KENT STATE UNIVERSITY ALL-STAR CHOIR FESTIVAL NOMINATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS The deadline for nominations is September 4, 2015 Preference will be given to nominations received by Friday, May 1, 2015 1. Print out nomination form and duplicate one for each nominee. Nominees are to complete the student portion and return to you. You may nominate up to ten students. Please rank students carefully as all nominees may not necessarily be selected to participate. Carefully consider vocal ability, character, and leadership potential. Help us balance the All-Star Choir by nominating students from all voice types if possible. Please inform nominees of the following: Optional Vocal Coaching Sessions (JUNIORS & SENIORS ONLY): Students must prepare an art song appropriate for solo and ensemble contest. If the piece is memorized, the student may be nominated for a cash award and selected to perform on the final concert. There is an additional fee of $5 for the 15-minute vocal coaching sessions. Audition (SENIORS ONLY): Seniors participating in the vocal coaching sessions also have the opportunity to audition for the School of Music. Students should sing two memorized art songs: one with English text and one in a foreign language. Auditioning students will also be given a short skill assessment to demonstrate their sight-reading and pitch-matching abilities. Songs in a foreign language may be selected from any of the following composers. Italian: Scarlatti, Caldara, Donaudy, Giordani, Bononcini, Monteverdi, Carissimi, Gluck, Handel, Marcello, Pergolesi, Lotti German: Brahms, Schubert, Schumann French: Debussy, Fauré 2. Complete the director’s portion of the nomination form. IMPORTANT: Please rank all nominees in order of overall ability. 3. Return nomination forms by mail, fax or email: Attn: Sarah Harvey, Festival Coordinator KSU All-Star Choir Festival Kent State University 1325 Theatre Drive – E101 Kent, OH 44242 School of Music Fax: 330-672-7837 Email: [email protected] Fee information (to be paid to KSU): $40 per student: includes T-Shirt, Music Packet and Recordings of the All-Star Choir Concerts (recordings will be made available online) $5 per student for optional vocal coaching sessions with KSU faculty Fee information for KSU Hotel & Conference Center (to be paid to hotel): $29-$39 per student based on quad or triple occupancy—includes continental breakfast $58-$119 double or single (directors/chaperones only)—includes continental breakfast Send no fees now! Participants will be notified of acceptance by Monday, September 14. Fees must be paid in full at registration in order to participate. For questions contact Dr. Scott MacPherson at 330-672-2909 or via email at [email protected]. NOMINATION FORM KENT STATE UNIVERSITY ALL-STAR CHOIR FESTIVAL OCTOBER 11-12, 2015 TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE STUDENT (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY): NAME ______________________________________ MALE ___________ FEMALE ___________ STUDENT’S EMAIL ______________________________ STUDENT’S PHONE ___________________ HOME PHONE ______________________ VOICE PART (CIRCLE ONE) SOPRANO ALTO TENOR BASS T-SHIRT SIZE, ADULT SIZES (CIRCLE ONE) S M L XL XXL YEAR IN SCHOOL (CIRCLE ONE) FR SO JR SR YEARS OF SINGING EXPERIENCE ______ MUSIC SOLOS, AWARDS AND/OR HONORS_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY: If I attend the festival, I would like to be scheduled for a 15-minute vocal coaching session with one of the Kent State University faculty. Additional fee of $5. (If the piece is memorized, the student may be nominated for a cash award and selected to perform on the final concert.) ______ SENIORS PARTICIPATING IN THE COACHING SESSION: I am a potential music major or minor and would like to audition for the KSU School of Music during the festival. TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE DIRECTOR (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY): DIRECTOR’S NAME ____________________________________________ SCHOOL ______________________________ PHONE ___________________ SCHOOL ADDRESS _________________________________________________ EMAIL ___________________________ CELL PHONE ________________________ T-SHIRT SIZE, ADULT SIZES (CIRCLE ONE) S M L XL XXL USING LETTER GRADES (A THROUGH D) RATE EACH STUDENT IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: _____ TONE OVERALL RANKING OF NOMINEE _____ _____ INTONATION (“1” to your best student, “2” to the next best, and so on. _____ MUSICALITY Do not give two students the same ranking.) _____ READING ABILITY _____ LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL _____ SELF-MOTIVATION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION (IF ACCEPTED TO THE ALL-STAR CHOIR FESTIVAL. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT WITH FORM.) $40 (PER PARTICIPANT) ALL-STAR CHOIR FESTIVAL PACKET Including: Music, T-shirt and Recordings of the All-Star Choir Concerts (recordings will be made available online) _____ $5 VOCAL COACHING SESSION (JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY) _____ SCHOOL OF MUSIC AUDITION (SENIORS ONLY) NOMINATION FORMS ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 4, 2015
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