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K. Chad Clay
Assistant Professor
Department of International Affairs
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1492
Curriculum Vitae
Phone: (706) 542-9810
Office: 323 Candler Hall
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.kchadclay.com
Assistant Professor
Department of International Affairs
The University of Georgia
Ph.D., 2012
Political Science, Binghamton University (SUNY)
M.A., 2008
Sociology, University of Memphis
M.A., 2007
Political Science, University of Memphis
B. A., 2003
Chemistry, Hendrix College
Clay, K. Chad, and Matthew DiGiuseppe. Forthcoming. “The Physical Consequences of Fiscal
Flexibility: Sovereign Credit & Physical Integrity Rights.” British Journal of Political Science.
Barry, Colin M., Sam R. Bell, K. Chad Clay, Michael E. Flynn, and Amanda Murdie. Forthcoming.
“Choosing the Best House in a Bad Neighborhood: Location Strategies of Human Rights
INGOs in the Non-Western World.” International Studies Quarterly.
Barry, Colin M., K. Chad Clay, Michael E. Flynn, and Gregory Robinson. 2014. “Freedom of
Foreign Movement, Economic Opportunities Abroad, and Protest in Non-Democratic
Regimes.” Journal of Peace Research 51 (5): 574-588.
Bell, Sam R., K. Chad Clay, Amanda Murdie, and James A. Piazza. 2014. “Opening Yourself Up:
The Role of External and Internal Transparency in Terrorism Attacks.” Political Research
Quarterly 67 (3): 603-614.
Bell, Sam R., Tavishi Bhasin, K. Chad Clay, and Amanda Murdie. 2014. “Taking the Fight to Them:
Neighborhood Human Rights Organizations and Domestic Protest.” British Journal of
Political Science 44 (4): 853-875.
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Barry, Colin M., K. Chad Clay, and Michael E. Flynn. 2013. “Avoiding the Spotlight: Human Rights
Shaming and Foreign Direct Investment.” International Studies Quarterly 57 (3): 532-544.
Richards, David L., and K. Chad Clay. 2012. “An Umbrella with Holes: Respect for NonDerogable Rights During Declared States of Emergency, 1996-2004.” Human Rights Review
13 (4): 443-471.
Bell, Sam R., K. Chad Clay, and Amanda Murdie. 2012. “Neighborhood Watch: Spatial Effects of
Human Rights INGOs.” Journal of Politics 74 (2): 354-368.
Clay, K. Chad. 2013. Review of Heather Smith-Cannoy, “Insincere Commitments: Human Rights
Treaties, Abusive States, and Citizen Activism.” Journal of Politics 75 (3): e22.
With David L. Richards and Alyssa Webb. “Respect for Physical Integrity Rights in the 21st
Century: Evaluating Poe & Tate’s Model 20 Years Later.” Under Review.
With Andrew P. Owsiak. “The Spatial Diffusion of International Border Agreements.” Under
With Michael A. Allen and Sam R. Bell. “Deadly Triangles: The Implications of Regional
Competition on Demands between Asymmetric States.” Under Review.
With Sam R. Bell and Carla Martinez Machain. “The Effect of U.S. Troop Deployments on Human
Rights.” Under Review.
“Sanctions & the Diffusion of Human Rights Practices.” Under Review.
CIRI Human Rights Data Project. Co-Director (with David Cingranelli and David Richards).
Worker Rights in Law & Practice Data Project. Co-Principal Investigator (with Colin Barry and
David Cingranelli).
Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project (SNARP). Co-Principal Investigator (with Christopher
J. Fariss, Reed M. Wood, and Thorin M. Wright).
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With Daniel W. Hill Jr. “Change & Persistence in Human Rights Practices.” To be presented at the
2015 ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
With Colin M. Barry and David L. Cingranelli. “Measuring More Human Rights: Workers’ Rights &
Human Rights Measurement.” Presented at “How Do We Know What We Know? Charting
the Future for Human Rights Documentation and Analysis.” Arizona State University,
January 23-24, 2015, Tempe, Arizona.
With Christopher J. Fariss, Reed M. Wood, and Thorin M. Wright. “Addressing Spatial Variation in
Human Rights: The Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project.” Presented at “How Do
We Know What We Know? Charting the Future for Human Rights Documentation and
Analysis.” Arizona State University, January 23-24, 2015, Tempe, Arizona.
With Colin M. Barry and Matthew R. DiGiuseppe. "Labor Rights, Economic Competitors, and
Policy Convergence." Presented at the 2014 International Political Economy Society Annual
Conference, Washington, D.C.
With Sam R. Bell and Carla Martinez Machain. “The Effect of U.S. Troop Deployments on Host
States’ Human Rights.” Presented at the 2014 International Studies Association Midwest
Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
“Capable of Shame? HRO Efforts, State Capabilities, and Government Respect for Physical
Integrity.” Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Washington, D.C.
With Colin M. Barry and Matthew R. DiGiuseppe. “Economic Crises and Labor Rights.”
Presented at the 2014 ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario.
With Sam R. Bell and Amanda Murdie. “Guilt by Association? The Diffusion of Human Rights
INGO Shaming.” Presented at the 2014 ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario.
With Timothy M. Peterson. “Disaster Assistance & Respect for Human Rights.” Presented at the
2014 ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario.
With Colin Barry and Michel E. Flynn. “Human Rights Shaming & U.S. Foreign Aid.” Presented at
the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois.
With Andrew Owsiak. “The Spatial Diffusion of International Border Agreements.” Presented at
the 2013 Midwest Political Science Association National Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
With Sam Bell, Michael Flynn, and Amanda Murdie. “Transparency, Change, & Variance in
Government Respect for Physical Integrity Rights.” Presented at the 2013 ISA Annual
Convention, San Francisco, California.
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“Ending Human Rights Violations: The Role of INGOs.” Prepared for the 2012 Annual Meeting
of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
With Colin Barry and Michael Flynn. “Shame on U.S.? Human Rights Shaming & U.S. Foreign
Aid.” Prepared for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
With Michael Allen and Sam Bell. “Deadly Triangles: The Implications of Regional Competition on
Demands between Asymmetric States.” Presented at the 2012 Midwest Political Science
Association National Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
With Colin Barry, Sam Bell, Michael Flynn, and Amanda Murdie. “Shame on Who? The Strategic
Considerations of Human Rights INGOs.” Presented at the 2012 ISA Annual Convention,
San Diego, California.
With Matthew Digiuseppe. “Crises of Conscience? Economic Crises & Government Respect for
Human Rights.” Presented at the 2012 ISA Annual Convention, San Diego, California.
With Sam Bell, Tavishi Bhasin, and Amanda Murdie. “Taking the Fight to Them: Neighborhood
INGOs and Domestic Protest.” Presented at the 2011 Peace Science Society Annual
Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
“Threat by Example: Sanctions & the Diffusion of Human Rights Practices.” Presented at the 2011
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington.
With Colin Barry and David Cingranelli. “Trade-Offs Among Worker Rights.” Presented at the
2011 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington.
With Colin Barry, Michael Flynn, and Gregory Robinson. “Emigration as a Safety Valve: Freedom
of External Movement in Authoritarian Regimes.” Presented at the Politics of Immigration
Conference, June 5-6, 2011, Binghamton University (SUNY).
With Colin Barry and Michael Flynn. “Shame on Who? Human Rights Shaming and Foreign Direct
Investment.” Presented at the 2011 Midwest Political Science Association National
Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
With Colin Barry. “Who Legislates for Labor? Democratic Institutions and the Protection of
Worker Rights.” Presented at the 3rd Annual Graduate Conference on Democracy and
Governance, March 25-26, 2011, University of Connecticut.
With Amanda Murdie and Sam Bell. “Shining the Spotlight Next Door: Spatial Effects of Human
Rights INGOs.” Presented at the 2011 International Studies Association Annual
Convention, Montreal, Quebec.
With David Cingranelli and Colin Barry. “Cross-National Variation in Labor Standards.” Presented
at the 2011 International Studies Association Annual Convention, Montreal, Quebec.
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With Amanda Murdie and Sam Bell. “Shining the Spotlight Next Door: Spatial Effects of Human
Rights INGOs.” Presented at the 2010 Peace Science Society Annual Meeting, Fort Worth,
With David Cingranelli and Colin Barry. “Who Legislates for Labor? Democratic Institutions and
Legal Protection of Worker Rights.” Presented at the 2010 Midwest Political Science
Association National Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
“There Goes the Neighborhood: Spatial Diffusion of Repression and Civil War.” Presented at the
2010 International Studies Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
With David Richards. “Government Effort to Respect Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights:
Measurement & Analysis.” Presented at the 2010 International Studies Association Annual
Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
With David Richards. “Explaining Differences in Effort by Governments to Respect Economic
Human Rights.” Presented at the 2009 Midwest Political Science Association National
Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
With David Richards. “The Veneer of Non-Derogability: Human Rights and Declared States of
Emergency.” Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science
Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
With Emily Marshall. “Universal Human Rights, Neoliberal Globalization, and the International
Human Rights Regime: Tensions and Alternatives.” Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting
of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
With David Richards. “A Lethal Loophole? Human Rights and State of Emergency
Implementation.” Presented at the 2008 International Studies Association Annual
Convention, San Francisco, California.
“Incumbent Quality, Constituent Confidence, and Electoral Success: An Analysis of Four Southern
States.” Presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science
Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Instructor of Record
University of Georgia
INTL 3200: Introduction to International Relations
INTL 4620: Human Rights
INTL 4230: International Political Economy
INTL 8260: Human Rights (Graduate)
INTL 8365: Comparative Political Violence (Graduate)
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Instructor of Record (Continued)
Binghamton University (SUNY)
PLSC 486V: Research on Human Rights and Labor
PLSC 485V: Political Violence and Terrorism
University of Memphis
POLS 1100: Introduction to American Government
Teaching Assistant
Binghamton University (SUNY)
PLSC 111: Introduction to American Government
PLSC 486V: Research on Human Rights and Labor
PLSC 387F: Feminist Political Thought
University of Memphis
POLS 3506: American Foreign Policy
POLS 4101: Political Statistics
Other Experience
Tennessee Governor’s School for International Studies (University of Memphis)
International Issues Analysis Instructor
POLS 1501: Introduction to International Relations - Summer 2008
Teaching Academy Fellows Program. 2014-2015. University of Georgia.
Summer Research Grant ($5000). 2013. School of Public and International Affairs, University of
Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research. 2011-2012. Binghamton University.
Best Paper Award. 2011. 3rd Annual Graduate Conference on Democracy and Governance,
University of Connecticut. With Colin Barry. “Who Legislates for Labor? Democratic
Institutions and the Protection of Worker Rights.”
ISA Annual Convention Travel Grant. 2011. International Studies Association.
George L. Hinman Doctoral Fellowship in Public Policy. 2008-2012. Binghamton University.
ISA Annual Convention Travel Grant. 2008. International Studies Association.
College of Arts and Sciences Travel Enrichment Award. 2008. University of Memphis.
Graduate Student Paper Award. 2007. Department of Sociology, University of Memphis. “Leaving
Out The Lower Class: Political Participation, Social Policy, and Economic Inequality in the
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Prestage – Cook Travel Award. 2007. Southern Political Science Association.
Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society. 2007. Zeta Eta Chapter, University of
Binghamton University (SUNY)
Research Methods and Statistics I & II; Formal Theory I & II; GIS and Spatial Analysis;
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Program
2010 - Simultaneous Equation Models; Advanced Bayesian Models for the Social Sciences
2011 - Spatial Econometrics: Statistical Models of Interdependence Among Observations
University of Memphis
Scope and Methods of Political Science; Political Statistics; Research Methods in Sociology;
Statistics for Sociology; Qualitative Methods
Affiliate, Economic & Social Rights Research Group, Human Rights Institute, University of
Connecticut (2010 – Present)
Treasurer, Binghamton University Political Science Graduate Student Organization (2009-2010)
Member, World Politics Workshop at Binghamton University (2008-2012)
Referee: American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, British
Journal of Political Science, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace
Research, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Interactions, Political
Research Quarterly, Journal of Human Rights, Human Rights Review, International Political Science Review,
International Journal for Equity in Health, European Political Science
American Political Science Association
Human Rights Section
Conflict Processes Section
Political Methodology Section
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International Studies Association
Human Rights Section
Scientific Study of International Processes Section
International Political Economy Section
Global Development Section
Midwest Political Science Association
Southern Political Science Association
Peace Science Society (International)
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