Cedar Creek Middle School Course Selection Guide 2015-2016 125 Voss Parkway Cedar Creek, Texas 78612 PH: 512-332-2626/FAX 512-332-2631 PLANNING FOR THE NEXT STEP TOWARD GRADUATION CEDAR CREEK MID MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE SELECTION GUIDE 2013-2014 Cedar Creek Middle School offers both seventh and eighth graders a comprehensive course selection guide which enables students to receive the required and enrichment curriculum as outlined by the State of Texas in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Cedar Creek Middle School's daily schedule consists of 7 classes. The four core courses -Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and various electives, including required electives, are also offered. Enrichment courses, commonly called electives, are offered to students in both grades.Some enrichment courses require prior instructor approval. Courses that require prior instructor approval include Band courses, and Choir courses. CCMS also offers academic support to students who need additional help in preparation for the state mandated tests referred to as the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests.Enrollment in these additional academic support classes is based on prior student performance on previous STARR scores and BISD Academic Target assessments.Our goal is to have every student perform successfully on our required STAAR tests. To help ensure academic success for all students, the administrative team will enroll students in the academic support classes to help students prepare for the state mandated testing requirement. Certain schedule changes will be honored, if possible, during the first ten days of instruction of each semester. There will be no schedule changes after the first ten days of the semester.Students requesting changes will be required to turn in a schedule change request form or letter with parent's signature, to the counseling center. Changes will be granted if there is available space in the requested course. Changes due to scheduling errors only may be requested. The Advanced Placement Program - What are Pre AP Courses? The Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) Program allows motivated students the opportunity to prepare for college-level studies while they are still in middle school. When students successfully participate in AP courses in high school and pass AP exams, they may receive college credit from thousands of colleges and universities that participate in the Advanced Placement Program. Pre-AP courses make substantial academic demands on students. Most courses are a full year in length. Students are required to do considerable outside reading and complete one or two semesters in their entirety. Students will no longer have a six weeks window to consider dropping the course. Pre-AP courses can be dropped at semester only or within the first ten days of each semester. Assignments that will demonstrate the analytical skills and writing abilities are expected of first-year students in a college preparation program. Students who successfully complete Pre-AP courses in middle school receive the following important benefits: • • • • • • • Pre-requisite skills necessary for potential success in AP courses during high school College credit for courses and examinations successfully taken in high school Exemption from some introductory college courses, thus permitting students to move more quickly into advanced classes Motivation to attempt more challenging courses in high school and college The opportunity to develop in a high school environment, the study skills and habits they will need in college The confidence they can meet college requirements Reduction of college costs and time to obtain a degree Pre-AP Courses are offered to seventh and eighth graders. Like the AP courses, Pre-AP courses are academically enriched at each grade level and require each semester/year completely in its entirety. Recommended pre-requisites for the Pre-AP 7th and 8th grade courses are: • • • • • Enrolled in an pre-ap course in 6th grade Maintain an 80 average in the previous year for the same course Parental approval Demonstrated success on STAAR Exam Teacher recommendation Academic Support Academically challenged students receive additional support through the special education department and may be enrolled in courses to address their specific learning needs as determined by the Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meetings. Promotion Policy As outlined in the BISD Board Policy EIE, promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on a scale of 100 based on course-level, grade-level standards (essential knowledge and skills) for all subject areas and a grade of 70 or above in Language Arts, Mathematics, and either Science or Social Studies. Additionally, 8th grade students must pass the Reading and Mathematics STARR tests for promotion. Grading for Core Classes - Math, History, Science, Language Arts • • • • • • Grades are issued every six weeks. We use Skyward Educator Access, a computer software package to manage grades. Grades are recorded numerically. CCMS will set grading guidelines for the courses through faculty and departmental procedure. Grades in some courses will be weighted as 60% tests and 40% a combination of the followinghomework, daily grades, participation grades, performance grades, laboratory grades, etc. Any deviation from this grading guideline will be noted in the courses' syllabus, which will be handed out at the beginning of the course. We average grades for semester 1and semester 2. If the resulting average is passing, then the student passes the course. At the midpoint in each six-week period, you will receive a progress report. If your child has borderline grades or is failing, please do not hesitate to contact the teacher. Through Skyward Family Access you are able to view your child’s grades for assignments and tests in each class. Grades are available online and can be viewed anytime, If you have not signed up for Family Access, ask the registrar for a registration form. Language Arts Language Arts 7 Grades Offered: 7 Length: One Year Course This course provides instruction on traditional grammar and mechanics (spelling, capitalization, and punctuation) and their functioning within the writing process. Composition techniques are practiced as well as research paper content and form. All basic reading skills are taught using a variety of sources, such as literature, textbooks, novels, magazines, and newspapers. Pre AP Language Arts 7 Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course In order to enter 7th grade Language Arts Pre - AP, it is highly recommended that student • Demonstrate success on 5th grade Reading STAAR Exam. • Have a cumulative (year - long) average in 5th grade Pre -AP Language Arts of 80 or higher or an average of 90 or higher in a regular Language Arts class. • Receive a recommendation from 5th grade Language Arts teacher Pre AP Language Arts is for advanced students who are able to work at an accelerated pace. Students enrolled in this class should have successfully passed previous Reading and Writing STAAR tests as well as maintained an A/B average in their former Language Arts classes. Instead of focusing on basic reading skills, this class will delve into literary analysis.To prepare students for Advance Placement Tests in high school, students will be learning how to cite text evidence to support inferences made regarding literary elements such as theme and characterization. Students should already have a solid writing foundation and will work on incorporating important elements like voice, depth, and sentence fluency to aim for a commendable performance rating. Also, students will build advanced grammar and vocabulary skills. Regular homework should be expected. Language Arts 8 Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course The eighth grade Language Arts program provides students with opportunities and resources to develop the skills of learning, speaking, reading and writing to enable students to participate as informed, literate members of society by mandated by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Instructions provides the students with the necessary skills to write various types of genres and develop an appreciation for the writer’s techniques applied within sound pieces of literature, fiction, nonfiction, drama and poetry. Strategies involve patterns and procedures for students to meet success utilizing the writing process to produce varied types of writing. Instruction advocates techniques for analyzing literature, and multiple opportunities for practice are encouraged. Pre AP Language Arts 8 Grades Offered: 8 In order to enter 8 th grade Pre Advanced Placement, it is highly recommended that the student Demonstrate success on the 7th grade Reading and Writing STAAR exams. Have a cumulative (year-long) average in 7th grade Pre-AP Language Arts of 80 or higher or an average of 90 or higher in a regular Language Arts class. Receive a recommendation from their 7th grade Language Arts teacher. The Pre Advanced Placement eight grade Language Arts program provides opportunities for students to interpret and to analyze literature including short stories, poetry, novels, and drama. This course encourages students to think independently, solve problems, master oral and written communication skills, and utilize correct grammar and punctuation on all written products. Students will utilize the writing process to produce multi-paragraph products and master skills required for description, narration, and persuasion. Demonstrating proficiency of concepts at a self-motivated and accelerated pace that may consist of increased workload for classroom activity. Mastery and cumulative learning within a variety of activities ranging from concrete/specific to random/abstract offers a challenge for students within a course. A summer reading component is also part of this course description. English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) Grades offered: 7-8 Length: One Year Course Students whose native language is not English and who have been determined eligible by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee may take E.S.L. Ingles como segunda lengua (E.S.L) Grados ofrecidos: 7-8 Duración: Un año Aquellos estudiantes cuya primera lengua no es el ingles y que califiquen para este tipo de curso a través del Comité de Evaluación del Nivel del Lenguaje (LPAC) tienen la opci6n de tomar clases de ESL. E.S.L This course is designed to help English language learners develop the four skills involved in language learning -listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This class helps students understand and interpret both fiction and non-fiction texts. Assigned readings include leveled classic readers and simplified contemporary literature, authentic short stories, poetry, non-fiction passages, newspaper articles, etc. Reading skills development focus on global comprehension first, and on identifying facts and details through literary analysis secondly. Students acquire vocabulary and develop oral and written fluency by clarifying, illustrating, and expanding on literary analysis responses. Students learn different writing skills, and learn how to edit grammar and punctuation errors. E.S.L. Esta clase esta diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes de ingles a desarrollar las cuatro habilidades involucradas en el aprendizaje de una lengua -escucha, habla, lectura, y escritura. Esta clase ensena a los alumnos a entender e interpretar textos de ficci6n o informativos.Las lecturas obligatorias incluyen textos clásicos y literatura contemporánea adaptada, cuentos cortos originales, poesía, textos informativos, artículos del peri6dico, etc. El desarrollo de la habilidad de lectura se centra en la comprensi6n global de textos en primera instancia, y en identificar hechos y detalles a través del análisis literario después. Los alumnos adquieren nuevo vocabulario y desarrollan la fluidez oral y escrita al clarificar, dar ejemplos, y expandir su análisis literario. Los alumnos aprenden distintas habilidades de escritura y desarrollan los conocimientos necesarios para corregir errores de gramática y puntuación. MATHEMATICS Mathematics 7 Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course This course provides for the use of problem solving approaches to understand and practice regular 7th grade mathematical concepts. Basic fundamentals involving the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions are covered, and mathematical operations with integers are introduced. Pre-algebra concepts are introduced and STAAR preparation is emphasized throughout the year. A minimum time to be spent on this class outside the classroom would be at least 30 minutes every day. Pre AP Mathematics 7 (Pre-Algebra) Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course Inorder to enter 7th grade Math Pre -AP, it is highly recommended that student • Demonstrate success on 6th Grade Math STAAR Exam. • Have a cumulative (year - long) average in 6th grade Pre - AP Mathematics of 80 or higher. • Pass a Mathematics Readiness Assessment at the conclusion of 6th grade Pre - AP Mathematics. • Receive a recommendation from 6th grade Math teacher. This course provides the guidance for a full year of the fundamentals for mathematical operations and the basic topics of 7th grade regular math are reviewed. This course provides for the understanding and practicing of eighth grade mathematical concepts.Major emphasis is placed on solving algebraic equations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percents, and integers. Understanding word problems and problem solving strategies are equally emphasized. Testing strategies and preparation for the STAAR test are continually practiced throughout the year. A minimum time to be spent on this class outside of the classroom would be at least 45 minutes every day. Students need to be highly self- motivated to succeed in this class. Successful completion of this course (with a minimum grade of 80 or above) is highly recommended before taking eighth grade Algebra 1. Mathematics 8 Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course This course provides guidance for a full year of the fundamentals for mathematical operations and the basic topics of regular math are reviewed. Major emphasis is placed on solving algebraic equations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percents, and integers. Word problems and problem solving strategies are equally emphasized. Testing strategies and preparation for the STAAR test are continually practiced throughout the year. Students need to be highly motivated to succeed in this program. Successful completion of this course is recommended before taking 8th grade Algebra. Algebra I Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course In • • • • order to enter 8thGrade Algebra I, it is highly recommended that student: Demonstrate success on 7th Grade Math STAAR Exam. Have a cumulative (year - long) average in 7th grade Pre - AP Mathematics of 80 or higher. Pass an Algebra Readiness Assessment at the conclusion of 7th grade Pre - AP Math. Receive a recommendation from 7th grade math teacher. Prerequisite: 7th Grade Pre- AP Math recommended. Algebra I reinforces all basic operations of mathematics while introducing students to an advanced level of application problems. Elements of Algebra are expressed through algebraic concepts, equations and inequalities, functions and their graphs, systems of equations and inequalities, quadratic equations and functions, exponential functions, radical and rational expressions, and polynomials; all being taught as an integrated whole with application to real-world situations. Students are expected to be highly self-motivated.Practice problems preparing students to successfully complete the EOC test are integrated into the curriculum. High School Credit SCIENCE SCIENCE 7 Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course This course uses laboratory investigation, a variety of modeling techniques, discussion, research projects, and technology. It is intended to introduce the general theme of systems (change, patterns, interaction and cycles) within living organisms and the environment: Photosynthesis, Force and Motion, Solar System, Biomes, Cells, Human, Body Systems, Genetics Pre-Ap Science 7 Grades Offered: 7 Length: One Year Course In order to enter 7th grade Science Pre-AP, it is highly recommended that Students have passed the 5th grade Science STAAR test with at least 80%. Students have passed the Math and Reading 6th Grade STAAR tests. Students have received a recommendation from their 6th grade Science teacher. This course uses laboratory investigation, a variety of modeling techniques, discussion,research projects, and technology . It is intended to introduce the general theme of systems (change, patterns, interactions, and cycles) within living organisms and the environment: Photosynthesis Cells Force and Motion Human Body Systems Solar System Genetics Biomes This class has a strong emphasis on research and writing skills. One or more projects will be required to be completed each grading period and the expectation is that the student will do the majority of the work outside of the class period. The rigor of tests and quality of projects is extensive and requires highly motivated and organized students because the content is of greater depth than the regular 7th grade science SCIENCE 8 Grades Offered: 8 Length: One Year Course This course uses laboratory, lecture, and cooperative groups to help introduce the science themes of matter and energy, force, motion, and energy, earth and space systems , organisms and the environment. This course encompasses reading, writing, and math skills to solve scientific problems. For at least 40% of instructional time, students will conduct laboratory and field investigations following safety procedures and environmental y appropriate and ethical practices. Pre- Ap Science 8 Grades Offered: 8 Length: One Year Course In order to enter 8th g grade Pre-AP Science, it is highly recommended that the student: • Pass the 7th Math and Reading STAAR • Have a cumulative average in 7th grade Pre-AP Science of 85 or higher • Receive a recommendation from 7th grade Science teacher This course has a strong emphasis on research, writing, and mathematics skills. This course requires students t o demonstrate the following: • an understanding of the properties of matter and energy and energy interactions • an understanding of force, motion, and energy and their relationships • an understanding of components, cycles, patterns, and natural events of Earth and space systems • an understanding of functions of living organisms and their interdependence on each other and their environment. For at least 40% of instructional time, students will conduct laboratory and field investigations following safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices.Students will use critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions while using a variety of scientific tools and will be required to complete one or more science research projects per six weeks outside of class. This projects may require the purchase of materials..The rigor of tests and quality of projects is extensive and requires highly motivated and organized students. Participation and completion of high quality projects is mandatory. SOCIAL STUDIES Texas History Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course Texas History begins with geography and Spanish exploration. It emphasizes early events such as the settlements of Stephen F. Austin and other Anglo-American colonies, the Texas Revolution and the Republic of Texas, and continues into the modern day, including the cattle business, the oil boom, and our rich ethnic and cultural heritage. This class also addresses how Texas has affected or paralleled American History, such as comparing our State Constitution to that of the United States and covering the Mexican War, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. This analysis helps prepare students for the 3th grade STAAR history test. Pre AP Texas History Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course In order to enter 7th grade Texas History Pre - AP, it is highly recommended that student • Demonstrate success on 6th Grade Reading STAAR Exam. • Have a cumulative (year - long) average in 6th grade Social Studies of 85 or higher. • Receive a recommendation from 6th grade History teacher. Pre AP Texas History will help prepare students for the rigorous high school AP curriculum by stressing critical thinking using extensive reading beyond the text, analytical writing, and in-depth research. Students should be self-motivated and responsible.Due to the reading load in a pre AP history class, only students who are highly successful in 6th grade Social Studies should request this course. These are recommendations for greater success but are not prerequisites. American History Grades offered:8 Length: One Year Course In 8th grade, students study the first half of United States history beginning with exploration and colonization, the American Revolution, the first several presidential administrations, and ending with the Civil War and Reconstruction. Several weeks will also be spent looking at the U.S. Constitution and our structure of government. (The second part of American History, Reconstruction through the modern era, is covered in high school.) Students build on the foundations provided in 5th and 6th grades and study the material in more depth. The emphasis is on how history has shaped modern-day America. Students will analyze events from multiple perspectives using primary and secondary sources, artwork, technology (including on-line textbooks) and other materials. Eighth graders take their firstever History STAAR exam. Pre AP American History Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course In order to enter 8th grade American History Pre - AP, it is highly recommended that students • Demonstrate success on 7th GradeReading and Writing STAAR Exam. • Have a cumulative (year -long) average in 7th grade Pre -AP Texas History of 80 or higher or an average of 90 or higher in a regular Texas History class. • Receive a recommendation from 7th grade History teacher.. Pre AP American History will help prepare students for the rigorous high school AP curriculum by stressing critical thinking using extensive reading beyond the text, analytical writing, and in-depth research. Students need to be self-motivated and responsible. Because outside reading is expected in a PE AP history class, it is strongly recommended that only highly successful students in Texas History request this course. These are recommendations needed for greater success but are not prerequisite. ELECTIVES Journalism Yearbook Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Year Course The purpose of this class is to learn and apply the basics of interviewing, newswriting, photography, and page design to produce the CCMS Yearbook. The students in this class will work as a team to select the yearbook theme and make coverage and design decisions. This course will improve students’ writing, creative thinking, and design skills. An application packet is available for interested students. ART Art 7/8 Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Semester Course Beginning level art course for 7th graders or 8th graders who have not had Art I in middle school. This course concentrates on beginning level drawing and painting skills. This course may not be repeated. Advanced Art II Grades offered:8 Length: One Semester Course This class is for students who excelled in Art I. Students will build on skills learned in Art I. Music Music Appreciation Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Semester Course The goal of this class is to teach students how to acknowledge and appreciate music from a variety of styles and cultures.Students will be exposed to music throughout history and across the world. We will study everything from Gregorian Chant to Rock and Roll, and music from the United States, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. We also cover basic music literacy, instrument classification, composers, and musical forms. Tenor/ Bass Choir Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Year Course ·' The Tenor/Bass Choir is open to all gentlemen.The goal of this course is to train and develop the changing male voice. Students are expected to perform at several concerts, school assemblies, UIL competitions, and other various performances throughout the school year. Students are also given the opportunity to participate in other activities including All-Region Choir auditions, Solo and Ensemble competition, and our annual spring trip. Participation by individuals in any and all activities will be at the discretion of the choir director. Performance attendance and participation is required and a significant part of the choir grading policy. Treble Choir Grades offered: 7&8 Length: One Year Course The Treble Choir is open to all ladies. The goal of this course is to train and develop the young adolescent female voice. Students are expected to perform at several concerts, school assemblies, UIL competitions, and other various performances throughout the school year. Students are also given the opportunity to participate in other activities including All- Region Choir auditions, Solo and Ensemble competition, and our annual spring trip. Participation by individuals in any and all activities will be at the discretion of the choir director.Performance attendance and participation is required and a significant part of the choir grading policy. Advanced Choir Grades Offered: 7&8 Length: One Year Course The Advanced Treble Choir is open to all ladies in a least their second year of choir. Entry into Advanced choir is based upon their audition in the areas of singing, and sight reading. The goal of this course is to train and develop the young adolescent female voice. Students are expected to perform at several concerts, school assemblies, UIL competitions, and other various performances. Students are expected to remain eligible throughout the year to be able to participate in other activities including All-Regan Choir auditions, Solo and Ensemble competition, the CCMS school wide musical, the end of the year talent show, Eagle Idol, and our annual spring trip. Participation by individuals in any and all activities will be at the discretion of the choir director. Performance attendance and participation is required and a significant part of the choir grading policy. Wind Ensemble Grades offered: 7&8 ( Based on Ability) Length: One Year Course This class consists of students who have played an instrument for one or more years . This class will meet as an honors class.Performance expectations: school concerts, pep rallies, football games, U.l.L Concert and Sight-reading contest and other events as scheduled. Requirements: participation in all required performances listed above; weekly practice logs documenting daily practice at home; attendance at weekly sectionals; performance of a solo or small ensemble piece at a contest. Symphonic Band (Percussion Band) Grades offered: 7&8 (Based on Ability) Length: One Year Course This class consists of students who have played an instrument for one or more years . Performance expectations: school concerts, pep rallies, football games, U.l.L Concert and Sight-reading contest and other events as scheduled.Requirements: participation in ALL required performances listed above; Weekly practice logs documenting regular practice at home; Attendance at weekly sectionals; performance of a solo or small ensemble piece at a concert. Length: One Year Course Physical Education Boys Athletics 7 Grades offered: 7 Length: One Year Course Students participate in athletic competition against other schools. To be in the athletic period you must compete in 2 of the 3 major sports {Football, Basketball and Track). You don't need to be in athletics class to participate in cross country, golf, tennis, and soccer. These sports practice after school only .Students will participate in off-season when their sport is not in season..This course requires a full year commitment and a physical examination by a doctor due by the first day of school. Physical forms can be found on the BISD website. Boys Athletics 8 Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course Students participate in athletic competition against other schools. To be in the athletic period you must compete in 2 of the 3 major sports (Football, Basketball and Track).You don't need to be in athletics class to participate cross country, golf, tennis, and soccer. These sports will practice after school only. Students will participate in off-season when their sport is not in season. This course requires a full year commitment and a physical examination by a doctor due by the first day of school. Physical forms can be found on the BISD website. Girls Athletics 7 Grades offered:7 Length: One Year Course Students participate in athletic competition against other schools. Girls compete in volleyball, basketball, and track. After school practice is required for all sports. Students will participate in offseason/PE when sport is not in season. This course requires a full year commitment and a physical examination by a doctor due by the first day of school. Physical forms can be found on the BISD website. Girls Athletics 8 Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course Students participate in athletic competition against other school. Girls compete in volleyball, basketball, and track. After school practice is required for all sports. Students will participate in offseason/PE when sport is not in season. This course requires a full year commitment and a physical examination by a doctor due by the first day of school. Physical forms can be found on the BISD website. Additional Sports Opportunities: Students can also compete in Cross Country, Golf, Tennis, and Soccer but participation in these sports doesn't require enrollment in Athletics. Boys Physical Education Grades offered: 7- 8 Length: One Year Course Students participate in physical education activities. One year of P.E. is required to be taken during the middle school years.All students are required to dress out in athletic shirt, shorts or pants and shoes that are suitable for P.E. activities. Girls Physical Education Grades offered: 7- 8 Length: One Year Course Students participate in physical education activities . One year of P.E. is required to be taken during the middle school years. All students are required to dress out in a P.E. shirt (school issued) ,shorts or athletic pants and athletic shoes. Dance Dance 7/8 Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Year Course Students will explore a variety of dance styles, including jazz, ballet, hip-hop, drill team and others. They will not only develop knowledge of dance terminology and techniques, students will also explore their creative sides by creating choreography and expressing themselves in performances. Students will be required to purchase jazz pants and a T-shirt at the beginning of the year. Jazz shoes are recommended. Dance I (High School Credit) Dance 7/8 is required before taking this course. Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course Builds on skills learned in Dance 7/8. Students will explore a variety of dance styles including jazz , ballet, hip-hop, drill team and others. They will not only develop knowledge of dance terminology and techniques, students will also explore their creative sides by creating choreography and expressing themselves in performances. Students will be required to purchase jazz pants and a T-shirt at the beginning of the year. Jazz shoes are required. Students who have Dance I can receive a Fine Arts High School credit for the class. Ballet Folklorico Grades offered: 7/8th Length:One Year Course Learn about Mexico's heritage, traditions and history in a new way. Ballet Folklorico will teach these things through dance. Students will learn basic to advanced steps, movements, terminology, techniques, and background history for Folklorico dance.Students will learn to apply kinesthetic principles to dance movements. Students will express stylistic variations in the performance of complex dance movements and phrases, vary quality and dynamics, develop and assess artistic growth. Students will participate in at least one Folklorico competition and will participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations and more. Theatre Arts Theatre Arts 7/8 Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Semester Course The emphasis is on acting and performing through improvisation and with scripted performance. Through theatrical studies, students increase their understanding of self and others and develop clear ideas about the world. With a variety of theatrical experiences, students communicate in a dramatic form, make artistic choices, solve problems, build positive self-concepts, and relate interpersonally. Advanced Theatre Arts Grades offered: 8th Grade Length: One Year Course Prerequisite: Theatre Arts 1 The students build skills that will help them produce an in class production that is performed at the end of the year. During the course of the year, the students will work on the current musical, master the art of auditioning, create a story using puppets, and build on improve and characterization skills that they studied in Theatre I. Tech Theatre Grades offered: 8th Grade Length: One Year Course Prerequisite: Theatre Arts 1 The students will study what happens behind the scenes during a theatrical productions. They will design and create costume, props, and scenery as well as study the application of makeup and mask making. The students will be expected to help with the productions produced by the school. Computer Education Computer Literacy 7/8 Grades offered: 7th /8th Length: One Semester This foundational class in technology uses Web2.0 tools and introduces students to problem based learning. An understanding of basic software and its impact in the curriculum beyond Computer Literacy is fundamental. Students will self-select research topics and utilize class time to develop a full understanding of their topic and present information in a variety of ways. The class is specifically focused on self directed learning. This course is required for all 7th grade students. Introduction to Computer Programming 7/8 Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Semester Course Introduction to Computer Programming is a hands-on computer and robotics course.Students will learn to build and program a robot using an object-oriented programming language that will prepare them for learning Java and C++ at the high school. Using the LEGO NXT system, they will solve realworld problems while using science, technology, engineering, and math skills. Prerequisite: Computer Literacy. Digital Graphics and Animation 7/8 Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Semester Course Students will learn the basics of image manipulation and computer animation through Web 2 .0 tools. This course will give the students a sound foundation in graphic design and animation fundamentals that serve as a basis for further study in high school. Prerequisite: Computer Literacy. Video Technology 7/8 Grades offered: 7th/8th Length: One Semester Course Video technology is an introductory course where students learn the process of video production using a variety of available technology, including web-based software. Video is a hands-on technology course providing support to the upper level courses available at the high school. This course requires instructor approval. Prerequisite: Computer Literacy. Required 7th Grade Electives Health Grades offered: 7th Length: one semester The students will follow the 7th Grade Health curriculum set by BISD.The students will learn how to live a healthy life style and how their body functions.Topics will include: Stress, Self-Esteem, Personality, Fitness, Body Systems, Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Sex Education *, and eating healthy. *Sex education is given with parent permission. This course is required by all 7th grade students. Career Portals Grades Offered: 7th Length: one Semester This one semester course is required for all middle school students and is usually taken during the seventh grade. An 8th grader may be enrolled in this course if not taken during the 7 th grade year. Students will explore career goals and begin the process of making informed decisions for high school. Students will engage in career interest assessments and career exploration. Students will complete this course equipped with the ability to create 4 year plans for high school during their 8th grade yr. This course is required by all 7th grade students. High School Credit Classes Algebra I Grades offered: 8 Length: One Year Course HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT In Order to enter 8th grade Algebra I, It is highly recommended that students: • • • • Demonstrate success on the 7th Grade Math STAAR test. Have a cumulative (year -long) average in 7thgrade Pre - AP Mathematics of 80 or higher. Pass an Algebra Readiness Assessment at the conclusion of 7th Grade Pre - AP Math. Receive a recommendation from 7th grade math teacher. Prerequisite: 7th Grade AP Math recommended. Algebra I reinforces all basic operations of mathematics while introducing students to an advanced level of application problems. Elements of Algebra are expressed through algebraic concepts, equations and inequalities, functions and their graphs, systems of equations and inequalities, quadratic equations and functions, exponential functions, radical and rational expressions, and polynomials; all being taught as an integrated whole with application to real- world situations. Students are expected to be highly self-motivated. Practice problems preparing students to successfully complete the End of Course test are integrated into the curriculum. Spanish I Grades offered : 8 Length: One year Course HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT This year-long c l a s s is an introduction to the Spanish language and cultures in Spanish speaking countries; this is the first year class for high school students, and as such counts for high school credit . This course emphasizes the developments of the language in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Class participation is essential for the development of oral proficiency. Students need to be highly self-motivated to succeed in this class. It is recommended that the student demonstrate success on STAAR Reading and Writing and maintain an 80 average in the previous year's language arts. German I Grades offered Length: One Year Course HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT This year long course is an introduction to the German language and cultures of German speaking countries such as Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. This course also explores German herita ge in Texas. This is a high school credit course. The class develops basic proficiency in German grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation and will introduce the student to the geography and history of German speaking cultures. This course will develop skills in the areas of reading, speaking, listening, writing and cultural awareness. Class participation is essential and students are expected to be highly self motivated to succeed in this class It is recommended that the student demonstrate success on STAAR Reading and Writing and maintain an 80 average in previous year's Language Arts class. Dance I (High School Credit) Grades offered· 8 Length: One Year Course HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT Builds on skills learned in Dance I. Students will explore a variety of dance styles including jazz, ballet, hip-hop, drill team and others. They will not only develop knowledge of dance terminology and techniques,students will also explore their creative sides by creating choreography and expressing themselves in performances. Students will be required to purchase jazz pants and a T-shirt at the beginning of the year. Jazz Shoes are required. Students who have taken dance I can receive a Fine Arts High School Credit for this class.
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