LeSS in a single image! If you would cover the en9re image with a black layer you would see a simple structure poin9ng to the blue sky, having a rock solid founda9on. This is similar for LeSS, from the outside LeSS is simple and easy but when going through the inside one has to discover a lot of items to finally get to the diamond. Similar as diamonds, a 100% LeSS is not yet found and most probably you’ll end up with a certain carat diamond. Never the LeSS, never give up and keep going for perfec9on! 1 LeSS is a framework that is closed to “one team scrum” and while growing over mul9ple teams it keeps the basic principles of Scrum alive. 2 Up to 8 teams doing scrum. Explain what a sprint is and how it works with PO/Team/ SM… 3 Delivering one product with a customer centric view. Explain a bit more around the PO ac9vi9es and having a good PBL 4 Having several area groups doing sprints will get you to a light speed delivery system. Get into a interac9ve session with aXendees on scaling the basic scrum using different goals maybe, address some of the issues and let them share toughts, then go into “more with less”. 5 Most ideas on scaling will divert into component teams or development areas etc but let the group concentrate on customer centric focus and see if we can guide them to 1 PBL for a Huge Product. (No9ce there is work ongoing on each floor block) 6 It splits different aspects as group ac9vi9es or team ac9vi9es. Having sprint planning part 1 as a group ac9vity, part 2 as a team ac9vity, commitment if following the second part and is done in group again. From that moment on teams are preXy much working independently having their own daily scrums and more. To align over different teams open spaces, town hall mee9ngs and scrum of scrums are organized. This while we keep working on a single product backlog, refine the items together and deliver a increment as a group. We get fireworks ongoing, fun, colorful, fast and very enjoyable. 7 LeSS is a framework that helps us create “winning” organiza9ons that go from a single team of 8 persons (right side) to one with hundreds of people (cup). 8 The one and single way to get from A to B is to adhere to the basic LeSS principles, they are the tree of life within a good LeSS environment/system. 9 Have a short discussion with the group on each item and what it would mean within their organiza9on. Important to announce Larmans Law during this part Larman’s Laws of Organiza9onal Behavior observes that… Organiza9ons are implicitly op9mized to avoid changing the status quo middle-‐ and first-‐level manager and single-‐specialist posi9ons & power structures. As a corollary to (1), any change ini9a9ve will be reduced to redefining or overloading the new terminology to mean basically the same as status quo. As a corollary to (1), any change ini9a9ve will be derided as “purist”, “theore9cal”, and “needing pragma9c customiza9on for local concerns”—which deflects from addressing weaknesses and manager/specialist status quo. Culture follows structure. 10 LeSS Huge (going beyond 8 teams) is basically the same but replica9ng the structure over different product area’s that are servicing a 360° product having a customer centric view on the deliverables. Explain to the audience that having good defined area’s will reduce dependencies and simplify their architectural structure along the way. (culture follows structure) Important to make sure people understand difference, see below. Requirement Area Development Area organized around customer-‐centric requirements organized around product’s architecture no subsystem code ownership code ownership per subsystem temporary in nature; should change over the life9me of the product, but not at every itera9on tends to be more fixed over the life9me of the product focus on the customer, using customer language focus on the architecture, using technology language 11 Of course this can only really be successful when having Sonware Cransmanship and Technical Excellence con9nuously on the “radar”. 12
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