Looking up your Grades and Progress

Connect Student Guide:
Looking up your Grades and Progress
In this guide you will learn how to:
 Access your Grades
 Understand Grades vs Final Calculated Grades
 Look up your progress in a Connect Unit.
Before you start:
Log in to Connect: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au
Username: (your student number) and Password
Then, select your Unit from the Unit dropdown menu in the Minibar.
Important things to note about Grades in Connect
 The Grades tool is the central place where results from all assessment items
in your unit are collected.
o Grades can collect results from any assessment tool in Connect e.g.
Quiz, Dropbox.
o Grades can also collect results from an offline activity e.g. Practical
 Connect grades are taken into account, but your final result for a unit of
competency is calculated and released separately to you.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
Access your Grades
1. Select Grades from the Assessments context menu.
2. Final Calculated Grade and Grades for individual assessment items are
displayed. Your Final Calculated Grade requires all individual assessments for a
particular Unit to be completed and graded.
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Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
3. Once you have achieved a satisfactory result for all assessment items, this will be
reflected in your Final Calculated Grade.
NB: a final calculated grade in Connect does not reflect your final result for a unit of
competency e.g. Competent/Not yet Competent.
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Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
Look up Progress in your Unit
1. Select User Progress from the Tools context menu.
2. Your Progress Summary report for your Unit displays. This shows your progress
in all areas of your Connect unit including Grades, Content, Discussion, Dropboxes,
Checklists, Surveys and Login History.
You might like to filter your results by date (last 7 days, last 30 days or All Time).
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
3. Select an area that you would like more detailed information e.g. Content.
4. Content Progress details the number of visits to the Content area of your unit,
time spent and modules visited (for the Connect Unit you have selected).
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Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
5. For detailed information at a Topic level, select a link under each Module.
6. The number of visits, time spent and date you last visited for each topic displays.
NB: This information is visible to you and your Instructor so they can see how you
are tracking in the unit and provide further assistance if you need.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect