Experiment - Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living

A 5 Week Experiment Proving Your Thoughts Do
Create Your Reality! Based on the textbook, E Cubed
Facilitated by Rev. Jill Clements
Wednesdays, April 29th to May 13th
7:00-8:30 pm
Marriott at McDowell Mountains
16770 N. Perimeter Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
www.ScottsdaleCSL.org | Facebook.com/ScottsdaleCSL
A five week class based on the book: E-Cubed: Nine
More Energy experiments that Prove Manifesting
Magic and Miracles is your full-time gig by Pam Grout
Home Studies Calendar & Syllabus
As you read each chapter note/highlight the relevant parts -- those that were
most significant to you. We will be discussing the reading during each class and it
is helpful if you have notes or highlights to share.
Do the experiments, most require 72 hours (waiting on the manifestation) so plan
accordingly for your home study. Use the lab report at the end of each
experiment as a guide. Be prepared to discuss the results of your experiments in
a small group in class each week.
Use a journal or notes to record your experiments, thoughts observations and
anything else that pops up during these next 5 weeks!
Before Class 1
Reading: ix -84
Do: Experiment #1: The Boogie-Woogie Corollary
(or The Importance of Not Being Earnest):
Without Cultural Training, Joy Is My Natural State
Before Class 2
Reading: 85 – 116
Do: Experiment #2: The Red Pill Corollary
(or A Quick Refresher Course):
Life Emanates from Me
Experiment #3: The Simon Cowell Corollary
(or Why You’re Not Capable of Judging Anything):
Nothing Is Absolute; Only My Thinking Makes It So
Before Class 3
Reading: 117 –152
Do: Experiment #4: The “I’m Loving and I Know It” Corollary
(or There Is No “Them”):
Being in Love with Everyone and Everything Brings Me
into Alignment with the FP
Experiment #5: Your New B F F Corollary
(or Money: It’s Not Complicated):
Money Is Nothing but Energy and a Reflection of My
Before Class 4
Reading: 153 -184
Do: Experiment #6: The Nature vs News Corollary
(or Why You Should Really Get out More):
The Field of Infinite Potentiality Offers a Divine 24-7 Buzz
Experiment #7: The “If You Say So” Corollary
(or Your Words Are Wands That Shape Your Life):
I Will Bring Abundance and Joy into My Life Once I Stop
Talking Smack about It
Before Class 5
Reading: 185 - 210
Do: Experiment #8: The Placebo Corollary
(or The Truth about Bending Reality):
Reality Is Fluid and Constantly Changing, Reflecting Back
My Innermost Beliefs
Experiment #9: The Yabba-dabba-doo Corollary
(or Transcendence: It’s Just How We Roll):
Life Is Miraculous, and I Can’t Really Die
Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living
Sunday Services: 10:00 am
Venue 8600
8600 E. Anderson Drive
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260