What is erectile dysfunction (ED)

Erectile Dysfunction: How can I treat it
Yes. PDE5 inhibitors as the first line of therapy for ED have been recommended by
health organisations across the world. These oral ED medications are generally
considered to be extremely effective, and studies show that it works for the majority of
men. However, since everyone’s reaction to medication is unique, there are some
exceptions, and for some men this treatment may not be effective.
Under the guidance of a qualified medical expert, diagnosis and treatment of the
underlying causes of ED can also help combat it.
What are the treatment options for ED?
PDE5 inhibitors such as Sildenafil and Tadalafil are the first line of therapy to combat
ED and are extremely effective for the majority of men. If these oral medications do not
work for you, your doctor may recommend adjusting the dosage or trying the medication
multiple times under different circumstances Erectile Dysfunction Best Treatment In
If you’ve been prescribed ED medication on the Bold Care platform, please contact your
doctor from your account or through WhatsApp to discuss this with them further.
You can also opt for natural remedies to combat the conditions that cause ED. Certain
vitamins, amino acids, and other compounds can help improve your body’s blood flow
and nitric oxide levels, all of which contribute to healthier erections.
We have developed an ayurvedic nutraceutical, Surge, that is packed with amino acids
like L-arginine and L-citrulline, niacin, folic acid and multivitamins, to help improve blood
flow and nitric oxide levels and help combat Ed Treatment In Mumbai
General wellbeing
Improving your lifestyle is also important for treating ED in the long run. Changes such
as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, staying active through regular
exercise, making dietary changes and seeking help for mental health can all contribute
towards healthier erections and sexual performance.