Sedona United Methodist Church 110 Indian Cliffs Road Sedona, AZ 86336 Phone: 928-282-1780 Fax: 928-282-6377 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 to 4:00 In Loving Memory Founding Pastor Rev. Dr. David Ellsworth Retired Missionary Drewer Johns Worship: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Hospitality Time: 10:30 a.m. Last Sunday’s Attendance: May 10, 2015: 100 Ascension Sunday May 17, 2015 Presiding Bishop Bishop Robert Hoshibata District Superintendent Rev. Gary Kennedy Ministers All Members of the Congregation Pastor Rev. Dr. Jimelvia P. Martin Retired Pastors Rev. Arland Averill Rev. Phyllis Averill Rev. Tom Bush Retired Missionary Maude Johns Custodian Richard Batka Administrative Assistant Vicki Loeding Bookkeeper Gayle Macklin Caring Lay Ministry Ellen Brooks Nursery Attendant Carol Taylor Music Director Rev. Dr. Lily Chou Organist Mary Luttrell Liturgist Dave Johnson ESOL CELEBRATION SUNDAY In Recognition of the ESOL Program, our ESOL Participants and to our dedicated ESOL Volunteers! Mission Statement Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by Welcoming all people, Worshiping God joyfully, Caring for each person, Discovering Christ’s transforming love, and Serving God’s world. Vision Statement To share the happiness that is Christianity for all people. Seventh Sunday of Easter Hearing Assistance Units are available from the ushers for your convenience. Welcoming & Worshipping Together Prelude *Introit Gathering "Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome" Chancel Choir Announcements, Recognition of Visitors & Passing of the Peace Children activity bags available in the Narthex. *Call to Worship Clap your hands, people of God. Shout to God with cries of joy. Sing your praises, people of God. Sing praises to our king, sing praises. Look to the heavens, people of God. See the power of the Most High God. Clap your hands, people of God. Shout to God with cries of joy. Liturgist *Opening Prayer Liturgist Most High God, as Christ ascended into the heavens, may our hearts ascend to you. Open our eyes to the power of your Spirit, that we may strive for more than the pedestrian ways of this world. Open our lives to the fullness of your power, that we may be clothed with power from on high. Help us wait patiently for the baptism of your Spirit, that we may be found worthy of your great gifts. Amen. *Opening Hymn “Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise” #312 Prayer of Confession (Let us pray together) Pastor Jimelvia Martin Merciful God, when offered the promise of your glorious inheritance, we settle for so much less. Rather than lifting our gaze to see and live with the eyes of our hearts enlightened, our eyes are fixed on the ground; our hearts are set on earthly power; our aspirations are limited to getting ahead. Forgive us. Teach us anew to wait for your Holy Spirit, that we may be clothed with power from on high, in the name of the one who ascended to heaven to show us the way to live here on earth. Words of Assurance Pastor Jimelvia Martin Caring for All People Invitation to the Offering for the Kingdom of God *Offering Prayer Liturgist Liturgist *Please rise in body or in spirit Offertory Mary Luttrell *Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” #95 ESOL Presentation Suzie Dunn Discovering Christ Introduction to the Word The Holy Spirit falls on all who hear the word. Jesus, may your joy come fully alive in us as we hear and obey your word. Liturgist Scripture Liturgist John 17:6-19 For the Word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, For the word of God within us, thanks be to God! Anthem "Sometimes I Hear God's Music" by Joseph M. Martin/J. Paul Williams. Sermon Scripture Message Chancel Choir Acts 1:1-14 “Living the Reality” Pastor J. Martin Serving God’s World Moment of Decision/Pastoral Prayer *Closing Hymn “Shout to the Lord” TFWS #2074 *Dismissal with Blessing *Departure "Broken and Spilled Out" Chancel Choir Postlude Dismissal Please continue in prayer this week: For Pastor J. and Billy, for Pastor Mast and his family and for SUMC, Living Water and Sunrise UMC during this transition season; Marvin & Barbara Hinton, Lorraine Godbold, Phyllis & Arland Averill, and Brenda Strom. Bible Readings for the Week: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 The Mission of ESOL: To act in Christian outreach by providing English speaking tutors for non-English speaking adults; To offer another location in the Sedona area tutoring hours to complement those established at the Sedona Public Library, West Sedona and Big Park Schools and elsewhere; And to increase the awareness and sensitivity of the Sedona Community to the growing needs of Spanish speaking people in the United States. Two-Week Calendar Day Date Sun 5/17 Mon 5/18 Tue 5/19 Wed Thu 5/20 5/21 Fri Sun 5/22 5/24 Mon 5/25 Tue 5/26 Wed Thu 5/27 5/28 Fri Sun 5/29 5/31 Time .9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Event Worship Sunday School Fellowship Hannah’s Prayer Circle Bible Discussion Group Phoenix Boy’s Choir Concert Finance Team Meeting Spanish ESOL ESOL Holy Boldness Men’s Group Anna’s Bible Study Choir OFFICE CLOSED Worship Sunday School Fellowship MEMORIAL DAY — CHURCH CLOSED Spanish ESOL ESOL Holy Boldness Men’s Group Anna’s Bible Study Choir OFFICE CLOSED Worship Sunday School Fellowship Where Sanctuary Living Water Room Fellowship Hall Private Residence Conference Room Sanctuary Conference Room Conference Room Fellowship Hall Conference Room Fellowship Hall Music Room Sanctuary Living Water Room Fellowship Hall Conference Room Fellowship Hall Conference Room Fellowship Hall Music Room Sanctuary Living Water Room Fellowship Hall Order of Farewell Service for Pastor J. planned for June 14 Southern Charm — High Tea! Ladies wear your prettiest hat! As a Response to the Word on Sunday, June 14 there will be an order of farewell to Pastor Martin. At this service there will be a special table in the narthex and fellowship hall to offer gifts of love and support for Pastor Jimelvia and Billy. Ladies please wear a pretty hat that day in honor of Pastor’s farewell. Pastor J. will be on vacation beginning Sunday May 17 after worship through June 8th. If you have pastoral needs, please contact Ellen Brooks, 928-282-4848 or Rev. Tom Bush, 928-284-4223 during this time. Health and Caring Ministries One of our 2015 goals is to provide transportation to worship services for those members who are in need of a ride. Please call 24 hours in advance: West Sedona Pat Dimillo 909-557-7512 Cornville Alice Stephenson 928-634-1959 Sedona Dr. Rick Brothers 928-554-4501 Phoenix Boys Choir in Concert Monday, May 18 7:00 p.m. at SUMC A Free will Offering will be taken. Sponsored by the Missions Team! The Boy’s Choir will be spending the night in Sedona. Wendy Treash is looking for folks to open their homes for an overnight stay. She is looking for homes for 1 night after the concert, always 2 boys minimum, but more is fine if there's room. We will also feed them dinner before the concert. To be a host for these boys, please contact Wendy Treash, 928-300-7753 or email at [email protected]. Next Sunday — May 24 is Pentecost Sunday — Please wear red! Blood Pressure Screening Sundays are cancelled for the summer and will resume in September. Be Well!
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