RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE & DIARY To perform a new assessment in risk management module, select: Select either ‘List’ for a full list of risk assessment frameworks or ‘Search’, which will help you to find a risk assessment by typing in a key word (i.e. coach/zoo/pool etc). The Assess button will start the live risk assessment, whilst the Q/Set button displays the questions within the framework, enabling you to identify the appropriate risk assessment. Once you have clicked ‘Assess’ a step-by-step wizard will appear. Follow the guidance in the white text box to load background data to your risk assessment as you complete each step. Note: The first letter used in the description will be the letter where your risk assessment is stored. For example if you title your risk assessment “Bristol Zoo” the risk assessment will be stored under the letter “B” in the Administer area of Risk Management. As you build a portfolio of risk assessments, existing areas can be selected. For example, vehicle related risk assessments would be stored under an area titled ‘transport’, whilst specific venues could be stored under the venue name or the town/city in which they are found (i.e. Bristol Zoo and @Bristol could be stored under ‘Bristol’. Once you have completed the step-by-step wizard, the question set will appear. Guidance on rating your risk: How to make a risk rating QUESTION SET – Not all questions need to be answered. If a question has no relevance to the risk assessment you are completing, leave the question and move to the next question. You can alter the wording in the question to match the terminology your team, department or school uses. Questions that you answer ‘Yes’ will require a short passage that describes what you do to minimise the risk shown in the EEC Safety Suite – Risk Assessment Guide (iPost ID:2095) Last Updated – Ausgust 2014 https://www.eeclive.co.uk/public/plogon.asp?aid=14 For further information or guidance please telephone: Steve Dorrall 01823 355953/07585 307010 Corporate Health & Safety Unit – 01823 355089 question (see passage in screen shot). RISK RATINGS: As you complete each question, you are asked to consider the accident severity or accident likelihood based upon how well the situation is manged. Some questions are admin related, and there is no risk to this scenario. However, the risk may increase for activity based questions due to surrounding hazards. If the trip is well supervised and hazards are identified your actions/description will help to mitigate these risks to generate a lower score. Further guidance on how to rate a risk can be found on page 6 of the SCC Corporate ‘risk assessment policy’ link: http://extranet.somerset.gov.uk/EasySiteWeb/GatewayLink.aspx?alId=35531 When you have entered a response to the question and ‘risk rated’ the described hazard, click ‘Save’. The assessment will be saved as you click save to each question. REVISED CONTROL MEASURES. If you answer ‘No’, or rate a question to level 9 or above, you consider that the current actions are not sufficient to mitigate aginst the described hazard and the risk rating is automatically set to ‘9 –medium risk’. If you score a question 9 or above, the following red ‘Revised Control Measures’ box appears asking you to describe what additional actions you will take to minimise the risk and a date you hope to implement any new actions or procedures. Input the additional actions or safety procedures that have been planned in the ‘changes you think should be made box’, the date these actions will be implemented. You can also specify a period of time over which a hazard should be monitored, but if it a new measure that will have immediate implementation, select 0 in the ‘Days to Monitor’ box. Once a new measure is successful, rerate the risk rating and select ‘Yes’ to confirm that the new actions have been implemented. Click ‘Save’ to complete this stage. When you have completed all the relevant questions in the risk assessment, click on ‘Finish’. Tick the small box and click ‘OK’ to the message that appears to confirm that you wish to use your comments as Safe Working Procedures (see below). If you have not completed your risk assessment, do not press ‘Finish’. Any changes you have made will have been saved. When printing an assessment, click ‘Cancel’ to remove unanswered questions from the printed document; whereas ‘OK’ will print both unanswered and answered questions. SAFE WORKING PROCEDURES. The Safe Working Procedures document acts as a checklist or brief that can be communicated to a group before an acitivity takes place. The document will list all of the answers that you have input to each risk assessment question, and will help to act as a prompt to a group before an activity commences. Tick this box to generate your safe working procedures EEC Safety Suite – Risk Assessment Guide (iPost ID:2095) Last Updated – Ausgust 2014 https://www.eeclive.co.uk/public/plogon.asp?aid=14 For further information or guidance please telephone: Steve Dorrall 01823 355953/07585 307010 Corporate Health & Safety Unit – 01823 355089 Additional useful information that supports your trip/activity or environment can be input here. Key hazards could include a vehicle or an unprotected pond on the school site. PPE (personal protective equipment) relates to any specialised equipment you would wear for an activitiy (i.e. safety goggles in a science class). You can outline ground rules in ‘Things that must not be done’. REVIEWING/EDITING EXISTING RISK ASSESSMENTS Reviewing and maintaining risk assessments is an important task for managing health and safety in the workplace. Your establishments risk assessment are saved in the risk management area of the site and can be accessed by clicking on Risk Management > Exisiting Risk Assessments in the Administer section as shown above. Establishments can view access risk assessments that they are federated with. This can be achieved by clicking on the drop down box, selecting the establishment and clicking ‘refresh’. You can view assessments by clicking on a letter or by clicking ‘All’. A useful tip to view risk assessments in alphabetical order is to click on the ‘Print’ button at the base of the screen. A hazard that is followed by a (!) denotes that the assessment has a revised control measure that requires action. You can select an action from the drop down menu as shown below: From the ‘Select action’ menu, you can retrieve unfinished risk assessments for completion, review existing assessments, print risk assessments and safe working procedures in preparation for a forthcoming trip or activity. EEC Safety Suite – Risk Assessment Guide (iPost ID:2095) Last Updated – Ausgust 2014 https://www.eeclive.co.uk/public/plogon.asp?aid=14 For further information or guidance please telephone: Steve Dorrall 01823 355953/07585 307010 Corporate Health & Safety Unit – 01823 355089 DIARY: The Diary option allows users to schedule risk assessments and identify when assessments were last completed and need review. Click on the ‘Scheduled Re-Assessment Reviews’ option from the Risk Management module (shown below). The following screen will appear: The ‘assessment due’ column shows the date a risk assessment needs to be reviewed. To review a risk assessment, click on the ‘Rev’ button. The diary will automatically default risk assessments due within 30 days. The timescale can be adjusted by altering the number of days and clicking ‘Refresh’. The ‘Action Plan entries due’ lists your establishment’s priority risk assessments i.e. those on the Burgundy Pack – programme of risk assessments. EEC Safety Suite – Risk Assessment Guide (iPost ID:2095) Last Updated – Ausgust 2014 https://www.eeclive.co.uk/public/plogon.asp?aid=14 For further information or guidance please telephone: Steve Dorrall 01823 355953/07585 307010 Corporate Health & Safety Unit – 01823 355089
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