Game UX Guidelines

Cast Games
Cast games use Google Cast to create great multi-screen gaming
Players can Cast a game from a mobile device (the Sender) to a Cast-enabled
display (the Receiver). Smartphone and tablet games can now be be extended
to the biggest screen and best speakers in the house, and the mobile devices
serve as game controllers for multiple players. This guide explains the basic
UX elements of a Cast game including considerations for multi-screen
experiences, and is intended for both designers and developers.
Cast Game Principles lay the foundation for designing multi-screen games
Game principles provides an understanding of the underlying design principles
behind Cast games. This will help game developers determine what kind of
game to make and the important considerations when designing a game for
Google Cast.
Cast Game Elements provide more in-depth requirements and
Whether your game is single player, multiplayer, Cast-required, or Cast-enabled,
Game elements is a resource for an in-depth understanding of designing Cast
Game principles
Game principles
These principles give an overview of several Cast gaming models, and
describe best practices for connectivity, device interactions, multi-screen
considerations, multiplayer games, smooth gameplay, and how to create great
gaming experiences that cast to the TV screen.
Cast-enabled vs. Cast-required games
Decide if Casting is required or optional for gameplay.
Choosing between making a Cast-Required or Cast-Enabled game is an important rst step in integrating Google Cast. Some
models and game mechanics align more with Cast-Enabled use cases, and some lean towards Cast-Required use cases.
Cast-enabled games are existing
games modi ed to support Google
Cast, or they are new games that
use Google Cast to extend gameplay
to the big screen. Gameplay is
enhanced by, but not dependent on
Cast-enabled gameplay
Casting can begin at any time during the game experience.
Cast-required games are built
speci cally to take advantage of the
Google Cast model and its
capabilities. Gameplay depends on
Cast capabilities, like a shared TV
screen and multiple private displays.
Cast-required gameplay
Casting starts at the beginning of the game experience.
Game setup
Make game setup with Google Cast fast and easy.
When players go to connect
their sender device to a
receiver device using Cast, it
should be a simple and
intuitive experience.
Instructions should be clear,
and loading states and error
messages should be
informative and helpful.
Provide informative instructions
Provide vague descriptions of
with wait times and clear actions
loading states or error messages.
the player can take.
Available controls
Be mindful of the game in progress while providing easily available Cast controls.
Cast controls (connect,
disconnect, etc.) should be
easily available without
disrupting gameplay.
Typically the cast controls
should be located in the Menu
or Pause screen with other
game controls.
Input methods
Choose your input method with care.
Provide easy and intuitive access
Important game controls and the
to important controls, such as
Cast menu should not be hidden
game settings and the Cast menu
several menus deep and should
without interrupting gameplay.
not hinder or interrupt gameplay.
With the mobile device as your game
controller, there are a variety of input
methods available to your game,
from Abstract to Direct. Different
controls have different bene ts and
drawbacks, which will depend
largely on game mechanics.
When deciding on the game’s input
method, consider the game’s key
Input methods
characteristics, such as:
Input methods fall on a spectrum, ranging from abstract to direct.
Pace of play
Public vs. private information
Single player vs. multiplayer
Latency sensitivity
For example, if the game is fastpaced, it must support the player’s
need to switch focus between the
TV and the controller and react
quickly. A “no-look” accelerometerbased control (an abstract control)
might be most suitable.
Abstract control
Virtual control
Direct control
Control objects on the TV screen via
Use touchscreen controls to
Touch the object directly to
broad gestures, such as motion or
manipulate game elements on TV
manipulate it from your mobile
large swipe movements on the
(i.e. a virtual joystick or d-pad).
The player needs to understand how
The player’s focus needs to
The advantage of this type of control
the touch screen is being used, and if temporarily be on the mobile device,
is that players intuitively know how to there are speci c touch regions for
such as when selecting a potion to
do these actions, and gameplay can
use, a card to play, or an answer to a
different actions.
be simple and fun.
Mobile devices as controllers
Make the device an awesome controller.
trivia question.
Consider all mobile phone/tablet
software and hardware capabilities
when designing game controls.
While touch screens lend
themselves nicely to a number of
interactions, there are many more to
explore and experiment with when
considering the entire device.
Explore alternate interactions using the mobile device
Other inputs and controls might
Take advantage of the various sensors and additional capabilities that mobile dev
make gameplay controls fun and distinctive.
Light sensors
Pressure sensors
Voice processing
Dual-screen usage
Two screens are better than one. Use both wisely.
A Google Cast game enables the use
of both a sender screen (typically a
mobile phone or tablet) and a
receiver screen (high resolution
Design the game for the tenfoot experience using TV design
guidelines and for the one-foot
experience using mobile guidelines.
Design for the one-foot experience and the ten-foot experience
You’ll need to direct the user’s
attention to the right screen at the
Each screen’s design will support different aspects of gameplay, appropriate for th
right time.
position of that screen.
Direct the player’s focus in
very obvious ways at the right
Having to focus on controls
while gameplay is happening
on TV can be a frustrating
Provide clear instructions on the
Provide clear instructions on the
sender to direct attention to the
receiver to direct attention to the
receiver when necessary, such as
sender when important gameplay
when a player needs to look at
interaction needs to occur, such
the TV to start playing.
as when it is a particular player’s
turn to answer a quiz question on
their mobile device.
Multiplayer, local and remote
Make it easy to play with friends locally and remotely.
Google Cast games can be great
group experiences.
When designing for multi-player
gameplay consider nding ways for
multiple participants to join (and
leave) the game with the least
amount of friction possible.
Player status should be clearly
Multiplayer games can be played with people near and far.
communicated to the other players
at all times.
Designing for multiple players means nding smooth transitions and easy gamep
supports players joining and leaving before gameplay starts as well as during the
Recommended: consider making
single player games provide the
option for multi-player games and
vice versa.
Game elements
Game elements overview
The following sections provide best practices and examples of important
game elements that Cast games should include. While every game will have
its own distinct gameplay and experience, the Cast elements must be
consistent and help players of your game have the best experience with
Google Cast.
Some terms you will see throughout the Game elements sections:
Sender - this is the mobile device (smartphone, tablet) that uses Cast to
connect to a display
Receiver - this is the Cast device (like a Chromecast) that displays your
game content on the TV, controlled by the sender device. The Receiver is
implemented as an HTML page which runs HTML/JS code, or it renders a
mirrored second screen stream from the mobile device.
Game audio - once connected, game audio should be played on the
Receiver, and sound effects can be played on the Sender.
Cast button - a Cast UI element that should be present throughout the game
Cast menu - a Cast UI element that should be present whenever a player
taps on the Cast button
Cast Call To Action (CTA) button - used in Cast-required games, this button
opens the Cast menu and launches gameplay once a Cast receiver is
Host player - for multiplayer games, the player that initiates the game is the
host. The host may have speci c roles and controls that other players do
not have. If the host leaves the game, host duties are transferred to the next
player who joined the game.
Non-host player - for multiplayer games, all players that do not have the
host role.
Game lobby - an interstitial state before gameplay while players are joining a
multiplayer game.
Speci c Cast UI elements can be found for use in <crosslink resources-anddownloads/resources-and-downloads.html#resources-and-downloads |
Resources and downloads>.
Game elements
Introducing Cast
Introducing Cast
Below are guidelines for introducing Cast to your players.
Introducing Cast in a Cast-enabled game
A Cast-enabled game can be played without Google Cast, but can also cast a screen to a Google Cast device.
Required: Introduce Cast upon rst launch of the game in a Cast-enabled game.
Show a platform-appropriate
noti cation to introduce Cast
to players the rst time the
Cast button appears in the
app. This is typically done by
noti cation that explains how
When Cast is available, the Cast
When Cast is not available, the
to use it, for example, “Tap the
button is present.
Cast button is not present.
highlighting the Cast button,
and showing a tooltip or
Cast button to play on TV.”
Introducing Cast in a Cast-required game
Some games require Cast for the gameplay experience. For games like these, Cast integration and the Cast connection status
should be clear upon launching the application.
Recommended: Introduce Cast upon rst launch of the game in a Cast-required game.
Cast does not need to be
explicitly introduced for a
game that requires Cast to
play. This is accomplished
implicitly via the Cast Call to
Action (CTA) button.
Cast CTA button
No Cast device found
If there are no Google Cast
The Cast CTA button is also the
This error screen should say,
devices found or if a network
start-gameplay button.
"This game requires a Google
is not detected, then inform
Cast device to play, but no device
the user.
was found. Please make sure you
are on the same Wi-Fi network as
a Google Cast device, or near a
device with Guest Mode turned
Game elements
Cast button
Cast button
The Cast button is the signature UI element that demonstrates Casting
abilities to a player. Using the appropriate icon and animation is essential to
keeping the Cast experience consistent and user-friendly.
Following these guidelines will help make sure players are always aware and in
control of Cast functionality:
The Cast button must be discoverable on the rst screen of the game.
The Cast button should always be accessible.
During gameplay, the Cast button must appear within the game’s pause
menu, out of the way of gameplay controls.
Cast button basics
The Cast button is represented by the Cast icon, which follows the same guidelines as in video and music apps that use Goog
Cast. Tapping the Cast button invokes the receiver selector menu, or the Cast Menu.
Cast button states
When the Cast button is
visible, communicate the
status of the Cast connection
by implementing the
appropriate Cast button state.
The cast icon can be
“wrapped” in a visual
treatment that matches the
style of game (instead of
being free- oating as seen in
the image to the right).
Examples might include a
visual treatment that looks
etched into rock or oating
inside a water bubble.
However, the icon shape
cannot be altered.
The Cast icon can be
optionally color tinted to
stand out from the
Connection animation
Sender: Disconnected Cast
Sender: Connected Cast button
When the sender is establishing a
Missing video: webm.
Cast connection with the receiver,
the Cast button should show this
status with the connecting
animation seen to the right.
Cast button animation
Availability when launching a Cast-enabled game
Required: The Cast icon should be visible when Casting is available and not visible when Casting is not available in a Castenabled game.
Upon launching a Cast-enabled
game, the player should see the Cast
button in the top right corner of the
Launching a Cast-enabled game
When the player taps on the Cast
button, the Cast Menu opens to
show the available Cast devices on
the network. The player can then
select a Cast device.
The Cast Menu shows available Cast devices on the network. A player can tap on
select it as the desired Receiver Device.
When no Cast devices are found,
the Cast button does not appear.
Players can play the game as
normal, but Casting is not an option
when there are no available Cast
The Cast button is not visible to the player when there are no available Cast device
Availability when launching a Cast-required game
Required: The Cast icon should be visible on the Call to Action (CTA) button immediately upon launching a Cast-required gam
Upon launching a Cast-required
game, the player should see the Cast
icon within the Call to Action (CTA)
button that starts gameplay.
Launching a Cast-required game
When the player taps on the CTA
button and Cast devices are found
on the network, the Cast Menu
shows the available Cast devices.
The Cast menu shows available Cast devices on the network.
When the player taps on the CTA
button and no Cast devices are
found on the network, an alert is
displayed. This alert should provide
the player with the ability to retry the
connection and learn more about the
The alert tells the player that the game requires a Cast connection to play and tha
Cast devices were found on the network.
Availability before gameplay
As soon as the game is launched,
the Cast button is available on all
screens before gameplay starts
unless the sender device cannot
connect to the Cast network or there
are no available Cast receiver
The Cast button is accessible in the top right corner of the screen on all states be
If the player connects to a receiver
before gameplay starts, the receiver
should display the game splash
screen or idle screen.
When a receiver is connected but gameplay has not started, display an idle or inte
The Cast button is accessible on all
The Cast button is accessible on all
The Cast button is accessible on all
screens before gameplay starts.
screens before gameplay starts.
screens before gameplay starts.
Availability during gameplay
Active gameplay is the only time
when the Cast button is not visible.
This is to keep focus on the game
itself and guards against accidental
input during gameplay.
Cast button is not accessible during active gameplay
When gameplay is paused, the Cast
button is visible in its usual position
in the game menu.
Cast button is present on the pause screen
Alternate placement of the Cast button
Ideally the Cast button is in the top
right corner, but if this is not
possible because the UI is
overloaded with game controls, the
Cast button should go in another
corner so that it is visible but not in
the way of other game UI elements.
Alternative Cast button placement
Game elements
Connecting to Google Cast
Connecting to Google Cast
One of the most critical design points in making a Cast game, is making the
game setup with Google Cast fast and easy. All Cast games should utilize the
Google Cast SDK to discover nearby cast devices and automatically present
the user with the option to cast as part of the game setup ow.
Google Cast SDK and APIs
Google Cast SDK and APIs
There are two ways to connect your game with Google Cast:
Receiver Cast games connect to a receiver device such as a Chromecast,
which downloads an HTML5 receiver application to the display. We
recommend using the Game Manager APIs to develop this kind of game,
where one or many devices are connecting to the receiver.
Remote display games use the powerful GPU of the mobile device to render
both the sender display and the receiver display, and mirror the receiver
display to the TV. The Remote Display APIs are used to develop this kind of
In all types of Cast games, the presentation is bigger and better when it is
displayed on the television, but the user experience between games will vary.
To better understand these differences, use the guidelines on this site to help
you streamline the process for your gamers.
Connecting in a Cast-enabled game
Cast-enabled games are enhanced with Google Cast, but can also be played without Casting to a receiver device. Connectin
Cast similarly must be an optional process that is available immediately, but not required by game players.
Upon app launch, the game
should scan for available
Google Cast devices in the
background. At rst, the Cast
icon is not visible.
found, no information needs
A Cast icon appears when
Tapping on the CTA button
to be displayed to the player,
available Cast devices are
invokes the Cast menu. The
since the game can be
identi ed on the network. If no
player can then select a Cast
experienced without Google
devices are found, the Cast icon
device from all available Cast
Cast. The Cast icon will not
does not appear.
If no Google Cast devices are
appear to the player.
When a cast Device is found,
display the Cast button at the
top right of the sender UI
screen (identical to
Chromecast UX Guidelines for
video applications).
The cast icon can be
“wrapped” in a visual
treatment that matches the
style of the game (instead of
being free- oating as seen in
the image to the right).
However, the icon itself
cannot be altered.
Once the player selects a Cast
device, they need to see clear
feedback about the
connection status.
Recommended: Include
Connecting state
Cast is connected
receiver volume controls in
the Cast menu when a
receiver device is connected.
Connecting in a Cast-required game
Cast-required games cannot be played without connecting to a Google Cast endpoint, so beginning the connection process t
Cast should be the rst action when launching the game.
Upon app launch, the game
should scan for available
Google Cast devices. If this
scanning takes longer than 3
seconds, display a scanning
message to notify the player.
If no Google Cast devices are
The CTA button includes a Cast
Tapping on the CTA button
found, the player should not
icon, indicating that Cast is
invokes the Cast menu. The
be able to start the game and
required to play the game.
player can then select a Cast
the Cast button should not be
device from all available Cast
displayed. We recommend a
prompt for the player to learn
more about Google Cast.
When a Google Cast device is
available on the network,
provide the Call To Action
(CTA) to the player.
The user can tap on the CTA
button to see the Cast menu,
or a list of all available Cast
devices on the network.
Selecting one indicates the
Receiver device the player
intends to use.
Once the player selects a Cast
device, they need to see clear
feedback about the
connection status.
Recommended: Include
Connecting state
Cast is connected
receiver volume controls in
the Cast menu when a
receiver device is connected.
Remote Display guidelines
The following are guidelines speci c to Remote Display games.
Non-gameplay screens must not be
directly mirrored to the
receiver. Instead an idle screen or
lobby screen must be presented on
the receiver before gameplay begins.
Idle screen on the receiver before gameplay begins.
Gameplay must always be shown on
the receiver once connected.
To prevent confusion, UI elements
shown on the receiver should not
look interactive.
UI elements on the receiver should not look interactive and tappable.
Game elements
Game audio
Game audio
While the game is running, sender hardware buttons control the sender device
volume. Game music and sound effect volumes should be accessible in the
game pause menu.
For Remote display games, audio is played through the receiver device, and
sound effects are played through the sender device.
Recommended: provide receiver
volume controls in the Cast menu
when a receiver is connected.
Provide receiver volume controls in the Cast Menu.
Game elements
Loading states
Loading states
Clear loading states and progress indications provide players with information
about the game’s status and wait times.
Cast connection loading states
Looking for a Cast device
When a player taps the Cast button,
Cast looks for available receivers on
the network. Once the user taps on
a receiver, Cast connects to that
If it takes longer than 1 second to
connect, a message should be
displayed indicating that the sender
is looking for an available Cast
Searching for a Cast device
Trying to re-establish a connection
If the connection to Cast has been
disabled, messaging should show
that the connection is trying to be
re-established automatically. The
player should be able to cancel the
process, returning them to the game
launch screen.
Trying to reconnect to Cast
Game loading states
The player’s sender device
should keep the player
informed when the game is
loading. For example, when
the game takes time to join,
show a state that
Joining the game
Starting gameplay
communicates that the player
is joining the game.
As the game is preparing to
start, players see a
countdown that indicates
when gameplay is starting.
Players need adequate
warning before the game
The countdown on the receiver
should match the countdown on the
sender device.
Starting gameplay
Game elements
Game setup
Game setup
Character selection
After connecting to Cast, players
should select a character, if there are
multiple characters to choose from.
A player selects his or her character.
Consider providing players the
opportunity to customize their
character, for example by enabling
them to choose a name.
A player names his or her character.
After selecting and naming the
character, the player should see that
they are joining the game.
The player joins the game as the newly created character.
Game instruction
Provide players with clear and brief
instructions on how to play the
game. This sets expectations and
increases anticipation for gameplay
to start.
Provide players with an informative tutorial prior to gameplay.
Game elements
Multiplayer games
Multiplayer games
Using Cast to play games with multiple people opens up new and exciting
opportunities. Multiplayer games using Google Cast can be enjoyed by players
who are in the same room or halfway across the world.
Multiplayer games come with their own set of considerations regarding player
ready states, player connectivity, hosting a game, and the frequent juggle of
players joining and leaving a game at various times during gameplay.
Game lobby
When a player starts a game (the
host player), the host is placed in the
lobby until all players are ready.
The host is the player who can start
a game, so appropriate messaging
should indicate this on the host’s
sender device.
The host is in the lobby.
When a non-host player joins a game
before gameplay starts, they are
placed in the lobby. They must wait
in the lobby until the host starts the
game. Messaging should clearly
communicate this.
A non-host player joins the lobby.
When a player starts a game (the
host player), the host is placed in the
lobby until all players are ready.
Required: The lobby must include
the following elements:
Maximum number of players
Current number of connected
Instructions for how the game
Who the game host is
Each player’s ready state (if
The host is visible in the lobby.
A 5 second countdown before
gameplay begin
When players join the game before
gameplay starts, they are placed in
the lobby, a waiting area. The lobby
shows each player’s name and
avatar, their ready state, and may
show game tips and hints.
The lobby continues to ll until it is
full, when the maximum number of
players has joined the game.
The lobby lls as players join the game.
Player ready states
Recommended: On the sender
device, players in the lobby
can set their status as
“Ready” or “Not Ready” from
their sender device.
Player ready status
Player ready status
Recommended: On the
receiver device, players’ ready
statuses, especially when
“Not Ready” should be visible.
Joining before gameplay starts
All players will be placed in
the lobby until the host starts
the game.
Joining during gameplay
Players are placed in the lobby.
Players are placed in the lobby.
Recommended: If the game
supports it, allow players to
join at any time during
When players join after
Joining a game in progress
Player joins a game in progress
gameplay has started, they
will see messaging on their
sender device that the game
is already in progress.
On the receiver screen,
gameplay continues
uninterrupted. Messaging
should indicate when a player
joins the game.
Joining when the game is full
When a game has reached is
maximum number of players, other
players that attempt to join will see
messaging indicating that the game
is full. They cannot join a full game
until a current player leaves the
game. They should have the option
of starting another game.
On the receiver, gameplay will
continue without interruption or
messaging for players already in the
Game is full
If the player opts to start a new
game, the player will be taken
through the device selection process
(Cast menu) to choose an alternate
Select a different Cast receiver device.
Leaving before gameplay starts
Hosts and non-host players can
decide to leave the game while they
are in the lobby (before gameplay
starts). Other players will see a spot
in the lobby become available.
A player leaves the lobby.
Leaving during gameplay
The game host leaves the game.
When the host pauses the
game, other players’ sender
devices show a paused game
indicating who paused the
game. The host’s sender
device shows a paused game.
Required: The host has
The host pauses the game.
A con rmation modal before
functionality that other
players do not have: the “End
game” button ends the game
for all other players.
If the host selects “Leave
game,” a dialog appears,
con rming that the host
wants to leave the game.
Host duties are transferred to
another player who can
unpause the game.
leaving the game.
When the host pauses the game, the
receiver device shows a paused
game, with messaging to
communicate who paused the
The game is paused.
After the host leaves the game,
gameplay can resume. The rst
player that joined the game after the
host is given host duties. Messaging
on the receiver communicates this
to the rest of the players.
The gameplay resumes and host duties are transferred.
A non-host player leaves the game.
When a non-host player
pauses the game, other
players’ sender devices show
a paused game indicating
who paused the game.
A non-host player pauses game.
A con rmation modal before
Required: A non-host player
does not see the functionality
leaving the game.
to “End game,” which is only
for the host.
The player selects “Leave
game” and sees a dialog
con rming that the player
wants to leave the game.
Upon exiting the game,
gameplay resumes for the
remaining players.
When non-host player leaves the
game, gameplay continues
uninterrupted for the remaining
players. The receiver shows
messaging that the player left the
Gameplay continues, uninterrupted. Messaging indicates who left the game.
Game elements
Pausing and interruptions
Pausing and interruptions
Pauses and interruptions to gameplay may occur intentionally or as a result of
lost connectivity. Whether gameplay is intentionally paused (for example, a
player chooses to pause the game) or unintentionally interrupted (for example,
a critical player is disconnected from Cast or receives a phone call), the other
players in the game need to know the game status and how to resume
A player pauses the game
Sender device pause states
The key components of a Sender’s
pause state include:
Cast button
Game settings
An indication of who paused the
When a host player pauses the
game, their own sender device
shows a paused state, indicating
that they paused the game. The host
Host’s sender device
has functionality to end the game for
all players.
The host’s device shows a paused screen.
Other players see a pause state that
indicates that the host paused the
When a non-host player pauses the
game, their own sender device
shows a paused state, indicating
that they paused the game.
Other players see a pause state that
indicates which player paused the
Player’s sender device
The player’s device shows a paused screen.
Receiver device pause state
When any player pauses the game,
the receiver shower a paused state
with messaging to indicate who
paused the game.
The game is paused.
Disconnecting from Cast
Intentional disconnect
A player can disconnect from
the connected Cast device by
tapping on the Cast button
from the pause screen. This
opens the Cast Menu, which
In the Cast Menu, a player can
A con rmation modal appears to
see the connected receiver
inform the player that unsaved
Upon tapping Disconnect, the
device, receiver volume controls,
data will be lost and their device
player should be shown a
and a Disconnect button.
will be disconnected from the
shows the connected receiver
device and an option to
disconnect from the receiver.
con rmation dialog, with
messaging that indicates that
all unsaved data will be lost
and the sender device will be
disconnected from the
receiver device.
Accidental disconnect
receiver device.
If the Cast connection
between sender and receiver
devices, and the affected
player is the game host,
gameplay will pause while the
see that his or her sender
If the Cast connection is
After 30 seconds of trying to
device is trying to reconnect.
interrupted, the player sees
reconnect, a modal appears to
messaging indicating that the
inform the player that the
If the Cast connection
connection is trying to be re-
connection could not be re-
between sender and receiver
established. Options include
host’s sender device attempts
to reconnect. The host should
devices, and the affected
player is not the
host, gameplay does not
pause. Other players will see
in-game messaging that the
affected player is having
connectivity issues. The
affected player sees that his
or her sender device is trying
to reconnect.
Recommended: If the sender
device does not successfully
reconnect within 30 seconds,
the player is given the option
to Retry or Cancel. Tapping
“Cancel” will return the host to
the game start screen.
Cancel and Retry.
When the host player is
disconnected, gameplay
When a non-host player is
disconnected, gameplay
players see message about
When the host player is
When a non-host player is
the affected player.
disconnected, gameplay is
disconnected, gameplay
paused for all players.
continues. Players can see
continues and remaining
messaging within the game that
the player is having connectivity
Gameplay is interrupted by device alerts, phone calls, or the app is backgrounded.
If the affected player is critical (the
game host or the only player in the
game), then gameplay is paused for
the other players.
The host role migrates to the next
player and the new host can resume
For Remote Display games:
gameplay is paused when the app is
A critical player experiences interruption. Other players see a pause screen that in
paused the game.
If the affected player is noncritical, then gameplay continues
with messaging on the receiver
device to communicate that the
other player is not responding.
A non-critical player experiences interruption.
Game elements
Game results
Game results
At the end of a game, all players (whether it is a single-player game or a
multiplayer game) should see their own personal results on their sender device
and all players’ scores and standings on the receiver device.
A player should see:
His or her ending position in the
game (i.e. 1st place, 2nd place)
Total points
The ability to Leave Game or Play
End results screen
The receiver device should show
each player’s:
Position at the end of the game
(i.e. 1st place, 2nd place)
Number of points
End results screen