TRANSITION PROVIDER ADVICE V0.1 Disclaimer: This document contains information relating to the processes for the Transition to Employment Services 2015. This document is not a stand-alone document and does not contain the entirety of Providers' obligations. It should be read in conjunction with the Employment Services Deed 2012-2015, Employment Services Deed 2015-2020, Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Contract 2014-2015, Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 2015-2020, Third Party IT Provider Deed and any relevant guidelines or reference material issued by the Department of Employment under or in connection with the Deeds. Explanatory note: All capitalised terms have the same meaning as in the Employment Services Deed 2012-2015 or the Employment Services Deed 2015-2020 as appropriate. In this document, ‘must’ means that compliance is mandatory and ‘should’ means that compliance represents best practice. TABLE OF CONTENTS Document change history ......................................................................................................................... 4 Part A—Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 5 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Objectives and principles ............................................................................................................................ 5 Structure of the transition advice ............................................................................................................... 6 Key dates ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Key contact information ............................................................................................................................. 9 List of common acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 9 Frequently used terms .............................................................................................................................. 10 Part B—Transition to Employment Provider Services .................................................................................. 12 Transition to the new Services ................................................................................................................ 12 Allocation of job seekers .................................................................................................................. 12 Business Share and Business Share tolerance .................................................................................. 12 Job seeker allocation ........................................................................................................................ 13 Job seeker choice ............................................................................................................................. 14 Transfers........................................................................................................................................... 14 Stream movement and conversion ........................................................................................................... 14 Transfer of specific cohorts ....................................................................................................................... 19 Job seekers Exited at transition ....................................................................................................... 19 Pre-release Prisoner job seekers ...................................................................................................... 20 Job seekers with a Level 3 incident report ....................................................................................... 20 Transfer due to relationship failure ................................................................................................. 21 Job seekers with sensitive Records .................................................................................................. 21 Disability Support Pension recipients ............................................................................................... 21 Specific programme information .............................................................................................................. 22 Tasmanian Jobs Programme, Restart Wage Subsidy and Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job programme ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Servicing during the Transition Period .................................................................................................... 23 Job seeker assessment and compliance ................................................................................................... 23 Employment Pathway Plans ............................................................................................................. 23 Conducting the Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) ............................................................ 24 Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Referrals ......................................................................... 24 DHS and job seeker compliance ....................................................................................................... 24 Comprehensive Compliance Assessments ....................................................................................... 24 Non-Attendance Reports ................................................................................................................. 25 Activities .................................................................................................................................................... 25 Working with Work for the Dole Coordinators ................................................................................ 25 Novation of Work for the Dole Activities ......................................................................................... 26 ESS Activity Management ................................................................................................................ 26 Work for the Dole 2014–2015 Activity Payment arrangements ...................................................... 26 Job seeker Referrals .................................................................................................................................. 34 Ceasing Referrals during the Transition Period ................................................................................ 34 Exiting JSA Providers ........................................................................................................................ 34 Continuing Providers ........................................................................................................................ 34 Transition communications ...................................................................................................................... 34 Job seeker communication .............................................................................................................. 35 Provider communication to job seekers .......................................................................................... 36 Provider communication to Employers ............................................................................................ 36 Payments .......................................................................................................................................... 37 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 2 Employment Pathway Fund ............................................................................................................. 37 Outstanding Employment Pathway Fund commitments and reimbursements ............................... 37 Labour Adjustment Programme and Structural Adjustment Package credits ................................. 38 Service Fees ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Job Seeker Outcome and Job Seeker Placement Fees ..................................................................... 38 EPF Wage Subsidies .......................................................................................................................... 39 End-of-contract meetings—Exiting Providers ........................................................................................... 39 Requests for early JSA Provider exit ......................................................................................................... 40 Exiting JSA Provider obligations to job seekers ................................................................................ 40 Requests to relinquish business ....................................................................................................... 40 Site closures .............................................................................................................................................. 40 Preparing for Commencement ................................................................................................................ 40 Initial Provider meeting ............................................................................................................................ 41 Servicing job seekers ................................................................................................................................. 41 Transition status of job seekers ....................................................................................................... 41 Commencement of job seekers ....................................................................................................... 42 Engagement priority......................................................................................................................... 42 Payments .................................................................................................................................................. 43 Administration Fees ......................................................................................................................... 43 Dashboards and reports............................................................................................................................ 43 Site Summary Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 44 Indicative caseload ........................................................................................................................... 45 Post-Transition Widgets ................................................................................................................... 46 Pre-Diary .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Reporting .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Expanded Transition Caseload Report ............................................................................................. 47 Wage Subsidy Agreements............................................................................................................... 47 Post-Transition Commencement Report ......................................................................................... 47 Part C—Transition to Work for the Dole Coordinators ................................................................................ 49 Transition to the new Services ................................................................................................................ 49 Servicing during the Transition Period .................................................................................................... 50 Preparing for Commencement ................................................................................................................ 51 Part D—Transition to NEIS .......................................................................................................................... 53 Transition servicing ................................................................................................................................. 53 Exiting NEIS Panel Members ................................................................................................................... 53 NEIS Providers—preparing for Commencement ...................................................................................... 54 Part E—Transition to Harvest Labour Services ............................................................................................ 55 Transition to the new Services ................................................................................................................ 55 Servicing during the Transition Period .................................................................................................... 55 Preparing for Commencement ................................................................................................................ 55 Part F—Transition to National Harvest Labour Information Services .......................................................... 56 Transition to the new Services ................................................................................................................ 56 Servicing during the Transition Period .................................................................................................... 56 Preparing for Commencement ................................................................................................................ 56 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 3 Part G—IT requirements ............................................................................................................................. 57 Part H—Branding and signage..................................................................................................................... 60 Part I—Records management ..................................................................................................................... 61 Part J—Employment Services Industry Jobs Board ...................................................................................... 64 Part K—Training .......................................................................................................................................... 65 Appendix A—communication to job seekers .............................................................................................. 66 Advice 1a—all job seekers transitioning ..................................................................................................... 66 Advice 1b—job seekers Exited at transition ................................................................................................ 69 Advice 2—Letter 1—job seekers Exited at transition .................................................................................. 71 Advice 2—Letter 2a—job seekers allocated to a new Employment Provider with job seeker choice .......... 71 Advice 2—Letter 2b—job seekers allocated to a new Employment Provider without job seeker choice ..... 71 Advice 2—Letter 3—job seekers remaining with their same Employment Provider .................................... 71 Advice 2—Letter 4a—Pre-release Prisoners—continuing Employment Provider ......................................... 71 Advice 2—Letter 4b—Pre-release Prisoners allocated to a new Employment Provider ............................... 71 Advice 2—Letter 4c—Pre-release Prisoners—general ................................................................................. 71 Advice 2— Letter 5—Contingency/Employment Provider not known ......................................................... 71 Appendix B—Detailed transition dates ....................................................................................................... 72 Document change history Version Start date Effective date 0.1 20 January 2015 1 April 2015 End date Change & location Original draft D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 4 Part A—Introduction Overview The new employment services, jobactive, commences on 1 July 2015. Work for the Dole Coordinators commence on 1 May 2015. jobactive represents a fundamental shift in the design and delivery of employment services. It will ensure that Services to job seekers better meet the needs of Employers. This transition advice relates to the transition to jobactive and outlines the arrangements established to facilitate a smooth transfer from the existing Employment Services Deed 2012-2015 to the new Employment Services Deed 2015-2020, and from the existing Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Contract 2014-15 to the Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 20152020. This transition advice has been developed for continuing and new Employment Services Providers and exiting JSA Providers. It outlines the actions that Providers are expected to undertake during the Transition Period. This transition advice should be read in conjunction with the Employment Services Deed 2012-2015, the Employment Services Deed 2015-2020, Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Contract 2014-15, the Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 20152020 and other relevant Guidelines and operational material available on the Provider Portal. The Department of Employment is committed to working with Providers to resolve any issues that arise during the Transition Period. Transition information will be published and updated during the Transition Period on the Provider Portal and on the Department’s website ( Account Managers will be available to support all Providers throughout the Transition Period and Providers are encouraged to seek their assistance where required. Providers can also direct queries and requests for information to the 2015 Transition mailbox ([email protected]). Objectives and principles The objectives of the transition process are the continuity of Services and a smooth transition from Job Services Australia to jobactive with minimum disruption to job seekers, Employers, Activity Host Organisations and all Providers. Effective communication with all stakeholders is vital to successfully achieving these objectives. The Department will manage the transition process according to the following transition principles: transition activities must support the continuity of Employment Services all eligible job seekers will either: o remain connected with their current JSA Provider (if it is a Continuing Provider) if possible or D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 5 o be referred to a new Employment Provider, taking into account their individual needs and circumstances. connections between Employers and job seekers will continue to be supported during the transition where possible. transition activities will support the future jobactive arrangements. The Department will conduct a post-implementation review to measure the success of the transition. It will look at the Commencement rates of job seekers and timely Commencements in Work for the Dole Activities in particular. Structure of the transition advice This transition advice consists of the following parts and a set of Appendixes: Part A—Introduction Part B—Transition to Employment Provider Services Part C—Transition to Work for the Dole Coordinators Part D—Transition to NEIS Part E—Transition to Harvest Labour Services Part F—Transition to National Harvest Labour Information Services Part G—IT requirements Part H—Branding and signage Part I—Records management Part J—Employment Services Industry Jobs Board Part K—Training Parts B to F are each divided into three sections structured to reflect the actions and processes for all Providers to consider and undertake before, during and after the Transition Period. The sections are: Transition to the new Services Servicing during the Transition Period Preparing for Commencement. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 6 Key dates The table below sets out the key transition dates. Appendix B of this transition advice contains a detailed table of dates. Indicative date Transition arrangements Late March 2015 Employment Services 2015 tender results announced 1 April 2015 Transition Period commences (continues until 30 June 2015) The Department’s National Customer Service Line transition support number (1300 854 414) opens (continues until 30 September 2015) 10 April 2015 Service Delivery Plans to be submitted to Account Managers. 13 April 2015 First advice issued to job seekers e-learning modules published in the Learning Centre Employment Provider, Work for the Dole Coordinator, New Enterprise Incentive Scheme, Harvest Labour Services and National Harvest Labour Information Service Guidelines available on the Provider Portal and the Department’s website Webinars for Work for the Dole Coordinators Providers to include Connections for Quality information on Australian JobSearch website Mid-April 2015 18 April to 30 June 2015 27 and 28 April 2015 April and May 2015 April to June 2015 1 May 2015 8 May 2015 11 May 2015 National Provider Forum Referrals cease for particular exiting JSA Providers and certain Sites Direct Registration ends for exiting JSA Providers and certain Sites Initial and ongoing Employment Provider and ongoing end of JSA Deed contract meetings held Webinar sessions for Employment Providers and Work for the Dole Coordinators delivered Work for the Dole Coordinators commence. Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 2015-2020 starts All Service Delivery Plans finalised Site Summary Dashboard available to Employment Providers and Work for the Dole Coordinators Face-to-face compliance training delivered to Providers in selected locations across Australia. Employment Providers will be invited to attend training through their CEOs. Learning Centre face-to-face training events for Employment Provider, NEIS and HLS organisation trainers/IT briefing sessions Second advice issued to job seekers who have been allocated to a different Employment Provider Period during which eligible job seekers can choose an alternative Employment Provider commences (ends 5 June 2015) 19 May to 19 June 2015 From mid-May 2015 From 25 May 2015 May to June 2015 New ESS Activity Management system available to Employment Providers Webinar presentations available for Employment Provider, NEIS and HLS organisations Second advice issued to remaining job seekers Training database and supporting documentation available First day for Volunteers to nominate to start immediately in Employment Provider Services from 1 July Early June 2015 1 June 2015 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 7 5 June 2015 8 June 2015 Mid-June 2015 Period during which job seeker can choose an alternative Employment Provider ceases Pre-Diary and indicative caseload available to Employment Providers Webinar question and answer sessions for Employment Provider, NEIS and HLS organisations Job seeker placements in Activities ended in Activity Management Last day for JSA Providers to record Non-Attendance Reports Last day for Volunteers to nominate to start immediately in Employment Provider Services from 1 July 26 June 2015 27 and 28 June 2015 Transition weekend 29 and 30 June 2015 Limited services available in the Department’s IT Systems Employment Pathway Fund closes Last day of the JSA Deed Employment Services 2015 model starts Start of Employment Services 2015–2020 Deed 1 July to 11 August 2015 Job seekers to be Commenced by their Employment Provider 1 July to 30 September 2015 Post-Transition Period Post-Transition Period ends National Customer Service Line Transition support number (1300 854 414) closes Last day that eligible Employment Pathway Fund Reimbursements can be made 30 June 2015 1 July 2015 30 September 2015 27 January 2016 30 June 2016 Last day to make claims under the JSA Deed D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 8 Key contact information 2015 transition mailbox [email protected] Department of Employment Employment Services Information Line 13 62 68 National Customer Service Line 1300 854 414—transition specific enquiries 1800 805 260—general enquiries Employment Systems Help Desk 1300 305 520 Employer Hotline 13 17 15 Australian JobSearch transition page List of common acronyms APWS Approved Program of Work Supplement DHS Department of Human Services DNAI Did Not Attend—Invalid ECSN Employment Community Service Network EPF Employment Pathway Fund EPP Employment Pathway Plan ESR Employment Services Reporting ESS Employment Services System HLS Harvest Labour Services JSA Job Services Australia JSCI Job Seeker Classification Instrument LAP Labour Adjustment Programme NEIS New Enterprise Incentive Scheme OSC Organisational Security Contact RMI Records Management Instructions Guidelines SAP Structural Adjustment Package SEE Skills for Education and Employment programme SPI Stronger Participation Incentives for Job Seekers under 30 measure D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 9 Frequently used terms The following terms are used frequently in this transition advice and have the meanings set out below. Continuing Provider An organisation that has been providing Services under the JSA Deed and that will be providing Services under the Employment Services Deed. Depending on tender outcomes, ‘Continuing Providers’ may include JSA Providers, NEIS Panel Members, HLS Providers (JSA) or the NHLIS Provider (JSA)—or an organisation that has been providing Services under the Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Contract 2014–2015 and that will be providing Services under the Work for the Dole Coordinator Deed. Employment Provider An organisation that is providing Employment Provider Services under Part B of the Employment Services Deed. Employment Provider Services Services under Part B of the Employment Services Deed. Employment Services Providers A collective term for organisations delivering Services (Employment Provider Services, Harvest Labour Services, the National Harvest Labour Information Services and New Enterprise Incentive Scheme) under the Employment Services Deed and Work for the Dole Coordinator Services under the Work for the Dole Coordinator Deed. jobactive The new employment services model, which includes Employment Providers, NEIS Providers, HLS Providers, the NHLIS Provider and Work for the Dole Coordinators. Employment Services Deed The Employment Services 2015–2020 Deed. Exiting Provider A Provider under the JSA Deed that is not providing Services under the Employment Services Deed. ‘Exiting Providers’ may include JSA Providers, NEIS Panel Members, HLS Providers (JSA) or the provider of NHLIS Provider (JSA) or an organisation that has been providing Services under the Work for the Dole Coordinator Contract 2014–15 and that will not be providing Services under the Work for the Dole Coordinator Deed. HLS Provider An organisation delivering Harvest Labour Services under Part D of the Employment Services Deed. HLS Provider (JSA) An organisation delivering Harvest Labour Services under the JSA Deed. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 10 The following terms are used frequently in this transition advice and have the meanings set out below. Job seeker A Stream Participant as defined in the JSA Deed; or a Stream Participant as defined in the Employment Services Deed. JSA Deed The Employment Services Deed 2012–2015. JSA Provider An organisation delivering Stream Services (Services under Streams 1 to 4) under the JSA Deed. NEIS Panel Member An organisation delivering New Enterprise Incentive Scheme Services under the JSA Deed. NEIS Provider An organisation delivering New Enterprise Incentive Scheme Services under Part C of the Employment Services Deed. NHLIS Provider The organisation delivering National Harvest Labour Information Services under Part E of the Employment Services Deed. NHLIS Provider (JSA) The organisation delivering National Harvest Labour Information Services under the JSA Deed. Provider Portal The Provider Portal is a secure website for Employment Services Providers to access policy and programme advice on delivering employment services. The Portal can be accessed at Work for the Dole Coordinator Deed The Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 2015-2020. Work for the Dole Coordinator Contract 2014–2015 The Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Contract 2014–2015. Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) An organisation providing Services under the Work for the Dole Coordinator Contract 2014–2015 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 11 Part B—Transition to Employment Provider Services Transition to the new Services Allocation of job seekers Job seekers will be allocated to Employment Providers in a way that is consistent with the transition principles. The aim of the allocation process will be to minimise disruptions to service delivery for job seekers. The Department will not guarantee that a particular number of job seekers will be allocated to an Employment Provider. Job seeker allocation is dependent on a number of factors, including: job seekers’ characteristics caseload in particular Employment Regions (including areas within Employment Regions) job seekers’ preferences for Employment Providers Employment Providers’ Business Shares in Employment Regions. Each Employment Provider will be allocated a caseload as close as possible to their awarded Business Share for 1 July 2015. Business Share and Business Share tolerance The Department will allocate the existing JSA caseload to Employment Providers based on Employment Providers’ awarded Business Shares. Where possible, job seekers will be allocated to Employment Providers with the aim of getting each Employment Provider’s Business Share ratio as close to 100 per cent as possible. Business Share refers to the percentage of business awarded to an Employment Provider in each Employment Region. Business Share does not include Exited job seekers. The Referral process will manage the allocation of job seekers to within a 30 per cent ‘tolerance’ of an Employment Provider’s contracted Business Share (that is, Employment Providers will ideally operate with between 70 per cent to 130 per cent of their contracted Business Share). Business Share tolerance is calculated by dividing an Employment Provider’s current caseload by the total Employment Region caseload and then dividing the result by the Employment Provider’s new Business Share. Note: The term ‘caseload’ refers to the number of job seekers being serviced at Sites located in that particular Employment Region. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 12 Table 1. Example calculation of Business Share tolerance Employment Provider A Employment Provider B Employment Provider C Employment Provider D Total pretransition caseload Total Employment Region active caseload Employment Provider awarded Business Share Business Share tolerance 4200 10,000 20% (2000) 210% 4800 10,000 50% (5000) 96% 0 10,000 30% (3000) 0% 1000 10,000 0% n/a The example above outlines the Business Share tolerance calculation for each Employment Provider in an Employment Region: Employment Provider A would be considered to be over their awarded Business Share tolerance by 2200 job seekers. These job seekers would be reallocated to other Providers in the Employment Region to bring Provider A’s Business Share tolerance down to 100 per cent. Employment Provider B is under their awarded Business Share tolerance by 4 per cent and may be allocated an additional 200 job seekers to bring their Business Share tolerance up to 100 per cent. Employment Provider C is a new Employment Provider with no JSA caseload and would be allocated 3000 job seekers to bring their Business Share tolerance up to 100 per cent. Provider D did not win business under the Employment Services Deed, so the Provider’s entire JSA caseload would be reallocated to other Providers in the Employment Region. Job seeker allocation Where possible, a job seeker connected to a Continuing Provider that is deemed to be their ‘best fit’ will be allocated to that same organisation which will be their ongoing Employment Provider. In instances of group tendering, the Department will consider an Employment Provider to be Continuing where any Employment Provider in the successful group tender has held a contract under the JSA Deed for allocation purposes. ‘Best fit’ refers to the allocation of job seekers in a way that balances the following aims: ensuring that all Sites in an Employment Region are allocated job seekers to service from 1 July 2015 ensuring that all Sites in an Employment Region are able to receive flow Referrals from 1 July 2015 ensuring that Employment Provider caseloads are balanced, with equal shares across Streams ensuring that job seekers are allocated back to their current Employment Provider where possible ensuring that job seekers are allocated as appropriate to the Employment Providers’ capacities. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 13 Some job seekers will need to be allocated from their current JSA Providers to an Employment Provider. Where possible, the following categories of job seekers will be excluded from the reallocation process: job seekers who are in the Work Experience Phase or Compulsory Activity Phase and are undertaking a Work for the Dole Activity job seekers with a Wage Subsidy or Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Agreement in place job seekers for whom a Provisional Exit has occurred (that is, tracking toward an Outcome) job seekers who have been identified as a Pre-release Prisoner or Vulnerable Youth/Vulnerable Youth (Student), have been flagged as sensitive or have a Level 3 incident report job seekers who have had a previous relationship failure with a JSA Provider. If any job seekers in the cohorts listed below need to be allocated to a different Employment Provider, the allocation will be done manually following discussions between Account Managers and the (potential) gaining Employment Providers (and corrective services in the relevant state or territory in the case of Pre-release Prisoners). The cohorts subject to manual reallocation are: Pre-release Prisoner job seekers job seekers that have had a transfer due to relationship failure job seekers with a Level 3 incident report. Job seeker choice Job seekers (except job seekers with a Level 3 incident report and Pre-release Prisoners) who are allocated to a different Employment Provider will have the opportunity to choose an alternative Employment Provider by calling the National Customer Service Line transition support number on 1300 854 414 or signing in to their Australian JobSearch online account. Eligible transition job seekers will be able to change their Employment Provider as many times as they wish between 25 May 2015 and 5 June 2015 (just before the pre-Diary becomes available). If a job seeker changes their Employment Provider during this period, any of the job seeker’s Appointments associated with that Employment Provider will be cancelled. Transfers Current arrangements for job seeker transfers due to relocation will continue during the Transition Period. However, transfers due to better services will be paused in June 2015 as a high volume of transfers may adversely affect the allocation process. Transfers by agreement and requests for transfers due to relationship failure can continue during the Transition Period. Better services transfers, transfer by agreement and transfers due to relationship breakdown can proceed as per provisions in the Employment Services Deed after the job seeker has been Commenced with their nominated Employment Provider. Stream movement and conversion Table 2 below details how job seekers who will be Fully Eligible Participants in Employment Provider Services will transition on 1 July 2015 to Streams A to C in jobactive. It also sets out transition for JSA Participants who will not be Fully Eligible Participants in Employment Provider D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 14 Services. As a whole, the specific Stream, and phase in that Stream, to which these job seekers will transition will be determined by the Department’s IT Systems. The first column sets out the JSA Stream of the job seeker. The second column sets out the phase, time in service, Activities and status of the job seeker. The third column sets out the relevant jobactive Stream (and the phase in that Stream) into which a job seeker will be placed by the Department’s IT Systems. For example, a job seeker in JSA Stream 2 (six to 12 months with a low to moderate JSCI score) will be allocated, as at 1 July 2015, by the Department's IT Systems to Stream A—Work for the Dole Phase in Employment Provider Services. In certain circumstances the Department’s IT Systems may be unable to determine the Stream of job seekers who are transitioned to Employment Provider Services. From 1 July 2015 onwards, a message will be displayed for Employment Providers in the Department’s IT Systems to indicate the appropriate action for the Employment Provider to take. For example, where the job seeker has no JSCI or an inactive JSCI, the IT System will display ‘job seeker requires JSCI to be run’. Where the job seeker has been referred for an ESAt, the IT System will indicate ‘ESAt/JCA pending/to be completed’. Where a job seeker is transitioned to Employment Provider Services and does not have an active JSCI, the Employment Provider must conduct the JSCI to ensure the job seeker can be commenced in Services. Where a transitioned job seeker has a pending ESAt referral, the Employment Provider must wait for the ESAt to be completed before commencing the job seeker in Services. Further information on conducting the JSCI is available below. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 15 Table 2: Transition of Stream Participants from Job Services Australia into Employment Services 2015 - 20201 Stream Phase, time in service, activities and status in JSA2 Stream 1 (Limited) Stream, phase and status in Employment Services 2015 – 2020 Exited, unless: otherwise determined by the Department’s IT Systems; or they are eligible to participate as a Volunteer and expressly opt to do so, in which case they will be serviced as if they were in Stream A for a maximum of six months.3 Exited, unless: otherwise determined by the Department’s IT Systems; or they are eligible to participate as a Volunteer and expressly opt to do so, in which case they will be serviced as if they were in Stream A for a maximum of six months.4 Employment Fund General Account transition credit 50, where the person is eligible and opts prior to 26 June 2015 to participate as a Volunteer Stream 1-4 Volunteer (Nonactivity Tested) Stream 1 Stream Services 0-6 months (Stream Participants subject to the SPI measure) Stream Services 0-6 months Stream Services 6-12 months Work Experience Phase – in activity Work Experience Phase – not in activity Compulsory Activity Phase Stream A – SPI Case Management Phase 50 Stream A – Self Service and Job Activity Phase Stream A Work for the Dole Phase 50 Stream A Case Management Phase 50 Stream A Work for the Dole Phase 50 Stream A Work for the Dole Phase 50 Stream Services 0-6 months with a low to moderate JSCI score (Stream Participants Stream A – SPI Case Management Phase 50 Stream 2 50, where the person is eligible and opts prior to 26 June 2015 to participate as a Volunteer 50 1 Table 2 does not apply to Stream Participants who are Pre-release Prisoners, Early School Leavers, or subject to a Structural Adjustment Package. As a general rule, Pre-release Prisoners will transition to Self Service and Job Activity Phase for Stream A participants or the Case Management Phase for Streams B and C and the Early School Leavers and Stream Participants who are subject to a Structural Adjustment Package will transition (at a minimum) to Stream B. The specific Stream and phase in that Stream that these Stream Participants will transition to, will be determined by the Department’s IT Systems. 2 Unless specifically stated, the phase in JSA refers to all Stream Participants in that phase, regardless of age. 3 Disability Support Pension claimants who are subject to a program of support may apply to participate in full Services under Stream A, Stream B or C after 1 July 2015 if they are not transitioned to these Streams. 4 As above D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 16 Stream Phase, time in service, activities and status in JSA2 subject to the SPI measure) Stream Services 0-6 months with moderate to high JSCI score (Stream Participants subject to the SPI measure) Stream Services 0-6 months with a low to moderate JSCI score Stream Services 0-6 months with a moderate to high JSCI score Stream Services 6-12 months with a low to moderate JSCI score Stream Services 6-12 months with a moderate to high JSCI score (except Stream Participants aged under 30) Stream Services 6-12 months with a moderate to high JSCI score (Stream Participants aged under 30) Work Experience Phase – in activity with a low to moderate JSCI score Work Experience Phase – in activity with a moderate to high JSCI score Work Experience Phase – not in activity with a low to moderate JSCI score Work Experience Phase – not in activity with a moderate to high JSCI score Compulsory Activity Phase with a low to moderate JSCI score Compulsory Activity Stream, phase and status in Employment Services 2015 – 2020 Employment Fund General Account transition credit Stream B – SPI Case Management Phase 300 Stream A – Self Service and Job Activity Phase 50 Stream B Case Management Phase 300 Stream A Work for the Dole Phase 50 Stream B Case Management Phase – 6 months of servicing after which time enter the Stream B Work for the Dole Phase 300 Stream B Work for the Dole Phase 150 Stream A Case Management Phase 50 Stream B Case Management Phase 300 Stream A Work for the Dole Phase 50 Stream B Work for the Dole Phase 150 Stream A Work for the Dole Phase 50 Stream B Work for the Dole Phase 150 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 17 Stream Phase, time in service, activities and status in JSA2 Stream, phase and status in Employment Services 2015 – 2020 Employment Fund General Account transition credit Stream B Case Management Phase 300 Stream B Case Management Phase – 6 months of servicing after which time enter the Stream B Work for the Dole Phase Stream B Case Management Phase 300 Stream B Work for the Dole Phase 150 Stream B Work for the Dole Phase 150 Stream C Case Management Phase 550 Stream C Case Management Phase – 6 months of servicing after which time enter the Stream C Work for the Dole Phase Stream C Case Management Phase 550 Stream C Work for the Dole Phase 275 Stream C Work for the Dole Phase 275 Phase with a moderate to high JSCI score Stream 3 Stream Services 0-6 months Stream Services 6-12 months Work Experience Phase – in activity Work Experience Phase – not in activity Compulsory Activity Phase Stream 4 Stream Services 0-6 months Stream Services 6-18 months Work Experience Phase – in activity Work Experience Phase – not in activity Compulsory Activity Phase 300 550 As shown in Table 2, job seekers who are in the Work Experience Phase and ‘in Activity’ will be transitioned to a Case Management Phase. The following definition will be used to identify a job seeker ‘in Activity’: These job seekers have a status of ‘Placement Confirmed’ in an Activity, as recorded in Activity Management in the Department’s IT Systems. The Department will monitor the number of job seekers ‘in Activity’ leading up to the Transition Period to determine the date or range of dates to be used for applying the definition. Further information on Activities, including Activity requirements, may be found in the section on Activities below. Job seekers eligible to be serviced as a Volunteer in Stream A for a single period of up to six months from 1 July 2015 will not be automatically transitioned to Employment Provider Services. Instead, Volunteer job seekers will be given the option to directly transfer into Employment Provider Services on 1 July 2015. This option will be conveyed to Volunteer job seekers through their second notification (to be sent in early June). If a Volunteer job seeker wishes to continue to receive assistance (for one period of up to six months) from 1 July 2015, they can search for their local Employment Provider through the Australian JobSearch website, which contains up-to-date contact details for all Employment Providers. They will then need to contact the National Customer D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 18 Service Line on 1300 854 414. A customer service representative will help them Register with their chosen Employment Provider. The final date for nominations via the National Customer Service Line is 26 June 2015. Alternatively, if job seekers wish to Volunteer for Services after this period, they can visit any Employment Provider to check their eligibility to directly register for Services. Volunteer job seekers can see which Employment Providers are in their area by searching for Employment Providers on Australian JobSearch. Transfer of specific cohorts This section gives additional information for further groups of job seekers to provide more context for Employment Providers. It is not intended to be a complete list of all groups currently participating in employment services under the Employment Services Deed 2012–2015. Please note that Employment Providers are required to accept and deliver Services to all job seekers allocated or transitioned to them. Further information about specific groups is available from Account Managers. Job seekers Exited at transition This section provides more information on the groups of job seekers who will be Exited from Stream Services at transition. (a) Stream 1 (Limited) job seekers Stream 1 (Limited) Services will not be available in Employment Provider Services. Most Stream 1 (Limited) job seekers will be Exited on the transition weekend, except those cohorts listed below. They will be advised of this in line with the transition communications strategy outlined below. JSA Providers may advise these job seekers to check their eligibility to access the new Stream A service for one period of up to six months starting on or after 1 July 2015. Stream A Services will assist job seekers to access self-help facilities, build their résumés and understand the local employment market and the skills and qualities that local employers need. Depending on individual circumstances, the following Stream 1 (Limited) job seekers will be transitioned to Employment Provider Services: job seekers identified with a Labour Adjustment Programme or Structural Adjustment Package special client indicator Disability Support Pension recipients with participation requirements Disability Support Pension recipients subject to the ‘Disability Support Pension Review’.5 (b) Volunteer (non-Activity Tested) job seekers Job seekers who are non-Activity Tested volunteers in Job Services Australia (for example, Participants without participation requirements who are Parenting Payment or Disability Support Pension recipients) will be Exited from employment services on the transition weekend. 5 Job seekers must undertake a Program of Support, which may include participation in employment services, for at least 18 months over a three-year period with the aim of improving their capacity to work. This requirement applies to new Disability Support Pension applicants and also current Disability Support Pension recipients, subject to review. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 19 Job seekers eligible to be serviced as a Volunteer in Stream A for a single period of up to six months from 1 July 2015 will not be automatically transitioned to Employment Provider Services. Instead, Volunteer job seekers will be given the option to directly transfer into Employment Provider Services on 1 July 2015. This option will be conveyed to Volunteer job seekers through their second notification (to be sent in early June). If a Volunteer job seeker wishes to continue to receive assistance (for one period of up to six months) from 1 July 2015, they can search for their local Employment Provider through the Australian JobSearch website, which contains up-to-date contact details for all Employment Providers. They will then need to contact the National Customer Service Line on 1300 854 414. A customer service representative will Stream A servicing will help them register with their chosen Employment Provider. The final assist job seekers to date for nominations via the National Customer Service Line is 26 June access self-help 2015. facilities, build their Alternatively, if job seekers wish to Volunteer for Services after this period, they can visit any Employment Provider to check their eligibility to directly register for Services. Volunteer job seekers can see which Employment Providers are in their area by searching for Employment Providers on Australian JobSearch. résumés and understand the local employment market and skills and qualities that local Employers. need. The following Volunteer job seekers will not be Exited on the transition weekend: Pre-release Prisoners Vulnerable Youth and Vulnerable Youth (Student) in Stream 4 Disability Support Pension recipients with participation requirements Disability Support Pension recipients subject to the ‘Disability Support Pension Review’ eligible Special Benefit recipients job seekers identified with a Labour Adjustment Programme or Structural Adjustment Package special client indicator. Instead, these job seekers will be transitioned to an appropriate jobactive Stream (see Table 2 above). Pre-release Prisoner job seekers Where possible, Pre-release Prisoner job seekers will remain with their Continuing Provider. However, if this is not possible, Account Managers, in conjunction with Employment Providers and corrective services, will oversee their allocation to an alternative Employment Provider. Employment Providers should immediately contact their Account Manager if a Pre-release Prisoner job seeker is allocated to their caseload without their prior agreement. Job seekers with a Level 3 incident report The Department will only manually allocate job seekers with Level 3 incident reports where the job seeker is attached to an exiting JSA Provider. The Department aims to avoid instances where a job seeker is allocated to an Employment Provider that has previously lodged an incident report on that job seeker. Where a job seeker with a Level 3 incident report has been allocated to an Employment Provider that had previously lodged a Level 3 incident report on that job seeker, the allocation of that job seeker will occur in conjunction with discussions with Account Managers and the Employment Provider. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 20 Note: There are three levels of incident reports for JSA Providers when recording an incident in the Department’s IT Systems. A Level 3 incident report is made to document an instance of challenging behaviour by a job seeker (such as threatening, aggressive or violent behaviour) that resulted in police attendance at the JSA Provider’s Site. Transfer due to relationship failure The Department will monitor the allocation of transition job seekers who have had a relationship failure with a JSA Provider to ensure that these job seekers are not inadvertently allocated back to that Employment Provider. If a receiving Employment Provider becomes aware of such an allocation, they should immediately contact their Account Manager. Job seekers with sensitive Records Job seekers with sensitive Records may be allocated to an Employment Provider. This information will appear on their indicative caseload. The job seeker’s Record will be flagged as ‘sensitive’ with their Contact details blocked out with asterisks. Each DHS office has a Deny Access Facility Manager who is able to view the contact details for sensitive job seekers. During the Transition Period, Employment Providers must contact the local DHS office to request that the Deny Access Facility manager contact the job seeker to facilitate communication between the job seeker and the Employment Provider. At the Initial Interview, Providers should establish contact arrangements, for example a mobile number, to enable ongoing contact with sensitive job seekers. Disability Support Pension recipients (a) Disability Support Pension with compulsory requirements Disability Support Pension recipients who have compulsory participation requirements are fully eligible for assistance in Employment Provider Services and will be transitioned in accordance with the transition arrangements. (b) Disability Support Pension subject to the ‘Disability Support Pension Review’ Job seekers who are subject to the ‘Disability Support Pension—Review of Disability Support Pension recipients under 35 years’ Budget measure will be transitioned to jobactive. Job seekers who were subject to the review and are not, or no longer, subject to compulsory requirements (for example, due to turning 35 years old) will be transitioned in accordance with transition arrangements. These job seekers will remain eligible for employment services until they have completed their Program of Support requirement, if required. (c) Disability Support Pension—Volunteers The remaining Disability Support Pension recipients are classed as Volunteers and will be Exited from employment services on the transition weekend. Job seekers eligible to be serviced as a Volunteer in Stream A for a single period of up to six months from 1 July 2015 will not be automatically transitioned to Employment Provider Services. Instead, Volunteer job seekers will be given the option to directly transfer into Employment Provider Services on 1 July 2015. This option will be conveyed to Volunteer job seekers through their second notification (to be sent in early June). If a Volunteer job seeker wishes to continue to receive assistance (for one period of up to six months) from 1 July 2015, they can search for their local Employment Provider through the Australian JobSearch website, which contains up-to-date contact details for all Employment Providers. They will then need to contact the National Customer Service Line on 1300 854 414. A customer service representative will help them register with their D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 21 chosen Employment Provider. The final date for nominations via the National Customer Service Line is 26 June 2015. Alternatively, if job seekers wish to Volunteer for Services after this period, they can visit any Employment Provider to check their eligibility to directly register for Services. Volunteer job seekers can see which Employment Providers are in their area by searching for Employment Providers on Australian JobSearch. Specific programme information Specific transition arrangements apply to the following programmes and Payments. Please note that this transition advice relates only to the transition arrangements for these programmes. Specific programme guidelines for each of these programmes are available on the Provider Portal. Tasmanian Jobs Programme, Restart Wage Subsidy and Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job programme Table 3 below details the transition arrangements for the Tasmanian Jobs Programme, Restart Wage Subsidy and the Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job programme. Table 3. Transition arrangements for Tasmanian Jobs Programme, Restart Wage Subsidy and Relocation Assistance to Take up a Job programme Exiting Provider (Provider leaving the market or area/Employment Region) Continuing Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed in the same area) Restart, Tasmanian Jobs Programme and Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Restart, Tasmanian Jobs Programme and Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Where the Participant transfers to a new Employment Provider: For Continuing Providers that are not forming part of a new legal entity, Agreements will be renewed in the Department’s IT Systems and automatically set to approved. No approval signature from the Employer/Participant will be required. Agreements will need to be renewed with the Employer/Participant when the Participant transitions to a new Employment Provider. The Department’s IT Systems will automatically end the existing Agreement on the date of transfer. A new Agreement will be automatically created for the new Employment Provider. The exiting JSA Provider should inform the Employer and Participant, before 1 July 2015, that a new Employment Provider will be supporting the relevant Placement and the new Employment Provider will be in contact to create a new Agreement to support the ongoing Placement. The new Employment Provider must contact the D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice For those Continuing Providers that are or are part of a new legal entity (e.g. a consortium of current JSA Providers or who become Subcontractors to an Employment Provider), a new Agreement must be entered into to reflect the new legal entity name. The Department’s IT Systems will automatically end the existing Agreement on the date of transfer. A new Agreement will be automatically created for the new Employment Provider. The new Agreement must be signed by the Effective Date: 1 April 2015 22 Exiting Provider (Provider leaving the market or area/Employment Region) Continuing Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed in the same area) Employer/Participant and enter into a new Agreement. The new Agreement must be signed by the Employer/Participant and the new Employment Provider. The new Employment Provider must approve the Agreement in the Department’s IT Systems within 28 days of 1 July 2015. Employer, Participant and the new legal entity. The new legal entity must approve the Agreement in the Department’s IT Systems within 28 days of 1 July 2015. Both the exiting and the new Provider must liaise with each other and continue to deliver Services to the Employer/Participant in accordance with the relevant Agreement. Restart and Tasmanian Jobs Programme Only— Exited Participants Where the Provider is leaving the Employment Region, the Agreement will be managed on a caseby-case basis as identified by the Department. Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Only The Exiting Provider who holds the Agreement may claim reimbursement payments paid to Participants before 1 July 2015 for up to 56 days after the Agreement end date. Servicing during the Transition Period Services required under the JSA Deed must continue to be provided during the Transition Period unless otherwise advised. JSA Providers that are exiting from employment services or closing a Site or Sites are expected to continue to deliver Services until 30 June 2015. Job seeker assessment and compliance This section provides information to JSA Providers about the treatment of job seeker Assessments, Employment Pathway Plans (EPPs) and compliance action. Employment Pathway Plans EPPs will be valid until such time as a new Job Plan has been negotiated with a job seeker. The EPP for all job seekers should contain Activities to enable a job seeker to meet their Mutual Obligation Requirements. As part of their regular scheduled Contact with job seekers, JSA Providers must continue to update EPPs with appropriate Activities that will enable a job seeker to meet their Mutual Obligation Requirements during the Transition Period and post 1 July 2015. In particular, as a minimum, it would be expected that most D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 23 job seekers would have continuing Job Search Requirements included in their EPP. Employment Providers will be able to view the terms of an existing EPP through the Department’ IT Systems. Employment Providers must ensure that job seekers enter into a Job Plan during the Initial Interview. Conducting the Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) In line with current arrangements, during the Transition Period, if a job seeker has a change in their circumstances or discloses new or additional information, the JSA Provider must conduct a Change of Circumstances Reassessment to ensure that the job seeker is appropriately classified (where applicable). Please refer to the Employment Services Assessments Guideline on the Provider Portal. Information on job seekers that have no Job Seeker Classification Instrument or an inactive JSCI is available in the section on Stream Movement and Conversion above. The Department will closely monitor JSCIs conducted during the Transition Period to ensure that providers are not inappropriately conducting JSCIs for the sole purpose of up-streaming job seekers. Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Referrals Current ESAt Referral arrangements will be maintained during the Transition Period and in Employment Provider Services. As per the information Stream Movement and Conversion above, transition job seeker has a pending ESAt referral, the Employment Provider must wait for the ESAt to be completed before commencing the job seeker in Services. DHS and job seeker compliance DHS is responsible for making job seeker compliance related decisions under Social Security Law. Where a Participation Report, including a No Show No Pay Participation Report, is outstanding at the transition weekend, Continuing Providers will not be able to view and print the job seeker’s Participation Report within the Department’s IT Systems until it has been finalised by DHS. New Employment Providers will see results of Participation Reports for job seekers on their caseload where these are finalised by DHS before the transition weekend. If DHS rejects a Participation Report that was submitted by a JSA Provider that no longer has the job seeker on their caseload, the gaining Employment Provider will not be able to resubmit the rejected Participation Report. Comprehensive Compliance Assessments Where a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment remains outstanding for a job seeker at the transition weekend, DHS will continue to investigate the assessment. Once DHS finalises the Comprehensive Compliance Assessment, the Employment Provider that has that job seeker on their caseload will be able to view the Comprehensive Compliance Assessment and will be required to action outcomes as appropriate. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 24 Non-Attendance Reports All outstanding Non-Attendance Reports (NARs) will be ended by the Department’s IT Systems on the transition weekend. The Department will place an IT block on the creation of Non-Attendance Reports from a DNAI (Did Not Attend Invalid) reason Appointment results on 29 and 30 June 2015. In the final weeks leading up to the transition weekend, Providers should consider the appropriateness of submitting NARs where job seekers do not attend an Appointment. This includes considering the likelihood and ability to make contact with the job seeker and also for a Reconnection Appointment to occur within two Business Days of contact occurring with the job seeker, all before the transition weekend. Activities During the Transition Period, Providers will need to meet several requirements for managing Activities and job seeker participation. These requirements vary depending on whether the Provider will be exiting or continuing as an Employment Provider. General responsibilities are outlined below. More specific details are set out in Table 4 below. In general, JSA Providers will primarily be responsible for: planning appropriately for the delivery and management of Work for the Dole (and other Activities) during transition collaborating with Work for the Dole Coordinators to ensure that sufficient places are available for the eligible caseload in each Employment Region managing job seeker participation and attendance in Work for the Dole and other Activities in accordance with the JSA Deed managing (including closing down where applicable) Work for the Dole and other Activities in accordance with the JSA Deed, applicable guidelines and this transition advice working closely with continuing and new Providers, Activity Host Organisations and Work for the Dole Coordinators to minimise disruption for job seekers and other stakeholders. Working with Work for the Dole Coordinators Importantly, Continuing and new Employment Providers must place Work for the Dole participants in Activities from 1 July 2015. Continuing and new Employment Providers must work with Work for the Dole Coordinators to ensure that the Work for the Dole Places they source are filled with job seekers. All Providers should collaborate with the Work for the Dole Coordinator in their Employment Region and determine whether any ongoing relationships with current Activity Host Organisations for sourcing Work for the Dole Places should be managed by the Work for the Dole Coordinator in their Employment Region. It is important that Employment Providers ensure they fully understand the Employment Provider Services obligations within the Employment Services Deed. In particular, for Continuing Providers, some Activity types that are currently available—for example, Green Corps—will no longer be available in Employment Provider Services. The Activity Management Guideline will provide information on the full list of Activities available for jobactive and will be available on the Provider Portal. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 25 Novation of Work for the Dole Activities For Activities that are continuing after 1 July 2015, Providers will need to ensure the Activity meets the requirements of the 2015 Work for the Dole Programme and that the Activity Host Organisation Agreement for the Activity is still valid after 30 June 2015. Where a current Activity will need to be taken on by a new Employment Provider after 1 July 2015, the exiting Provider and Employment Provider should work together with the Activity Host Organisation to novate the Activity Host Organisation Agreement to the Employment Provider. An updated Activity Host Organisation Agreement including novation clauses will be available on the Provider Portal shortly and Providers should start to use this template for all Activities going forward. A template Deed of Novation –Work for the Dole Activity Host Organisation Agreement will also be available on the Provider Portal shortly, to be used when novating Activities to a new Provider. Alternatively the new Provider may decide to negotiate a new Activity Host Organisation Agreement with the Activity Host Organisation to reflect any new arrangements. ESS Activity Management All job seeker placements in Activities in ESS Activity Management will be ended in ESS on the transition weekend of 27–28 June 2015. However, for Continuing Providers, these Activities can continue ‘on the ground’. From May 2015, new and Continuing Providers will have access to the new Activity Management in ESS Web. However, there will be limited functionality to: create Work for the Dole Activities that will commence from 1 July 2015 manage Work for the Dole Activities (for example, record information about Activity Host Organisation Agreements and risk assessments, details of Activities—duration, location, number of places) search for Work for the Dole Places using a range of search criteria, but these will be read only and Providers cannot claim Places until 1 July 2015 create and manage other Activities, including with Activity Host Organisations (for example, Voluntary Work or Unpaid Work Experience Placements). All Providers will need to record the Activity and job seeker placements in ESS Activity Management for Activities that will run until 30 June 2015. Activities that commence (or continue on the ground) from 1 July 2015 will need to be recorded in ESS Web. Work for the Dole 2014–2015 Activity Payment arrangements Up until 30 June 2015, funds for Work for the Dole 2014–2015 Activities can be drawn down from the Employment Pathway Fund (EPF). From 1 July 2015, Fees for Work for the Dole Activities must be drawn down from Work for the Dole Fees. From 1 July 2015, for Individual Hosted Activities Work for the Dole Fees can be claimed in ESS Web on Commencement of the first job seeker in the place. For Group Based Activities, Work for the Dole Fees can be claimed in ESS Web either as an advance of up to 80 per cent, or a maximum of $80 000 (whichever is lower), up to one month prior to the Activity start date. The remainder can be claimed by Reimbursement on completion of the Activity and submission of a satisfactory acquittal report. Alternatively the full Fee can be claimed by Reimbursement after the completion of the Activity and submission of a satisfactory acquittal report. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 26 It is the responsibility of the Provider that owns the Activity to ensure they liaise with the Host Organisation and ensure that any Fees are passed on before, and after, the Transition Period (noting the funding arrangements identified above). D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 27 Table 4. Provider guide to managing Activities during transition Table 4 details action to be taken by new, Continuing and exiting Providers. Exiting Provider (Provider leaving the market or area/Employment Region) Activity not continuing Activity continuing on the ground Discuss the impact of the Transition Period on an Activity that is not continuing with Activity Host Organisations (including Work Experience Host Organisations) as early as possible and encourage Activity Host Organisations to continue to run suitable Activities and develop relationships with Work for the Dole Coordinators in each Employment Region. If appropriate, link an Activity Host Organisation with a Work for the Dole Coordinator or Employment Provider in each Employment Region. Ensure that arrangements are made to end the Activity Host Organisation’s involvement with the Activities by 30 June 2015. This includes ending all Activity Host Organisation Agreements and subcontracting arrangements by 30 June 2015. Pay any outstanding suppliers and seek reimbursement through the Employment Pathway Fund where suitable. o JSA Providers will need to ensure that they enter any EPF commitments into ESS Activity Management by 30 June 2015. o JSA Providers will need to anticipate the total Activity costs—for example, if additional money is required above the amount they have received in advance, commitments will need to be entered into ESS Activity Management by 30 June 2015. Complete Acquittal Reports for Advance EPF payments within 40 Business Days of the Activity ending. Dispose of Assets in accordance with their assets disposal plan (as required under clause 60.28 of the JSA Deed). For Work for the Dole Activities, contact the Work for the Dole Coordinator and brief them on the Activity Host Organisation and Activities. Discuss the impact of the Transition Period on an Activity that is continuing on the ground with Activity Host Organisations (including Work Experience Host Organisations) as early as possible before the transition weekend and encourage Host Organisations to develop relationships and continue running suitable Activities with the Work for the Dole Coordinator and/or Employment Provider/s in each Employment Region. Link Activity Host Organisation with the Work for the Dole Coordinator or new Employment Provider and transfer responsibilities (this requires transferring the Activity Host Agreement to the new Provider). Novation clauses are included in the current Host Organisation Agreement Template available on the Provider Portal, along with a template Deed of Novation – Work for the Dole Activity Host Organisation Agreement, to facilitate any transfer to the new Provider. For Provider sourced Activities, exiting Providers should liaise with the Activity Host Organisation to identify a new Provider and help facilitate the transfer of the Activity. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 28 Exiting Provider (Provider leaving the market or area/Employment Region) Servicing Participants Continue to Service job seekers on their caseload until 30 June 2015, including monitoring their participation in Activities and conducting required checks. Inform job seekers that their Approved Program of Work Supplement (APWS) will be ended if they are not continuing in an approved program of work (for example, Work for the Dole) with their new Employment Provider. Note: the APWS is a supplementary fortnightly payment of $20.80 available to eligible job seekers to assist with the cost of participating in an approved program of work. Ensure that job seekers’ Activity placement details are up to date by 30 April 2015, including by recording Activity placement end dates. This information will inform new or Continuing Employment Providers’ caseloads for 1 July 2015. During the Transition Period, ensure that job seekers’ EPPs are updated with appropriate Mutual Obligation Requirements in accordance with the Employment Pathway Plan Guideline. Any requirements included in the EPP that extend beyond 1 July 2015 must not require ongoing management or oversight by an exiting Provider. Activities that may be suitable for inclusion in a job seeker’s EPP include: o job search Contacts o existing formal study/training arrangements o part-time work arrangements o self-employment o NEIS Training and/or employment (subject to eligibility—see Part D—NEIS transition) o the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) programme o participation in Vocational Training and Employment Centres (VTEC). Note: Activities requiring the direct supervision or financial support of the Provider (for example, Work for the Dole) may continue until 30 June 2015. Ongoing employment (for example, employment that involves a Wage Subsidy or Employer agreement) can continue beyond 30 June 2015. However, an exiting Provider must ensure that EPF Wage Subsidies (for reimbursement) are committed in ESS by 30 June 2015 and that all outstanding payments, including Wage Subsidies made or committed to Employers before 30 June 2015, are paid to Employers for the period of any Wage Agreements. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 29 Continuing Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed in the same area) Activity not continuing Activity continuing on the ground Before the transition weekend, finalise any Activities that are not continuing with the Activity Host Organisations (including Work Experience Host Organisations). Update all Host Organisation Agreements and subcontracting arrangements before 30 June 2015. Pay any suppliers, including by seeking reimbursement through the EPF where suitable. o Providers will need to ensure that they also enter any EPF commitments into ESS Activity Management by 30 June 2015. o Providers will need to anticipate the total Activity costs—for example, if additional money is required above the amount that they have received in advance, commitments will need to be entered into ESS Activity Management by 30 June 2015. Complete Acquittal Reports within 40 Business Days of the Activity ending. Dispose of any assets in accordance with their assets disposal plan (as required under clause 60.28 of the JSA Deed). Where an Employment Provider is continuing to deliver Services in the same Employment Region, they should continue to deliver Activities during the Transition Period and into the new contract period under the Employment Services Deed. This includes Work for the Dole Activities as well as other Activities such as training, Voluntary Work, unpaid work experience and part-time work. If an Employment Provider is continuing an Activity, they should undertake the following: o Liaise with the Activity Host Organisation to inform them of the impact of the Transition Period on an Activity that is continuing on the ground and that there may be some disruption to Activities and the flow of Participants Note: Providers should also have a contingency plan to ensure they meet Activity Host Organisations’ needs. o Discuss arrangements for continuing Activities with the Activity Host Organisation. o Green Corps is not continuing as an Activity under the Employment Services Deed; therefore, Providers should look at turning these Activities into Work for the Dole Activities if suitable. If an Employment Provider is continuing an Activity, they must undertake the following: o Ensure that the Activity meets all the requirements of the Employment Services Deed, including supervision (clause 111), work health and safety (clause 110), insurance (clause 42) and incident management processes (clause 110.6–110.7). o Review Activity Host Organisation Agreements and update them as necessary to meet requirements of the Employment Services Deed and be ready to commence the Activity from 1 July 2015. For Activities that will be continuing over the Transition Period and into the Employment Services Deed, the relevant Activity Host Organisation Agreements must be reviewed (and updated if necessary) no later than 1 July 2015. o Keep accurate Records of any requirements (for example, risk assessments) that need to be updated in ESS Web after 1 July 2015. o Update their assets disposal plan as appropriate (as required under clause 60.28 of the JSA Deed and clause 124.21 of the Employment Services Deed). o Ensure that all IT components for the creation and management of the Activity are completed in ESS Activity Management and ESS Web. Activities that will be continuing over the Transition Period and into the Employment Services Deed must be entered D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 30 Continuing Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed in the same area) Servicing Participants into the ESS Activity Management up to 30 June 2015 and recreated in ESS Web to commence from 1 July 2015. Note: job seeker placements in Activities will be ended in ESS Activity Management on 26 June 2015. o Ensure that any Work for the Dole costs incurred before 1 July 2015 are paid for through the EPF in line with Work for the Dole 2014–2015 Guidelines for Activities in the 18 Selected Areas. o Ensure that any Work for the Dole costs incurred after 1 July 2015 are claimed through jobactive Work for the Dole Fees in line with the Employment Services Deed and Work for the Dole Guideline (2015–2020). o Ensure that costs incurred under JSA (for example, other Work Experience Activities) are paid for through the EPF (in line with appropriate guidelines) where suitable. o Ensure that any EPF commitments are entered into ESS Activity Management by 30 June 2015. o Ensure that the appropriate Acquittal Reports for Advance EPF Payments are completed within 40 Business Days from 30 June 2015. Continue to Service job seekers on their caseload until 30 June 2015, including monitoring their participation in Activities, conducting required Contacts and advising the job seeker about the new Mutual Obligation Requirements. Arrange Initial Interviews with job seekers in order of priority. Arrange to Commence job seekers in Activities as soon as possible. Note: Job seeker placements will be ended in ESS on 26 June 2015. If a job seeker is continuing in an Activity, the Provider must re-Commence the job seeker in the Activity in ESS Web as soon as possible from 1 July 2015. Inform job seekers that their APWS will be ended if they are not continuing in an approved program of work (that is, Work for the Dole). Eligible job seekers must be re-Commenced in an approved program of work in ESS Web by 10 July in order to continuously receive the supplement. Ensure that job seekers’ Activity placement details are up to date by 30 April 2015, including by recording Activity placement end dates. This information will inform new or Continuing Employment Providers’ caseloads for 1 July 2015. Ensure that job seekers’ EPPs are updated with appropriate Mutual Obligation Requirements during the Transition Period. Activities that may be suitable for inclusion in a job seeker’s EPP include: o job search Contacts o existing formal study/training arrangements o part-time work arrangements o self-employment o NEIS Training and/or employment (subject to eligibility—see Part D—NEIS transition); o the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) programme o participation in Vocational Training and Employment Centres (VTEC) o Work for the Dole. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 31 Continuing Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed in the same area) Note: On-the-ground Activities that require the direct supervision or financial support of the Provider (for example, Work for the Dole) may continue past 30 June 2015 as long as prior arrangements have been put in place consistent with the advice provided above under ‘Activity continuing on the ground’. In cases where a job seeker who is new to an Employment Provider’s caseload wishes to continue participating in their previous Activity, the new Employment Provider can liaise with the relevant relinquishing Provider to identify the relevant Activity Host Organisation and facilitate the continuation of the Activity, if it would be of benefit to the job seeker (and is in accordance with the requirements of Employment Provider Services under the Employment Services Deed). Note: Where a job seeker is Suspended because they are undertaking an Approved Short Course, the job seeker’s Suspension will be cancelled by ending their Activity in ESS Activity Management. Job seekers will be permitted to complete any existing Activities that they Commenced before 1 July 2015 (including Approved Short Courses). In this instance, the Provider will need to re-Commence the job seeker after 30 June 2015 in the Activity in ESS Web to facilitate the Suspension of the job seeker. New Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed) Activity continuing on the ground Servicing Participants If a new Employment Provider is continuing an Activity from an exiting or Continuing Provider, they must undertake the following: o Ensure that the Activity meets all the requirements of the Employment Services Deed, including supervision (clause 111), work health and safety (clause 110), insurance (clause 42) and incident management processes (clause 110.6–110.7) o Discuss arrangements for continuing Activities with the Activity Host Organisation. Review Activity Host Organisation Agreements and update them as necessary to meet requirements of Employment Services Deed and be ready to Commence from 1 July 2015. o Ensure that all IT components for the creation and management of the Activity are entered into ESS Web. o Ensure that any Work for the Dole costs incurred after 1 July 2015 are claimed through jobactive Work for the Dole Fees in line with the Employment Services Deed and Work for the Dole Guideline (2015–2020). Note: Any Work for the Dole costs that were incurred before 1 July 2015 are the responsibility of the exiting or Continuing Provider that owned the Activity before transferring the Activity to the new Provider. These costs must be paid for through the EPF in line with Work for the Dole 2014–2015 Programme Guidelines in the 18 Selected Areas. Arrange Initial Interviews with job seekers in order of priority and advise jobs seekers about their new Mutual Obligation Requirements. Arrange to Commence job seekers in Activities as soon as possible on or after 1 July 2015. Inform job seekers that their APWS will be ended if they are not continuing in an approved program of work (that is, Work for the Dole). Eligible job seekers must be re-Commenced in an approved program of work in ESS Web by 10 July in order to continuously D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 32 New Provider (Provider to provide Services under the Employment Services Deed) receive the supplement. In cases where a job seeker who is new to an Employment Provider’s caseload wishes to continue to participate in their previous Activity, the new Employment Provider should liaise with the relevant exiting Provider and relevant Activity Host Organisation to facilitate the continuation of the Activity if it would be of benefit to the job seeker (and is in accordance with the requirements of Employment Provider Services under the Employment Services Deed). Note: Where a job seeker is Suspended because they are undertaking an Approved Short Course, ending their Activity in ESS Activity Management will cancel the job seeker's Suspension. Job seekers will be permitted to complete any existing Activities that they Commenced before 1 July 2015 (including Approved Short Courses). In this instance, the Provider will need to re-Commence the job seeker in the Activity in ESS Web to facilitate the Suspension of the job seekers. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 33 Job seeker Referrals Ceasing Referrals during the Transition Period Where possible, the Department will cease Referrals to exiting JSA Providers two weeks after the announcement of the outcomes of the tender process. Account Managers will inform JSA Providers of the exact date that the cessation of Referrals will occur. Exiting JSA Providers To cease Referrals, the Department will suspend relevant JSA Provider Sites in the Department’s IT Systems. Once this occurs: DHS can no longer refer job seekers to the exiting JSA Provider job seekers cannot be directly registered with a JSA Provider job seeker transfers to these Sites will be blocked and following Exit from a Referral, job seekers cannot be reinstated on re-Referral. Where ceasing of Referrals would affect all or most of the businesses in an Employment Region, Referrals to closing Sites may continue to avoid over-Referral to Continuing Providers. In such situations the Department may, at its absolute discretion and on a case-by-case basis, continue Referrals to one or more JSA Providers in the Employment Service Area. In this situation, the Department will inform Exiting JSA Providers in the relevant Employment Service Area of an alternative date for ceasing Referrals to their Sites. During the Transition Period, exiting JSA Providers and those who will not have a Site in the Employment Region in the Employment Services 2015–2020 Deed, must assist job seekers who approach them (for Direct Registration) by identifying a suitable Continuing Provider where available. Continuing Providers In some instances, the Department may need to increase the number of Referrals to Continuing Providers during the Transition Period. This may be necessary to ensure minimum disruption to job seekers and to minimise the number of times a job seeker is transferred between JSA Providers. JSA Providers must ensure that they appropriately Service these job seekers during the Transition Period in accordance with their obligations under the Employment Services Deed 2012–2015, appropriate guidelines and this transition advice. To enable DHS to maintain the Referral of job seekers, Continuing Providers are required to have sufficient timeslots available in the Electronic Diary for the timely engagement of job seekers. If there are insufficient timeslots available in the Electronic Diary and DHS is unable to refer job seekers, DHS will contact the Provider directly requesting that they make timeslots available. Continuing Providers must also ensure that they have sufficient timeslots in their Electronic Diary from 1 July 2015 in order to accept new Referrals. This is in addition to any Appointments booked for existing job seekers in the pre-Diary. Transition communications This section details the Department’s communication strategy with job seekers and Providers. It also covers the information that both JSA Providers and Employment Providers should give to job seekers and Employers to ensure they understand the transition arrangements. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 34 Job seeker communication The Department will issue two notifications to job seekers during the Transition Period. The first notification will be sent in April 2015 to all job seekers on the Job Services Australia caseload, excluding those who are Exited. This notification will advise job seekers of the changes to employment services from 1 July 2015. This notification will include information about jobactive, key dates, ongoing obligations and where to find more information (through the transition webpage on the Australian JobSearch website and the National Customer Service Line). A separate version of this notification will be sent to Volunteer job seekers to inform them that their eligibility will change on 1 July 2015 and that there will be further information delivered to them in June 2015 detailing how they may choose to register for Volunteer services immediately from 1 July 2015 onwards. The second notification will be sent to job seekers in late May and early June 2015. The information they receive will depend on their circumstances: fully eligible job seekers who will transition to Employment Provider Services will be notified of the Employment Provider who will be helping them from 1 July 2015 and Volunteer job seekers who will be Exited will be informed that they may be eligible to receive Volunteer Services for one period of up to six months in Stream A starting or after 1 July 2015. This notification will advise Volunteer job seekers of their option to be registered with an Employment Provider from 1 July 2015 by phoning the National Customer Service Line between 1 June and 26 June 2015, should they wish to commence their one-off period of Volunteer services straight away. The letter also explains how Volunteer job seekers can register with an Employment Provider after 1 July 2015, should the job seeker wish to Volunteer for Services at another point in time. Eligible job seekers will be notified of their option to choose a different Employment Provider in the second notification. Eligible job seekers will have the option to choose a different Employment Provider from 25 May to 5 June 2015. The Department will use letters, SMS and push notifications 6 to send information to job seekers: advice 1a to be sent to all job seekers, excluding Volunteers, will be sent via letter, SMS or push notification depending on the job seeker’s preferred method of contact as recorded in ESS advice 1b will be sent to all Volunteer job seekers via letter mail-out only advice 2 letters to be sent from 25 May 2015 will be sent by letter mail-out all job seekers will be able to access an electronic version of the second notification on their JobSearch account. Job seekers will be required to sign in to the JobSearch website through myGov to view their letter.7 Job seeker letters to be issued during the Transition Period are at Appendix A. Communication about the Approved Program of Work Supplement Advice 2 letters inform job seekers that if they receive a supplement payment of $20.80 a fortnight for an Activity they are currently undertaking, this will stop when the Employment Provider Services commence. It also explains that they may be able to get the supplement payment again after 1 July 2015 6 A push notification informs users of new information as they arrive. If job seekers have the Job Seeker JobSearch App installed, and have allowed the use of push notifications, they will receive a notification via these means. 7 myGov is a fast, simple way to access Australian Government online services. A secure myGov account links a range of Government services all in one place and with one username and password. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 35 if their provider thinks it is appropriate for them to continue their Activity or undertake a new Activity which attracts the payment. DHS will send a letter to affected job seekers advising when their supplement payment has ended. DHS will send another notification when their supplement payment has been reinstated, if applicable. Impacted job seekers must be re-Commenced in an approved program of work by 10 July in order to receive their supplement uninterrupted. Note: these job seekers form part of the priority 1 group on the engagement priority list. Provider communication to job seekers Providers are responsible for managing communication with job seekers to ensure that they understand who their Employment Provider will be from 1 July 2015 and what their obligations are. This is particularly important for new Referrals that Commence in JSA after the Department has issued the second notification to job seekers. Providers should explain the following when informing job seekers about the Providers must work Transition arrangements: with job seekers during what support and assistance will continue for the job seeker and their the Transition Period to Employer (where applicable) provide information what the job seeker needs to do to continue meeting their Mutual about the new services and ensure that job Obligation Requirements seekers understand the what will happen to the job seeker’s supplement payment (where transition applicable) arrangements. that Volunteer job seekers (including those requesting to Exit before 30 June 2015) may choose to check their eligibility to access the new Stream A service for one period of up to six months starting on or after 1 July 2015 and where the job seeker can find more information about the transition arrangements, including on the transition webpage on the Australian JobSearch website, through the National Customer Service Line and through the Job Seeker JobSearch mobile app. JSA Providers that will not continue to deliver employment services from 1 July 2015 are obligated to help any Volunteer job seeker who wishes to register in employment services during the Transition Period to find a suitable new or continuing Provider. New and continuing Providers must also ensure that they provide job seekers with sufficient contact information (including contact numbers and street addresses for their Sites) when making contact with job seekers. Job seeker compliance fact sheet – changes to penalties from 1 July 2015 Stage 3 of the Strengthening the Job Seeker Compliance Framework Measure will commence on 1 July 2015. This changes the consequences of non-attendance at Employment Provider appointments. Providers will be asked to discuss the changes with their job seekers in the months leading up to the commencement of the changes, and issue a fact sheet with information on what the changes mean for job seekers. The fact sheet will be available in early April on the Provider Portal for Employment Providers to issue to job seekers. Provider communication to Employers All continuing and new Employment Providers and exiting JSA Providers must ensure that Employers are kept informed of transition arrangements. Providers should explain the following when informing Employers about the transition arrangements: D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 36 changes in the delivery of employment services to the job seeker and the new Employment Provider’s contact details if applicable what support and assistance will continue to maintain the job seeker’s employment, including the ongoing management of Wage Subsidy Agreements and where to get more information about the transition arrangements, including by promoting transition information that is published on the Department’s website. Providers should gain job seeker consent before discussing individual circumstances with Employers. Payments JSA Providers must ensure that suppliers and employers are appropriately reimbursed for outstanding invoices or payments. Employment Pathway Fund The EPF will close on 30 June 2015 all JSA Providers must not create new EPF commitments into ESS after this date under any circumstance. All JSA Providers’ EPF Notional Bank Balances will be set to $0.00 after this time. The Department will honour all commitments made by JSA Providers that cannot be finalised by 30 June 2015 as long as these commitments have been made in accordance with the Employment Pathway Fund Guideline and the JSA Deed, have been recorded in the Department’s IT Systems by 30 June 2015 and are for: goods or services provided before 1 July 2015 or goods or services that are required to support the job seeker in a job, training or educational Activity (including Wage Subsides and post placement support) that continues beyond 30 June 2015. The Department is not liable for any purchases/services that are not entered as a commitment in ESS by the aforementioned dates. JSA Providers that are partially exiting an Employment Service Area before 30 June 2015 must not transfer EPF credits from a closing Site to any other Site (except in Exceptional Circumstances and only with Account Manager approval). Where a commitment has been entered into the Department’s IT Systems in anticipation of a purchase or provision of Service and the JSA Provider learns that the purchase will not occur, the JSA Provider must delete that commitment. Outstanding Employment Pathway Fund commitments and reimbursements The Department will closely monitor all EPF transactions and may prevent JSA Providers from entering into new or specific EPF commitments during the Transition Period. Claims for reimbursement by the JSA Provider must be completed within 60 days of the purchase being made, in accordance with the JSA Deed (clause 61), and no later than 30 August 2015 (with the exception wage subsidies, agreed post-placement support, goods or services that are required to support the job seeker in a job, training or educational Activity that continues beyond 30 June 2015). Likewise, where the supplier or Employer has not issued an invoice, the JSA Provider must follow up with the supplier/Employer to obtain an invoice either within 60 days of purchasing the goods or the services being provided or by 30 August 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 37 JSA Providers must acquit (or quick acquit if appropriate) all outstanding EPF batch purchases within three months from the date JSA Providers claim reimbursement in the Department’s IT Systems but no later than 30 September 2015. Where a JSA Provider is not able to acquit a batch purchase reimbursement (refer to Documentary Evidence requirements in the Documentary Evidence for Claims for Payment Guideline), the Department may undertake recovery action. Labour Adjustment Programme and Structural Adjustment Package credits Labour Adjustment Programme (LAP) and Structural Adjustment Package (SAP) EPF credits will be carried over to the SAP pool of the Employment Fund on transition. Note: all EPF commitment and Reimbursement transition requirements apply to purchases using LAP or SAP credits. Where a current site has available SAP/LAP credits and transitioning SAP/LAP job seekers, the SAP/LAP credits will be distributed evenly among the transitioning job seekers to their new Site’s separate SAP pool in the Employment Fund. The amount that each transitioning job seeker can carry over is capped at the amount of each transitioning job seeker’s original SAP/LAP allocation. The Department’s IT Systems will automatically allocate SAP/LAP funds to the SAP pool of the Employment Fund on transition. Where a current site has available SAP/LAP credits but no transitioning SAP/ LAP job seekers on their caseload, the SAP/LAP credits will be zeroed. As per the section on Stream Movement and Conversion above, job seekers subject to a SAP or LAP will transition at a minimum to Stream B. Service Fees Service Fees will be paid to all JSA Providers during the Transition Period in accordance with the JSA Deed and Notice No. 18 of 23 December 2014. The Department will pay Service Fees for the last 13 Week Service Fee Period on a pro-rata basis, calculated based on the period of time from the Commencement of the last 13 Week Service Fee Period to the date the job seeker is transferred to their Employment Provider. Job Seeker Outcome and Job Seeker Placement Fees Claims for Job Seeker Outcome and Job Seeker Placement Fees under the JSA Deed for the delivery of JSA Services that occur up to and including 30 June 2015 will be honoured in line with the JSA Deed and relevant guidelines. JSA Providers must finalise all outstanding claims for payment in accordance with the JSA Deed and relevant guidelines. Between 29 and 30 June 2015, there will be limited access to the Department’s IT Systems. On these dates JSA Providers will be able to create Vacancies refer and place job seekers into a Vacancy refer and place job seekers into an Education or Training Activity claim outcomes and other claims If a job seeker is placed in a Vacancy on these dates the placement will be able to be used as an anchor for an outcome payment. The Provider however will not be able to claim a Job Seeker Placement Fee D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 38 through the normal system processes for these placements. JSA Providers will need to submit a General Claim after 30 June 2015 in the Department’s IT Systems to claim Job Seeker Placement Fees for those job seekers who were placed between 29 and 30 June 2015. On 1 July 2015 and providers will have the ability to: create Vacancies (Providers should only do so for the purpose of referring and placing a job seeker in a job prior to 1 July 2015) refer and place job seekers into a Vacancy, pre-30 June 2015 refer and place job seekers into an Education or Training Activity placement, pre-30 June 2015 claim eligible job placement and 13 and 26 week Outcome Fees. lodge claims for payment in the Department’s IT Systems until 30 June 2016. All JSA business will need to be finalised in ESS. All jobactive business will need to be completed in ESS Web. Note: only the JSA Provider that was servicing the job seeker prior to 1 July 2015, is eligible to claim the Job Placement and 13 and 26 week Outcome Fees where the job placement date was prior to 1 July 2015. EPF Wage Subsidies Regardless of whether a JSA Provider is exiting before 30 June 2015 or not, JSA Providers must ensure that all outstanding payments, including Wage Subsidies payable to Employers after 30 June 2015, are made to Employers for the period of any Wage Subsidy Agreements. Commitments for all EPF Wage Agreements must be recorded in the Department’s IT Systems by 30 June 2015 (or exit date if earlier). EPF Wage Subsidies must be committed in the Department’s IT Systems by 30 June 2015 (or exit date if earlier) if reimbursement is to be sought. If the JSA Provider does not commit EPF expenditure for the agreed EPF Wage Subsidy by this time, the Department will not be liable for any further payments that the JSA Provider may owe to the Employer. Reimbursements for recorded Wage Subsidy commitments must be sought within 210 days of the commitment being created—the latest date is 27 January 2016. JSA Providers must ensure that their Employers have been provided with the JSA Provider’s ongoing contact details (including a postal address) for after 30 June 2015. End-of-contract meetings—Exiting Providers For JSA Providers who will not be continuing to deliver Services from 1 July 2015, including those who did not tender, a series of end-of-contract meetings will be conducted. Where current JSA Providers are not continuing in a particular location or Employment Service Area, although they have been selected as Employment Providers elsewhere, end-of-contract meetings may also be held. These meetings will be arranged by Account Managers in consultation with each JSA Provider and commence as soon as possible after the announcement of the tender outcomes—most likely in early April 2015. These meetings will focus on setting out the Department’s expectations about fulfilling the requirements of the JSA Deed through to the Completion Date and working with JSA Providers on issues they may be facing (including the development of an acceptable exit strategy). This may include discussion of the potential loss of staff, closure of Sites, management of job seekers on Activities, Records management and EPF reconciliation. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 39 Requests for early JSA Provider exit Exiting JSA Provider obligations to job seekers Exiting JSA Providers must continue to Service and support job seekers until 30 June 2015. Exiting JSA Providers must ensure that job seekers are aware that they will no longer receive support from them after 30 June 2015. The exception is where the JSA Provider has agreed to provide post-placement support or goods/services that are required to support the job seeker in a job, training or educational Activity that continues beyond 30 June 2015. If this is the case, the JSA Provider must continue to provide appropriate support. Requests to relinquish business The Department will consider requests on a case-by-case basis from JSA Providers who wish to relinquish business before 30 June 2015. The decision on whether to accept a JSA Provider’s request will be based on the following factors: minimal disruption to job seekers amount of business being relinquished proximity to the transition weekend availability of a suitable alternative Employment Provider to accept the business and other relevant factors. Additional information on ceasing employment services early is available from Account Managers. Site closures In accordance with the JSA Deed, JSA Providers are required to fulfil service delivery requirements until the end of the contract. Site closures, including requests and Site closure visits, will be managed through Account Managers. JSA Providers interested in closing specific JSA Sites before 30 June 2015 will need to seek the agreement of their Account Manager in writing (prior agreement is not required where sites are closing on 30 June 2015). This is regardless of whether the JSA Provider is Exiting or will continue to deliver employment services. The Department may conduct, at its discretion, a closing site visit before any Site closure. Where applicable, JSA Providers will be sent a Site Closure Checklist along with a Site Closure Declaration in preparation for the closure. The Department will send a Visit Outcome Letter to the Exiting Provider within 28 days of the visit where applicable. The Visit Outcome Letter will advise of any action items arising from the visit, particularly those relating to compliance and payment integrity monitoring, performance and quality service. Archiving or destruction of Records should be carried out in line with the Records Management Instructions. On completion of the Site Closure Checklist, the Site Closure Declaration is to be signed by the JSA Provider and forwarded to their Account Manager. Preparing for Commencement D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 40 Employment Providers must be prepared to commence Services, including having all Sites open, on 1 July 2015. Initial Provider meeting To support ongoing operations and a smooth transition to new Services, Account Managers will arrange a series of meetings with new and Continuing Providers. Initial Provider meetings will be held with all Employment Providers. The purpose of these meetings is to establish a good base for relationships under the Employment Services Deed. The Department will clearly communicate its priorities, standards and expectations for performance and conduct and the importance of delivering the commitments made in their tender response and their Service Delivery Plan(s). These meetings will also offer Providers the opportunity to clarify, where relevant, their Service Delivery Plan, including their approach to demonstrating their performance against their Service Delivery Plan; update the Department on their preparation for the new Services, including Site set up, recruitment and training; and discuss and clarify any specific areas of the Employment Services Deed. Providers will have the opportunity to upload and publish information on Connections for Quality from 18 April to 30 June 2015. This will also be displayed concurrently with the existing Connections for Quality information. As this is a mandatory requirement, information must be entered by 1 July 2015. These meetings will be held once with each Provider rather than once at each Site. Account Managers will contact Providers directly to arrange a suitable date and time. Priority will be given to Work for the Dole Coordinators. Meetings will commence in April 2015 and will be completed no later than 30 June 2015. Servicing job seekers Transition status of job seekers All job seekers who are currently Commenced or pending in JSA will revert to pending when transitioned. Providers will be required to make contact with all pending job seekers to book an Initial Interview. Income support supplements and allowances such as Mobility Allowance will cease when job seekers move from Commenced to pending status on transition. Some job seekers may be Suspended from employment services due to a DHS coded Exemption. These job seekers will remain Suspended when they are transitioned to Employment Provider Services. Employment Providers will need to commence servicing Suspended job seekers once their Suspension has been lifted. Providers should note that there is an engagement priority to guide the order of Commencement for job seekers. Note: Where a Provider has manually Suspended a job seeker before 1 July 2015, these Suspensions will need to be re-entered after 1 July 2015 if appropriate. Job seekers who have a Tasmanian Jobs Programme Agreement, Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Agreement or a Restart Agreement but are currently in Stream 1 Limited will be transitioned to Employment Provider Services at an Exited status to allow the Provider to re-sign the Agreement and continue any payments as appropriate. Job seekers who are currently Exited and also hold any of the Agreements listed above will also be transitioned to Employment Provider Services with an Exited status to allow the Provider to re-sign the Agreement and continue any payments as appropriate after 1 July 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 41 Commencement of job seekers Employment Providers are required to Commence transition job seekers within six weeks of 1 July 2015. To Commence a job seeker in accordance with the Employment Services Deed, an Employment Provider must have recorded the completion of an Initial Interview with a job seeker. This includes entering into a Job Plan. The Department will be monitoring the time taken for Employment Providers to Commence job seekers. Account Managers will liaise with Employment Providers throughout the post-Transition Period to ensure that job seekers are Commenced in a timely manner. Where Employment Providers fail to Commence job seekers within six weeks, the Department may impose sanctions in accordance with clause 76.2 of the Employment Services Deed. Engagement priority Each transition job seeker will be assigned an engagement priority, which will be included on the indicative caseload report available to Employment Providers from 8 June 2015 (see Table 5, engagement priority, below). Engagement priorities have been adopted so that job seekers with the most immediate support needs can be Commenced first, typically to enable continued participation or a financial or other support arrangement. Employment Providers should engage with job seekers in order of priority (1 being the highest). Note: where a job seeker falls into more than one priority category, then the category of higher precedence applies. Table 5. Engagement priority Priority Group of job seekers Young job seekers transitioning into the Work for the Dole Phase with a requirement to Commence in a Work for the Dole Place Job seekers participating in the Work for the Dole 2014–2015 pilot Activities Job seekers undertaking, or expected to start, a Compliance Activity 1 (Highest) Job seekers in receipt of Approved Program of Work Supplement Job seekers in receipt of Mobility Allowance Job seekers subject to the Stronger Participation Incentives for Job Seekers under 30 measure Job seekers in employment, including those receiving Wage Subsidies (e.g. Restart) 2 Older job seekers transitioning into the Work for the Dole Phase with a requirement to Commence in a Work for the Dole place Job seekers commencing in Stream C, including Vulnerable Youth D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 42 Priority Group of job seekers Job seekers who do not have an approved Employment Pathway Plan Remaining Indigenous job seekers who are not included in higher priority groups 3 New Referrals during Transition Period who have not been Commenced before Transition 4 (Lowest) All other job seekers Payments Administration Fees The initial six-monthly Administration Fee will be triggered automatically when a job seeker Commences in Employment Provider Services from 1 July 2015. To assist with the delivery of services from 1 July 2015 Employment Providers will be able to opt-in to receive an advance payment of initial Administration Fees. The advance payment will be based Providers’ Transition Caseload, and will be made to Providers soon after 1 July 2015 if the Provider has opted in to receive the advance. To opt in Providers will need to: fill out the Advance Payment of Administration Fees form which is included in the Deed pack issued to Providers return completed form to Account Managers by Wednesday 20 May 2015 Where Employment Providers have opted to receive this advance payment, a General Claim will be created and approved in the Department’s IT Systems. Note: it may take up to two weeks for the advance to transfer into Employment Providers’ nominated accounts. The advance will be automatically acquitted against individual Administration Fee payments that are triggered as job seekers are Commenced in Service. The advance will be acquitted against both Administration Fees for Transition job seekers and new referrals from 1 July 2015. Providers that do not choose to opt-in will have their first Administration Fee triggered as job seekers commence in Services from 1 July 2015. Dashboards and reports The Department will provide a range of tools in time to assist Employment Providers to view and monitor their caseload and prepare for and monitor the commencement of Employment Provider Services. Note: the tools and products provided in the lead up to transition, particularly the Site summary dashboard and indicative caseload, does not guarantee the makeup of the Employment Provider’s caseload as at 1 July 2015. The caseload is dynamic and will change as job seekers’ circumstances change, particularly if job seekers choose an alternative Employment Provider or as a result of decisions made by the Department. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 43 Site Summary Dashboard The Department will give each Employment Provider a snapshot of their expected caseload from 11 May 2015. Below is an example of the Site Summary Dashboard. The dashboard will include the anticipated caseload broken down by Stream and phase at the Site level. It will not include details of individual job seekers. Employment Providers can use this dashboard to plan Site capacity (including staffing numbers) and to anticipate the number of Work for the Dole Places required for July 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 44 Figure 1. Site Summary Dashboard Indicative caseload From 8 June 2015, Employment Providers will be given an indicative caseload, which will list the job seekers who are expected to be on the Provider’s caseload as at 1 July 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 45 The indicative caseload will include details at the Site and contract level and will include individual job seeker name, contact detail, Stream, phase, placement status, whether an Employer agreement is in place (for example, under the Restart Wage Subsidy) and the engagement priority. An example screen shot of the indicative caseload is in Figure 2 below. Employment Providers should use the indicative caseload to assist with booking job seekers into the pre-Diary. The indicative caseload will not be available during the limited IT Systems availability period on 29 and 30 June 2015. A snapshot of the indicative caseload will be taken at close of business on Friday 26 June 2015. This snapshot will be made available as a report to Employment Providers for use during this period by logging onto the Employment Community Service Network (ECSN) site on the Employment Services Reporting Portal and selecting the Employment Services Reporting (ESR) link. Providers can subscribe to this report on the Employment Services Reporting Portal via the ‘Subscriptions’ section. Figure 2. Indicative Caseload Post-Transition Widgets The Post-Transition Widgets will be available to Employment Providers via the ESS Web Dashboard from 1 July 2015. These widgets will assist Employment Providers with monitoring the Commencement of Transition job seekers. These widgets will only include transition job seekers that a Provider is able to commence i.e. will exclude those job seekers that are suspended or who have exited/transferred before commencing. The widgets will be at the Site level and will include information on job seeker status at different times, breakdown of Streams, Phases and priority, total Commencements as a percentage of the transition cohort, initial Appointments completed, Activity Referrals created and Job Plans approved. Pre-Diary Employment Providers will be able to book job seekers into Appointments starting from 1 July 2015, before the beginning of the Employment Services Deed. From 8 June 2015, the pre-Diary will be released to Employment Providers. Pre-Diary functionality will end at close of business on 26 June 2015. Employment Providers will be able to use the Electronic Diary from 29 June 2015 onwards. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 46 Employment Providers should follow the directions given in the engagement priority section when booking in job seekers to ensure that those with the highest priority for engagement are booked first. The indicative caseload will show the assigned engagement priority for each job seeker. Continuing Providers need to ensure that they book job seekers into the correct Diary, as all Appointments booked into the current Diary will be cancelled on the transition weekend. Employment Providers must also ensure that they have sufficient timeslots in their pre-Diary from 1 July 2015 to accept new Referrals. All Employment Providers must ensure that they provide job seekers with sufficient contact information (including contact numbers and street addresses for their Sites) when making contact with job seekers. Reporting Employment Providers can access the following reports by logging onto the Employment Community Service Network (ECSN) site on the Employment Services Reporting Portal and selecting the Employment Services Reporting (ESR) link. The ESR User Guide (available on ESR>Bulletins) contains step-by-step instructions for Employment Providers on using ESR. Expanded Transition Caseload Report The expanded transition caseload report will be available to Employment Providers on the ESR Portal as soon as or shortly after the indicative caseload is released. As the name suggests, this report will provide additional information to that provided in the indicative caseload. The expanded transition caseload report will include information on job seekers’ Activities up to the transition weekend. Please note that all job seeker placements in Activities in the current ESS Activity Management will be cancelled on the transition weekend. Additionally, this report will allow Providers to show by filtering those job seekers who are exiting their caseload (in the case of exiting and continuing Providers), and show by filtering job seekers that are moving onto their caseload (in the case of continuing and new Employment Providers). Providers can subscribe to this report on the Employment Services Reporting Portal via the ‘Subscriptions’ section. Wage Subsidy Agreements The Wage Subsidy Agreement Report will be available to Employment Providers shortly after the indicative caseload becomes available. This report will inform Providers of the number of job seekers who will be transitioned to their caseload with an active Wage Subsidy or Agreement (that is, a Tasmanian Jobs Programme Agreement, a Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Agreement or a Restart Agreement). This will assist Employment Providers with re-signing these Agreements and making payments from 1 July 2015 as appropriate. Post-Transition Commencement Report The Post-Transition Commencement Report will be available to Employment Providers from 1 July 2015. This report will assist Employment Providers with monitoring the Commencement of Transition job seekers. This report will include information on job seeker status at different times, breakdown of Streams and phases, total Commencements as a percentage of the transition cohort, transfers after transition, initial D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 47 appointments completed, Activity Referrals created and Job Plans approved. This report will be available at the organisation level, with the option to filter by Site as required. The ESR reports are dynamic and will be updated overnight. Further information on transition reporting will be made available on the Provider Portal closer to the report becoming available. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 48 Part C—Transition to Work for the Dole Coordinators Transition to the new Services Work for the Dole Coordinator responsibilities Work for the Dole Coordinators delivering services under jobactive are responsible for sourcing and securing Work for the Dole Places in their Employment Region. Work for the Dole Coordinators will be contracted from 1 May 2015. Work for the Dole Coordinators are primarily responsible for: sourcing and securing Individual Hosted and Group Based Activities initiating ongoing engagement with all Employment Providers in the Employment Region identifying potential Activity Host Organisations wishing to offer Work for the Dole Places (whilst being aware of existing relationships with Continuing Employment Providers) and connecting them with Employment Providers identifying the requirements of each Work for the Dole Place, including the cost, duration and location of each Work for the Dole Place identifying the lead Employment Provider for Group Based Activities advertising available Activities and Work for the Dole Places and undertaking risk assessments of Work for the Dole Places they have sourced. Role of Work for the Dole Coordinators during transition Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) are contracted in 18 Selected Areas to provide Services until 30 June 2015. Table 6. Work for the Dole Coordinator transition arrangements Exiting Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) Work for the Dole Coordinator under jobactive Continue to identify Activity Host Collaborate effectively with exiting Work for Organisations and secure places until 30 June the Dole Coordinators (JSA), including but not 2015 or as advised by the Department. limited to: o meeting potential Activity Host Collaborate effectively with the Work for the Organisations as appropriate Dole Coordinator under jobactive, including o meeting Employment Providers in the but not limited to: area (Continuing and exiting) o providing a comprehensive briefing on the o attending any Activities (meetings, specific issues in the Selected Area that promotional Activities and so on) are relevant to the Employment Region conducted for the purposes of managing for the commencing Coordinator the delivery of Work for the Dole in the o introducing them to potential Activity area Host Organisations as appropriate and o meeting with local key stakeholders (as providing all relevant documentation and appropriate) information, including details of any o providing assistance for planning purposes organisations contacted for potential for the new Providers based on local places during the 2015–2020 Contract knowledge (for example, labour market period changes). o introducing them to Providers in the area (Continuing and exiting) and including the Must develop a plan that details Activities to Coordinator under jobactive in any be undertaken for the effective delivery of the D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 49 Exiting Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) Work for the Dole Coordinator under jobactive meetings/discussions with Providers that Work for the Dole programme in the fall within their Employment Region Employment Region, including details around o including them in any Activities (meetings, Activities to secure places and potential promotional Activities and so on) promotional Activities. conducted for the purposes of managing Advise new and existing Activity Host the delivery of Work for the Dole in the Organisations of the changes to the Work for area the Dole programme. o introducing the Work for the Dole Must enter identified places into ESS Web. Coordinator under jobactive to local key Assist Employment Providers and Activity Host stakeholders (as appropriate) Organisations to Transition to jobactive. o providing assistance for planning purposes Must maintain appropriate Records for the to Work for the Dole Coordinators under purposes of delivery of the Work for the Dole jobactive based on local knowledge (for programme (as detailed in the Documentary example, labour market changes). Evidence guidelines). Continue to work with the Department to deliver the Work for the Dole 2014–2015 programme until 30 June 2015. Assist Continuing and exiting JSA Providers, new Employment Providers and Activity Host Organisations to prepare for transition to Employment Services 2015–2020 arrangements. Ensure that any Records are maintained appropriately and submitted to the Department upon request. Note: exiting Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) may need to provide assistance to several new Work for the Dole Coordinators under jobactive based on the new Employment Regions and possible overlap with the Selected Areas. Servicing during the Transition Period For Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) who will not be Continuing to deliver Services from 1 July 2015, including those who did not tender, a series of end-of-contract meetings will be conducted. These meetings will be arranged by Account Managers in early April 2015 and in consultation with each Work for the Dole Coordinator (JSA). They will be undertaken as soon as possible after the announcement of the tender outcomes. These meetings will focus on setting out the Department’s expectations about fulfilling the requirements of the Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Contract 2014-15 through to the Completion Date and working with Providers on issues they may be facing (including the development of an acceptable exit strategy). This may include discussion of the potential loss of staff, closure of Sites, advice to Activity Host Organisations and other stakeholders and Records management requirements. Requests to relinquish business The Department will consider requests on a case-by-case basis from exiting Work for the Dole Coordinators (JSA) who wish to relinquish business before 30 June 2015. The decision on whether to accept an exiting Work for the Dole Coordinator’s request will be based on the following factors: minimal disruption to job seekers and Host Organisations D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 50 amount of business being relinquished proximity to the transition weekend and any other relevant factors. Additional information on ceasing Services early is available from Account Managers. Preparing for Commencement A series of Initial Provider meetings will be held with Work for the Dole Coordinators delivering Services under jobactive. The purpose of these meetings is to establish a good base for relationships under the Employment Services Deed. The Department’s priorities, standards and expectations for performance and conduct will be clearly communicated to Work for the Dole Coordinators. These meetings will also offer Work for the Dole Coordinators the opportunity to give details on their approach to monitoring and measuring their performance; update the Department on their preparation for the new Services, including Site set-up, recruitment and training; and discuss and clarify any specific areas of the Employment Services Deed. These meetings will be held once with each Work for the Dole Coordinator rather than once per Site. Account Managers will contact Providers directly to arrange suitable dates and times. Priority will be given to Work for the Dole Coordinators. Meetings will commence in early April 2015. For Work for the Dole Coordinators, establishment and services fees are detailed in Schedule 2 of the Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 2015-2020. These Fees will be paid upon receipt of a correctly rendered Tax Invoice. More comprehensive information is detailed in the Work for the Dole Programme Guideline, which is available on the Provider Portal. ESS Activity Management All job seeker placements in Activities in ESS Activity Management will be ended in ESS on the transition weekend of 27–28 June 2015. This will be a system matter only and will not affect Activities that have been arranged to continue on the ground. Providers will be required to re-Commence job seekers who are continuing to participate in the system by 10 July. Some new ESS functionality will also be available prior to 1 July 2015 for Work for the Dole Coordinators. Work for the Dole Coordinators delivering jobactive Services will have access to the new Activity Management in ESS Web from 1 May 2015. However, this functionality will be limited to: creating Work for the Dole Activities on the system that will commence from 1 July 2015 managing Work for the Dole Activities. (for example, recording information about host agreements and risk assessments and details of the Activity—duration, location, number of places) managing the visibility of Work for the Dole Activities to Employment Providers Work for the Dole Coordinator Dashboard In May 2015 the Department will give Work for the Dole Coordinators a snapshot of the expected number of job seekers eligible for Work for the Dole Phase in their Employment Region. This information will be broken down into postcodes and suburbs. Figure 3 below gives an example of the Work for the Dole Coordinator Dashboard. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 51 The dashboard will display the Employment Region/s in which the Work for the Dole Coordinator is contracted to deliver Services in. When an Employment Region is selected, the count of job seekers by postcode will be shown. Work for the Dole Coordinators will then be able to break this information down further to the count of job seekers by suburb. This information can also be exported into a data file. This dashboard is dynamic and will change as job seekers’ circumstances change—for example, if a job seeker relocates to another Employment Region. These changes will affect the total number of job seekers in the Work for the Dole Phase in each Employment Region. Figure 3. Work for the Dole Coordinator Dashboard Work for the Dole Coordinators can access related reports by logging onto the ECSN Site on the ESR Portal and selecting the ESR link. The ESR User Guide (available on ESR/Bulletins) contains step-by-step instructions on using ESR. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 52 Part D—Transition to NEIS Transition servicing Current NEIS Panel Members are contracted to deliver NEIS Services until 30 June 2015. This means NEIS Panel Members may continue to commence eligible job seekers in a NEIS Training Activity in the Department’s IT Systems until 26 June 2015. NEIS Panel Members may also continue to Commence NEIS Eligible job seekers into NEIS Assistance in the Department’s IT Systems until 18 June 2015. NEIS Panel Members must lodge the relevant NEIS Assistance Commencement paperwork using current processes for job seekers to commence NEIS Assistance. While NEIS Panel Members may have Services Contracts in place with JSA Providers and/or Disability Employment Services (DES) Providers, NEIS Services must continue to be delivered in accordance with the current JSA/NEIS Deed. Exiting NEIS Panel Members must continue to service current job seekers/NEIS Participants who have Commenced in NEIS Training and/or NEIS Assistance until completion of the relevant service. This means that current NEIS Participants must receive the full 52 weeks of NEIS Assistance from their NEIS Panel Member. Where job seekers have completed NEIS Training but have not commenced NEIS Assistance by 18 June 2015, the job seeker’s new Employment Provider will send the job seeker to a NEIS Provider delivering Services under jobactive to be assessed and, where appropriate, commenced into NEIS Assistance after 1 July 2015. NEIS Panel Members that are continuing to deliver NEIS Services to job seekers Commenced into NEIS Training or NEIS Assistance before 1 July 2015 will continue to have access to the Department’s IT Systems. In some cases, the Department may need to transfer participants receiving NEIS Services from an exiting NEIS Panel Member to a NEIS Provider. If this occurs, the Department will identify affected participants and will liaise with the relevant NEIS Provider. NEIS Providers will be required to Service these participants in accordance with the requirements of the Employment Services Deed. NEIS Providers should be aware of provisions on their entitlement to payments in relation to NEIS Transitioned Participants and NEIS Transitioned Prospective Participants under clause 130.3 of the new Employment Services Deed (that is, participants that were receiving NEIS Services before 30 June 2015). Successful tenderers that will be NEIS Providers must be ready to commence operations from 1 July 2015. Exiting NEIS Panel Members For NEIS Panel Members that have not been awarded business for 2015–2020, including those that did not tender, a series of transition meetings may be arranged by Account Managers in consultation with each NEIS Panel Member. These will commence as soon as possible after the announcement of the tender outcomes—most likely in April 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 53 These meetings will focus on setting out the Department’s expectations about fulfilling the requirements of the JSA/NEIS Deed through to the Completion Date and working with NEIS Panel Members on issues they may be facing (including the development of an acceptable exit strategy). This may include discussion about servicing out current job seekers/NEIS Participants, the potential loss of staff, closure of Sites, management of job seekers on Activities and Records management. NEIS Providers—preparing for Commencement A series of Initial Provider meetings will be held with NEIS Providers. The purpose of these meetings is to establish a good base for relationships under the Employment Services Deed. The Department will clearly communicate to NEIS Providers its priorities, standards and expectations for performance and conduct and the importance of delivering the commitments made in their tender response. These meetings will also offer NEIS Providers the opportunity to clarify their approach to monitoring and measuring their performance; update the Department on their preparation for the new Services, including Site set-up, recruitment and training; and discuss and clarify any specific areas of the Employment Services Deed. These meetings will be held with each NEIS Provider rather than once per Site. Account Managers will contact NEIS Providers directly to arrange a suitable date and time. Priority will be given to Work for the Dole Coordinators. Meetings will commence in April 2015 and will be completed no later than 30 June 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 54 Part E—Transition to Harvest Labour Services Transition to the new Services Successful tenderers who will be Harvest Labour Services (HLS) Providers must be ready to commence operations on 1 July 2015. The Department will advise HLS Providers (JSA) that were not awarded HLS under the Employment Services Deed in writing on contract closure requirements, which will include closing vacancies and advising horticultural growers of the new HLS Provider in the Harvest Area. Servicing during the Transition Period Exiting HLS Providers (JSA) must continue to deliver HLS until 30 June 2015. HLS Providers (JSA) need to continue to submit their quarterly reports as required in order to claim their Service Fees. For HLS Providers (JSA) who will not be continuing to deliver Services from 1 July 2015, including those who did not tender, end-of-contract meetings will be conducted. These meetings will be arranged by Account Managers in consultation with each HLS Provider and will be undertaken as soon as possible after the announcement of the tender outcomes—most likely in early April 2015. These meetings will focus on setting out the Department’s expectations about fulfilling the requirements of the JSA Deed through to the Completion Date and working with HLS Providers (JSA) on issues they may be facing (including the development of an acceptable exit strategy). This may include discussion of the potential loss of staff, closure of Sites, stakeholder management and Records management requirements. Preparing for Commencement Initial Provider meetings will be held with HLS Providers. The purpose of these meetings is to establish a good base for relationships under the Employment Services Deed. The Department will clearly communicate to HLS Providers its priorities, standards and expectations for performance and conduct and the importance of delivering the commitments made in their tender response. These meetings will also offer HLS Providers the opportunity to clarify their approach to monitoring and measuring their performance; update the Department on their preparation for the new Services, including Site set-up, recruitment and training; and discuss and clarify any specific areas of the Employment Services Deed. These meetings will be held once with each HLS Provider rather than once per Site. Account Managers will contact HLS Providers directly to arrange a suitable date and time. Priority will be given to Work for the Dole Coordinators. Meetings will commence in April 2015 and will be completed no later than 30 June 2015. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 55 Part F—Transition to National Harvest Labour Information Services Transition to the new Services The successful tenderer who will be the National Harvest Labour Information Services (NHLIS) Provider must be ready to commence operations on 1 July 2015. Servicing during the Transition Period The NHLIS Provider (JSA) must continue to deliver the relevant Services until 30 June 2015. Preparing for Commencement An Initial Provider meeting will be held with the NHLIS Provider. The purpose of the meeting is to establish a good base for the relationship under the Employment Services Deed. The Department will clearly communicate to the NHLIS Provider its priorities, standards and expectations for performance and conduct and the importance of delivering the commitments made in their tender response. The meeting will also offer the NHLIS Provider the opportunity to clarify their approach to monitoring and measuring their performance; update the Department on their preparation for the new Services, including set-up, recruitment and training; and discuss and clarify any specific areas of the Employment Services Deed. The Account Manager will contact the NHLIS Provider directly to arrange a suitable date and time to meet between April and June 2015. The NHLIS Provider will be required to produce and publish the Harvest Guide on the Harvest Trail Website and revise it on a monthly basis (at a minimum) and update Harvest Information on the Harvest Trail website as new information is received. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 56 Part G—IT requirements This section details information on limited IT Systems access availability on 29 and 30 June 2015, the processes for establishing, continuing and discontinuing IT access and security, ESS Web and Activity Management over the Transition Period. It also provides information on the use of Third Party Systems. Limited IT Systems availability on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 June 2015 The Employment Services Deed commences on Wednesday 1 July 2015. The Department will transfer job seekers from Job Services Australia to Employment Provider Services on the transition weekend of 27–28 June 2015; therefore, there will be limited IT Systems availability on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 June 2015. This is to ensure the integrity of IT Systems deployments made to support the new Employment Services Deed, as all contract Referrals are ended on the weekend. The Department’s IT Systems will be available to JSA Providers and DHS to perform essential but restricted functions. On Monday 29 June and Tuesday 30 June 2015: JSA Providers will be able to: o view their current JSA caseload o create, refer and place job seekers into a Vacancy o refer and place job seekers into Education or Training Activity o lodge claims (claims lodgement will be available until 30 June 2016) o create, withdraw, delete or modify commitments and make reimbursements from the EPF o Create jobactive appointments in the Electronic Diary (pre-Diary no longer available) NEIS Panel Members will be able to: o lodge NEIS Training and NEIS Provider claims HLS Providers will be able to: o lodge Harvest Placement Claims. The indicative caseload will not be available during this period. A snapshot of the indicative caseload will be taken as at close of business on Friday 26 June 2015. This snapshot will be made available as a report to Employment Providers for use during this period by logging onto the Employment Community Service Network (ECSN) site on the Employment Services Reporting Portal and selecting the Employment Services Reporting (ESR) link. Providers can subscribe to this report on the Employment Services Reporting Portal via the ‘Subscriptions’ section. Establishing, continuing and discontinuing IT access and security This section details IT Systems access requirements for exiting, new and continuing Employment Providers and Work for the Dole Coordinators. Information on the Employment Services System (ESS), including the new ESS Web and transition arrangements for Activity Management, can be found below. All Organisational Security Contacts and Site Security Contacts, regardless of whether they are new or ongoing (Continuing Employment Provider) must complete the IT Security training module, which is available from the Learning Centre. System access requirements New Employment Services Providers will receive instructions on system access in their Deed packs. Employment Services Providers may choose to contact the Employment Systems Help Desk (1300 305 520) for assistance with establishing system access. Continuing Providers establishing new Sites will be responsible for setting up user accounts so that staff can access ESS Web. Continuing Providers will already have an Organisational Security Contact (OSC) who can assist in setting up these accounts. The OSC must delete all users D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 57 who no longer require access to the Department’s IT Systems from all non-ongoing Sites,even if the organisation is successful in tendering to deliver Employment Provider Services. Access will need to be maintained for selected staff to enable claims to be finalised. Providers can find more information this process on the IT Security and Access page on the Provider Portal. The OSC for Exiting Providers must delete all users who no longer require access to the Department’s IT Systems and retain access only for those staff that require access to finalise business. The Employment Systems Help Desk (1300 305 520) can assist exiting Organisations issued with Employment Providers with security issues. Employment Providers can find a new organisational code more information about this process on the IT Security and Access page on (e.g. successfully the Provider Portal. Tendering as part of a Security tokens The OSCs use smart tokens to access the Department’s identity management tool—I:AM. Smart tokens grant the OSCs the ability to create users. Smart tokens must be used for this transaction to provide the high level of security that is required for such operations. consortium, joint venture, partnership or other entity) will need to apply for systems access as a new entity. Tokens will be sent to OSCs of Employment Services Providers after initial access requests are processed. Employment Services Providers should account for the time taken for tokens to be delivered before estimating when they will be able to start creating new users. The OSCs of Exiting Providers are responsible for the return smart tokens. This must be done as soon as access is deactivated for each user, even if this is progressively completed until the final user account is deactivated. Tokens can be returned to the following address: ES Production Support Security Team GPO Box 9880 Canberra ACT 2601 To simplify the process for Continuing Providers, OSCs may choose to keep their security token if they continue to require access to the Department’s IT Systems into jobactive (e.g. they are employed with a JSA Provider that will deliver Employment Provider Services as a new legal entity). These smart tokens will simply need to be reassigned to their new user accounts once their new user ID has been created. To do this, users will need to contact the ES Help Desk on 1300 305 520 and provide the smart token ID and the user ID that it is being reassigned to. ESS Web and Activity Management From 1 July 2015, the Department’s IT Systems will move from a desktop application to a web application. Many of the existing concepts in ESS Desktop will be retained but may operate differently. The following section details the new ESS Web and Activity Management. ESS Web ESS Web function is optimised for Internet Explorer 11, but compatibility testing will also be done with the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari. ESS Web is primarily designed to operate in desktop browsers. However, its responsive design will also enable users to access ESS Web on tablet and mobile devices. Information on training for ESS Web, including when supporting documentation will become available, can be found in the section on Training below. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 58 ESS Activity Management All job seeker placements in Activities in ESS Activity Management will be ended on the Transition weekend of 27–28 June 2015. However, for Continuing Providers, Activities can continue on the ground. Some functionality of ESS Web will also be available before 1 July 2015 for Employment Providers and Work for the Dole Coordinators. Continuing Providers will need to record the Activity and job seeker placements in ESS for participation up to 30 June and in new ESS Web in order for the Activity to continue on the ground after 1 July 2015. Third Party Systems Employment Providers using a system other than the Department’s IT Systems must comply with the security requirements set by the Department. In accordance with the Employment Services Deed (clause 32.2), Employment Providers are required to notify the Department if they intend to use a Third Party System. Providers must not transfer electronic Records to, or store electronic Records with third party data hosting entities, including cloud storage providers, without the prior written approval of the Department. Employment Providers may only use a Third Party System if the Third Party IT Provider has entered into the Third Party IT Provider Deed with the Department. Third Party Systems must be accredited against the Information Security Manual within six months of entering into an agreement with the Department. All systems must ensure the privacy and security of the information they hold. In accordance with the Employment Services Deed (clause 32.4), in-house systems used instead of or as an add-on to the Department’s IT Systems (i.e. Provider IT Systems) will also need to comply with the security requirements provided in the Statement of Applicability. Webinars will be conducted to discuss the implementation of the security requirements in late April to early May. The Third Party IT Deed is available on the Employment Services Procurement Information page on the Department’s website. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 59 Part H—Branding and signage This section details branding and signage requirements for Employment Services Providers. Providers that deliver Services under the JSA Deed must by no later than 30 June 2015: remove and dispose of JSA window stickers in a manner that ensures they All Providers are not able to be used again must cease remove the JSA branding and logo from all signage using the JSA remove the JSA branding and logo from all communication products, branding at including, but not only, the Provider’s letterhead, information products close of business and advertising. on 30 June 2015. Exiting Providers must also remove all Connections for Quality logo and branding. Providers should also dispose of any JSA printed information products produced or printed by the Department. Information products should be disposed of through secure recycling. Costs associated with destroying printed information products are the Provider’s responsibility. jobactive branding and signage Employment Providers must commence using new branding and signage to reflect the new Employment Services from 1 July 2015. Work for the Dole Coordinators will be advised when to start using new branding in mid-2015 once a final brand has been developed. Specific arrangements for branding and signage for jobactive are being finalised. The Department will provide further advice to Employment Services Providers as soon as possible during the Transition Period on the branding arrangements, including information on the brand, how and when to apply the brand and the process for signage. Employment Services Providers are required to adhere to promotion and style guides issued by the Department to govern promotional activity, including any obligation to ensure that all advertisements, publicity and promotional materials carry the approved badging and signage and acknowledge the financial and other support provided by the Government. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 60 Part I—Records management General As a general rule, all Employment Services Providers, including new and Continuing Providers, must comply with the Records Management Instructions Guidelines (RMIs) in relation to the management of identified Records containing Personal Information created by Providers after 1 July 2015. Continuing and exiting Providers must comply with JSA Deed RMIs. The JSA Deed RMIs apply to active and inactive Records containing Personal Information created by Providers before 1 July 2015. New Providers under the Employment Services Deed New Providers should be advised to read the RMIs which are available on the Department’s Provider Portal. The RMIs contain legally binding instructions on the management, retention and disposal of identified Records created or used by Providers during the delivery of Services under the Employment Services Deed. These instructions apply regardless of the format of the Records. Records in Third Party Systems need to be dealt in accordance with the RMIs.8 The RMIs should not be read as a stand-alone document. Rather, the RMIs should be read in conjunction with the relevant provisions of the Deeds. Key elements of the RMIs are: Providers must create accurate Records in the course of delivering employment services while Providers may create Records in either paper or electronic form, it is the Department’s preference that all Records are created and managed electronically Providers must securely store all Records appropriately both on and off site Providers must not transfer Personal Information outside Australia, or allow parties outside Australia to have access to it, without the prior written approval of the Department Providers must store Records securely either on their own premises or off-site using a Records storage facility in compliance with relevant legislation Providers must ensure the Department has access to Records if required Providers must not transfer electronic Records to, or store electronic Records with, third party data hosting entities, including cloud storage providers, without the prior written approval of the Department Providers must report all incidents involving unauthorised access, damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen Records to the Department Providers must be able to locate and retrieve Records about a Participant if requested Providers must maintain an up to date list of the Records held by the Provider and make this list available to the Department upon request Providers must retain Records according to the minimum retention periods outlined in the RMIs. Retention periods apply to all formats of Records, whether created in paper or electronically or scanned Records must be returned to the Department within 28 Business Days if requested by the Department Providers must not destroy or dispose of Records other than in accordance with the RMIs or as directed by the Department. 8 A Third Party System means the information technology system of a Third Party IT Provider. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 61 Continuing Providers All active Records for Participants transitioning to jobactive must be retained and managed under Employment Services Deed and as per the RMI arrangements. Records for job seekers that are exited from employment provider services at Transition must continue to be retained by Providers in accordance with remaining retention periods as specified under JSA Deed and the relevant JSA Deed RMI. Exiting Providers Exiting Providers must comply with the RMIs and the Deed in place at the time (i.e. the JSA Deed) in relation to the management of Records containing Personal Information. Additionally, the RMIs and the Deed clauses relating to record management apply to both active and inactive Records containing Personal Information. Exiting Provider RMI identified Records will fall into three categories: 1. Records not due for destruction that are for active job seekers 2. Records not due for destruction that are for inactive job seekers 3. Records due for destruction. Exiting Providers must sort Records into the above three categories and manage the Records in accordance with JSA Deed RMIs requirements. Exiting Providers must return all (i.e. active or inactive) Records containing Personal Information as specified in the JSA Deed RMIs, other than those Records eligible for destruction in accordance with the JSA Deed RMIs, to the Department. Returning Records The Department’s preferred format for Records to be returned is electronically in a common readable format. Providers must ensure that electronic Records transferred to the Department are readable, identifiable and are not corrupted. Documents must have meaningful titles and be contained within a single job seeker folder listing the job seeker ID, first name and last name as outlined in the RMIs. Electronic Records already on the Department’s IT Systems do not need to be returned. Providers which wish to return hardcopy Records must first seek approval to do so from their Account Manager. Permission to return hardcopy Records will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. When permission to return hardcopy Records is granted, Account Managers will discuss the format and volume of Records to be returned and provide information about the return process to Providers. Records due for destruction Records must only be destroyed after they have reached the minimum retention period as specified in the relevant RMI and the Deed. Providers are required to ensure that Records relevant to legal proceedings, or where legal action or litigation can reasonably be expected, are not destroyed, even where minimum retention periods are met. Providers must maintain a list of destroyed Records and retain this list in accordance with the RMIs. Destruction Methods The RMIs provide further information on the appropriate destruction methods for all Records, including Records in Third Party Systems. If the Provider engages another party to destroy Records the Providers must ensure that the Records are destroyed by a method consistent with Commonwealth Guidelines as outlined in the RMIs. Costs associated with destroying Records are the Provider’s responsibility. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 62 For detailed instructions on secure destruction follow the Australian Signals Directorate Information Security Manual Controls. Access to Returned Records Where Records have been returned to the Department and a Provider subsequently requires access, the Provider must write to their Account Manager with the details and purpose of the request. The Department will consider these requests, but may require Providers to seek access via the Freedom of Information process as required under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Where Records have been returned to the Department and a Provider receives an order to produce documents contained in the Records, such as a subpoena, the Provider should seek independent legal advice. Transfer of Records between Providers The standard process for the transition period is that the Department’s IT Systems information will be transferred to Employment Providers when job seekers are transitioned to Employment Providers. Participant information held on the Department’s IT systems include: personal details e.g. name, address, date of birth the Job Seeker Classification Instrument results previous Employment Pathway Plans completed compliance history. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 63 Part J—Employment Services Industry Jobs Board Employment Services Industry Jobs Board The Employment Services Industry Jobs Board connects Employment Services Providers with people looking for work in the employment services industry. The Employment Services Industry Jobs Board enables Employment Services Providers to search for employees and load vacancies for job seekers wanting work in the employment services industry. Individuals can use this resource to search for vacancies within the employment service industry and promote their skills. For jobs to be displayed on the Employment Services Industry Jobs Board, Employment Services Providers need to select the ‘Employment Services Industry Job’ Special Vacancy Type flag when creating the job in either the Department’s IT Systems or on the Australian JobSearch website. Employment Services Providers are able to register on JobSearch as a public Employer and use the jobs board before gaining access to the Department’s IT Systems. Once access to the Department’s IT Systems has been granted, an Employment Services Provider can access both the Department’s IT Systems and the Australian JobSearch website with the required Employment Services Provider sign-in detail. The Employment Services Industry Jobs Board can be accessed on the Australian JobSearch website. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 64 Part K—Training Training The Department will produce a range of training modules and events to help Employment Services Providers to gain the skills and knowledge required to operate under jobactive. e-learning modules will be published in the Learning Centre on 6 April 2015. The modules are designed to introduce learners to the new model—the key messages, concepts and policy. Learners will complete a quiz at the end of each module and they can print certificates of achievement after achieving a score of 80 per cent or more. An intensive webinar programme will be delivered during May and June. The webinars will be delivered by operational policy and IT Systems experts. They will provide further details of the policy and explain how the IT Systems support the policy. Webinars are recorded and session replays can be downloaded free of charge from the Learning Centre. Most importantly, the webinars will give learners opportunities to meet online with policy and IT experts. Additionally, an IT Systems training database with supporting workbook exercises will help learners to learn about the new ESS Web IT Systems. The new system includes a graphical dashboard that gives Employment Providers greater visibility of their caseloads. The training database and supporting documentation will be available from 1 June 2015. There will be two face-to-face training events in June 2015 aimed at Employment Provider organisation trainers. ESS Web will give trainers the opportunity to meet with the Department’s IT Trainers to look more closely at the new system. Compliance training In the lead up to the implementation of Stage 3 of the Strengthening the Job Seeker Compliance Framework on 1 July 2015, the Department will deliver face-to-face training to Employment Providers. The Training will cover the following aspects of the Framework, and will include practical activities for Employment Providers: the Framework changes Job Plans notifications Serious and Connection Failures No Show No Pay Work for the Dole App and Activity Diary reporting non-attendance job search SPI under 30s DSP under 35s IT system case study The Department will contact Employment Providers to attend the training through their CEOs. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 65 Appendix A—communication to job seekers Advice 1a—all job seekers transitioning Our Ref «JSID» «Title» «First_Name» «Surname» «Address_line_1» «Address_Line_2» «Address_Line_3» «Suburb» «State» «Postcode» «Date» Dear «Title» «Surname_lower_case» New services for job seekers starting 1 July 2015 The Australian Government is introducing a new employment service to help people find and keep a job. The new service is called ‘jobactive’ and will replace Job Services Australia from 1 July 2015. What does this mean for me? The Government has recently announced the names of the organisations that will deliver jobactive services around the country. This means that you may receive help to look for work from a different organisation in the future. What do I have to do now? At the moment, it is important that you continue to attend all appointments with your current Job Services Australia provider and attend any job interviews and activities that are organised for you. If you do not, your income support payment may be affected. What will happen next? In coming months, the Department of Employment will start the process of connecting job seekers with jobactive services. You will receive a letter in June 2015 to let you know which organisation will be helping you from 1 July 2015. Your jobactive organisation will contact you to set up a time to develop your new Job Plan and discuss how they can help you to find and keep a job. D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 66 More information If you have any questions about these changes or would like further information, you can: Speak to your current Jobs Services Australia provider Go to Call the National Customer Service Line on 1300 854 414* Yours sincerely Customer Service Department of Employment * Note that call charges apply for calls to ‘13’ and ‘1800’ numbers from mobile phones. If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450* and ask for 1300 854 414*. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact the National Customer Service Line through the National Relay Service. For more information, visit __________________________________________________________________________ Department of Employment GPO Box 9880 Canberra ACT 2601 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 67 SMS for Advice 1a This is the Department of Employment. New employment services start in July. Visit or talk to your provider for more info Push notification for Advice 1a This notification is from the Department of Employment. New employment services start on 1 July 2015. Visit or talk to your provider for more information about what these changes mean for you D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 68 Advice 1b—job seekers Exited at transition Our Ref «JSID» «Title» «First_Name» «Surname» «Address_line_1» «Address_Line_2» «Address_Line_3» «Suburb» «State» «Postcode» «Date» Dear «Title» «Surname_lower_case» New services for job seekers starting on 1 July 2015 The Australian Government is introducing a new employment service to help people find and keep a job. The new service is called ‘jobactive’ and will replace Job Services Australia. What does this mean for me? Our records show that you currently volunteer for employment services. From 1 July 2015 eligibility to volunteer will change. You may be able to volunteer for up to six months of services under jobactive to help you find work, depending on your circumstances. The practical support and advice you can receive will increase your chances of finding work and will include help to develop your résumé, advice about the local labour market and access to online job search facilities such as Australian JobSearch. The Department of Employment will send you a letter in June to tell you how to register with an organisation to volunteer for services from 1 July 2015. You can continue working with your current provider until 30 June 2015. More information If you have any questions about these changes or would like further information, you can: Speak to your current provider Go to Call the National Customer Service Line on 1300 854 414* Yours sincerely Customer Service Department of Employment D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 69 * Note that call charges apply for calls to ‘13’ and ‘1800’ numbers from mobile phones. If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450* and ask for 1300 854 414*. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact the National Customer Service Line through the National Relay Service. For more information, visit ___________________________________________________________________________ Department of Employment GPO Box 9880 Canberra ACT 2601 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 70 Advice 2—Letter 1—job seekers Exited at transition Placeholder Advice 2—Letter 2a—job seekers allocated to a new Employment Provider with job seeker choice Placeholder Advice 2—Letter 2b—job seekers allocated to a new Employment Provider without job seeker choice Placeholder Advice 2—Letter 3—job seekers remaining with their same Employment Provider Placeholder Advice 2—Letter 4a—Pre-release Prisoners—continuing Employment Provider Placeholder Advice 2—Letter 4b—Pre-release Prisoners allocated to a new Employment Provider Placeholder Advice 2—Letter 4c—Pre-release Prisoners—general Placeholder Advice 2— Letter 5—Contingency/Employment Provider not known Placeholder D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 71 Appendix B—Detailed transition dates Detailed dates for transition are detailed in the transition indicative timeline below. Indicative date Transition arrangements Late March 2015 Announcement of the Employment Provider Services tender results Employment Services 2015 Transition Advice is made available on the Provider Portal Referrals to exiting JSA Providers or to a specific JSA Provider’s Site may cease Direct Registration will not apply for: o JSA Providers exiting employment services or o Sites in an Employment Service Area where the Employment Provider will not have a presence under the Employment Services Deed 2015−2020 Transition Period commences (and continues until 30 June 2015) Dedicated National Customer Service Line transition support number (1300 854 414) opens (and continues until 30 September 2015) April 2015 1 April 2015 10 April 2015 Service Delivery Plans to be submitted to Account Managers. 13 April 2015 First advice issued to all pending, Suspended and Commenced job seekers e-learning modules published in the Learning Centre Employment Provider, Work for the Dole Coordinator, New Enterprise Incentive Scheme, Harvest Labour Services and National Harvest Labour Information Service Guidelines available on the Provider Portal and the Department’s website Webinars for Work for the Dole Coordinators Providers to update Connections for Quality information on the Australian JobSearch website Mid-April 2015 18 April to 30 June 2015 27 and 28 April 2015 National Provider Forum 30 April 2015 Job seekers’ Activity placement details up to date in Activity Management Webinar sessions for Employment Providers and Work for the Dole Coordinators delivered Initial and ongoing meetings held with successful Employment Providers and Work for the Dole Coordinators Initial and ongoing end-of-contract meetings held with exiting JSA Providers Work for the Dole Coordinators commence; Work for the Dole Coordinator Services Deed 2015–2020 starts April, May, June 2015 April to 30 June 2015 1 May 2015 8 May 2015 May to June 2015 11 May 2015 Mid-May 2015 19 May to 19 June 2015 All Service Delivery Plans finalised New ESS Web Activity Management available for Work for the Dole Coordinators and Employment Providers Site Summary Dashboard made available to Employment Providers with executed Employment Services Deed and to Work for the Dole Coordinators Learning Centre face-to-face training events for Employment Provider, NEIS and HLS organisation trainers/IT briefing sessions Face-to-face compliance training delivered to Providers in selected locations across Australia. Employment Providers will be invited to attend training D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 72 Indicative date Transition arrangements through their CEOs. From 25 May 2015 Early June 2015 1 June 2015 June 2015 Second advice issued to job seekers who are allocated to a different Employment Provider Job seeker choice (for an alternative Employment Provider) commences for relevant job seekers (ends on 5 June 2015) Webinar presentations available for Employment Provider, NEIS and HLS organisations Second advice issued to job seekers who are being Exited from Employment Provider Services or are allocated to the same Employment Provider First day for Volunteers to nominate to start immediately in Employment Provider Services from 1 July Learning Centre face-to-face training events for Employment Provider organisation trainers/IT Briefing sessions 5 June 2015 Job seeker choice (for an alternative Employment Provider) ceases 8 June 2015 Pre-Diary and indicative caseload made available to Employment Providers Webinar question and answer sessions for Employment Provider, NEIS and HLS organisations Last day that NEIS Panel Members can Commence NEIS Participants in NEIS Assistance (NB: Paperwork must be lodged before this date as per current processes) Last day that Reimbursement claims can be made in the Department's IT Systems for outstanding Restart Payments made to Employers Last day that NEIS Panel Members can Commence job seekers into NEIS Training Activity in ESS Last day for Volunteers to nominate to start immediately in Employment Provider Services from 1 July Job seeker placements in Activities ended in Activity Management (although some Activities may continue on the ground during transition and into the new contract period under the Employment Services Deed) All outstanding Non-Attendance Reports ended Transition weekend Limited services available in the Department’s IT Systems Non-Attendance Reports will be blocked from being created from a DNAI Appointment result All Employment Providers must cease using the JSA logo. EPF closes. All commitments must be entered by this date. Last day for all EPF Wage Subsidy agreements to be entered into, with commitments recorded in the Department's IT Systems Last day that JSA, HLS and NHLIS Providers provide Services under the JSA Deed Host Organisation involvement with Activities arranged with JSA Providers end Employment Services 2015 model starts Start of Employment Services 2015–2020 Deed Post-Transition Period commences (ends 30 September 2015) Job seekers to be Commenced by their Employment Provider; focus to be given to engagement priority Mid-June 2015 18 June 2015 26 June 2015 27 and 28 June 2015 29 and 30 June 2015 30 June 2015 1 July 2015 1 July to 11 August 2015 D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 73 Indicative date Transition arrangements 1 July to 30 September 2015 30 August 2015 30 September 2015 27 January 2016 30 June 2016 Eligible job seekers must be re-commenced in an approved program of work by 10 July in order to continuously receive the APWS. Post-Transition Period Transition Employment Fund credits paid to Employment Providers upon Commencement of job seekers Last day for EPF claims for Reimbursements (except for post-placement support and Wage Subsidies) Post-Transition Period ends Dedicated National Customer Service Line transition support number (1300 854 414) closes Last date that Providers can acquit (or quick acquit if appropriate) outstanding EPF batch purchases in the Department’s IT Systems Last day that eligible EPF Reimbursements can be made The period for Employment Services Providers to make claims under the Employment Services Deed 2012–2015 ceases D15/194829 jobactive Transition Provider Advice Effective Date: 1 April 2015 74
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