Managing Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Urban Buildings Presented by Dr. Matt Cox, Office of Sustainability April 2015 EIA Projection of South Atlantic Energy Consumption 6 5 Quads All Sectors 4 Residen9al 3 Commercial Industrial 2 Transporta9on 0 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 1 4 3.5 Commercial Quads 3 Petroleum 2.5 NG 2 Coal 1.5 Renewables* 1 Electricity 0.5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 Commercial Energy Use in MSAs 1 Energy and Carbon in US MSAs, 2000-2010 1 Energy and Carbon, Commercial Sector, 2000-2010 1 Network Collaboration 1 ATLANTA’S BUILDINGS FOOTPRINT Buildings are responsible for 66% of energy consump8on within the City Buildings are responsible for 59% of GHG emissions Commercial buildings are the single biggest emiAer/consumer in the City 1 A TALE OF TWO CITIES *Only 1.4% LEED or EnergyStar certified 1 Part I: Benchmarking 1 What is benchmarking? Tracking energy and water consump9on on site for proper9es over 25,000 sqP 2 How do you benchmark? 3 U9lize EnergyStar PorSolio Manager *Free web-‐based plaSorm *13 ci9es currently follow this process na9onwide; others are considering Who benchmarks in Atlanta? Currently over 500 buildings in ESPM 1 Part II: Transparency 1 What is transparency? 2 Repor9ng energy and water consump9on characteris9cs of a property. How does it work? Proper9es will send a benchmarking submission using a two-‐ step process in ESPM. The City of Atlanta will check the data and make it publicly available. 1 Part III: Energy Audits 1 What is an energy audit? A professional walk-‐through of a facility to check for opportuni9es to improve energy performance, focusing on equipment retrofits. 2 3 How does it work? Property owners use a cer9fied professional to perform the work and produce an itemized list of opportuni9es. Owners then choose which opportuni9es to pursue. Who uses Energy Audits in Atlanta? Currently, Georgia Power offers no-‐cost energy audits for commercial customers; GPC provided 1,400 state-‐wide last year. 1 Part IV: Retrocommissioning 1 What is Retrocommissioning? Retrocommissioning is the process of improving the efficiency of exis9ng building systems through repair and maintenance; it is a voluntary component of this proposal. 2 How does it work? Property owners use a cer9fied professional to perform the work and produce an itemized list of opportuni9es. Owners then choose which opportuni9es to pursue. 1 Other Cities’ Coverage 1 Context - Commercial Buildings Energy Efficiency Category Figures Total Commercial Buildings 17,000 Buildings Subject to Proposal 2,400 Unique Building Owners 1,300 Largest Building Owner: CoA 111 Total Square Footage 402 M Atlanta is the: • 1st City in CEP • 1st in the Southeast • 2nd largest w/ Audits • 3rd largest with Benchmarking • 6th with all 4 policies • 12th to pass Benchmarking 1 ATLANTA’S POWER 2 CHANGE AND THE CITY ENERGY PROJECT 1 Next Steps and Goals Implementa8on Educa9on and training events Municipal benchmarking and transparency report in 2015 P2C goals Reduce commercial energy consump9on 20% by 2020 (2009 baseline) An9cipa9on that CEP will get us 50% of the way through overcoming informa9on barriers Con9nue to engage through ABBC, ACBI, and the AMFH 1 Ques8ons or Comments? Contact Dr. Maf Cox Building Energy Efficiency Project Manager Mayor’s Office of Sustainability [email protected] 404-‐335-‐1959 1
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