Geographic Clinical Cascade Analysis_DATIM COP

PEPFAR Data for Accountability Transparency Impact
Monitoring (DATIM)
COP/ROP 2015 DATIM Reports Generation Instructions Geographic Clinical Cascade Analysis
This information has been prepared solely for the use and benefit of the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and is not intended for reliance by any other person.
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President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PEPFAR Data Visualizer
The purpose of this document is to provide user instructions to generate the following COP/ROP 2015
report using DATIM’s data visualizer application.
Report Name
Geographic Clinical
Cascade Analysis
(Image A)
Report Description
This reports contains the following
 Data elements: HTC_TST;
and TA)
 By District and Site Targets
 De-duplication
 Disaggregates (e.g. positive
HTC test results)
Useful for comprehensively reviewing
data to validate that geographic targets
have been appropriately set towards the
90:90:90 by 2020 goals and in alignment
with the distribution of the burden of
disease in country. The visualization of
data through the appropriate selection of
data elements allows for a [cascade]
analysis of de-duplicated targets at the
SNU (or other defined) level of detail.
Image A - Clinical Cascade Analysis Sample Report (Note: this report contains test data)
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President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Clinical Cascade Analysis Report
Step 1: Sign in to DATIM
Please navigate to in your internet browser, enter your username and password, and
click on the sign in button.
Step 2: Access the Data Visualizer App
To access the Data Visualizer App, select the Apps icon on the navigation ribbon located at the topright of the screen. Note: you may need to scroll down using the up/down arrow buttons, or by clicking
the More apps button to see more options (if necessary). Select the Data Visualizer application.
Step 3: Access the Data Visualizer Homepage
Once you have selected the Data Visualizer application your screen will appear as follows:
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President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 4: Determine the type of visualization wanted
From the Table, Chart, or Map dropdown menus on the top right of your screen, select the desired
visualization. In this example, we are selecting Go to pivot tables.
Step 5: Modify the Report Layout
Open the Table Layout menu, move the Period attribute to the Column box, move the Organisation
Units and Data attributes to the Row box, and click Update.
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 6: Modify the Report Parameters – Period(s)
Click on the Periods panel to open the panel and view the selection options. Click on the drop-down
and select Financial October, a list of options will appear, select October 2015 – September 2016.
Uncheck any default selections in the section below.
Click on the Update button before proceeding, otherwise the Period selections will not be saved.
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President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 7: Modify the Report Parameters – Organization Unit(s) and Sub-Unit(s)
The Organisation Units panel allows you to filter results by Organisation Unit Levels (such as
Districts). Furthermore, you have the ability to select multiple Organisation Units. To do so, hold the
Ctrl button as click on the multiple Organisation Units. Click on the Update button to display the
For this example, we selected all sub-units under Asia/Papua New Guinea. Note: The Organization
Units available for each user varies based on type of access and privilages.
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President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Optional: Users have the flexibility to select combinations of OUs (see example below). Additionally,
users have the ability to display the Organization Unit(s) hierarchy. To do so, click on the Options
drop-down, check the Show Hierarchy check-box, and click on the Update button.
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
If users choose to display the OU(s) hierarchy the results displayed would look as follows:
For the purpose of ths example, we will continue to include all the organization sub-unit under
Asia/Papua New Guinea.
Optional: Users have the ability to display various levels of OUs. To do so, click on the Tools icon
drop-down and select Select Levels. Open the second drop-down and click on the Select
Organization Unit Levels drop-down to make a selection. For the example below, we selected InCountry Level 3. Lastly, click on the Update button to display your new selections.
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 8: Determine the Data Element Group
Click on the Data Elements selection on the left viewing pane of your screen and then select the
desired data elements group. In this example, we are selecting All SI – Targets Only.
Select Details for the second drop-down, this will provide a more extensive list of Data Elements (which
includes disaggreates).
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 9: Determine the Data Element Code Selection(s)
Once the Data Element Group is selected, a list of available Data Elements will appear. The Available
icon allows you to search for specific keywords. Use this search function to find the following Data
TX_CURR (DSD and TA). Double click on the data element name(s) or use the single right arrow to
move it to the box on the right. The box on the right shows your visualizer selection(s).
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Note: At least one of your visualizer selections should contain data; otherwise a message stating “No
data found” will appear and the visualizer will not be updated.
Step 10: Execute your Selections
Once your data element selection is complete, click on the Update button. Upon clicking on the Update
button, the visualization will appear on the right.
Note: The visualization will only become available once data is entered into DATIM for the elements
selected, and those elements are made available to your account via Approval Workflow (e.g. if you
have an Agency account, you would see this data once your Implementing Partner has submitted the
data via the Approval app).
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 11: Display Disaggregate Data
For this example, we are interested in positive test results for the HTC_TST Data Element. To find
this Disaggregate Data Element, you can search for a keyword (such as ‘positive’), or use the scroll
Remember to click on the Update button whenever you add/remove a Data Element selection.
Furthermore, you can continue to drill into a specific Data Element’s Disaggregates (e.g. age, sex, etc.).
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 12: Account for Data De-Duplication
You can account for data de-duplication by selecting Dedeplication adjustments under the Deduplication panel. Note: this feature is only available to USG users as it is not meaningful at the
individual partner level. It only functions once the Data Dedpulication app has been excercised by the
Interagency country team.
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Step 13: Add report to Favorites
To save the Geographic Clinical Cascade Analysis report click on the Favorites drop-down and click
on the Add New button. Enter the name (Geographic Clinical Cascade Analysis) of the report and click
Step 14: Add report to Dashboard
To add the report to your dashboard, click on the Home button (this will take you to the DATIM
homepage). Once you are in the homepage, click on the Add button, assign a name to the dashboard,
and click on the Create button.
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PEPFAR Data Visualizer
Upon creating the dashboard, use the Search function to look for the Geographic Clinical Cascade
Analysis report, and click on Add.
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