Newsletter 2 June 2015 Term 2 Week 7 On The Wings of Wisdom Coorparoo State School Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015 Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360 From the Principal John Kennedy, Acting Principal, [email protected] Entering our whole-school reporting period I wanted to share with you my thoughts on why we do what we do, in regard to student performance. Reporting on student achievement serves a number of purposes. For our staff, it is through the collection, analysis and planned responses to this (and other) data that informed improvement decisions can be made - ensuring that every student is provided the opportunity to reach their full potential. For our parents, I sense the purpose is shifting towards building beliefs and communicating values that will ignite the next phase of improvement for their children. For our students, It is to inspire, instruct and promote growth. Ultimately though, reporting is just one step in moving everyone from great to excellent. Renowned educational theorist Michael Fullan, however, has referenced ‘greatness’ as the enemy of ‘excellence’ because it is easy to be complacent and take things for granted. Our teachers know this. Individually and collectively they are intrinsically motivated to keep on improving. Motivated not just because they care, but also because they understand that they are making a measurable difference in the lives of all of their students. It is this difference that is reported to you as parents. This ‘one step’ also comes with a renewed focus and sustained commitment to continuous improvement and a concerted pursuit of focussed and disciplined innovation. Semester One report cards will be sent home with each student on Tuesday 23 June 2015. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED… TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AROUND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL AREA IS COMING CAR PARK SITUATION AT SPINE TUNING CHIROPRACTIC It has come to our attention that a number of parents and carers are using the private car park at Spine Tuning to drop off and pick up children. Wednesday 3 June ICAS – Science Monday 8 June Queen's Birthday holiday Wednesday 10 June Open Day, 9:15am Hall SOAR Be Responsible; respect all garden areas. These are not to be used as play spaces or as shortcuts. School Parade Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6 __________________________ In this issue: (click to read more) HPE News Diary Dates and Meetings School Activities P&C News Community News Thank you to all the families who have chosen to pay online. It is greatly appreciated! Please refrain from dropping off and pick up your children from any of our local businesses. Thank you. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 1 of 10 From the Acting Deputy Principal Jinder Kaur, Acting Deputy, [email protected] COORPAROO CONNECT –Parent drop in centre Last Friday was the second time some parents had a get-together to meet and connect with each other. A delicious Indian brunch was served and enjoyed by all. The next get-together will be on Friday 12 June at 9am at the entrance to the Hall. Tea and coffee will be available and contributions for a shared morning tea are most welcome. At this stage meetings will take once a fortnight with a proposal to have a shared meal once or twice a term. Sheela Srinivas has offered to co-ordinate the get together sessions but at this stage if you wish any further information please contact Leisa Whybird [email protected]. From the Acting Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy David Knowles, Acting STLaN [email protected] It’s been a busy time at CSS for the Learning Support Team. The last five weeks at CSS has been a steep learning curve for me but the support from school leadership has been insightful, generous and always timely. I have been involved in an array of terrific school-wide initiatives, and also with initiatives where the focus is the learning needs of individual students. One of the most exciting parts of my week is taking part in the Flying Squad programme which provides every student in Year 1 with small group-guided reading. This means that each student in Year 1 has three 35 minute sessions per week where we utilise the reading strategies young readers have already learned to help them read unfamiliar texts. The development of confidence and independent reading skills amongst these young readers over the past five weeks has been remarkable and is testament to their classroom teachers, this powerful teaching procedure and the contributing staff. I have also been directly engaged in Learning Support within a number of classrooms, liaising with teachers to plan and deliver material to students which ensure equitable access to the Curriculum such that students can continue on the pathway to being independent life-long learners. In a large school like CSS it would be impossible to plan and deliver material without the support of Teacher Aides. Indeed a big part of my role as Learning Support teacher at CSS has been to timetable many hours of Teacher Aide time into classrooms to ensure teachers and students are supported to succeed. A harder working, more adaptable and experienced group of people you would be hard pressed to find. COORPAROO CARNIVAL 2015 Sunday 18 October We are excited to announce our first Platinum Sponsor for this year's Carnival - Motorama City Holden who have provided a Holden Barina at discount cost for our major raffle. Platinum Sponsor Major Raffle Sponsor Learning Support also provides a Before School Reading Club for students to drop in before school and read with the support of a teacher or Teacher’s Aide. This is a fantastic initiative instigated by Ms Jinder and Ms Henaway last term which I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of. It is especially heartening to see the number of boys who turn up each morning to sit and read together. And while I sit here typing this document as the peak-hour traffic rolls by on Old Cleveland Road and there is still a lot of paperwork to do, meetings to organise and technical work to do, I feel a sense of excitement knowing that Learning Support at CSS is doing a great job for our community and ensuring equitable access to education for all students. I’m a lucky man . SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Caltex Camp Hill Cnr Old Cleveland Rd & Bennetts Rd Page 2 of 10 HPE NEWS Megan Carpenter [email protected] , and Kim Godson [email protected] LYTTON TENNIS REP Congratulations to Andrej J who has been selected to represent Lytton at the upcoming Met East Tennis trials. Good luck Andrej! HATS IN PE LESSONS Please ensure your child has a wide-brimmed hat for PE lessons. Students who do not have a hat will not be able to participate in PE lessons for sun safety reasons. SENIOR ATHLETICS (Years 3-6) DATE CLAIMER Please be advised the annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 June. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2015-CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS AND PARTICIPATION EVENTS (Years 3-6) Thank you to all students who have attended an Athletics Trial over the past few weeks. The list of competitors for each event will be displayed in the Foyer near Lost Property (in the Admin Block) by the start of Week 8. Please check this to see which events you have qualified for. If a student has missed a trial due to illness (or other valid reasons), they are requested to see their PE teacher ASAP. Students will NOT be added to Championship Events on the day/s of the Carnival. Please remember, students who have not qualified to compete in a Championship Event/s, will compete in Participation Events for each of the athletic disciplines on Athletics Carnival Day. EVENT TRIAL DATE DISCUS*** Week 10 Monday 22 June: 3.00pm (after school) Tuesday 23 June: 3.00pm (after school) (LOCATION-Carey Field) *** NB The Discus Trial is a qualifier for Lytton. It will NOT be an Event at our school Athletics Carnival. Age Champion Points will NOT be awarded for Discus. MUSIC NEWS Annelle Vogler, Music Teacher, [email protected] OPEN REHEARSALS Week 7 – Year 5 Junior Band, Monday after school Week 7 – Senior Band, Tuesday before school Week 9 – Year 4 Junior Band, Monday before school Week 9 – Senior Choir, Thursday before school JUNIOR BANDS REHERSALS Tuesday 9 June both Year 4 and Year 5 Junior Bands will have rehearsals during school time to make up for the missed Monday (Queen's Birthday holiday) rehearsals. Year 4 Junior Band Year 5 Junior Band 9:35am-10:05am 11:30am-12:00pm SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 3 of 10 GERMAN NEWS Frau Newsham, German Teacher [email protected] This year again, the Year 5 & 6 students have been very fortunate that the school has subscribed to Language Perfect, an online language learning program. Language Perfect is a great learning tool that helps students expand their German vocabulary. The first special event this year was Language Perfect World Championship from 18 May to 28 May. It was a great opportunity for students to compare their skills across the school, the country and the world. Worldwide 1077 schools took part in the competition. Coorparoo State School has yet again achieved excellent results. th Coorparoo came 7 for German in the 101 – 250 students category. (We have 187 students learning German at the moment). On averages, i.e. number of points divided th by number of students, CSS was 6 with the five in front of us being all high schools. Students answered a total of 204 605 questions correctly, spent an estimated time of 948 hours learning German and earned 39 certificates. By next week we will have the official list of students who have achieved a certificate and their names will be included in the Newsletter. Well done students! Fantastisch! SCHOOL and COMMUNITY NEWS This week … Diary Dates and Meetings Payments School Activities P&C News DIARY DATES AND MEETINGS Wednesday 3 June—ICAS – Science Monday 8 June—Queen's Birthday public holiday Tuesday 9 – Friday 12 June—Junior Strings Camp Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am Hall Friday 12 June—School Dance, 5:30 to 8:30pm, Hall Monday 15 June—ICAS – Writing Tuesday 16 June—ICAS – Spelling Wednesday 17 June—P&C Meeting, 7:00pm, Library Thursday 18 June—Year 6 German Lone Pine excursion Monday 22 June—Senior Athletics Carnival Tuesday 23 June—Senior Athletics Carnival Friday 26 June—Term 2 ends Monday 13 July—Term 3 starts Tuesday 14 - Friday 17 July—Year 5 Beginner Instrumental Music Camp 2016 ENROLMENTS QSCHOOLS APP 1. Download the QSchools app from your app store. 2. If you already have the app, please ensure it is up-to-date, as out-dated versions will not receive notifications. 3. Make sure you have Coorparoo State School as your favourite school. Allowing push notifications means we can keep you up-todate with critical information, health alerts and weather warnings. If you already have the App, please ensure it is upto-date, as outdated versions will not receive notifications. Click here to get the App Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am-11:00am For future events please visit the School Events Calendar SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 4 of 10 PAYMENTS ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE PAID BY THE DUE DATE. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD MISSING OUT ON AN EXCURSION OR EVENT. PAYMENTS DUE Friday 5 June—Year 6 German Lone Pine excursion, $26.00 When making online payments to the school please include the Invoice Number as your payment reference. Failure to include a valid reference number can often mean that payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account. THANK YOU A huge thank you to Andersens Coorparoo, the respected name in floor coverings, for removing the old carpet and flooring in our Staff room, and replacing this with new woodlook vinyl at no cost to Coorparoo State School. Andersens Coorparoo have done a lot of work for our school over the years. Many thanks to Brock, from Andersens, for organising the flooring revamp. Andersens Coorparoo can be contacted on 1300 302 597 or email [email protected]. SOAR – Certificates Congratulations to the following students who have completed their SOAR card. Students completing their card receive a Bronze or Silver Certificate from their classroom teachers. Well done. BRONZE YEAR 1 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 Tia George Sebastian Emilyana Courtney Ciara Gracie Marium Garv Annabel Delilah Grace Rhyan Alexandra Lillia Niki Emilio Tom Jessica Samuel William Ava Ashley Joanna Henry Nicholas Dakota Charles Oliver Hadley Emma Hilary Sofia Cara Niya Julia Jack Harriet Diksha Madeleine Ava Madi Florence Simran Shlok Joshua Grace Thomas Joshua Robyn Billy Lucy Max Jack John Ruchir Chloe Finn Charlotte Emily Anisa Violet Jonathan Lily Reynah Thanushika Sharleen Emma Jessica Kaldor Lindsay Ayaan Ryan Mitchell YEAR 2 Bhodi YEAR 3 YEAR 4 SILVER Ellen Krish Summer Kush YEAR 3 Josie Julia Jack SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 5 of 10 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HELPING HANDS Onsite on 0458 038 769 or Central office on 07 5438 9549 or visit Children are doing fantastically well at surviving the Survival Camp on Mondays. They are not only having lots of fun but are very active, and coming back very excited. The next three weeks I’m sure will be jam packed with a variety of skills to learn. Just a note to parents, can you please remind your children the importance of arriving to After School Care on time. We strongly encourage children to come as soon as the bell goes, as this prevents staff having to wander the school looking for children. It makes it very stressful for staff having to search for children, and we have had a few cases recently where parents have been phoned regarding the whereabouts of their child, which has caused them stress, only to find the children playing around the school. Awards for next week Maeve R – for been responsible taking the children to and from the oval during our busy times. Grace B – always arriving on time to ASC with a great big smile Jarryd H – always being organised and helping pack up at all times. Joshua L – actively listening during pick up and drop off P&C Contact the P&C - [email protected] P&C NEWS The P&C discussed a draft budget for 2015-2016 at our meeting on Wednesday 20 May. You can find a copy on the school website. CSS Budget 2015 The draft budget is intended to capture the P&C’s known and projected income and commitments for the year [AGM to AGM] so that we can understand what our funding position is, make sure we can cover commitments, and identify any opportunities or needs that the budgetary position might present. It incorporates our known recurrent expenses, like the SCLO and Tuckshop positions that we employ; captures agreed and prioritised commitments; and reflects robust discussion within the P&C and School Leadership on priorities and contingencies. It is important that our whole school community has an opportunity to think about and comment on our proposed budget. Please have a look at the draft, and send us your thoughts and comments to [email protected]. The proposed budget will be an agenda item at our next meeting on Wednesday 17 June and we welcome your input at the meeting too. COORPAROO SCHOOL CARNIVAL – SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER - ANNOUNCING MAJOR RAFFLE PRIZES We have three fantastic prizes for this year's major raffle - all donated by local businesses. First Prize is a brand new Holden Barina valued at $16,990 provided at discount cost by Motorama City Holden Second prize is $2,000 worth of groceries from our local IGA Marketplace, Greenslopes Third prize is $1,000 worth of petrol from Caltex Camp Hill (on the Corner of Old Cleveland Road and Bennetts Road). Please support the businesses that support your school. Raffle tickets cost $5.00 each and we are only printing 10,000 tickets - which represents really great odds. We will send home more information about the raffle towards the end of this term. WE’RE GOING TO GET GRILL’D! We’ve been selected to participate in Local Matters at Grill’d Camp Hill this June. Local Matters is the Grill’d community donation program that sees each Grill’d restaurant donate $500 back into the community every month. The donation is split between 3 local community groups $300 / $100 / $100. How can you help? SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 6 of 10 We’d love your support in receiving the highest $300 donation! Simply head to Grill’d Camp Hill during June, for a burger and pop your Local Matters token in our jar. The group with the most tokens at the end of the month receives the largest donation. It’s a simple (and delicious) way to show your support! You’ll find us on a jar at Grill’d Camp Hill, Samuel Village Corner Boundary Road & Samuel Street, Camp Hill. TRAFFIC UPDATE Procurement of the new ‘special’ curb build-out islands is almost finalised and the works are scheduled to occur over the next four weeks to avoid having an impact on the Children’s Crossing operational times, and completion of the project is due by 30 June. This is a direct result of continued lobbying and commitment of the parent/community-led traffic group. The traffic working group is meeting on Thursday 4 June 1pm if you would like to attend. TENNIS COURT HIRE The P&C has taken over the tennis court hire from the school. We will be collecting the annual court hire fees for 2015 in the next few weeks. If you wish to hire the tennis courts please email [email protected] for more information on pricing and availability. GRANTS TEAM UPDATE We have submitted grants for the following and are just waiting to hear of the outcome: · Australia Post Grant for 10 iPads for a loan scheme for children at CSS requested · Main Road Grant to assist in the Stop Drop and Go area · Land Care Grant requesting $2,000 for items for the school garden in Wolff Park · Shading on Carey Field A massive thank you to all those who assist with the enormous work required for preparing grant applications. QUEENSLAND HALF MARATHON - 7 JUNE 2015 Nominate your school when you enter (or send an email if already registered) and they will donate $5 per entry to your Coorparoo State School P&C. Entrants can be in ANY event, and can be ANY member of your school community – students, staff, family, friends and community. To enter or for further details please visit the event website: SCLO Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or [email protected] AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA (LUNCH) A big thank you to the team of volunteers who helped with this event. The lunch was a huge success and was enjoyed by all. It was only possible because of the kindness of our school community providing food and giving willingly of their time. The Coorparoo State School staff donated generously in appreciation for their scrumptious lunch and through our combined efforts we have raised $515.45 for the Cancer Council. What a fantastic result! SCHOOL DANCE FRIDAY 12 JUNE The first School Dance for 2015 will be on Friday 12 June in the school Hall. All students from Prep to Year 6 are welcome to attend however all children must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. The Dance will be split into two sessions. 5.00pm – 6.30pm for Prep to Year 3. Pizza will be served from 5.00pm. The second session will run from 6.45pm – 8.45pm for Years 4 – 6 students. Ticket price is $10.00 per child and can only be purchased on the night. The cost includes a slice of pizza, a drink and an ice-block. Helpers are needed throughout the evening with selling tickets, security, serving food and clean up. Please contact Leisa Whybird: [email protected] if you are able to assist. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 7 of 10 LOST PROPERTY Our Lost Property areas are starting to look very populated! Please pop in and have a look through these during the week. The lost property cupboard is located in B Block in the Prof Hill Campus hallway with 6J on the left and the glass doors to the office on the right. There is also a box located near 1M at the Kijini Campus and under Wolff Park near the staff toilets. Please remember to name all items of clothing in particular winter jumpers and jackets. TRAMSTOP 26 Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26 [email protected] Look out this week for our new sushi menu items! In addition to our Teriyaki Chicken and Tuna Cucumber rolls, we will have three new sushi varieties: Mini avocado roll packs with six bite-sized pieces - $3.50 "Sushi inside out" with 4 pieces of tuna, avocado and mayonnaise (on the side) - $3.50 "Sushi inside out" with 4 pieces of chicken, avocado and mayonnaise (on the side) - $3.50 You told us you don't like the new style of sausage roll and we have listened :) The old-style sausage rolls will be back next week, as soon as we can make them. And as soon as the weather stops pretending it's Spring, we will have soup with crusty mini-rolls. Watch for signs outside the Tuckshop and in the Newsletter. Have a great week everyone! COMMUNITY NEWS SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 8 of 10 Platinum Sponsors Major Raffle Sponsors Caltex, Camp Hill Cnr Old Cleveland Rd & Bennetts Rd SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 9 of 10 COMING SOON Junior Secondary Expo Families will be invited to see and hear from many state high schools from our immediate area. A great opportunity for all of our families as they consider Junior Secondary options for their children. Dates Tuesday 25 August 3pm-7pm & Wednesday 26 August 8-11am Venue CSS McCahon Hall. Details will be provided early in Term 3.
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