Tournament Rules All games will be 2-12 minute halves in length with a 1 minute break to switch sides. No Protests Allowed Point System Win - 3 / Tie - 1 / Loss - 0 Tie Breakers (Pool Play) If 2 or more teams are tied after pool play. To determine preliminary winners and wild cards, if necessary (in order): 1. Winner of head to head competition. 2. Least TOTAL goals allowed [maximum five (5) goals per game] Example: Team 1 beats Team 4 by score of 7-3, team 1 has negative 3 goals and Team 4 has negative 5 goals. 3. Most shut-outs ( include 0-0 ties for this tiebreaker) 4. Most goals scored (no maximum) 5. Least goals allowed (no maximum) 6. Highest goal differential – goals for minus goals against [maximum three (3) goals per game after subtraction. Example: A 10-7 win for team A would result in three (3) goals counted as “Goal Differential” for team A. 7. Penalty kicks (FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark) PK's for U7/8 will be taken from mid-field with an empty net. Tie Breakers (bracket play for U7 girls and U10 coed) 1. One five (5) minute overtime period, sudden death. 2. Penalty kicks (FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark) PK's for U7 will be taken from mid field with an empty net. Tie Breakers (semi-final and final) 1. Two five (5) minute overtime periods (as applicable), sudden death. 2. Penalty kicks (FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark) PK's for U7/8 will be taken from mid field with an empty net. U7 Girls Pool Teams McMahan Byrd Raper Bracket Teams Ellis Tittle Ritchie Wilson Schedule Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Home Ellis Mcmahan Ritchie Byrd Winner game 1 Raper Loser game 1 Winner game 5 Pool 1st place Winner game 8 Away Tittle Byrd Wilson Raper Winner game 3 McMahan Loser game 3 Pool 2nd place Loser game 5 Winner game 9 Time 8:15 8:15 9:45 9:45 11:15 11:15 12:45 12:45 12:45 2:15 Field SMS Park Ave SMS Park Ave SMS Park Ave SMS Park Ave Eaton Park Ave Result U7 Coed Pool 1 Teams Wyatt Faulkner Helton Pool 2 Teams Tucker Johnson Baker Pool 3 Teams LaForce Butterfield Durham Schedule Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Home Wyatt Tucker Laforce Helton Johnson Durham Baker Butterfield Faulkner Pool 1 winner Pool 3 winner Winner game 10 Away Faulkner Johnson Butterfield Wyatt Baker Laforce Tucker Durham Helton Pool 2 Winner Wildcard Winner game 11 Time 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:45 10:30 10:30 12:00 12:00 12:00 1:30 1:30 3:00 Field LOF Eaton McCoy LOF Eaton McCoy Eaton McCoy LOF Eaton McCoy Eaton Result U8 Girls Pool 1 Teams Brown Gray Eddins Pool 2 Teams Jones Harlow Sutterfield Qualls Schedule Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Home Brown Jones Gray Harlow Eddins Sutterfield Qualls Pool 1 Winner Pool 2 Winner Winner game 7 Away Gray Harlow Eddins Sutterfield Qualls Brown Jones Pool 2 2nd place Pool 1 2nd place Winner game 8 Time 9:00 9:00 10:30 10:30 12:00 12:00 1:30 1:30 3:00 Field SMS Park Ave SMS Park Ave SMS Park Ave SMS Park Ave SMS Result U8 Coed Pool 1 Teams Carrigan Dillard/King Sain Pool 2 Teams Dyson Hollandsworth Parnel Pool 3 Teams Wade Evans Ridout Schedule Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Home Carrigan Dyson Wade Dillard/King Hollandsworth Ridout Evans Sain Parnell Pool 1 winner Pool 3 winner Winner game 10 Away Dillard/King Hollandsworth Evans Sain Parnell Wade Ridout Carrigan Dyson Pool 2 Winner Wildcard Winner game 11 Time 8:15 8:15 9:00 9:45 9:45 10:30 11:15 11:15 11:15 12:45 12:45 2:15 Field Eaton McCoy LOF Eaton McCoy LOF LOF Eaton McCoy LOF McCoy Eaton Result U10 Girls Pool 1 Teams Snow McCain Biddle Pool 2 Teams Eddins Wade Defranco Schedule Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Home Biddle Eddins Eddins Snow Wade McCain Pool 1 Winner Pool 2 Winner Winner game 7 Away McCain Wade Defranco Biddle Defranco Snow Pool 2 2nd place Pool 1 2nd place Winner game 8 Time 8:15 8:15 9:00 10:30 11:15 12:00 1:30 1:30 3:00 Field Ridout Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Ridout Rotary Result U10 Coed Pool Teams Balogh Faulkner Burchfield Bracket Teams Higginbotham Sipe Eaken Amssoms Schedule Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Home Balogh Higginbotham Eaken Faulkner Winner game 2 Balogh Loser game 2 Winner game 5 Pool 1st place Winner game 8 Away Faulkner Sipe Amssoms Burchfield Winner game 3 Burchfield Loser game 3 Pool 2nd place Loser game 5 Winner game 9 Time 9:00 9:45 9:45 10:30 11:15 12:00 12:45 2:15 2:15 4:00 Field Ridout Ridout Rotary Ridout Ridout Ridout Ridout Rotary Ridout Ridout Result
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