Wednesday 6 May 2015 Principal Mr Aleksandr Taylor-Gough Head of Curriculum Mrs Chantelle Bauer Office Admin Staff Mrs Lisa Maslen Mrs Christine Jones Postal Address Drayton State School 55 Brisbane Street, DRAYTON. Q 4350. CONTACTS Phone: 4637 7444 Fax: 4637 7400 Prep: 4630 1913 OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY Principal News school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can. Welcome Back I would like to ask all parents of students completing the NAPLAN tests to ensure that students receive a healthy breakfast on the days of the test (as is important every day). However, I would especially like to ask that parents be vigilant with maintaining a strong sleep routine, as all students will need to be ready to complete the 5 different tests. Remember, the pattern will be: Hi all. With Parent-Teacher Interviews successfully completed yesterday evening, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many teaching staff and family members for giving up their time to discuss the important aspects of student progress, improvement and achievement. It was particularly pertinent some of the strategies teachers gave in order to assist you in understanding what your child needs to do in order to maximise their learning opportunities. THURSDAY 21 MAY Such an event does not happen without the support of key personnel, and I would like to thank my Acting Head of Curriculum, Chantelle Bauer and class teachers for their involvement. With so many positive comments flowing into the school about the format, we have today sent home a Feedback form that enables parents and caregivers to provide feedback about the new format, and other suggestions. We do understand that an online booking system would work well, along with a safe play area for children outside. However, please complete this survey and if you could return it to school between now and Friday, that would be greatly appreciated. AMAROO 1T & 1C NAPLAN TUESDAY 16WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE ATHLETICS Our Years 3 and 5 students will soon participate in the annual National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be conducted in all state and non-state schools across the country from 12–14 May. Coordinator Megan Karhenbring 0422 005 470 UPCOMING Check out the Website THURSDAY 07-FRIDAY 08 MAY MOTHERS DAY STALL TUESDAY 12THURSDAY14 MAY NAPLAN YR 3 & 5 *TUCKSHOP Friday First break only See P&C section for more details Checkout the school website for new menu UNIFORM STORE Tuesday 8:30-9:15 am Friday 2:30-3:15 pm 07/15 An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their Tuesday 12 May Year 3 Language conventions Wednesday 13 May Thursday 14 May Reading Numeracy 45 minutes 45 minutes Reading Numeracy 50 minutes 50 minutes 40 minutes Writing 40 minutes Year 5 Language conventions 40 minutes Writing 40 minutes Students will be completing the tests in classrooms, maintaining the familiarity of their environments as best as possible. We look forward to another successful NAPLAN experience this year. School Priorities With a major focus on reading and numeracy, I welcome the chance that we are now focussing in a detailed way on writing. To that end, we will gradually be implementing a programme entitled the “Seven Steps to Writing Success” over the coming 6 months. Designed by former teacher and author Jan McVeity, this engaging way in which to teach writing is being implemented currently in Mrs Ormsby’s Year 5/6O class, and students are speaking in a highly positive way about how they are writing. Watch out for this exciting development at Drayton State School as we move into Terms 3 and 4. 1 Wednesday 6 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY In essence, the Seven Steps are: 07/15 1. Plan for Success 2. Sizzling Starts these days. Hence, I ask for your patience during these days. I am confident that the Auditor will be supportive of our administrative processes and I look forward to showcasing the ways in which we work, here at Drayton. 3. Tightening Tension Attendance Update – Target 95% 4. Dynamic Dialogue 5. Show, Don't Tell 6. Ban the Boring 7. Exciting Endings Sadly, as a whole school, we have slipped behind our target of 95% attendance. The final day of Term 1 didn’t help, nor did the wet days last week. Could I please ask that everyone pay attention to the message that Every Day Counts. Sickness and essential travel do need to be taken into account, however, please remember that each unnecessary day away from school will result in your child being one day behind the rest of the class. These days can add up to be weeks (and in some cases, months). Over the course of a schooling career, it’s alarming how many months a child may have missed. Whilst the steps give away what the focus areas are, it has been pleasing, as Principal, to read some of the ‘sizzling starts’ (the beginning paragraphs of student writing) across students from Year 5/6O. I look forward to supporting this process and hope to inform the school community of its success over the coming 6 months. Additional Speech Language for Preps In another exciting (and necessary) development, we this week formally welcomed Bethany Guest, Speech Language Pathologist who will be working alongside our current Speech Language Pathologist, our Support Teacher – Literacy and Numeracy and Prep Teachers and Teacher Aides. Bethany will be providing vital support in early language activities each Monday morning to students in both Prep classes. It is no surprise that students’ early learning and language development is crucial to future educational success in school. I look forward to evaluating, alongside staff the effectiveness of this additional human resourcing in Prep. Support A Talker In addition to the Prep speech language programming, we have formally started this term Support A Talker. This programme will be facilitated by trained school staff to assist students with their oral language. It is a big commitment, however, we have contributed human resourcing towards this so that all students have the best opportunity in terms of their oral literacy. Internal School Audit – Week 5 By the time the next newsletter goes to print, we will be wrapping up our quadrennial Standard School Audit (for internal and administrative controls) that will be held from Monday 18th May – Wednesday 20th May (Week 5, Term 2). This audit will examine how well Drayton State School maintains its financial controls, along with a host of other legislative requirements, such as staffing records, workplace health and safety and purchasing policies. Whilst curriculum and pedagogy won’t be specifically examined, the Auditor will look to see the schooling running in good order. Please note that Lisa Maslen, our Business Services Manager, Chris Jones (Administration Officer) and other Administrative personnel (including myself at times) will be particularly busy with the Auditor during ANZAC Reflections Thank-you to everyone for your involvement and participation in our annual ANZAC Day Commemorative Service and Centenary Gardens Opening. We had a high level of engagement from the wider community, and many messages of positive reflection from the Mayor of the Toowoomba Regional Council, Councillor Paul Antonio along with the State Member for Condamine, the Hon. Pat Weir MP. In addition, our Assistant Regional Director – School Performance, Debbie Hails, praised the entire school community for the ways in which students behaved, and the reflections presented on the day. Our guest speakers from the Australian Defence Force were insightful and the students who sang, recited poems, or laid wreathes did so in the spirit of ANZAC. May the memory of ANZAC Day live on and may Drayton State School be ever thankful for their sacrifices now, and well into the future. On That Note In addition to a packed schedule, we welcome back Debbie Hails (Assistant Regional Director – School Performance) for a School Visit on Tuesday 19th May from 1:00pm, where she will speak with me about our 2 Wednesday 6 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY progress of school goals, along with visits to classrooms. I look forward to presenting our wonderful school once again to her and we welcome her with open arms on this afternoon. Please note that I will be attending the Darling Downs South West Regional Principal Business Meeting at Highfields this Friday, with Chantelle Bauer acting in my absence. Also, please diarise the Chaplaincy Parent Morning Tea on Friday 15th May, all welcome. Finally, with Mothers’ Day next Sunday, we will be opening the Mothers’ Day Stall this Thursday and Friday. To all the mums, grandmothers, aunties and carers that support our students, thank-you for the tireless work you do at home and here at school in classrooms. A child looks up to their mother or female figure in their life and it is a special time when we can remember the special role you play. Happy Mothers’ Day. 07/15 FROM THE HEAD OF CURRICULUM Curriculum News Supporting your child in Years 4 to 9 – Literacy Activities to do with your child Here are some simple yet effective activities you can do with your child to help them apply the literacy skills they learn at school. Read some of the same books as your child and talk about characters, storylines and themes. Have a great fortnight, and I’ll keep in touch. When assembling a newly purchased item, ask your child to assist with the reading of the instructions and interpreting diagrams. Kind Regards, Aleksandr Taylor-Gough. ACTING PRINCIPAL Read the newspaper with your child each morning — choose an article to discuss and ask questions such as ‘what is the report telling you?’ and ‘what does this word mean?’ YOU CAN DO IT - CERIFICATE EARNERS Our ‘You Can Do It!’ program exists in every classroom & aims to build the capabilities of every student with positive messages & lessons in each class about being: Use language that encourages thinking and reflection such as ‘do you agree with what was written in that newspaper article or story?’ — have your child locate sources within the story or text to support their point of view. - Organised - Confident - Persistent - Resilient Able to get along with others This past fortnight has once again seen many of our students earning certificates for their efforts. They are as follows: Week ending 1 May: Cody W, Cody H, Rebecca D, Jayden M, Shaleek W, Billy M, River D, Zorion H, Izaack S, Shelby M, Hannah C, Ruby C, Ash K, Seth P, Jordan J, Mr Gray Talk about movies you have seen — discuss why a filmmaker may have created a movie in a certain way, the purpose of the film, the intended audience and what points of view or values are conveyed. Talk about language choices and why characters are represented in certain ways. Regards, Chantelle Bauer Acting Head of Curriculum Congratulations to our award winners!!!! 3 Wednesday 6 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY Hi everyone, We have had a busy few weeks with Drayton SS hosting the school and Cambooya District Cross Country Carnivals. All students who participated should be commended on their commitment and determination – Well Done! Drayton State School Cross Country Age Champions 2015: 5 Years – Caleb O’Neil & Abby Brady 6 Years – Hunter Evans & Jayda Deme 7 Years – Matthew Macy & Breanna Morton 8 Years – Brody Hilt & Hailey Brady 9 Years – Tyler Madden & Charlotte Ladyman 10 Years – Sonny Curthoys & Hannah Parkinson 11 Years – Dillon McFeeters & Jade Morton 12 Years – Lincon Holmes & Amy Alexander Every student who ran on the day scored points for their Sporting House. The winning house (for the first time in 15 years!) was Peak House. Go Peak! Cambooya District Cross Country On Tuesday 28th April, Drayton hosted the Cambooya District Cross Country, which involved students aged 1012 from schools in our surrounding district. The following Drayton students were selected to compete at the Cambooya District Cross Country Carnival: Lincon Holmes, Ben Ladyman, Dechlan Heilig, Connor Wockner, Braydon Denman, Amy Alexander, Maggie Brunner, Kaylee Richters, Dillon McFeeters, Ethan Hennessy, Tyler Collins, Elijah Fiteni, Jade Morton, Abby Hayes, Kate Sneddon, Molly Hain, Jordan Lavers, Sonny Curthoys, Ben Rankin, Matthew Morgan, Isaiah Heilig, Ben Roche, Hannah Parkinson, Zoe Ladyman, Mikayla Brady, Crystal Hade and Sophie Burton. Congratulations to all students who competed. Also, well done to Lincon Holmes who received the 12 Years Boys Age Champion, after running first in his age group. Inner Downs Cross Country Trials – Good luck to Lincon Holmes, Ethan Hennessy and Dillon McFeeters, who have been selected to trial at the Inner Downs Cross Country on Wednesday 6th May. Inner Downs Soccer Team – Well done to Ethan Hennessy, who has been selected in the Inner Downs Soccer team. Ethan will compete for a spot in the Darling Downs Team – Good luck! Inner Downs Hockey Team – Well done to Braydon Denman, who has been selected in the Inner Downs Hockey team. Braydon will compete for a spot in the Darling Downs Team – Good luck! Inner Downs Rugby League Team – Well done to 07/15 Dechlan Heilig, who was selected in the Inner Downs Rugby League Team. Dechlan has also secured a shadow position in the Bunya District Team. Well done Dechlan! Ben Roche – Darling Downs Softball A massive congratulations goes to Ben, who not only gained a spot in the Inner Downs Boys Softball Team, but has now gained selection in the Darling Downs Team! Ben will compete at the State Championships in Bundaberg on the 28th – 30th August. Well done Ben, we wish you all the best! Inner Downs Touch Team – Well done to Dillon McFeeters, who has been selected in the Inner Downs Touch team. Dillon will compete for a spot in the Darling Downs Team – Good luck! Yours in sport, Chantelle Manteufel [email protected] Bookclub news Brochures for issue three have gone home. All orders are due back to the office by Tuesday 5th of May. Please make all cheques out to Scholastic Australia. If ordering by credit card, please ring the number and follow the prompts. Remember to record the credit card information, and the receipt number, on the slip at the bottom of the form. Beatrice Giaimo Get connected with the QSchools app The QSchools app lets you connect with your state school to get up-to-the-minute information including: Push notifications and emergency announcements Newsletters and documents Calendar events and news Tuckshop and uniform shop information School hours and contact details Social media feeds Available for free download from iTunes Store, Google Play, Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. As well as the school website. Visit 4 Wednesday 6 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 07/15 Diana Ruhle Secretary [email protected] Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday May 12 at 6.30pm. We will be discussing priorities for school improvement that we can target for grant applications. New faces and ideas are welcome, so direct some thought towards how you think our school can be improved and come along and share your ideas. Please email through anything you would like added to our agenda for discussion at this meeting. Again, we ask you to consider volunteering some time to help in the tuckshop, the uniform store or in some other small way to contribute to our school – it would be greatly appreciated. th POSITION OF TUCKSHOP CONVENOR We are holding open the closing date for applications for tuckshop convenor if anyone is still interested in this position. The correct email address for our P & C President Will Curthoys is [email protected]. Please send your application to Will before Tuesday May 12th. We apologise for any inconvenience this error may have caused. THANK YOU A big thanks goes out to Julia Brunner and Bluey Gordon for their generous donation towards our ANZAC day sausage sizzle. Also to those of you who contributed towards the bake sale. We raised $750 to put towards the installation of the new playground. At present we are working through departmental rules and regulations that need to be met before installation goes ahead. MOTHERS’ DAY STALL - THURSDAY MAY 7TH AND FRIDAY MAY 8TH Our Mother’s Day stall will be operating this Thursday and for a short time on Friday morning. We need helpers to set up the stall on Wednesday after school and then to assist during the day on Thursday. On Friday the stall will be open until 11.00am. Helping out with this fundraiser would be a great way to support the school. Please contact Tracey Jensen if you can help. [email protected] UNIFORM STORE Parents of students going on the CANBERRA TRIP can contact me with any questions they may have regarding the jackets for the trip - call or SMS 0400 210377. If you are unable to visit the store during our open hours, ORDERS for new items can be left at the office in order envelopes (available at office) with cash or cheque. Uniform items, prices and sizes are on the school website. Your items can be collected from the office after the next store day. Please contact me with any queries you may have. If you have any good quality (no stains, rips, etc) SECOND HAND uniform items that you would like to sell on a commission basis - especially the yellow polos shirts - please bring them in! Trisha Ott Convenor TUCKSHOP Treat Day this Friday afternoon 3:00 to 3:15pm. To celebrate the end of the school week, Ice Blocks, Drinks and Snacks from our usual menu can be purchased from the tuckshop. Kirsty Wall Relief Convenor Upcoming Dates Mothers’ Day Stall Thursday 07 & Friday 08 May Next P & C Meeting Tue 12 May 6:30pm in the Staff Room 5 Wednesday 6 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 07/15 Hello Everyone Welcome to week 2 and 3 of the school year. We have had so many things happen in the past fortnight, including the creation of our own worm farm, and the beginnings of our own veggie patch! The students are thrilled to be helping support their environment by saving water to water the veggie garden and supplying the worms with our scrap food! Another large factor over the last fortnight revolves around Assessment and Rating. I am extremely proud of all the students that were here during this time, their behaviour was fabulous! Here I would like to recognise the school for their support and help throughout this process. We are eagerly awaiting our results, and will keep you all posted! During term 2, the superstar reward chart is still in full swing, and some prizes have already been handed out! Well done guys! Just a reminder to everyone that our hours of operation are as follows: 6.30am to 8.55am of a morning, and 3.00pm to 6.00pm of an afternoon. We supply breakfast at 7.30am which includes cereal, toast with milo or milk. During afternoon tea we supply fruit & veggie platters and a healthy treat. Cheers and enjoy your coming fortnight! Megan Krahenbring Coordinator 0422 005 470 [email protected] 6
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