12TH INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL PROGRAM Here, in Lisbon The cosmopolitan and globalised dimension of an international film festival must never do away with the particular character of the place where it is held, at the risk of becoming undifferentiated, one event among many other similar ones. Ever since its first edition, IndieLisboa has tried to be both local and universal. Conceived bearing in mind the specific features of the city and country where it takes place, it has also sought to develop its own personal approach to world contemporary cinema. Although coming into dialogue with other national and foreign views equally informed by a concern with current cinema – one that does not limit itself to the repetition of formulae or empty and inconsequent novelty -, it does not wish to be confused with any of these. Once again, this distinct view runs through the entire programme of our 12th edition and, particularly, a very special moment of this year’s festival. Resulting from a commission made at IndieLisboa’s 10th anniversary to four “very IndieLisboa” filmmakers (Denis Côté, Dominga Sotomayor, Gabriel Abrantes and Marie Losier), we will finally be able to present here, in Lisbon, the film with the same title, which is the outcome of a long and difficult production process, IndieLisboa – Associação Cultural’s first adventure in cinema production. Similarly to what happens to put each new festival edition on its feet, our financial constraints were only overcome with the commitment and generosity of all those who contributed, both within and outside IndieLisboa. While the support from the Municipality of Lisbon was decisive for getting the film started and that of NOS for bringing it to an end, the individual contributions of dozens of technicians, actors and other people who helped this project see the light of day were no less important. We are proud and happy that we will now be able to share this work with all those who took part in it, as well as Portuguese cinemagoers and, soon, a wider international audience. Telling four stories happening in Lisbon as different as their four authors, Here, in Lisbon reflects well what we want for this IndieLisboa edition: to tirelessly reinvent cinema as an idea and a language. Likewise, a festival must continually rethink its programming model, sections, parallel activities, etc. Therefore, some of the changes in this 12th IndieLisboa edition spring from our need to make our programming proposals better reach their potential audience and bring the different sections into dialogue. The main change in the festival structure is the creation of the Silvestre section, as a consequence of the extinction of three former distinct sections (Observatory, Emerging Cinema and World Pulse). With the aim of abolishing artificial borders between film genres and generations of filmmakers, which marked the previous design of the festival, Silvestre will be the freest and most inventive section of IndieLisboa, justifying the Monteirean inspiration of its name. At its debut, Silvestre will include a focus on one filmmaker, presenting the first complete retrospective of the irreverent, uncomfortable and prolific oeuvre of the young German filmmaker Jan Soldat, undoubtedly someone whose work we will continue following in the next years. Another important change brought by this edition is the newly and completely autonomous National Competition. Up until now, Portuguese features and shorts in competition were spread through the several sections of the festival. From this year on, the National Competition is an independent section with a jury of its own (which also votes for the section Brand-New, dedicated to emerging Portuguese filmmakers). In this way, we wish to highlight the National Competition in the festival as a whole, making it more visible both for national audiences and foreign professionals who attend the festival and thus can more easily know what is new in Portuguese cinema (nearly all the films presented in this year’s National Competition are absolute premieres). The last novelty in IndieLisboa 2015’s programme is the creation of a section especially thought for the midnight screenings, called Mouth of Hell and not advised for more sensitive souls. Not wanting to say too much, we think it will be worthwhile dropping by and experiencing more bizarre, extreme or simply disquieting films, some of which will become future cult films. The remaining festival programme is in line with the previous editions, distributed between the International Competition (this year broadened to third works), IndieJunior, IndieMusic, Director’s Cut, Independent Hero and Special Screenings. Within the Independent Hero, we pay tribute to two exciting filmmakers with markedly authorial worlds who have sought to renew the tradition of resolutely meandering narratives: the French filmmaker Mia Hansen-Love and the North American Whit Stillman. We will present the complete retrospectives of their work - in Stillman’s case, this will also be the opportunity to discover him as none of his films have ever been screened in Portugal. Another way of IndieLisboa reinventing itself is precisely by not sitting back and seeking to move out of the cinemas where the festival usually takes place, with a view to creating cinemagoers in places that are less connoted with film screenings (this year we applaud the entry of Cinema Ideal, which joins Culturgest, Cinema São Jorge and Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema). Within the Special Screenings, besides the usual importance awarded to Portuguese cinema, there are also more unique and “outside-the-format” events, such as the concert preceding the screening of Around the World in 50 Concerts, organised in collaboration with the festival Os Dias da Música (which this year will focus on film music and will also take IndieJunior to CCB), or the presentation of the essential Concerning Violence in a screening followed by a discussion to be held at Aula Magna, in a partnership with the Rectory of the University of Lisbon. To close off, we would like to express our deep gratitude to our partners and sponsors. First of all, we would like to thank the vital collaboration of our two co-producers (Culturgest and EGEAC). ICA, the Municipality of Lisbon and the MEDIA programme for their renewed support, which works as the structural basis of the festival. Allianz, for having strengthened its investment as main sponsor of IndieLisboa, after an experiment in 2014 that proved to be mutually enriching. Finally, we would like to thank our various institutional and private partners, which would be impossible to name individually in this text. The sum total of this support, partnerships and collaborations allowed us to make this edition the faithful mirror of our dreams and ambitions. We hope you enjoy IndieLisboa 2015. Miguel Valverde Nuno Sena (IndieLisboa directors) International Competition The International Competition for short and feature films is composed of works that have never been publicly screened in Portugal, finished in the current year or the year before. To this section can apply first, second and third works - fiction, animation, documentaries or experimental films. Feature Films Aferim! Radu Jude, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Documentary, 2015, 108' Christmas, Again Melbourne Nima Javidi, Iran, Fiction, 2014, 93' Ming of Harlem: Twenty One Storeys in the Air Charles Poekel, USA, Fiction, 2014, 80' Phillip Warnell, United Kingdom, Belgium, USA, Documentary, 2014, 71' Ela Volta na Quinta/She Comes Back on Thursday Quand je ne dors pas Güeros Sivas Koza/Goat Une Jeunesse Allemande/A German Youth André Novais Oliveira, Brazil, Fiction, Documentary, 2014, 107' Alonso Ruiz Palacios, Mexico, Fiction, 2014, 106' Ivan Ostrochovský, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Fiction, 2015, 75' Listen Up Philip Tommy Weber, France, Fiction, 2014, 80' Kaan Mujdeci, Turkey, Germany, Fiction, 2014, 97' Jean-Gabriel Périot, France, Switzerland, Germany, Documentary, 2015, 93' Alex Ross Perry, USA, Fiction, 2014, 108' Short Films A Invenção da Noite/The Invention of Night I comme Iran/I For Iran Abseits der Autobahn/Off the Highway Ja vi elsker/Yes We Love Agnes Leto bez meseca/Moonless Summer All That is Solid Loop Ring Chop Drink Buffalo Juggalos Maku/Veil Nechayanno/By Accident My Dad Cai putere/Horsepower Obiekt/Object Despedida/Farewell Onder Ons/Among Us Echo Chamber Opowieść o lesie/Of a forest Eclipse Prose du Transsibérien/Prose of the Trans-Siberian End of Summer Quinze/Fifteen Guy Moquet Requiem to a Shipwreck Hillbrow Roadtrip Hosanna Das Satanische Dickicht – Eins/ The Satanic Thicket – One Howto Willy Hans, Germany, Fiction, 2014, 30' Tomás von der Osten, Brazil, Fiction, 2015, 14' Rhona Mühlebach, Switzerland, Fiction, 2014, 21' Anja Lind, Sweden, Fiction, 2014, 15' Louis Henderson, France, Ghana, Documentary, 2014, 15' Scott Cummings, USA, Fiction, Documentary, 2014, 30' Zhora Kryzhovnikov, Russia, Fiction, 2014, 19' Daniel Sandu, Romania, Fiction, 2014, 27' Tiago Rosa-Rosso, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 13' Guillermo Moncayo, France, Colombia, Documentary, 2014, 19' Jacky De Groen, Belgium, Animation, 2014, 6' Jóhann Jóhannsson, Iceland, Denmark, Documentary, 2014, 29' Demis Herenger, France, Fiction, 2014, 29' Nicolas Boone, France, Fiction, 2014, 32' Na Young-kil, South Korea, Fiction, 2014, 25' Elisabeth Caravella, France, Animation, 2014, 25' Sanaz Azari, Belgium, Documentary, 2014, 50' Hallvar Witzø, Norway, Fiction, 2014, 15' Stefan Ivancic, Serbia, Fiction, 2014, 31' Nicolas Ménard, United Kingdom, Animation, 2014, 11' Yoriko Mizushiri, Japan, Animation, 2014, 5' Marcus Armitage, United Kingdom, Animation, 2014, 6' Paulina Skibińska, Poland, Documentary, 2015, 14' Guido Hendrikx, Netherlands, Documentary, 2015, 24' Katarzyna Melnyk, Poland, Animation, 2014, 4' David Epiney, Switzerland, Animation, 2014, 11' Maurilio Martins, Brazil, Fiction, 2014, 26' Janis Rafa, Greece, Netherlands, Fiction, 2014, 11' Xaver Xylophon, Germany, Animation, 2014, 22' Savupiippu/White Chimney Jani Peltonen, Finland, Documentary, 2014, 24' 4 (Short Films) Scribbledub Totems Seat 26D A Trama e o Círculo/The Mesh and the Circle Ross Hogg, United Kingdom, Animation, 2014, 3' Karolina Brobäck, Sweden, Documentary, 2014, 14' Shipwreck Morgan Knibbe, Netherlands, Italy, Documentary, 2014, 15' Sieben Mal am Tag beklagen wir unser Los und nachts stehen wir auf, um nicht zu träumen/ Seven Times a Day We Bemoan Our Lot and at Night We Get Up to Avoid Dreaming Susann Maria Hempel, Germany, Documentary, Animation, 2014, 18' Sarah Arnold, France, Fiction, 2014, 29' Francisco Queimadela, Mariana Caló, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 35' Triukšmadarys/The Noisemaker Karolis Kaupinis, Lithuania, Sweden, Fiction, 2014, 15' Udomowienie/Domestication Sylwia Gawel, Poland, Animation, 2015, 6' Yen Yen/Yen Yen (Drown In Smoke) Chunni Lin, Taiwan, Fiction, 2014, 12' This Particular Nowhere – Part I – Some of Wigner's Friends Zement Totally Lies Der Zuhälter und seine Trophäen/ The Pimp and his Trophies Rita Macedo, Portugal, Germany, Experimental, 2015, 8' Robin Mognetti, Switzerland, Fiction, 2015, 11' Bettina Nürnberg, Dirk Peuker, Austria, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 13' Antoinette Zwirchmayr, Austria, Documentary, 2014, 22' 5 National Competition This section aims at giving national and international recognition to Portuguese films finished in the current year or the year before, that have their world premiere at IndieLisboa. Feature Films Short Films Gipsofila/Gypsophila Aula de Condução/Driving Lesson Os Olhos de André/The Eyes of André Campo à Beira Mar/Countryside by the Sea A Toca do Lobo/The Wolf's Lair Cinzas e Brasas/Ashes and Embers Uma Rapariga da Sua Idade/A Girl of Her Age Despedida/Farewell Margarida Leitão, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 61' António Borges Correia, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 65' Catarina Mourão, Portugal, Documentary, Fiction, 2015, 102' Márcio Laranjeira, Portugal, USA, Documentary, Fiction, 2014, 85' André Santos, Marco Leão, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 17' André Ruivo, Portugal, Animation, 2015, 8' Manuel Mozos, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 21' Tiago Rosa-Rosso, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 13' Fora da Vida/On the Side Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 35' Iec Long João Pedro Rodrigues, João Rui Guerra da Mata, Portugal, Fiction, Documentary, 2014, 31' The Last Analog Tree Jorge Pelicano, Portugal, Fiction, 2014, 4' Lei da Gravidade/Law of Gravity Tiago Rosa-Rosso, Portugal, Fiction, 2014, 13' Othon Guillaume Pazat, Martim Ramos, Portugal, Brazil, Documentary, 2014, 38' Outubro Acabou/October is Over Miguel Seabra Lopes, Karen Akerman, Portugal, Brazil, Fiction, 2015, 24' Para Lá do Marão/Beyond Marão José Manuel Fernandes, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 7' Provas, Exorcismos/Trials, Exorcisms Susana Nobre, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 25' O Rebocador/Tow Truck Driver Jorge Cramez, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 16' This Particular Nowhere – Part I – Some of Wigner's Friends Rita Macedo, Portugal, Germany, Experimental, 2015, 8' A Trama e o Círculo/The Mesh and the Circle Francisco Queimadela, Mariana Caló, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 35' Um dia Cabouqueiros Tomás Baltazar, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 37' 6 Silvestre Just as Silvestre, a 1982 film by João César Monteiro, the films in this new section will not be afraid to follow unexpected paths, refuse impositions or seek alternative routes, even if they can become a little more wild or dangerous. By fusing previous Observatory, Emerging Cinema and World Pulse sections, the Silvestre section of the festival will gather works both from young filmmakers and established authors, with films only bound by their uniqueness. In focus, a young author worth discovering: Jan Soldat. Feature Films Before We Go Mange tes morts/Eat Your Bones Buzzard Mar For the Plasma Mercuriales Fort Buchanan Le Paradis Der Geldkomplex (El complejo de dinero)/ Der Geldkomplex (The Money Complex) Queen of Earth Juan Rodriganez, Spain, Germany, Fiction, 2015, 76' La Sapienza Jorge León, Belgium, Documentary, 2014, 82' Joel Potrykus, USA, Fiction, 2014, 97' Bingham Bryant, Kyle Molzan, USA, Fiction, 2014, 94' Benjamin Crotty, France, Tunisia, Fiction, 2014, 65' Das Grosse Museum/The Great Museum Johannes Holzhausen, Austria, Documentary, 2014, 94' Trudno byt' Bogom/Hard to Be a God Aleksey German, Russia, Fiction, 2013, 170' Histoire de Judas/Story of Judas Jean-Charles Hue, France, Fiction, 2014, 94' Dominga Sotomayor, Chile, Argentina, Fiction, 2014, 60' Virgil Vernier, France, Fiction, 2014, 108' Alain Cavalier, France, Documentary, 2014, 70' Alex Ross Perry, USA, Fiction, 2015, 90' Eugène Green, France, Italy, Fiction, 2014, 100' Takva su pravila/These Are the Rules Ognjen Sviličić, Croatia, France, Serbia, Macedonia, Fiction, 2014, 78' Une histoire américaine/Stubborn Armel Hostiou, France, Fiction, 2015, 86' Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche, France, Fiction, 2015, 99' Short Films 8 balles/8 Bullets In Waking Hours Atlantis Institute Above-Ground Frank Ternier, France, Animation, 2014, 13' Ben Russell, USA, Malta, Documentary, 2014, 24' Bad at Dancing Joanna Arnow, USA, Fiction, 2015, 11' Calamity qui?/Calamity Who? Isabelle Prim, France, Canada, Fiction, 2015, 4' Cinza/Ashes Micael Espinha, Portugal, Animation, 2014, 10' O Completo Estranho/Two in the Shadow Leonardo Mouramateus, Brazil, Fiction, 2014, 25' Da je kuća dobra i vuk bi je imao/ No Wolf Has a House Hana Jušić, Croatia, Fiction, 2015, 24' Dans la joie et la bonne humeur/ With Joy and Merriness Jeanne Boukraa, Belgium, Animation, 2014, 6' Exuvie Emmanuel Lantam, France, Animation, 2014, 14' Headlands Lookout Florian Zeyfang, Lisa Schmidt-Colinet, Alexander Schmoeger, Germany, Documentary, 2015, 22' Kacey Mottet Klein, Naissance d’un acteur, Une petite leçon de cinéma/Kacey Mottet Klein, Birth of an Actor, A Short Lesson in Cinema Ursula Meier, Switzerland, Documentary, 2015, 14' La légende dorée/The Golden Legend Olivier Smolders, Belgium, France, Fiction, Documentary, 2015, 24' The Living Need Light, The Dead Need Music The Propeller Group, Vietnam, Documentary, 2014, 21' The Mad Half Hour Leonardo Brzezicki, Denmark, Argentina, Fiction, 2015, 22' Moulton og meg/Me and My Moulton Torill Kove, Norway, Canada, Animation, 2014, 13' My BBY 8L3W Neozoon, Germany, France, Experimental, 2014, 3' Notre Dame des hormones/Our Lady of Hormones Bertrand Mandico, France, Fiction, 2014, 30' Nick Jordan, Jacob Cartwright, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2014, 24' O.T. I Am a Spy Panchrome I, II, III Sarah Wood, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2015, 23' 7 Katrien Vanagt, Sarah Vanagt, Belgium, Documentary, 2015, 18' Markus Scherer, Austria, Experimental, 2014, 4' T. Marie, USA, Experimental, 2014, 15' (Short Films) Le rêve de Bailu/Bailu Dream Take What You Can Carry Ritual for a Relict Tempête sur anorak/Storm Hits Jacket Salers This Is Cosmos Nicolas Boone, France, China, Documentary, 2015, 12' Alexander Glandien, Austria, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 8' Fernando Dominguez, Argentina, Animation, 2014, 9' San Siro Yuri Ancarani, Italy, Documentary, 2014, 26' Small People with Hats Sarina Nihei, United Kingdom, Animation, 2014, 7' Le souffleur de l'affaire/The Prompt of the Affaire Isabelle Prim, France, Fiction, 2014, 54' Silvestre Focous Jan Soldat Jan Soldat Der Besuch/The Visit Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 5' Beziehungsweise/Respectively Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2013, 5' Ein Wochenende in Deutschland/A Weekend in Germany Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2012, 25' Endlich Urlaub/Vacation, Finally Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2010, 3' Geliebt/Be Loved Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2010, 15' Haftanlage 4614/Prison System 4614 Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 60' Hotel Straussberg Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 27' Rein/Raus/In/Out Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2010, 1' Die sechste Jahreszeit/The Sixth Season Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 37' Der Unfertige/The Incomplete Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2013, 48' Wielandstraße 20, 3.OG links Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2012, 2' Zucht und Ordnung/Law and Order Jan Soldat, Germany, Documentary, 2012, 9' 8 Matthew Porterfield, USA, Germany, Fiction, 2015, 30' Paul Cabon, France, Animation, 2014, 13' Anton Vidokle, Germany, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Documentary, 2014, 30' Ton coeur au hasard/Your Heart At Random Aude Léa Rapin, France, Fiction, 2015, 39' Trauerkantate in sechs Arien/Cantata of Grief Pia Hellenthal, Marina Klauser, Germany, Fiction, 2013, 24' Brand New This competitive section gathers the work of young filmmakers taking their first steps. Some produced their film within school context, others were fearless enough to do it without any support. Portuguese new authors continue to blossom and we intend to shelter and show them. Short Films Cavern Club Gonçalo Soares, Portugal, Fiction, 2014, 54' Logística/Logistics Miguel Tavares, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 10' Mapa Museu/Map Museum Nuno Lacerda, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 8' Meeting Point Miguel Rato, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 10' A Rapariga de Berlim/The Girl from Berlin Bruno de Freitas Leal, Portugal, Fiction, 2014, 13' A Rapariga Ideal/The Ideal Girl Mariana Trigo Pereira, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 34' Swallows Sofia Bost, Portugal, United Kingdom, Fiction, 2014, 15' A Última Noite/The Last Night Joana Reis, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 12' 9 IndieJunior Programmed for children between three and fourteen years old, the screenings of this competitive section are presented to students and general audience. IndieJunior intends to contribute to children's aesthetic and cultural training through an artistic experience different from the ones that television and commercial cinema offer. Short Films A Sloth in Wonderland Lune et le Loup Banka/A Tin Can Den magiske tiden/The Magic Time AAA Messages dans l'air/Air-Mail Agnes Minoule Bighorror Moulton og meg/Me and My Moulton Bloquejats Apilats/Block and Piled Nashorntwist/Rockin' Rhino Campo à Beira Mar/Countryside by the Sea Nul poisson où aller/No Fish Where to Go Cookie-Tin Banjo One Man, Eight Cameras Cowboydrøm/Cowboy Dream Lars Hegdal, Norway, Animation, 2014, 8' Panique au village: la bûche de Noël/ A Town Called Panic: The Christmas Log Daan durft/Go Daan Go! Stéphane Patar, Vincent Aubier, Belgium, France, Animation, 2013, 26' Wonjin Jang, France, Animation, 2014, 5' Tatiana Kiseleva, Russia, Animation, 2013, 6' Andreas Hummel, Switzerland, Animation, 2014, 2' Anja Lind, Sweden, Fiction, 2014, 15' Maurice Huvelin, France, Animation, 2014, 2' Anna Solanas, Marc Riba, Spain, Animation, 2014, 6' André Ruivo, Portugal, Animation, 2015, 8' Peter Baynton, United Kingdom, USA, Animation, 2014, 3' Mari Sanders, Netherlands, Fiction, 2014, 15' Deux amis Natalia Chernysheva, France, Animation, 2014, 4' Down to Earth Anna Vasof, Austria, Animation, 2014, 7' Giovanni en het waterballet/ Giovanni and the Water Ballet Astrid Bussink, Netherlands, Documentary, 2014, 17' Gunther Erick Oh, South Korea, Animation, 2014, 7' Hairy Moo Moo Hadi Tabasi, Rasoul Zarrin, Iran, Animation, 2015, 5' Historia de un Oso/Bear Story Gabriel Osorio, Chile, Animation, 2014, 10' Illustration: Compostage/Illustration: composting Élise Auffray, France, Animation, 2014, 3' Kišni/Rainy Ivana Guljašević, Croatia, Animation, 2014, 6' Der kleine Vogel und das Eichhörnchen/ The Little Bird and the Squirrel Lena von Döhren, Switzerland, Animation, 2014, 5' Toma Leroux, Patrick Delage, France, Animation, 2014, 6' Kine Aune, Norway, Animation, 2013, 9' Isabelle Favez, Switzerland, France, Animation, 2014, 6' Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, France, Animation, 2014, 4' Torill Kove, Norway, Canada, Animation, 2014, 13' Verena Fels, Germany, Animation, 2013, 3' Nicola Lemay, Janice Nadeau, Canada, Animation, 2014, 13' Naren Wilks, United Kingdom, Experimental, 2014, 3' Personal Development Tom Sullivan, Ireland, Fiction, 2014, 15' Potovanje na ladji Beagle, Pasavec/ The Voyage of the Beagle, Armadillo Jernej Lunder, Slovenia, Animation, 2014, 11' A Primeira Vez/The First Time Gabriela Sá, Portugal, Animation, 2014, 1’ Sonámbulo/The Sleepwalker Theodore Ushev, Canada, Animation, 2015, 4' Sticks and Stones Isaac King, Canada, Animation, 2014, 4' Tant de forêts/So Many Forests Burcu Sankur, Geoffrey Godet, France, Animation, 2014, 3' The Tie An Vrombaut, Belgium, Animation, 2014, 9' Timber Nils Hedinger, Switzerland, Animation, 2014, 6' Tonda a bacil/Tony and Mr. Illness Kateřina Karhánková, Czech Republic, Animation, 2014, 4' Zebra Julia Ocker, Germany, Animation, 2013, 3' 10 Independent Hero Mia Hansen-Løve Mia Hansen-Løve once said she had decided to start filming because she felt unhappy. However, it is not sadness that dominates her work, not even pessimism that drives her characters. On the contrary, the French director's films are touched, in equal measure, by light and shadow, by moments of great passion and melancholy. In other words, they are warm, true and profound portraits of people who seek to find a path and a place for their feelings. Mia Hansen-Løve Fin août, début septembre/ Late August, Early September Olivier Assayas, France, Fiction, 1998, 112' Après mûre réflexion Mia Hansen-Løve, France, Fiction, 2003, 14' Tout est pardonné/All Is Forgiven Mia Hansen-Løve, France, Fiction, 2007, 105' Le pére de mes enfants/The Father of My Children Mia Hansen-Løve, France, Germany, Belgium, Fiction, 2009, 110' Un amour de jeunesse/Goodbye First Love Mia Hansen-Løve, France, Germany, Fiction, 2011, 110' Eden Mia Hansen-Løve, France, Fiction, 2014, 131' Independent Hero Whit Stillman Whit Stillman is as a father figure for the present generation of North-American filmmakers: Wes Anderson, Noah Baumbach, Greta Gerwig, or even Lena Dunham (television is now a territory where Stillman begins to venture). These are early adulthood portraits usually belonging to the high New York bourgeoisie (or what remains of it), diving in pleasure games, decoding explicit and repressed sexual desires and criticising not only a social status assessed by language and appearance but a constant lure of deception. Whit Stillman Metropolitan Whit Stillman, USA, Fiction, 1990, 98' Barcelona Whit Stillman, USA, Fiction, 1994, 101' The Last Days of Disco Whit Stillman, USA, Fiction, 1998, 113' Damsels in Distress Whit Stillman, USA, Fiction, 2011, 99' 11 IndieMusic A program mainly composed of documentaries focusing on music, namely the pop/ rock independent scene and its protagonists. Feature Films Short Films B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin Música Moderna – Um Disco Filme de Tochapestana/Modern Music – A Film Disc by Tochapestana The Death and Resurrection Show Tochapestana, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 50' Jörg A. Hoppe, Heiko Lange, Klaus Maeck, Germany, Documentary, 2015, 92' Shaun Pettigrew, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Documentary, 2014, 150' God Help the Girl Stuart Murdoch, United Kingdom, Fiction, 2014, 112' Lee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise Volker Schaner, Germany, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2014, 100' Life After Death From Above 1979 Eva Michon, Canada, Documentary, 2014, 72' Morphine – Journey of Dreams Mark Shuman, USA, Italy, Documentary, 2014, 91' No Manifesto: a film about Manic Street Preachers Elizabeth Marcus, USA, Documentary, 2015, 97' The Possibilities Are Endless Edward Lovelace, James Hall, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2014, 83' Theory of Obscurity: a film about The Residents Don Hardy Jr., USA, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Documentary, 2015, 93' Wacken 3D Norbert Heitker, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 95' Živan pravi pank festival/Zivan Makes a Punk Festival Ognjen Glavonić, Serbia, Documentary, 2013, 64' 12 Si jamais nous devons disparaître ce sera sans inquiétude mais en combattant jusqu'à la fin/ If We Ever Have to Disappear it Will Be Without Disquiet But We Will Fight Until the End Jean-Gabriel Périot, France, Fiction, 2014, 16' Director's Cut A program of recently restored works, rediscoveries and films which reflect upon cinema itself, its artistic dimension and history. Feature Films Short Films Beyond Clueless El adios largos Fassbinder – Lieben ohne zu fordern/ Fassbinder – To Love Without Demands Shadowland Christian Braad Thomsen, Denmark, Documentary, 2015, 109' The Vanity Tables of Douglas Sirk Charlie Lyne, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2014, 89' Guangyin de gushi – Taiwan xin dianying/ Flowers of Taipei – Taiwan New Cinema Chinlin Hsieh, Taiwan, France, Documentary, 2014, 110' Andrew Lampert, USA, Mexico, Experimental, 2013, 13' John Skoog, Sweden, Fiction, 2014, 14' Mark Rappaport, USA, France, Documentary, 2015, 11' You I Tourneur Marylène Negro, France, Experimental, 2014, 14' Les gants blancs/The White Gloves Louise Traon, France, Documentary, 2014, 58' Love is All: 100 Years of Love & Courtship Kim Longinotto, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2014, 70' Rabo de Peixe – Director's Cut/ Fish Tail – Director's Cut Joaquim Pinto, Nuno Leonel, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 103' Remake, Remix, Rip-Off Cem Kaya, Germany, Turkey, Documentary, 2014, 96' Ulrich Seidl und die bösen Buben/ Ulrich Seidl – A Director at Work Constantin Wulff, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 52' Viaggio nella dopo-storia/ Journey Into Post History Vincent Dieutre, France, Italy, Fiction, 2015, 80' Von Caligari zu Hitler: Das deutsche Kino im Zeitalter der Massen/From Caligari to Hitler: German Cinema in the Age of the Masses Rüdiger Suchsland, Germany, Documentary, 2014, 118' 13 Director’s Cut in Context Asphalt Joe May, Germany, Fiction, 1929, 90' Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant/ The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Germany, Fiction, 1972, 124' O Estranho Caso de Angélica/ The Strange Case of Angelica Manoel de Oliveira, Portugal, Spain, France, Brazil, Fiction, 2010, 97' Sixteen Candles John Hughes, USA, Fiction, 1984, 93' Mouth of Madness This section was unexpectedly born unexpectedly and carved its place in the festival. Films that festively march along the cliff regardless any fear. More or less domesticated vampires, porno directors with existential problems, nymphomaniac shrimps and teen werewolves are some of the characters we will glorify. Feature Films Short Films The Duke of Burgundy Chaud Lapin/Hot Rabbit Peter Strickland, United Kingdom, Fiction, 2014, 104' Fils de/What's Your Job Daddy? HPG, France, Documentary, 2014, 70' HomeSick Jakob M. Erwa, Germany, Fiction, 2014, 98' Ich seh Ich seh/Goodnight Mommy Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, Austria, Fiction, 2014, 99' Im Keller/In the Basement Ulrich Seidl, Austria, Documentary, 2014, 85' Når dyrene drømmer/When Animals Dream Jonas Alexander Arnby, Denmark, Fiction, 2014, 84' White Bird in a Blizzard Gregg Araki, USA, France, Fiction, 2014, 91' Alexis Magaud, Soline Béjuy, Maël Berreur, Géraldine Gaston, Flora Andrivon, France, Animation, 2014, 5' Deep Space Bruno Tondeur, Belgium, Animation, 2014, 7' How Olin Lost His Eye Damian Mc Carthy, Ireland, Fiction, 2013, 6' Loja de Répteis/Reptile Shop Pedro Severien, Brazil, Fiction, 2014, 17' Polaroid Lars Klevberg, Norway, Fiction, 2015, 16' Portrait Donato Sansone, Italy, Animation, 2014, 3' Seafood Porn Momoko Seto, France, Animation, 2013, 6' Splintertime Rosto, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Animation, 2014, 10' Tuck Me In Ignacio F. Rodó, Spain, Fiction, 2014, 1' Undead Woman Shanti Masud, France, Fiction, 2014, 12' You Me and It Anita Delaney, Ireland, Fiction, 2014, 4' 14 Special Screenings Special Screenings include Portuguese premieres, such as the awaited The Portuguese Falcon, by João Leitão, and acclaimed international premieres, such as Göran Olsson's Concerning Violence. This section will also include two special programs: State of the Art (in collaborations with VIS: Vienna Independent Shorts Film Festival and Tampere Film Festival) and FIPRESCI's 90th anniversary. Feature Films Tampere Aqui, em Lisboa/Here, in Lisbon Les barbares/The Barbarians Denis Côté, Dominga Sotomayor, Gabriel Abrantes, Marie Losier, Portugal, Fiction, Documentary, 2015, 88' A Arte da Luz Tem 20.000 Anos/ The Art of Light Has 20.000 Years João Botelho, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 55' Capitão Falcão/The Portuguese Falcon João Leitão, Portugal, Fiction, 2015, 100' A Casa das Mães Philippe Constantini, Portugal, Documentary, 2014, 128' Concerning Violence/Concerning Violence Jean-Gabriel Périot, France, Documentary, 2010, 5' Habana Edouard Salier, France, Fiction, 2014, 22' J.M. Mondésir Alice Colomer-Kang, France, Fiction, 2012, 25' Lumikko/The Little Snow Animal Miia Tervo, Finland, Documentary, 2009, 19' Museum Piece John Smith, United Kingdom, Documentary, 2004, 12' Göran Hugo Olsson, Sweden, USA, Denmark, Finland, Documentary, 2014, Documentary, %' Force majeure/Turist Ruben Östlund, Sweden, France, Norway, Fiction, 2014, 118' O Medo à Espreita/The Lurking Fear Marta Pessoa, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 97' Om de wereld in 50 concerten/ Around the World in 50 Concerts Heddy Honigmann, Netherlands, Documentary, 2014, 94' While We're Young Noah Baumbach, USA, Fiction, 2014, 97' Vienna Independent Shorts Aim Björn Kämmerer, Karoline Meiberger, Austria, Fiction, 2005, 3' Anomalies Ben Cady, United Kingdom, Animation, 2012, 12' Blue Moon Bjørn Melhus, Germany, Experimental, 1998, 4' Boogodobiegodongo Peter Millard, United Kingdom, Animation, 2012, 4' Krochacarraldo Short Films Nos Campos em Volta/In the Surrounding Fields João Botelho, Portugal, Documentary, 2015, 12' Christoph Schwarz, Austria, Fiction, 2013, 18' Mystery Music Nicolas Mahler, Austria, Animation, 2009, 6' Sunny Afternoon Thomas Redoldner, Austria, Animation, 2012, 7' FIPRESCI Cerný Petr/Black Peter Uso Justo Coleman Miller, USA, Experimental, 2005, 23' Milos Forman, Czechoslovakia, Fiction, 1964, 85' Lourdes Jessica Hausner, Austria, France, Germany, Fiction, 2009, 96' HEAD Otac na sluzbenom putu/When Father Was Away on Business Les évangile d’anasyrma/Gospel of Anasyrma Emir Kusturica, Yugoslavia, Fiction, 1985, 136' Repulsion Elene Naveriani, Switzerland, Fiction, 2014, 29' Komorebitachi Roman Polanski, United Kingdom, Fiction, 1965, 105' Sophie Perrier, Masanori Omori, Switzerland, Japan, Documentary, 2014, 15' La Teta Asustada Kurz davor ist es passiert/It Happened Just Before Claudia Llosa, Spain, Peru, Fiction, 2009, 95' Anja Salomonowitz, Austria, Fiction, 2006, 72' Mapalé Jorge Cadena, Switzerland, Experimental, 2014, 5' Meccarillos Aurelie Pernet, Switzerland, Fiction, 2014, 18' Stalingrad Lovers Fleur Albert, France, Burkina Faso, Fiction, 2012, 80' Über die jahre/Over the years Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Austria, Documentary, 2015, 180' 15 12TH INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL 16
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