2015 Forms Checklist

Summer 2015 Forms Checklist
All letters and numbers below correspond to the letters and numbers
of documents in your CampInTouch account.
Paper Forms to be Completed, Scanned, and
Uploaded to CampInTouch:
B. Physician Examination Form
C. Insurance Card Form
Documents to Review:
01. Our Mission, Vision, and Values
02. Our Commitment to Health and Safety
E. Anti-Bullying Pledge
03. Our Campus, Daily Life, Meals, and
F. Code of Conduct
04. Our Staff
J. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Form (optional)
05. Communicating with Camp and Your
Web Forms to be completed on CampInTouch:
A. Health History and Immunizations
D. Camper Information Form
06. Personal Technology at Camp
07. Transportation to and from Camp,
Visiting, and Luggage
08. Health and Medication Information
G. Travel Form
H. Photo Upload
Please upload a current photo of your child
Includes instructions for CampRx medication
Includes URJ Medication Vacation Policy
I. Roommate Request Form (optional)
Includes Vaccination Policy & Required
Other Forms:
CampRx Medication Packaging Registration
11. Packing List (Available in April 2015)
12. This checklist document
o Required for campers taking
13. Camp Store Flyer
o See Health Center and Medication
Guide for details.
15. Contacting the Camp Summer Office
14. What to Expect on Opening Day
16. Spending Money and Trips
17. Finding us Online, using E-Letters, &
Photo viewing instructions
18. Dorms, Living accommodations, and
honoring roommate requests