EAGLE JUNCTION STATE SCHOOL 49 Roseby Avenue Clayfield QLD 4011 Phone: (07) 3637 1111 Fax: (07) 3637 1100 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eaglejunctionss.eq.edu.au Student Absence Line: (07) 3637 1166 FLYING EAGLE No. 11 22 April 2015 From the Principal Welcome back to the start of what promises to be a very busy and exciting term of teaching and learning. We would like to welcome the new families who have joined us at EJ; we welcome back Ros Prain, Greg Lee and Mira Cvetkovic from leave and welcome Julia Bailey who will be our Deputy Principal while Susie is at Kedron State School This week the students have settled right back in to their learning – teachers have commented on how focussed they have been and how pleased they seem to be to be back at school. Thank you for all you have done to prepare them so well. Work has begun on the new Tuckshop, outdoor learning and play spaces and the children have been orientated to playground movement changes by their teachers. The children are very excited about the “big holes” that have been dug between A and B Block and are looking forward to the construction of the “Shipwreck” and “Giant’s Causeway”. The concept plans of the areas are on display in the lift well under A Block. Anzac Service - Friday 24 April at 8.00am This Friday we will be conducting our Anzac Service punctually at 8.00am on the school oval. The service will be conducted by our student leaders and our music students. All students should be in full school TARTAN uniform, white socks, black shoes and hats will be essential. If jumpers are worn, navy blue school jumpers are expected. Although the morning may be cool, the situation on the oval at 8.00am today was that it was full of warm sunshine. All parents are invited and we would particularly like to extend an invitation to any of our parents who are or were in the armed services and the emergency services groups. We will require flowers for the class wreaths that the children will make prior to the service. These should be delivered to the class teacher tomorrow morning by 7.20am. Our Guest Speaker this year is Mr Bill O’Chee President of the Clayfield/ Toombul RSL. Students who arrive late to school on Friday ie. after 7.45am will need to report to the office as the service will commence on time. These students will be supervised in the Memorial Classroom as arrival to the Service late would be disrespectful. A copy of the arrangements for the day is attached again. Please ensure all students are at school by 7.15am as the bell rings at 7.20am Student Absence Phone 3637 1166 Diary Dates Thurs Apr 23 7.40am Senior Choir Practice Fri Apr 24 7.20am School begins 8.00am School Anzac Service commences 1.45pm School concludes Sat Apr 25 Anzac Day Public Holiday 7.00am Anzac Day Service Kalinga Park – Student Council marching Mon Apr 27 7.20am Senior Concert Band Tues Apr 28 7.20am Chess 7.40am Vocal Ensemble 6.00pm Prep Sub Committee Mtg Wed Apr 29 7.30am String Ensemble 7.40am Junior Choir 1.30pm Junior Assembly Fri May 1 7.40am Senior Choir 8.30am Snr Assembly Mon May 4 7.20am Senior Concert Band 7.00pm P&C Meeting Tues May 5 7.20am Chess 7.40am Vocal Ensemble Wed May 6 7.30am String Ensemble 7.40am Junior Choir 1.30pm Junior Assembly Thurs May 7 Mother’s Day Stall Fri May 8 7.40am Senior Choir 8.30am Snr Assembly Parent Network Mother’s Day Luncheon From the Principal cont. Normal School Days In the cooler months of our school year the late arrival of students is of concern. It is absolutely critical that the students adhere to the arrival and departure times to and from school. Arrival is between 8.00am to 8.20am (unless involved in before school activity). The first bell rings at 8.20am. Parents who use Bayview Terrace are reminded that they too need to adhere to the rules of the road. Parking in the bus stop area is not permitted and can cause difficulties at drop off and pick up times. All families are encouraged to use the supervised crossing areas when crossing Roseby Ave and Bayview Terrace. In the afternoon students should leave from school promptly at 2.45pm (unless involved in some after school activity). If students are waiting for Martial Arts lessons they should wait with Sensei in the Hall, those participating in tennis should wait at the courts. No skate boarding or bike riding is permitted in the school grounds. Playing on school equipment after school is not permitted. Winter Uniform As the weather changes to welcome in the cooler months we would like to suggest a couple of things to help the students throughout the term. Winter uniforms are available from the Uniform Shop. They should all be clearly labelled as the loss of jumpers each year is astounding. Tights are navy blue - never black and sports shoes are white or black (with matching shoe laces). Tissues are essential in the classrooms and all parents are asked to provide teachers with one box of tissues per student. That way we should make it through the winter. Talk to your children regarding personal hygiene. If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school as flu spreads quickly. Remind your child about washing hands before eating food, and after using the toilets. Remind them to cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing. We are all looking forward to all that Term 2 brings as it will offer “every child, every opportunity for every success”. Josephine Bottrell (Principal) From HOC & Master Teacher High Impact Teaching Our focus this year is on the consistent implementation of our Pedagogical Framework – Teaching and Learning the EJ Way, incorporating the use of High Impact Teaching. The third and final phase of the High Impact Teaching sequence is the consolidate phase. This phase allows students the opportunity to practice the using knowledge and skills they have learnt and review and reinforce their learning. As reading is one of EJ’s major focus this year, teachers are mindful of delivering effective and timely feedback to students on the development and progress of each student’s reading behaviours and skills. Teachers give this feedback in a number of different ways to students, parents/caregivers and to other professional colleagues. Feedback to students Our teachers provide feedback to students: Guided Reading – oral, timely feedback Reading comprehension – written feedback Goal setting – reading goals are set with students with progress monitored and feedback provided Feedback to Parents / Caregivers Parent teacher interviews End of Semester Reporting described by Eagle Junction State School Reporting Framework Professional Feedback to Teachers Eagle Junction State School values commitment to the continuous improvement of teacher practice. Teachers engage in feedback processes at two junctures, both in direct feedback on pedagogy and curriculum delivery through the ‘3 Way Feedback Cycle’ and also through Developing Performance Conversations that allow for rigorous and evidence based driven dialogue to improve student outcomes through review of classroom strategies. Fleur Provost (Head of Curriculum) and Michael Coad (Master Teacher) EAGLE JUNCTION STATE SCHOOL SCHOOL TIMETABLE VARIATION TO THE SCHOOL DAY – ANZAC SERVICE 24 April 2015 Time 7.00am 7.20am Tennis lessons that would normally take place at 7.20 to 7.50 will take place 1.45 to 2.15 and lessons from 7.50 to 8.20 will take place at 2.15 to 2.45 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.45am 9.30am to 10.15am 10.15am to 12.00pm 12.00pm to 12.30pm 12.30pm to 1.45pm 1.45pm 1.45pm to 2.45pm 2.45pm Martial Arts as usual in the hall Prep to Year 3 All students can begin to arrive at school Bell rings – students move to classrooms for roll check Time 7.00am readiness for service / reminder of expectations / checking of correct uniform / preparations of wreath Move to oval for service / seating as per plan Anzac Service Service completed and classes return to classroom for Anzac biscuit and popper juice 7.30am Prep -Year 2 First break nd 2 session Prep -Year 2 second break Session 3 School day concludes Students collected /walk home with older siblings 2 minute zone , Roseby Ave and Bayview Tce crossing will operate No student is permitted to play on school equipment at this time Students who are not able to be collected at this time or who are scheduled to attend OSHC or after school sporting activities held in the school should meet in the hall for supervision Departure as usual 2 min zone, Roseby Ave and Bayview Tce crossings operate 9.15am to 9.45am 9.45am to 11.30am 11.30am to 12.15pm 12.15pm to 1.45pm 1.45pm 7.20am 8.00am 8.45am Year 4 to Year 7 Tec crew / year 7 leaders arrive to assist on the oval Bell rings – students move to classrooms for roll check readiness for service / reminder of expectations / checking of correct uniform / preparations of wreath Move to oval for service / seating as per plan Anzac Service Service completed and classes return to classroom for Anzac biscuit and popper juice / Tec Crew and year 6 required for oval clear up Year 3-Year 6 First break nd 2 session Year 3- Year 6 second break Session 3 School day concludes Students collected /walk home with older siblings / 2 minute zone, Roseby Ave and Bayview Tce crossing will operate No student is permitted to play on school equipment at this time 1.45pm to 2.45pm Students who are not able to be collected at this time or who are scheduled to attend OSHC or after school sporting activities held in the school should meet in the hall for supervision 2.45pm Martial Arts as usual in the hall Departure as usual 2 min zone, Roseby Ave and Bayview Tce crossings operate Thank you for your co-operation with this change to the routine of the school day From the Deputy Principals Welcome to Term 2! I certainly wasn’t prepared for how quickly it would take me to gain a sense of the ‘EJ way’. Walking around the school, I have been positively overwhelmed by the beautiful manners of the students and how willing they have been to help me learn about their school. Their pride is very evident – not only in their uniforms and presentation, but also in the way in which they proudly share their learning environment. I have also noticed and am heartened by the manner in which students at EJSS welcome new students to their learning community. The teaching staff have warmly invited me into their classrooms making me feel very welcome. Student engagement has been highly visible with students on task and showing much enthusiasm towards their learning. I am looking forward to a productive Term 2 working alongside teachers, students and parents of Eagle Junction State School Thank you for the warm welcome. Julia Bailey Our Commitment to Learning and Wellbeing at Eagle Junction At Eagle Junction we support the wellbeing of our community by building a positive learning culture. We provide challenging, interactive and engaging learning experiences and nurture relationships with our families and the wider community. We encourage students to support their own wellbeing by being actively involved in their school and community. Research on resilience shows a sense of belonging is critical for young people. Our Learning and Wellbeing Framework helps us to: • acknowledge the importance of wellbeing to the learning process • develop a rich school culture and positive ethos that creates a sense of belonging and self-responsibility, leading to positive behaviour, improved student attendance and achievement • embed personal and social capabilities within the general curriculum • improve educational outcomes for all students. Optimising wellbeing within our school requires us to use a whole-school approach that covers practices in four domains: 1. 2. 3. 4. Learning Environment Curriculum and pedagogy Policies and procedures Partnerships This week we are looking at what practices we use to enhance our learning environment. At Eagle Junction we promote a positive school ethos and rich learning environment that is open, respectful, caring, safe and optimises learning through a commitment to wellbeing. Eagle Junction State School does this by: Fostering a sense of belonging by describing what it means to be an Eagle Junction student and associating that identity with high expectations for behaviour and a commitment to learning. We wear the school uniform with pride, enjoy school events, celebrate the success and effort of students. We talk about learning as a serious endeavour in which we are all engaged. We enjoy the many possibilities that are available to our students. We support one another and encourage everyone to participate. We utilise learning and wellbeing practices which meet the learning and social/emotional needs of every student through the use of varied pathways and approaches. We do this by considering the learning needs and best learning pathway for every student as we plan our curriculum content, delivery and assessment, term by term, week by week, day by day and moment by moment. We provide many points of connection including Year Level teams of teachers and teacher aides, Specialist Teachers, our Guidance Officer Mrs Genni Smith, Learning Support staff Mrs Alex Suthers and Mrs Monica Mullins and Intensive Teaching staff Mrs Vanessa Parker, Mrs Faye Robson, Ms Liz Campbell, Mrs Jennie Blakey, Mrs Leah Dunstan; our EAL/D (English as an additional language or dialect) staff, Mrs Jan Beikoff and Ms Christina Theodosiou and the School Chappie, Mr Kyle Eckersley We recognise, celebrate and cater for the incredible cultural and learning diversity in our school. We provide students with a positive approach to behaviour within the school community through setting high expectations and providing support to develop the knowledge and skills needed for students to be responsible citizens and develop self management. We provide staff with appropriate professional development to address the learning and wellbeing needs of the students of our school Buffy Lavery and Julia Bailey Music Notes Senior Choir Reminder In preparation for our ANZAC service, the Senior Choir rehearsal for this week will be held on Thursday morning, April 23rd at 7:40 am. Metropolitan Honours Choral Program Congratulations to the 5 students who were selected to attend the Metropolitan Honours Choral Program held last term. Lucy McLeod, MacLeod Chapman, Jackson Proper, Lucinda Browning and Cleo Shave attended the workshop which was conducted by leading Brisbane conductors Jenny Moon and Tim Sherlock. The workshop culminated in an outstanding concert where the 98 students impressed their audience with the nine songs that they had learnt and brought to performance level during the three day workshop. “I really enjoyed my 3 days at the Metropolitan Honours Choral Program. The conductors were really fun, even though my Choir Conductor, Mr Sherlock got frustrated at times, they were great teachers and very insightful. My favourite songs were Kusimamma which we sang as a mass choir of 98 children. I also loved performing Bonfire Season, as it had really cool canons. On the third day we performed 9 songs (after only 3 days practice) in a concert at the Old Qld Museu m which was amazing. We even got a standing ovation! The program was really fun, and I would love to do it again.” Lucy McLeod "It was incredible to be a part of such a big choir, the conductors were amazing!" MacLeod Chapman “The honours music camp was challenging and fun because I got to learn new styles of music and meet new people. The music varied from jazz to choral pieces. My favourite was ‘Harvey the Human Dog’. It was really funny, with great actions and the audience laughed a lot. The conductors taught us lots of new skills, one even wrote several of the pieces that we sang.” Jackson Proper Junior Choir Notes Term 2 will be a very busy term for the Junior Choir. Performances this term include: Anzac Day service (combined with Senior Choir) - Friday 24th April (early start) Bilby Day - Wednesday 20th May (time tba) Queensland Youth Music Awards (QYMA) - Monday 1st June 6.30pm at the Gap State High School EXTRA Rehearsals for QYMA: th Year 2 only: Monday 11 May th Monday 18 May th Monday 25 May 10.45 to 11.15am 10.45 to 11.15am 10.45 to 11.15am st Year 3 only: Thursday 21 May th Thursday 28 May Whole Choir: Monday 1 June 12.30 to 1.15pm 12.30 to 1.15pm st 1.00 to 1.30pm Parent Network Mother's Day Stall th The Mother's Day Stall will be held this year on Thursday 7 May and thank you to Rebecca Forsdyke, Rani Wright and Jess Griffith who will be organising and running the stall this year. A major change to the Mother's Day Stall will be that they won't be asking you for gift donations and will be purchasing the gifts to wrap and sell. However, if there are companies who would like to donate their "product giveaways", they are still welcome and can be left at the tuckshop or Admin office. Calling For Help th Help out with the wrapping day – 28 April after drop off at 26 Lewis Street, Clayfield. You are welcome to stay for as little or as long as you can and that little people are welcome. Help out wrapping at their home – 20 – 27 April. If you can’t make wrapping day you can wrap from home. th Shop keepers for the stall on Thursday 7 May from 8.15am - 11am at the School Hall. Rani Wright: 0416 007 417; [email protected]; Rebecca Forsdyke: 0406 200 800; [email protected] Jess Griffiths: 0402 165 760; [email protected]. Amanda Russell (Parent Network Co-ordinator 0459 401 255/[email protected]) Calling all Mums, Grandmas, Aunts, Cousins, Friends and Neighbours! th Please join us for the inaugural Mothers’ Day Lunch on Friday 8 May at Gusto da Gianni’s at Portside. $60 for a 3 course lunch plus glass of sparkling wine on arrival. Dame Quentin Bryce is our guest speaker and there will be raffles and silent auctions. Gather a table together and nominate a captain (any size table from 6 to 12 people) or if you’d rather come along as a single, and we will put together tables in year groups. To buy your ticket please log onto Munch Monitor, select the ‘School Shop’, chose any of your children to allocate your ticket through (which child doesn’t really matter – all tickets will be etickets with your name held in a list at the door on the day), select ‘Events’ and then simply buy your ticket either on a ‘Grade XX Table’ or the ‘Captain’s Table’ if you have a group together. For those with a table group organised, please nominate a table captain to email [email protected] with the list of those people on your table and get them to each buy their ticket (as indicated) on the captain’s table and we will keep a track of who has or hasn’t paid. If you are inviting guests outside the EJ parent community, please buy their ticket for them on your Munch Monitor account. This is set to be a wonderful new event so don’t miss out. Buy your tickets and get your table organised today! Order online - Munch Monitor – Information on the Eagle Junction SS website in Facilities/Tuckshop www.munchmonitor.com Weekly Newsletter Newsletter items are required to be received at the school office by 12noon on the Friday prior to the Wednesday newsletter. Items received after that time will be placed in the next newsletter. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter. 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