Assessment Data Collection 2015 Final

Please note that you need to be on the Spring release
(version 7.162) of SIMS to use the 2015 Wizards
Key Stage 1 teacher assessments to the LA by 25th June 2015 (subject to moderation)
Key Stage 2 teacher assessments to the DfE via NCA Tools by 19th June 2015 (subject to
EYFS Profile assessments to the LA by 19th June 2015 (subject to moderation)
Phonics checks (including retakes) to the LA by 25th June
Assessment Data
Collection 2015
Using SIMS Key Stage Wizards
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Guidance for the Assessment, Recording and Reporting Arrangements ................................... 4
Importing the Wizards.......................................................................................................................... 4
Using the Wizards to enter the results .............................................................................................. 6
Key Stage 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Entering the Teacher Assessments .......................................................................................... 7
Teacher Assessment Codes ...................................................................................................... 8
Filtering or Ordering by Registration Group ............................................................................. 9
Ways of Entering Results .......................................................................................................... 11
Checking for missing results in the Teacher Assessment Marksheet................................ 12
Entering P Scale Results .......................................................................................................... 12
Entering Test Levels and Raw Scores .................................................................................... 13
Grade Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 15
Summary Columns..................................................................................................................... 15
Filtering ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Reports for Parents .................................................................................................................... 16
The Student Report .................................................................................................................... 17
The Comparative Report ........................................................................................................... 17
Data Collection ................................................................................................................................... 18
Exporting Results using the CTF Routine .............................................................................. 18
Uploading to the DfE via the ‘Teacher Assessment’ module for the NCA Tools website
...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Early Years Foundation Stage ......................................................................................................... 21
EYFS Reporting to Parents ...................................................................................................... 23
Data Collection for Early Years ................................................................................................ 24
Key Stage 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Entering P Scales at KS1 .......................................................................................................... 29
Entering Task/Test Levels ........................................................................................................ 30
KS1 Reports for Parents ........................................................................................................... 30
Data Collection for KS1 ............................................................................................................. 31
Phonics Screening Check ................................................................................................................. 32
Year 1 Phonics ........................................................................................................................... 32
Year 2 Phonics ........................................................................................................................... 34
Creating a CTF for the Phonics Results ................................................................................. 36
Contact Information............................................................................................................................ 36
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Guidance for the Assessment, Recording and Reporting
Arrangements can be found at:
Importing the Wizards
There is a Wizard for each of the Key Stages, and for the Phonics Screening
Checks. As the Wizards are year-specific they need to be imported each year. The
2015 Wizards are supplied with the 2015 Spring release, and schools should import
the following Wizards:
Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2015
Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2015
Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015
Year 2 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015
EYFS Profile Wizard 2015*
*Even if schools use other software for the Foundation Stage they need to import the
EYFS Profile Wizard 2015 so that they can transfer the data into SIMS via a
Common Transfer Form (CTF).
From the main SIMS menu select Routines, Data In, Assessment, Import to open
the first page of the Import Wizard.
If you are presented with the above message, please select the Remind me later
button as the import of these resources will take some time and using some areas of
SIMS during this import may cause the system to crash.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Once in the Import Wizard click on the browser button (magnifying glass) and
navigate to the folder in which SIMS sits. For most schools this will be:
C:\Program Files(x86)\SIMS\\AMPA\England Primary (and Middle
Deemed Primary) \Assessment Manager
C:\Program Files\SIMS\\AMPA\England Primary (and Middle Deemed
Primary)\Assessment Manager
The Wizards are listed in the Assessment Manager folder and can be imported one
at a time. Please ensure you are selecting each of the following for import (if
applicable to your school):
 Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2015
 Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2015
 Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015
 Year 2 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015
 EYFS Profile Wizard 2015
Highlight the one you wish to
import first and click on the Open
button. The name of the file should
now appear in the Select the file
to import from box.
Please leave the Overwrite with
default values ticked.
Click on the Finish button, followed by the Yes button to start the import process.
An Activity Log will be displayed when the import is complete. You don’t need to
print this report but please scroll to the bottom to check to see that the import was
successful and then click Close. Please repeat this process for each Wizard.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Using the Wizards to enter the results
Key Stage 2
Select Tools, Performance, Assessment, Wizard Manager. When first entering
this area only Wizards that have not been marked as Complete will show in the list.
A lot of schools will not have used
the Complete tick box so there
may well be a long list of old
If you wish to restrict the view to the 2015
list then please tick the Complete box to
the right of each old Wizard. Change the
Filter to Complete and select Yes when
presented with this message.
Then re-select Incomplete from the
filter whereby the list will be
restricted to 2015 Wizards.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Highlight Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2015 and click Next.
Click on the browse button
Expand National Curriculum Year and
select Curriculum Year 6, unless you
have created an Assessment User
Defined Group (if this is the case please
discuss this with your trainer).
Click on the Apply button and then the
Next button to display the list of
Entering the Teacher Assessments
Schools now have to report the
Attainment Target levels for
English, Maths and Science. To do
this schools will need to use the
KS2 A. All Subjects TAs 2015
To open the Marksheet please
either double click the Template
name or select it and then click on
the pencil (Edit Marksheet) button.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
The Year 6 pupils should automatically appear in the Marksheet. If any of your
pupils left before SATs week, or have arrived since then you should change the
Group Membership Date to 15th May 2015 and click on the Refresh button to
ensure the correct pupils are included.
The results should now be entered into the white data entry columns, with no
omissions. In order to see more of the Marksheet there is the Narrow and Zoom
Teacher Assessment Codes
You must use the following codes when recording and submitting TA and P Scale
For further guidance please go to
Curriculum level achieved
Absent, or not enough information available to calculate a TA level
Disapplied - used when a child has been disapplied from the national curriculum, including
statutory assessment requirements. This code is used for TA only and should not appear
on the attendance registers for the key stage 2 tests
Child has left the school
Working towards level 1
Child will reach the end of the programme of study and take the relevant key stage
assessment in the future. For example, if a child takes a mathematics test a year early in
2014 but is not due to take English until 2015, English should be marked as ‘F’.
Child has already completed the programme of study, the relevant key stage assessment
has been taken and a TA result has been reported in the past. For example, if a child took a
mathematics test in 2013 and is taking English in 2014, mathematics should be marked as
Please see the P Scale codes on page 12
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Filtering or Ordering by Registration Group
If you are entering data for more than one registration group then there is also the
facility to right-click on the Students heading and Select Additional Student
Select Registration Group and OK.
This column will now show as the first column in
the Marksheet.
As with any columns in a Marksheet (except the student column) it is possible to
apply a filter by clicking on the filter button (the little funnel that appears in the top
right-hand corner of a column when you hover the cursor).
Therefore to see just one reg group click on the filter and select the registration
group you wish to work with then select OK (please see the screenshot on the
following page).
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
To remove the filter once the data has been entered, select the red cross in the
bottom left-hand corner of the Marksheet.
Alternatively you might prefer to order the Marksheet rather than filter it. To do this
left-click in the Reg Group column heading. To reverse the order left-click again in
the Reg Group column heading. To change the Marksheet back to an alphabetical
list left-click on the Students column heading.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Ways of Entering Results
1. Via the Keyboard
2. Selecting Grade for Cell – right-click on the first cell in a column and click on
Select Grade for Cell. You will be presented with a list of applicable grades.
To select either double-click on the grade or select the grade and click on
Apply & Next. There is also the option of Skip to move on to the next pupil in
the list, should you not be sure of a pupil’s grade.
3. It is possible to flood fill a column with the most common result (e.g. Level 4)
by right-clicking on the column heading and choosing Select Grade for
Column, choosing the grade and selecting OK. You can then make changes
by overtyping grades where necessary.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Checking for missing results in the Teacher Assessment Marksheet
Once all the data has been entered click on the Calculate button and click on the
Save button. On saving, the data will change from red to blue and if there are any
missing entries the word ‘Fail’ will appear in the penultimate column. Ordering this
row in descending order will bring the failed rows to the top of the Marksheet.
To order the row right-click on the
column heading and select Order
Rows | Descending.
Enter the missing data and click
Calculate and Save. Review and
repeat the process if necessary. To
alphabetically left-click twice on
the Students heading.
To come out of the Marksheet click Save (if applicable) and Close.
Entering P Scale Results
Schools have to record the achievement of children with Special Educational Needs
using P Scales, where they are working below level 1 of the national curriculum. If a
pupil has a W in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, a P Scale must
also be recorded. There are eight levels leading up to national curriculum level 1.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
As part of the Key Stage 2 Wizard there is an additional Marksheet for P Scales –
the KS2 C. P Scale Data Entry 2015 Marksheet. When you open the P Scale
Marksheet, you will see that the English, Maths and Science TA Subject TAs that
were calculated in the KS2 A. All Subjects TAs 2015 Marksheet are showing. The P
Scale Marksheet is wider than the Teacher Assessment Marksheet, so again you
may need to click on Zoom and then Narrow to see all the columns.
A P Scale has to be added into the appropriate white column wherever a W appears
in a grey column. If a pupil has been assessed as below level P4, then an entry only
needs to be made at subject level e.g. English. Where a pupil has been assessed at
P4 or above, then entries need to be made for each attainment target where there is
a W, e.g. Speaking.
The last two columns in the Marksheet are Validation and No. of possible
problems. Clicking the Calculate button will validate the entries and, if there are
any validation errors, the words Please Check will appear in the Validation column.
Alongside that, in the No of possible problems column, will be the number of
entries that are incorrect. These may need to be added or amended.
Right-clicking the Students heading and left-clicking Select Additional Student
Columns allows you to add the pupils’ SEN status. If they have been recorded as a
W, but are not on the SEN register, then the grade ‘NOTSEN’ should be recorded
rather than a P Scale.
Entering Test Levels and Raw Scores
Results will be published as marks and levels for each test. Schools will be able to
view their results on Tuesday 7 July from the ‘Pupil results’ section of the NCA
tools website. If the files are in XML format they can be imported as CTFs into
SIMS. However, if schools have to report the Key Stage 2 results to parents before
these files are available, the results may have to be keyed in via the Marksheets.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Level threshold tables for the tests will be published on GOV.UK on Tuesday 7 July.
If schools are able to import the results they will appear in Marksheets D, E and F. If
schools have to key in the data the best Marksheet to use is the KS2 D. Test
Summary Data Entry 2015 Marksheet as this holds all relevant columns for the
If any of your pupils left before SATs week, or arrived since and you are manually
entering the data please remember to change the Group Membership Date to 15th
May and click on Refresh to ensure the correct pupils are included.
The test results can be keyed into the Marksheet in the same way as with the
teacher assessment Marksheets.
The Marksheet KS2 G. Broadsheet Review 2015 is a read only Marksheet that
contains all the results entered in the teacher assessment and test Marksheets.
If schools wish they can click on Export, Unformatted and the Marksheet will launch
in Excel and schools can then click on Save As and save this Marksheet on their
staff drive for information purposes.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
The final Marksheet is KS2 H Average Point Sc Calc (from 2013). This Marksheet
pulls through the Writing TA and the Maths and Reading test levels. By clicking
calculate and save the system will generate an average pt score for further analysis.
Whilst in this Marksheet your trainer will talk a little about the basic analysis that can
be performed in any one of the Marksheets.
Grade Distribution
Right-click on the column heading of a grade column and select Show Grade
Distribution for a percentage breakdown of results showing both frequency and
cumulative frequency.
Summary Columns
To see a summary breakdown click on Summary.
Filters can be applied to any one of the Marksheets in order to see summary and
grade distribution for groups of pupils i.e. pupil premium or SEN.
Filtering can be applied by using additional columns, as discussed earlier, or by
using the group filter button when groups of pupils can be included or excluded.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Reports for Parents
From the list of Marksheets in the Wizard, click on Next to get to the reports function.
This enables you to print the statutory reports required for parents, including the
individual student results and the school summary results compared with the 2014
national results.
The Group Membership Dates will default to the current date and these should be
changed to From 11/05/2015 and To 15/05/2015 to include only those pupils that
took the SATS at your school. This is particularly important for the comparative
reports. If printing for more than one registration group there is the facility to apply
the Group Filter before printing. Alternatively the reg groups can be ordered by left
clicking in the Reg Grp column heading.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
The Student Report
Ensure that the KS2 P1 Student England 2015 report is highlighted. With the
top pupil selected click on the magnifying glass to view a report on screen.
Close the report.
The report should contain all the KS2 results that have been entered via the Wizard,
including the P Scale results if applicable.
To print the reports click on Select All and the print button.
To send a copy of the report to the linked documents area in the students’
records click the generate button.
If you wish to save a copy of the reports to a folder on the staff drive there is
also the facility to export reports.
Your trainer will go into each of these areas in more detail if required.
The Comparative Report
Ensure that the KS2 P2 England 2015 report is highlighted. This report compares
the school’s results for 2015 with the national results for 2014, for both teacher
It is only necessary to select one pupil in order to print this report. You may choose
either to print one copy of the comparative report and then photocopy it or
alternatively print multiple copies by setting the required number of copies on the
print manager screen.
There are also comparative reports by gender for both teacher assessments and
tests which is useful information for your school. If you wish to save a copy of any of
these comparative reports to your staff drive then please view the report and then
select File, Save As.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Data Collection
DO NOT use the last page in the Wizard called ‘Results for export’ even though it
has an export facility. Key Stage 2 teacher assessments need to be sent to the DfE
via a Common Transfer File, as described below.
Exporting Results using the CTF Routine
Please Note:
When exporting results for KS1 and KS2 the system checks again whether a W level is
recorded where a P Scale has been entered. Whilst these rules are not enforced in the
Marksheet, they are enforced when the data is exported through CTF.
A message which is sent to the Exception Log, advises where the level omission has
Select Routines, Data Out, CTF, Export CTF and
choose KS2
Select the Effective Date as 15/5/2015 and change the view to Current and
Leavers this year and click on the refresh students button.
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Year Taught In column and select 6.
If you have had leavers that you wish to
include in the CTF then please select
Custom and set as follows:
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
A word of warning – If you are using the (Custom) filter you will
find sometimes a leaver’s year will show as (6) but sometimes
there is a gap e.g. ( 6). Your custom filter must match exactly
so it is worth noting when you click on the down arrow, if you
have leavers, how it is showing.
When you have chosen the year group, right-click in the top cell of the Destination
LA/Other column and click on Select All.
Click on the down arrow in the same column and type N and find and select
National Assessment Agency.
National Assessment Agency should then show in the Destination column for all the
pupils you are exporting.
Click on the Export CTF button and click Yes, if asked about address tidy.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
When the export process finishes the filename will appear on the screen. PLEASE
MAKE A NOTE OF IT BEFORE CLICKING ON OK. The filename should contain
When the export process has finished you will be presented with an Exception Log
that will show the number of pupils processed. This should be the number of pupils
for whom you have recorded assessments.
Uploading to the DfE via the ‘Teacher Assessment’ module for the
NCA Tools website
The file for KS2 needs to be uploaded to the DfE via the ‘Teacher Assessment’
module for the NCA Tools website at the link below.
The password will already have been sent to the school.
Any queries relating to the NCA website need to be directed to the national
[email protected] or typetalk 18001 0370 000 2288.
If you have forgotten your password you have the facility on this site to request a
password reset.
Click on the ‘How to submit Key Stage 2 teacher assessment data’ link.
Click on the ‘Teacher assessment: how to use the NCA tools website’ link on that
page. The ‘Uploading teacher assessment data’ section explains how to upload the
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
We will now look at Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Phonics for
Year 1 and Year 2 retakes.
Early Years Foundation Stage
If schools that have been using software (other than SIMS) to record EYFSP that
enable a CTF Export e.g. eProfiles, Target Tracker and Classroom Monitor the
results will not need to be keyed into SIMS but can be exported and imported via a
Schools that have been using the EY TT Data Entry Marksheet in SIMS this year will
not have to re-key in the results, however if you have been using a different SIMS
Marksheet, or software that does not enable an export via CTF then the results will
need to be re-input for the end of year validation before sending to the Data
Collections Team.
Irrespective of what software you have been using ALL SCHOOLS MUST IMPORT
If you have not already imported the Wizard please see page 4.
To check that the results are in SIMS or to enter the results manually through the
Wizard please select Tools, Performance, Assessment, Wizard Manager.
If this is the first time you have entered the Wizard please see page 6 where it
explains how to restrict the list to the 2015 wizards.
Highlight EYFS Profile Wizard 2015 and click Next.
Click on the browse button
Expand National Curriculum Year and select Curriculum Year R, unless you have
created an Assessment User Defined Group (if this is the case please discuss this
with your trainer).
Click on Apply and then Next.
You will be presented with one Marksheet. To open the Marksheet please double
click the template name or select the template name and click on the pencil icon to
the right.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
To ensure you are working with the correct pupils please change the Group
Membership date to 22 May 2015 and click on Refresh.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile summarises and describes pupils’
attainment at the end of the Foundation Stage. The EYFS Profile assessment data,
comprising judgements for each of the 17 Early Learning Goals, must be submitted
to the Local Authority. This one Marksheet includes all the 17 ELGs.
The assessments would normally be recorded for all the Reception pupils. However,
the ‘’Assessment and reporting arrangements’ describes what happens when pupils
transfer to a new school.
If a child transfers schools before the summer half term holiday, the new setting must
report the child’s results to its local authority (LA). If a child transfers schools during
the second half of the summer term then the previous school is responsible for
reporting to the LA.
Copies of every report forming part of a child’s educational record must also be
transferred automatically when a child changes school. Certain information, including
teacher assessment, is transferred securely via the CTF.
If you are checking to see that your imported results have come in you will need to
scroll to the right of the Marksheet where it shows the validated results.
If you have entered results via the EY TT Data Entry Marksheet in SIMS the results
should show in all columns. If they are only showing on the left, before the Data
Check column, then please click on the Calculate button and click Save.
For those schools manually entering the results please enter in the left-hand
columns and click Calculate and Save. The results will then appear to the right in
the validated columns.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
There are only 4 codes that can be entered for each ELG:
3 = Exceeding; 2 = Expected; 1 = Emerging; and A = Unable to assess or exempt.
To ensure there are no missing results please order the Data Check column by
right- clicking on the column heading and selecting Order Rows | Ascending
Correct any missing results, click Calculate and
Save and close the Marksheet.
For ease of data entry please see page 11.
EYFS Reporting to Parents
All EYFS providers completing the EYFS Profile must give parents a written
summary of their child’s attainment using the 17 ELGs and a narrative on how a child
demonstrates the three characteristics of effective learning. The EYFS Profile
Wizard provides a report which gives the levels for the 17 ELGs.
From Marksheets screen, within the Wizard, click on Next to get to the reports
function. There are 3 reports available this year.
The Group Membership Dates will default to the current date and these should be
changed to From 21/04/2015 and To 22/05/2015 in case any pupils arrived or left.
As with Key Stage 2 there is the facility to view, print, export and generate the
Pupil Report
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
School Report
National Report
If viewing these reports please ensure you close each one before opening the next.
Data Collection for Early Years
DO NOT use the last page in the Wizard called ‘Results for export’ even though it
has an export facility.
The results for each of the above should be made via a Common Transfer File.
Select Routines, Data Out, CTF, Export CTF
Select Early Years Foundation Stage Data (FSP)
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Change the effective date to 22nd May 2015 and change the view to Current and
Leavers this year and select Refresh Students.
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Year Taught In column and select R –
please use the custom selection if you wish to also export a CTF for a pupil that has
left your school. (See pages 18 and 19 to see more information on custom
When you have made your selection right-click in the top cell of the Destination
LA/Other column and left-click on Select All. Left-click in the same cell and
select East Sussex from the drop down menu.
Click on the Export CTF button and Yes and when the file export process finishes
please make a note of the filename before clicking on OK.
Please ensure the filename includes FSP.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
You will then be presented with the Exception Log which will then show the number
of pupils processed. This should be the number of pupils for whom you have
recorded assessments.
Key Stage 1, EYFSP and Year 1 Phonics returns are made to the Local
Authority and the CTFs should be sent via AnyComms (AVCO). Use Explorer or
My Computer and go to the S:\SIMS\STAR\CTFOUT folder. Highlight the file(s) you
wish to send and select Copy. Navigate to the S:\AVCO\Outbox\Infomgt folder,
right-click and select Paste.
Loading AnyComms and clicking on the Start Call button sends the file(s) to County
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Key Stage 1
As with both KS2 and EYFSP please go to Tools, Performance, Assessment,
Wizard Manager.
Highlight Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2015 and click Next.
Click on the Group Browser to get the Group Selector box.
Click on the + to the left of National Curriculum Year and select Curriculum Year
Click on Apply and Next to display the list of Marksheets.
Double click KS1 A. Teacher Assessment 2015 to open this Marksheet or click on
it and then click on the pencil to the right.
The Teacher Assessment Marksheet is used to record the assessments in English,
Maths and Science. For English you need to record results for the 3 attainment
targets – Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. For Science you need to
record results for 4 Attainment Targets. For Maths you need to record the overall
Subject Level.
The assessments would normally be recorded for all the Year 2 pupils, however the
‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’ describe what happens when pupils
transfer to a new school.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
If a pupil transfers schools then you should use the guidance below to submit data.
A pupil starts at a new school
before the summer half-term
The new school must report the pupil’s results to the
A pupil starts at a new school
after the summer half-term
The previous school must report the pupil’s results to
the LA, including pupils who transfer to a new school
during the holiday
A pupil moves school within
year 2
The new school must report the end of key stage
results to the pupil’s parents
You should refer to the guidance on reporting results for instructions and codes.
When the Marksheet is open the pupils taught in Year 2 should automatically appear
in the Marksheet. If any of your pupils left at the end of Term 5, or have arrived
during Term 6, you should change the Group Membership Date to 22nd May 2015
and click on the Refresh button to ensure the correct pupils are included.
The results should now be entered into the white data entry columns, with no
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
When you have entered all the data please click on Calculate. If any entries are
missing the word ‘Fail’ will appear in the final column. Ordering the rows in
descending order will bring the failed rows to the top of the Marksheet. Review and
repeat the process if necessary. Then click on Save and Close.
Entering P Scales at KS1
As with KS2 there is an additional Marksheet in the Wizard to enable schools to
record P Scales. This Marksheet is called KS1 B. P Scale Date Entry 2015.
Schools have to record the achievement of children with Special Educational Needs
using P Scales, where they are working below level 1 of the national curriculum. If a
pupil has a W in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, a P Scale must
also be recorded. There are eight levels leading up to national curriculum level 1.
When you open the P Scale Marksheet, you will see that the data you have put into
the KS1 A. Teacher Assessment 2015 Marksheet is already there.
A P Scale has to be added into the appropriate white column wherever a W appears
in a grey column. If a pupil has been assessed as below level P4, then an entry only
needs to be made at subject level e.g. English. Where a pupil has been assessed at
P4 or above, then entries need to be made for each attainment target where there is
a W, e.g. Speaking.
The last two columns in the Marksheet are Validation and No. of possible
problems. Clicking the Calculate button will validate the entries and, if there are
any validation errors, the words Please Check will appear in the Validation column.
Alongside that, in the No of possible problems column will be the number of entries
that are incorrect. These may need to be added or amended.
Right-clicking the Students heading and left-clicking Select Additional Student
Columns allows you to add the pupils’ SEN status. If they have been recorded as a
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
W, but are not on the SEN register, then the grade ‘NOTSEN’ should be recorded
rather than a P Scale.
Entering Task/Test Levels
The reporting of task/test levels for Key Stage 1 is optional and can be done using
Marksheet KS1 C. Test Outcomes 2015. Parents may request these results and if
they have been entered via this Marksheet they will appear in the reports this year.
The Marksheet KS1 D. Broadsheet (Review) 2015 pulls in any results entered in
the previous 3 Marksheets.
KS1 E. Average Point Score Calculator is important if schools wish to filter their
Marksheets by prior attainment.
Please open this Marksheet and click on Calculate and Save. You will notice that
results have been pulled in from the TA Marksheet and the average point score is
For further basic analysis that can be done within a Marksheet please see page 15.
KS1 Reports for Parents
From the list of Marksheets in the Wizard click on Next to get to the reports function.
This enables you to print the statutory reports required for parents.
The Group Membership Dates will default to the current date and these should be
changed to From 21/04/2015 and To 22/05/2015 in case any pupils have recently
arrived or left. This is particularly important for the comparative report.
The student report is the report that needs to be provided for parents. Ensure that
KS1 P1 Student England 2015 is highlighted. As with KS2 (page 17) there is the
option to preview, print, export or generate.
The comparative report compares the school’s results for 2015 with the national
results for 2014. It is only necessary to select one pupil in order to print this report,
as you can photocopy that for the other pupils on the back of their individual reports.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Data Collection for KS1
DO NOT use the last page in the Wizard called ‘Results for export’ even though it
has an export facility. Key Stage 1 results need to be sent to the Local Authority via
a Common Transfer File (CTF).
Select Routines, Data Out, CTF, Export CTF
Select KS1 excluding Tests and Tasks
Change the effective date to 22nd May 2015 and change the view to Current and
Leavers this year and select Refresh Students.
Click on the down arrow to the right of Year Taught In and select 2 – please use the
custom selection if you wish to also export a CTF for a pupil that has left your school.
(See pages 18 and 19 to see more information on custom selection).
When you have made your selection right-click in the top cell of the Destination
LA/ Other column and left-click on Select All. Left-click in the same cell and
select East Sussex from the drop down menu.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Click on Export CTF and Yes and when the file export process finishes please
make a note of the filename before clicking on OK.
Please ensure the filename includes KS1.
You will then be presented with the Exception Log which will then show the number
of pupils processed. This should be the number of pupils for whom you have
recorded assessments.
Key Stage 1, EYFSP and Year 1 Phonics returns are made to the Local
Authority and the CTFs should be sent via AnyComms (AVCO). Use Explorer or
My Computer and go to the S:\SIMS\STAR\CTFOUT folder. Highlight the file(s) you
wish to send and select Copy. Navigate to the S:\AVCO\Outbox\Infomgt folder,
right-click and select Paste.
Loading AnyComms and clicking on the Start Call button sends the file(s) to County
Phonics Screening Check
This is the third year that the data has been collected and there are two Wizards for
it – one for Year 1 and one for Year 2 retakes.
Year 1 Phonics
Select Tools, Performance, Assessment, Wizard Manager.
Select Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015
At the Select Group Screen click on the magnifying glass and click on the + to the
left of National Curriculum Year. Select Curriculum Year 1.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Click on Apply and Next.
There is only one Marksheet, so open this by double clicking on the template name
or open via the pencil on the right-hand side.
The phonics screening checks are administered in the week beginning 15 th June
2015 so if any pupils left before that week, or have arrived since then; you should
change the Group Membership Date to 19th June 2015 and click on the Refresh
Information from GOV.UK states that the threshold mark will be published on
Monday 29 June.
PLEASE NOTE: Although the DfE will not issue the threshold mark until
Monday 29th June, this will NOT affect the need/ability for the return to be
made to the Local Authority in advance of that date by 25th June 2015.
Capita SIMS have said that this Wizard will include the ability for WA and WT grades
to be recorded as in previous years however instead of a formula calculation it will be
calculated based on what threshold grade the school enter via data entry (it will be up
to the school to enter the mark into the system in the first column).
However since creating this wizard the DfE updated its guidance to say it is only
looking for the raw-scores, which the existing wizard includes. They acknowledge that
the DfE no longer require schools to return a Wt or Wa grade, but the wizards were
correct at the time of check-in with the guidance available at the time, and will still fulfil
schools requirements for the updated guidance, so schools will not be expected to
import a new version once the thresholds have been released.
In short the Marksheet looks slightly different to last year and schools will have to put
in the threshold mark.
The pupils’ Marks can be recorded in the second column and once the threshold
mark has been released schools can flood fill the first column with this mark. You
can do this by right-clicking on the first column and choosing Select Grade for
Column. You will then be presented with a choice of marks – choose the correct
one for this year’s threshold and Ok.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Click on Calculate and Save. The Grade will then appear and the last column will
enable schools to do a data check. Order the column in ascending order to check
there is an OK for each pupil.
Schools must report each pupil’s score, and whether it meets the required standard,
to parents by the end of the summer term. There is a Student report in the Wizard
that can be used for this. There is also a Phonics Comparative Eng 2015 Report.
If you choose to use this report then as with previous reports please ensure the date
range is correct. For the Year 1 Phonics please change the dates From 15/06/2015
To 19/06/2015.
Year 2 Phonics
Pupils who did not reach the expected standard for phonic decoding at the end of
Year 1 are required to retake the screening check in June of Year 2. There is a
Wizard to collect this information.
Select Tools, Performance, Assessment, Wizard Manager from the Menu Bar.
Select Year 2 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015 and click Next.
At the Select Group screen select Curriculum Year 2 and then Next to take you to
the Marksheet screen.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Open the Marksheet, change the Group Membership Date to 15 June 2015, click on
Refresh and Calculate.
Any pupils that did not reach the expected standard will have an exclamation mark in
the Data Check column and the cell will be coloured ‘pink’.
This last column can be filtered so you are only
looking at the relevant pupils. To filter hover the
cursor in the top right-hand corner of the Data Check
column and click on the filter button (funnel). Select
the ! and OK.
As with the Year 1 Phonics the Threshold Score will have to be manually entered in
the relevant column and the Mark entered for pupils in the 6th column (Mark for
Phonics Check Year 2).
Click on Calculate and Save.
Check the last column to ensure there is an OK for each of these pupils.
As with the Year 1 Phonics there are two reports available.
Assessment Data Collection using SIMS Key Stage Wizards – Course Documentation
Creating a CTF for the Phonics Results
Select Routines, Data Out, CTF, Export CTF and select Phonics Test Results
Please ensure the effective date is changed to 19th June 2015 and the view is
looking at both Current and Leavers this year.
For the Phonics Returns you can create one or two files, if returning two files then
filter on Year 1 for the first file and then Year 2 for the second. Please bear in mind
that for the Year 2 Phonics retakes it is only the pupils that had to retake that need to
be included, so you will need to cherry pick (using Ctrl and Click) the pupils who
retook the test.
Alternatively you can create one file by sorting (rather than filtering) the Year Taught
column, and then choosing all the Year 1 pupils and cherry picking the Year 2
Please return the file(s) via AVCO.
Contact Information
For any enquiries relating to DfE ARA or AVCO returns, please contact Data
Research and Information Management (DRIM - Lesley Goodwin) on 01273 482298
or email [email protected]
For any queries regarding SIMS please contact Schools’ ICT Services (01273
482519 [Option 1]).