www.sciencejournal.in HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: A REVIEW ARTICLE Ali Emami*, Samaneh Taj Mohammadi Gonbad, Fatemeh Barkhodar and Nooshin Milanizadeh Department of Architecture, Gonbad Kavoos Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gonbad Kavoos, Iran *Corresponding Author ABSTRACT The present essay has been prepared to conduct historical analysis on concept of environmental psychology. Writing of this article is aimed at exploring development and progress trend and decline in psychology of environment and collection of all scientific and academic activities done within the field of environmental psychology. Consequently, several tables have been prepared within various historical periods and based on fields of study in which the discipline of environmental psychology has been implemented. Method of this study used in this article is of documentary type and technique of research is of historical style. Findings from this historical research in the field of environmental psychology have interpreted separation and analysis of several fields like privacy, distance, environmental features, and place attachment (sense of place) etc. Similarly, over the time the conducted researches in the field of psychology have been mainly become interpretation- oriented and relativity has drawn focus point of attention in individuals‘ attitude toward environment based on individual and cultural characteristics. KEYWORDS: Environmental psychology, History, Environment, Human, Behavior INTRODUCTION One could assume environmental psychology as the psychology of human and his/ her surrounding environment. Various definitions have been proposed about this field by the researchers. Some of them argue that environmental psychology is a branch of psychology that addresses the study and analysis of interactions, diversities, experiences, and actions of human with different aspects of physical social settings (Canter, 1981). Some other ones assume environmental psychology as fields of psychology that deal with providing systematic relations among person with environment (Russell and Ward, 1982). In any case, it can be implied that environmental psychology explores common relations among physical setting with human‘s behavior and experience (Holahan 1982). Of course Proshansky argues that physical environment is also considered as social setting and sometime it is not possible to separate these two aspects of environment as a result complexity of concept of environment is a repeated subject throughout the environmental studies (Mc Andrew, 2008). The environmental psychology studies on interaction between individuals with their surrounding physical environment. In these interactions, when individuals change their environment behind them, their behavior and experiences are subjected to change with respect to the environment. The environmental psychology includes purposeful theory, research, and performance in creating a better environment for individuals as well as mechanism for improvement of relations among the human and environment. With respect to development of capitalist community, a physical environment (including park, buildings, streets, water and atmospheric conditions) and huge utilization from environment form and here environmental psychology starts acting as a key part for two-way well- being and welfare of human and environment (Stokols,1995). The environmental psychology arose as academic and scientific form since the early 60s at twentieth century. Primarily during years 1960-1970 the first activity of environmental psychology was to perceive the effects of physical and social environment on individuals, but since 1980s, it has also dealt with the role of individuals on environment. This field of psychology is an interdisciplinary branch is closely related to architecture, landscaping architecture, and urban design. Generalities and history of environmental psychology According to opinion of Gifford, environmental psychology differs from main branch of psychology since it deals with everyday physical setting (Gifford, 2007). At the middle of twentieth century, the environmental psychology as a certain and clear science has dealt with some issues including emotional isolation, privacy, and design of building. Specific journals have been published in this regard. Inter alia, journals of psychology and environment and environment and behavior were some of the most leading articles in this period. Many environmental psychologists preferred to use this knowledge if they recognized the theoretical value and research. In contrast, many people enter Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 177 www.sciencejournal.in into the field of counseling or public services in order to use helpfully the findings for sustainable policy and resolving local problems. The ecologic designers and researchers in USA felt the motive for cooperation with each other in USA in 60s. Lack of attention to physiologic requirements and public security and mental safety in design and construction of residential spaces like Pruitt- Igoe that was led to demolishing of eleven- story building complexes in San Louis was a serious and noticeable warning to them. The social and psychological anomalies of the inhabitants in residential complexes had been addressed and explored by means of modern architectural models of design and implementation of researchers in social sciences. However, it certainly seemed it necessary and requisite for our cooperation with designers and researchers in psychology to remove the existing deficiencies in design for the people as users of architectural and urban spaces, it became clear soon that designers and psychologists had different attitudes from each other toward way of dealing with resolving the environmental problems. From the viewpoint of psychologists, the problem was in that the architects further emphasized on aesthetic issues in the designed spaces compare to dealing with their functional issues. Hence, the psychologists argued that the designer might sacrifice the real world and everyday requirements to aesthetic and abstract requests of their own and for this reason they caused the people to become more aliened to the given design setting more than ever. But in fact the difference among the created attitudes between two groups might be due to different nature and essence of architecture profession and the mentioned knowledge in study on interaction among human and environment and relationship among these sciences with design. The necessity for a common language was felt to establish practical relationship. The need arose to new knowledge for design and making effort to build and create new knowledge. Building of a model or a paradigm, if it exists, that could cover the human‘s motives and requirements by resorting to the existing various fields in architecture, social sciences, psychology, political sciences, and anthropology and possess multi- scientific and inter- scientific nature, draw their attention. Many scientists in behavioral sciences challenged the experiences and researches based on employing laboratory study method as the only way to identify human‘s behavior. They noticed research in behavior in real world environment and daily habitat of the people. Paying attention to study on human and his/ her behaviors in ‗behavioral settings‘, which were posited by Roger Barker in book of ‗Ecological psychology‘ at the same time it reflected this fact that unlike traditional psychology in which the conducted studies overlooked our relations among human‘s behavior and his/ her formal environment, in ecological psychology this concept (Human‘s relationship with his/ her environment or colony) was going to be ever-increasingly noticed. Study on nature of environment was also addressed as a social phenomenon by the psychologists and therefore exploration and review the quality of environmental role and impact in building of social behavior of people were addressed by researchers. The environmental psychology is the complex study among relationship among people with their surrounding environment. This science provides a framework of viewpoints, researches, and hypotheses that could contribute us to have better perception from mutual relations among human and surrounding environment. One could implement several evaluations before design and construction by means of this knowledge that is considered as the best tool for professional designers (Motalebi, 2001) History of environmental psychology concept The origins of arising of environmental psychology in Europe and Britain are related to the end of 1940s during reconstruction and revival of the environment that was demolished in World War II. Since the given date this field has drawn attention by many researchers. Overall, it is always emphasized in this point in environmental psychology that how human‘s behavior, emotions, and sense of health are influenced by physical environment (Mc Andrew, 2008). During 60s and 70s, some investigations were devoted to study on effect of environment and human and they were published under titles of specialized reviews on the fields of environmental psychology, ecologic psychology, and or eco- behavioral sciences. Grumman assumes environmental psychology as complementary without environment and implies that since the start of arising of this science, several technical disciplines may be seen like environmental psychology for rediscovery and special attention to the forgotten dimension. Grumman concluded that in traditional psychology, environmental- cultural dimensions have not been adequately noticed and this phenomenon has caused arising of discipline of environmental or ecologic psychology. Nature of environmental psychology The nature of theory of environmental psychology is related to actions and reactions that form among human and environment. The environmental psychology is a subset from behavioral sciences. In addition to psychology, the behavioral sciences comprise of several other sciences like anthropology, sociology, and even political sciences and economics. For this reason, a number of researchers prefer further to study of human in environment within the framework of ecologic- behavior study, but in any case as a branch of psychology, environmental psychology deals Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 178 www.sciencejournal.in with study on human‘s behaviors in relation to his/ her habitats and settings and it is known with other names including human- environment relations, environmental sociology, and human ecology as well. According to view from Kleck, environmental psychology is the psychological study of human‘s behavior in such a way that it is related to his/ her everyday life in formal environment. As it inferred from this definition, environmental psychology explores typically the human in relationship with his/ her formal environment to notice his/ her values, attitudes, and requirements and to deal with the subjects, which play essential role in description of people‘s behaviors such as perception, recognition, and spatial behaviors. Hence, environmental psychology is interested in study on personal and collective experiences of people about the settings and relating to types of fundamental behaviors of human. The environmental psychology development trend between years 1965 and 1995 One of the main axes in this article is to explore the development and progress trend and even decline of environmental psychology during 1965-1995. As a result, although the historical kernel of environmental psychology returns to 1940s, its main origin has referred to approximately 1960s. To review this subject, the related source of an essay from Daniel Stokols has been utilized in which this trend is illustrated within a historical cycle. In 1960s, environmental psychology created especial enthusiasm and eager and it was during this period when many coordination and collaborations were done for scientific research and studies among scientists in various sciences including psychology, architecture, geography, and urban sociology and hundreds of researchers have conducted many empirical studies such as density, personal space, conservation and stress. The environmental psychologists mainly noticed the effects of environment on human‘s behavior in this period. But since the mid 1960s, the personal spirits and characteristics in relation to environment have been also taken into consideration so that the relativity of individuals‘ perception on a fixed environment had been explored (Stokols, 1995). Some researchers like Gibson and Skinner have implemented activities in this period. In this way, since 1966 and with emerging of studies of Barker, Hall, and Sommer, this topic was also addressed about privacy, distances of humans, and also regulation of interaction among individuals ad their surrounding environment. In this course, this trend was continued in 1970s up to 1980s and new textbooks as well as scientific essays and journals were published about environment, behavior, and environmental psychology. Likewise, at this period the professional and vocational organizations were established among of these organizations one can refer to American Psychology Association and International Association of Applied Psychology. Of other achievements of environmental psychology in this period is to teach this field at doctoral course (Stokols, 1995). Looking at today developments signifies other paradox where with respect to this fact that many empirical and theoretical research and studies have been carried out in the field of environmental psychology in 1960s by 1980s, but since 1990s the environmental psychology has enjoyed slower progress and development compared to other disciplines including health psychology and social psychology at present (Stokols, 1995). Generally, what it has been explored in this article is that although environmental psychology conducts many activities in scientific and research fields, according to Lakatos, this area of knowledge lacks a formulated and certain scientific plan to possess independent scientific identity [1]. The scientific and applied cooperation and support in environmental psychology have formed in 6 following fields during three decades from 1965 to 1995. Table (1): The environmental psychology scientific and applied supporting fields (Source: author) 1- Developing methods and structures to analyze the relationship between humans and environment 2- Increased emphasis on realization of mutual paradigms 3- Exchange of environment and human model 4- Relations between groups and environment 5- Wide application of environmental- behavioral studies to solve public problems 6- Spreading international field for environmental psychology discipline As it mentioned at the beginning, environmental psychology has been exposed to decline in addition to period of progress. In his article, Stokols typically interprets this decline trend based on several conflicts and paradoxes. Regarding paradox in the field of environmental psychology, it should be noted that one of the paradoxical characteristics in environmental psychology is in that this field introduces its identity as an independent and transparent discipline while on the other hand there is no certain limit and borders to interpret environmental and humanistic issues in relation to other sciences and it is impossible to separate and to make them independent from other fields. If we Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 179 www.sciencejournal.in intend to propose a total and historical conclusion about development of environmental psychology during recent years (i.e. decades between years 1965 and 1995) it should be implied that this discipline has grown and developed in various fields. These fields are as follows: Table (2): Various fields of growth and development in environmental psychology (Source: author) 1- Developing the relevant concepts to relationship among human and environment 2- Conducting researches and proposing modern methods and using the given results in resolving human problems 3- Transferring paradigms to cross- sectional studies 4- Developing Analysis trend regarding relationship among human and environment 5- Analysis on relationship among groups with their surrounding environment 6- Formation of psychological concerns in environment ******* Table (2): Various fields of growth and development in environmental psychology (Source: author) 1960s Mid 1960s- 1966 1966- 1970s 1970s – 1980s Since 1990s The main origin of environmental psychology was related approximately since 1960s. It was at this period when several scientific researches and studies have been carried out among scientists from various sciences including psychology, architecture, geography, and urban sociology with many cooperation and hundreds of researchers have conducted a lot of empirical studies on subjects like density, private space, conservation, and stress. The personal spirits and characteristics in relation to environment were noticed so that the relativity of individuals‘ perception from a fixed setting had been explored (Stokols, 1995). The researchers like Gibson and Skinner have acted in this period. With arising of studies done by Barker, Hall, and Sommer, the topics about privacy, distances of humans as well as regulation of interactions between individuals with their surrounding environment were taken into consideration. Following to this trend in 1966, new textbooks as well as scientific articles and journals were published about environment, behavior, and environmental psychology. Similarly, the professional and vocational organizations were also established in this period of these organizations one could refer to American Association of Psychology and International Association of Applied Psychology. Of other achievements of environmental psychology in this period is to teach this field at doctoral course of university (Stokols, 1995). Compared to other disciplines such and health psychology and social psychology at present, environmental psychology enjoys slower speed in development and progress (Stokols, 1995). Development trend of theoretical approaches in environmental psychology The environmental psychology approach is reveal where there are some conflicts and problems among human and environment. The environmental psychology approaches try to manage and or conserve as well as correct the behavior of individuals versus environment by proposing a local and or global model. Similarly, the subject of environmental effect on human‘s behavior is placed in the other side of environmental psychology approaches. For example, the crowded and stressful settings may affect on mental health of people. As a result, at third place, a series of approaches collectively deals with interpretation of issues and in these approaches; the effects on human interactions as well as psychological and cultural features of persons in an environment are noticed. Overall, the theoretical framework of environmental psychology defines the relationships among human and environments in three areas; for this reason, environmental psychology has been characterized as a multidisciplinary Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 180 www.sciencejournal.in paradigm in which it has borrowed from several fields including geography, architecture, politics, sociology, and anthropology and other fields in analysis of mutual effect of human and environment (Gifford, 2007). The main axis of development trend and formation of environmental psychology theories have been further related to the years since 1965. Consequently, the main core of psychological theories about effect of environment on human‘s behaviors has returned to the early years of 1960s. Gibson and Skinner have acted in this period (Stokols, 1995). It was at this period when theories like distance between humans (Edward Hall) flourished. Based on theoretical framework of Edward Hall, the distance between humans might affect on type of relations among individuals. Similarly, the surrounding environment and the needs of individuals to each other may determine the rate of distance among persons. Edward T. Hall defines four types of distances among individuals at time of establishing the relations. Likewise since decade of 1995, environmental psychology approaches referred to new point in difference from the previous theories. The fact is that the main point of their focus has been human‘s interaction and the existing culture and norms in a certain environment. Of theorists in this period one can refer to Kiesler and Johnson (2001), Lgarashi (2005), Jing Xu (2011), and Agnus (2012). Kiesler and Johnson imply that the proximity of individuals to each other causes the people to avoid from iconoclasm. Similarly, Lgarashi and Agnus claim in their theory that the character type of individuals and cultural features and community norms are determinant factors in determination of distances among humans. Following this trend, Jing Xu argues that with respect to their psychological moods, the proximity among individuals may affect on some aspects of their life including selection of consuming goods in a shop (Stokols, 1995). Fig (1): Conceptual model from development trend in theoretical approaches of environmental psychology (Source: Author) In another classification, environmental psychology has been divided into 7 main branches. Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 181 www.sciencejournal.in Fig (2): Conceptual model of environmental psychology branches (Source: Author) Table (4): Various fields of environmental psychology (Source: Author) Title of theoretical field Educational environmental psychology Psychology of resource management Psychology of residential environment Psychology of urban settings Psychology of environment & change of behavior Psychology of managing of social space Psychology of working environment Theorist Barker & Gump Year 1964 Hardin 1968 Michelson 1977 Ransberger Grander & Stern 1978 2002 Gifford 2007 Hartgen Ritzer Levin & Lawyer Stadenmond & Conner Spencer & Tang Gifford & Stage 1974 1980 1981 1982 1983 2007 The conducted studies in each of these fields are as follows: 1- Educational environmental psychology: According to viewpoint from these authors, the physical settings in schools may highly effect on rate of learning and acquisition of experiences in students. One of these features is size and area of schools which the studies have indicated that the students can learn and enjoy further in large schools than in smallsize schools. 2- Psychology of resources management: Conservation of energy, supply potable water and industrial pollutions are some of daily problems, which are chosen with respect to human behaviors according to mental aspects. According to attitude of the author, the main pint is that with encouraging and motivating sense of self- control in individuals, it can be relatively effective in creating diligence in persons to protect from environment and saving energy. 3- 3- Psychology of social space management: Although individuals continually and unconsciously try to Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 182 www.sciencejournal.in determine complex rules and regulations to maintain their personal distance and space at the same time these rules can also be changed due to dynamic character of individuals and importance of distance. 4- Psychology of environment and change in behavior: Many environmental problems and its destruction stem from human behavior and consequently one could protect from environment. 5- Psychology of urban settings: The world moves dramatically toward urbanism. As a result, with change in urbanism status the psychological behavior and status are changed in individuals as well. Consequently, the environmental psychologists in this field tend to study on spiritual and mental health state in persons within public areas and urban settings (park, street, and the like). 6- Psychology of residential environment: The home is one of the foremost residential environments for individuals. The people‘ satisfaction with housing place depends on several factors including economic and social status, personal characteristics, future expectancy, values, and way of relationships with neighbors and friends (Gifford, 2007). 7- Psychology of working environment: In this part, most of the conducted studies were concerned with the problem of transportation and public transport in urban settings. Similarly, the applied aspects of these investigations tend to propose a model to accelerate public transport and reducing of costs and decrease in stressful factors at workplace as well as rising quality of life for the people (Gifford, 2007). Acquaintance with the paramount theorists in the field of environmental psychology Robert Gifford Robert Gifford is the professor of psychology and environmental studies in UK, Colombia, and Canada Universities. The main framework of his study is about environmental psychology, social psychology, and psychology of character (personality). His activity is focused on analysis of non- verbal behaviors and behavioral barriers, and climatic changes. Gifford wrote 4 versions of environmental psychology including several principles and practices, which have been translated into Japanese language as well. Since 2002, he has been appointed as the editorial of journal of environmental psychology. Likewise, he acts in board of directors of architectural drafting, critique, and analysis. Following to this trend, he has served as the environmental agent in units of American Association of Psychology, International Association of Applied Psychology, and Canada Association of Psychology. Some of honors of Gifford include that he has won the professional award from association of environmental design studies in 2007. The published books written by Gifford comprise of environmental psychology: principles and practices (In English and Japanese) and applied psychology (Wikipedia). Daniel Stokols Daniel Stokols is a researcher and emeritus professor in the field of social ecology in group of psychology and social behavior and planning policies. Similarly, he is founder of faculty of social environment in University of California. Likewise, he was closely related to healthcare, epidemiology, and sciences, and nursing status in UCI institute. The studies, which have been conducted by Dr. Stokols, have been known as important factor in achievement of studies and trans-disciplinary courses. The activities of Dr. Stokols are as follows: Design and evaluation of social programs and improvement of occupational health (OHSAS), evaluation of environmental effect (traffic and density) on health and behavior and creating stress, and exploitation from the results of studies to increase urban facilities and planning. Similarly, Stokols acts as the environmental agent in American association of psychology (APA) and association of psychological sciences. The studies, which have been carried out by Stokols, mainly were concerning to environmental framework and above all the environmental effect on individuals. For instance, his focus point was concentrated mainly on environmental destructive and stressful factors so that in one of these studies his main concern is to evaluate the effect of noise in airport on children at primary schools in the access route from Los Angeles International Airport. (Wikipedia) Enrick Pol He is a Doctor of psychology and professor in the field of social applied psychology and active environment psychology in Barcelona University of Psychology, Spain. Teaching backgrounds of Enrick Pol includes: Teaching before graduation in 1987 in the field of social applied psychology and active environment psychology; Teaching in Advanced Education (MA) comprising in management in environmental psychology since 1987; teaching in advanced education course (PhD studies): environment, social behavior, and human resources, and organizational plans. His investigations consist of 6-year study and evaluation in national commission with respect to Spain law; research and study in the main office of this commission since 2000; review the social and environmental effects of train high speed, Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 183 www.sciencejournal.in organizational effects of business on environmental changes, social tools for management advisors (AUMA) in environment and energy, and review of social effects on park and green space (Wikipedia). History of environmental psychology studies The background of literature of human behavior regarding environmental system is still dramatically going to spread. The rapid developing of environmental psychology in terms of variation and mere quantity was explored and revised sine time of Kenneth Kleck in 1973. Only less than 10 books have been published by the aid of 6 authors for five years. All of these works are concerned with the relationship among human behavior and social and physical environment. In other words, likewise in this period many studies and environmental psychology analyses have been published in sociological and geographic and also environmental psychology journals (Stokols, 1995). The origins of environmental psychology studies and researches return to German authors at early years of the recent century. They were the first researchers, who specifically called this field as a science. The transitional period of this knowledge to USA occurred during these years although it was rarely noticed; a noticeable part of its theoretical bases was founded. Following this trend, description and justification of time period of formation of psychology of architecture and crises after 1970 led to pave the way for change in two aspects of it and each of them caused environmental psychology to be focused more on stability and sustainability. Fig (3): Conceptual model of origins of environmental psychology studies and researches (Source: Author) Vitoria proposes a question that is: Have the research interests in environmental psychology changed over the years? If it is so, in which direction they have changed. The main concern for Maria was in that how could the previous studies contribute to researches in the future? This researcher has looked for a response to this question throughout the research period. The articles, which have been collected by Maria at the beginning of environmental psychology field, are about the following items: 1- Interaction between human and environment; 2- Type of regulation and performance of human; and 3- Analysis of parameters; The Maria‘s analyses have shown that over the time the psychological studies have been mainly focused on the following cases: 1- Study on residential environment; 2- Identifying environmental features; and 3- Observation of real behavior in environment. Similarly, the researches trend about value of regional environment has been changed generally within these variations into global environment. Analysis of these studies suggests that primarily the studies have been mainly based on observational researches as a subject and during the final years the studies have emphasized on environmental protection as a global phenomenon. Activity of environmental psychology journal Works and writings, most popular electronic websites, and tables of list of contents in some journal (e.g. journal of environmental psychology and journal of environment and behavior) with some headlines like environmental dependence, spatial identity, and the relevant terms, which caused to publish about 400 articles in forty previous years in different journals, were explored. All of them indicated branches of social sciences including environmental psychology, sociology, physiography, cultural anthropology, gerontology, world knowledge, and reviews on rural identity, recreational and touristic sciences, biology, forestry, architecture, design, and economics. Only a branch of Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 184 www.sciencejournal.in social sciences, which is unfortunately going to be eliminated, is also mainly related to journals of social psychology. There is an incremental growth in publishing the journals relating to location more than 60% of all of printed articles during the recent decade. This trend can be observed as well in two leading journals of environmental psychology. Before 1990, seven articles were published about location (place) and exactly 18 and 45 essays were published between years 1991 and 2000 in previous decade in journal of environmental psychology. Journals of environmental psychology and behavior and environment Journal of environmental psychology has started activity since 1980. Gifford as chancellor of Victoria University was appointed as editorial of this journal since 2002. This journal consists of a scientific research and study regarding human‘s interaction with his/her natural environment. Likewise, this journal is mainly focused on analysis of small groups and individuals and journal of applied psychology emphasizes on new perception of psychology relevant fields. At first place, this journal looks for theoretical and empirical analysis of psychological, motivational, and emotional perception and psychological- behavioral phenomena of individuals concerning to surrounding environment. The scientific journal of behavior and environment is published every two months. This journal analyzes expertly the mutual relationship among environment and behavior. At present, the head office of this journal is located in University of Utah and Barbara Brawn is the current editorial of this journal. What it has been expressed in general introducing of this journal and in journal of environmental psychology is that all of the printed researches and articles in this journal have noticed the subject of gender and age groups of individuals. As it characterized in the following subjects in most of studies which have been conducted in this journal, gender of individuals and age groups including childhood, teens, adulthood, and old age in persons have been considered in relationship with environment. One of the other common points, which can be seen in all series of environmental psychology journals and also as it defined from the beginning, is related to subject of developing empirical researches in the field of environmental psychology. As a result, the main theme of these journals is principally focused on empirical studies in certain statistical population and it mainly deals with testing theoretical sciences existing in various social subjects instead of producing theoretical knowledge. Consequently, this trend is the same in the relevant journals to the field of behavior and environment that theoretical sciences have been explored within the environmental effects like reinforcement and punishment and the conditions affecting on behavior of individuals, especially children and adults. Theory of exchange is the major point in theories, which are shown in these journals. Theory of exchange (interaction) is one of the latest individualistic theories based on behavioral psychology and at the same time it stems from scientific anthropological topics in 19 th century and early 20th century. Table (6): The relevant journals to field of psychology (Source: Author) Title of journal Behavior and environment Environmental psychology Current editorial Brown Start Notes Publisher 1969 Siege Gifford 1980 The scientific journal of behavior and environment is published every two months. This journal analyzes expertly the mutual relations among environment and behavior. At present its head office is located in Utah University and Barbara Brown is currently its editorial. Journal of environmental psychology has started activity since 1980. Since 2002, Gifford as chancellor of University of Victoria was appointed as editorial of this journal. This journal is a scientific research and study type of magazine regarding human‘s interaction with his/ her natural environment. Similarly, this journal is mainly focused on analysis of small groups and individual. Elsevier Development trend in environmental psychology articles Since 1960s, with respect to several changes in the environmental psychology, many studies and researches have been carried out. In this decade, a lot of cooperation was done among scientists of various sciences for scientific researches and studies including psychology, architecture, geography, and urban sociology and hundreds of researchers have conducted many empirical studies on several subjects including privacy, human distances, conservation, and stress. Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 185 www.sciencejournal.in During years 1960-1970, it was for the first time that it was tried in environmental psychology to perceive the effects of physical and social environment and in this course in 1970s to 1980s this trend was continued and new textbooks as well as scientific articles and journals were published regarding environment and behavior as well as environmental psychology. But since 1980s, the role of individuals has been explored in the environment (Pol, 2006). In this section, it is explained about almost all of the various fields of environmental psychology mentioned in the important essays and journals including privacy, distances of humans, environmental features, place attachment, Sense of Community, and sense of place. Each of the environmental psychology fields are given separately and based on year of publication in the following tables. Table (7): Articles about privacy (Source: Author) Name of author Sommer Kleck Date Title of essay regarding privacy Type of essay 1959 1968 Theoretical Applied Newman 1972 Tedesco 1974 Kopnecni 1975 Randle Collins Altman 1975 Hayduk Barnes Fried, M Nasar 1981 1981 1982 1984 Hayduk Cooper Kaitilla 1985 1992 1993 Holman 1994 Potrisia Altman Adam Moor Alpturer 1994 1997 2008 2010 Kilpi Odd Inge 2011 2013 Anuar Talib 2013 O. Osman 2013 A study about privacy and social relations Review of effect of conditions of labeling in individuals‘ privacy Secure space: Prevention from crime with suitable technique of urban design Cooperation, competition and privacy, analysis of community Analysis the effect of violation from privacy in individuals‘ escape and reactions Window and individual: Review of individuals‘ reactions in environments with and / or without window Environment and social behavior: Privacy, personal space, personal domain and limit Penetration and access to privacy Freedom and control in environment Sources of satisfaction in collective and housing regions Cultural study about change in traffic and expansion of space for individuals Privacy: Evaluation concept derived from a structural model Analysis of home as a symbol in design and environment Behavior and environment: Satisfaction with public houses in Papua new Guinea Review the relationship between place attachment with social relations at south California Evaluation of a systemic model of privacy Rule and regulation in privacy field Definition of privacy Evaluation of Turkish students from saving privacy in academic counseling offices Review the literature in privacy field Comparative analysis on public and private access to littoral regions Concept of privacy and planning for building interior space of houses in Malaya Analysis of privacy dimensions 1975 Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Theoretical Articles in privacy field in environmental psychology The essays, which have been written in privacy field during 55 recent years, are characterized according order of years in Table 6. The present articles have been divided into theoretical and applied parts. In the written essay in this regard, it primarily has explored the subject of privacy further in relation to other individuals. Similarly, we may observe mainly the cultural environment at the middle of this period and afterward the attitudes of individuals have been Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 186 www.sciencejournal.in addressed toward subject of privacy. As a result, in addition to developing its theoretical aspect, the subject of privacy has mainly referred to individual and evaluation of individual from the environment than confirmation and emphasis on the structures at the end of this period. Namely, environment does not define the privacy, but these are individuals, who define the privacy. The present essays have been divided into two parts: theoretical and applied. In the written essay in this regard, it primarily has explored the subject of privacy further in relation to other individuals. Similarly, we may observe mainly the cultural environment at the middle of this period and afterward the attitudes of individuals have been addressed toward subject of privacy. As a result, in addition to developing its theoretical aspect, the subject of privacy has mainly referred to individual and evaluation of individual from the environment than confirmation and emphasis on the structures at the end of this period. Namely, environment does not define the privacy, but these are individuals, who define the privacy. Articles in the field of distances among humans in environmental psychology The essays, which have been written in the field of distances among humans in environmental psychology during the half of recent century, are given in Table (8). The newer researches are mainly based on individual‘s attitude and evaluation from the environment. Several essays have been collected in the field of distances among humans in which the common and major concern among all of them was to interpret the distances among humans from various viewpoints. Table (8): Articles about distances among humans (Source: Author) Name of author Katz Howard Helson Argyle Date Title of essay regarding distances among humans Type of essay 1937 1948 1964 1965 Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Cherlin 1972 Becker Ross 1974 1975 Tuan 1977 Magel 1980 Smith Hall 1981 1990 Montello 1997 Kiesler Lgarashi 2001 2005 Jing Xu 2011 Agnus Amaoka 2012 2013 Study on human and animals Analysis of territory and life in birds Theory of adjustment of different levels Eye contact, distance and attachment and analysis of community Review of physical and social distance in relationship between teacher and student Personal distance and territory in environment Analysis of individuals‘ behavior and perception from unfamiliar environments Concepts of space and place: An outlook of experience Remote analysis of individuals‘ perception in environment Review on territorial distances in beaches Human behavior and conditions of internal environment Definition and recognition of environmental distance Review on distances in workgroups Study on distance in public space (media technology project) Importance of distances impact on selection of goods by customers Study on space Study on private space based on non- verbal relationships Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) Applied Theoretical Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Theoretical Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Theoretical © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 187 www.sciencejournal.in Like in privacy, in discussion about distances among humans, the primary researches have been based on the existing structure in the community and they referred to relational aspects. In any case, during the middle periods i.e. since 1975, term ‗perception‘ was mainly added to these essays. Namely, how the individuals may perceive distances. The individuals may have different perceptions and insights toward the subject of distance based on cultural and social conditions. Similarly, the recent articles have been formulated with respect to importance of distances regarding working environments, selection of goods, and rate of satisfaction. As the studies trend has proceeded further, certainly the importance of distances has become more tangible among the articles. In other words, this issue may highly affect in most of life aspects of individuals even in work place and economic and production efficiency. Articles in the field of environmental Affordance The essays, which have been written about environmental features in environmental psychology during the half of recent century, are shown in Tables 9-13. Whereas more than 50 essays have been gathered in this field thus they have been codified in three different and separate tables according to historical periods. The selected time range about environmental features is related to years 1942- 2012. Namely those articles have been collected, which have been almost written during the 70 recent years. Table (9): Separation of historical periods regarding environmental Affordance (Source: Author) Period First Second Third Fourth Fifth From (year) 1942 1965 1975 1985 1995 To (year) 1964 1974 1984 1994 2012 Field of study environmental features environmental features environmental features environmental features environmental features ********** Table (10): Articles about environmental Affordance at first period (Source: Author) Name of Date Title of essay regarding environmental author Affordance 1942 Empirical study in effects of color on Goldstein performance of organism 1943 Organic success in environmental Brunswick probabilities 1960 Paradox, stimulation, and search Berlyne 1964 The effects of environmental beauties on Maslow receiving energy and individuals‘ face *************** Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) Type of essay Applied Applied Theoretical Theoretical © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 188 www.sciencejournal.in Table (11): Articles about environmental Affordance at second period (Source: Author) Name of author Ponomarenko Beard Barker Swan Appleyard Date 1966 1967 1968 1970 1970 Jerkota 1970 Kryter Poulton Provins Rosen 1970 1970 1970 1970 Breisacher 1971 Appleyard Orleans 1972 1973 Sulman 1974 Lawson 1974 Title of essay regarding environmental Affordance The sound effect with high frequency on adults‘ physiology The impact of carbon monoxide on behavioral disorders Concepts and principles of human praxeology in environment Attitudes and reactions of adults to air pollution Review on style and structure a city: study on landscape of environment The sound effect on public health among workers in engineering factories Noise effect on human Human‘s productivity of environment Thermal- environmental effect on human‘s performance Noise, physiological effects of noise on cardiovascular conditions in individuals The study on air pollution effects on neural and psychological aspects in humans Inhabitants‘ attitude about quality of environment in city streets The effect of social distance on perception of urban inhabitants from recognition and environmental behavior Effect of ionization of artificial air on human‘s electroencephalogram Review of the impacts of a new highway in residential region on health of individuals Type of essay Applied Applied Theoretical Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Applied Applied Applied Applied *************** Table (12): Articles about environmental Affordance at third period (Source: Author) Name of author Rim Date 1975 Seligman Colman 1975 1976 Sommers Sherrod 1976 1977 Cohen Sidman Evans 1977 1977 1978 C, Korte Tromp Sanctis 1980 1980 1981 Galster Hawkins 1981 1981 Nasar Geller Rotton Fletcher Buckalew 1981 1982 1983 1983 1984 Title of essay regarding environmental Affordance Review of desert wind effect on creation of stress according to psychological tests Study on environmental failure in San Francisco Effects of fluorescent and light in filament lamp on behavior of children with autism Weather and human behavior Review on individuals‘ reactions in a bad environment with respect to personal control and perception Environment and health (medical sociology) The effect of ionized air on mouse avoidant behaviors Geophysical variables and behavior: Climatic effects in prediction of social parameters in non –urban zones Traffic noise, behavior of pedestrians and environmental information Effect of weather on health of Philadelphia inhabitants Perfect ecologic outlook with respect air ionization effects and electric field Environment and residential satisfaction (well-being) Effect of air ions, temperature and moisture on mental welfare and comfort Review on individuals‘ reaction to environmental settings New strategies to change behavior for environmental protection Emotional and cognitive consequences of pungent pollutants Light effect on behavior of exceptional children in classrooms The effects of air negative ion (anion) on physiologic conditions and human performance Type of essay Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Theoretical Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Applied Applied Applied *************** Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 189 www.sciencejournal.in Table (13): Articles about environmental Affordance at fourth period (Source: Author) Name of author Baron Date Title of essay regarding environmental Affordance Negative ion and behavior: effect on spirit, memory, and aggression of individuals of character type- B 1985 The review on weather effect on hostility and crimes Rotton 1986 Health, behavior, and stress in environment Cohen 1987 Environmental psychology and analysis of applied Geller behavior 1990 Limitation of environmental stimulation Turner 1990 Environment and behavior study: Emerging of Barker rational customs 1990 Outlook and spatial representation Passini 1992 The effect of noise stress on performance of white McCarthy cell in mouse 1993 The effect weather and time variables on wasting Cohen rights of others 1993 The effect of traffic noise in creation of mental Gallacher disorders 1993 Psychology and environment Evans *************** Table (14): Articles about environmental Affordance at fifth period (Source: Author) Name of author Richard Montello 1985 Date Title of essay regarding environmental Affordance Type of essay Applied Applied Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical Applied Applied Applied Theoretical Type of essay Environment and resistance in high structures Theoretical Role of physical space in environmental psychology Theoretical approach 2008 Environmental features of working space: How are the Applied Vischer individuals affected by working environment? 2010 Effect of nature and synthetic environment on human Applied Wells health 2012 Review on way of environmental effect and space on Applied Greene improving operational productivity in healthcare and medical system *************** The essays have been separated in the field of environmental features in 5 periods. This field of study was considered very simply and naively at first period; for example, in this period other aspects of human‘s role and his/ her position in this field has been mainly ignored. The nature was assumed as the main subject for living organism in first period while human has been considered as passive and affected agent in this field. However, the effect of environment on human has been taken into consideration; the studies in this period were based on identifying features of environments. As a result, with respect to the studied subjects, the effect of environmental features in the field of noise (crowd) and air temperature on physical health of individuals was addressed at next periods. As we approach closer to the next periods, the subject of environmental effect on individuals‘ body is less noticed and at the final periods it has been characterized that these articles have mainly dealt with definition of environmental effect on mental health among the individuals. In this regard, some issues like environmental effect on aggression, stress, and mental disorders, hostility, and crimes were taken into consideration. These studies have been typically sidetracked from analysis of environmental effect on physical body to effect of environment on individuals‘ mind. Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) 2006 2007 ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 190 www.sciencejournal.in Articles in the field of place attachment Before 1970s, the place attachment has not been yet noticed in the studies regarding the subject of relationship among human and place. During 25 years ago, some factors like private space, foot territory, density, sense of place and the related subjects were among the subject of studies regarding relationship of human with the place. But the evergrowing increase in paying attention to effect of culture on place preferences, displacement of population in cities, and necessity for adaption to new environment, ever-increasing interest in social outcomes of place like design for old people, children, homeless persons, and various social groups caused the human‘s sense of place to become as subject for many studies. Table (15): Articles about place attachment, journal of environmental psychology (Source: Author) Name of author Mazumdar Giuliani Fuhrer Harris Hidalgo Brown Pretty Date 1993 1993 1993 1996 2001 2003 2003 Kyle 2004 Brown Mazumdar Kyle 2004 2004 2004 Mazumdar Lewicka Hernandez Lewicka Chow 2005 2005 2007 2008 2008 Korpela Boğaç Lewicka Mishra Rollero Halpenny Brown Wright 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Hernandez Gifford Williams 2010 2010 2010 Lewicka Raymond 2011 2011 Wright Wynveen Hung Lee 2011 2012 2013 LopezMosquera Ruiz 2013 Zhang 2014 2014 Title of essay regarding environmental features Sacred space and place attachment Place attachment in a developmental and cultural context Place attachment and mobility during leisure time Privacy regulation and place attachment: Predicting attachments to a student family housing facility Place attachment: Conceptual and empirical questions Place attachment in a revitalizing neighborhood: Individual and block levels of analysis Sense of place amongst adolescents and adults in two rural Australian towns: The discriminating features of place attachment, sense of community and place dependence in relation to place identity Effects of place attachment on users‘ perceptions of social and environmental conditions in a natural setting Incivilities, place attachment and crime: Block and individual effects Religion and place attachment: A study of sacred places Linking place preferences with place meaning: An examination of the relationship between place motivation and place attachment Religious place attachment, squatting, and ―qualitative‖ research: A commentary Ways to make people active: The role of place attachment, cultural capital, and neighborhood ties Place attachment and place identity in natives and non-natives Place attachment, place identity, and place memory: Restoring the forgotten city past Place attachment and place identity: First-year undergraduates making the transition from home to university Stability of self-reported favorite places and place attachment over a 10-month period Place attachment in a foreign settlement What makes neighborhood different from home and city? Effects of place scale on place attachment Place attachment and flood preparedness Place attachment, identification and environment perception: An empirical study Pro-environmental behaviors and park visitors: The effect of place attachment The measurement of place attachment: Personal, community, and environmental connections Disruption to place attachment and the protection of restorative environments: A wind energy case study The role of place identity and place attachment in breaking environmental protection laws The relations between natural and civic place attachment and pro-environmental behavior Connectedness to nature, place attachment and conservation behavior: Testing connectedness theory among farmers Place attachment: How far have we come in the last 40 years?— Review The influence of place attachment, and moral and normative concerns on the conservation of native vegetation: A test of two behavioral models Place attachment and public acceptance of renewable energy: A tidal energy case study Natural area visitors' place meaning and place attachment ascribed to a marine setting The influence of leisure involvement and place attachment on destination loyalty: Evidence from recreationists walking their dogs in urban parks Direct and indirect effects of received benefits and place attachment in willingness to pay and loyalty in suburban natural areas Emotions and coping strategies during an episode of volcanic activity and their relations to place attachment Predicting residents' pro-environmental behaviors at tourist sites: The role of awareness of disaster's consequences, values, and place attachment ********** Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 191 www.sciencejournal.in Currently, a lot of studies have been carried out regarding place attachment and in this regard several scales have been investigated such as house, locality, city, country, and various locations like workplace, educational spaces, public and recreational places. In addition, the experts in several fields of design, psychology, environmental psychology, sociology, and communication knowledge have conducted many surveys and explored environmental and human related dimensions in this emotional relationship. An enormous part of recent journals deals with sense of place or attachment to seasonal and secondary houses, recreational places or temporary settlements for passengers. Now, no one could consider difference among the studies and written articles in the field of place attachment because there is no long time period from the beginning to the end point of them and for which the major activity has been done for environmental psychology and collected in this regard from 1993 to 2013. In any case, discussion about place attachment has been mainly interpreted in hermeneutic tradition. In other words, depending on their religious attitudes etc the individuals try to display sense of attachment and after emerging this sense the main activity of these articles was to explore effect of place attachment in various cultural and social fields ranging from offenses and crimes, tourism, and environment to interpersonal relations. Table (16): Articles about place attachment, journal of environment and behavior (Source: Author) Name of author Sugihara Date 2000 Vorkinn 2001 Gustafson Brown 2014 Billig 2006 Hosking 2008 Lorenza 2010 Gifford 2013 DevineWright 2013 Title of essay regarding environmental features Place Attachment and Social Support at Continuing Care Retirement Communities Environmental Concern in a Local Context: The Significance of Place Attachment Roots and Routes: Exploring the Relationship between Place Attachment and Mobility New Housing as Neighborhood Revitalization: Place Attachment and Confidence Among Residents Is My Home My Castle? Place Attachment, Risk Perception, and Religious Faith Nonpermanent Residents, Place Attachment, and ―Sea Change‖ Communities Homesickness in University Students: The Role of Multiple Place Attachment Personally Relevant Climate Change: The Role of Place Attachment and Local Versus Global Message Framing in Engagement Explaining ―NIMBY‖ Objections to a Power Line: The Role of Personal, Place Attachment and Project-Related Factors With developing human communities and change in lifestyle and settlement of people, designers and planners increased paying their attention to quality of the built spaces and environments and role of design became more important as a tool to form life environment and to meet human‘s expectations and requirement and many studies have been carried out about way of mutual effect of environment or the built space on human‘s mentalities and behaviors. The conducted investigations indicate that in addition to formal elements, the environment includes messages, concepts, and codes thereby the people and based on roles and expectations and about which may encode and perceive and judge them about the motives and other factors. Articles in the field of Sense of Community- and sense of place In few essays, which have been collected about Sense of Community and the Sense of Community has been considered as a dependent variable and it is acceptable in all aspects of life for the people. In all of the previous subjects based on which the articles were collected, the concepts of place attachment, distances between humans, privacy, and environmental features mainly played the role of independent and effective variables, but we may observe in most of essays, which have been collected about Sense of Community (emotion), this Sense of Community is under the influence of various factors including physical and mental factors and structure of streets. Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 192 www.sciencejournal.in Table (17): Articles about Sense of Community (Source: Author) Name of author Wilson Date Title of essay regarding Sense of Community 1996 Wilson 2000 Pretty 2003 Kim 2004 Mannarini Devlin 2006 2008 Rocco Pendola Francis Sarah French 2008 Overall "Sense of Community" in a Suburban Region: The Effects of Localism, Privacy, and Urbanization and fear of crime An Exploration of Sense of Community and Fear of Crime in Gated Communities Sense of place amongst adolescents and adults in two rural Australian towns: The discriminating features of place attachment, sense of community and place dependence in relation to place identity Physical and Psychological Factors in Sense of Community: New Urbanist Kent lands and Nearby Orchard Village Image of neighborhood, self-image and sense of community Residence Hall Architecture and Sense of Community: Everything Old Is New Again Does ―Main Street‖ Promote Sense of Community? A Comparison of San Francisco Neighborhoods Creating sense of community: The role of public space Sense of Community and Its Association With the Neighborhood Built Environment **************** 2012 2013 Table (18): Articles about sense of place (Source: Author) Name of author Fritz Shmuel David John Xu, Yan Mazumdar Yi- Fu Jorgen Derr Pretty Date 1981 1991 1992 1994 1995 2000 2001 2001 2002 2003 Lim Junxi Qia 2010 2011 Venables 2012 Caskin 2009 Title of essay regarding sense of place Sense of place Sense of place: empirical measurement Attachment association: Local tendencies and sense of place Sense of place, sense of time Sense of place and identity, studies in place and space Creating a sense of place: The Vietnamese- Americans and Little Saigon Space and place: a perspective of experience Sense of place as an attitude: Lakeshore Owners attitudes toward properties Children‘s sense of place in northern New Mexico Sense of place amongst adolescents and adults in two rural Australian towns: The discriminating features of place attachment, sense of community and place dependence in relation to place identity Exploring insideness in urban children‘s sense of place Investigating urban migrants' sense of place through a multi- scalar perspective Living with nuclear power: Sense of place, proximity, and risk perceptions in local host communities Effect of Settlement Size and Religiosity on Sense of Place in Communal Settlements ************* RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The present essay looks for analysis on concept of environmental psychology within historical framework. Similarly, almost all of the conducted activities in environmental psychology field have been collected in this essay. All of the activities, which have been almost gathered in written from 1937 to 2013, have been collected in this study. Of course, Volume- 4 Issue- 2 (2015) ISSN: 2319–4731 (p); 2319–5037 (e) © 2015 DAMA International. All rights reserved. 193 www.sciencejournal.in Maria Vitoria generally carried out an investigation based on empirical study of environmental psychology in the past, present, and future in which she has referred to psychological subjects and their changes over the time. And or Hartmut has collected the conducted studies regarding environmental psychology field in his article and initially described one of his goals and interpreted environmental behavior within environmental psychology according to the existing findings that he has introduced. In any case, it has been referred to major theorists in the field of environmental psychology including Gifford, Stokols, and Pol. Likewise, apart from theorists, the relevant fields about environmental psychology have been explained and described within the framework of privacy, distance, environmental features, and place attachment etc. with respect to the collected materials, it should be generally implied that as environmental psychology moves forward, it becomes more human- centered and role of environmental effect may be revealed as more downplayed. Concerning to this issue, in the article titled ‗Conversion of environmental psychology‘ David Uzzell implies that environmental psychology notices the relationship among human and environment based on background in which the person is located. This background mainly refers to social relations between individuals and their relations. From early times, environmental psychology had been based on this point that physical environment has dominated over human‘s moods and determined human‘s spirits. At the middle of this period, the environmental psychology approach has been changed mainly toward this fact that human affects on environment. It has been referred to both aspects in environmental psychology at third period. Third approach is based on this fact that human builds his/ her surrounding environment and the environment affect on it. According to this approach, environmental psychology deals with study on interaction between individuals and their physical environments surrounding them. When individuals change their environment in these interactions thereby their behavior and experiences are subjected to change with respect to the environment. The other point is that environmental psychology has further emphasized on cultural conditions and relations between individuals and several elements like gender and social base of individuals during recent years. Similarly, above all, unlike the previous studies, theory of identical reaction of individuals in the fixed environment has been disproved and it has been referred to relative nature of individuals‘ attitude and reaction in the fixed environment. REFERENCES Bechtel R.B., Churchman A, (2002). Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Canter D., Craik K, (1981), Environmental Psychology. J. Environ. Psychol. 1(1):11. Chavoshian Hassan. (2011). Design of social studies‖, Ney Pub. Gifford R. (2007). Environmental psychology and sustainable development Expansion, maturation, and challenges. J. Social Issues. 63: 199–212. Giuliani V., Massimiliano S. (2009). Empirical research in environmental Psychology, Past, present, and future. J. Environ. Psychol. 29: 375– 386. Hartmut G. (2009). 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