Concordia Legacy Scholarship Society i.ZMJGFXPVMEOUCFXIBUJUJTUPEBZXJUIPVU the gift of a legacy scholarship. Through its assistance, I’ve been able to learn and grow at a college I otherwise couldn’t attend. As a QSFQIBSNBDZTUVEFOU$PODPSEJBIBTHJWFO NFBOFEVDBUJPOJONVDINPSFUIBOKVTU science and has taught me I really can make a difference in the world. ” Shannon Burton ‘14 Recipient of the Teresa Harland Legacy Scholarship BENEFITS TO BELONGING “The Legacy Scholarship program has a lot of meaning for us. As we recalled the challenges we faced when our three children BUUFOEFE$PODPSEJBXFDIPTFUPJOWFTUJO the Legacy Scholarship program to make a meaningful difference for another family. It’s a blessing now to connect with the student who receives our annual Legacy Scholarship BOELOPXUIBUXFBSFEPJOHKVTUUIBU*UTBMTP important to us to leave a legacy and so we made provisions in our estate planning for BHJGUUP$PODPSEJBUIBUXJMMQFSNBOFOUMZ endow our Legacy Scholarship and continue UPQSPWJEFTVQQPSUGPS$PODPSEJBTUVEFOUT beyond our lifetimes.” The Legacy Scholarship Society supports and upholds Concordia’s first priority – our students. With each $5,000 gift, a specific student is impacted by your vital financial support. Gifts to the Legacy Scholarship Society are used only for scholarships, and awards are based on need or scholastic achievement. As a Legacy Scholarship Society member you will: t /BNFZPVSTDIPMBSTIJQ t 3FDPNNFOEUIFTUVEFOUIBTBDFSUBJONBKPSPSJTGSPNBTQFDJmDHFPHSBQIJDMPDBUJPO t .FFUUIFTUVEFOUXIPSFDFJWFTZPVSTDIPMBSTIJQ t #FSFDPHOJ[FEBTB$EPOPS Les ’65 and Pat ‘67 Westgard Legacy Scholarship Society donors t3FDFJWFUIF-FHBDZ"XBSE 916254/150/0713 t 3FDFJWFJOWJUBUJPOTUPTQFDJBM$PODPSEJBFWFOUT The Concordia Legacy Scholarship Society $5,000 student scholarship Donor Information Donor name __________________________________________________________ Home phone (______) _______________________ Cellphone (______) _______________________ Email address __________________________________________________________ Donor name __________________________________________________________ Home phone (______) _______________________ Cellphone (______) _______________________ Email address __________________________________________________________ Home address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________________ State _________________ ZIP ______________________ Naming The scholarship will be in the donor’s name unless the donor chooses to name it in memory or honor of an individual. In memory or honor of __________________________________________________________________________ Designation I/We do not want to designate this scholarship. Please use gift where need is greatest. I/We would like to designate this scholarship: By major (e.g., a student majoring in business, music, pre-medicine) _______________________________________________ By geography (must be greater than city or county – e.g., a student from Montana, rural North Dakota, Iron Range, Fargo-Moorhead ________________________________________________________________________________ metro area, Norway) Please complete both sides. Please complete both sides. Payment Payment Schedule and Scholarship Award Timeline Legacy Scholarship funds received between May 1 and April 30 will be awarded the following academic year. Payment Options I plan to remit $5,000 or $________ via: Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Cash Securities Payment will be made as follows: In full now $ ________ Annually $ ________ Quarterly $ ________ Monthly $ ________ I would like the convenience of automatic monthly withdrawal (an authorization form will be sent to you for completion). Please send a reminder (date) _________________________ I agree to annually renew my scholarship at $5,000/year For credit card: Name on card ____________________________________________________ Card number ________________________________ Exp. date ____________ Signature _______________________________________ Date ___________ Matching Gifts My/Our gift is eligible for a match from (Check with your human resource office for matching gift forms.) ____________________________________________________________ (Company name) Signature _____________________________________________________ Date __________________________ Make a gift online: Return to: 7KH&RQFRUGLD$QQXDO)XQG&RQFRUGLD&ROOHJHWK6W60RRUKHDG01ĚRU 916254/150/0713 This pledge does not represent a binding obligation on my/our part or on the part of my/our heirs. Contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.
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