™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide—File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding MASTERPASS™ SERVICE PROVIDER ONBOARDING & INTEGRATION GUIDE—FILEAND API-BASED MERCHANT ONBOARDING VERSION 6.5, AS OF 25 JUNE 2015 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Notices Proprietary Rights The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to MasterCard International Incorporated, one or more of its affiliated entities (collectively “MasterCard”), or both. This material may not be duplicated, published, or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of MasterCard. Trademarks Trademark notices and symbols used in this document reflect the registration status of MasterCard trademarks in the United States. Please consult with the Customer Operations Services team or the MasterCard Law Department for the registration status of particular product, program, or service names outside the United States. All third-party product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Translation A translation of any MasterCard manual, bulletin, release, or other MasterCard document into a language other than English is intended solely as a convenience to MasterCard members and other customers. MasterCard provides any translated document to its members and other customers “AS IS” and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the translated document, including, but not limited to, its accuracy or reliability. In no event shall MasterCard be liable for any damages resulting from members’ and other customers’ reliance on any translated document. The English version of any MasterCard document will take precedence over any translated version in any legal proceeding. Content Disclaimer No assurances are given that the information provided herein is error-free. You acknowledge and agree that inaccuracies and inconsistencies may be present. The information is provided to you on an "AS IS" basis for use at your own risk. MasterCard will not be responsible for any action you take as a result of this document, or any inaccuracies, inconsistencies, formatting errors, or omissions. Publication Code MWMI 2 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Table of Contents Notices ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Proprietary Rights ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Trademarks .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Translation ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Content Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 2 Publication Code ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Document Version Notes.............................................................................................................................. 6 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 MasterPass File-Based Onboarding ............................................................................................................ 9 MasterPass API-Based Onboarding ............................................................................................................ 9 How does MasterPass work? ....................................................................................................................... 9 MasterPass User Interface ........................................................................................................................... 9 Standard “Lightbox Display” (desktop and laptop) ...................................................................................... 9 Standard Mobile Display (.mobi) ............................................................................................................... 10 Standard Full Screen Display.................................................................................................................... 11 MasterPass Checkout Experiences ........................................................................................................... 12 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 MasterPass Merchant Standard Checkout Process Flow ........................................................................ 13 Standard Checkout Flow: .......................................................................................................................... 19 Service Provider File- and API-Based Onboarding Model ....................................................................... 20 Incorporating MasterPass into Your Site or App...................................................................................... 20 File-Based Onboarding ............................................................................................................................. 20 API-Based Onboarding ............................................................................................................................. 20 Service Providers NEW to MasterPass should start here: .............................................................................. 20 Service Providers with an EXISTING MasterPass Relationship ........................................................................ 21 Single-Merchant API Service ....................................................................................................................... 22 Open Feed Checkout Project .................................................................................................................... 22 Service Provider File- and API-Based Onboarding—Steps ..................................................................... 24 1. Service Provider Registration and Setup—Service Provider Activity ................................................ 24 Auto Approval ........................................................................................................................................... 26 2. Add Developer to Service Provider Profile—Service Provider Activity.............................................. 27 3. Developer Registration—Developer Activity ........................................................................................ 28 MasterPass Developer Account ................................................................................................................ 28 MasterCard Developer Zone Account ....................................................................................................... 28 Generate MasterCard Developer Zone Developer API Keys .................................................................... 29 Initiate Development ................................................................................................................................. 32 4. Request Sandbox Credentials—Developer Activity ............................................................................. 32 Create Checkout Project ........................................................................................................................... 33 File-Based Onboarding ............................................................................................................................. 34 Generate Merchant Files........................................................................................................................... 35 Validate Merchant Files in the Merchant Portal prior to Upload ................................................................ 35 Validate, Select, Upload, and Review ....................................................................................................... 35 Submit Checkout Project for Sandbox Approval ....................................................................................... 41 5. Review Integration Project & Sandbox Approval—Service Provider Activity.................................... 42 6. Access Sandbox Credentials, Complete Development and Test—Developer Activity ..................... 43 3 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Access Sandbox Details ........................................................................................................................... 43 7. Request Production Credentials—Developer Activity ......................................................................... 43 8. Review Integration Project & Production Approval– Service Provider Activity ................................ 44 9. Deploy application using Production Credentials—Developer Activity ............................................. 45 Follow Steps 10–12 to setup Single-Merchant API................................................................................... 45 10. Set Auto-Approval—Service Provider Activity ................................................................................... 45 11. Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project—Service Provider Activity .................................. 46 12. Upload Merchant Record to Open Feed Checkout Project—System Activity ................................. 47 Integration Process ..................................................................................................................................... 49 Lightbox Integration.................................................................................................................................... 49 Standard Checkout ..................................................................................................................................... 49 Invoke MasterPass UI (Lightbox) .............................................................................................................. 49 Lightbox parameter details can be found here. ........................................................................................ 50 Standard Checkout Callback..................................................................................................................... 50 a. Redirect to Merchant Callback URL Example ................................................................................. 50 b. Checkout Callback method Example .............................................................................................. 50 Service Descriptions:.................................................................................................................................. 50 Request Token Service ............................................................................................................................... 50 Sandbox and Production Endpoints .......................................................................................................... 51 Shopping Cart Service ................................................................................................................................ 51 Sandbox and Production Endpoints .......................................................................................................... 51 Merchant Initialization Service ................................................................................................................... 51 Access Token Service ................................................................................................................................ 52 Sandbox and Production Endpoints .......................................................................................................... 52 Retrieve Payment, Shipping Data, Rewards and 3DS Details ................................................................. 52 Postback Service......................................................................................................................................... 53 Sandbox and Production Endpoints .......................................................................................................... 54 Android and iOS App Integration............................................................................................................... 54 MasterPass - Branding ............................................................................................................................... 56 Displaying “Buy with MasterPass” Button and Acceptance Marks........................................................ 56 MasterPass “Learn More” page ................................................................................................................. 57 Testing ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 MasterPass Sandbox Testing .................................................................................................................... 59 3DS Test Cases ........................................................................................................................................... 60 Q/A Checklist ............................................................................................................................................... 64 Asset Placement ....................................................................................................................................... 64 In-Wallet Experience ................................................................................................................................. 64 Post Wallet Experience ............................................................................................................................. 64 Postback ................................................................................................................................................... 65 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 65 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 65 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 65 Support ........................................................................................................................................................ 66 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................... 67 Merchant Initialization Service .................................................................................................................. 70 Shopping Cart Service .............................................................................................................................. 74 Access Token Service .............................................................................................................................. 78 Postback Service ...................................................................................................................................... 90 File-Based Merchant Onboarding .............................................................................................................. 95 4 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Merchant Upload Schema......................................................................................................................... 95 Merchant Upload Schema Details............................................................................................................. 95 Merchant Upload Sample—Create ........................................................................................................... 98 Merchant Upload Sample—Create with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS) for MasterCard .......... 99 Merchant Upload Sample—Create with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS) for Visa .................... 100 Merchant Upload Sample—Update ........................................................................................................ 101 Merchant Upload Sample—Update ........................................................................................................ 101 Merchant Upload Sample with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS)—Update ................................ 102 Merchant Upload Sample—Delete.......................................................................................................... 104 Merchant Upload Sample—Delete.......................................................................................................... 104 Merchant Upload Sample with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS)—Delete.................................. 104 Merchant Upload Validate Response Schema Details ............................................................................ 106 Merchant Download Schema .................................................................................................................. 106 Merchant Download Schema Details ...................................................................................................... 106 Merchant Download Sample ................................................................................................................... 107 Single-Merchant API Service .................................................................................................................... 109 Single-Merchant API ............................................................................................................................... 109 Single-Merchant API Validation Service ................................................................................................. 112 3DS Status ................................................................................................................................................. 114 Developer Zone Key Renewal Process ................................................................................................... 116 Developer Zone Key Tool Utility .............................................................................................................. 118 3DS Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 119 Service Description ................................................................................................................................. 119 General Overview of Transaction Authentication .................................................................................... 120 Important Merchant Information .............................................................................................................. 121 Validation Error Messages ....................................................................................................................... 121 5 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Document Version Notes Document Version 6.5 6.4 6.3 Date Updates 06/25/2015 Added note to the "Submit Checkout Project for Sandbox Approval" section to indicate that once a checkout project is submitted/approved, it cannot be deleted. (p 41) Added note to the "Lightbox Integration" section indicating that those invoking the Lightbox from an iFrame must include the listed scripts on the parent (outer) frame in addition to the iFrame source that is invoking MasterPass Lightbox. (p 49) Updated the Sandbox Consumer Account table in the "MasterPass Sandbox Testing" section to indicate that the security question and answer are "Pet's Name" and "fido," respectively, for the 3DS Test accounts. (p 59) Replaced the "merchant-initialization—XML Schema Request." (p 71) Replaced the "URL: https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/merchant-initialization — Sample Request." (p 72) Replace the "Shopping Cart V6—XML Schema." (p 75) Replaced the "Shopping Cart Request XML with Optional SecondaryOriginUrl Field— Sample." (p 77) 05/28/2015 Updated the document to reflect new branding for the services. The old BMU API has been rebranded as “Single-Merchant API.” The file-based BMU has been rebranded as “File-Based Onboarding.” Collectively, they are named “File- and API-Based Onboarding,” as reflected in the new title of the document. (throughout document) Added sample Download and Upload files for Create, Update, and Delete Actions with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS). (throughout the document where applicable) Updated the "Are you registering as a Merchant or Service Provider?" screenshot in the "Service Provider Registration and Setup—Service Provider Activity" section. (p 22) Introduced a new section titled "Validate Merchant Files prior to Upload." (p 33) Added a list of information that merchants should email to [email protected] if they don't have an implementation manager assigned to them. (p 66) Introduced a new section in the appendix titled "Validation Error Messages." (p 97) 05/05/2015 Replaced references to the [email protected] email address. (throughout document) Updated the "Standard Checkout User Flow" screenshots to reflect the online interface rather than the mobile interface. (p 11) Added statement to the "Service Provider Registration and Setup—Service Provider Activity" section to indicate that, before registering with MasterPass, the service provider must request an invitation code from their MasterCard representative. (p 21) Updated verbiage in the "Service Provider Registration and Setup—Service Provider Activity" section to clarify that once Auto Approval has been enabled for a developer, subsequent projects that they submit using the same credentials do not need business owner approval prior to sandbox and production deployment, and any changes made to the project are effective immediately. (p 23) Added verbiage to the "Select, Upload, and Review" subsection of the "Request Sandbox Credentials—Developer Activity" section to indicate that service providers may submit corrections to the merchant files they upload under the same checkout project as the original upload if the checkout project has not already been approved. (p 33) Updated the note in the "Submit Checkout Project for Sandbox Approval" subsection of the "Request Sandbox Credentials—Developer Activity" section to clarify that once Auto Approval has been enabled for a developer, subsequent projects that they submit using the same credentials do not need business owner approval prior to sandbox and production deployment, and any changes made to the project are effective immediately. (p 34) Added verbiage to the "Shopping Cart Service" section about the new SecondaryOriginUrl 6 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding field. (p 41) Added instruction to the "Android and iOS App Integration" section to set the android:targetSdkVersion value in your application to 19 or higher if you are integrating MasterPass for Android devices. (p 44) Added verbiage to the note in the "Create Production Key" subsection of the "Developer Registration—Developer Activity" section indicating that the initial files for the key creation are needed to renew a production API key. (p 49) Added item to the "Post Wallet Experience" Q/A checklist indicating that the user must verify that the card PAN has not been provided to any entity that does not have the appropriate security in place for storage and transmission of card data (per PCI guidelines). (p 52) Added the new SecondaryOriginUrl element to the Merchant-initialization—XML Schema Request XML sample. (p 58) Added the new SecondaryOriginUrl element to the "MerchantInitializationRequest XML Details" table. (p 60) Added the new SecondaryOriginUrl element to the "Shopping Cart V6-XML Schema". (p 62) Added the new SecondaryOriginUrl element to the "Shopping Cart V6 XML Details" table. (p 62) Added the "Shopping Cart Request XML with Optional SecondaryOriginUrl Field— Sample" (p 63) Added a note to the "MerchantTransactions Request—Schema" subsection stating that BMU service providers may ignore the optional PreCheckoutTransactionId and ExpressCheckoutIndicator elements. (p 77) Added a note to the "Merchant Upload Sample—Update" section to indicate that if the Checkout ID is not included in the Checkout Brand element, then MasterPass will produce a unique checkout ID for merchant record. (p 86) 6.2 6.1 6.0 03/03/2015 Updated screenshots. (throughout document) Removed note about the activation delay that service providers might experience following the initial checkout. (p 15) Added verbiage about the Auto Approval feature, which merchants may use to approve checkout projects. (p 40) Removed caveat stating that JCB is supported in select markets only. (p 49) Added information about a new email element to the “Merchant Upload Schema Details” table. (p 77) 12/01/2014 Removed the Connected checkout table (p 10) Added user flows for Standard, Paired, and Returned Checkout (p 13, 16, 17, 19) Updated information about unpairing (p 20) Added further information about OAuth (p 32) Added note about key renewal requirements (p 40) Clarified production deployment instructions (p 35) Added note about new SDK/sample code availability (p 44) Clarified checkout resource URL information (p 52 & 79) Added note about liability shift and Advanced Checkout (p 57) Added sandbox JavaScript URL (p 43) Updated ECI Values (p 86) Updated XML schema-MerchantAquirerBrand (p 102) Added note about currency being required field for 3DS (p 105) Noted inclusion of JCB as an allowed card type (p 62) 9/19/2014 Added Lightbox UI experience (p 7) Added New Checkout experience: Connected checkout details (p 13) Merchant Initialization Service - version V6 (p 48) Shopping Cart Service - version V6 (p47, 66) Checkout version - version V6 (p 42, 43, 45, 46) Precheckout Service - version v6 (p48, 82) Postback Service - version V6 (p50, 94) Updated QA Checklist (p 56) 7 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Lightbox Parameters (p59) SINGLE-MERCHANT API Service (p18, 19, 38, 39, 104) 10/26/2013 Checkout project auto approval (p 12) 3DS “No Authentication” value (p 30) High resolution image links (p 35) MasterPass ‘Learn More’ link (p 35) Checkout version v5 schema and xml (p 51-55) Updated result file schema (p 69) Instructions to use Developer Zone Key Tool Utility (p 71) 8 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Overview This guide is intended for service providers that would like to use one of the following mechanisms: • • MasterPass File-Based Onboarding MasterPass API-Based Onboarding MasterPass File-Based Onboarding Under this onboarding method, service providers upload a file with merchant records through the MasterPass Merchant and Service Provider portal. Service providers can use this onboarding mechanism to add merchants, update merchants, or delete merchant records on the MasterPass platform. Upon successful processing of the file by MasterPass, a results file is available for the service provider to download. MasterPass API-Based Onboarding At this time, a Single-Merchant API is available for merchant onboarding. This onboarding mechanism may be used to onboard a single merchants to MasterPass in real time. This API may be used to (a) add an individual merchant to MasterPass, (b) update an individual, existing MasterPass merchant record, or (c) delete an individual merchant record from MasterPass. MasterPass then provides a real-time response to the API. How does MasterPass work? MasterPass is a service that enables consumers to store, manage and securely share their payment, shipping and rewards information with the websites and mobile apps with which they transact. MasterPass ™ ™ supports checkout on full and mobile websites, as well as in-app purchases on Android and iOS apps. Shop on merchant site Click Buy with MasterPass at checkout Sign into MasterPass -enabled Wallet Select card, shipping address and loyalty Select shipping method Review and confirm transaction MasterPass User Interface The MasterPass user interface, or Lightbox, floats the MasterPass wallet interface on top of the Merchant’s web page through illuminated overlays, and backgrounds dimmed to 0.7 opacity. This modern method allows a consumer to interact with their MasterPass digital wallet without having to leave the merchant’s page. MasterPass Lightbox is built in a responsive design style allowing it to respond dynamically to the various screen sizes and orientations. MasterPass supports the following displays: • • Standard Lightbox display Standard full screen display Standard “Lightbox Display” (desktop and laptop) At full screen, where the browser is set to 100% height and width, the overall Lightbox dimensions are 740 pixels (height) by 700 pixels (width). This is inclusive of the Lightbox header and footer. The interior Lightbox dimensions are 590 pixels (height) by 680 pixels (width). 9 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding If the height of the browser is reduced so that the entire Lightbox has a height of 740 pixels and the width is maintained, the content container has the following dimensions: 530 pixels (height) by 680 pixels (width). If the browser is set to 100% maximum width, but is less than 530 pixels in height (for the content container), vertical scrolling will appear. If the browser is set to less than 680 pixels in width, the Lightbox layout will change to accommodate small screen formats (as in, phones and smaller tablets). There is a 320 pixel width threshold for the content container. Standard Mobile Display (.mobi) Within the .mobi experience, the header and footer are approximately 70 pixels high except for the iPhone 5/5S, which has a header and footer which are approximately 30 pixels high. The interior content area for mobile devices is content dependent. The initial view of content is based on the overall screen sizes. Content that does not fit within the initial view of content can be accessed by scrolling. There will not be a landscape view for mobile; only portrait will be supported. 10 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Standard Full Screen Display Under certain conditions, such as when the consumer’s browser does not support the Lightbox display (older browser), or if the merchant has not yet made coding changes to invoke the Lightbox display, or if the URL requesting the Lightbox display is different from the merchant specified origin URL, then MasterPass will render the wallet experience in full screen. This full screen wallet experience supports all functionality and design as that of the Lightbox display. 11 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding MasterPass Checkout Experiences Overview The following table depicts the steps of involved in the standard MasterPass checkout experience. Merchant Experience Standard Checkout Merchant identifies consumer MasterPass Merchant Consumer Clicks Signs into Wallet Finalizes Payment Method/ Address Reviews/ Submits Order Confirms Order Receipt/ Thank You Page Buy with MasterPass X X X X X 12 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding MasterPass Merchant Standard Checkout Process Flow The flows below depict the Standard MasterPass Checkout flow with the Lightbox MasterPass UI. Standard Checkout User Flow 1) The consumer clicks the Buy with MasterPass button. 13 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 2) The consumer logs in to their wallet. 14 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 3) The consumer selects their payment method and shipping address. 15 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 4) The consumer reviews and submits the order. 16 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 5) The merchant confirms the order. 17 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 18 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Standard Checkout Flow: 19 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Service Provider File- and API-Based Onboarding Model Incorporating MasterPass into Your Site or App Enabling checkout with MasterPass on-behalf of your merchant site or mobile app is straightforward—here are the required activities for service providers that would like to use the File- or API-based methods for onboarding merchants. File-Based Onboarding Under this onboarding method, service providers upload a file with merchant profile records through the MasterPass Merchant Portal. Service Providers can onboard merchants by uploading file(s) containing multiple merchant records. Service Providers will access the MasterPass Merchant Portal to enroll and provision their merchants to MasterPass. The File-Based Onboarding method should be used by Service Providers who will be onboarding a large number of merchants and can generate XML formatted files(s) with the required information for multiple merchants. This process allows multiple merchant profiles to be set up at the same time rather than manually creating a MasterPass account for each merchant. No Merchant interaction with MasterPass is required in this onboarding method. Service Provider developers will create checkout projects and the Service Provider will approve the checkout projects. Service Provides can also enable [Auto Approval] (insert hyperlink to auto approve section) for each developer to avoid having to approve each and every checkout project by that developer. Service providers can use File-Based Onboarding to add merchants, update merchants, or delete merchant records on the MasterPass platform. Upon successful processing of the file by MasterPass, a results file is available for the service provider to download. API-Based Onboarding At this time, a Single-Merchant API is available for merchant onboarding. This Single-Merchant API may be used by Service Providers to onboard merchant records one at a time and in real time to MasterPass. This method is best suited for Service Providers that want to onboard merchants in real time from their system to MasterPass without any manual intervention. No Merchant interaction with MasterPass is required in this onboarding method. By using the API, service provider developers do not have to create multiple checkout projects for onboarding merchants. An Open Feed checkout project is available for service providers using the API that can be used for ongoing submission of merchant records to MasterPass. This API may be used to add, update, or delete merchants one at a time to MasterPass. provides a real time response to the API. MasterPass Service Providers NEW to MasterPass should start here: All new service providers that have not onboarded merchants, whether using file- or API-based onboarding, must complete steps 1–9 that are summarized in the table below. By completing steps 1–9, you will have created your relationship to MasterPass and onboarded an initial set of merchants. Detailed instructions for steps 1–9 can be found here, or click on the links within the table below. At the successful completion of step 9, you will have a Checkout Project that has been approved for production and at least one merchant in the MasterPass system. At this point, the Service Provider will be considered existing in the MasterPass system. 20 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Activity 1. Service Provider Registration and Setup 2. Add Developer to Service Provider Profile 3. Developer Registration Actor Steps Service Provider Create Service Provider account and create shipping profile MasterPass Merchant Portal Service Provider Add Developer to Service Provider Profile MasterPass Merchant Portal Create MasterPass Developer account MasterPass Merchant Portal Developer Create Developer Zone account Generate developer’s sandbox and production keys Review sample code/SDK and design services integration Create Checkout Project Obtain details for merchant(s) and generate merchant upload file(s). 4. Request Sandbox Credentials 5. Review Integration Project & Approval Environment Developer Service Provider Business Owner Select merchant file(s), Upload and Review results from the Download Merchant File. MasterCard Developer Zone MasterPass Merchant Portal Service Provider Engineering Environment MasterPass Merchant Portal Submit Checkout Project for sandbox approval. MasterPass Merchant Portal Approve sandbox credentials. MasterPass Merchant Portal Obtain checkout IDs for each successfully provisioned merchant. Map each checkout Id to the correct merchant. MasterPass Merchant Portal 6. Access Sandbox Credentials Developer 7. Request Production Credentials Developer Submit Checkout Project for production approval 8. Review Integration Project & Approval Service Provider Business Owner Approve production credentials MasterPass Merchant Portal 9. Production Migration Developer Update MasterPass API endpoints, Consumer key, Callback URL and Private Key (p12), if different than Sandbox. Service Provider Production Environment Test against MasterPass sandbox environment Service Provider Engineering Environment MasterPass Merchant Portal Service Providers with an EXISTING MasterPass Relationship Existing Service Providers that are using the File-Based Onboarding method and would like to use the Single-Merchant API can skip down [here] (insert link Single API section) Existing Service Providers have two options for adding, updating, and deleting merchants in the MasterPass system: • Use File-Based Onboarding via the MasterPass Merchant and Service Portal User Interface to upload XML file(s). In other words, you can always choose to simply follow steps 4-9 in the table above to add, update, or delete merchants. 21 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding • Use the Single-Merchant API Service to upload the XML file containing a single merchant record, which is explained in the section below. Follow Steps 10-12 below to setup the Single-Merchant API Service for your account. Single-Merchant API Service Once a service provider has at least one checkout project approved all the way through to production (Step 8) that service provider can then choose to activate the Single-Merchant API Service. Interfacing with the Single-Merchant API Service will require coding on the Service Provider side. Service Providers using the API can use the Open Feed Checkout Project to submit merchant records to MasterPass. Open Feed Checkout Project The Open Feed to Production Checkout Project has the advantage over a standard checkout project in that it allows continuous sumbissions of merchant records for the desired action (add/update/delete) directly to the production environment. To create the Open Feed to Production Checkout Project, complete the following steps: 10. Set Auto Approval 11. Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project 12. Send XML to Open Feed Project Service Provider Business Owner Service Provider Business Owner Developer Check Enable Auto Approval Checkbox Check Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project (Auto Approval must be enabled, step 10) Send a single merchant record in XML format via the Single-Merchant API service using the Checkout Project ID of the Open Feed Project and the production consumer key, which can be obtained from one of the previous production approved checkout projects on the Merchant Portal. XML flows automatically to Approved for Production, step 9. MasterPass Merchant Portal MasterPass Merchant Portal Upload XML via API Service Provider Production Environment The following accounts will be created during this onboarding process. Use the following table to record the account information for future reference. Account Type Merchant Portal – Service Provider account Merchant Portal Developer Account(s) Details Created by Service Provider business owner. This id should be used to login at https://masterpass.com/SP/Merchant/Home Account Info Userid: __________ Email: ___________ Go here to create Service Provider account, invite developers, create shipping profiles, approve checkout projects etc. Created when a Service Provider invites a developer. It’s a system generated user id. This id should be used to login at https://masterpass.com/SP/Merchant/Home Userid: __________ Email: ___________ Go here to create checkout project, upload merchant files, get checkout 22 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding project details etc. Developer Zone Developer Account(s) Created by developer and is used for key exchange. This id should be used to login at https://developer.mastercard.com Userid: __________ Email: ___________ Go here to perform key exchange, download SDKs and Sample Application, Integration Guides and to access FAQs, etc. By the end of the integration, your site or mobile app should be able to: 1. Display the Buy with MasterPass button and the Learn More link at the start of the checkout experience. 2. Invoke and display the MasterPass Lightbox. 3. Relay MasterPass checkout requests to the MasterPass service. 4. Receive consumer’s billing, shipping address, and rewards data from MasterPass service. 5. Process card, shipping and rewards information using existing process. Note that your implementation must satisfy all criteria in the Q/A checklist. 23 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Service Provider File- and API-Based Onboarding—Steps 1. Service Provider Registration and Setup—Service Provider Activity Before beginning this process, request an invitation code from your MasterCard representative; this will grant you access and allow you to register as a service provider within the merchant portal. From the MasterPass Merchant Portal, select the country – language from the dropdown and click the Create an Account button to start the registration process. You will be presented with a modal window, into which you will enter the invitation code. After entering the invitation code, you will be presented with the option to select the registration type. Select Service Provider to continue with the registration process as shown in the screen shots below. If you need to register as a Merchant, please access Merchant Integration Guide. Create an Account Enter Invitation Code Select Service Provider 24 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 25 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding After your account has been created, select Shipping Locations to manage shipping for your merchants. You can have multiple shipping profiles that you can use with multiple merchants, or you may set a preferred shipping profile if most of your merchants use it. Auto Approval The Service Provider business owner has an option to Enable Auto Approval of checkout projects. This feature allows Service Providers to determine if they wish to have a checkpoint/audit step prior to having merchants setup in sandbox and production or not. Once enabled, subsequent projects submitted by the developer—using the same credentials—do not need business owner approval prior to sandbox and production deployment. Any changes made to the project are effective immediately. To enable Auto Approval, click Account Settings from the top navigation bar and click on the Enable Auto Approval check box. 26 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 2. Add Developer to Service Provider Profile—Service Provider Activity The next step is to add developers who will integrate MasterPass into the checkout flow. From the landing page, you will add developers to the Service Provider profile. These developers will handle the technical implementation of MasterPass. Click on Manage Setup and add developers to your Service Provider account. To get started, click the Start This Step button from the MasterPass Setup page. You will need to indicate who will perform the technical integration. Service Providers who have an internal or contracted engineering team should select An internal or contracted developer, and provide contact information for each developer he/she wishes to invite. 27 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding MasterPass will send two separate emails to each newly added developer indicating that he/she has been invited to handle the technical integration of MasterPass on-behalf of your company. These emails will contain the username and password to log in to the MasterPass Merchant Portal. Invitation emails sent to the developer will contain links to the MasterPass integration guides that developers can use to get started with MasterPass integration. 3. Developer Registration—Developer Activity Developers invited to integrate MasterPass on behalf of a service provider will manage their integration activities through two portals: • MasterPass Merchant Portal (https://masterpass.com/SP/Merchant/Home) • MasterCard Developer Zone (http://developer.mastercard.com) NOTE: These are two different websites that use different login credentials. If you are a new developer for MasterPass, you must sign up for a new account on Developer Zone. MasterPass Developer Account Developers will use the MasterPass Merchant Portal to request, and access merchant-specific integration credentials, which will be used when interacting with the MasterPass web services. After the service provider invites you as a developer, you should have received your MasterPass Developer credentials in two emails from MasterPass. Follow the instructions in the emails to create your developer account. You will find links to the MasterPass integration documentation in the invitation emails you receive from MasterPass and on the landing page once you sign in to your Developer account on the MasterPass Merchant Portal. You do not need a Developer Zone account to access and view this documentation. MasterCard Developer Zone Account Developers invited to integrate MasterPass on behalf of a service provider will use MasterCard Developer Zone to view integration documentation and generate developer keys. To create a Developer Zone account, visit Developer Zone and click Create account. After submitting the form, be sure to activate the account using the confirmation email. 28 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Generate MasterCard Developer Zone Developer API Keys After creating your account, you will need to generate two API keys: one for the sandbox environment and one for the production environment. To make keys easy to distinguish, it’s recommended to prefix sandbox keys with "SBX_" and production keys with "PRD_". 29 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Create Sandbox Key To create a Sandbox key, click My Account, then My Dashboard. On the My Dashboard page, click on the My Keys tab and the Add a Key button. In order to get an API Key, you need to supply a PEM encoded Certificate Request File. You may use a tool of your choice, such as "openssl" or Java's "keytool" to generate this CSR, or you may use the CSR generation tool on the developer zone portal. Click here to see instructions for using CSR generation tool. Complete the form, select Sandbox for Environment, and click Submit. 30 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding You will have Sandbox Key ID at this point. Create Production Key To create a Production API key, return to My Dashboard and click on My Keys. Then click on Add a Key and make sure you select Production environment. Complete the form and click Submit. At this point, developers will have a Sandbox Key ID and a Production Key ID, which will be used when creating a checkout project in the MasterPass Merchant Portal. 31 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding NOTE: Keys expire after one year before which they should be renewed by initiating the Developer Zone Key Renewal process. The Certificate Request File initially submitted for the key creation will be needed to renew the key. Notifications at 30, 15, and 1 day prior to key expiration will be sent to the email address associated with the Developer Zone account. When the keys expire, the checkout project will not work and the MasterPass transactions will fail. Therefore the keys need to be renewed prior to expiration. Initiate Development At this point, developers should begin developing their own implementation. Sample Applications for C# .NET, Java, PHP, and Ruby will be made available for download from the Sample Code tab in the Developer Zone. Contact MasterPass Support if the sample applications are not available in the language you need. MasterPass follows the OAuth 1.0a specification. Any merchant or Service Provider integrating with MasterPass must strictly adhere to the OAuth specs for interacting with MasterPass through Open API Gateway. Failure to implement OAuth correctly may impact your integration and transactions with MasterPass. Further information can be found here: https://developer.mastercard.com/portal/display/api/Authentication 4. Request Sandbox Credentials—Developer Activity Prior to allowing the developer’s code to interact with the MasterPass the project must be approved by the Service Provider Business Owner. The developer will make two separate approval requests. The first request is to grant the developer access to credentials that will enable his/her code to transact with the MasterPass sandbox environment on-behalf of the merchant. The sandbox environment does not contain real consumer data. The second is for production credentials, which will enable real transactions. Developers will use MasterPass Merchant Portal to request, and access merchant-specific integration credentials, which will be used when interacting with the MasterPass services. The credentials are requested by submitting a checkout project. 32 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Create Checkout Project To get started, sign into the MasterPass Merchant Portal. Under Manage Development, click Checkout Projects → Create New Project, and complete the New Project creation wizard. Enter the Project Name and Project Description. Enter the sandbox and production Key IDs that were created from MasterCard Developer Zone. If you are a Service Provider developer uploading files containing several merchant records, choose the Bulk Merchant Upload Implementation option in the Create Checkout Project window. 33 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Create Checkout Project Developer Zone – Production Key ID Developer Zone – Sandbox Key ID File-Based Onboarding Service Providers can associate multiple merchant profiles to a checkout project all at once using a merchant upload file. The first step in this process is to obtain the merchant upload file template referenced in the appendix. Service Providers should gather the details for each merchant. 34 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Generate Merchant Files Once the merchant details are available, developer should create the file(s) to upload. Upload file size cannot be more than 10 MB. For best results, try not to exceed 1000 merchant records in a file. If you want to upload more than 1000 merchants, consider creating multiple files to upload at the same time or as part of a new checkout project. Validate Merchant Files in the Merchant Portal prior to Upload This feature enables service providers to optionally check or validate their file containing merchant records and ensure that it meets the schema and business rules requirements before submitting the file for processing to MasterPass. To begin the validation process, click the Validate File button on the Checkout Projects page. Click Choose File and select a file to validate. Initiate the file validation by clicking Validate Now. Once the validation is complete, the system will display an error message if the file is invalid. Any schema errors must be corrected before the file can be submitted for validation against business rules. Once validation is complete, a success or failure result is displayed in the UI, and details of errors are provided in the results file.Refer to the “Validation Error Messages” section of the Appendix for a list and descriptions of the validation error messages. The results of the validation are not stored by MasterPass and, hence, will not available to service providers when they return. Service providers must use the “download” capability to take note of the validation results, which can be used to correct any errors in the file. Once the service provider has corrected the XML errors, validate the file again. If there are no errors in the file, the system will display a “Validation complete, no errors found” message. There are no limits on the number of times a file or record can be validated. The validation feature supports the same file sizes as can be used with File-Based Onboarding. Validate, Select, Upload, and Review To verify your file submission for schema and business rules validation before uploading, go to the Checkout Projects page and click the Validate File button. 35 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Click the Choose File button. Select the file you want to validate and click the Validate Now button. 36 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding The system will first validate the XML schema of your file. If your file does not meet the XML schema rules, you will receive an error message (as in the screenshot below) and must repair the error. If your files meets the XML schema rules, the system will then validate against the business rules. If your file does not meet the business rules, you will receive an error message (as in the screenshot below) and must repair the error. 37 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding To see the cause of the validation error, click the Download Result File button. Once your file meets both the XML schema and business rules, you (a) will receive a result file with an ErrorText status of “Successful” (as in the following screenshot) and (b) are ready to upload the file to MasterPass. 38 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Once the merchant files have been generated and the merchant is ready to upload files to MasterPass, click Upload to select the merchant files and initiate the File-Based Onboarding process. 39 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 40 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding A message will display indicating the processing has finished and the number of records processed— successes and failures. The service provider account owner will still need to approve the successfully processed merchants before they will be able to process transactions. You will also get an email when the file processing is complete. Once the processing is complete, click Download Result File to view the results of the Upload process. Any merchant records which fail processing will need to be reviewed, corrected and submitted for processing. A sample Download Result File is available in the appendix. Corrections can be uploaded under the same checkout project, provided that the checkout project has not already been approved via manual or auto approval. To check on the 3DS status of a successfully uploaded merchant, refer to the "3DS Status" section. Submit Checkout Project for Sandbox Approval After creating the checkout project but before submission, the developer may modify previously entered information. To submit the project for sandbox approval, click Submit. Clicking Submit will kick-off the Checkout Project Approval Process. NOTE: Once the checkout project is submitted/approved, it cannot be deleted. 41 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding NOTE: If Auto Approval has been enabled by the merchant or service-provider business owner for a developer, sandbox and production credentials will be generated at this time and steps 5-8 will be skipped. Once Auto Approval has been enabled for a developer, subsequent projects that they submit using the same credentials do not need business owner approval prior to sandbox and production deployment. Any changes made to the project are effective immediately. 5. Review Integration Project & Sandbox Approval—Service Provider Activity NOTE: Skip if Auto Approval is enabled. After the Developer submits the request for sandbox credentials, the Service Provider Business Owner will get an email notification. The Service Provider Business Owner will log on to the MasterPass Merchant and Service Provider Portal, review, and provide approval. After clicking Approval Requests on the navigation bar, the user will see a list of open requests. The user will be presented with the option to either Approve or Reject the project. Users can also view processing results by clicking on ‘Download Result File’ button or download the uploaded file by clicking on ‘Download Merchant File’. If rejected, a reason must be provided, and the developer will be allowed to modify the entry and resubmit. Upon approval, the developer will receive an email containing the Consumer Key for the sandbox environment. The developer will be able to sign into the MasterPass Merchant Portal and access credentials necessary to develop and test his/her MasterPass implementation in the sandbox environment. 42 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 6. Access Sandbox Credentials, Complete Development and Test— Developer Activity NOTE: Skip if Auto Approval is enabled. Access Sandbox Details After signing into the portal, the developer will click the Action Required button associated with the entry, and note the Sandbox Consumer Key. For each successfully uploaded merchant, Developers will obtain the checkout identifiers from the result file and map to the correct merchant. These will be used in the code to call MasterPass web services. Please refer to MasterCard Developer Zone for sample code and SDKs 7. Request Production Credentials—Developer Activity NOTE: Skip if Auto Approval is enabled. Once the application has been tested against sandbox, the Developer will request the production credential. This is done by submitting the checkout project created in Step 4 and submitting it again for approval. 43 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 8. Review Integration Project & Production Approval– Service Provider Activity NOTE: Skip if Auto Approval is enabled. After the Developer submits request for production credentials, the Service Provider Business Owner will get an email notification. The business owner will log on to the MasterPass Merchant Portal, review and provide approval (similar to step 5). The user will be presented with the option to either Approve or Reject the project. Users can also view processing results by clicking on ‘Download Result File’ button. If rejected, a reason must be provided, and the developer will be allowed to modify the entry and resubmit. 44 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 9. Deploy application using Production Credentials—Developer Activity Once the application has been approved, the Developer will receive an email containing the production Consumer Key and will enable the Service Provider platform to transact with the MasterPass Services onbehalf of the Merchant. Prior to production deployment: - Ensure that you have implemented the MasterPass button on merchant’s site or app Your sandbox implementation passes all items in the QA checklist To move your code to production, update your code with the MasterPass API Production endpoints, Consumer Key, Checkout Identifier and the private key if different than Sandbox. The last step is to deploy your code to production. You’re all done! Follow Steps 10–12 to setup Single-Merchant API 10. Set Auto-Approval—Service Provider Activity Once the first checkout project has been completely approved for production, the Enable Auto Approval checkbox will be available in the Account Settings. The Service Provider business owner has an option to enable auto approval of checkout projects, which must be done to use the API-Based Onboarding method. This feature allows Service Providers to determine if they wish to have a checkpoint/audit step prior to having merchants setup in sandbox and production or not. When auto approval is enabled, the system will automatically approve any submitted merchant profiles for both Sandbox and Production credentials. This is applicable to all developers associated with the account, and changes are effective immediately. To enable auto approval, click Account Settings from the top navigation bar and click on the Enable Auto Approval check box. Click Agree when prompted. 45 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding When the Enable Auto Approval checkbox is checked, the checkbox Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project will be available. 11. Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project—Service Provider Activity Service Providers that want to use the Single-Merchant API Service, will need to create the Open Feed to Production Checkout Project. It is created when the Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project checkbox is checked for the first time. To create, click Account Settings from the top navigation bar and click on Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project checkbox. To view the newly created Open Feed to Production project, click Checkout Projects. 46 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding When the Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project checkbox is unchecked, the Open Feed to Production project will be hidden in the UI from the user, and any calls made to that project will be rejected. Checking the Use Open Feed to Production Checkout Project checkbox again will unhide the Open Feed to Production project. 12. Upload Merchant Record to Open Feed Checkout Project—System Activity The Open Feed to Production Project can only be used for onboarding via the API. NOTE: The Single-Merchant API is limited to a file size of less than 399K (409600 bytes) and must be used for one merchant record at a time. The Service Provider system must be designed to send the XML containing details for a single merchant record, the Checkout Project ID and approved consumer key*, to the Open Feed to Production project through the Single-Merchant API service call. This will auto-submit and push merchant adds/updates/deletes directly to Production.” See Appendix for SINGLE-MERCHANT API Upload parameter details. *If you are a new service provider, then you will first need to get a project approved all the way to production (steps 1–8 in the Onboarding table) and you can use consumer keys of the first production approved checkout project. If you are an existing Service provider, that has used the File-Based Onboarding, you can use the consumer key that associated with any checkout project approved all the way to production that you have used onboard merchants using the File-Based Onboarding method The API call to upload each merchant must be made using a production consumer key and the associated production developer Key ID credentials. The checkout project ID of the Open feed project needs to be used in the API request URL. NOTE: Once MasterPass successfully processes the merchant record, the API will provide a response with the checkout identifier for the merchant. Validate Merchant API Service Service providers may use an API service to verify their submission for schema and business rules validation before uploading merchant records to MasterPass via the onboarding API. To begin the validation process via the Validation API service, the developer must call the API and send the XML containing the merchant record. • If there are schema errors errors, the system will indicate that and the errors must be corrected before the xml can be validated against the business rules. Once validation is complete if there are 47 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding • • • any errors, the API response will indicate that, and if the XML contains no errors the API will provide a success response. The results of the validation are not stored by MasterPass and available to service providers when they return, so they must save the results of the API response on their end which can be used to correct any errors with their submission. There are no limits on the number of times the validation API can be called for validating an XML. The validation API supports the same size of the onboarding API (399 KB) and only one merchant record may be submitted at a time via the validation API. The Validation API system will display an error message if the file is invalid. Refer to the “Validation Error Messages” section of the Appendix for a list and descriptions of the validation error messages. If the XML file is valid, the Validation API system will send a confirmation response indicating that the XML file was loaded successfully. 48 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Integration Process For a step by step guide through integration and illustration of the various calls to MasterPass, you can download the example of our code available in various languages such as Java, C#, PHP, and Ruby. You can also access the sample code for correct implementation of signature base string and exchanges with MasterPass at the following link. https://developer.mastercard.com/portal/display/api/MasterPass+-+Merchant+Checkout+-+Sample+Code Lightbox Integration Lightbox integration is required to launch the MasterPass user interface for consumer wallets. In order to invoke the Lightbox, merchants will need to include the following scripts on the page they implement the Buy with MasterPass button: 1. https://www.masterpass.com/lightbox/Switch/assets/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js » It is recommended to pull the jQuery file from the public jQuery repository https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js 2. MasterPass Script NOTE: Those invoking the Lightbox from an iFrame must include the following scripts on the parent (outer) frame in addition to the iFrame source that is invoking MasterPass Lightbox: a. Production - https://www.masterpass.com/lightbox/Switch/integration/MasterPass.client.js b. Sandbox https://sandbox.masterpass.com/lightbox/Switch/integration/MasterPass.client.js Standard Checkout The following steps are necessary to integrate a standard MasterPass checkout. For further information, click on each step of the process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Request Token Service Shopping Cart Service Merchant Initialization Service (Optional based on Shopping Cart parameters.) Invoke MasterPass UI(Lightbox) for checkout Standard Callback method or Redirect to callback URL Access Token Service Retrieve Payment, Shipping Data, Rewards and 3DS Details Authorize Payment through payment processor Postback Service Invoke MasterPass UI (Lightbox) Within a script tag the merchant must invoke the checkout method with the required parameters. Here is an example <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"> MasterPass.client.checkout({ "requestToken":"insert_request_token_here", "callbackUrl":"http://www.somemerchant.com/checkoutcomplete.htm", "merchantCheckoutId":"insert_checkout_id_here", "allowedCardTypes":["master,amex,diners,discover,maestro,visa"], "version":"v6" }); 49 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </script> Required parameters are: » » » » » requestToken—The merchants request token from OpenAPI. callbackUrl—A URL to redirect the browser to when checkout is complete. Required unless you use the callback method. merchantCheckoutId—The merchant’s unique checkout identifier from the MasterPass Merchant Portal allowedCardTypes—Card types accepted by merchant version—checkout version (v6) Lightbox parameter details can be found here. Standard Checkout Callback Once a checkout is completed, MasterPass will return context to the merchant. This can be done via one of the following options: a. b. A callback URL—MasterPass uses the callback URL (oauth_callback) from the request token call to direct back to the merchant site when Lightbox is rendered in full screen mode. A javascript callback method—Use “failureCallback” and “successCallback” to give control back to the page that initiated the Lightbox without any redirects. These parameters must be set when invoking MasterPass Lightbox UI. It is recommended that your code takes care of both scenarios. a. Redirect to Merchant Callback URL Example http://www.somemerchant.com/checkoutcomplete.htm?status=success&checkout_res ource_url=https%3A%2F%2Fstage.api.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%2Fcheckou t%2F10189977%3Fwallet%3Dphw&oauth_verifier=6c50838e31b7441e6eafa222938545288 9255b13&oauth_token=d6fa60984308aebb6183d44fb9688fb9dc8332dc b. Checkout Callback method Example function onSuccessfulCheckout(data) { document.getElementById('oauthToken').value=data.oauth_token; document.getElementById('oauthVerifer').value=data.oauth_verifier; document.getElementById('checkoutUrl').value=data.checkout_resource _url; } Service Descriptions: Request Token Service This should be executed when a consumer clicks the Buy with MasterPass button. Request and response parameter details can be found here. 50 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Sandbox and Production Endpoints » https://sandbox.api.mastercard.com/oauth/consumer/v1/request_token » https://api.mastercard.com/oauth/consumer/v1/request_token Shopping Cart Service Merchants must call the Shopping Cart service before invoking the MasterPass UI for checkout. This enables shopping cart data to be displayed to users as they proceed through the MasterPass login and checkout. Shopping cart request has an optional OriginUrl field, which—if the merchant sets it—will remove the need to call the merchant initialization service before displaying the Lightbox. Request and response parameter details can be found here. Shopping cart request has an optional SecondaryOriginUrl field, which—if the merchant sets it—should only be used when the Lightbox will be invoked from a frame that’s on a merchant site and when that frame is of a different domain than that of the merchant site, like for a service provider. NOTE: The product description needs to be HTML-encoded and has a character limit of 100 characters. Sandbox and Production Endpoints » https://sandbox.api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/shopping-cart » https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/shopping-cart Merchant Initialization Service This service is used to secure Lightbox connections between merchant and MasterPass. This service requires a request token (OAuthToken). This service call should be used when shopping cart service is not called. Request and response parameter details can be found here. 51 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding https://sandbox.api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/merchant-initialization https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/merchant-initialization Access Token Service Next step is to exchange a Request token for an Access token from the MasterPass service. You will use the Request Token (oauth_token) and Verifier (oauth_verifier) from the merchant callback to get an access token. Request and response parameter details can be found here. Sandbox and Production Endpoints » https://sandbox.api.mastercard.com/oauth/consumer/v1/access_token » https://api.mastercard.com/oauth/consumer/v1/access_token Retrieve Payment, Shipping Data, Rewards and 3DS Details Now you will use the Checkout Resource URL request parameter (checkout_resource_url) received from the callback URL to retrieve consumer’s payment, shipping address, reward and 3DS information from MasterPass. The checkout resource url supplied by MasterPass should be decoded and consumed by the merchant or Service Provider as provided by MasterPass. MasterPass may add or delete parameters in future. Example: Below are two example callback urls with the checkout_resource_url parameter highlighted: 1) https://AnyMerchant.com/CheckoutCallback?mpstatus=success&checkout_resource_url=https%3A%2F %2Fapi.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%2Fcheckout%2F11318523&oauth_verifier=aa2ff8e8f11 44f45c3b8fdc3d42398913a49e387&oauth_token=b8361ad151af35f71df7b395e083befcaf8192dd Decoded checkout url: checkout_resource_url=https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/checkout/11318523 2) https://AnyMerchant.com/CheckoutCallback?checkout_resource_url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.mastercard. com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%2Fcheckout%2F11318500&checkoutId=11318500&oauth_verifier=aa2ff8e 8f1144f45c3b8fdc3d42398913a49e387&oauth_token=b8361ad151af35f71df7b395e083befcaf8192dd Decoded checkout url: checkout_resource_url=https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/checkout/11318500&checkoutId=11318500 Request and response parameter details can be found here. Please note that MasterPass performs a CVC/CVV check at card enrollment. However, in accordance with PCI standards, CVC2/CVV2 data is not persisted, and will not be provided to the merchant. As the card data has been validated and securely stored by MasterPass, merchants must not require CVC/CVV entry from a consumer checking out with MasterPass. NOTE: In cases where, prior to submitting their order, the cardholder chooses to replace the payment details provided by MasterPass with different, manually entered payment details, Merchants should ask the cardholder to enter CVV2/CVC2/CID as they would in the normal course and should not pass the wallet indicator flag to the acquirer. In this case, the transaction is no longer considered to be a MasterPass 52 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding transaction. Checkout Postback is still required. It is recommended not to allow consumers to change their card details after returning from MasterPass. A three-byte wallet Indicator (WID) Flag (WalletID xml element in the checkout xml) will be part of the output returned by this request. This value must be passed to your acquiring bank, and will indicate that the customer’s payment details were provided by the MasterPass, rather than being manually entered. You may need to work with your payment provider (acquirer, payment gateway, etc.) to understand how best to handle this data element. In the event, your acquirer has not completed implementation of this element, your transactions will continue to process as is. Contact Customer Support if you have questions. The following message elements in the Dual Message System (Authorization and Clearing) and Single Message System carry this WID Flag: • • • Dual Message System (Authorization)—Data element (DE) 48 (Additional Data—Private Data), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data), subfield 1 (Wallet Identifier) Dual Message System (Clearing)—PDS 0207 (Wallet Identifier) Single Message System—DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data), subfield 1 (Wallet Identifier) Postback Service NOTE: This is a mandatory step. The final step of a MasterPass transaction is a service call from the merchant to MasterPass, communicating the result of the transaction (success or failure). Abandoned transactions do not need to be reported. Please note that the <TransactionId> value should be the value from the <TransactionId> element of the Checkout XML returned in the Checkout request. Request and response parameter details can be found here. The following fields are passed in the postback service call: • ConsumerKey: Consumer key from checkout project 53 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding • • • • • • Currency: Currency for the transaction e.g. USD OrderAmount: Transaction Order Amount e.g., 1500 (for $15 transaction amount) PurchaseDate: Date of Purchase ApprovalCode: 6-digit approval code returned by payment API. TransactionId: Transaction ID from TransactionId element of the Checkout XML from the retrieve payment, shipping, rewards and 3DS data service call for example, “35201” TransactionStatus: Status of transaction. Valid values are o SUCCESS: For approved transaction o FAILURE: For declined transaction Sandbox and Production Endpoints https://sandbox.api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/transaction https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/transaction Android and iOS App Integration Your Android or iOS application should invoke a backend service to initiate the OAuth authorization. On the native application side, most of the work involves connecting to your backend services. If you are integrating MasterPass for Android devices, set the android:targetSdkVersion value in your application to 19 or higher. There will be significant MasterPass User Interface usability issues for users with the latest devices and Android releases if this version is not declared. For more information on Android SDK targets, refer to the <uses-sdk> page on the Android Developers site. To maintain your application along with each Android release, you should increase the value of this attribute to match the latest API level. The basic process for integrating the Android or iOS application is as follows: 1. Perform a POST to ${server}/appToWallet/initialize with the shopping cart data in the POST message a. The server will request the Request Token, post the shopping cart data to MasterPass services and generate the Redirect URL. b. The server will pass the Redirect URL and the Callback URL back to the mobile application. 2. On a 200 response, save the Callback URL, and use the user Redirect URL to open a Web View 3. Watch the Web View for navigation to the Callback URL. 4. On navigation to the Callback URL, a. If the query parameter section of the Callback URL only contains the oauth_token, the user did not complete selection in MasterPass. Return the user to the cart view, or wherever your particular requirements dictate. b. If the query parameter of the Callback URL section contains information, parse out the oauth_token, oauth_verifier, and checkout_resource parameter values, perform a string replacement on the checkout_resource value to replace ‘/’ with ‘.’ and use these to perform a GET to${server}/appToWallet/checkoutInformation/${oauth_token}/${oauth_verifier}/${checkout _resource} c. NOTE: Do not send the full PAN to the mobile device. This information should be stored on the server similarly to the server/browser implementation. 54 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 5. On a 200 response, use the returned information to produce a summary view for the user to give final approval to the transaction (pursuant to your specific requirements.) 6. After the consumer completes the transaction, the server should submit postback to MasterPass. 55 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding MasterPass - Branding Displaying “Buy with MasterPass” Button and Acceptance Marks The MasterPass acceptance mark and checkout button image URLs can be found below. To ensure the best consumer experience, the checkout button should be placed at the earliest possible entrypoint, prior to the collection of shipping and billing information. To minimize the impact of future branding updates, please use the country specific link to the images on the checkout page rather than downloading them and hosting the images locally. In order to successfully integrate with MasterPass and enable successful checkout by an end-user consumer via the service, the “Buy with MasterPass” checkout button must be integrated on the merchant website and displayed as noted in the MasterPass Branding Requirements document available on MasterCard developer zone. For all production button URLs and "Learn More" links, refer to the MasterPass™ Digital Assets – Buttons and Learn More Links document. The URL naming convention uses the base URL, Language Code (ISO 639-1), Country Code (ISO 3166and Button as shown below: Base URL/Language/Country/Image File Name Base URL: https://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/img/ NOTE: The list of language/country folders can be found at https://developer.mastercard.com/portal/display/api/MasterPass+-+Merchant+Checkout+-+FAQs under the question, “Which countries and locales are currently supported to link 'Buy with MasterPass' images?” Buy with MasterPass button Example: Below is an example of how a Merchant can include the checkout button. <div class="MasterPassBtnExample"> <a href="/exampleRedirect"> <img src="https://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/img/en/US/mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_147x 034px.png" alt="Checkout with MasterPass Button Example" /> </a> </div> MasterPass Checkout Images PNG Checkout Buttons /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_147x034px.png /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_160x037px.png /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_166x038px.png /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_180x042px.png 56 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding GIF Checkout Buttons /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_147x034px.gif /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_160x037px.gif /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_166x038px.gif /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_180x042px.gif GIF Acceptance Marks /mp_mc_acc_023px_gif.gif /mp_mc_acc_030px_gif.gif /mp_mc_acc_034px_gif.gif /mp_mc_acc_038px_gif.gif /mp_mc_acc_050px_gif.gif /mp_mc_acc_065px_gif.gif /mp_mc_acc_113px_gif.gif PNG Checkout Buttons – High Resolution /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_290x068px.png /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_317x074px.png /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_326x076px.png /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_360x084px.png GIF Checkout Buttons – High Resolution /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_290x068px.gif /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_317x074px.gif /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_326x076px.gif /mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_360x084px.gif GIF Acceptance Marks – High Resolution /mp_acc_046px_gif.gif /mp_acc_060px_gif.gif /mp_acc_068px_gif.gif /mp_acc_076px_gif.gif /mp_acc_100px_gif.gif /mp_acc_130px_gif.gif /mp_acc_226px_gif.gif Here are a few examples U.S. English URL: https://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/img/en/US/mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_147x034px.png Canada French URL: https://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/img/fr/CA/mcpp_wllt_btn_chk_147x034px.png MasterPass “Learn More” page In addition to the MasterPass checkout button and acceptance mark, MasterPass also requires merchants to provide a link to “Learn More” page which can be used by the consumers to get additional information about MasterPass. It is recommended that you place the link in close proximity to the “Buy with MasterPass” button. 57 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding The “Learn More” page is available in multiple languages and can be accessed from the following link. For the list of all available languages, refer to the MasterPass™ Digital Assets – Buttons and Learn More Links document. The following URLs contain examples of the “Learn More” page in various languages: English - http://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/learnmore/en Swedish - http://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/learnmore/se French - http://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/learnmore/fr Italian - http://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/learnmore/it Spanish - http://www.mastercard.com/mc_us/wallet/learnmore/es 58 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Testing MasterPass Sandbox Testing Testing can be conducted in the sandbox environment, using the test consumer account. Your code must gracefully handle the error states and scenarios listed below. NOTE: You cannot add cards to a sandbox account. Only shipping addresses can be added to sandbox accounts. The accounts in the following table are shared by many sandbox testers. If you experience difficulty using these accounts, wait at least 30 minutes and try again. Sandbox Consumer Account Test Account 1 Login Email Password Security Question Security Answer [email protected] abc123 Pet’s Name fido Test Account 2 [email protected] abc123 Pet’s Name fido 3DS Test - MasterCard SecureCode [email protected] tester123 Pet’s Name fido 3DS Test - Visa Verified by Visa [email protected] tester123 Pet’s Name fido Use the “remember me” and “remember this device” options when testing so that you don’t have to rekey the entire test account information every time you login to MasterPass. Once you are redirected to the sandbox environment, select MasterPass wallet to sign-in to Sandbox Consumer Wallet Account. Below is a quick walkthrough of the Wallet experience. (Select) MasterPass Wallet 59 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Sign-in & Verify Your ID (Login email for Sandbox) Select Payment & Shipping 3DS Test Cases MasterCard SecureCode Use the “3DS Test - MasterCard SecureCode” from the Sandbox Consumer Account table above to test MasterCard and Maestro SecureCode 3DS functionality. The following table provides the expected outputs for each of the Test Cases for MasterCard SecureCode. 60 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Once you have logged into the “3DS Test - MasterCard SecureCode” account, choose the Test Case Card nickname that corresponds to the Test Case number from the table above for the Test Case that you would like to test. For example, use the below Test Case 1 card to test TC# 1 from the MasterCard and Maestro Test Cases table above. 61 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Verified by Visa Use the “3DS Test - Visa Verified by Visa” Sandbox Consumer Account from the table above to test Visa’s Verified by Visa 3DS functionality. The following table provides the expected outputs for each of the Test Cases for Verified by Visa. 62 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Once you have logged into the “3DS Test - Visa Verified by Visa” account, choose the Test Case Card nickname that corresponds to the Test Case number from the table above for the Test Case that you would like to test. For example, use the below Test Case 1 card to test TC# 1 from the Visa Test table above. 63 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Q/A Checklist Asset Placement » » Verify your adherence to the MasterPass Branding Requirements document. Verify that you are linking to (versus hosting your own) MasterPass visual assets In-Wallet Experience » » » Verify that the consumer can only select card/addresses/rewards that are supported by the merchant Verify shopping cart information is sent to MasterPass and is displayed. Merchants requesting liability shift for MasterPass transactions should use Advanced Checkout within MasterPass Post Wallet Experience » » After clicking the “Finish Shopping” button, verify the consumer is taken to a valid page. Verify that MasterPass acceptance mark is displayed for all MasterPass transactions. 64 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding » Verify that your code handles the return of a consumer with an expired request token. NOTE: The Request Token is valid for 15 minutes therefore if the process is not completed within the timeout, the request token will expire and the checkout will need to be restarted. Ensure you are decoding and consuming the checkout_resource_url as provided by MasterPass Verify that your code is able to parse and ingest the returned data. Verify that any post-Wallet page has a clear call to action (e.g. select preferred shipping method), versus simply having the consumer review the data they just selected in the Wallet. Verify that consumer is not required to enter CVC/CVV in order to complete the transaction. Verify that the card PAN has not been provided to any entity that does not have the appropriate security in place for storage and transmission of card data (per PCI guidelines). Verify that if merchants are provided with the PAN, this value is not displayed on-screen. Verify that your system can handle the PostalCode element of up to nine characters; this element is sent by MasterPass as part of the BillingAddress and the ShippingAddress elements in checkout XML. » » » » » » » Postback » Verify that the transaction id submitted as part of a postback was sourced from the associated MasterPass transaction. Verify that the transaction result (Postback) is reported immediately after card authorization. » General » Ensure you are coding to DNS and not to IP addresses for our urls or endpoints. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting If you get “Error 400” when calling MasterPass web services » » Verify Authorization header is not missing from the request Verify Authorization header has the following: – – – – – – – – Signature Consumer Key (exists and correct length) Nonce Signature Method Timestamp Callback URL (Request Token call only) oauth_verifier (Access Token call only) oauth_token (Access Token call only) If you get “Error 401” when calling MasterPass web services » Verify that you are passing the Access Token in the get CheckoutXML call. If you get “Error 403 - Forbidden” when calling MasterPass services » » Verify correct credentials or correct environment (i.e., sandbox credentials with the prod URL) Verify timestamp If you get “Error 500” when calling MasterPass web services 65 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding » » » » Verify oauth_body_hash exists and is correct (Post Transaction call only) Verify Content-Type HTTP header is being sent Verify correct private key Verify signature is readable (example, encoded incorrectly) Support Please refer to the FAQs at https://developer.mastercard.com/portal/display/api/MasterPass++Merchant+Checkout+-+FAQs. If you have any questions or comments relating to MasterPass merchant testing, contact the implementation manager assigned to work with you on this implementation. If you don’t have an assigned implementation manager, send an email—with the following information (as applicable)—to [email protected]: • • • • • • • • • • • • Merchant/Service Provider Name Email Address Country/Region Onboarding Model (Direct Merchant, Service Provider Merchant-by-Merchant or Service Provider File and API Onboarding) Environment of Integration (Sandbox or Production) Checkout Version and Checkout Identifier Consumer Key Postback Details (Amount, Date and Time of recent Checkout) Detailed description of the issue, including expected and actual test results (if applicable) Error Message(s) Screenshot(s) Exact Timestamp 66 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Appendix Lightbox Parameters Lightbox Parameters invoked on clicking Buy with MasterPass or Connect with MasterPass button. Parameter name allowedCardTypes string[] O Connect Checkout Card security Data type O = Optional; R = Required; A = Automatically populated Description This parameter restricts the payment methods that may be selected based on card brand. Omit this parameter to allow all payment methods. Here are the valid values for different card types MasterCard: master Maestro: maestro American Express: amex Discover: discover Diners: diners Visa: visa JCB: jcb loyaltyEnabled bool O This parameter defines if the merchant is requesting consumer’s loyalty details from MasterPass for the transaction. Valid values are true / false shippingLocationProfile string[] O This parameter defines Merchant’s Shipping Profile(s) for the transaction that they set in their account. callbackUrl string O O O This defines the base URL to which the browser is redirected to upon successful or failed completion of the flow if there is no appropriate callback function available. 67 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding failureCallback function O O O This defines the function to be called when the flow ends in failure. merchantCheckoutId string R requestToken suppressShippingAddressEnable string Bool successCallback function Refer to the SDK for more examples This is the checkout identifier which is used to identify the merchant and their checkout branding. R R R This is an OAuth token. O When set to “true,” the consumer placing the order through MasterPass Wallet will not provide a shipping address (for example, when the consumer purchases digital goods). When set to “false,” the consumer placing the order through MasterPass Wallet must provide a shipping address. O O O This defines the function to be called when the flow ends in success. R R OAuth Samples Request Token Request Token Parameters request_token Request oauth_callback X oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X realm X request_token Response oauth_token X oauth_callback_confirmed X oauth_expires_in X oauth_token_secret X 68 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding X xoauth_request_auth_url Request Parameter Details Request Token—Request Signature Base String Authorization Header Description oauth_callback Endpoint that will handle the transition from the wallet site to the merchant checkout page Variable oauth_signature RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Variable oauth_version oAuth version 1.0 oauth_nonce Unique alphanumeric string generated from code Variable oauth_signature_method oAuth signature method. RSASHA1 oauth_consumer_key Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Variable oauth_timestamp Current timestamp Variable realm Used to differentiate between our mobile and full site. Currently not used. eWallet Request Token—Response Oauth Token oauth_token Description oauth_token is sent in the signature base string, authorization header and redirect URL Possible Values Variable Variable oauth_callback_confirmed Request Token Possible Values oauth_expires_in Time the Request Token expires in seconds Variable oauth_token_secret Oauth Secret Variable xoauth_request_auth_url Authorize URL Variable Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.api.mastercard.com%2Foauth%2Fconsumer%2Fv1%2Freque st_token&oauth_callback%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fprojectabc.com%252Fmerchant%252F Callback.jsp%26oauth_consumer_key%3DZGho8Df8vqWIpGCIu559HYriL093IBXdJeKavp4dce9db2a%25216464586653467358724b616c744754454433 49466a413d3d%26oauth_nonce%3D1143452272881219%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSASHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1339612030%26oauth_version%3D1.0 HTTP Request Example POST /oauth/consumer/v1/request_token HTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Fprojectabc.com%2Fmerchant%2FCallback.jsp",oauth_ signature="pzNogGtgShe16%2FwhP4CsTRXkgJ1mv%2FKm6do5ZVi6doKzAJZ0m8QqhiERi5lRup hdyUkhW8LKdUL1TetPdxm32Vtr%2BQGF6n6IBjr8dGcyYmfaLyAYVhF%2Fx5oQhUDVpdXIc10dJ0m iUwZPbJ1QopN3ibeOzvgNxhEiHYKVnpvYEhc%3D",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="114 3452272881219",oauth_signature_method="RSASHA1",oauth_consumer_key="ZGho8Df8vqWIpGCIu559HYriL093IBXdJeKavp4dce9db2a%216464586653467358724b616c74475445443349 466a413d3d",oauth_timestamp="1339612030",realm="eWallet" 69 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding HTTP Response Example oauth_callback_confirmed=true&oauth_expires_in=900&oauth_token=a02c5c5c1a128c2 cebc650ea9aa3dfb7&oauth_token_secret=c2daaf0888779d82bd63524159bee91f&xoauth_r equest_auth_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.masterpass.com%2Fonline%2FCheckout%2FAut horize Merchant Initialization Service Merchant Initialization Parameters Merchant Initialization resource Request oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X realm X oauth_body_hash X oauth_token X Merchant Initialization Request XML Merchant Initialization Response XML X Merchant Initialization Resource Response X Merchant Initialization Request Parameter Details Merchant Initialization Resource—Request Signature Base String Description Possible Values oauth_signature RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Variable oauth_version Oauth version. 1.0 oauth_nonce Unique alphanumeric string generated from code Variable oauth_signature_method oauth signature method. RSASHA1 oauth_consumer_key Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Variable oauth_timestamp Current timestamp Variable oauth_token Request token Variable Authorization Header 70 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Merchant Initialization Request XML MerchantInitializationRequest XML Merchant Initialization Resource—Response Oauth Token oauth_token Merchant Initialization details Description oauth_token is sent in the request Possible Values Variable Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.api.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%merchantinitial ization&oauth_body_hash%3D8K9uhveZjVdZW8AIYiXpR70KCtk%253D%26oauth_consumer_key %3DcLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%2521414f4859446c4a366c726a3 27474695545332b353049303d%26oauth_nonce%3DDEAEB1CD-CA03-405D-A7B4B4263CB5A305%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSASHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1380049711%26oauth_version%3D1.0 HTTP Request Example POST /masterpass/v6/merchant-initialization HTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth realm="eWallet",oauth_consumer_key="cLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b 0476c%21414f4859446c4a366c726a327474695545332b353049303d",oauth_signature_metho d="RSA-SHA1",oauth_nonce="DEAEB1CD-CA03-405D-A7B4B4263CB5A305",oauth_timestamp="1380049711",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_body_hash= "8K9uhveZjVdZW8AIYiXpR70KCtk%3D",oauth_signature="IdV4%2FREyJ7nAXK%2FYvuJ2BtO4C 8t6PlW8xTrDob0WzWJ5%2FRBOPDj534Sm7oPdojivWTGOLAcZq3kbVF6rwrsjGFWlNJITXt3HT3zrav b02oqTrVQH3Zlx5fi4o0u2xxqrDwHZvbhjPgwByBRmE%2FoTw2l9H%2FznSn45xcS1eJPa%2FGI%3D" XML V6/merchant-initialization—XML Schema Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="MerchantInitializationRequest" type="MerchantInitializationRequest"/> <xs:complexType name="MerchantInitializationRequest"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="OAuthToken" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="PreCheckoutTransactionId" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="OriginUrl" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="MerchantInitializationExtension" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="MerchantInitializationExtension" type="MerchantInitializationExtension"/> <xs:complexType name="MerchantInitializationExtension"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SecondaryOriginUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> 71 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> URL: https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/merchant-initialization — Sample Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantInitializationRequest> <OAuthToken>oauth_demo_token4sj4x6f1eqka2ib2f1nzd1ib2ivvjx16a</OAuthToken> <OriginUrl>http://localhost:8080</OriginUrl> <ExtensionPoint> <SecondaryOriginUrl>http://localhost:8080</SecondaryOriginUrl> </ExtensionPoint> </MerchantInitializationRequest> V6/merchant-initialization -XML Schema Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="MerchantInitializationResponse" type="MerchantInitializationResponse"/> <xs:complexType name="MerchantInitializationResponse"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="OAuthToken" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax" namespace="##any" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute /> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> V6/ MerchantInitialization -Sample Response <MerchantInitializationResponse> <OAuthToken>4c7b34cc63a68282bba77a4b34f0192fcb2268fb</OAuthToken> </MerchantInitializationResponse> V6 - MerchantInitializationRequest XML Details MerchantInitializationRequest XML MerchantInitializationRequest Element Description MerchantInitializationRequest Root Element OAuthToken Request Token (oauth_token) returned by call to the request_token API Type Min– Max XML - 72 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding MerchantInitializationRequest XML ExtensionPoint MerchantInitializationResponse XML Description Type Min– Max PreCheckoutTransactionID Identifies pre-checkout transaction. Returned from get pre-checkout data call; Optional string NA OriginUrl Identifies the URL of the page that will initialize the Lightbox. string NA ExtensionPoint Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Any SecondaryOriginUrl Identifies the domain URL of the outer/parent web page. This optional field should only be used when the Lightbox will be invoked from a frame that’s on a merchant site, and when that frame is of a different domain than that of the merchant site, like for a service provider. string NA Description Type Min– Max OAuthToken Request Token (oauth_token) returned by call to the request_token API XML - ExtensionPoint Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Any - Element Element ExtensionPoint Elements Starting with API v6, all schema container elements contain a new optional element named “ExtensionPoint”. These elements are intended to provide expandability of the API without requiring a new major version. These elements are defined to contain a sequence of “xs:any”, meaning that any XML content can be contained within the element. In order to ensure future expandability, all integrators must not perform any validation of elements received inside an ExtensionPoint element, beyond any that may be defined by MasterPass in the future with a separate schema. Any such extensions will be optional. Further, only authorized schemas will be allowed inside ExtensionPoint elements, and any unknown elements will be dropped by MasterPass. ExtensionPoint — Sample <ExtensionPoint> <s:SampleExtension xmlns:s=”https://www.masterpass.com/location/of/example/ns”> <s:SampleField>Sample Value</s:SampleField> </s:SampleExtension> <f:AnotherExampleExtension xmlns:f=”https://www.masterpass.com/location/of/example2/ns> <f:SampleContainer> <f:AnotherSampleField>Sample 73 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Value</f:AnotherSampleField> </f:SampleContainer> </f:AnotherExampleExtension> </ExtensionPoint> Shopping Cart Service Shopping Cart Parameters Shopping Cart Request oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X oauth_body_hash oauth_token Shopping Cart Request XML X X X Shopping Cart Response Shopping Cart Response XML X X Shopping Cart Parameter Details Shopping Cart—Request Signature Base String Authorization Header Description Possible Values oauth_signature RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Variable oauth_version Oauth version 1.0 oauth_nonce Unique alphanumeric string generated from code Variable oauth_signature_method oauth signature method RSASHA1 oauth_consumer_key Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Variable oauth_timestamp Current timestamp Variable oauth_body_hash SHA1 hash of the message body Variable Oauth Token oauth_token oauth_token is sent in the signature base string, authorization header and redirect URL Variable Transfer XML Strings Shopping Cart Request XML Merchant Shopping Cart details Shopping Cart—Response Oauth Token oauth_token Transfer XML Strings Shopping Cart Response XML Description oauth_token is sent in the signature base string, authorization header and redirect URL Possible Values Variable 74 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.api.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%2Fshopping-cart &oauth_body_hash%3D8K9uhveZjVdZW8AIYiXpR70KCtk%253D%26oauth_consumer_key%3DcLb0 tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%2521414f4859446c4a366c726a32747469 5545332b353049303d%26oauth_nonce%3DDEAEB1CD-CA03-405D-A7B4B4263CB5A305%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSASHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1380049711%26oauth_version%3D1.0 HTTP Request Example POST /masterpass/v6/shopping-cart HTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth realm="eWallet",oauth_consumer_key="cLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b 0476c%21414f4859446c4a366c726a327474695545332b353049303d",oauth_signature_metho d="RSA-SHA1",oauth_nonce="DEAEB1CD-CA03-405D-A7B4B4263CB5A305",oauth_timestamp="1380049711",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_body_hash= "8K9uhveZjVdZW8AIYiXpR70KCtk%3D",oauth_signature="IdV4%2FREyJ7nAXK%2FYvuJ2BtO4C 8t6PlW8xTrDob0WzWJ5%2FRBOPDj534Sm7oPdojivWTGOLAcZq3kbVF6rwrsjGFWlNJITXt3HT3zrav b02oqTrVQH3Zlx5fi4o0u2xxqrDwHZvbhjPgwByBRmE%2FoTw2l9H%2FznSn45xcS1eJPa%2FGI%3D" Shopping Cart V6—XML Schema <xs:complexType name="ShoppingCart"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="CurrencyCode" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="Subtotal" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="ShoppingCartItem" type="ShoppingCartItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ShoppingCartItem"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Description" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="Quantity" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="Value" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="ImageURL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ShoppingCartRequest"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="OAuthToken" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ShoppingCart" type="ShoppingCart"/> <xs:element name="OriginUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ShoppingCartRequestExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="ShoppingCartRequestExtensionPoint" type="ShoppingCartRequestExtensionPoint"/> <xs:complexType name="ShoppingCartRequestExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SecondaryOriginUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> 75 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint"/> <xs:complexType name="ExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax" namespace="##any"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute/> </xs:complexType> Shopping Cart V6 XML Details ShoppingCartRequest ExtensionPoint Element Description Type Min– Max OAuthToken Request Token (oauth_token) returned by call to the request_token API String Variable ShoppingCart Merchant Shopping Cart details. XML - OriginUrl Identifies the URL of the page that will initialize the lightbox. String Variable ExtensionPoint Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Any - String NA CurrencyCode Defined by ISO 4217 to be exactly three characters, such as, USD for US Dollars. All MonetaryValues will be modified by the CurrencyCode Alpha 3 SecondaryOriginUrl Identifies the domain URL of the outer/parent web page. This optional field should only be used when the Lightbox will be invoked from a frame that’s on a merchant site, and when that frame is of a different domain than that of the merchant site, like for a service provider. Subtotal Total sum of all the items in the cart excluding shipping, handling and tax. Integer without the decimal e.g. $119.00 USD will be 11900. Integer 1-12 ShoppingCart ShoppingCartItem Details of a single shopping cart item. XML - ShoppingCartItem Description Describes a single shopping cart item. String 1-100 Quantity Number of a single shopping cart item. Integer 1-12 Value Price or monetary value of a single shopping cart item. Cost * Quantity. Integer without decimal e.g., $100.00 is 10000. Integer 1-12 ImageURL Link to shopping cart item image. URLs must be HTTPS, and not HTTP. String 0-2000 ExtensionPoint Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Any - ShoppingCartResponse Element Description Type Min– Max OAuthToken Request Token (oauth_token) returned by call to the request_token API String Variable ExtensionPoint Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Any - Shopping Cart Request XML—Sample <?xml version="1.0" ?> <ShoppingCartRequest> 76 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <OAuthToken>f7f16d8462a9424365498afade20caaa</OAuthToken> <ShoppingCart> <CurrencyCode>USD</CurrencyCode> <Subtotal>11900</Subtotal> <ShoppingCartItem> <Description>This is one item</Description> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Value>1900</Value> </ShoppingCartItem> <ShoppingCartItem> <Description>Five items</Description> <Quantity>5</Quantity> <Value>10000</Value> <ImageURL>https://somemerchant.com/someimage</ImageURL> </ShoppingCartItem> </ShoppingCart> <OriginUrl>https://somemerchant.com</OriginUrl> </ShoppingCartRequest> Shopping Cart Request XML with Optional SecondaryOriginUrl Field—Sample <?xml version="1.0" ?> <ShoppingCartRequest> <OAuthToken>oauth_demo_token4sj4x6f1eqka2ib2f1nzd1ib2imvce151</OAuthTo ken> <ShoppingCart> <CurrencyCode>USD</CurrencyCode> <Subtotal>2500</Subtotal> <ShoppingCartItem> <Description>Apple MacBook Pro MD101LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop</Description> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Value>2500</Value> <ImageURL>http://ecx.imagesamazon.com/images/I/41t0EjbJXYL._SL500_SS100_.jpg</ImageU Im> </ShoppingCartItem> </ShoppingCart> <OriginUrl>http://localhost:8080</OriginUrl> <ExtensionPoint> <SecondaryOriginUrl>http://localhost:8080</SecondaryOriginUrl> </ExtensionPoint> </ShoppingCartRequest> Shopping Cart Response XML—Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ShoppingCartResponse> <OAuthToken>a747f7e7c2e0c3048843f640b92806c8</OAuthToken> 77 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </ShoppingCartResponse> Shopping Cart-XML Response Schema <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="ShoppingCartResponse" type="ShoppingCartResponse"/> <xs:complexType name="ShoppingCartResponse"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="OAuthToken" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax" namespace="##any" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute /> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> HTTP Response Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ShoppingCartResponse> <OAuthToken>93dcec2e58e1bee050301bb2ee7d9331</OAuthToken> </ShoppingCartResponse> Access Token Service Access Token Parameters access_token Request oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X realm X oauth_token X oauth_expires_in access_token Response X X 78 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding oauth_token_secret X xoauth_request_auth_url X X oauth_verifier Access Token Parameter Details Access Token—Request oauth_signature Signature Base String Authorization Header oauth_version oauth_nonce oauth_signature_method oauth_consumer_key oauth_timestamp realm oauth_verifier oauth_token Description RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Oauth version. Unique alphanumeric string generated from code oauth signature method Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Current timestamp Used to differentiate between our mobile and full site. Currently not used. Verifier is returned on the callback and used in the access token request oAuth token obtained from request token call Access Token—Response Oauth Token Request Token oauth_token oauth_expires_in oauth_token_secret Description oauth_token is sent in the signature base string, authorization header and redirect URL Time the Request Token expires in seconds Oauth Secret Possible Values Variable 1.0 Variable RSASHA1 Variable Variable eWallet Variable Possible Values Variable 900 Variable Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.api.mastercard.com%2Foauth%2Fconsumer%2Fv1%2Faccess_t oken&oauth_callback%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fprojectabc.com%252Fmerchant%252FCallbac k.jsp%26oauth_consumer_key%3DZGho8Df8vqWIpGCIu559HYriL093IBXdJeKavp4dce9db2a%25216464586653467358724b616c744754454433494 66a413d3d%26oauth_nonce%3D1144858422275061%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSASHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1339613436%26oauth_token%3Da02c5c5c1a128c2cebc650ea9aa3 dfb7%26oauth_verifier%3D96782690ce6289d0faf45be777d2d86f%26oauth_version%3D1.0 HTTP Request Example POST /oauth/consumer/v1/access_token HTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Fprojectabc.com%2Fmerchant%2FCallback.jsp",oauth_sig nature="OKcp2KmzUEr8kqs%2F7m2ePV6uJ30n786AnZ0kvJSNGV4Q8%2FP3%2Bs7lqv7YIk0yb2h0fU TC7gSHsfJwmCCk4ES%2FlWVIpSRmVxotgLacxj%2FXI08DS0BZ0XMZZIkhY5Dcg775U3Re4GRN4xa9vm bztOBd%2BKkNyFIw35To22N1ZUHrYpI%3D",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="11448584222 75061",oauth_signature_method="RSA-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key="ZGho8Df8vqWIpGCIu559HYriL093IBXdJeKavp4dce9db2a%216464586653467358724b616c74475445443349466 a413d3d",oauth_token="a02c5c5c1a128c2cebc650ea9aa3dfb7",oauth_verifier="96782690 ce6289d0faf45be777d2d86f",oauth_timestamp="1339613436",realm="eWallet" 79 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding HTTP Response Example oauth_token=9429f23bd08f992c41fb5ddabcc03ecd&oauth_token_secret=cd1ab178419c2111 fb1171083f5dc8d9 Checkout Resource Checkout Parameters Checkout resource Request oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X realm X oauth_token X Checkout Resource Response Used as endpoint checkout_resource_url X Checkout XML Checkout Parameter Details Checkout Resource—Request oauth_signature Signature Base String Authorization Header oauth_version oauth_nonce oauth_signature_method oauth_consumer_key oauth_timestamp realm oauth_verifier Checkout Resource—Response Oauth Token Transfer XML Strings oauth_token Checkout XML Description RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Oauth version. Unique alphanumeric string generated from code oauth signature method. Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Current timestamp Used to differentiate between our mobile and full site. Currently not used. Verifier is returned on the callback and used in the access token request Description oauth_token is sent in the signature base string, authorization header and redirect URL Details of the Checkout Possible Values Variable 1.0 Variable RSASHA1 Variable Variable eWallet Possible Values Variable Signature Base String Example GET&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.api.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%2Fcheckout%2F3494 84&oauth_consumer_key%3DcLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%2521414 f4859446c4a366c726a327474695545332b353049303d%26oauth_nonce%3D25780242027605 80 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding %26oauth_signature_method%3DRSA-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1380053717 %26oauth_token%3Dc531cce64ca2d88ecb223a8a37afe98e%26oauth_version%3D1.0 HTTP Request Example GET /masterpass/v6/checkout/4400 HTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature="CKs9xjeHksuVNKotsRmoOG0Rwmveoc2dTqnNw8IwlsZeG1ZNkVrPsTjde32YBndHR 7iLFvujrY1GJRFsWHFeQGVFbCidGUVbOwtDtm5ArJPTIbedw21GhhXGWRrRpjh3ZhHLDOdSxtxjSCJaHF QkfGyq%2B0DHhMLLYizIzbH8%2Fp0%3D",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="25780242027605",oau th_signature_method="RSASHA1",oauth_consumer_key="cLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%21414f 4859446c4a366c726a327474695545332b353049303d",oauth_token="c531cce64ca2d88ecb223a 8a37afe98e",oauth_timestamp="1380053717",realm="eWallet" Checkout XML V6/Checkout-XML Schema URL: https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/checkout/ The checkout resource url supplied by MasterPass should be decoded and consumed by the merchant as provided by MasterPass. MasterPass may add or delete parameters in future Examples of decoded url: checkout_resource_url=https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/checkout/11318500&checkoutId=113185 00 checkout_resource_url=https://api.mastercard.com/masterpass/v6/checkout/11318501 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="Checkout" type="Checkout"/> <xs:complexType name="Checkout"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Card" type="Card"/> <xs:element name="TransactionId" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="Contact" type="Contact"/> <xs:element name="ShippingAddress" type="ShippingAddress" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="AuthenticationOptions" type="AuthenticationOptions" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="RewardProgram" type="RewardProgram" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="WalletID" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="PreCheckoutTransactionId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> 81 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <xs:complexType name="AuthenticationOptions"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="AuthenticateMethod" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="CardEnrollmentMethod" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="CAvv" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="EciFlag" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="MasterCardAssignedID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="PaResStatus" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="SCEnrollmentStatus" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="SignatureVerification" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Xid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="Card"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="BrandId" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="BrandName" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="BillingAddress" type="Address"/> <xs:element name="CardHolderName" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="ExpiryMonth" type="Month" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExpiryYear" type="Year" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="Address"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="City" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="Country" type="Country"/> <xs:element name="CountrySubdivision" type="NonEmptyString" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Line1" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="Line2" type="NonEmptyString" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Line3" type="NonEmptyString" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="PostalCode" type="NonEmptyString" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="Contact"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="FirstName" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="MiddleName" minOccurs="0"> 82 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:minLength value="1"/> <xs:maxLength value="150"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="LastName" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="Gender" type="Gender" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="DateOfBirth" type="DateOfBirth" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="NationalID" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:minLength value="1"/> <xs:maxLength value="150"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Country" type="Country"/> <xs:element name="EmailAddress" type="EmailAddress"/> <xs:element name="PhoneNumber" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="DateOfBirth"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Year"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> <xs:minInclusive value="1900"/> <xs:pattern value="\d{4}"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Month" type="Month"/> <xs:element name="Day"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> <xs:minInclusive value="1"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="31"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="Gender"> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:enumeration value="M"/> 83 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <xs:enumeration value="F"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="ShippingAddress"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="Address"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="RecipientName" type="NonEmptyString"/> <xs:element name="RecipientPhoneNumber" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="RewardProgram"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="RewardNumber" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="RewardId" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="RewardName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExpiryMonth" type="Month" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExpiryYear" type="Year" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="NonEmptyString"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:minLength value="1"/> <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="Country"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2}"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="EmailAddress"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+(\.[A-Zaz0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+(\.[A-Zaz0-9!#-'\*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{-~]+)*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="Month"> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> <xs:minInclusive value="1"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="12"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="Year"> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> <xs:minInclusive value="2013"/> 84 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <xs:pattern value="\d{4}"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="ExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax" namespace="##any"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute/> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> V6/Checkout -Sample Response URL: https://api.mastercard.com/online/v6/checkout/512345 <Checkout> <Card> <BrandId>master</BrandId> <BrandName>MasterCard</BrandName> <AccountNumber>5435579315709649</AccountNumber> <BillingAddress> <City>Anytown</City> <Country>US</Country> <Line1>100 Not A Real Street</Line1> <PostalCode>63011</PostalCode> </BillingAddress> <CardHolderName>Joe Test</CardHolderName> <ExpiryMonth>02</ExpiryMonth> <ExpiryYear>2016</ExpiryYear> </Card> <TransactionId>72525</TransactionId> <Contact> <FirstName>Joe</FirstName> <MiddleName>M</MiddleName> <LastName>Test</LastName> <Gender>M</Gender> <DateOfBirth> <Year>1975</Year> <Month>03</Month> <Day>28</Day> </DateOfBirth> <NationalID>30258374209</NationalID> <Country>US</Country> <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress> <PhoneNumber>1-9876543210</PhoneNumber> </Contact> <ShippingAddress> <City>O Fallon</City> <Country>US</Country> <CountrySubdivision>US-AK</CountrySubdivision> <Line1>1 main street</Line1> 85 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <PostalCode>63368</PostalCode> <RecipientName>Joe Test</RecipientName> <RecipientPhoneNumber>1-9876543210</RecipientPhoneNumber> </ShippingAddress> <WalletID>101</WalletID> <RewardProgram> <RewardNumber>123</RewardNumber> <RewardId>1234</RewardId> <RewardName>ABC Rewards</RewardName> <ExpiryMonth>02</ExpiryMonth> <ExpiryYear>2015</ExpiryYear> </RewardProgram> </Checkout> V6 - Checkout XML Details CheckoutXML Element Description Min– Max Type Checkout Root Element XML - Checkout Card BrandId XML Alpha Numeric - Card Child Element Identifies the card brand id e.g. master for MasterCard. Identifies the card brand name e.g. MasterCard Card number or primary account number that identifies the card Billing Address for the card holder Cardholder name Expiration month displayed on the payment card. Expiration year displayed on the payment card. Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Child Element Child Element Contact First Name Contact Middle Name or Initial Contact Surname Contact Gender (M or F) String 0-255 Integer 13-24 XML String 1-100 XML format XML format BrandName AccountNumber BillingAddress CardHolderName ExpiryMonth ExpiryYear ExtensionPoint Checkout Checkout Contact Optional TransactionID Contact FirstName MiddleName LastName Optional* Gender Optional * DateOfBirth NOTE: This field may only be requested from a MasterPass wallet if it is required by law in a region. Merchants and service providers seeking to use this field must work with the local MasterPass representative to get the necessary clearances before requesting these data elements. Contact DOB – YYYY/MM/DD NOTE: This field may only be requested from a MasterPass wallet if it is required by law in a region. Merchants and service providers Date Date 0-8 Any - String XML String String String 1-255 1-150 1-150 - “M” or “F” Sequence: Year (Int); Month (Int) Day (Int) Y (4) M (2) D (2) 86 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding CheckoutXML Element Description Min– Max Type seeking to use this field must work with the local MasterPass representative to get the necessary clearances before requesting these data elements. Contact National Identification Optional* (dependent on merchant country of incorporation and the consumer country of residence) Optional NationalID Country EmailAddress PhoneNumber DateOfBirth Year Month Day ExtensionPoint Checkout ShippingAddress Address ShippingAddress Address City Country CountrySubdivision Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 PostalCode ExtensionPoint ShippingAddress RecipientName ShippingAddress RecipientPhoneNumber Checkout Checkout AuthenticationOptions WalletID AuthenticationOptions AuthenticateMethod NOTE: This field may only be requested from a MasterPass wallet if it is required by law in a region. Merchants and service providers seeking to use this field must work with the local MasterPass representative to get the necessary clearances before requesting these data elements. Contact Country of Residence Contact Email Address Contact Phone Contact DOB Contact DOB Year Contact DOB Month Contact DOB Day Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Child Element Child Element Cardholder’s city Cardholder’s country. Defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 digit country codes e.g. US is United States, AU is Australia, CA is Canada, GB is United Kingdom, etc. Cardholder’s country subdivision. Defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 digit code e.g. US-VA is Virginia, US-OH is Ohio Address line 1 used for Street number and Street Name. Address line 2 used for Apt Number, Suite Number ,etc. Address line 3 used to enter remaining address information if it does not fit in Line 1 and Line 2 Postal Code or Zip Code appended to mailing address for the purpose of sorting mail. Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Name of person set to receive the shipped order. Phone of the person set to receive the shipped order. Child Element Helps identify origin wallet Method used to authenticate the cardholder at checkout. Valid values are “MERCHANT ONLY”, “3DS” and “No Authentication”. String 1-150 String String String 0-2 5-512 3-20 Integer Integer Integer 4 1-2 1-2 Any - XML XML String 0-25 String 2 String 5 String 1-40 String 0-40 String 0-255 String 0-20 Any - String 1-100 String 3-20 XML String 3 Alpha NA 87 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding CheckoutXML Element CardEnrollmentMethod CAvv EciFlag: MasterCardAssignedID PaResStatus SCEnrollmentStatus Description Method by which the card was added to the wallet. Valid values are: Manual Direct Provisioned 3DS Manual NFC Tap (CAVV) Cardholder Authentication Verification Value generated by card issuer upon successful authentication of the cardholder and which should be . This should be passed in the authorization message Electronic commerce indicator (ECI) flag. Present when the PaRes value is "Y" or "A." Possible values are; MasterCard: 00-No Authentication 01-Attempts (Card Issuer Liability) 02- Authenticated by ACS (Card Issuer Liability) 03-Maestro (MARP) 05-Risk Based Authentication (Issuer, not in use) 06-Risk Based Authentication (Merchant, not in use) Visa: 05-Authenticated (Card Issuer Liability) 06-Attempts (Card Issuer Liability) 07-No 3DS Authentication (Merchant Liability) This value is assigned by MasterCard and represents programs associated directly with Maestro cards. This field should be supplied in the authorization request by the merchant. A message formatted, digitally signed, and sent from the ACS (issuer) to the MPI providing the results of the issuer’s SecureCode/Verified by Visa cardholder authentication. Possible values are: Y-the card was successfully authenticated via 3DS A-signifies that either; 1) the transaction was successfully authenticated via a 3DS attempts transaction; or 2)The cardholder was prompted to activate 3DS during shopping but declined (Visa). U-Authentication results were unavailable SecureCode Enrollment Status: Indicates if the issuer of the card supports payer authentication for this card. Possible values are; Y-The card is eligible for 3DS authentication. Type Min– Max Alpha NA Alpha Numeric NA Alpha Numeric NA Alpha Numeric NA Alpha NA Alpha NA 88 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding CheckoutXML Element SignatureVerification: XID ExtensionPoint Checkout Reward Program Reward Program RewardNumber RewardId Reward Program Description N-The card is not eligible for 3DS authentication. U-Lookup of the card's 3DS eligibility status was either unavailable, or the card is inapplicable (i.e. prepaid cards). Signature Verification. Possible values are: Y- Indicates that the signature of the PaRes has been validated successfully and the message contents can be trusted. N-Indicates that for a variety of reasons (tampering, certificate expiration, etc.) the PaRes could not be validated, and the result should not be trusted. Transaction identifier resulting from authentication processing. Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Child Element Consumer’s reward number associated with the reward program ID associated with the reward program RewardName Name of reward program ExpiryMonth Month the reward program expires ExpiryYear Year the reward program expires ExtensionPoint Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Min– Max Type Alpha NA Alpha Numeric NA Any - XML Alpha Numeric Alpha Numeric Alpha Numeric Alpha Numeric Alpha Numeric Any - * Only when legally required and enabled by MasterPass ExtensionPoint Elements Starting with API v6, all schema container elements contain a new optional element named “ExtensionPoint”. These elements are intended to provide expandability of the API without requiring a new major version. These elements are defined to contain a sequence of “xs:any”, meaning that any XML content can be contained within the element. In order to ensure future expandability, all integrators must not perform any validation of elements received inside an ExtensionPoint element, beyond any that may be defined by MasterPass in the future with a separate schema. Any such extensions will be optional. Further, only authorized schemas will be allowed inside ExtensionPoint elements, and any unknown elements will be dropped by MasterPass. ExtensionPoint — Sample <ExtensionPoint> <s:SampleExtension xmlns:s=”https://www.masterpass.com/location/of/example/ns”> <s:SampleField>Sample Value</s:SampleField> </s:SampleExtension> 89 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <f:AnotherExampleExtension xmlns:f=”https://www.masterpass.com/location/of/example2/ns> <f:SampleContainer> <f:AnotherSampleField>Sample Value</f:AnotherSampleField> </f:SampleContainer> </f:AnotherExampleExtension> </ExtensionPoint> Postback Service Postback Parameters Post Transaction Request oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X oauth_body_hash X MerchantTransactions XML X Post Transaction Response X Postback Parameter Details Post Transaction—Request oauth_timestamp RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Oauth version. Unique alphanumeric string generated from code oauth signature method. Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Current timestamp oauth_body_hash SHA1 hash of the message body Merchant Transactions XML Transaction details oauth_signature Signature Base String Authorization Header oauth_version oauth_nonce oauth_signature_method oauth_consumer_key Transfer XML Strings Description Post Transaction—Response Transfer XML Strings Merchant Transactions XML Description Possible Values Variable 1.0 Variable RSA-SHA1 Variable Variable Variable Possible Values Transaction details Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.api.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpass%2Fv6%2Ftransaction &oauth_body_hash%3DycNt7A676VEY7i0SkyymKorihCg%253D%26oauth_consumer_key%3DcLb0 tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%2521414f4859446c4a366c726a32747469 5545332b353049303d%26oauth_nonce%3D26123188000346%26oauth_signature_method%3DRS A-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1380054060%26oauth_version%3D1.0 90 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding HTTP Request Example POST /masterpass/v6/transaction HTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature="Aom0wFGFI7ItYV1IZFn125BoD6jgFtdX15dQ8XbjvMGgKgKtJ5awV7wSMGwUcc eGlpl52HFS%2B%2BOQzVrCdXUidvgeKOX1nHDFhns0l1yIaqGdkJQYR%2BCQGu1qo7xVjvzTqpXUlrc 2uzVCjyLoQEroIWv5cAOj5l4aBxDopz7OKQA%3D",oauth_body_hash="ycNt7A676VEY7i0SkyymK orihCg%3D",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="26123188000346",oauth_signature_met hod="RSASHA1",oauth_consumer_key="cLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%2141 4f4859446c4a366c726a327474695545332b353049303d",oauth_timestamp="1380054060" MerchantTransactions Request—Schema NOTE: Service providers using the File- and API-Based Onboarding method may ignore the optional PreCheckoutTransactionId and ExpressCheckoutIndicator elements. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="MerchantTransactions" type="MerchantTransactions"/> <xs:complexType name="MerchantTransactions"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="MerchantTransactions" type="MerchantTransactions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="MerchantTransactions"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="TransactionId" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ConsumerKey" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Currency" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="OrderAmount" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="PurchaseDate" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="TransactionStatus" type="TransactionStatus"/> <xs:element name="ApprovalCode" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="PreCheckoutTransactionId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExpressCheckoutIndicator" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="TransactionStatus"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="Success"/> <xs:enumeration value="Failure"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="ExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> 91 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax" namespace="##any"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute/> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> HTTP Request Example <MerchantTransactions> <MerchantTransactions> <TransactionId>4549794</TransactionId> <ConsumerKey>0zMKpm0nFtUv8lLXT97jDRo2bp4vNF8MFYyt3R5R87e3f3f4!414b4867 5861677159682b563745776b593652377939673d</ConsumerKey> <Currency>USD</Currency> <OrderAmount>1229</OrderAmount> <PurchaseDate>2014-08-01T14:52:57.539-05:00</PurchaseDate> <TransactionStatus>Success</TransactionStatus> <ApprovalCode>sample</ApprovalCode> <PreCheckoutTransactionId>a4a6x55-rgb1c5-hyaqkemj-1-hybxhplo947</PreCheckoutTransactionId> <ExpressCheckoutIndicator>false</ExpressCheckoutIndicator> </MerchantTransactions> </MerchantTransactions> MerchantTransactionsResponse—Schema <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="MerchantTransactions" type="MerchantTransactions"/> <xs:complexType name="MerchantTransactions"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="MerchantTransactions" type="MerchantTransactions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="MerchantTransactions"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="TransactionId" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="ConsumerKey" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Currency" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="OrderAmount" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="PurchaseDate" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="TransactionStatus" type="TransactionStatus"/> <xs:element name="ApprovalCode" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="PreCheckoutTransactionId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExpressCheckoutIndicator" type="xs:boolean" 92 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ExtensionPoint" type="ExtensionPoint" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="TransactionStatus"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="Success"/> <xs:enumeration value="Failure"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="ExtensionPoint"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax" namespace="##any"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute/> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> HTTP Response Example (response will be identical to the XML sent if call was successful) <MerchantTransactions> <MerchantTransactions> <TransactionId>4549794</TransactionId> <ConsumerKey>0zMKpm0nFt9682b563745776b593652377939673d</ConsumerKey> <Currency>USD</Currency> <OrderAmount>1229</OrderAmount> <PurchaseDate>2014-08-01T14:52:57.539-05:00</PurchaseDate> <TransactionStatus>Success</TransactionStatus> <ApprovalCode>sample</ApprovalCode> <PreCheckoutTransactionId>a4a6x55-rgb1c5-7</PreCheckoutTransactionId> <ExpressCheckoutIndicator>true</ExpressCheckoutIndicator> </MerchantTransactions> </MerchantTransactions> MerchantTransactionsXML—Details MerchantTransactionsRequest Element Description Min Max Type MerchantTransactions MerchantTransactions ExtensionPoint TransactionID MerchantTransactions ConsumerKey Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Uses the TransactionID element of the Checkout XML Automatically generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal. XML - Any - String 1-255 String 97 93 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Currency OrderAmount PurchaseDate TransactionStatus ApprovalCode ExtensionPoint MerchantTransactionsResponse Element Currency of the transaction. Defined by ISO 4217 to be exactly three characters, such as, USD for US Dollars. (Integer) Transaction order amount without decimal e.g. 1500. Date and Time of the shopping cart purchase. State of the transaction. Indicates whether successful. Valid values are Success or Failure. Approval code returned to merchant from merchant's payment API with payment gateway or service provider Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Description String 3 Integer 1-12 Date XML format String 7 String 6 Any Min Max Type MerchantTransactions MerchantTransactions ExtensionPoint TransactionID ConsumerKey Currency MerchantTransactions OrderAmount PurchaseDate TransactionStatus ApprovalCode ExtensionPoint Root Element Reserved for future enhancement. Optional Uses the TransactionID element of the Checkout XML Automatically generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal. Currency of the transaction. Defined by ISO 4217 to be exactly three characters, such as, USD for US Dollars. Integer Transaction order amount without decimal e.g. 1500. Date and Time of the shopping cart purchase e.g. 2012-0606T15:12:24.254-05:00 State of the transaction. Indicates whether successful. Valid values are Success or Failure. Approval code returned to merchant from merchant's payment API with payment gateway or service provider Reserved for future enhancement. Optional XML - Any - String 1-255 String 97 String 3 Integer 1-12 Date XML format String 7 String 6 Any - ExtensionPoint Elements Starting with API v6, all schema container elements contain a new optional element named “ExtensionPoint”. These elements are intended to provide expandability of the API without requiring a new major version. These elements are defined to contain a sequence of “xs:any”, meaning that any XML content can be contained within the element. In order to ensure future expandability, all integrators must not perform any validation of elements received inside an ExtensionPoint element, beyond any that may be defined by MasterPass in the future with a separate schema. Any such extensions will be optional. Further, only authorized schemas will be allowed inside ExtensionPoint elements, and any unknown elements will be dropped by MasterPass. 94 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding ExtensionPoint—Sample <ExtensionPoint> <s:SampleExtension xmlns:s=”https://www.masterpass.com/location/of/example/ns”> <s:SampleField>Sample Value</s:SampleField> </s:SampleExtension> <f:AnotherExampleExtension xmlns:f=”https://www.masterpass.com/location/of/example2/ns> <f:SampleContainer> <f:AnotherSampleField>Sample Value</f:AnotherSampleField> </f:SampleContainer> </f:AnotherExampleExtension> </ExtensionPoint> File-Based Merchant Onboarding Merchant Upload Schema The file schema can be downloaded from the MasterPass - Merchant Checkout - Documentation page on Developer Zone. Merchant Upload Schema Details NOTE: Please contact Merchant Support for details regarding how to specify a reward program for a merchant in the Merchant Upload file. MerchantUpload Mandatory /Optional Description Merchant Merchant Details Element M Variable SPMerchantId Service Provider Issued Merchant ID. This should be unique per Service Provider String M Variable Action Merchant Type Element Profile CheckoutBrand AuthOption Merchant Action Merchant Profile String M Child Mandatory for Create and Update. Not used for Delete. Branding Information Child Authentication Options Child Mandatory for Create, Optional for Update and Delete Min 1 1 Max Comment e.g. 123456789 1 Valid values are C (Create), U (Update) and D (Delete) 1 Mandatory for Create (Action=C) and Update (Action=U) At least one CheckoutBr and element MUST be present for merchant creation. Variable per 95 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Merchant MerchantAcquirer Name DoingBusAs FedTaxId Profile Url BusinessCategory Address Phone Acquirer Address Child Merchant Name String M 1 255 String M 1 255 String O 1 100 String M 5 1000 String O 1 255 Doing Business As - Alias Merchant’s Federal Tax ID Merchant’s Website URL Merchant’s business type Merchant’s Address Merchant’s Phone Merchant’s Acquirer Child Child O Merchant’s City M 1 25 Country Merchant’s Country M 2 2 Country Subdivision Line2 Line3 PostalCode CountryCode Phone Merchant’s Country Subdivision. Defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 digit code e.g. USVA is Virginia, USOH is Ohio Merchant’s Address Line 1 Merchant’s Address Line 2 Merchant’s Address Line 3 Merchant’s Postal Code Merchant’s phone country code Number Merchant’s phone Number Action Merchant Acquirer action Id Merchant’s Acquirer Id Name Merchant’s Acquirer Name e.g. XYZ Pizza E.g. XYZ Pizza Inc e.g. 999990001 e.g. www.xyzpiz za.com e.g. Restaurant Child City Line1 Acquirer Merchant Acquirer String e.g. New York Standard 2letter ISO 3166 country codes e.g. US O 1 100 if defined choose string (1100) or defined enumerator e.g. US-NY M 1 40 e.g. 1 Main Street O 1 40 O 1 40 M 1 10 e.g. 10001 M 1 10 e.g. 75 M 3 20 O 1 1 M 1 15 e.g. 453214 250 e.g., Test Acquirer. 3DS merchants must reduce their M 1 e.g. 978545343 2 Valid values are C (Create), U (Update), and D (Delete) 96 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding AssignedMerchan tId Acquirer assigned merchant ID M 1 255 Password Acquirer Password for 3DS setup O 1 8 CheckoutId Name O 1 255 e.g. a4c411by7l ob4i81xb6r 41i820mw3 n151 M 1 255 e.g. XYZ Pizza DisplayName Display Name M 1 255 ProductionUrl Production checkout URL M 5 255 SandboxUrl Sandbox checkout URL M 5 255 LogoUrl Merchant logo displayed on MasterPass site during checkout. If not specified, the Name is displayed O 2 2000 CheckoutBrand CardBrand Card brands enrolled for advanced authentication M NA NA Type Authentication type M NA NA Action Action O 0 C, U, or D AuthOption MerchantAcquirer If not specified for Update Action, then MasterPass will produce a unique checkout ID. Name displayed on MasterPass site during checkout when no logo is provided Child character limit to 250 to meet Cardinal Commerce’s API specifications. e.g. 435t6543 e.g., Visa. 3DS merchants must reduce their character limit to 8 to meet Cardinal Commerce’s API specifications. e.g. XYZ Pizza e.g. https://xyzpi zza.com e.g. https://test. xyzpizza.co m e.g. http://xyzpiz za.com/log o.jpg Refer to the schema to get valid values. For example, for MasterCard , use "MASTER". Refer to the schema to get valid values. Used to create (C), update (U) 97 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding or delete (D) Visa Password Acquirer MerchantAcquirer Brand Acquirer Merchant Acquirer Brand Child Child M CardBrand Card Brand M NA NA Currency Currency O 3 3 MerchantAcquirer Brand Refer to the schema to get valid values. For example, for MasterCard , use "MASTER". ISO 4217 standard 3letter currency code. Refer to the schema to get valid values. NOTE: If this field is left blank, then all currency codes will be enabled. Merchant Upload Sample—Create <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>SPMerch58401</SPMerchantId> <Action>C</Action> <Profile> <Name>SPMerch58401</Name> <DoingBusAs>SPMerch58401</DoingBusAs> <FedTaxId>211624440</FedTaxId> <Url>https://SPMerch58401.com</Url> <BusinessCategory>test</BusinessCategory> <Address> <City>SPMerch58401</City> <Country>US</Country> <Line1>898 SPMerch58401</Line1> <PostalCode>78090</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>1</CountryCode> <Number>3734517671</Number> </Phone> <Acquirer> <Id>292978156</Id> 98 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <Name>QATESTACQ</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>MCQA1</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>SPMerch58401</Name> <DisplayName>SPMerch58401</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://SPMerch58401.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://SPMerch58401.com</SandboxUrl> <LogoUrl>http://www.mastercard.us/_globalAssets/img/nav/n avl_logo_mastemasterca.png</LogoUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample—Create with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS) for MasterCard <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>022416_TESTMERCH</SPMerchantId> <Action>C</Action> <Profile> <Name>022416_TESTMERCH</Name> <DoingBusAs>022415testmerchant</DoingBusAs> <Url>http://www.testmerchant.com</Url> <Address> <City>Padova</City> <Country>IT</Country> <Line1>Boettgerstr</Line1> <PostalCode>35129</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>39</CountryCode> <Number>0614554552</Number> </Phone> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>022416_TESTMERCH</Name> <DisplayName>022416_TESTMERCH</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://TESTMERCH.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>http://TESTMERCH.com</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> <AuthOption> <CardBrand>MASTER_CARD</CardBrand> <Type>ALL_TRANSACTIONS</Type> </AuthOption> <MerchantAcquirer> <Acquirer> <Id>523078</Id> 99 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>001</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> <MerchantAcquirerBrand> <CardBrand>MASTER_CARD</CardBrand> <Currency>EUR</Currency> </MerchantAcquirerBrand> </MerchantAcquirer> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample—Create with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS) for Visa <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>SPMerchantId1</SPMerchantId> <Action>C</Action> <Profile> <Name>XYZ Pizza</Name> <DoingBusAs>XYZ Pizza</DoingBusAs> <FedTaxId>123456785</FedTaxId> <Url>https://xyzpizza.com</Url> <BusinessCategory>Restaurant</BusinessCategory> <Address> <City>Springfield</City> <Country>US</Country> <Line1>1234 Main Street</Line1> <PostalCode>12345</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>1</CountryCode> <Number>1234567895</Number> </Phone> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>XYZ Pizza</Name> <DisplayName>XYZ Pizza</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://test.xyzpizza.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://xyzpizza.com</SandboxUrl> <LogoUrl>http://www.xyzpizza.com/logo.png</LogoUrl> </CheckoutBrand> <AuthOption> <CardBrand>VISA</CardBrand> <Type>ALL_TRANSACTIONS</Type> </AuthOption> <MerchantAcquirer> <Action>C</Action> <Acquirer> <Id>12345678</Id> 100 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <Name>CRDNLDEMO4</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>00710212014</AssignedMerchantId> <Password>tester456</Password> </Acquirer> <MerchantAcquirerBrand> <CardBrand>VISA</CardBrand> <Currency>USD</Currency> </MerchantAcquirerBrand> </MerchantAcquirer> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample—Update NOTE: If the Checkout ID is not included in the Checkout Brand element, then MasterPass will produce a unique checkout ID for merchant record. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>SPMerchantId1</SPMerchantId> <Action>U</Action> <Profile> <Name>XYZ Pizza Co</Name> <DoingBusAs>XYZ Pizza</DoingBusAs> <FedTaxId>999999999</FedTaxId> <Url>https://xyzpizza.com</Url> <BusinessCategory>Restaurant</BusinessCategory> <Address> <City>Springfield</City> <Country>US</Country> <Line1>1 Main Street</Line1> <PostalCode>12345</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>1</CountryCode> <Number>1234567895</Number> </Phone> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <CheckoutId> a466w1sj09wfehqqy3xxl12</CheckoutId> <Name>XYZ Pizza</Name> <DisplayName>XYZ Pizza Co</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://test.xyzpizza.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://xyzpizza.com</SandboxUrl> <LogoUrl>http://www.xyzpizza.com/logo.png</LogoUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample—Update <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> 101 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>SPMerch58401</SPMerchantId> <Action>U</Action> <Profile> <Name>SPMerch58401</Name> <DoingBusAs>SPMerch58401</DoingBusAs> <FedTaxId>211624440</FedTaxId> <Url>https://SPMerch58401.com</Url> <BusinessCategory>test</BusinessCategory> <Address> <City>SPMerch58401</City> <Country>US</Country> <Line1>898 SPMerch58401</Line1> <PostalCode>78090</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>1</CountryCode> <Number>3734517671</Number> </Phone> <Acquirer> <Id>292978156</Id> <Name>QATESTACQ</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>MCQA1</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>SPMerch58401</Name> <DisplayName>SPMerch58401</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://SPMerch58401.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://SPMerch58401.com</SandboxUrl> <LogoUrl>http://www.mastercard.us/_globalAssets/img/nav/navl_logo_maste rcardcom.png</LogoUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS)—Update <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>022416_TESTMERCH</SPMerchantId> <Action>U</Action> <Profile> <Name>022416_TESTMERCH</Name> <DoingBusAs>022415testmerchant</DoingBusAs> <Url>http://www.testmerchant.com</Url> <Address> <City>Padova</City> <Country>IT</Country> 102 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <Line1>Boettgerstr</Line1> <PostalCode>35129</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>39</CountryCode> <Number>0614554552</Number> </Phone> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <CheckoutId>a4a6w4vr8jzii6j0wk2e1i6kx962m2gle</CheckoutId> <Name>022416_TESTMERCH</Name> <DisplayName>022416_TESTMERCH</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://TESTMERCH.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>http://TESTMERCH.com</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> <AuthOption> <CardBrand>MASTER_CARD</CardBrand> <Type>ALL_TRANSACTIONS</Type> </AuthOption> <AuthOption> <CardBrand>VISA</CardBrand> <Type>ALL_TRANSACTIONS</Type> </AuthOption> <MerchantAcquirer> <Acquirer> <Id>523078</Id> <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>001</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> <MerchantAcquirerBrand> <CardBrand>MASTER_CARD</CardBrand> <Currency>EUR</Currency> </MerchantAcquirerBrand> </MerchantAcquirer> <MerchantAcquirer> <Acquirer> <Id>453997</Id> <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>011</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> <MerchantAcquirerBrand> <CardBrand>VISA</CardBrand> <Currency>EUR</Currency> </MerchantAcquirerBrand> </MerchantAcquirer> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> 103 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Merchant Upload Sample—Delete <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>SPMerchantId1</SPMerchantId> <Action>D</Action> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample—Delete <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>SPMerch58401</SPMerchantId> <Action>D</Action> <Profile> <Name>SPMerch58401</Name> <DoingBusAs>SPMerch58401</DoingBusAs> <FedTaxId>211624440</FedTaxId> <Url>https://SPMerch58401.com</Url> <BusinessCategory>test</BusinessCategory> <Address> <City>SPMerch58401</City> <Country>US</Country> <Line1>898 SPMerch58401</Line1> <PostalCode>78090</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>1</CountryCode> <Number>3734517671</Number> </Phone> <Acquirer> <Id>292978156</Id> <Name>QATESTACQ</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>MCQA1</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>SPMerch58401</Name> <DisplayName>SPMerch58401</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://SPMerch58401.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://SPMerch58401.com</SandboxUrl> <LogoUrl>http://www.mastercard.us/_globalAssets/img/nav/navl_log l_mastercardcom.png</LogoUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Sample with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS)—Delete <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> 104 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>022416_TESTMERCH</SPMerchantId> <Action>D</Action> <Profile> <Name>022416_TESTMERCH</Name> <DoingBusAs>022415testmerchant</DoingBusAs> <Url>http://www.testmerchant.com</Url> <Address> <City>Padova</City> <Country>IT</Country> <Line1>Boettgerstr</Line1> <PostalCode>35129</PostalCode> </Address> <Phone> <CountryCode>39</CountryCode> <Number>0614554552</Number> </Phone> </Profile> <CheckoutBrand> <CheckoutId>a4a6w4vr8jzii6j0wk2e1i6kx962m2gle</CheckoutId> <Name>022416_TESTMERCH</Name> <DisplayName>022416_TESTMERCH</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://TESTMERCH.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>http://TESTMERCH.com</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> <AuthOption> <CardBrand>MASTER_CARD</CardBrand> <Type>ALL_TRANSACTIONS</Type> </AuthOption> <AuthOption> <CardBrand>VISA</CardBrand> <Type>ALL_TRANSACTIONS</Type> </AuthOption> <MerchantAcquirer> <Acquirer> <Id>523078</Id> <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>001</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> <MerchantAcquirerBrand> <CardBrand>MASTER_CARD</CardBrand> <Currency>EUR</Currency> </MerchantAcquirerBrand> </MerchantAcquirer> <MerchantAcquirer> <Acquirer> <Id>453997</Id> <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantId>011</AssignedMerchantId> </Acquirer> <MerchantAcquirerBrand> <CardBrand>VISA</CardBrand> <Currency>EUR</Currency> </MerchantAcquirerBrand> </MerchantAcquirer> </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> 105 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Please refer to the FAQs for additional sample scenarios for using Create, Update and Delete at https://developer.mastercard.com/portal/display/api/MasterPass+-+Merchant+Checkout+-+FAQs. Merchant Upload Validate Response Schema Details ValidateFileResponse Element Description ValidatedMerchant Validation Details of a Merchant MerchantId ValidatedMerchant ErrorText ExtensionPoint ExtensionPoint Name Identifier of the merchant defined by the Service Provider Description of validation error Reserved for future enhancemen t. Merchant Name Type Mandatory / Optional Element M String M Max Comment Variable 1 1 e.g. STGQA09 VBMU0140: merchantId already exists for serviceProvi derId=28541 5466 and spMerchantI d=STGQA09 M 0 unbou nded Optional 0 unbou nded M 1 255 String Any Min String e.g. XYZ Pizza Merchant Download Schema The file schema can be downloaded from the MasterPass - Merchant Checkout - Documentation page on Developer Zone. Merchant Download Schema Details MerchantDownload MerchantDownload Mandatory /Optional Min Max Summary of the Upload List of merchants uploaded/edited Element M - - System assigned Batch ID Desctiption provided during file upload Integer M Variable M 1 50 1 255 Description Summary MerchantResp onseRecord BatchId Description Summary Type Element Element String Date/Time UploadTimestam p Upload Time Stamp UploadFileName Upload File Name Comment M String M e.g. 277800 e.g. Merchant file upload DateTime field e.g. 2013-0518T11:45:19. 444-05:00 e.g. merchant.xml 106 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding SuccessCount FailureCount ErrorText Number of successfully uploaded Merchant Brandings Number of unsuccessfully uploaded Merchant Brandings Description of errors resulting upload failures Integer M NA NA e.g. 490 M NA NA e.g. 10 O 1 255 e.g. Invalid Format Integer String String SandboxKey Developer’s sandbox API key 1 50 1 50 String ProductionKey Developer’s production key SPMerchantId Merchant identifier for a specific Service provider String M Child MerchantResponseR ecord CheckoutBrand Checkout Branding ErrorText Error description for failure Name CheckoutIdentifi er CheckoutBrand ProductionUrl SandboxUrl Checkout Brand Name Checkout identifier generated by MasterPass Production Checkout Branding URL Sandbox Checkout Branding URL String String String String Variable e.g., 245d5a537a4 57c2f2b55644 b7041426944 49644b56673 d9d e.g., 245d5a537a4 57c2f2b55644 b7041426944 49644b56673 d9d e.g. 12345 Choice (ErrorText or CheckoutBra nd) O 1 255 M 1 255 M 1 255 M 5 255 M 5 255 e.g. Invalid rewards logo URL e.g. XYZ Pizza e.g. a4a6x3oehb3f zhgu2e e.g. https://xyzpizz a.com e.g. https://test.xyz pizza.com Merchant Download Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantDownload> <Summary> <BatchId>277800</BatchId> <Description>Merchant Upload</Description> <UploadTimestamp>2013-05-18T11:45:19.444-05:00</UploadTimestamp> <UploadFileName>merchant_1.xml</UploadFileName> <SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount> <FailureCount>0</FailureCount> <ProjectKeys> <SandboxKey>41496b7a452f35764d715752755579436b70467871476f3d</SandboxKey> <ProductionKey>41496b7a452f35764d715752755579436b70467871476f3d</ProductionKey> 107 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </ProjectKeys> </Summary> <MerchantResponseRecord> <SPMerchantId>SPMerchantId1</SPMerchantId> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>XYZ Pizza</Name> <CheckoutIdentifier>a4a6x3oehb3fzh</CheckoutIdentifier> <ProductionUrl>https://test.xyzpizza.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://xyzpizza.com</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </MerchantResponseRecord> </MerchantDownload> Merchant Download Sample with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantDownload Version="1.1"> <Summary> <BatchId>285395970</BatchId> <Description>1P_Upload_MC_3DS.xml</Description> <UploadTimestamp>2015-04-03T15:00:12.331-05:00</UploadTimestamp> <UploadFileName>1P_Upload_MC_3DS (1).xml</UploadFileName> <SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount> <FailureCount>0</FailureCount> <ProjectKeys> <SandboxKey>456d5a537a346c2f2b55644b704142694449644b56673d3d</SandboxKey> <ProductionKey>456d5a537a346c2f2b55644b704142694449644b56673d3d</ProductionKey> </ProjectKeys> </Summary> <MerchantResponseRecord> <SPMerchantId>022416_RAMA</SPMerchantId> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>022416_RAMA</Name> <CheckoutIdentifier>a4c411by7lob4i81xb6r41i820mw3n151</CheckoutIdentifier> <ProductionUrl>https://RAMA.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>http://RAMA.com</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> <MerchantAcquirer> <ID>523078</ID> <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantID>001</AssignedMerchantID> <DSStatus>Not Submitted</DSStatus> </MerchantAcquirer> </MerchantResponseRecord> </MerchantDownload> 108 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Single-Merchant API Service Single-Merchant API The Single-Merchant API is used by service providers to onboard merchant information one at a time to MasterPass through the Open Feed Project. The XML schema for the Single-Merchant API is the same as that used for the File-Based Merchant onboarding via the merchant and service provider portal. See the Merchant Upload Schema and Merchant Download Schema for details. Single-Merchant API Parameters Upload oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X oauth_body_hash X Merchant Upload XML X Response X Merchant Download XML Single-Merchant API Parameter Details MerchantUpload—Request Signature Base String Possible Values oauth_signature RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Variable oauth_version Oauth version 1.0 oauth_nonce Unique alphanumeric string generated from code Variable oauth_signature_method oauth signature method RSASHA1 oauth_consumer_key Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Variable oauth_timestamp Current timestamp Variable oauth_body_hash SHA1 hash of the message body Variable MerchantUpload Uploaded Merchant Information (XML) Authorization Header Merchant Upload XML Description MerchantDownload—Response Description Possible 109 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Values Merchant Download MerchantDownload Results File of a Merchant Upload Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2F.api.mastercard.com%2Fmasterpasspsp%2Fv6%2Fcheckoutproject%2 F[0-9]+%2Ffile &oauth_body_hash%3D8K9uhveZjVdZW8AIYiXpR70KCtk%253D%26oauth_consumer_key%3DcLb0 tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b0476c%2521414f4859446c4a366c726a32747469 5545332b353049303d%26oauth_nonce%3DDEAEB1CD-CA03-405D-A7B4B4263CB5A305%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSASHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1380049711%26oauth_version%3D1.0 HTTP Request Example POST /masterpasspsp/v6/checkoutproject/[0-9]+/file Authorization: OAuth realm="eWallet",oauth_consumer_key="cLb0tKkEJhGTITp_6ltDIibO5Wgbx4rIldeXM_jRd4b 0476c%21414f4859446c4a366c726a327474695545332b353049303d",oauth_signature_metho d="RSA-SHA1",oauth_nonce="DEAEB1CD-CA03-405D-A7B4B4263CB5A305",oauth_timestamp="1380049711",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_body_hash= "8K9uhveZjVdZW8AIYiXpR70KCtk%3D",oauth_signature="IdV4%2FREyJ7nAXK%2FYvuJ2BtO4C 8t6PlW8xTrDob0WzWJ5%2FRBOPDj534Sm7oPdojivWTGOLAcZq3kbVF6rwrsjGFWlNJITXt3HT3zrav b02oqTrVQH3Zlx5fi4o0u2xxqrDwHZvbhjPgwByBRmE%2FoTw2l9H%2FznSn45xcS1eJPa%2FGI%3D" HTTP Response Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantDownload version=”1.1”/> <Summary> <BatchId>10247700</BatchId> <Description>test</Description> <UploadTimestamp>2014-04-02T16:55:31.308-05:00</UploadTimestamp> <UploadFileName>CreateMerchant1314.xml</UploadFileName> <SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount> <FailureCount>0</FailureCount> <ProjectKeys> <SandboxKey>5a4830514b4531706e326e44494953754c39594c46413d3d</SandboxKey> <ProductionKey>414d7a322b4363567531485146614a48543351505670343d</ProductionKey> </ProjectKeys> </Summary> <MerchantResponseRecord> <SPMerchantId>Merchant13_03132014</SPMerchantId> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>Merchant13_03132014</Name> <CheckoutIdentifier>a4d6x6szgu68phtbovwx11htj5lew816jn</CheckoutIdentifier> <ProductionUrl>http://gh-fxgx1r1.corp.mastercard.org</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>http://gh-fxgx1r1.corp.mastercard.org</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </MerchantResponseRecord> </MerchantDownload> 110 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding HTTP Response Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantDownload Version="1.1"> <Summary> <BatchId>21946024</BatchId> <Description>Uploaded Via API</Description> <UploadTimestamp>2015-03-02T11:25:43.080-06:00</UploadTimestamp> <UploadFileName>API_UPLOADED_RECORDS</UploadFileName> <SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount> <FailureCount>0</FailureCount> <ProjectKeys> <SandboxKey>5a7172776e4e2f4c2f6151366c2b4a6947334a3452413d3d</SandboxKey> <ProductionKey>414f51415350374966414f4f504f78395a2b56573930513d</ProductionKey> </ProjectKeys> </Summary> <MerchantResponseRecord> <SPMerchantId>BAPPI01</SPMerchantId> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>BAPPI1</Name> <CheckoutIdentifier>a4d6x32y2j9lsi6lbphnw1i6s50ybh14fa</CheckoutIdentifier> <ProductionUrl>https://cccc.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://bbbbbb.com</SandboxUrl> </CheckoutBrand> </MerchantResponseRecord> </MerchantDownload> HTTP Response Sample with Advanced Authentication Settings (3DS) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantDownload Version="1.1"> <Summary> <BatchId>285395970</BatchId> <Description>1P_Upload_MC_3DS.xml</Description> <UploadTimestamp>2015-04-03T15:00:12.331-05:00</UploadTimestamp> <UploadFileName>1P_Upload_MC_3DS (1).xml</UploadFileName> <SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount> <FailureCount>0</FailureCount> <ProjectKeys> <SandboxKey>456d5a537a346c2f2b55644b704142694449644b56673d3d</SandboxKey> <ProductionKey>456d5a537a346c2f2b55644b704142694449644b56673d3d</ProductionKey> </ProjectKeys> </Summary> <MerchantResponseRecord> <SPMerchantId>022416_RAMA</SPMerchantId> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>022416_RAMA</Name> <CheckoutIdentifier>a4c411by7lob4i81xb6r41i820mw3n151</CheckoutIdentifier> <ProductionUrl>https://RAMA.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>http://RAMA.com</SandboxUrl> 111 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </CheckoutBrand> <MerchantAcquirer> <ID>523078</ID> <Name>CartaSI</Name> <AssignedMerchantID>001</AssignedMerchantID> <DSStatus>Not Submitted</DSStatus> </MerchantAcquirer> </MerchantResponseRecord> </MerchantDownload> Single-Merchant API Validation Service The Single-Merchant API Validation Service is used by service providers to validate upload merchant prior to actual onboarding submission via Open Feed Project. This process mimics the validation xml process via the user interface used within the merchant portal. See the Merchant Upload Schema Details section for the Merchant Upload Validate schema, the Merchant Upload Validate Response Schema Details section for the Merchant Upload Validate Response schema, and the Validation Error Messages section of the appendix for details of the validation error messages. Single-Merchant API Validation Parameters Upload oauth_signature X oauth_version X oauth_nonce X oauth_signature_method X oauth_consumer_key X oauth_timestamp X oauth_body_hash X Merchant Upload XML Validated Merchant Response XML X Response X Single-Merchant API Validation Parameter Details MerchantUpload—Request Signature Base String Authorization Header Description Possible Values oauth_signature RSA/SHA1 signature generated from the signature base string Variable oauth_version Oauth version 1.0 oauth_nonce Unique alphanumeric string generated from code Variable oauth_signature_method oauth signature method RSASHA1 112 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding Merchant Upload XML oauth_consumer_key Consumer Key generated when creating a checkout project on MasterPass Merchant portal Variable oauth_timestamp Current timestamp Variable oauth_body_hash SHA1 hash of the message body Variable MerchantUpload Uploaded Merchant Information (XML) ValidatedMerchant—Response Validated Merchant ValidatedMerchant Description Possible Values Results of the merchant validation HTTP Request Example POST /masterpasspsp/v6/checkoutproject/[0-9]+/file/validation Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature="eWr32NfsnxEN%2FUiNX3ntaRvJPWKV6p0sqcy%2F5EiEgSCQYm3%2Bm8MPPvr0 5EdoRwDsm%2Fu7iqg8BA5P40WHdq0TsOX8k6NbFjZwWXZuLv%2BkqRS6oFBJH0sL4ajdE%2BcevuJiR M6wSZ1LLwCwniUE%2Fm81r%2F43KWQPIw7KGgUYDndz5T4%3D",oauth_body_hash="CWrePW5A%2B KMde7DxI5mBpNVr%2Fok%3D",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="17157164231493",oauth _signature_method="RSASHA1",oauth_consumer_key="ewdIBgRu1i6uCoFjuWGU4BNGDb0Udvh26N_mYah68efd62f9%2141 496b7a452f35764d715752755579436b70467871476f3d",oauth_timestamp="1432749165" Signature Base String Example POST&https%3A%2F%2Fapi.mastercard.com%2Fitf%2Fmasterpasspsp%2Fv6%2Fcheckoutproj ect%2F285415568%2Ffile%2Fvalidation&oauth_body_hash%3DCWrePW5A%252BKMde7DxI5mBp NVr%252Fok%253D%26oauth_consumer_key%3DewdIBgRu1i6uCoFjuWGU4BNGDb0Udvh26N_mYah6 8efd62f9%252141496b7a452f35764d715752755579436b70467871476f3d%26oauth_nonce%3D1 7157164231493%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSASHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1432749165%26oauth_version%3D1.0 Merchant Upload Validation Request Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MerchantUpload> <Merchant> <SPMerchantId>STGQA09</SPMerchantId> <Action>C</Action> <CheckoutBrand> <Name>STGQA09</Name> <DisplayName>STGQA09</DisplayName> <ProductionUrl>https://STGQA09.com</ProductionUrl> <SandboxUrl>https://STGQA09.com</SandboxUrl> <LogoUrl>http://www.mastercard.us/_globalAssets/img/nav/navl_logo_mastercardcom.png</LogoUrl> </CheckoutBrand> 113 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding </Merchant> </MerchantUpload> Merchant Upload Validation Response Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ValidateFileResponse> <ValidatedMerchant> <MerchantId>STGQA09</MerchantId> <ErrorText>VBMU0140: merchantId already exists for serviceProviderId=285415466 and spMerchantId=STGQA09</ErrorText> </ValidatedMerchant> </ValidateFileResponse> 3DS Status Service Providers can include Advanced Authentication information as an XML element during the File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding processes. This is done using the <MerchantAcquirer> element as detailed starting on Page 75. MasterCard uses a Third Party, Cardinal Commerce, to act as a Merchant Plug In (MPI) for the 3DS step-up process. When used, 3DS will run for all checkout transactions for the appropriate card brand. Where available, 3DS may be opted into for MasterCard, Maestro, and Visa only. Once the File- or API-Based Merchant Onboarding process has been completed for a merchant, the Service Provider can check on the 3DS status of the uploaded merchant. The possible 3DS statuses are as follows: • • • • NOTSUBMITTED: Merchant’s acquirer information has not been submitted to Cardinal Commerce SUBMITTED: Merchant’s acquirer information has been submitted to Cardinal Commerce ACTIVE: The Merchant has been successfully registered in the Cardinal Commerce system, and the acquirer is participating. You are ready to process 3DS production transactions ACQUIRERNOTPARTICIPATING: The acquirer ID (BIN) used in the merchant registration is not valid. Upon receiving this message, contact the implementation manager assigned to work with you on this implementation. If you don’t have an assigned implementation manager, send an email—with the information listed in the Support section—to [email protected]. An uploaded Merchant 3DS status can be checked in one of two ways: 114 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 1) The Service Provider developer can click on the “Download Result File” button located with the Checkout Project used to upload the Merchant. The result file will show the current status of each Acquirer for the Merchant that was uploaded: 2) The Service Provider developer can use the “Search” button found at the top of the Checkout Project page: When the Search Bar pops up, enter the SPMerchantID of the uploaded merchant: 115 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding The Search output will display the current 3DS status for the Merchant: Developer Zone Key Renewal Process Login to MasterCard’s Developer Zone (https://developer.mastercard.com), click My Account, then My Dashboard. 116 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding On the My Dashboard page, click My Keys button, select the key you want to renew and then click on Renew Key button. In order to renew the API Key, you need to supply a PEM encoded Certificate Request File. Choose the file, and click Submit. Notice the updated Key ID expiry date. 117 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding NOTE: If the CSR file is different than the CSR that was originally submitted when you created the key, make sure that your application is using the correct key store (.p12), otherwise calls to MasterPass services will fail. Developer Zone Key Tool Utility From the Add a Key screen, click Click Here, to launch the Key Tool utility. Click on “Generate Keys and CSR” and then click on “Save to Files”. Next screen will prompt you to select the password. Choose the folder where you want to save the files. This utility will create the PEM and p12 file. 118 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 3DS Overview Service Description ™ When enrolling for MasterPass, a merchant selects either Basic Checkout services, or Advanced Checkout ™ payer authentication services. Basic Checkout is already offered with the core MasterPass offering, and facilitates a simple checkout experience. Advanced Checkout provides merchants a payer authentication service to enable a merchant to authenticate its transactions with the issuer of the applicable card account ® leveraging the 3D Secure protocol provided through the MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa programs (collectively, the “Programs”). Merchants have two authentication options to choose from when implementing “Buy with MasterPass” Button: ™ Basic Checkout: A simple checkout experience where a consumer logs in to their MasterPass wallet and selects their payment method for use at the merchant site. The payment method will be returned to the merchant for checkout completion. » No additional enrollment steps are required for merchant integration with Basic Checkout as it is part of ™ the core MasterPass Online services. Advanced Checkout: When this option is selected by a merchant, Advanced Checkout will, on behalf of a ® ™ merchant, attempt authentication leveraging the MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa protocols, ™ depending on the card selected by the consumer in connection with the purchase. At this time, MasterPass supports only the brands included here. A merchant may choose this service for each supported card brand offered, such as MasterCard cards, or Visa cards, or for both. Before ‘Advanced Checkout’ is selected, a merchant must take the following actions: » » » » » ® ™ A merchant must first be enrolled in the MasterCard SecureCode and/or Verified by Visa program, as applicable, directly with their Acquirer. Merchants should contact their Acquirer in connection with any such enrollment(s). ™ Merchant must, in connection with their MasterPass enrollment and Advanced Checkout opt-in, provide the applicable Acquiring Merchant ID and Acquirer ID (BIN) for the appropriate card brand. In connection with their Acquirer enrollment, merchants must also provide the Acquiring Merchant ID and Acquirer ID (BIN) for each currency processed (dependent on the applicable Acquirer’s processing requirements). Once submitted, it will take 5 business days to complete setup. The merchant is responsible for providing accurate Acquirer data to MasterCard in connection with their ™ MasterPass enrollment and for updating such information on a timely basis should it change. Providing accurate enrollment data to MasterCard is critical and required—without it, the merchant most likely cannot receive the benefits of the Advanced Checkout service or of the associated Programs. The merchant is responsible for submitting correctly formatted authorization and clearing ecommerce ® ™ values to their payment processor to indicate use of the MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa as defined by the Programs, respectively. Specifically, ECI and CAVV (if present) must be amended to the Authorization request. 119 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding General Overview of Transaction Authentication ® ™ The MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa payer authentication programs (also, “Programs”) are based on the 3-D Secure Protocol. Service Process Flow for Merchant who Select Advanced Checkout ™ 1. Consumer shops online at merchant website and selects the MasterPass Checkout Button to pay. 2. The consumer logs into their wallet to access payment and shipping information. 3. The consumer selects their MasterCard, Maestro or Visa Card for a payment. ™ 4. Based on the payment information provided, the MasterPass system receives a cmpi_lookup message in order to check the card participation in the applicable card issuer’s payer authentication. 5. Based on the response, the status of the consumer’s participation in the applicable Program will be identified. The three responses include an enrolled, not enrolled, and unavailable for authentication. 6. A. If the card is not enrolled or unavailable, there will be no consumer interaction with their issuing bank ™ and the applicable consumer’s MasterPass Wallet ™ a) Data will be returned to the merchant via MasterPass indicating that the merchant attempted to authenticate the consumer with the issuer. The merchant will need to pass these data elements in the authorization request, specifically the ECI value. 6. B. If the response is the consumer is enrolled in the applicable Program, the consumer will have an interaction with their issuing bank. Below are the four consumer experiences that can occur. This is ™ controlled only by the card issuer and not the bank providing the MasterPass Wallet service. b) Consumer enters issuer challenge c) Consumer is asked to Activate their card for 3-D Secure d) Attempts (Visa US only scenario) Risk Based Data will be returned indicating that the merchant attempted to authenticate the consumer with the issuer, the merchant will need to pass these data elements in the authorization request, specifically the ECI value, and AAV or CAVV. 7. The issuing bank encrypts the results of authentication between the consumer and their issuing bank and returns this value to MasterPass. 8. MasterCard will receive a response indicating the result of authentication between the consumer and their Issuing Bank. Below are the scenarios that can occur. a) Consumer Fully Authenticates b) Consumer Attempted Authentication (Prompted for Activation During Shopping and did Not Activate their Card) c) Failed Authentication d) Issuing bank Unavailable e) Attempts/Risk Based Authentication 9. Based on the Authentication response from Cardinal, MasterCard will prompt the consumer for another form of payment or send back the authentication details to the Merchant for processing of the transaction. 120 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding 10. The authentication data sent back will be: a) AAV (Accountholder Authentication Value): This value is generated by the issuer and presented to the merchant for placement in the authorization request upon successful authentication of the consumer b) Authentication Method Used - Value should be created by Wallet for merchant to receive (Initial possible values: "merchant only"; "3DS") c) Card Enrollment status - Value should be created by Wallet for merchant to receive (Initial possible values: "manual" ; "directly provisioned"; "3DS manual") d) ECI (electronic commerce indicator) Flag e) Pa Res Status f) Secure Code Enrollment Status g) Signature Verification h) SLI (SecureCode Level Indicator) 11. Specifically the CAVV and the ECI value must be amended to the authorization in clearing messages in accordance with program rules. Important Merchant Information MasterCard does not represent or warrant that the Advanced Checkout service referenced herein is free from defects and mistakes and provides the service on an “as is” basis. No particular results are promised or assured. Merchant expressly assumes all risk for the use of the Advanced Checkout service. MasterCard, at all times, and in its sole discretion, reserves the right to begin and stop supporting any particular brand, service and/or type of payment transaction. Merchant indemnifies and holds harmless MasterCard from and against any claim, demand, loss, cost, or expense arising from or relating to use of the Advanced Checkout services. MasterCard expressly disclaims any responsibility with regard to the acts or omissions of any Merchant or other person in regard to its ™ compliance with applicable law or regulation. The signing or electronic signature of the MasterPass ™ Merchant Terms of Use for MasterPass services inclusive of Advanced Checkout, and the submission of any other forms related thereto, including the Information Sheet referenced above, indicates that the Merchant understands and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Merchant acknowledges that its acceptance of these terms and conditions is relied upon by MasterCard in permitting the Merchant’s ™ participation in MasterPass and Advanced Checkout. Validation Error Messages The following table contains the error messages resulting from business validations. if there are any schema errors in the file, they must be resolved first before the file can be validated for business rules. Error Codes Description Sample Error Message VBMU0100 Validate that a provided checkout brand data element exists. VBMU0100: minimum of one checkoutBrand required : merchant-spMerchantId=STGQA09 VBMU0101 Validate that a merchant with action code “C” does not include any brandings with checkout identifiers. VBMU0101: checkoutBrand cannot include checkout identifiers on create : checkoutId=a4a6w4vnkdeazi6c6ynxk1i6cdd6e2aki VBMU0102 Validate that a provided checkout identifier exists when using Action Code “U” within CheckoutBrand VBMU0102: checkoutBrand does not exist : 121 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding data element. checkoutId=a4d6x344fquvhi8ix0v6n1i8udwvar1zv6 VBMU0110 For Merchant Action Code “U” and Merchant Acquirer Action Code “C," validate the merchant acquirer doesn’t exist in Cardinal Commerce. VBMU0110: invalid merchant acquirer actionCode during create : actionCode=U VBMU0111 For Merchant Action Code “U” and Merchant Acquirer Action Codes “U” or “D," validate the merchant acquirer does exist in Cardinal Commerce. VBMU0111: invalid merchant acquirer action code: U or D VBMU0112 Validate Profile data element exists in the MerchantUpload XML file. VBMU0112: merchant create requires profile for spMerchantId=STGQA09 VBMU0120 Validate Reward Program Name is Unique. VBMU0120: reward program name must be unique: RAMAQA312, spMerchantId=STGQA09 VBMU0121 Validate Reward Program ID is Unique. VBMU0121: reward program id must be unique: RAMAQA312, spMerchantId=STGQA09 VBMU0130 Validate a Merchant Acquirer is provisioned in Cardinal for a specified CardBrand. VBMU0130: no merchant acquirer for cardbrand type=MAESTRO VBMU0140 Validate SPMerchantID is Unique when applying Merchant Action Code of “C.” VBMU0140: merchantId already exists for serviceProviderId=305960760 and spMerchantId=STGQA03 VBMU0141 Validate Merchant Acquirer ID is unique when applying Merchant Action Code of “C.” VBMU0141: invalid merchant acquirer actionCode=C : acquirer record already exists : acquirerId=523078 assignedMerchantId=001test cardBrand=MASTER_CARD currencyCode=EUR VBMU0142 Validate Merchant Acquirer ID exists in Cardinal Commerce. VBMU0142: acquirer id does not exist : id=88848888, cardBrand=MASTER_CARD VBMU0150 Validate SPMerchantID exists for Merchant Action Codes "U" or "D". VBMU0150: merchant not found for update or delete VBMU0160 Validate the SPMerchantID is alphanumeric and less than 25 characters. VBMU0160: invalid assignedMerchantId=STGAPI21_******5681M, must be alpha-numeric and less than 25 characters in length VBMU0170 Validate the Merchant Acquirer CurrencyCode is supported by Cardinal Commerce. VBMU0170: unsupported currency code : USD VBMU0171 Validate two merchant acquirers of the same CardBrand are not configured to support the same currency by Cardinal Commerce. VBMU0171: acquirer card brand currency code pairing must be unique Validation Error Message Sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ValidateFileResponse> <ValidatedMerchant> <MerchantId>584RAMAKOTI07</MerchantId> 122 ™ MasterPass Service Provider Onboarding & Integration Guide— File- and API-Based Merchant Onboarding <ErrorText>VBMU0140: merchantId already exists for serviceProviderId=5 and spMerchantId=584RAMAKOTI07</ErrorText> </ValidatedMerchant> </ValidateFileResponse> © 2014–2015 MasterCard. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. 123
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