May 2015 Newsletter - Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District

May 2015
Act Justly
Love Tenderly
Walk Humbly
Learn Joyfully
With our God
We are on the web!
In Praise of Learning
For reading;
those peculiar marks on a page are so
able to inform us,
to entertain us,
and move us to laughter and tears,
we thank you, Father.
the more we understand it.
We thank you, Father.
For social studies;
which teaches us to know ourselves
and to know each other,
we thank you, Father.
For handwriting, grammar and spelling;
which as tools enable us to
capture our thoughts
and communicate them clearly to
we thank you, Father.
For art;
with its absorbing, unexcelled joy of
making, seeing and appreciating the
we thank you, Father.
For mathematics;
with its dependable patterns
and principals
which reassure us that the world
is not so inconsistent as we might fear,
we thank you, Father.
For physical education;
which teaches us to understand our
and gain satisfaction inherent in
strength and skill,
we thank you, Father.
For science;
which challenges us to explore our
universe and reveals the world to be all
the more wonderful
for all truth and for hearts and minds to
know the truth,
we thank you, Father.
Warm Weather Dress
With the return of the warmer weather
we would like to take the opportunity to
remind students of the dress code.
St. John XXIII
Family Fun Fair
June 6th
10:00 —2:00
From the St. John XXIII Code of Conduct:
Students are expected to be neat and
clean in appearance and to be dressed
appropriately. Backs and midriffs should
be covered and shorts and skirts should
be an appropriate length (half way between top of leg and knee).
Shoulders should also be completely
A good rule of thumb to follow… would
you be comfortable wearing this to the
beach? If the answer is yes, then it is
probably not something that should be
worn to school.
Also, please remember that appropriate
running shoes must be worn on the
climber and playing sports at recesses.
Enrollment for next year
As the end of another school year rapidly approaches we are already starting to prepare for next year.
We are looking to confirm numbers where we can. If you have a child at home who has not been registered to start school next year, or know a neighbor or friend who has a young one who is the first in
their family to start school, please visit the school and complete the registration.
Also, if you know that you are moving from the St. John XXIII School community please contact the
school office.
All this information will help us to prepare for a smooth startup in September for all students.
Congratulations to Grade 2 on Your First Eucharist.
Congratulations to the following Grade 2 students who had made their First Eucharist on Sunday April
26th at the 12:00 mass at St. Paul the Apostle Church. Thank you all those who had a role in their preparation, especially Mrs. Whalen and Mr. Whalen. Thank you also to all of the staff members who were
in attendance.
Emily Bakker
Cooper Bayers
Eric Blundell
Olivia Brown
Samantha Colling
Andrew Correia-Snider
Aidan Dyck
Brianna Ferguson
Natalia Finnie
Lucas Gallivan
Dakota Hughes
Derilana Labrie
Mylie Masucol
Justin Micek
Stephen Murphy
Reid Myers
Abigayle O’Neil
Avery Pacheco
Hailey Pereira
Hugo Silva
Anthony Vicente
Ava Webster
Andrew Young
Our next School Mass
will be
Thursday, May 20th
At St. Paul the Apostle
11:00 a.m.
All Parents are Welcome
Grade 2 First Communion Reflections
My First Communion
Before my First Communion, I felt excited because this only happens once in your life. During
the Mass, I felt prayerful because I was thinking about God. After receiving the host, I felt
happy because God was in me!
Abigail O'Neil
Before my First Communion, I felt good because it was my first time. During the Mass, I felt
shy because I had to sing infront of the whole Church. After receiving the Eucharist, I felt
happy because it was the first time having the host.
Andrew Young
Before my First Communion, I felt nervous that I might cough during the song because I was
sick. During the Mass, I felt better because I remembered what to do. After receiving the Eucharist, I felt good because Jesus was in my heart more. Justin Micek
Before my First Communion, I felt nervous because there were a lot of people. During the
Mass, I felt good because it was a special day. After receiving the Eucharist, I felt happy because we got to eat cake with my mom and dad's family.
Brianna Ferguson
Before my First Communion, I felt excited because it was my First Communion. During the
Mass, I felt happy because I didn't know what was happening. After receiving the Eucharist, I
felt fresh because when I took the bread, it refreshed me.
Lucas Gallivan
Before my First Communion, I felt nervous because it was my first time receiving the
host. During the Mass, I felt surprised because all of my friends were there and I didn't think
all of them would be there. After receiving the Eucharist, I felt happy because now I know
that Jesus is with me even more.
Hailey Pereira
Before my First Communion, I felt happy because my family was there. During the Mass, I
felt happy because my friends were there with me. After receiving the Eucharist, I felt brand
new because my heart would be open more to God.
Stephen Murphy
Catholic Education Week
During the week of May 4– May 8, 2015, the Catholic Education community celebrates Catholic Education Week, highlighting the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community and our society.
The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board’s Catholic Education Week Mass, which will
be held on Tuesday May 5, 2015 at St Joseph’s Church, Belleville at 10:30 am. Students will travel by bus
to the Board-wide Mass.
It is always an honour for students to be chosen by their teacher to represent their class and their school at events outside of
the school. We are looking forward to a wonderfully enriching morning of prayer and song.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of Catholic Education at St. John XXIII Catholic School.
Friday, June 19th
There will be an evening ceremony at St. Paul the Apostle Church with awards and dance in the
school gymnasium to follow. Refreshments are traditionally provided by the parents of the children in Grade 7. Many volunteers will be needed to decorate the gymnasium on Sunday, June
22nd at 12:30 pm. A class photo will be taken at the event and presented to the graduates.
Monday, June 15th
A small ceremony will occur in the afternoon in the school gymnasium. Refreshments for the children and their families are traditionally provided by
the parents of the children in Junior Kindergarten. Cake and beverages will
be provided by the Catholic School Council.
Contact: Kelly Moore 613.548.0104
Kindergarten Open House
Wednesday, June 17th
4—5:30 p.m.
Mother’s Day Cake Raffle on Friday, May 8th!
Starting Monday, May 4, you can buy:
One raffle ticket for $0.25
Five tickets for $1.00
Win a cake for your mother!
St. John XXIII’s Student Council is excited to be hosting a Mother’s Day Cake Raffle on Friday, May 8 th. Our goal is
to have 50 cakes/cupcakes and to raise $400.00. This will support our Lenten Project with Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan and will allow one Afghan woman to be trained to be an elementary school teacher.
Do you like to bake cakes? Interested in donating a cake to our very first Mother’s
Day Cake Raffle? Please let Miss Courneyea or Mrs. Barnes know. Remember it needs
to be nut-free. Thank you!
School Track & Field
At Invista Centre
Gr. 3—8
May 6th, 2015 with a rain date of May 11
Board Track & Field
Invista Centre
June 10—Tyke & Peewee
June 11— Bantam
Rain date June 12
Soccer Dates @ John Machin Field
June 3 - Sr. Girls
June 5 - Sr. Boys
June 17 - Jr. Girls
June 15 - Jr. Boys
Adult Volunteers Needed for Wednesday, May 20th!
Student Council and the eco-team are putting in a vegetable
garden in our courtyard. We are looking for adults with wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes to help bring in new soil into the
courtyard. If you can help on May 20th, please write into your
child’s agenda or let Mrs. Barnes know. The students of St. John
XXIII Catholic School appreciate your help!