newsletter_05052015 - Clermont State School

05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Hello Parents and caregivers,
NAPLAN next week
Boys, girls and parents of students in years three and five, it’s that NAPLAN time of year again!
Next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday students from Clermont SS will have the opportunity to
demonstrate what they know and can do and their performances will be compared with that of
every other year three and five student across the country.
Students will begin by completing language conventions and writing on Tuesday, then
reading on Wednesday and numeracy on Thursday. Friday is set aside as a spare day for
students to complete any of the tests that they may have missed on the previous days.
Parents, our kids have been well prepared for NAPLAN by teachers. They have been working
through Australian curriculum, they have sat practice tests and have NAPLAN style questions imbedded in their lessons. I have every confidence that they will do well next week. Good luck kids.
If you have any questions relating to NAPLAN, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or
school administration.
NAPLAN Brekky club
Clermont State School will offer a free ‘brekky’ for any students sitting NAPLAN who haven’t eaten before school. Mr Forrest has kindly offered to run the program and he will be ably supported
by other classroom teachers and teacher aides. The brekky program will be run out of the tuck
shop and will begin at 8.15am.
Whole school attendance – 94.6%
Our whole school attendance rate is above the school attendance rate at the same time last year.
Although that’s a positive, we have now dropped below the magical 95%. It’s at this time of year
that we see a decline in attendance at schools across the country, mostly due to winter illnesses.
We don’t expect sick children to come to school but if they are capable of being at school, that’s
where they should be. Let’s re focus on what’s important – our kid’s schooling! –let’s get them
here on time every day and have that school rate back above 95%. We cannot do our job if our
students aren’t here. Parents, please make a big effort to get your child to school every day.
Uniform for 2014 – a great start
School uniforms are looking fantastic! The absolute vast majority of students are attending school
in uniform, which is great to see. The expectation is that students wear a school shirt, checked or
sport shirt, and a pair of maroon shorts. During winter this year it is also an expectation that
students wear a maroon jumper and maroon tracksuit pants. A maroon hat is also part of the
school uniform. Uniform says a lot about a school. Let’s send the right message to community,
that we at Clermont SS have high expectations and uniforms are no exception.
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Canberra camp meeting
As many of you would be aware our year five and six students will brave the elements in August
and visit the nation’s capital for camp. To advise on the itinerary and to discuss packing and
planning issues, we will be holding an information session on Wednesday May 20th in the library.
After school at 3.15pm. Remember full camp payments are due in July. If you need an update
on how much you have outstanding, please contact the office.
Free camp hoodie
An initiative by parents, in conjunction with the school student council, has seen a hoodie added
to the packing list and it’s free of charge! A big thank you to Mrs Francis and Mrs Lyons who
have contributed to the cause and of course our student council too. Students are invited to help
sell raffle tickets at the big IGA or at the Clermont Show later this month. Raffle tickets are being
sold with the first prize a signed North Queensland Cowboys jersey.
Before School Reading Program, year two and five
Our before school reading program is continuing in our year three and five classrooms every
morning before school. The program is based in Mr Forrest’s class and students are asked to
attend school from 8.30am onwards to get some much needed reading practise. The program
has been running since 2013 and teachers have noticed a significant improvement as a result of
the program. Parents, if you’d like to help out, please see your child’s classroom teacher.
Peak Downs Cross Country Trials
Last Friday Clermont SS sent a group of athletes to the Peak Downs cross country trials in Middlemount. Clermont competed extremely well and had Eeathen Francis, Savannah Lawrence,
Bailey Looker, Sophie Keune, Ella and Evie Poulus selected to attend the CH trials in Emerald.
Congratulations to all our students who participated, you did your community proud in what is a
really tough event.
Capricornia Rugby League Trials
Congratulations to Cy Knutsen-Alberts who represented the school and CH district at the regional trials at Gladstone on Sunday and Monday. Cy played front row and was considered for the
‘possibles versus probables’ game on Monday afternoon. Well done mate, hopefully you can
bring some of that good form back to the Clermont Bears Club games!
Student Council ‘Wear Blue’ day for Autism raised $190.00 for Autism Queensland.
If you’d like to discuss anything mentioned above or any other educational issue, please contact
school administration.
Yours in education
Adam Poulus
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Message from the Head of Curriculum
Mathemacs at Clermont State School
Maths fluency skills (such as number facts) makes up 40% of what we do in our maths
program at Clermont SS. The other 60% is made up of problem solving, understanding
and reasoning – skills that are important to work out real life computa+ons efficiently.
It is said that mental computa+on and es+ma+on account for approximately 80% of the
calcula+ons we do in real life, using a calculator only accounts for 15-18% and paper and
pencil methods around 3-5%. Think about how o2en you now get out a pen and pencil to
work out everyday problems such as working out the discounts when you go shopping,
adding up the cost of entry to the pool for your family or working out how much +me you
have le2 un+l you need to pick up the kids from school. Most likely, it’s not very o2en,
and you are more inclined to work out these computa+ons quickly in your head.
Studies have shown most adults were only ever taught one way to add, subtract, mul+ply
and divide (mostly using paper and pencil) and 30% of Australian adults are unable to use
the procedure that was drilled into them. These adults o2en have anxiety when it comes
to real life situa+ons that involve calcula+on.
What does the Australian Curriculum expect?
*Addi+on and subtrac+on facts by year 3
*Mul+plica+on and division facts by year 4
*A great focus on mental methods to prepare students for real world situa+ons
*A range of wri9en methods (not just the one method)
*Students to choose methods and strategies to suit individual problems
At Clermont SS, our Back to Front Maths Program allows students to discuss and explain
the number of ways they can arrive at an answer to best prepare them for real world
problems involving mathema+cs. Teachers focus on helping students to overcome any
misconcep+ons they may have and assist them to see and discuss different ways of ge>ng
the correct answer.
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
How can you help your child at home?
- Resist the tempta+on to say “this is how you should do it”
- Ask your child to explain their strategies for adding and subtrac+ng
- Ask your child for an es+mate before they calculate the exact answer
- Ask “is that answer reasonable?” and “how else could you work it out?”
A great playing card game to play with children in years 3 and above is called ‘Digit Cards.’
This is a great game to get families discussing how they arrived at their answers and explaining why their answer is reasonable and correct.
Danielle Freiberg
Head of Curriculum
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Master Teacher Report – Diana Goodwin
Preparing Students for NAPLAN – Grammar and Punctuation.
From the beginning of 2015, students in Years Three and Five have been
practising questions from the Grammar and Punctuation component of the
NAPLAN tests on a weekly basis. This will continue until the week of the tests.
One sample question is taken from previous tests and
expanded on using explicit instruction. Students have a chance to become familiar with question
types, content and concepts around Grammar and Punctuation.
Students have been recognising examples that are instantly recognisable as
They have focussed on reading each question correctly and revising Grammar and
Punctuation concepts.
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Flynn H.
For your enthusiastic approach to our English unit learning
about retells.
Travis M.
For always working hard and trying your best to write
words independently. Great job!
Vaishali B.
For making good choices in the classroom and constructing
great retells in Reading Groups.
Harrison K.
For huge improvements with his reading levels, and being
the class maths superstar.
Jasper C.
For showing a fantastic improvement in all class work and
having an excellent attitude.
Hannah L.
For impressive progress with your 8x table. Keep up the
hard work.
Hayden S.
For showing outstanding behaviour and being involved in
classroom discussions. Well done!
Tyler S.
Thomas McD.
Hayden S.
Jade A.
Understanding of Fractions.
For being an active member of class discussions and working hard at all times.
For having a positive attitude towards all class activities.
Always being ready for class and respectful member in
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Hello Parents,
Tuckshop - A huge thanks to our new tuckshop volunteer Marcia and other
volunteers who have put their hand up for extra times. We still have a
few spots to fill as you can see on the Tuckshop Roster. Filling these spots ensures we have the
minimum number of helpers we require to run tuckshop.
Tuckshop can always do with an extra helper if you can spare any time on
a Monday or Friday morning please pop in, it is a huge help.
Aquaballs are no longer available through our supplier, however in trying
to encourage students to drink more water, we will be introducing our own tuckshop made real
fruit flavour infused water. Raspberry water will be available this Friday with a small cup (slushie
cup size) $1 and large cup $1.50.
Mother's Day stall is open again Wednesday morning from 8 am until
school starts. New items had been added with nothing over $10.
P&C Vice President.
UNIFORM SHOP: the uniform shop will be open fortnightly on Wednesdays only.
best way to order uniforms is to complete your order online using Flexischool. Winter stock
now available.
Sizes to suit older students, a new shipment now in stock.
Shop open - Wednesday 6th May 2015
8:30 to 9:00
05th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
Friday 8th
Ruth Brown
Anne9e Hawkins
Monday 11th
Louise Dewi9
Marcia Braxton
Friday 15th
Judy Smith
Lisa Holland
Monday 18th May
Louise Dewi9
Friday 22nd May
Anne9e Hawkins
Monday 25th May
Meg Brill
Friday 29th May
Judy Smith
Monday 1st June
Louise Dewi9
Friday 5th
Ruth Brown
Tuesday 9th June
Louise Dewi9
Friday 12th
Judy Smith
Monday 15th
Louise Dewi9
Friday 19th
Julie Warren
Monday 22nd June
Meg Brill
Friday 26th June
Ruth Brown
Anne9e Hawkins
Julie Warren & Marcia Braxton
Lisa Holland
Ruth Brown & Marcia Braxton
Julie Warren
The blank spots above need filling, please give me a call if you can fill
any of these, even if it is only for a limited +me. Mob: 0448523200
C & K Clermont Community Kindergarten
We currently have vacancies in both of our kindergarten groups and welcome any
early entries (children aged from 3 years) who wish to start kindergarten early this
year. We are also able to have children enrolled in both groups (a9end 5 days) at present.
We are holding our Open Day a4ernoon on Wednesday 17th June from 3.30pm5.30pm for 2016 enrolments. A2ernoon tea will be provided and we will have some
fun ac+vi+es ready for the children. Any enrolments received during the open day
will waive our enrolment fee. Children born from 1 July 2011-31 July 2012 are the priority age for children enrolling for kindergarten in 2016.
If your family is interested and cannot aend on
our open day please contact us to
arrange an alternate me to meet.
Ph: 0749832027
[email protected]
Clermont Skate Park toilet block,
new opening hours
Isaac Regional Council would like to advise that the skate park toilet block will
now be open:
Monday to Thursday 7.30am to 3.15pm
Friday 7.30am to 12.45pm
Council is currently reviewing options to extend the opening hours and will inform the community of the outcome in the coming weeks.
If you require further information please contact 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).
Acting Chief Executive Officer
On the 1st of April, 2015, the Clermont State School P&C held our
Annual AGM. We would like to say a very big thank you to Kristy
Espig, for the time and awesome effort that she has put in as our
P&C President for the past few years, as she steps down from the
position and into the Vice-President role. The Secretary position has
been taken up by Donna Cook, our Treasurer again this year is Elise
Lawrence and our Uniform Co-Ordinator and Tuck Shop Convener
positions also remaining the same with Lisa Holland and Kristy
Espig continuing on. Thank you to all mentioned for your ongoing
support and commitment to our wonderful school.
The exciting news is that we are seeking a new President! If you
are willing or know of someone else who is willing to fill this role and
bring your/their unique skills and abilities to lead the P&C into 2015
please be sure to let the ladies in the School Office know. We look forward to seeing the nominations for the 2015 P&C President.
It’s been fantastic to have a few new faces at this year’s P&C meetings so far! As you know, P&C’s are essential parts of schools, with
dedicated parents and community members volunteering to contribute to their management and improvements. P&C Membership is
free and even if you are not able to be at every regular meeting, being a P&C member is a fantastic way to learn what’s happening
around the school and to have your say.
Clermont State School P&C Secretary.
Foyer Display
5th May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
21st April 2015
Term 2 Week 1
SCHOOL BANKING is WEDNESDAY -: If parents have any inquiries about
school banking contact the office we have leaflets we can send home with your
If you have a baby or toddler and would like to get out and
meet other mums and bubs come along to playgroup on
Wednesday mornings at 9:30 in the school hall.
Remember to bring a plate to share and this is a nut to free
school and playgroup
Call Anne for more information 0448689709.
28th April 2015
Term 2 Week 2
Week 3
Mothers Day Stall
Week 4
12/13/14th May
Years 4 & 5
Week 5
Wednesday 20th May
Year 5/6 Camp meeng
School Library
Week 6
26th May
Arts Council
Week 6
27th May
Clermont Show Holiday
Week 8
8th June
Public Holiday
Week 9
16-18th June
Life Educaon
Week 9
Tuesday 16th June
Athlecs Carnival
Clermont SS
29th October 2013
Term 4 Week 4