From the Principal - Coorparoo State School

21 April 2015 Term 2 Week 1
On The Wings of Wisdom
Coorparoo State School
Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015
Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360
From the Principal
John Kennedy, Acting Principal, [email protected]
I commence the term humbled by the opportunity to step into the role of Acting
Principal, a role that will see a continuation of the rigour with which our leadership
and staff teams already operate. Our work at Coorparoo continues, as does our
commitment to continual improvement for all.
Our term is a full one. A brief snapshot highlights some of the events and
opportunities that await us:
ANZAC Service and March
Interschool Sport
Enrolment sign on days
Mother’s Day
Griffith University Practicums
eSmart presentations
Many musical events, camps and performances
Finance Audit
Commencement of ICAS testing
Senior Athletics … to name a few.
Friday 24 April, 9:15am
School ANZAC Day Parade
Friday 24 April
Interschool Sport commences
Saturday 25 April
Tuesday 28 April, 9:00am
Out-of-Catchment Sign-On Day
Be Responsible: Store lunch boxes
and bags neatly away from
walkways and play areas.
School Parade
There will be no school Parade on
Thursday 23 April due to ANZAC Day
Parade rehearsals.
ANZAC Day Parade will be held on
Friday 24 April at 9:15am
Our 2015 GRG agreement has been approved and signed by the Director-General,
Department of Education and Training. This has been uploaded to our website and
can be viewed HERE.
In this issue:
For more information about the Great Results Guarantee click HERE.
Have a wonderful week, it’s great to be back.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
(click to read more)
HPE News
ANZAC Day News
Diary Dates and Meetings
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
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From the Deputy Principal
Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal, [email protected]
Interschool sport commences for Years 5 and 6 this Friday 24 April, providing a great
opportunity for students from Coorparoo State School to meet students from
surrounding schools. Students can develop physical and social skills in a supportive
environment, where participation is valued more highly than winning. Sports offered
are European Handball at Coorparoo State School (Carey Field), Netball at Wembley
Park, Coorparoo or Soccer at Memorial Park, Bulimba.
Hats, appropriate footwear, water bottles and application of sunscreen are essential
prior to students departing for sport. Please ensure students have any equipment
and/or medication they might require. Students need to remove jewellery and keep
nails trimmed in order to avoid injury to themselves or others.
As representatives of Coorparoo State School, our expectation is for all students to
display SOAR behaviour when travelling to and from venues and whilst participating.
Megan Carpenter, [email protected], and Kim Godson [email protected]
Well done to Madison K, Greta J, Jonty D, Lulu E and Felix W who recently competed at
the State Swimming Champs. In arguably the toughest State competition, it is an
incredible achievement to make it this far. Even more incredible is the fact that three of
our students have been selected to represent Queensland!! Well done to Madison K,
Lulu E and Felix W. We wish them all the best as they prepare for the Pacific School
Games in November.
Mitchel R is having a ‘field day’ as he makes a swag of Lytton teams. Adding to his
selection in the Lytton Touch team, he has now been selected in the Lytton Soccer and
Rugby League teams. Well done Mitch!
Please be advised the annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 22 June and
Tuesday 23 June.
Dora Sinnott, [email protected]
The University of Queensland in collaboration with Beyond Blue have developed the
Brave program, a self-help program for children aged 8—12 years and teens aged 12—
17 years.
It’s an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and
adolescent anxiety. The programs are free, and provide ways for children and teenagers
to better cope with their worries. There are also programs for parents.
On Tuesday 5 May, there will
be an interactive
presentation in the Library on
Mathletics and how you and
your child can get the most
benefit out of it.
Topics covered will include:
Live Mathletics Levels;
Mathletics Student App;
Curriculum Topics; Parent
Console; Certificates and
Gold Bars.
If you are interested or would
like other questions
answered, either email
([email protected]) with
your name and your child’s
name or complete the RSVP
at the end of this Newsletter
This would be a useful resource to share with students and families managing anxiety.
Further information can be found here:
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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This Saturday April 25 marks the Centenary of ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). It is 100 years since the
first landing at Gallipoli in 1915 and Coorparoo State School community and students will join together to commemorate
this significant, historical event.
This is the ONE! This is the year to join with your Coorparoo State School community and participate in the ANZAC Day
Centenary March on Saturday April 25. This will be a very special, once in a lifetime opportunity to take part in an historic
event and so we would like to invite as many students as possible to join us.
To Wear:
Assemble in Baragoola Street, Coorparoo – Google map
7.45am, Saturday 25 April
Full formal school uniform
The March will be followed by a service at the front of the Coorparoo RSL.
ANZAC Centenary badges are on sale at the Office for $5. These commemorative, metal badges are available at Morning
Tea breaks and all proceeds are returned to the Coorparoo RSL. They will be a precious memento of this important
There will be an ANZAC Centennial Commemoration in McCahon Hall at 9.15am on Friday 24 April with many special
guests in attendance, including relatives of Coorparoo State School students who served in World War 1.
The State Library at Southbank has a FREE exhibition displaying information and artefacts about Queensland servicemen
and women from the First World War. The display is designed for families with appropriate information and activities for
Past Coorparoo State School student, Lt Col Lachlan Chisholm Wilson, features prominently in the exhibition.
For more information visit:
"As the moon waned, the boats were swung out. The Australians received their last instructions, and these men, who only
six months ago were living peaceful, civilian lives, began to disembark on a strange, unknown shore, and in a strange land
to attack an enemy of a different race."
War Correspondent Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett’s report on the events of 25 April 1915, remain an eerie and sombre reminder
of the gallant and heroic efforts of so many. This week we will again participate in solemn ceremonies of remembrance,
gratitude and pride – not only for those who served at Gallipoli but for all men and women who have enlisted, fought and
died in all wars.
Of special significance to us here at Coorparoo State School is the remembrance of our past students who enlisted during
World War One. I offer sincere gratitude to Mrs Jayne Hackett and to Year 3 teacher Ms Cathy Holyoak for their efforts in
researching those past students.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
Coorparoo State School WW1 Roll of Honour
William John Anderson
George Francey
Heywood Massey
James Victor Atkinson
Samuel Francey
Joseph Stanley McCann
Horace Alfred Ault
Charles William Scott French
William Edward McCann
Henry Arthur Barton
Thomas Gardner
George Mumford
Graham Bell
William George Gardner
John Alexander Mumford
Campbell Bell
Wrixon Gasteen
Percy Mumford
Noel Ernest Arthur Chester-Master
Harry Rutland Gauld
Hubert Albian Moxham
Harold Isaac Bennett
Arthur William Barwell Girdler
William Reuben McCreedy Nicklin
Reginald John Bennett
Campbell Robertson Gorrie
Ernest Victor Ohman
James Boyd
Frederick George Groom
Harold Thomas Page
Robert McGill Nicholson Boyd
Ernest Harold Halligan
Frederick Joseph Page
John Campbell
Sidney Albert Hardy
Gilbert Reuben Page
Robert Joseph Carius
Patrick Francis Harrington
Percy Parker
Frederick Carson
Arthur Bertie Carter
William Edward Cooper Haseman
Thomas Edwin Pidcock
Valentine Arthur Hellicar
Evan Leslie Rees
William Winterbottam Chadwick
Cecil Norman Hethorn
Norman K Maynard Rees
James H Colquhoon
William Harding Hethorn
Harold James Shepherd
James Henshaw Comfort
Robert Lionel Haussman
George Taylor
Robert Frederick Comfort
Thomas Isaacs
Eric Arnold Joseph Thomas
William Frank Norton Comfort
Henry Jorgensen
John Ellis Thompson
Gustavers Mark Connor
Victor Albert Keast
John Tracey
George Harold Curry
Alexander Robert Kemp
Edward Tracey
Charles Francis Duncan
Amy King
George Harry Watkins
James Duncan
John George Klumpp
Lachlan Chisholm Wilson
Ernest Francis Eberhardt
William James Kirkwood
William Thomas Woodley
Richard Eyre
Thomas Joseph Leaver
Allan Caswell Wylie
Michael Joseph Fitzgerald
Joseph Francis Lebherz
Harold James Young
Henry Thomas Francey
George Henry Manttan
William Power Francey
William Herbert Manttan
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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This week …
Diary Dates and Meetings
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
Friday 24 April—ANZAC Day Parade, 9:15am
Friday 24 April—Interschool Sport starts
Saturday 25 April—ANZAC Day
Tuesday 28 April—Out-of-Catchment Sign-On Day
Wednesday 29 April—Submit enrolment applications
Wednesday 29 April—Music Sub-Committee Meeting
Tuesday 5 May—Mathletics Workshop, 5:30-6:30pm, Library
Sunday 10 May—Mothers' Day
For future events please visit the School Events Calendar
When making payments to the school online please include the Invoice Number as your
payment reference. Failure to include a valid reference number can often mean that
payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account.
Out of Catchment
Sign On Day
Tuesday 28 April
9:00am, McCahon Hall
Enrolment Day
Wednesday 29 April
Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, [email protected] or 0407 114 181
A big thank you to our volunteers on the last week of school who were Leeanne
Howcroft, Linda Thomson, Konio Kepui, Yiping Fan and Jodie Foster.
This term sees the Invisible Ink Martian Pen and the Intergalactic Rocket released. Along
with these items we still have some previous year’s rewards available for children to
order. These items are: Scented Pencils, Blue Wallets, Shark Key ring, Knuckles Game,
Sea Streamers, Headphones, Projector Cup, Pru Moneybox, Swim Bag, and Spen
Moneybox. We no longer have reward cards for these above items, however, we will
happily accept a note with child’s name, class and student ID along with the item
Open Day
Wednesday 10 June
2016 Prep
Orientation Day
Date TBA
School Banking will begin this Wednesday!
Miss Kayleen Bell, eSmart Coordinator
Brainstorm Productions will be presenting their show Saving Lil and Archie on Monday
18 May. It's a fun way to demonstrate emotions and how to deal with anger and fear. It
promotes kindness and forgiveness. The performance also highlights safe and
appropriate use of technology. It also encourages children to limit screen time, get
more sleep and do more exercise. Permission forms will be sent home next week.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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The Chess Club for students of Coorparoo State School (Years 1 to 6) is recommencing during Term 2 2015, for a period of eight
weeks. Details are as follows:
Monday 27 April to Monday 22 June 2015 (8 weeks)
3:00pm to 4:00pm
Senior School Library
$7.00 per lesson per child or $50.00 for the term if paying in advance
The classes will be conducted by Mr Patrick Byrom who is an accredited Level One Chess Coach (Chess Association of Qld) with
thirty years' experience; and (if required) Mr Daniel Posner, another experienced chess coach.
If you wish your child to join the classes, please fill in the slip below and return it to the office as soon as possible.
Please pay Mr Byrom directly at the start of the first lesson. No money is to be brought to the office. Thank you.
Yes, I wish my child to join the Coorparoo Chess Club, commencing Monday 27 April 2015.
Child's Name:
Parent's Signature:
Contact the P&C - [email protected]
The P&C has been discussing spending priorities at recent meetings. Do you think we need shade on Carey Field? Or would you
like our focus to be on air-conditioning? We welcome all feedback. If you would like to have a say, please email
[email protected] with any feedback, or come along to the next meeting on Wednesday 20 May at 7:00pm.
Are you interested in joining the P&C? Only members can vote on a motion at a meeting, and can view reports and minutes from
previous meetings online. If you wish to become a member, please complete the Membership form available on the CSS school
website and hand in at the office or email to [email protected].
The next meeting is Wednesday 20 May at 7:00pm in the library. All are welcome and we’d love to see you there!
Spelling tests take place next week – so practice those words! Your child’s teacher will decide the specific day on which the test is
to be held.
Remember it’s super easy to set-up your on-line fundraising page this year. Just go to and
check out the ‘How to Sign up’ tab.
Important Note: Please use your child’s first name, last initial and class when creating their on-line fundraising page (eg Katrina P
4K). Please login and use the ‘Edit this Supporter Page’ button if you need to update any missing details once you have set -up
your page. This will help us correctly identify each student and ensure that anyone who raises over $35 receives an incentive
prize. Any student raising $150 or more also goes into the draw for one of the major prizes (iPad mini and Kindle Paperwhite).
If you have any questions – just send us an e-mail: [email protected]
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or [email protected]
Our Anzac Day Ceremony will be held on Friday 24 April. We currently need helpers to create the floral wreaths for each year
level to present in remembrance of the sacrifice made by our Diggers. No experience is required – it’s loads of fun and will bring
out your green thumb! We will be creating these wreaths on Thursday 23 April in the Art Block at school.
We will also be seeking donations of fresh flowers and greenery. If you have flowers or greenery from your garden that you can
bring in, it would be greatly appreciated. Please send these along on Thursday 23 April to the Art Block on Thursday morning. All
offers of help are welcome. Please email Leisa at [email protected] if you are able to lend a hand.
Mums (and Grandmas) hold a special place in our hearts – and Mother’s Day is the perfect time to tell them how much we love
them and how much we appreciate all the things they do for us.
The P&C is once again running a Mother’s Day Stall and we have some lovely gifts organised. Gifts will range in price from $1 to
$6. The Gift Guide is included with this week’s Newsletter. This is to help siblings decide what to buy so they don’t accidently
purchase the same gift. Mums may also like to give some ‘hints’ as well.
We are looking for helpers to run the stall from 9:00am to 10.30am or 11:00am to 12.30pm. Please email Leisa if you are
available [email protected].
We will also need plastic bags for the Stall. If you have spare plastic shopping bags please drop them at the Uniform Shop. Thank
Music performance shirts and stockings are now available via an order system online on Orders close
on Friday 1 May. Any families requiring either the white performance shirt or the black stockings are required to order these
online. Items will be delivered on or before Thursday 14 May. Please note that students will require these items for the Winter
Music Concert on Tuesday 19 May.
We are looking for volunteers willing to help with Stop Drop and Go in Term 2. If you are interested in find out more please email
the traffic working group on [email protected].
The next Grants meeting will be Thursday 30 April at 9-10am in the school staff room. All are welcome to attend. If you have
any questions please contact Amy at [email protected].
Planning is underway for the biennial Coorparoo State School Carnival to be held in October 2015. The Carnival in 2013 was such
a success—can you help us do it again? Do you have an idea for a stall? Or would you like to help on the day? Please email Alex
at [email protected]—we'd love to hear from you!
Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26 [email protected]
A big thank you to all the lovely volunteers who support TramStop26. We welcome all volunteers – for any amount of time! Do
you only have 15 minutes after drop off, or can you bake at home for the Tuckshop? All offers of help are welcome. If you can
lend a hand, please email [email protected] as we’d love to hear from you!
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Year 4 children who have completed their Reconciliation and would like to make their Confirmation and First Eucharist (+older
children who have completed their First Reconciliation):
SUNDAY 3 May 2015: Parent Information
(10th May 2015 - Mother’s Day - no teaching session)
MONDAYS 11 / 18 / 25 May & 1 / 4 June: teaching sessions
SUNDAY 7 June 2015: First Eucharist and Confirmation celebrated at the Sunday 9am Mass with Bishop Joe Oudeman (cake &
celebration after mass)
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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