ˉR№ ″frod″ cJon ⒘ Banana PrO・ Mis an update version of8anana PIT材 designed by LeMaker Team,and it has more enhanoed features Banana Pro・ M has an eXoe"ent oompatib lity with mu tiply s° ftWare supports Basioally a"ma nstream LinuX-based operating system can run on Banana ProtM, Axy0utpu】 With the version of Android,Lubuntu,Debian,Berryboot, TRRs JaCk) (35mm oρ ensuse,Fedora,Gentoo,openWR△ Banana ProTll also supρ orts BsD system ln orderto make user more conVenient,LeMaker Team ρrov∶ de some oustomized operating system imagesˇvith the heIρ of Worldˉ Wide Ioˇ v-oost Computer for education purp° se,scratoh, mu"imedia app|icaⅡ ons,Ardu no,game emulator,home serVeΓ ,robot and so on i浏 open MediaVau" Please vis" h茁 ρ 冫 〃 1v~v~∝ ′ emakerorg/reso″ rces/g-3S//mage~Flfes n″ m` to doˇ ˇ nIoad your faVouHte operating system Banana PrdM app"es to a wide range of】 elds,|nc|uding: Ρ as LeMedia(XBMC),scratch,Bananiani 如He useΓ s,such nffe″ ″ons ● Please use a branded power adapter(5V,2A)with a qual"y UsB conneCu° n cab|e to supp|y your Banana Pro The Banana Pro may not bool up norma"y or may freezθ du冖 ng the opera"on w"h a fake power adapler A fake power adapter a|so may edlo some funouons n。 t work ●P{ease p白 y at1en"on to the micro UsB portfor powe"ng and the m|cfo usb po戊 for OTG P1ease do not confuso them ●Please be aware thatthe sATA power° utput on the Banana DDAM ⒗∞ Pro oan on|y provide+5V so in general,the Banana Pro oan on y stab|y powerthe25nch ssD ln Cedain case,the25noh HDD is a so poss b丨 e,butsome brands and m° dels requ″ e too much current,so pIease have a try f you Wantto use a35nch hard disk d"Ve,y° u need use an externa power supply to your 35inCh hard disk drive Please a丨 so use the right sATA connect|on cab1e ●Please∪ so a冖 ght HDM丨 cab e or good quaI"y HDMlto VGA cab e,oryou wou1d notsee the disp ay The HDM|ˇ ers on on the Banana Prois14 ● PIease do not confuse1he Camera interface and(he LVDs`RGB/CPV display interfaoe the one beside E仓 hernet nteI亻 ace i$LVDs/RGB/CPV dsp丨 ay ntel亻 ace Dimenslons 92mmX60mm Website wWW Iemaker org soC A w nner旬 A2o ARM。 CortextMˉ A7Duaˉ Core@10GHz Complies WⅡ h0penGL Es20`11 sDRAM 1CB DDR3(shared wkh GPV) Power 5V@2Aˇ ia MicΓ Camera ParaⅢ e18-bk oamera in又 erface Aud o npu1 MioroVsB〈 DC in0nIy)and`° r ousB(0TG) VsB perphe"as suρ ρ 0d mu"iˇ ohannel HD display∶ H0M114(Type Aˉ fu") Compos"eˇ ldeo(PAL and NTsC)(ˇ ia35mm LCD ρ aneIs 1亻 HDMl resolu妯 plusˇ poten】 ia"y for audio input) 0n board m cphone 2VsB20host.1usB2o oTG (a"direct from A20ohip) 潞拧赀:品l,T潲 |J汰F玄 留g背 N,FMˉ lN,HP丬 set button Power bu"on Leds Power status Iθ d(rθ d) user defined led1 (b|ue〉 Vser defined led2〈 green) other |R receiver,BIuetooth(opuonal) dθ coding Mu"l亻 omatFHDˇ ideo deooding.in。 Iuding Mpeg1`2,Mpeg4,H263‘ H264,etc (als° u~b° °t bu1ton °ns from640x480to1920× 1080 H⒛ 4h刂 h proⅢ θ 1o8op@30fps or 720p@60fρ s enoodhg shared w"h comρ os"eˇ ideo out),I2s。 udio Rθ Buttons a"ous PAL and NTsC standards HD H2642160pˇ ldeo HDMI,analog audio(via35mm tRRsjaok LRADC,ADC,LlNE丬 TRRs jack shared W"h audio out) LVDs`RGB`CPV dispIay interfaoe(Dsl)for raw MicrosD(TF)card,sATA20 on board storage outputs PMU Disp扌 oy 8211E/D)WiFi80211b`g`n(AP6181) Audio ARM° Ma"400MP2 10″ 00/1000Mbps ethernet(Rea"ek RTL on board Network N g 删 LEMAKER www Iemaker org www|emaker org
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