MI-HYUN PARK, Ph.D. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Massachusetts 16D Marston Hall 130 Natural Resources Road Amherst MA 01003 Phone: (413) 545- 5390 Fax: (413) 545- 2202 [email protected] http://cee.umass.edu/faculty/mi-hyun-park PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND PROEFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 09/ 2008 – Present Assistant Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 01/2008 – 08/2008 Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Environment, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/200412/2007 Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/2002 – 08/2003 Teaching Assistant (Instructor), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/2001 – 06/2002 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/2004 Master of Science, Diploma of Imperial College, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK, 09/2001 (Distinction) Master of Science, Diploma of Imperial College, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK, 09/1998 Master of Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, 02/1999 Bachelor of Engineering, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Inha University, Korea, 02/1996 (Distinction) HONORS and AWARDS People’s choice award for best student poster presentation, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 13, 2014 UMass Provost’s Team-Based Learning (TBL) Fellow, 2012-2013 Finalist, Best Paper Award, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2007 Dissertation Fellowship at UCLA, 2003-2004 Graduate Student Research Assistantship at UCLA, 2002-2003 Teaching Assistantship at UCLA, 2001-2002 Department Fellowship at UCLA, 2001-2002 Distinction, Dept. of Computer Science at Imperial College, 2001 British Chevening Scholarship at Imperial College, 1997-1998 Korean National Scholarship at KAIST, 1996-1998 Highest Academic Distinction Award at Inha University, 1996 4 Year Honor Student Scholarship at Inha University, 1992-1996 Scholarship for top place on the entrance examination at Inha University, 1992 18 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Publications 1. Minji Park* and Mi-Hyun Park** (2015) Evaluation of watershed susceptibility to contaminants of emerging concerns: Retrospective analysis for four watershed cases, Journal of American Water Works Association, in press, scheduled in April 2015 2. Elizabeth Isenstein*, Adam Trescott*, and Mi-Hyun Park**(2014) Multispectral Remote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Champlain, USA, Water Environment Research, 86(12), 2271-2278 3. Minji Park*, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, Erik Rosenfeldt, Benjamin Stanford and Mi-Hyun Park** (2014) Multivariate analysis for monitoring EDCs and PPCPs in a lake water, Water Environment Research, 86(11), 2233-2241 4. Elizabeth Isenstein*, and Mi-Hyun Park** (2014) Assessment of nutrient distribution in Lake Champlain using satellite remote sensing, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26(9), 1831-1836 5. Allison M. Reinert, Benjamin D. Stanford, Erik J. Rosenfeldt, Deborah Dryer, Mi-Hyun Park, Dave Reckhow (2014) Influences of sampling frequency, location, and method reporting levels on benchmarking EDC/PPCP Occurrence, Journal of American Water Works Association, 106(9), 362371 6. Mark Hagemann* and Mi-Hyun Park** (2014) Trends in tributary water quality in a water supply reservoir, Journal of American Water Works Association, 106(4), 212-224 7. Minji Park* and Mi-Hyun Park** (2013) Spatial analysis for identifying EDC and PPCP sources, Water Science and Technology, 67(8), 1657-1663 8. Adam Trescott*, Elizabeth Isenstein*, and Mi-Hyun Park** (2013) Remote sensing of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Champlain, USA, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 13(5), 1402-1409 9. Adam Trescott* and Mi-Hyun Park** (2013) Remote sensing models using Landsat satellite data to monitor algal blooms in Lake Champlain, Water Science and Technology, 67(5), 1113-1120 10. Kyunghwa Cho* and Mi-Hyun Park** (2013) Prioritizing subwatersheds for stormwater pollution to Wachusett Reservoir, Water Environment Research, 85(2), 158-166 11. Kyunghwa Cho*, Y. A. Pachepsky, Joon Ha Kim, Jung-Woo Kim and Mi-Hyun Park** (2012) The modified SWAT model for predicting fecal coliform in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed, USA, Water Research, 46, 4750-4760 12. Mi-Hyun Park**, Ivar K. Ridgeway, Xavier Swamikannu, and Michael K. Stenstrom (2010) Evaluation of stormwater BMPs for implementing industrial stormwater permitting strategy, Water Science and Technology, 62(11), 2558-2563 13. Mi-Hyun Park**, Xavier Swamikannu, and Michael K. Stenstrom (2009) Accuracy and precision of the volume-concentration method for urban stormwater modeling, Water Research, 43(11), 27732786 14. Mi-Hyun Park**, Michael K. Stenstrom, and Stephanie Pincetl (2009) Water quality improvement policies: lessons learned from the implementation of Proposition O, Los Angeles, California, Environmental Management, 43, 514-522† 15. Mi-Hyun Park**, Stephanie Pincetl, and Michael K. Stenstrom (2008) Water quality improvement by implementation of Proposition O in the Los Angeles river watershed, California, Water Science and Technology, 58(12), 2271-2278 16. Mi-Hyun Park** and Michael K. Stenstrom (2008) Comparison of pollutant loading estimation using different landuses and stormwater characteristics in Ballona Creek Watershed, Water Science and Technology, 57(9), 1349-1354 * student/postdoc advisees corresponding author † 1-14: publication with affiliation at UMass ** 19 17. Mi-Hyun Park** and Michael K. Stenstrom (2008) Classifying environmentally significant urban land uses with satellite imagery, Journal of Environmental Management, 86(1), 181-192 18. Mi-Hyun Park**, Irwin H. (Mel) Suffet, and Michael K. Stenstrom (2007) Utility of LANDSATderived land use data for estimating storm-water pollutant loads in an urbanizing area, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 133(2), 203-210 19. Mi-Hyun Park** and Michael K. Stenstrom (2006) Using satellite imagery for stormwater pollution management with Bayesian networks, Water Research, 40(18), 3429-3438 20. Mi-Hyun Park** and Michael K. Stenstrom (2006) Spatial estimates of stormwater pollutant loading using Bayesian networks and geographic information systems, Water Environment Research, 78(4), 421-429 21. Mi-Hyun Park**, Park N.S., Park H, Shin H.S., and Kim B.D. (1997) An economic analysis of desalination for potential application in Korea, Desalination, 114(3), 209-221 Manuscripts in Review/Revision 1. Mi-Hyun Park**, Stephanie Pincetl, and Michael K. Stenstrom, Evaluation of Best Management Practices for Urban Stormwater Management, Water Environment Research, in revision 2. Minji Park* and Mi-Hyun Park**, Identifying optimal monitoring sites of emerging contaminants using hotspot analysis, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, in review 3. Mark Hagemann*, Minji Park*, Varun Srinivasan, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, and Mi-Hyun Park**, Surrogate compounds for EDCs and PPCPs using chemometrics, Journal of American Water Works Association, in review 4. Varun Srinivasan, Minji Park*, Mi-Hyun Park and David Reckhow, Developing a watershed-level protocol for choosing indicators for EDCs/PPCPs using analytical methods and chemometrics, Environment Pollution, in review 5. Mark Hagemann*, Daeyoung Kim, and Mi-Hyun Park**, Nutrient and organic carbon loads to a water-supply reservoir: a comparison using semiparametric models, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, in review Manuscripts in preparation 1. Elizabeth Isenstein*, Daeyoung Kim and Mi-Hyun Park**, Statistical remote sensing modeling of multi-temporal cyanobacterial bloom distribution in a lake water system, Water Research 2. Elizabeth Isenstein* and Mi-Hyun Park**, Algal bloom composition in Lake Champlain, Harmful Algae 3. Elizabeth Isenstein*and Mi-Hyun Park**, Nutrient Estimation in Lake using Satellite Remote Sensing, Journal of Great Lakes Research 4. Ignacio Melendez-Pastr‡, Elizabeth Isenstein* and Mi-Hyun Park**, Spatial-temporal analysis of cyanobacteria blooms at Lake Champlain 5. Minji Park*, David Reckhow and Mi-Hyun Park** Risk analysis of EDCs and PPCPs susceptibility in Assabet River Watershed, MA, Environmental Pollution 6. Kyung Hwa Cho*, Yakov A. Pachepsky, Minjeong Kim, JongCheol Pyo, Mi-Hyun Park**, JungWoo Kim, and Joon Ha Kim, Modeling Seasonal Variability of Fecal Coliform in Natural Surface Waters using the Modified SWAT, Journal of Hydrology Conference Proceedings 1. Ignacio Melendez-Pastor‡, Elizabeth Isenstein* and Mi-Hyun Park, Spatial-temporal analysis of cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Champlain: a remote sensing multi-scale approach, The 17th * ‡ student/postdoc advisees Visiting scholar under my supervision 20 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. * International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Berlin, Germany, September 1318, 2015, submitted Mark Hagemann* and Mi-Hyun Park, A multi-basin analysis of empirical models for extreme-event water quality in the Northeastern US, The 17th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Berlin, Germany, September 13-18, 2015, submitted Mark Hagemann* and Mi-Hyun Park, The effect of urban infrastructure upgrade on in-stream nitrate concentrations in urban watersheds, 2015 AEESP Research and Education Conference, New Haven, CT, June 113-16, 2015, submitted Lillian Jeznach, Mark Hagemann, John Tobiason, M-Hyun Park, Extreme Event Impacts on Drinking Water Supply Reservoir Quality, ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Austin, TX, May 17-21, 2015, submitted Mark Hagemann* and Mi-Hyun Park, Estimating solute loads from a small, urban watershed using a nonparametric regression approach, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 15-19, 2014 Minji Park* and Mi-Hyun Park, Evaluation of Watershed Susceptibility to Contaminants of Emerging Concerns: Retrospective Analysis For Four Watershed Cases, American Water Works Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 8 – 12, 2014 Minji Park*, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, and Mi-Hyun Park, Clustering of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Assabet River Watershed, Massachusetts, American Water Works Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 8 – 12, 2014 Benjamin Stanford, Erik Rosenfeldt, Mi-Hyun Park and Allison Reinert, Influences of Sampling Frequency, Location, and Method Reporting Levels on Benchmarking EDC/PPCP Occurrences, American Water Works Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 8 – 12, 2014 Minji Park*, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, Erik Rosenfeldt, Benjamin Stanford and Mi-Hyun Park, Multivariate analysis for monitoring EDCs and PPCPs in surface water, Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 7-9, 2013 Elizabeth Isenstein*, and Mi-Hyun Park, Assessment of nutrient distribution in Lake Champlain using satellite remote sensing, The 16th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Beijing, China, August 18-23, 2013 Minji Park*, Varun Srinivasan, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, and Mi-Hyun Park, Identifying critical areas and types of emerging contaminants using spatial analysis, The 16th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Beijing, China, August 18-23, 2013 Minji Park*, Varun Srinivasan, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, and Mi-Hyun Park, Assessment of emerging contaminants using multivariate statistical analysis in Assabet River Watershed, MA, The 16th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Beijing, China, August 18-23, 2013 Yue Tang, Michael K. Knodler and, Mi-Hyun Park, A comparative study of the application of the standard kernel density estimation and network kernel density estimation in crash hotspot identification, 16th Road Safety on Four Continents conference, Beijing, China, May 15-17, 2013 Varun Srinivasan, Minji Park*, Mi-Hyun Park and David Reckhow, Statistical analysis for EDCs and PPCPs in Assabet River, MA, Annual New England Water Environment Technical Conference and Exhibition, Boston, MA, January 27-30, 2013 Elizabeth Isenstein* and Mi-Hyun Park, Satellite Remote sensing for algal blooms in Lake Champlain, Annual New England Water Environment Technical Conference and Exhibition, Boston, MA, January 27-30, 2013 Elizabeth Isenstein*, Adam Trescott* , and Mi-Hyun Park, Multispectral Remote sensing of harmful algal blooms in Lake Champlain, USA, Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 29-October 3, 2012 student/postdoc advisees 21 17. Kyunghwa Cho*, Y. A. Pachepsky, Joon Ha Kim, Jung-Woo Kim and Mi-Hyun Park, Modeling Fecal Coliform using a modified SWAT: a case study for the Stillwater Subbasin, MA, IWA World Water Congress, Busan, Korea, September 16-21, 2012 18. Adam Trescott*, §Elizabeth Isenstein*, and Mi-Hyun Park, Remote sensing of chlorophyll a and cyanobacteria in Lake Champlain, Vermont, IWA World Water Congress, Busan, Korea, September 16-21, 2012 19. Kyunghwa Cho*, and Mi-Hyun Park, Prioritizing subwatersheds for stormwater pollution to Wachusett Reservoir, 84th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Los Angeles, California, October 15-19, 2011 20. Adam Trescott* and Mi-Hyun Park, Satellite image application to the spatial and temporal distribution of algal blooms in Lake Champlain, 15th International Conference of the IWA Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Rotorua, New Zealand, September 18-23, 2011 21. Minji Park* and Mi-Hyun Park, Spatial analysis for identifying EDC and PPCP sources, 15th International Conference of the IWA Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Rotorua, New Zealand, September 18-23, 2011 22. Benjamin D. Stanford, Erik Rosenfeldt, Michael Lavine, William Becker, Mi-Hyun Park, and David Reckhow, Benchmarking EDC and Pharmaceutical contamination: meta analysis of historical data using risk-based guidelines, American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition, Washington D.C. June 12-16, 2011 23. David Reckhow, Mi-Hyun Park†, Benjamin Stanford, Michael Lavine and, Alexander Mofidi, Benchmarking and monitoring strategies for EDCs/PPCPs by drinking water utilities, American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition, Washington D.C. June 12-16, 2011 24. Mi-Hyun Park, Sharam Kharaghani and Michael K. Stenstrom, Stormwater management to comply with total maximum daily loads in Los Angeles Watersheds, IWA World Water Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 19-24, 2010 25. Zhen Wang* and Mi-Hyun Park, Land use change impact on stormwater quality of Wachusett Reservoir Watershed, 14th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management, Quebec City, Canada, September 12-17, 2010 26. Mi-Hyun Park, Ivar K. Ridgeway, Xavier Swamikannu, and Michael K. Stenstrom, Evaluation of stormwater BMPs for implementing industrial stormwater permitting strategy, 13th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management, Seoul, Korea, October 12-15, 2009 27. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Urban rainwater management to comply with total maximum daily loads in semi-arid watersheds: A Case Study in the Los Angeles River Watershed, IWA the 2nd International conference on Rainwater harvesting and Management, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009 28. Mi-Hyun Park, Stephanie Pincetl and Michael K. Stenstrom, Evaluation of best management practices for urban stormwater management, 81st Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 18-22, 2008 29. Mi-Hyun Park, Stephanie Pincetl and Michael K. Stenstrom, Assessment of Proposition O Projects in the City of Los Angeles, CA for Storm Water Clean-up, California Stormwater Quality Association Fall Conference, Oakland, California, September 22-24, 2008 30. Mi-Hyun Park, Stephanie Pincetl, and Michael K. Stenstrom, Stormwater clean-up by implementation of Proposition O in the City of Los Angeles, CA, 12th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management, KhonKaen, Thailand, August 25-29, 2008 31. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Identification of roads for urban runoff pollution management, IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, Boston, U.S.A., July 611, 2008 * † student/postdoc advisees co-presenter 22 32. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, comparison of pollutant loading estimation using different landuses and stormwater characteristics in Ballona Creek Watershed, IWA 11th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007 33. Mi-Hyun Park, Stephanie Pincetl, and Michael K. Stenstrom, implementation of policy for stormwater clean-up: lessons learned from Proposition O in Los Angeles, CA, IWA 11th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 26-31, 2007 34. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Classification of man-made structures using IKONOS imagery for urban stormwater pollution management, The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, July 23-27, 2007 35. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Using High resolution satellite imagery for managing stormwater pollution, IWA10th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Istanbul, Turkey, September 18-22, 2006 36. Mi-Hyun Park, I.H. (Mel) Suffet, and Michael K. Stenstrom, Estimates of urban stormwater runoff using GIS, 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26, 2005 37. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Bayesian network structure learning for urban land use classification from Landsat ETM+ and ancillary data, AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13-17, 2004 38. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, A new classification system for urban stormwater pollutant loading – a case study in Santa Monica Bay area, IWA 8th International Conference on Diffuse/Nonpoint Pollution, Kyoto, Japan, October 24-29, 2004 39. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Spatial estimates of stormwater pollutant loading using Bayesian Networks and Geographic Information Systems, Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2-6, 2004 40. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Identifying main area generating stormwater pollution from satellite imagery and ancillary data, The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Anchorage Alaska, September 20-24, 2004 41. Mi-Hyun Park and Michael K. Stenstrom, Landuse classification for stormwater modeling using Bayesian Networks, 7th International Specialised IWA Conference, Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, Dublin, Ireland, August 17-21, 2003 42. Shin, Hang-Sik, Seok-Tae Kang Mi-Hyun Park, Su-Han Kim, Hee-Kyung Park, and Byoung-Duk Kim, An Optimization study on pretreatment processes of RO desalination, In Proceedings of Korean Society of Environmental Engineering, Muju Resort, November 7-8, 1997 43. Mi-Hyun Park, Shin, Hang-Sik, Hee-Kyung Park, and Byung-Duck Kim, An economic comparative analysis of desalination, In Proceedings of Korean Society of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National Univ., May 2-3, 1997 Conference Poster Presentations 1. Mark Hegemann* and Mi-Hyun Park, An interactive tool for estimation and communication of solute loads to a water supply reservoir, New England Graduate Student Water Symposium, Amherst, MA, September 1214, 2014 2. Curt Harrington, David Burgess, Jonathan Freeman, Roland Barbeito, Michael Knodler and Mi-Hyun Park, A GIS-based Approach to Identifying Optimal Locations for Variable Speed Limit Implementation in Massachusetts, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 13, 2014 (People’s choice award) 3. Zhenning Yang, Heather Minott, Kate Loughlin, Shane Michniewicz, Daniel Lindquist and Mi-Hyun Park, Effect of Global Climate Change on Vector Diseases on the East Coast, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 13, 2014 4. Mark Hagemann*, Joseph Goodwill, Srinivas Santhanam, David Choi, and Mi-Hyun Park, Assessing vulnerability in community water point systems in Blantyre, Malawi, Africa, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 14, 2013 23 5. Thomas Carleton, Damien Dmitruk, Tyler Colvin, Brendan Avery and Mi-Hyun Park, Future stormwater drainage due to proposed infrastructure on UMass Amherst campus, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 14, 2013 6. Matthew Skelly, Ariel Brooks, John Guzze, Balazs Martai, Mi-Hyun Park, and Michael Knodler Slope stability assessment for state arterial roads in Berkshire County, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 14, 2013 7. Daniel Kobzarm, Andrea Daly, James Roy, Pamela Patrick, David Posner, and Mi-Hyun Park, Commercial motor vehicle rollover crash analysis in Massachusetts, Spring Northeast Arc User Group Conference, Amherst, MA, May 14, 2013 8. Tomer Soran* and Mi-Hyun Park, Performance comparison of structural stormwater BMPs for nutrient removal, the 3rd Annual WSSS Interdisciplinary Water Symposium, Tufts University, April 27, 2012 9. Adam Trescott* and Mi-Hyun Park, Remote sensing models using Landsat satellite data to monitor algal blooms in Lake Champlain, 8thAnnual Water Resources Research Conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 7, 2011 10. Elizabeth Isenstein*, and Mi-Hyun Park, Remote sensing detection of land use categories and stormwater pollution, 8thAnnual Water Resources Research Conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 7, 2011 11. Zhen Wang* and Mi-Hyun Park, Comparison of land use change impact on stormwater quality in Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoir Watersheds, 7th Annual Water Resources Research Conference, Monitoring and Responding to Water Resource Challenges, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 8, 2010 12. Kirsten E. Studer, David A. Reckhow, and Mi-Hyun Park, Drinking water intakes in proximity to wastewater effluents in Massachusetts, 6th Annual Water Resources Research Conference, Water Dependencies in New England, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 7, 2009 13. Christina L. Stauber, Amber Boles, Rebecca Freed, John Tobiason and Mi-Hyun Park, Visualization of seasonal water velocities in the Wachusett Reservoir using GIS, 6th Annual Water Resources Research Conference, Water Dependencies in New England, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 7, 2009 14. Kenneth Derry Hunu, Pooja Kechamada, Mi-Hyun Park and Casey Brown, Climate change impacts on stream flow in the Connecticut River Basins, 6th Annual Water Resources Research Conference, Water Dependencies in New England, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 7, 2009 INVITED TALKS 1. Green algae and Cyanobacteria Blooms: Remote sensing for effective monitoring and management, International Environmental Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, October 28 - 30, 2015 invited as a “keynote speaker” 2. Satellite remote sensing for inland water quality, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, May 2015, invited 3. Remote sensing of algal blooms: Applications to Taihu lake, Ministry of Environment, April 2015, invited 4. EDC/PPCP benchmarking and monitoring for drinking water utilities, Water Research Foundation Emerging Contaminants Workshop, Toronto, Canada, October 7, 2014 5. Spatial modeling of surface water quality, California State University, April 2014 6. Satellite remote sensing of lake water quality, Missisquoi Bay and Basin, Swanton, VT, August 13, 2013 7. Cyanobacterial bloom estimate using satellite remote sensing, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, September 26, 2012 8. How to sense water quality: remote sensing perspective, Suwon University, September 25, 2012 9. Remote sensing of water quality, Kyung Hee University, Korea, September 25, 2012 24 10. Satellite remote sensing of freshwater algal blooms, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, September 24, 2012 11. Remote sensing of algal blooms, K Water, Korea, September 17, 2012 12. Satellite remote sensing of cyanobacterial blooms, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, September 14, 2012 13. Monitoring and forecasting algal blooms from space, Dongguk University, Korea, September 13, 2012 14. Remote sensing models to monitor algal blooms in Lake Champlain, Missisquoi Bay and Basin, Euro Spa, Quebec, Canada, March 22, 2012 15. Stormwater pollution issues in New England waters, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, October 21, 2011 16. Diffuse pollution issues in New England waters, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), October 20, 2011 17. The US regulations and GIS applications to stormwater pollution, ScorePP workshop, Quebec City, Canada, October 5, 2009 18. Environmental remote sensing and stormwater management, MA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)/MWRA (Ma Water Resources Authority) Project Meeting, MWRA Southborough, January 22, 2009 19. Stormwater pollution modeling for sustainable urban management, University of Cincinnati, March 5, 2008 20. Evaluation of Proposition O implementation: a first step to clean up stormwater pollution in Los Angeles, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, November 27, 2007 21. Modeling urban stormwater pollution using remote sensing, Washington State University, April 2, 2007 22. The role of remote sensing and machine learning in modeling stormwater pollution from urban areas, Rice University, February 12, 2007 23. Remote sensing and machine learning application to nonpoint source pollution management, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Jan 5, 2007 24. Landuse definitions EMC assumptions and implications for stormwater modeling, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Stormwater Meeting, Dec 14, 2006 25. Using satellite imagery for stormwater pollution management, delegation from Korea, Ministry of Environment, Feb 8, 2006 26. A new classification system for urban stormwater pollutant loading: A case study in the Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, July 20, 2005 27. Estimate of stormwater pollutant loading to Santa Monica Bay, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), Dec 3, 2004 SPONSORED RESEARCH ACTIVITY Sponsored Grants (Active or Recently Awarded) 1. Korean Agency of Infrastructure Technology Advancement #39: Development of Advanced Cleaning Technology for Reverse Osmosis Desalination, “Development of a Satellite Remote Sensing Monitoring Technique for Red Tides to proper operation of RO Desalination” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park), 05/04/2015-12/03/2017, $200,000, (in process, see letter of award by Dr. Kim at the end) 2. Water Research Foundation 4260, “EDC/PPCP benchmarking and monitoring strategies for drinking water utilities” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park, Co-PIs: David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, Benjamin D. Stanford, Erik J. Rosenfeldt, Alex Mofidi, and David Lipsky), 09/01/2010-05/01/2015 (officially listed as a PI in 8/2013), $850,573 ($399,967 from WaterRF to UMass, $450,606 for matching from UMass, 25 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. AECOM, Hazen&Sawyer, USGS, City of Boulder, City of Denver, City of Thorton, City of Aurora, NYCDEP) Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Water quality in DCR reservoirs 20152016” (PI: John Tobiason, Co-PI: Mi-Hyun Park and David Reckhow), 07/01/2014-06/30/2016, $249,108 Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Water quality in DCR reservoirs 20132014” (PI: John Tobiason, Co-PIs: David Ahlfeld and Mi-Hyun Park), 07/01/2012-06/30/2014, $239,324 Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Water quality in DCR reservoirs 20112012” (PI: John Tobiason, Co-PIs: David Ahlfeld and Mi-Hyun Park), 07/01/2010-06/30/2012, $249,897 Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Water quality in DCR reservoirs 20092010” (PI: John Tobiason, Co-PIs: David Ahlfeld and Mi-Hyun Park), 07/01/2009-06/30/2010, $127,776 US Geological Survey 15.805, “A remote sensing algal production model to monitor water quality and nonpoint pollution in New England lakes”(PI: Mi-Hyun Park), 03/2011-02/2012, $14,952 UMass Faculty Research Grants/Healey Endowment Grants, “algal bloom detection using remote sensing and modeling of stormwater impacts” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park), 05/2011-04/2012, $15,000 Mellon Mutual Mentor Program-Team-proposal, “Engineering and Computing Women Faculty group (ECWG)” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park, Co-PI: Aura Ganz), 05/2012-06/2013, $10,000 Mellon Mutual Mentor Program-Micro-proposal. “International network for harmful algal bloom issues” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park), 05/2012-06/2013, $1,200 UMass College of Engineering Dean’s Grant for Women Faculty Mentoring Network, 1/201512/2015, $5,000 UMass College of Engineering Dean’s Grant for Women Faculty Mentoring Network, 1/201412/2014, $5,000 UMass Flex Grant for Teaching/Faculty Development, 12/2014-6/30/2015, $500 UMass Flex Grant for Teaching/Faculty Development, 11/2012-03/2013, $500 UMass Provost’s Team-Based Learning (TBL) Fellows Grant, 03/2012-02/2013, $1,000 External Funding (Pending) New England Transportation Consortium, “The effect of extreme events on highway runoff pollution and its treatment effectiveness” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park, Co-PI: Paul Mathisen @ WPI), Submitted 1/2015, $200,000 NSF Environmental Engineering Program, “Occurrences, Fate and Transformation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern from an Urban Watershed” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park, Co-PI: Caitlyn Butler, David Reckhow and Daeyoung Kim), Submitted 11/2014, $329,630 NSF Environmental Sustainability Program, “Understanding red tides from big data analysis with geostationary satellite remote sensing” (PI: Mi-Hyun Park), Submitted 11/2014, $299,611 STUDENT RESEARCH ADVISED Visiting Scholars Hosted Maryam Ghashghaie (Visiting Scholar), Starting in Mar 2015, Ph.D. student in Water Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran Ignacio Melendez-Pastor (Visiting Scholar), Aug-Sep 2013, Research scientist in Agrochemistry and Environment, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain, Hyo-jin Yoon (Visiting Professor), Aug 2012-Jul 2013, Professor of Urban Planning & Transportation, Kyonggi University, Korea 26 Postdoctoral Researchers Advised Yongsoo Lee (Ph.D. Sungkyunkwan University), starting in May 2015 Minji Park (Ph.D. Konkuk University), Dec 2010-Oct 2012, Current position: Han-River Environment Research Center Kyunghwa Cho (Ph.D. GIST), Oct 2010-Oct 2011, Current position: Assistant Professor, School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Committee Chair Mark Hagemann (Ph.D., 2012-present, current) Elizabeth Isenstein (MS, May 2013) Adam Trescott (MS, December 2011) Nancy Dutta (MS, September, 2011, co-advised with Dr. Michael Knodler) Coursework Masters Advised Jingya Zhu (Fall 2014-present, current) Brendan Avery (Spring 2013-Spring 2014) Tyler Colvin (Fall 2012-Spring 2013) Soonmi Kim (Fall 2012) Undergraduate Research Advised Engineers Without Borders (Spring 2011-Spring 2012) Local project advisor James Turshmann (Spring and Summer 2013) Tomer Soran (REU, Summer 2011) Elizabeth Isenstein (Independent Research, Fall 2010 and Spring 2011) Elizabeth Isenstein (REU, Summer 2010) Jonathan Ho (Summer 2010 and Summer 2011) Erik Jensen (Honors Research, Spring and Fall 2009) Tyler Riverman (Winter 2008 and Summer 2009) Committee Member Lillian Jeznach (Ph.D., current) Patrick Wittbold (MS, August 2014) Varun Srinivasan (MS, August 2012) Mary Dehais (MS in LARP, May 2011) Mary Rivers (MS, May 2011) Paul G. Chang (MS, May 2009) Graduate Independent Research Advised Piotr Rachtan (Spring 2012) Zhen Wang (Spring 2010) Post-graduate Research Advised Woo-Jung Choi (graduated from Tufts University, Fall 2013-Summer 2014) 27 TEACHING University of Massachusetts Amherst CEE121 Measurement, 3 credits A freshmen required course in Civil and Environmental Engineering for introduction to various measurements used in civil engineering. Taught introductory MATLAB programming session for Civil Engineering application with labs. Year Semester Enrollment 2014 Spring 95 CEE260/MIE 273 Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering, 3 credits A sophomore required course in both Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Industrial Engineering Departments. Designed to introduce students the field of probability and statistics, and demonstrate their importance and utility in the solution of engineering problems. Topics include descriptive statistics, fundamental concepts of probability, probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables, sampling and inference, data analysis, linear regression and hypothesis testing. Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Semester Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Enrollment 148 132 142 129 141 CEE597G/570 Geographic Information Systems for Engineers, 3 credits An elective course for both graduate students and upper level undergraduate students in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Designed to introduce students to the principles of geographic information systems and spatial analysis for engineering applications. A computer laboratory is integrated into the course, covering vector and raster data models, GIS database, data exploration and manipulation, and spatial data analysis. Year 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 Semester Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Enrollment 23 13 28 28 17 CEE690R Environmental Remote Sensing, 3 credits An elective course for graduate students in the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program. Designed to introduce students to the fast-growing field of remote sensing, covering fundamental physical concepts of remote sensing and digital processing methods for interpreting, manipulating and analyzing remotely-sensed image data. A computer laboratory is integrated into the course. Year 2009 2010 Semester Spring Spring Enrollment 6 7 28 CEE691A EWRE Seminar, 1 credit Graduate seminar series in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program with invited speakers. Year Semester Enrollment 2010 Fall 28 CEE691S EWRE Seminar for statistical computing with R, 1 credit Graduate seminar series in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program. This seminar will help students improve their R skills through peer discussion and demonstration of R code. Year Semester Enrollment 2014 Fall 7 University of California Los Angeles CEE15 CEE 255B CEE 157C Introduction to Computing for Civil Engineers, Instructor Biological Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Guest lecturer Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Guest lecturer 29 SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Professional Committee IWA Diffuse Pollution Special Group, 2014-current, Vice-chair/Chair-elect IWA Diffuse Pollution Special Group, 2006-current, Committee Member Editorial Board Desalination & Water Treatment (Guest Editor, 2010) Water Environment Research, Associate Editor (currently nominated) Reviewer for Peer-Reviewed Journals Chemosphere Environmental Engineering Research Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Environmental Research Environmental Science and Pollution Research Environmental Science and Technology International Journal of Digital Earth Journal of Environmental Quality Journal of Environmental Sciences Journal of Hydroinformatics Journal of Hydrology Science of Total Environment Water Environment Research Water Research Water Resources Management Water Science and Technology Conference Moderator/Co-moderator IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution (2007, 2010, 2013) IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (2004) Reviewer for Conference Abstracts/Papers IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution (2010, 2011) IWA World Water Congress (2010) IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS)(2008) IWA International Conference of Urban Drainage (ICUD)(2008) Evaluator for Conference Posters IWA DIPCON (2009) Annual Water Resources Research Conference (2010) Reviewer for Proposals/Projects NASA ROSES A.35 Water Resources Earth Science Application Proposal Review, July 22, 2014 30 USGS NIWR Proposal Review Panel, 5/2014 NASA Science Mission Directorate Unsolicited Proposal: Peer Review Panel, 2/2014-3/2014 NASA ROSES A.34 Water Resources Feasibility to Decisions Applied Science Feasibility Final Report Review, July 1, 2013 Hudson River Foundation Fund, Proposal and preproposal review, 2/2013, 11/2012 US Geological Survey proposal review, 11/2012 UMass Faculty Research Grants/Healey Endowment Grants, 11/2011 Professional Affiliations International Water Association, (IWA) Water Environment Federation (WEF) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Geophysical Union (AGU) Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) IEEE, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) IEEE, Women in Engineering (WIE) New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) UNIVERSITY SERVICE Remote Sensing Consortium in the Five Colleges, Founder Women Faculty in College of Engineering and Computer Science (ECWG), Founder Faculty Senate: Status of Women Council (SoWC), Representative from the College of Engineering (1/11-12/13) Faculty Senate: Council on Public Engagement and Outreach, Committee Member (1/14-current) Joint Task Force on Internationalization, Community Engagement and Communication, Committee Member (1/14-current) College of Engineering ECS Systems Administrator Search Committee GIS group in the Five Colleges, Member Water Working Group, Member Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Faculty Network, Member Department of CEE, Computing Facilities Liaison Committee EWRE Faculty Lunch Meeting, Organizer 31
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