
NAME _____________________________________________
BLOCK _______________________________
1. Which of the following best demonstrates the symbiotic relationship of mutualism?
a. A pod of whales rounds up a school of krill to eat.
b. Kudzu vines wrap around a tree and prevents the tree from getting sunlight.
c. A clownfish cleans the sea anemone and finds a safe shelter from predators in the anemone’s poisonous
2. Which of the following best describes physical properties?
a. A gold fleck has a mass of 16g.
c. Gold melts at 1984 degrees F.
b. Gold is shiny, malleable, and conductive.
d. All of the above.
3. Located in the Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench has a water depth of 7 feet deep. It formed when the
Philippine Plate (continental) collided with the Pacific Plate (oceanic) and caused which type of plate boundary?
a. Subduction
c. Transform
b. Divergent
d. Transverse
4. Which is true about fossils?
a. Fossils provide the evidence for the Law of Gravity.
b. Fossils provide the evidence for the Law of Motion.
c. Fossils provide the evidence for the Theory of Evolution.
5. How is genetic variation related to an organism’s ability to adapt to its environment?
a. When genetic variation is low, the ability to adapt is high.
b. When genetic variation is high, the ability to adapt is low.
c. When genetic variation is low, the ability to adapt is low.
d. Genetic variation is unrelated to the ability to adapt.
NAME _____________________________________________
BLOCK _______________________________
1. Which of the following best demonstrates the symbiotic relationship of mutualism?
a. A pod of whales rounds up a school of krill to eat.
b. Kudzu vines wrap around a tree and prevents the tree from getting sunlight.
c. A clownfish cleans the sea anemone and finds a safe shelter from predators in the anemone’s poisonous
2. Which of the following best describes physical properties?
a. A gold fleck has a mass of 16g.
c. Gold melts at 1984 degrees F.
b. Gold is shiny, malleable, and conductive.
d. All of the above.
3. Located in the Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench has a water depth of 7 feet deep. It formed when the
Philippine Plate (continental) collided with the Pacific Plate (oceanic) and caused which type of plate boundary?
a. Subduction
c. Transform
b. Divergent
d. Transverse
4. Which is true about fossils?
a. Fossils provide the evidence for the Law of Gravity.
b. Fossils provide the evidence for the Law of Motion.
c. Fossils provide the evidence for the Theory of Evolution.
5. How is genetic variation related to an organism’s ability to adapt to its environment?
a. When genetic variation is low, the ability to adapt is high.
b. When genetic variation is high, the ability to adapt is low.
c. When genetic variation is low, the ability to adapt is low.
d. Genetic variation is unrelated to the ability to adapt.
1. ANALYZE the ecosystem on the board. List 5 abiotic factors present, and 5 biotic factors.
CHOOSE 1 abiotic factor and CHOOSE 1 biotic factor. EXPLAIN how the abiotic factor affects the biotic factor.
3. ANALYZE the ecosystem on the board. List 5 abiotic factors present, and 5 biotic factors.
4. CHOOSE 1 abiotic factor and CHOOSE 1 biotic factor. EXPLAIN how the abiotic factor affects the biotic factor.
Ecology Review – Week 32, Day 2
Objective: SWBAT differentiate between ______________ and _______________ factors by classifying real world
LEQ: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
What is Ecology? The ________________________________________________ between ________________________
and their ___________________________________.
It ____________________________ how living organisms ____________________ each other and the world they live in
Organism: An individual living thing that is made of _______________, ______________________________,
____________________________, ____________________________, _____________________ and
Ecosystem: All the ____________________ and ____________________ factors in an ____________________________
put __________________________________________.
Examples – Room 328 Ecosystem
Examples – Coulwood
What role do abiotic factors play in an ecosystem?
SUN: Provides ____________, Heat, and Energy
 Without the sun: All biotic factors (all living things) would ________________
WATER: Provides a place to _________________ for many creatures, hydrates all biotic factors
 Without water: All biotic factors (all living things) would die
AIR: Helps many biotic factors _____________________
 Without air: Most biotic factors (most living things) would __________
TEMPERATURE: Many creatures can only survive in certain ________________________
 Extreme temperature changes: Could _______________ many of the biotic factors
SOIL: Provides a ____________________, ____________________, ____________________,
*Without the soil: Plants would _________________ and many biotic factors would be affected
What would happen to all the biotic factors if there were no abiotic factors?
Music Video – Ecosystems
Directions: GOOGLE “ecosystems song mr parr”. LISTEN to the song.
1. List 2 of your favorite lyrics from the song.
Atacama Desert – Extreme Ecosystems
Directions: RESEARCH the Atacama Desert on Google. ANSWER all questions.
1. List 3 abiotic factors that make this ecosystem extreme and unique from other ecosystems.
List 3 biotic factors that live in the Atacama Desert.
Video – Extreme Ecosystems, Deep Sea Living
Directions: GOOGLE “national geographic into the abyss”. ANSWER all questions.
1. List 3 abiotic factors that make this ecosystem extreme and unique from other ecosystems.
List 3 biotic factors that live in the deep seas.