Youth Ministry News - Spring 2015

Youth Ministry News
Please take note of the following
important upcoming dates:
April 3: RBF Good Friday Service
April 10: No Youth Fellowship
May 1: Sky High Event
May 29: Graduation Night
June 5-19: No Youth Fellowship
June 26-July 31: Splash Cafe
August 7-9: All-Church Retreat
Teaching Series
During Friday night youth fellowship, we
continue to study through the Gospel of
In youth Sunday school, Pastor Stephen is
teaching the first part of a Survey Through
the Old Testament which will run through
Pastor’s Update
As the sun begins to come out more during this time of the year,
there is a sense in which dark clouds still hover over our local high
school campuses. With the recent news of another student suicide,
our hearts ache for those who have felt the need to end their lives
While suicide certainly brings pain and difficulty into the lives of all
who are affected by it, Christians can find comfort in the fact that
God has sent his only Son Jesus to deliver us from the sufferings,
sins, and pains of this world. There really is no one else who can do
that for us.
This world is not an easy place to live in. It is a world stained with
sin. And sometimes the difficulties of this life can tempt us to do
things that we should never do. But if you place your hope and trust
in Jesus, he will not disappoint you. For those who believe in him,
nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ
Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39).
If you have any questions about the recent suicides or if you have
ever thought of suicide, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Pastor Daniel
Video Scavenger Hunt
On March 13, we had our annual video scavenger hunt. Our students had a wonderful time taking pictures and making
video clips around Downtown Mountain View. Here are a few snapshots of their time together.
Regular Youth Ministry Events
Please contact Pastor Daniel at [email protected] or
(650) 968-2900 x120.
Sunday Morning
8:00 am Youth Focus Group (Room 203)
9:15 am RBF Worship Service (Room 201)
11:00 am Youth Sunday School (Agape Room)
Friday Evening
7:30 pm Youth Fellowship (Room 201)