GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ZftzriviT llorwt Rpm, ,1,101,r Ttet fapwril Education, Culture and Development ora School Educati %or trio* Oettf.Ing Lead me ftom Daftness to Light_ Off.: Plot No. 18, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 s tinal-1341ce (mu) vet : 91 (0172) 2560246 t4it 91 (0172) 2560253 ' enufele tlare 'ffo 1 MET e-mail: [email protected] - site: To Board of School Education, Haryana, Bhiwani. The Director SCERT, Haryana, Gurgaon. All District Education Officers, State of Haryana. All District Elementary Education Officers, State of Haryana. Memo No.1/12-2015 (E-Gov./IT Cell) Dated, Panchkula, the 17,-/ Subject: National Awards for Teachers using ICT for Innovation and Education. Kindly refer to this office letter No. 1/12-2015 (E-Gov./IT Cell) dated 23.01.2015 and email reminders dated 29.01.2015, 10.02.2015 & 16.03.2015 on the subject cited above. Vide letters/ernails under referen s it was requested to send recommendation for ICT Awards to this Directorate by 31 st March, 2015 upto 5.00 PM. Guildelines/Policy of the Awards were also sent to you. But no case/progress in this regard has been received from your side till date. It is again requested to please take necessary action for encouraging the eligible teachers to apply for award and their cases should be forwarded alongwith full justification / documentary evidences and with your recommendation to this Directorate latest by 31 st March, 2015 upto 5.00 PM. The policy / Instructions of Award are available at / . Technology Officer, for Director Secondary Education Haryana, Panchkula Office: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 MItifetit /UTZ aD 1t, fOTET Acrct 5 1:M1M-134109 (9770 V9T6 91 (0172) 2560246 tde 91 (0172) 2580253 1 Notice regarding Inviting Cases for ICT National Award for Teachers for use of ICT in Education-2015 Last Date for Submission 31st March, 2015 Eligibility School teachers of Primary, Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools working in any Recognized Schools in the Indian Union under the following categories: 1. Schools run by State Govt./UTs Administration, schools run by Local Bodies, Private Schools affiliated to State Boards and Aided by State Govt. and UT Administration. 2. Central Govt. Schools i.e. Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs), Central Schools for Tibetans (CTSA), Sainik Schools and Schools run by Ministry of Defence (MOD), Schools run by Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES). 3. Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) (other than those at (i) and (ii) above) 4. Schools affiliated to Council for Indian Schools Certificate Examination (CISCE) (Other than those at (i), (ii) and (iii) above). Note: Cases should be send to the concerned authority as mentioned in selection procedure in policy document. Guidelines for Submission of Nomination for ICT Award 1. A teacher Portfolio should be submitted along with the Entry Form. 2. The portfolio should include the teachers exploration of ICT and the Project implemented. [Note: Project should have been implemented before its submission.] 3. The teacher should have involved students in problem solving and investigations that culminate in realistic products. (for example - a virtual laboratory experiment which helped in solving local village problem, a website, or documentation of the issue, etc.) 4. The submission should be accompanied by relevant supporting documents, tools, reports of activities, field visits, etc., photographs or videos. Award Each winning teacher will be awarded with an ICT Kit, a laptop and a commendation certificate. The winners would be encouraged to function as mentors (resource persons) for their area to motivate and train other teachers in use of ICT kit + project (incl. training & mentor) in teaching. All the winners will form a community of resource persons through networking. The prize winning initiatives would be shared as best practices across the country. For further detail visit on / tfkM S4 ifftPF w3ti tirff V-~ *-ZTM Awn s Torla TiftriT tIFOR 91 , I, -$4 ftz-,----Ho016,71Ttcf : 91-11-26962580 tA41'74 : 91-11-26864141 t 14 -C9 : jdciet.ncert© 74 1-4 3/4 .1 ,tiftE : cffig `NATIONAL couNcii.. OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING SRI AUROBINDO MARG, NEW DELHI-110 016, INDIA T Prof. Rajaram S. Sharma Joint Director ti-rd (9. CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF EMI it/ AL5 TECHNOLOGY TIRTft$ ffirtet NCIIIERT Phone : 91-11-26962580, Telefax : 91-11-26864141 E-mail : jdciet.ncert© Visit us at : REF. N9.4LL-6/ 4 •.6.4014-15/CIET/ICT(Part - I) 1:)11/41.111/12/ 2014 Respected Madam/Sir, I D. No_2314g.:166L The Centrally Sponsored Scheme-of - Informati op'd Communication Technology (ICT) in Schools have been revised and a near cornlionefif on national Award for teachers for use of ICT in education has been introduced. - 5 e-,- ,Ir In all 87 ICT awards are instituted by Govt. of India far different states/UTs and Autonomous Bodies/ organizations under MHRD. A break-up of state-wise allocation of awards is enclosed. The award proposes to felicitate those teachers who have enhanced student learning by effectively and innovatively integrating technology supported earning into the school curriculum and subject teaching, ands, thereby promoted enquirybased cooperative-collaborative learning using ICT among their students. Teachers of primary, upper primary, secondary, higher secondary school4 pertaining to the following organizations are eligible to be nominated under the scheme: State Government schoolsgschools run by local bodies and; Government Aided Schools (including the Government and Private schools affiliated to state boards of education) Central Government schools i.e. Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs), Central Tibetan Schools (CTSA), Schools run by Ministry of Defence (MOD) i.e. Sainik Schools etc. and schools run by Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES) Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) other than those at (i) and (ii) above. f-6H‘3 iv. Schools affiliated to Council for Indian Schools Certificate examinations (CISCE) 14'14) ( per the guidelines of the Scheme, the selection process for identifying the awardee echers involves the following: Schools will send detailed entries in the prescribed format alongwith supporting documents to the Directorate of Education of their States/UTs/Organisation through proper channel (Principal/DEO/Regional Offices etc.) A Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary/Commissioner (Education) of the concerned state/UT/Autonomous Organisations (KVS, NVS, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, AEES etc.) will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates and forward the same to the Chairperson of the Awards Committee alongwith minutes of the meeting. The state/UT/organization shall recommend only twice the number of teachers as their awards quota, in order of merit. 3. Short listed candidates would be required to make presentations before the Awards Committee. Invitation in this regard will be sent to teachers directly by CIET-NCERT with intimation to their Directorate The composition of the Committee will be as follows: v. Director, NCERT, New Delhi DDG. NIC, New Delhi Representative from Secondary Education Bureau, Dept. of SE&L, Ministry of HRD, GOI Representative from Dept of IT, New Delhi Member Joint Director,CIET, New Delhi Chairman Member Member Member Secretary The Awards Committee would recommend the requisite number of awardees to the Ministry with justification. The Ministry will process the recommendation for the awards. Each awardee teacher will be awarded with a laptop, a silver medal and a commendation certificate. All winners will form a community of resource persons through networking. Each entry from the state/UT must include individual applications (as per the Performa attached) of teacher nominated along with necessary documents and evidence. The last date for forwarding of short listed candidates by State Govt./UTs/Autonomous Organisations to CIET-NaRT, New Delhi-110016 is 30 1' dune, 2015: It may be noted that the teachers/schools of your esteemed organization are to submit their nominations to your good offices on or before 31 st March, 2015. Nominations/entries in any case should not be sent to NCERT directly by the teachers/schools. _ I shall be grateful if you could kindly look into the matter personally to disseminate the information among all stake holders, obtain nominations from schools and send the short listed nominations from your State/UT/Organization in the prescribed format to CIETNCERT latest by 30 +"June, 2015. For other details you are requested to instruct the teachers to log in to CIET website: , . A copy of citation booklet of National ICT Award for School Teachers 2010 to 2013 and DVD containing 65 + free educational softwares and course on ICT in Education for Students (version #1.02) is attached for your ready reference, use and dissemination among schools. With regards, Yours sincerely, (Rajar 1am S. Sharma) To The Secretary/Commissioner of School Education in Autonomous Bodies set up under MHRD, GOI. Covnvv) W,st. 20004c,..,u beVA. S 6/.07)1 CSAukii .4/1/, - 0,00 . Oreot v•ct , C;v13. ec..1,--acoriej Z'rel crwr, R4'ow) NI 0 . o SecAo".-- VI States/UTs and CA\c‘,4 accO, - 16 00( -3 1)1\1161 NATIONAL AWARD FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR USE OF ICT IN EDUCATION-2015 Last Date for Submission 31-3-2015 The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India invites nominations for the National ICT awards for the year 2015, from all States/ UTs and Autonomous Educational,Institutions under MHRD. In all 87 ICT awards are instituted. The scheme pi-oposes to felicitate those teachers who have contribution in enhancing student learning by effectively and innovatively integrating technology supported learning into the school curriculum and subject teaching, and thereby promote enquiry-based cooperative and collaborative learning using ICT. The scheme also recognises teacher's contribution to overall quality of education in schools and the community. Eligibility Criteria: The contest is open to teachers working in schools from all over India. Selection and Submission of Entry: School teachers are requested to send their entries to Secretary/Chairman/Commissioner (Education) of the concerned States/UTs and Autonomous organisations (KVS, NVS, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, AEES, Sainik Schools under MoD etc.), who shall select and recommend twice the number of teachers as per their awards quota, in order of merit. Teachers/Principals are requested not to send any nomination directly to CIET, NCERT, New Delhi. List date for submission of nominations by school teachers to the Secretary, (Education) of States/UTs/Autonomous bodies is March 31, 2015. Last date for submission of short listed nominations by the Secretary of States/UTs/Autonomous organisations to CIET, NCERT is June 30, 2015. For details about eligibility, rules, regulations and entry form, please visit Our website or write to: The Joint Director, Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 E-mail: [email protected] T4-R-Trz4-9- r4m--ru - 41-Fff flO7k,Tit -R-Ft 'q Wi fi 3 Trra-q- 34-RTIZT 1 1-)1 I el LI ci I lM tf4T T4R-P-TT91 711t4 31113itt r(-01*4 cl 2015 3T1117 ‘e-11 4-1 itaTO c-17) cfl ci l cto I 87 -t I L16 7:1)----91. ctrW I t I m-dad f ct) ,) f TTr-4-q-rrt 4ff1-4 14i1d4) 410 q coi-i u i*Rr—itaTur -crierr -4)'t ci\) Dv,th misilR 4 col -ucrzOr fc4-arfOztp &rtRit--181 31-m-rftff fl6.1l4ftkul itaTT 4 61 ftzrr 4 R11 * I q6 Tilp-Rf 14 fir ur c61 'zit ti14141-t ttht I -41 4z1 c11 111-1q-Z q o mf q1Rcii#Lkul. 9-F-o-*14iidLiI .4-3Tarrfa-t 1 -cHl -I 4 llnikr v1 +-11 ctP4-I I fsitc-,v4 ftm--0 -R4 t f 3TErt 4.t.fl.7, zil" col 711. -gkzil -R.MT fico/-Tiit--4/3PVTI. col .1)A, kill 31#TT-ff Trf) is coii 374 T<‘-cok colt! q1 4,01 ftaTwl- TT .-z17 R1(4)1R1 c0') fWaT-4/w-r-9-rurrcrO 31--1RIg , * f itt 1 1 41 i ct”1 (17) #0. Abu ,fill .9--g)-4- qrR-r flic,i41 fit 11 4-iicori v191 ct, T chr) 3i 1—Z ‘5 111 c•-q q-9311-4311-e8). 7ifitff w-d1 71-rft-d- *cliqd ii fai4 31 4-114, 2015 I 'MT VkV11 - /'(-ciNccl sk-ioirt co.) 4 3irdli fM 30 V, 2015 t -cr---zr 4)14 Ti'olt * .311-144 TiTt sTiftq- (f lat) 4 § -11 1110.1 ct7) 131t, f)ict) Rim, R-4-ilWariTet *tzt taiw 110016 41- 3T` • Trrif, 4-TYR : [email protected] • National Awards for Teachers-2015 for "Using ICT for Innovations in Education" 1. Guidelines for States/UTs/Autonomous Bodies under MHRD Eliaibility School teachers of primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary schools working in any recognized school in the Indian Union under the following categories: Schools run by State Govt./ UTs Administration, schools run by local bodies, private schools affiliated to state boards and aided by State Govt. and UT Administration. Central Govt. Schools i.e. Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs), Central Schools for Tibetans (CTSA), Sainik Schools and Schools run by Ministry of Defence (MOD), Schools run by Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES). Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) (other than those at (i) and (ii) above) Schools affiliated to Council for Indian Schools Certificate Examination (CISCE) (Other than those at (i), (ii) and (iii) above) Note: State Governments/ UTs administration may not nominate teachers from any of the other categories. Allocation of Awards (ix) Three awards for each large State (Defined as States having teacher strength of 1 lakh or more) Two awards for each small State (Defined as States whose teachers strength is less thanl lakh) One award for each UT Two awards each for KVS &NVS Three awards for CBSE One awards for CISCE One award for CTSA One award for Sainik School and Schools under MOD One award for schools under AEES Total 13x3= 39 15x2=30 7x1= 7 2x2= 4 3 1 1 1 1 87 Award Each winning teacher will be awarded with an ICT Kit, a laptop and a commendation certificate. The winners would be encouraged to function as mentors (resource persons) for their area to motivate and train other teachers in use of ICT (including training of mentors) in teaching. All the winners will form a community of resource persons through networking. The prize winning initiatives would be shared as best practices across the country. Selection Procedure For States & UT schools Schools will send detailed entries in the prescribed format along with supporting documents to the Directorate of Education of the State/UT through the District Education Officer. The Directorate of ,Education, with the help of a State-level Committee headed by Secretary (Secondary Education) will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates, which will be twice the number of awards to be presented, and forward the same to Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT, New Delhi. For others i.e. Autonomous orgapizations/ institutions under MHRD Schools will forward detailed entries in prescribed format along with supporting documents to the headquarters of the concerned organization i.e. Kvs, NVs, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, MOD, AEES. A Committee under the Head of the organization of autonomous body will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates, which will be twice the number of awards to be presented, and send the Isms to CICT, NCgitT Now ror rurtrior action. (iii) At CIET the short listed candidates would be required to make presentations before a Committee. The composition of the Committee will be as follows: I. Director, NCERT II DDG, NIC Representative from Secondary Education Bureau, Deptt. of SE&L, Ministry of HRD Representative from Dept of IT V. Joint Director, CIE1 - Chairman - Member - Member - Member - Member Secretary (iv) The Committee would recommend the requisite number of awardees to the Ministry with justification. At the Ministry level the proposal would be scrutinized for approval of the Minister. (v) S.No Important dates related to ICT Award Item' Advertisement for nomination including announcement Date 31st on website of Ministry and NCERT website. December Last date for submission of detailed entries by schools to State Directorate of Education/Organization/ Autonomous bodies under 31st March MHRD Scrutiny and forwarding of short listed candidates by 30th June State Govt./UT/Organizations with Minutes to CIET, NCERT, New Delhi Scrutiny of short listed candidates by CIET and forwarding Final list for consideration to Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. 5. Award Function 30th September 11th November 2 2. Guidelines for submission of nomination/ entry for the ICT Award-2015 A teacher Portfolio should be submitted along with the Entry Form. The portfolio should include a record of ICT implementations for teachinglearning, research, development of digital resources, exploration of ICT tools and support to the community using ICTs. [Note: The portfolio is a record of work done by the teacher over the years and not a report of a project activity]. The teacher should have involved students in problem solving and investigations that culminate in realistic products. (for example -- a virtual laboratory experiment which helped in solving local village problem, a website, or documentation of the issue, etc.) 3 National awards for School Teachers-2015 for. "Using ICT for Innovations In Education" Entry Form Name of the School: Name of the Principal: Postal Address of the School: Phone Number (with STD Code): ' Fax: Email address: Mobile No: Please give details of Computer Lab Facilities and Hardware available in each • lab in your school. Hardware: Software Applications: e-content packages: Accessories (printer, scanner, camera, etc.): Attach necessary proof. How many classrooms in your school are equipped with Computers? Please give details of the number, configuration of the computers in classrooms Does the school have Internet facility Dial Up • Broad Band, If Yes, give , details of the type of Leased Line, access: Describe the overall ICT programme in your school (in not more than 200 words) (Give details of curriculum, timetable, content and activities) Are there any specific activities designed around the ICT facilities? (Give details) ISDN, VSAT link ..,, Categories of Awards applied for (Pl. put tick Mark on appropriate Category) (ix) _ Schools from States (Government and Government aided Schools) Schools from UTs (Government and Government aided Schools) Schools run by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (KVS) Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Schools affiliated to CBSE Schools affiliated to CISCE Schools under Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA) Schools under Ministry of Defence (MOD) i.e. Sainik Schools etc. Schools under Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES) . Name of the State/UT/Autonomous body under MHRD, Govt. of India Category 'of the school (pl put a tick Primary Upper Primary mark) Secondary Higher Secondary 4 Information about the Teacher and the Innovation Section I: General Information and Profile of the Teacher: All Information in this section is essential to consider the application Registration No: (for Office use only) Name of the Teacher Postal Address of the School Phone Number Fax Email Address of the teacher Mobile No. Residential Address and Phone no. Date of Birth Gender Educational Qualifications and Professional Teaching Experience (in years): Subjects Taught and Class Have you participated in any contest for integration of ICT in innovative teaching (in or outside classroom)? If yes, pl give details. . Have you won any award in the abovementioned contest? If yes, please give details of the same. What has been the overall impact of using ICT in the Teaching - Learning Process? , What has been your contribution to the school with respect to ICT integration? What are your future plans about ICT integration and enhancing quality of education? 5 Section II: About the Teacher's efforts towards Integration of ICTs in Education Provide supporting documents wherever necessary. Describe (in about 500 words) your strategy for use of ICT in teachinglearning. The write up should highlight the educational issues, integration of ICT applications, resources and students involvement. How has ICT helped you in your own professional growth? Describe how you use ICT on a day-to-day basis and how it has helped you Improve as a teacher. Analyze your usage of any one (or a set of) ICT tools, software or resources, showing cleaning how it helps address educational issues. Please give details of ICT activities/work implemented by you in the last two academic years 2013-14 and 2014-15, where you have successfully integrated ICT. Sr. No. Class Topic/ Title/ Activity/Work How have you helped students to use ICT for self-learning, investigation and experiments. How have you been using ICTs to support the development of higher order thinking skills? • How have you engaged your students in cooperative/ collaborative learning using ICT? What are the various assessment strategies adopted by you in the regular class room teaching which indicate the impact of ICT use? Attach samples. 6 Section III: Details of ICT work done during past two academic years. Provide supporting documents Certificates, Photographs, Poster's, banner, URL of websites blogs, groups, video clips wherever necessary. Details of work done on ICT during last two academic year Aims /Goals of the work Rationale/need/justification for choosing the project [The work should aim at solving an educational problem. It should showcase the ICT skills and understanding you haVe acquired over the years. Presentations/slide shows (for instance power point presentations) will not quality as work]. Target group relevant): and subject (if List the Learning Outcomes of the work. • - Brief Summary of the work: Elaborate the steps in implementing work your the in school/institution/community. List the Real Life Problems addressed through the implementation of this work. Provide supporting documents related to your claim. How did the work promote learning? interdisciplinary (integration of subject areas) How did you and/or the students . use ICT while executing on the work? Provide supporting documents. Did the . work help in creating awareness in the schobl/nearby surroundings? If Yes, how? Provide 7 supporting documents. What were the challenges you faced in implementing the ICT aided work? How did you overcome them? Which assessment methods did you use to determine the achievement of the work (Such as Rubric, portfolio, Oral Assessment, Seminar. Presentations etc). Attach samples. Please attach the following supporting documents (soft copy and hard copy) Brief Profile of Self: (Max. 200 words in A-4 size sheet) 0 Implementation Strategies/Plans of ICT integration project. Details of ICT Project Implemented (Hard and Soft Copy) D Supporting Documents that helped in the implementation of the ICT Project. (e.g. Photographs, Field visit report, Posters, Banners, URL of website, group, blogs etc) . > Student Assignments related to ICT work (at least two samples) D Assessment Tools Signature of the teacher: Name: Date: Place: (To be Counter signed by the Principal of the School with Seal) 8 tfkM S4 ifftPF w3ti tirff V-~ *-ZTM Awn s Torla TiftriT tIFOR 91 , I, -$4 ftz-,----Ho016,71Ttcf : 91-11-26962580 tA41'74 : 91-11-26864141 t 14 -C9 : jdciet.ncert© 74 1-4 3/4 .1 ,tiftE : cffig `NATIONAL couNcii.. OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING SRI AUROBINDO MARG, NEW DELHI-110 016, INDIA T Prof. Rajaram S. Sharma Joint Director ti-rd (9. CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF EMI it/ AL5 TECHNOLOGY TIRTft$ ffirtet NCIIIERT Phone : 91-11-26962580, Telefax : 91-11-26864141 E-mail : jdciet.ncert© Visit us at : REF. N9.4LL-6/ 4 •.6.4014-15/CIET/ICT(Part - I) 1:)11/41.111/12/ 2014 Respected Madam/Sir, I D. No_2314g.:166L The Centrally Sponsored Scheme-of - Informati op'd Communication Technology (ICT) in Schools have been revised and a near cornlionefif on national Award for teachers for use of ICT in education has been introduced. - 5 e-,- ,Ir In all 87 ICT awards are instituted by Govt. of India far different states/UTs and Autonomous Bodies/ organizations under MHRD. A break-up of state-wise allocation of awards is enclosed. The award proposes to felicitate those teachers who have enhanced student learning by effectively and innovatively integrating technology supported earning into the school curriculum and subject teaching, ands, thereby promoted enquirybased cooperative-collaborative learning using ICT among their students. Teachers of primary, upper primary, secondary, higher secondary school4 pertaining to the following organizations are eligible to be nominated under the scheme: State Government schoolsgschools run by local bodies and; Government Aided Schools (including the Government and Private schools affiliated to state boards of education) Central Government schools i.e. Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs), Central Tibetan Schools (CTSA), Schools run by Ministry of Defence (MOD) i.e. Sainik Schools etc. and schools run by Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES) Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) other than those at (i) and (ii) above. f-6H‘3 iv. Schools affiliated to Council for Indian Schools Certificate examinations (CISCE) 14'14) ( per the guidelines of the Scheme, the selection process for identifying the awardee echers involves the following: Schools will send detailed entries in the prescribed format alongwith supporting documents to the Directorate of Education of their States/UTs/Organisation through proper channel (Principal/DEO/Regional Offices etc.) A Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary/Commissioner (Education) of the concerned state/UT/Autonomous Organisations (KVS, NVS, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, AEES etc.) will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates and forward the same to the Chairperson of the Awards Committee alongwith minutes of the meeting. The state/UT/organization shall recommend only twice the number of teachers as their awards quota, in order of merit. 3. Short listed candidates would be required to make presentations before the Awards Committee. Invitation in this regard will be sent to teachers directly by CIET-NCERT with intimation to their Directorate The composition of the Committee will be as follows: v. Director, NCERT, New Delhi DDG. NIC, New Delhi Representative from Secondary Education Bureau, Dept. of SE&L, Ministry of HRD, GOI Representative from Dept of IT, New Delhi Member Joint Director,CIET, New Delhi Chairman Member Member Member Secretary The Awards Committee would recommend the requisite number of awardees to the Ministry with justification. The Ministry will process the recommendation for the awards. Each awardee teacher will be awarded with a laptop, a silver medal and a commendation certificate. All winners will form a community of resource persons through networking. Each entry from the state/UT must include individual applications (as per the Performa attached) of teacher nominated along with necessary documents and evidence. The last date for forwarding of short listed candidates by State Govt./UTs/Autonomous Organisations to CIET-NaRT, New Delhi-110016 is 30 1' dune, 2015: It may be noted that the teachers/schools of your esteemed organization are to submit their nominations to your good offices on or before 31 st March, 2015. Nominations/entries in any case should not be sent to NCERT directly by the teachers/schools. _ I shall be grateful if you could kindly look into the matter personally to disseminate the information among all stake holders, obtain nominations from schools and send the short listed nominations from your State/UT/Organization in the prescribed format to CIETNCERT latest by 30 +"June, 2015. For other details you are requested to instruct the teachers to log in to CIET website: , . A copy of citation booklet of National ICT Award for School Teachers 2010 to 2013 and DVD containing 65 + free educational softwares and course on ICT in Education for Students (version #1.02) is attached for your ready reference, use and dissemination among schools. With regards, Yours sincerely, (Rajar 1am S. Sharma) To The Secretary/Commissioner of School Education in Autonomous Bodies set up under MHRD, GOI. Covnvv) W,st. 20004c,..,u beVA. S 6/.07)1 CSAukii .4/1/, - 0,00 . Oreot v•ct , C;v13. ec..1,--acoriej Z'rel crwr, R4'ow) NI 0 . o SecAo".-- VI States/UTs and CA\c‘,4 accO, - 16 00( -3 1)1\1161 NATIONAL AWARD FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR USE OF ICT IN EDUCATION-2015 Last Date for Submission 31-3-2015 The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India invites nominations for the National ICT awards for the year 2015, from all States/ UTs and Autonomous Educational,Institutions under MHRD. In all 87 ICT awards are instituted. The scheme pi-oposes to felicitate those teachers who have contribution in enhancing student learning by effectively and innovatively integrating technology supported learning into the school curriculum and subject teaching, and thereby promote enquiry-based cooperative and collaborative learning using ICT. The scheme also recognises teacher's contribution to overall quality of education in schools and the community. Eligibility Criteria: The contest is open to teachers working in schools from all over India. Selection and Submission of Entry: School teachers are requested to send their entries to Secretary/Chairman/Commissioner (Education) of the concerned States/UTs and Autonomous organisations (KVS, NVS, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, AEES, Sainik Schools under MoD etc.), who shall select and recommend twice the number of teachers as per their awards quota, in order of merit. Teachers/Principals are requested not to send any nomination directly to CIET, NCERT, New Delhi. List date for submission of nominations by school teachers to the Secretary, (Education) of States/UTs/Autonomous bodies is March 31, 2015. Last date for submission of short listed nominations by the Secretary of States/UTs/Autonomous organisations to CIET, NCERT is June 30, 2015. For details about eligibility, rules, regulations and entry form, please visit Our website or write to: The Joint Director, Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 E-mail: [email protected] T4-R-Trz4-9- r4m--ru - 41-Fff flO7k,Tit -R-Ft 'q Wi fi 3 Trra-q- 34-RTIZT 1 1-)1 I el LI ci I lM tf4T T4R-P-TT91 711t4 31113itt r(-01*4 cl 2015 3T1117 ‘e-11 4-1 itaTO c-17) cfl ci l cto I 87 -t I L16 7:1)----91. ctrW I t I m-dad f ct) ,) f TTr-4-q-rrt 4ff1-4 14i1d4) 410 q coi-i u i*Rr—itaTur -crierr -4)'t ci\) Dv,th misilR 4 col -ucrzOr fc4-arfOztp &rtRit--181 31-m-rftff fl6.1l4ftkul itaTT 4 61 ftzrr 4 R11 * I q6 Tilp-Rf 14 fir ur c61 'zit ti14141-t ttht I -41 4z1 c11 111-1q-Z q o mf q1Rcii#Lkul. 9-F-o-*14iidLiI .4-3Tarrfa-t 1 -cHl -I 4 llnikr v1 +-11 ctP4-I I fsitc-,v4 ftm--0 -R4 t f 3TErt 4.t.fl.7, zil" col 711. -gkzil -R.MT fico/-Tiit--4/3PVTI. col .1)A, kill 31#TT-ff Trf) is coii 374 T<‘-cok colt! q1 4,01 ftaTwl- TT .-z17 R1(4)1R1 c0') fWaT-4/w-r-9-rurrcrO 31--1RIg , * f itt 1 1 41 i ct”1 (17) #0. Abu ,fill .9--g)-4- qrR-r flic,i41 fit 11 4-iicori v191 ct, T chr) 3i 1—Z ‘5 111 c•-q q-9311-4311-e8). 7ifitff w-d1 71-rft-d- *cliqd ii fai4 31 4-114, 2015 I 'MT VkV11 - /'(-ciNccl sk-ioirt co.) 4 3irdli fM 30 V, 2015 t -cr---zr 4)14 Ti'olt * .311-144 TiTt sTiftq- (f lat) 4 § -11 1110.1 ct7) 131t, f)ict) Rim, R-4-ilWariTet *tzt taiw 110016 41- 3T` • Trrif, 4-TYR : [email protected] • National Awards for Teachers-2015 for "Using ICT for Innovations in Education" 1. Guidelines for States/UTs/Autonomous Bodies under MHRD Eliaibility School teachers of primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary schools working in any recognized school in the Indian Union under the following categories: Schools run by State Govt./ UTs Administration, schools run by local bodies, private schools affiliated to state boards and aided by State Govt. and UT Administration. Central Govt. Schools i.e. Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs), Central Schools for Tibetans (CTSA), Sainik Schools and Schools run by Ministry of Defence (MOD), Schools run by Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES). Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) (other than those at (i) and (ii) above) Schools affiliated to Council for Indian Schools Certificate Examination (CISCE) (Other than those at (i), (ii) and (iii) above) Note: State Governments/ UTs administration may not nominate teachers from any of the other categories. Allocation of Awards (ix) Three awards for each large State (Defined as States having teacher strength of 1 lakh or more) Two awards for each small State (Defined as States whose teachers strength is less thanl lakh) One award for each UT Two awards each for KVS &NVS Three awards for CBSE One awards for CISCE One award for CTSA One award for Sainik School and Schools under MOD One award for schools under AEES Total 13x3= 39 15x2=30 7x1= 7 2x2= 4 3 1 1 1 1 87 Award Each winning teacher will be awarded with an ICT Kit, a laptop and a commendation certificate. The winners would be encouraged to function as mentors (resource persons) for their area to motivate and train other teachers in use of ICT (including training of mentors) in teaching. All the winners will form a community of resource persons through networking. The prize winning initiatives would be shared as best practices across the country. Selection Procedure For States & UT schools Schools will send detailed entries in the prescribed format along with supporting documents to the Directorate of Education of the State/UT through the District Education Officer. The Directorate of ,Education, with the help of a State-level Committee headed by Secretary (Secondary Education) will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates, which will be twice the number of awards to be presented, and forward the same to Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT, New Delhi. For others i.e. Autonomous orgapizations/ institutions under MHRD Schools will forward detailed entries in prescribed format along with supporting documents to the headquarters of the concerned organization i.e. Kvs, NVs, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, MOD, AEES. A Committee under the Head of the organization of autonomous body will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates, which will be twice the number of awards to be presented, and send the Isms to CICT, NCgitT Now ror rurtrior action. (iii) At CIET the short listed candidates would be required to make presentations before a Committee. The composition of the Committee will be as follows: I. Director, NCERT II DDG, NIC Representative from Secondary Education Bureau, Deptt. of SE&L, Ministry of HRD Representative from Dept of IT V. Joint Director, CIE1 - Chairman - Member - Member - Member - Member Secretary (iv) The Committee would recommend the requisite number of awardees to the Ministry with justification. At the Ministry level the proposal would be scrutinized for approval of the Minister. (v) S.No Important dates related to ICT Award Item' Advertisement for nomination including announcement Date 31st on website of Ministry and NCERT website. December Last date for submission of detailed entries by schools to State Directorate of Education/Organization/ Autonomous bodies under 31st March MHRD Scrutiny and forwarding of short listed candidates by 30th June State Govt./UT/Organizations with Minutes to CIET, NCERT, New Delhi Scrutiny of short listed candidates by CIET and forwarding Final list for consideration to Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. 5. Award Function 30th September 11th November 2 2. Guidelines for submission of nomination/ entry for the ICT Award-2015 A teacher Portfolio should be submitted along with the Entry Form. The portfolio should include a record of ICT implementations for teachinglearning, research, development of digital resources, exploration of ICT tools and support to the community using ICTs. [Note: The portfolio is a record of work done by the teacher over the years and not a report of a project activity]. The teacher should have involved students in problem solving and investigations that culminate in realistic products. (for example -- a virtual laboratory experiment which helped in solving local village problem, a website, or documentation of the issue, etc.) 3 National awards for School Teachers-2015 for. "Using ICT for Innovations In Education" Entry Form Name of the School: Name of the Principal: Postal Address of the School: Phone Number (with STD Code): ' Fax: Email address: Mobile No: Please give details of Computer Lab Facilities and Hardware available in each • lab in your school. Hardware: Software Applications: e-content packages: Accessories (printer, scanner, camera, etc.): Attach necessary proof. How many classrooms in your school are equipped with Computers? Please give details of the number, configuration of the computers in classrooms Does the school have Internet facility Dial Up • Broad Band, If Yes, give , details of the type of Leased Line, access: Describe the overall ICT programme in your school (in not more than 200 words) (Give details of curriculum, timetable, content and activities) Are there any specific activities designed around the ICT facilities? (Give details) ISDN, VSAT link ..,, Categories of Awards applied for (Pl. put tick Mark on appropriate Category) (ix) _ Schools from States (Government and Government aided Schools) Schools from UTs (Government and Government aided Schools) Schools run by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (KVS) Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Schools affiliated to CBSE Schools affiliated to CISCE Schools under Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA) Schools under Ministry of Defence (MOD) i.e. Sainik Schools etc. Schools under Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES) . Name of the State/UT/Autonomous body under MHRD, Govt. of India Category 'of the school (pl put a tick Primary Upper Primary mark) Secondary Higher Secondary 4 Information about the Teacher and the Innovation Section I: General Information and Profile of the Teacher: All Information in this section is essential to consider the application Registration No: (for Office use only) Name of the Teacher Postal Address of the School Phone Number Fax Email Address of the teacher Mobile No. Residential Address and Phone no. Date of Birth Gender Educational Qualifications and Professional Teaching Experience (in years): Subjects Taught and Class Have you participated in any contest for integration of ICT in innovative teaching (in or outside classroom)? If yes, pl give details. . Have you won any award in the abovementioned contest? If yes, please give details of the same. What has been the overall impact of using ICT in the Teaching - Learning Process? , What has been your contribution to the school with respect to ICT integration? What are your future plans about ICT integration and enhancing quality of education? 5 Section II: About the Teacher's efforts towards Integration of ICTs in Education Provide supporting documents wherever necessary. Describe (in about 500 words) your strategy for use of ICT in teachinglearning. The write up should highlight the educational issues, integration of ICT applications, resources and students involvement. How has ICT helped you in your own professional growth? Describe how you use ICT on a day-to-day basis and how it has helped you Improve as a teacher. Analyze your usage of any one (or a set of) ICT tools, software or resources, showing cleaning how it helps address educational issues. Please give details of ICT activities/work implemented by you in the last two academic years 2013-14 and 2014-15, where you have successfully integrated ICT. Sr. No. Class Topic/ Title/ Activity/Work How have you helped students to use ICT for self-learning, investigation and experiments. How have you been using ICTs to support the development of higher order thinking skills? • How have you engaged your students in cooperative/ collaborative learning using ICT? What are the various assessment strategies adopted by you in the regular class room teaching which indicate the impact of ICT use? Attach samples. 6 Section III: Details of ICT work done during past two academic years. Provide supporting documents Certificates, Photographs, Poster's, banner, URL of websites blogs, groups, video clips wherever necessary. Details of work done on ICT during last two academic year Aims /Goals of the work Rationale/need/justification for choosing the project [The work should aim at solving an educational problem. It should showcase the ICT skills and understanding you haVe acquired over the years. Presentations/slide shows (for instance power point presentations) will not quality as work]. Target group relevant): and subject (if List the Learning Outcomes of the work. • - Brief Summary of the work: Elaborate the steps in implementing work your the in school/institution/community. List the Real Life Problems addressed through the implementation of this work. Provide supporting documents related to your claim. How did the work promote learning? interdisciplinary (integration of subject areas) How did you and/or the students . use ICT while executing on the work? Provide supporting documents. Did the . work help in creating awareness in the schobl/nearby surroundings? If Yes, how? Provide 7 supporting documents. What were the challenges you faced in implementing the ICT aided work? How did you overcome them? Which assessment methods did you use to determine the achievement of the work (Such as Rubric, portfolio, Oral Assessment, Seminar. Presentations etc). Attach samples. Please attach the following supporting documents (soft copy and hard copy) Brief Profile of Self: (Max. 200 words in A-4 size sheet) 0 Implementation Strategies/Plans of ICT integration project. Details of ICT Project Implemented (Hard and Soft Copy) D Supporting Documents that helped in the implementation of the ICT Project. (e.g. Photographs, Field visit report, Posters, Banners, URL of website, group, blogs etc) . > Student Assignments related to ICT work (at least two samples) D Assessment Tools Signature of the teacher: Name: Date: Place: (To be Counter signed by the Principal of the School with Seal) 8
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