Wednesday 22 April 2015 Principal Mr Aleksandr Taylor-Gough Head of Curriculum Mrs Chantelle Bauer Office Admin Staff Mrs Lisa Maslen Mrs Christine Jones Postal Address Drayton State School 55 Brisbane Street, DRAYTON. Q 4350. CONTACTS Phone: 4637 7444 Fax: 4637 7400 Prep: 4630 1913 OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE Coordinator Megan Karhenbring 0422 005 470 UPCOMING Check out the Website TUESDAY 28/04 Cambooya District Cross Country at Drayton SS TUESDAY 28/04 Photo Day *TUCKSHOP Friday First break only See P&C section for more details Checkout the school website for new menu UNIFORM STORE Tuesday 8:30-9:15 am Friday 2:30-3:15 pm We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY Principal News Welcome Back As we enter into an important term, I would like to welcome those new to our school community, as well as reminding everyone of the values we share at Drayton State School. With the commemorations of the 100th landing of ANZAC at the end of this week, it is important that we take time to reflect on how our Drayton Dragon Rules are interpreted throughout our school environment (both within and outside the school gate) and the similarities between how our society has developed over the past ANZAC century. Rule 1 – Act Safely This includes student behaviour on the way to, within, and on the way home from school. We should be ever mindful of our role to model safe practices, which includes the expression doing unto others the way in which we would have them do unto us. At Drayton SS, we have a focus on keeping our hands and feet to ourselves, along with walking in certain areas. In addition to this, it is pivotal that we all act safely on the roads outside the school fence, and in accordance with the rules. Rule 2 – Give your Best Effort This is a major focus at Drayton SS, and something that I am passionate about leading. Whilst not everyone will be a Straight “A” Student (not that it isn’t an achievable target), I expect all students are trying hard in every subject area. Improvement is something that we can all show and I love nothing more than seeing students putting in their best efforts when they come to the office. Praise and encouragement is pivotal and I thank everyone for the ways in which you assist in this process. Rule 3 – Show Respect This should be the most basic and easy of rules for all students to follow. Respect starts from the way students are dressed. I expect to see students in School Uniform on a daily basis. It is not just my expectation, 06/15 but the expectation of everyone connected to our school as it shows that student respect their own self. Once they have this sorted, then it is just as easy to respect our friends (and sometimes, our not-so friends) for trying to look neat and tidy. Much research has been produced that states once we promote and achieve self-respect, our on -task performance increases which means, our results in the classroom will rise as we are taking care of the one thing that we have full control over – ourselves. Rule 4 – Take Pride A natural extension to showing respect, taking pride relates to how we conduct ourselves at all stages. It involves ruling our book up neatly, whilst being excited and engaged in the learning right up until 3:00pm. Taking pride is something that relates well to what students are learning about in terms of the ANZAC Story, as big things can be achieved when we place importance on ‘us’ doing the right thing. Rule 5 – Act Self-responsibly Of course, as students, their behaviour is ultimately up to them. We can have all the support structures in place, but actually acting in a self-responsive manner can only be achieved by each individual child. Our goal at Drayton SS is to work in such a way that promotes this through our explicit teaching of behaviour, along with modelling these behaviours ourselves. Your support as parents and caregivers in this arena is pivotal, as children come to school straight from the home environment. If we can all work together to promote and focus our attention this term on our Drayton Dragon Rules, I believe we will continually be working in the right direction to strive for exceptional behaviour on a daily basis. School ANZAC Commemorations All parents and family members are cordially invited to our Drayton State School ANZAC Commemorative Service and Opening of our Memorial Gardens. The Service commences at 9:00am this coming Friday 24th April in our Hall. You will be welcome to stay for 1 Wednesday 22 April 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY Morning Tea which will immediately follow the service (approximately 10:00am). Due to our modified bells on Friday for our ANZAC Commemorative Service, there will be no tuckshop on Friday. Tuckshop for Term 2 will recommence next Friday 1st May. ANZAC Badges Also please note that we are selling a range of ANZAC Badges, Stickers Tattoos and Ribbons ranging from 50c to $5.00. Please promote this to students to bring their money in on Thursday to purchase. The products can be worn on Friday 24th April here at School, and of course, can be worn on ANZAC Day on Saturday 25th April, especially though the Drayton March. ANZAC Community Service and March The Drayton Community Service and March will commence from 7:20am on Saturday 25th April. All students are invited to proudly march in School Uniform with our school. We will gather on the school side of the Drayton Memorial Hall from 6:45am-7:00am, in preparation for a prompt 7:20am march commencement. It would be lovely to see our students show the Drayton Dragon Rules in an ANZAC Spirit and March as one on Saturday. I hope to see as many students and family members as possible attend. The morning will conclude by around 8:30am at the Drayton Memorial and you will be invited to stay for a BBQ morning tea. Drayton SS Memorial Gardens Over the holidays, we have a number of staff and family members donate their time to prepare the ANZAC Gardens. The area near the historic Bell Tower will become a focus this year as we work to make this our special place of remembrance. I would like to extend a thanks to all those who gave their time and effort to make this area look special, along with the following people and organisations for donating materials: Bluey Gordon Beatrice Giamo Superior Landscaping Supplies, Drayton Bunnings Warehouse Toowoomba The sandstone stone and plaque will be permanently concreted in the coming weeks, finishing off what has been a great transformation that will ultimately start a renewal of a focus on our gardens around the school. We look forward to officially ‘opening’ this area on Friday as a dedication to those who lost their lives for our freedom. Cross Country A reminder that the Cambooya District Cross Country will be held this coming Tuesday from 12:00pm. Selected students (from today’s Cross Country) will be notified and letters sent home as per usual. 06/15 School Photos School photos will be held progressively from this coming Tuesday 28th April as well. Older classes will be photographed first (due to the District Cross Country). Please ensure students are dressed appropriately and in full school uniform. Parent Teacher Interviews A quick reminder that these forms have gone home in readiness for Interviews from 3:30pm – 6:30pm on Tuesday 5th May (Week 3). I would ask that you give maximum priority to assigning a couple of suitable timeslots for teachers to schedule, as they will be extremely busy on the afternoon. These are due back to school ASAP. As a school, this is an extremely positive way in which to receive feedback on the teaching and learning processes within classrooms. Classroom Volunteers With the start of the new term here, we would like to invite any parent/caregiver or family members with a few spare hours in their week, to consider volunteering in the classroom. It is an extremely insightful and opportune way to contribute to the positive tone of the school and classrooms. Feel free to contact your teacher for more information. Activities including reading, sight words, literacy rotations and numeracy are often ways in which parent volunteers assist. However, if you have a specific interest or skill, please let us know as there may be a way to integrate this into the class or school routine. Pre-Service Teachers and USQ Upon starting at Drayton SS, I mentioned my goal to further our community partnerships with the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). To this end, I am pleased to note that over the coming 10 weeks, we will see a number of Pre-Service Teachers placed in a great many of our classrooms. Pre-Service Teachers are the ‘next generation’ of staff who will be responsible for the education of students in the coming years. Some will be involved in general observations (and assistance duties) whilst others will combine observations with teaching of some lessons, with the support of the class teacher. Having a strong academic record is of course important. However, having the opportunity to work hand in hand with class teachers, students and school staff is vital for teaching success. I ask that should you get the opportunity to interact with a Pre-Service Teacher this term, you assist in promoting how wonderful it is to be involved in a great State School such as ours, here at Drayton. As Principal, but also as the Placement Supervisor, I look forward to welcoming these University Students into our school throughout Term 2. 2 Wednesday 22 April 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY NAPLAN Grammar and punctuation, Years 3-6 As mentioned in the last newsletter, from Tuesday 12th May – Thursday 14th May, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy, or NAPLAN, as it is commonly known. Skills that will be tested include: reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. It is important for you and your child to know that NAPLAN is not a pass/fail test. It simply looks at what level students are achieving in literacy and numeracy against National Standards and compared with student peers throughout Australia. Vocabulary, Years 3-6 Should you not wish for your child to participate in NAPLAN this year, please contact me on (07) 4637 7444. There are withdrawal options that parents can discuss with the school, should you like to choose this option. We do, however, have to have such forms completed ASAP. If you would like to withdraw your child, could you please contact me by Friday 1st May (Week 2). In Summary – Attendance and Priorities With a major focus on School Attendance throughout 2015, I am pleased to note that we officially achieved our target of 95% Whole School Attendance in Term 1. The Rate appears below and that is a credit to everyone involved. Let’s try and repeat this target this term, and strive for even greater attendance. Remember, every day counts. 06/15 Science, Years 3-6 Finally, we welcome back Alice Gegg who is currently replacing Loretta Stark in Prep S whilst she is on leave for Weeks 1-2. I wish everyone a great couple of weeks and I look forward to seeing as many people as possible at our School ANZAC Commemorative Service on Friday, and at the Drayton Community March and Service on Saturday. In memory of those who fought for our freedom, Lest We Forget. Kind Regards, Aleksandr Taylor-Gough. ACTING PRINCIPAL FROM THE HEAD OF CURRICULUM Curriculum News Nothing is more important to academic achievement than being a good reader. Parents know their children best and can provide the one-on-one time and attention that will lead them to success in reading. Here is a list of ways to help your children become more effective readers. Set aside a regular time to read to your children every day. Studies show that regularly reading out loud to children will produce significant gains in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and the decoding of words. Whether your children are in Prep or Year 6, it will increase their desire to read independently. Surround your children with reading material. Children with a large array of reading materials in their homes score higher on standardized tests. Tempt your kids to read by having a large supply of appealing books and magazines at their reading level. Put the reading materials in cars, bathrooms, bedrooms, family rooms, and even by the TV. Our priorities this term remain firmly in place. However, we will see a renewed focus on Writing, with some classes working through the Seven Steps to Writing Success programme. In addition to this, we will be focusing on reading, spelling and numeracy. We will begin whole school diagnostic testing through the PAT (Progressive Achievements Tests) series in the next fortnight, looking at: Comprehension, Years 1-6 Mathematics (Numeracy), Years 1-6 Have a family reading time. Establish a daily 15 to 30 minute time when everyone in the family reads together silently. Seeing you read will inspire your children to read. Just 15 minutes of daily practice is sufficient to increase their reading fluency. Encourage a wide variety of reading activities. Make reading an integral part of your children's lives. Have them read menus, roadside signs, game 3 Wednesday 22 April 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY directions, weather reports, movie time listings, information from websites and other practical everyday information. Also, make sure they always have something to read in their spare time when they could be waiting for appointments or travelling in a car. 06/15 We were very thankful to begin our day to the sound of the bagpipes as a cohort from McGrath Highland Dancing Studio enchanted all ages with their dancing in the traditional kilt and Aboyne costumes of Scotland. Regards Chantelle Bauer Acting Head of Curriculum CHEAPEST ‘Around the World’ tickets for Drayton students! On Thursday 2 April, Drayton State School celebrated Harmony Day. Beauty in diversity. A parade was then conducted to determine the most accurate of costumes according to our well-travelled panel of judges. The day began with a whole school gathering where one and all had arrived dressed in costumes from around the world. There were Mexicans, Germans, South Africans, Kiwis (NZ), cowboys from the USA, children from Alaska, a Congolese lady with a babe strapped to her back and even the Statue of Liberty itself! Following the whole school assembly, classes began their trek around the globe where one classroom/country offered Lindt and Toblerone chocolates while making miniature snow skiers from Switzerland, another taught the children the basics of Chinese character writing along with a history of modern China while sampling dim sims, another echoed the pounding of African drums while learning tribal painting techniques and tasting authentic tennis biscuits from South Africa, and so the experiences went on. 4 Wednesday 22 April 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 06/15 YOU CAN DO IT - CERIFICATE EARNERS Our ‘You Can Do It!’ program exists in every classroom & aims to build the capabilities of every student with positive messages & lessons in each class about being: - Organised - Confident - Persistent - Resilient Able to get along with others This past fortnight has once again seen many of our students earning certificates for their efforts. They are as follows: Each country was amazing in its own way. What a wonderfully cultural day as children went from country to country learning and appreciating the many peoples of the world. A number of students were asked what they thought of Harmony Day at D.S.S. and their responses were as follows: Week ending 27 March: Miley S, Malachi B, Talon P, Pyper M, Angus C, Jared K, Drew N, Porsche L, Justin M, Jarrah D, Zoe B, Rhyce S, Maggie B. Sorry no photo Congratulations to our award winners!!!! “I really enjoyed today … could we please do this again next year?” (William – Year 5) “I loved having chocolates with Mrs Nicholson!” (Annabelle – Year 3) “My favourite thing was making kimono dolls with Ms Gregory” “I loved doing Germany and making their flag!” (Jessika – Year 1) Cross Country 2015 “In Canada, they’re cool people!” (Jake – Year 2) “I loved it all!” (Loren – Year 6) Get connected with the QSchools app The QSchools app lets you connect with your state school to get up-to-the-minute information including: Push notifications and emergency announcements Newsletters and documents Calendar events and news Tuckshop and uniform shop information School hours and contact details Social media feeds Thanks for those who help with the ANZAC garden working Bee. Available for free download from iTunes Store, Google Play, Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. As well as the school website. Visit 5 Wednesday 22 April 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 06/15 UNIFORM STORE Thank you to those parents who made the time to attend our last meeting at the end of Term One – it’s great to see parents interested and involved in the decisions that are directly effecting our Drayton students. POSITIONS OF TUCKSHOP CONVENOR AND RELIEF TUCKSHOP CONVENOR The P & C would like to invite interested persons to apply for the positions of Tuckshop Convenor and Relief Tuckshop Convenor at our school. The roles require a time commitment of 9 set hours per fortnight and 1 volunteer hour per fortnight. There may be additional hours required for different occasions and these hours will be negotiated with the P & C executive. Please forward a letter expressing your interest in this position to P & C President Will Curthoys [email protected] on or before 29th April. ANZAC Day BBQ and Bake Sale Winter uniform (available all year): Spray Jackets* $35.00 Polar Fleece Jackets* $30.00 Polar Fleece Vests* $18.00 (*all embroidered with school emblem) Sloppy Joes/Fleecy Pullovers $22.00 (screen printed) Fleecy Trackpants $19.00 Microfibre Trackpants $23.00 If you have any questions at all or suggestions, please SMS or call Trisha on 0400 210377. Trisha Ott - Convenor TUCKSHOP Due to our ANZAC service on Friday morning at 9.00 and altered break times, the tuckshop will not open as usual. Please consider volunteering some time in our tuckshop – we need helpers on Friday mornings, every second Friday afternoon and on special occasions. Kids love seeing their family members helping out school so if you can spare some time please contact Kirsty on 0417076249 Don’t forget to come along to the march and service this Saturday morning to support both our ANZACS and our school. Stay for a sausage after the service and try to help with this fundraising venture if you can. It’s TREAT DAY again this Friday 3.00-3.15 – so bring your spare change to treat your kids to a little something to reward them for working hard all week at school. MOTHERS’ DAY STALL - THURSDAY MAY 7TH AND FRIDAY MAY 8TH Upcoming Dates Setting up for the stall will begin on Wednesday May 6th. Please contact Tracey Jensen ([email protected]) if you could volunteer some time to help with setting up and/or serving on any of these days. Remember that treat day falls every second Friday. Next P & C Meeting Wed 06 May 6:30pm in the Staff Room ANZAC Day Sausage Sizzle 25 April Mother’s Day Stall Thursday 07 & Friday 08 May Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th of May 6.30pm in the Administration building at the school. If you have any items you would like added to our agenda for discussion please email [email protected]. Diana Ruhle P & C Secretary 6
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