2015 Edition §170.315(a)(18) Electronic Medication

Please consult the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) entitled: 2015 Edition Health Information Technology (Health
IT) Certification Criteria, 2015 Edition Base Electronic Health Record (EHR) Definition, and ONC Health IT Certification
Program Modifications for a detailed description of the proposed certification criterion with which these testing steps
are associated.
1. Required Tests
Note: The order in which the test steps are listed reflects the sequence of the certification criterion and does not necessarily
prescribe the order in which the test should take place.
1.1 Enable a User to Electronically Verify Medication Administration
Evaluate the Health IT Module’s ability to use assistive technology that enables a user to electronically verify the 5
Rights of medication administration, prior to administering a medication to a patient.
Item #
Technical Outcome
Test Lab Verification
Test Approach
The user is able to verify that the
patient to whom the medication is
to be administered matches the
medication to be administered.
The tester verifies that the Health IT
Module, using assistive technology
(e.g. bar coded items), verified the
right patient.
Visual inspection and test
The user is able to verify that the
medication to be administered
matches the medication ordered
for the patient.
The tester verifies that the Health IT
Module, using assistive technology
(e.g. bar coded items), verified the
right medication.
Visual inspection and test
The user is able to verify that the
dose of the medication to be
administered matches the dose of
the medication ordered for the
The tester verifies that the Health IT
Module, using assistive technology
(e.g. bar coded items), verified the
right dose.
Visual inspection and test
The user is able to verify that the
route of medication delivery
matches the route specified in the
medication order.
The tester verifies that the Health IT
Module, using assistive technology
(e.g. bar coded items), verified the
right route.
Visual inspection and test
Item #
Technical Outcome
Test Lab Verification
Test Approach
The user is able to compare the
time that the medication was
administered to the time the
medication was ordered to be
administered, to verify the
appropriate administration time.
The tester verifies that the Health IT
Module, using assistive technology
(e.g. bar coded items), verified the
right time.
The tester verifies the system uses a
system clock that has been
synchronized following Network Time
Protocol Version 3 or Version 4.
Network Time Protocol
(NTP) Test, visual
inspection, and test data.
The user is able to verify that the
EHR assistive technology alerts the
tester about a wrong patient,
wrong, medication, wrong dose,
wrong route, or wrong time of
medication administration.
The tester verifies that the Health IT
Module indicates when any of the
following have occurred: wrong
patient, wrong medication, wrong
dose, wrong route, and wrong time.
Visual inspection and test
1.2 Enable a User to Electronically Record Medication Administration for an Inpatient Setting Only
Evaluate the Health IT Module’s ability to enable a user to electronically, automatically, and simultaneously record the
date, time, and user identification for each administered medication.
Item #
Technical Outcome
Test Lab Verification
Test Approach
The user is able to record
the date and time of
medication administration.
The tester verifies that the Health IT Module
records the date and time is correctly
The tester verifies the system uses a system
clock that has been synchronized following
Network Time Protocol Version 3 or Version 4.
Visual inspection and test
The user is able to record
user identification
information for the
individual who
administered each
The tester verifies that the Health IT Module
enables the user to electronically,
automatically, and simultaneously record the
date, time and user identification for each
administered medication.
Visual inspection and test
2. Document History
Version Number
Description of Change
Released for Public Comment
March 31, 2015
3. Dependencies
For the related and required criteria, please refer to the Master Table of Related and Required Criteria.