AGM (E&M) 2X600 MW STPP, Pegadapally(v), Jaipur(M) for approval within 10 days from the date of receipt of Work Order. 02. The contractor should have B grade License 03. The work is to be carried out in accordance with CEA 2010 or as per latest rules. 04. The wiring shall include all the necessary minor accessories that are necessary for efficient and proper wiring as per standard code of practice 05. All the materials used on work shall comply with the latest IS or BS and should be approved by the concerned. 06. The contractor should adhere to the specifications mentioned above and changes should not be made unless approved in writing by AGM (E&M) 2X600 MW STPP, Jaipur or his authorized representative. Signature of Tenderer 07. The contractor should ensure all necessary after precautions before and after taking up any work. 08. The contractor has to engage required wiremen with Wiremen Certificate issued by State Licensing Boards. 11. Earthing of the equipment should be done as per I.E. Rules and Practices. 12. Sub-contracting is not allowed. 13. Firm Scope at its own cost, unless other wise mentioned: a. All material, consumable, tools & tackles. b. Entire Man power c. Storage, Loading, transportation, unloading of material d. Accommodation / transportation of men 14. Necessary statutory permits and all licenses for his work/personnel shall be obtained by the contractor only and inform SCCL. 15. The contractor shall comply with the Rules, if any, Imposed by Local / State / Central. 16. The contractor should follow all statutory rules, regulations, applicable laws etc.,. 17. The contractor should not engage child labour. 18. The safety of the workmen shall solely be the responsibility of the contractor and they should follow the statutory rules prevailing from time to time. 19. SCCL will not be responsible for any accidents occurred to the persons deployed by the contractor during the material handling, erection, during or after working hours, testing, charging of electrical wiring and the contractor is solely responsible for the same. SCCL is no way responsible to contractor’s manpower. 20. The Bio-Data (along with their photographs) of the persons deployed should be submitted to the SCCL Principal employer from time to time. 21. The contractor must provide identity cards to his employees. The employees should always wear the same in the premises of STPP. 22. The firm should carryout all operations in accordance with rules and regulations and bye-laws that may be applicable to entire satisfaction of SCCL. 23. The persons engaged by the firm should use protective wear provided by the firm at firm’s cost. 24. The contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect the owner’s property from injury or loss arising in connection with the contract. He shall make good such damages, injury or loss except caused by agents or employees of the owner. He shall adequately protect adjacent property as provided by law of the contract documents. He shall provide and maintain all facilities for protection as required by local conditions. Any damage caused to the SCCL’s property while working shall be made good at the contractor’s cost and risk. Otherwise, the cost of the same shall be recovered from the contactor by any means. 25. The firm shall Indemnify SCCL from any Liability befalling on SCCL due to any Commission / Omission by the Contractor or by his Representative or by his Employee or by any Third Party in Execution of the Contract. If SCCL is Made Liable for such Claims by The Court or Authority, the Contractor Shall reimbursed the same to SCCL as if SCCL has paid on their behalf. Signature of Tenderer 26. The contractor should be responsible for the good conduct, discipline and integrity of the staff. The contractor has to verify the character and antecedents of the employee before deploying at SCCL site. 27. SCCL would not accept any claim from the firm’s labour whatsoever. 28. Order in part or in full can be cancelled at any time without assigning any reasons with one month notice. 29. Agreement is to be entered on non-judicial stamp paper within 30 days from the date of receipt of order on Rs.100.00 (One Hundred) non-judicial stamp paper. 30. The Contract is liable for termination if the performance of Contractor is not satisfactory at any stage. 31. Any contravention by the firm or any person employed by him or acting on his behalf or may of the terms of contract or any of the provisions or any act, rules, regulations or Company” standing order or any rules regarding conduct and discipline as formulated by the Company would be communicated in writing to the firm or to the person acting on their behalf by concerned officer. After having been informed of such contravention, if the firm fails to take appropriate action, the concerned officer has the right to refuse entry to the person responsible for such contravention, to the premises of the office or any other company’s establishments till the cause of such contravention is removed or inform in writing of the corrective action taken by the firm with an assurance about nonrecurrence of such contravention. 32. General Manager(E&M) STPP is the authority to determine whether there is any failure on the part of the firm regarding execution of the work. An appeal against GM(E&M) STPP decision should lie with ED,STPP and his decision would be final and binding. 33. In all cases of disputes, the decision of the company shall be final. However, in case of any Un-resolved disputes, the same can be resolved in the Civil Courts within the jurisdiction of Mancherial Court, Adilabad District in the State of Telangana only. 34. The period of contract for carrying out electrical wiring in Bachelors trainees Hostel is for a period of 18 months at 2X600MW,STPP . Signature of Tenderer Part-B COMMERCIAL TERMS: 1. EMD / SD: a. The offer must be accompanied by EMD for Rs 20,000.00 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) in the form of Banker’s Cheque / DD in favour of “THE SCC LIMITED” payable at SRP Branch of SBH. b. EMD in any other form will not be accepted. c. Any tender not accompanied by EMD will be summarily rejected and there will not be any correspondence on this. d. EMD of unsuccessful firms/contractors will be returned only after finalization of contract. e. The EMD of the successful tenderer will be converted in to SD and the same will be returned only after successful completion of the contract with due certification by the concerned authorities after three months. f. EMD & SD bear no interest. 2. Exemption for submission of EMD: The following are exempted from submission of EMD: All Government Undertakings. Firms registered with Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) for enquired service(i.e. House wiring) iii) Firms registered under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act for enquired service(i.e. House wiring). iv) Ancillary Units / Subsidiaries of SCCL. i) ii) The Bidder exempted from submission of EMD shall indicate as “Eligible for Exemption” in the quotation format against “EMD payment details” column and submit documentary proof. Otherwise, the offer is liable for rejection. 3. Forfeiture of EMD: EMD of the Bidder will be forfeited in the following circumstances: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Withdraws the offer during validity / extended validity period. Changes the terms and conditions of the offer during validity / extended validity period. Does not accept the LOI / order placed within the offer validity period / extended validity period, in accordance with terms & conditions of NIT, offer & negotiations. Breach of contract during execution. The information/documents submitted by the bidder proved to be false/incorrect. In case the bidder submits revised bid or more than one bid, the lowest will only be considered unless the bidder clearly specifies which bid is to be considered. After considering the lowest bid as above by SCCL, if the bidder insists for consideration of any other bid submitted by him, the EMD will be forfeited. Signature of Tenderer 4. Penalty: If the work is not completed as per the delivery schedule given by AGM(E&M) STPP, a penalty of 1% per week or part thereof to a maximum 10% of order value will be imposed 5. Risk Purchase Clause: In case the contractor fails to execute the contract as per order and if SCCL is forced to get the work done by others at a higher rate, the contractor should pay the difference amount to SCCL. 6. Delivery schedules: The work should be completed as per the schedules given by AGM(E&M) STPP. 7. Guarantee: a) All the works under the contract shall be guaranteed for one year from the date of installation. b) Apart from the above guarantee, the contractor shall extend all guarantees and warrantees issued by individual manufacturers of different items used in the Electrification work under the contract in case such warrantees offered by the manufacturers are for more than one year period from the date of installation. 8. Price variation clause: Prices shall be firm till complete execution of the order. 9. Price Fall Clause: The firm shall pass on the benefit to SCCL, in case the firm undertakes similar contract to public or private concern within a period of 06 (six) months from the date of receipt of order at price less than the price offered to SCCL. SCCL reserves the right to apply those prices for this order also. 10. Payment Terms: payment will be made every 30 days to the extent of 90% of the bill amount only after certification by the concerned officer authorized by GM(E&M) STPP. The balance 10% will be retained as security deposit. and the same will be returned only after completion of the contract period and on submission of satisfactory work completion report from the concerned. Note: No Security deposit for Ancillary units registered with SCCL 11. Offer Validity shall be 120 days from the date of opening of the tenders. 12. STATUTORY TAXES, DUTIES AND LEVIES ETC.: I. Service Tax and any other statutory Taxes, Duties, Cess, Levies etc., applicable under Central / State / Provincial Act etc., shall be clearly mentioned in the offer duly indicating the applicable rates as mentioned below: a. Service Tax (ST): i) When the services offered are covered under Service Tax, the bidder shall clearly mention “Service Tax” in their bid along with the rate applicable. ii) The bidders shall indicate Service Tax Registration No. and the category under which levy of Service Tax is applicable in their offers. iii) The successful bidder shall raise Tax Invoices indicating the component of Service Tax while claiming payments. iv) Following information shall be provided in Tax Invoice by the Service Provider to enable SCCL to avail Cenvat Credit. Sl. No. and Date of the Invoice/Bill for the service rendered. The name & address and registration no. of the service provider. Signature of Tenderer The name & address and registration no. of the service receiver. Description, classification and value of taxable service provided or to be provided. The service Tax payable there on. Note 1: The work falls under the category of works contract under new service tax rules effective from 01.07.2012 whereby service tax is applicable on the 40% of the order value i.e. 4.944%. Note 2: If the successful contractor happens to be an individual, HUF or partnership Firm, provisions of reverse charge are applicable, under which SCCL has to remit 50% of service tax liability and contractor has to remit 50% from his side. Note 3: In case the successful tenderer is a body corporate, total service tax liability is to be remitted by the contractor firm only. b. Any other Taxes / Duties applicable: i) If any Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies other than those mentioned above are applicable as per the law of the land prevailing as on the date of submission of bid, the bidder shall clearly mention them along with applicable rates. Otherwise the same will be to the bidder’s account. ii) In case new Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies are introduced after submission of the bids, but before opening the price bids, the bidder shall bring to the notice of the SCCL in writing about such changes for loading and evaluating the status, otherwise, the same will be to the bidder’s account. II. In case, applicable Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies along with rates are not clearly mentioned, loading will be done as per the highest rates indicated by other bidders for evaluating the status. Payment towards such Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies will be made subject to submission of the documentary proof (i.e. Tax Invoice etc.,) and to the extent of loading done. III. In case, the bidder mentions that any / all, Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies are not applicable and if applicable during the order validity period, the same shall be absorbed by the bidder. IV. During the contractual delivery period / extended delivery period without penalty, any upward / downward revision of applicable Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies or imposition of new Taxes / Duties / Cess / Levies as per order is to SCCL’s account to the extent of revision. However, during the extended delivery period with penalty, any upward revision or imposition of new taxes / duties / levies /cess etc. shall be absorbed by bidder. for General Manager, 2x600MW ,STPP Signature of Tenderer PART-C Tenderers are requested to quote their rates in the following PRICE BID FORMAT Ref.No:___________________ Dt._____________ To The General Manager, Singareni collieries Company Limited, 2X600MW STPP, Jaipur Dear Sir, Sub Internal Electrical wiring in Bachelors trainees Hostel at STPP,Jaipur – Reg. Ref: Enquiry No. ST114O0062 dated:19.03.2015 -o0oWith reference to the above, we hereunder furnish the FOR Destination rates for the subject work as detailed below: Unit S. basic No. Item Description Qty Unit rate Supply and fixing of 19mm dia 2mm thick Heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls ceiling/run below ground where ever 1 2935 Mtr. necessary including masonry work and Labour charges for main power circuts 20 Amps AC points /LAN cables /6Amps 3pin socket/Telephones/Intercoms/Calling Bell Points/Tube light/Ceiling Fans/Exhaust Fans etc. Supply and Fixing of 25mm dia 2mm thick Heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls sealing/run below ground 2 where ever necessary including masonry work and labour 4728 Mtr. charges for main power circuits 20Amps AC points/LAN cables from Distribution box to Main Switch Boards/Telephones/Inter comes/Calling Bell Points etc. Supply and fixing of 32mm dia 2mm thick heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls sealing/run below ground where ever 3 necessary including masonry work and labour charges for 620 Mtr. main Power circuits 20Amps AC points/Distribution Board to room Main Switch board/LAN/Telephones/Intercoms/calling bell points etc. Supply and fixing of 50mm dia 2mm thick heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories to be laid above falls sealing/run below ground where ever 4 necessary including masonry work and labour charges for 120 Mtr. main power circuits/LAN cables/Air Conditioners/Refrigerant Pipes (Between blower and AC) Cable etc. Signature of Tenderer S. No. 5 Item Description Supply and fixing of 75mm dia 2mm thick heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with all required accessories/ to be laid above falls sealing where ever necessary including mason works for main power circuit cables. Supply and run of 4 of 10 PVC insulated 1100V grade copper conductor multi stranded wire in the existing metallic/non metallic conduit pipe with one run of 4 PVC insulated 1100V grade copper conductor multi stranded wire for earth continuity including all labour charges etc.. Complete for mains (From MDB to LDB's &PDB's) (Low Smoke Fire Retardant cable). Supply and wiring with 2 run of 6.0 1 run of 2.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (Phase, Neutral and Earth) in existing PVC conduit for 20Amps AC points 16Amps 3 Pin Socket in canteen (Water cooler etc.) and from main distribution board to AC points. Supply and wiring with 2 runs of 4.0 1 run of 2.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (Phase, Neutral and Earth) in existing PVC conduit for Power Strips (Computers/UPS etc.) Supply and wiring with 2 runs of 2.5 1 run of 1.0 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi stranded copper cable (Phase, Neutral and Earth) In existing PVC conduit from distribution board to Main switch board in rooms for 6 Amps 3 pin socket/Lights/Fans/Exhaust Fans and Calling Bells etc.. Supply Fixing and connections of Power Strips consisting of3no's 6A 3 pin socket controlled by 16A to be fixed on 7 module metal flush box make legrand (Mosaic) for computers including masonry labour charges. supply and fixing of 5 pin socket with 16A Sp switch control to be fixed on 3 module metal flush box concealed in the wall with necessary accessories like modular white plates modular white surrounds and screws including masonry and labour charges (water cooler, stores outside light control) Qty Unit 40 Mtr. 500 Mtr. 1500 Mtr. 3000 Mtr. 3500 Mtr. 82 Nos 82 Nos supply and fixing of connection of 6A 5 pin socket with 6A switch control to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in 12 the wall / to be fixed on partition board with suitable modular 80 white plates modular surrounds and screws including masonry labour charges be fixed on common board. Nos Supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit 13 with 6Aswitch to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in 1500 wall including all accessories like white modular plate white surrounds etc. for tube lights/ exhaust fan points. Mtr. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Signature of Tenderer Unit basic rate S. No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Item Description supply and fixing and wiring with 3 runs of 1100V grade and fire retardant PVC insulated multi strand copper cable (phase, Neutral and earth) in existing PVC conduit with 100w hump free 0-4 steps electronic ceiling fan regulator 2 module to be fixed on metal flush box concealed in the wall with all accessories like modular sheet plate modular white surrounds screws including masonry and labour charges supply and wiring with 3 runs of 1.5 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable (phase, neutral and earth)in existing PVC conduit with flush type 6A bell push to fixed on metal flush box concealed in wall including supply and mounting of ding dong bell complete with all required necessary accessories like shite plates white surrounds etc.. supply and wiring with 3 runs of 25 and 2 runs of 16 1100V grade fire retardant PVC insulated flexible multi strand copper cable ( 3 phase, neutral and earth ) in existing PVC conduit from mains to room sub mains (Panel) Fixing of exhaust fans with required accessories like 1.5 3 core copper cable with screws including connections and labour charges (Exhaust Fans will be supplied by SCCL) Fixing of Ceiling fans with required accessories like 1.5 3 core copper cable with screws etc.. Including connections and labour charges.(Ceiling fans will be supplied by SCCL) Fixing of 250 V , 36 W 4 Ft Tube light fittings with tube fixed on side wall/falls Ceiling with necessary accessories (Round PVC Blocks) Including connections and Labour Charges. (Tube light fittings with tubes will be supplied by SCCL). Supply, fixing and wiring of 20Amps Heavy duty metal clad plug and socket near blower of AC in a metallic enclosure with suitable front cover, brass screws and with all required necessary accessories (To be concealed / To be fixed on wall). Supply, fixing and wiring of 20Amps 1P MCB on din rail in metallic enclosure with suitable front cover brass screw with all required necessaries to be concealed in the wall including masonry works and labour charges complete. Qty 1500 Mtr. 1000 Mtr. 90 Mtr. 40 NOS 50 NOS 150 NOS 50 NOS 50 NOS Supply and fixing of foot lamp points with Surya CFL lamps 40 and all necessary accessories complete. Supply, Fixing and wiring of 8 way TPN (CAT No.607712,IP43-IK09,Legrand Make) distribution board with metal door 100Amps capacity Bus bar and din rail concealed in the wall with flexibility to accept any 23 8 combination of MCB/RCBO's with 1 no.40A 4 pole RCBO with sensitivity 30 ma 20A 1 pole MCB including with all internal connections masonry works and labour charges etc. (For AC's) 22 Unit NOS NOS Signature of Tenderer Unit basic rate S. No. 24 25 26 27 28 Item Description supply, fixing and connection of 8 way TPN (CAT No.607712,IP43-IK09,Legrand Make) Single door Distribution door integral with 125A capacity Bus bar din rail to be fixed in the wall with flexibility to accept any combination of MCB/RCBO's 1 no. 6 to 32 A 4 Pole RCBO with sensitivity 30 ma ( For Lighting Circuits) 2 no. 6 A 1 pole MCCB For Individual room control lighting) Including Labour charges. Supply, Fixing and wiring of 6 way TPN (CAT No. 607716, IP43-IK09 Legrand Make) Distribution Board with metal door 100 Amps capacity Bus bar and Din Rail concealed in the wall with flexibility to accept any combination of MCB's/RCBO's with 1 no. 25 A 4 Pole RCBO with Sensitivity 30 ma 9 no. 4 A 1 P Lexic D curve MCB's Including all Internal connections masonry works labour charges etc. (For Lighting/Sealing Fans circuits etc.) Supply, Fixing and wiring of 6 way SPN single door Distribution board (CAT No. 607711,607717,607712) with Din rail concealed in the wall with flexibility to accept any combination of MCB's/RCBO's 1 no. of 25A 2 Pole RCBO's with sensitivity 30 ma 4 no. of 10 A 1 Phase MCB's Connected in UPS outgoing circuits Including Chiseling masonry charges etc. Supply Erection, and commissioning of free standing floor mounting type MV Panel cubicle of 14 SWG CRCA sheet powder spray painted with Epoxy base paint after 7 tank process provided with 250 A TPN Copper Bus bars supported by DMC/SMC Barriers and colour coded with heat shrinkable sleeves 1 no's. 0-500V Digital Volt Meter with Pore Position Phase Selector Switch and 250A/5A CT Coils, Digital Meter, Digital Power Factor Meter, 2 sets of LED Indicating Lamps for Phase Indication, Fault Indication ON/OFF Status etc. with the Following Switch Gear Complete. INCOMER: 300A DPX MCCB 50 KA with Inbuilt Label Holder with EL,OL (80% to 100% setting, Thermal Release) SC & SPP Protections- 2 no's with Mechanical & Electrical Interlocking Facility and with Rotary Handle. OUT GOING: 63A RCBO 50 KA with Inbuilt Label Holder, with EL- 30 ma, OL (80% to 100% settings, Thermal Release) SC Protections- 8 no's Earthing System: Supply and Providing Independent earthing for grounding of main with 40 mm dia B Class 2.75 mts long GI pipes of 0.3 mtrs long connected with reducer providing GI Funnel covered with Mesh of suitable size enclosed in CC Chamber of 400X400X400mmwith suitable rein forced RCC Slab Cover Duly providing staggered Holes of 16 no's of 12 mm dia to the earth electrode filling salt and Char coal all round 150mm from the bottom of the pipe to the bottom CC chamber giving earth connection from the electrode through necessary 8 swg GI washers, nuts, Bolts and all labour charges etc. complete. Qty Unit 4 NOS 8 NOS 4 NOS 1 NOS 2 NOs Signature of Tenderer Unit basic rate S. No. Item Description Qty Supply Laying and connection of 25 mm/5mm GI earth 29 Strips with GI coated fasteners including all accessories. 100 Supply and Fixing Buzzer Indicator for 40 rooms/40 bell pushes with 3 runs of 1 copper cable from 40 rooms 30 to buzzer indicator arrangement at located place including 40 indicator, Boards and Fixing arrangements 31 32 33 34 35 36 Supply and wiring of 2 Twisted Pairs of 0.5 mm dia copper conductor PVC Insulated Telephone wire conforming to ITD Specification in existing in PVC Conduit. Supply, Fixing and wiring of Flush Type Telephone socket to be fixed and metal flush box concealed in wall with all required accessories for telephone points. Supply and Installation of 20 Pair Krone type telephone Junction Box including connector termination of cable with peruling covered in MS box Painted with powder coated type paint with locking arrangement Supply and fixing of modular type television socket with white mounting plate housed in suitable module metallic flush box including connections along with all labour charges etc. complete. Supply and laying RG 6 wire in the existing metalic conduit pipe with connections labour charges etc. complete ( Low Smoke fire retardant cables) Supply and Fixing of Batten Holders/Slanting Holder In lieu of Ceiling rows or light point complete with all connections and labour charges to suit 11W CFL Lights complete (11W CFL will be Supplied by SCCL) Supply and fixing of Ding dang Bell on existing board with 37 all accessories including labour charges etc. Supply and laying of GI strip 40mmx6mm Including Nuts and Bolts and Necessary connections terminations of after 38 excavation of the ground to the depth of 900 mm and laying and drawing earth conductor complete for finished item of work. Supplying and laying of copper strip of 25mmx4mm including Nuts and Bolts and necessary connections after 39 excavation of the ground to the depth of 900 mm and laying and drawing earth conductor complete for finished item of work. Supply and Fixing of 20A MCB single Phase (Single Pole) 40 with enclosure for room control at outside of the room (Door Entrance) with all accessories including labour charges etc. Unit Unit basic rate Mts Nos 3000 Mts 40 Nos 40 Nos 40 Nos 1500 Mtr. 110 NOs 40 Nos 150 Mtr. 200 Mtr. 40 Nos SERVICE TAX:___________ (Signature of the Tenderer) Signature of Tenderer 1. I / We am/are in possession of the necessary man power & tools to carry out the above work. 2. I/we have gone through the terms and conditions enclosed herewith and submit this tender. I/we abide to the terms and conditions and agree for any amendments made from time to time during the period of contract. 3. I/we further agree to sign an agreement bond within two weeks from the date of receipt of LOI / Order. 4. I/we agree to keep our above tender valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of tenders. (a) EMD details: Rs.20,000.00 D.D. Nos: ________________, dtd. ______________, drawn on SBH, SRP/ MNCL, for Rs.______________ (Rupees ______________________________ thousand only). Phone No. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Tenderer) Address: Signature of Tenderer
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