SAPNetWeaver NetWeaver SAP How-To Guide How-To Guide How to... Develop Remote POWL Applicable Releases: SAP NetWeaver 7.01 © Copyright 2017 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2, Parallel Sysplex, MVS/ESA, AIX, S/390, AS/400, OS/390, OS/400, iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, zSeries, z/OS, AFP, Intelligent Miner, WebSphere, Netfinity, Tivoli, Informix, i5/OS, POWER, POWER5, OpenPower and PowerPC are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. 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Any code change in these components may cause unpredictable and severe malfunctions and is therefore expressively prohibited, as is any decompilation of these components. Any Java™ Source Code delivered with this product is only to be used by SAP’s Support Services and may not be modified or altered in any way. Document History Document Version Description 1.00 First official release of this guide Typographic Conventions Icons Type Style Description Icon Example Text Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Cross-references to other documentation Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles Example text File and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Example text User entry texts. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER. Description Caution Note or Important Example Recommendation or Tip How to ... Develop Remote POWL Table of Contents 1. Purpose ................................................................................................................... 3 2. Business Scenario ................................................................................................. 3 3. Background Information ....................................................................................... 3 4. Prerequisites........................................................................................................... 3 5. Scope ....................................................................................................................... 4 6. Step-by-Step Procedure ........................................................................................ 4 [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL 1. Purpose The current architecture of the POWL has the following constraints: The feeder classes (actual dataproviders) can only be consumed by the generic webdynpro application (POWL). It’ is not possible to use the feeder classes from the remote systems that make it local to the application server. Due to the requirements from the suite harmonization projects, the POWL framework must be enhanced with remote usage. In order to achieve this, the POWL provides a RFC library which simulates the current user interface. This document describes the RFC Library for the POWL framework in detail. This enhancement yields the following benefits: Minimized UI Adoption investments Investments from the application side (feeder class development) .can be leveraged. This allows you to keep up to date with SAP UI Strategy and enables multi-channel access to the work items Enhanced user productivity Pre Processing of work items across the system landscape. Support for offline scenarios. This enables you to proceed with your tasks even ifyou are not connected to the system 2. Business Scenario NA 3. Background Information NA 4. Prerequisites 4.1 Technical The RFC destinations are maintained using the logon details of the technical user. The current user’s credentials are used for the remote logon. The current username of the host system is sent to the RFC interfaces. The feeder methods take care of the authorization routines for the imported username. The feeders methods then raise an exception if the user is not available in the target system. Before making a call to the RFC library, the host system feeder sets the additional parameters (e.g. simulating BP-Version) by calling the appropriate POWL utility methods. The target system consumes this information and acts accordingly. 4.2 Functional You have Implemented the POWL. You have Integrated the Web-Dynpro object with POWL. [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL 5. Scope NA 6. Step-by-Step Procedure This section provides an outline for implementing the remote POWL, using the Demo Implementation example located in the package POWL_REMOTE. a) GET_ACTIONS function Implementation Purpose : Define buttons and their actions (Methods “GET_ACTIONS” & “HANDLE_ACTION”) By maintaining the two methods GET_ACTIONS and HANDLE_ACTION, you have a huge variety of options to improve the POWER Lists significantly. First you need to define the buttons with name, index and more (GET ACTIONS). Second you need to define the actions which should be initiated if the user presses such a button. The action can simply be launching a transaction and forwarding the business object parameters to it. Or it could be used to simplify a whole process by using the buttons to call several function modules in a sequence To implementing GET_ACTION , you have to map between the Feeder class Importing Parameter with Remote Function Module POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_ACTIONS. First you have to feed the I_POWL_CONTEXT of POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_ACTIONS function from the importing parameter of the feeder class method GET_ACTIONS. DATA lv_context TYPE powlr_context_sty. lv_context-applid = i_applid. lv_context-type = i_type. lv_context-user_name = i_username. lv_context-language = i_langu. Then call the 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_ACTIONS' function module to get the value from different system [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_ACTIONS' EXPORTING i_powl_context = lv_context i_selcrit_vals = i_selcrit_para [from importing parameter] i_destinations = lt_destinations [different destination] IMPORTING e_status_flags = lt_status e_actions = lt_action e_messages = lt_message. Importing Parameter I_POWL_CONTEXT Provides Remote POWL information I_SELCRIT_VALS Parameter Table I_DESTINATIONS POWL Remote Function Call Destination Exporting Parameter E_STATUS_FLAGS Remote POWL Status List E_ACTIONS Remaote POWL action meta description E_MESSAGES Remote POWL Message META description After Getting the result you have to again feed the result into the exporting & changing parameter of the method. IF c_action_defs IS INITIAL. IF lt_action IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_action INTO ls_action. INSERT ls_action-remote_actions ENDLOOP. ENDIF. e_actions_changed = 'X'. ENDIF. [Type text] INTO TABLE c_action_defs. How to ... Develop Remote POWL b) GET_ACTION_CONF function Implementation Purpose : Define a confirmation dialog box (Method “GET_ACTION_CONF”) Using this method allows you to throw a dialog box with some information like a confirmation. Think of a business object you can delete via a button in the POWER list. A confirmation dialog box could ask whether the user is sure to delete this object. The confirmation choice will be available in method HANDLE_ACTION via import parameter I_ACTION_CONF. To implement the remote POWL functionality (As its shown in the previous) you have to call 'POWLR_GET_ACTION_CONF for the Action confirmation. DATA lv_act_contex TYPE powlr_act_context_sty. lv_act_contex-act_index = i_action_index. lv_act_contex-actionid = i_actionid. CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_GET_ACTION_CONF' EXPORTING i_powlr_context = lv_context i_act_context = lv_act_contex i_selected = i_selected i_objects = lv_object_str i_changed = lv_changeinfo_str IMPORTING e_confirmation = e_conf_message e_messages = lt_message. . After calling the function , user will get the confirmation for a single action, and then it has to set in the exporting parameter of the feeder class. [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL Importing Parameter I_POWLR_CONTEXT Provides Remote POWL information I_ACT_CONTEXT Information about current action to be performed I_SELECTED Table for Indexes I_OBJECTS I_CHANGED out tab change info’s for feeder Exporting Parameter E_CONFIRMATION Table of Strings E_MESSAGES Message META description c) GET_SEL_CRITERIA function Implementation Purpose : With this method you can define which selection criteria are visible and selectable by the user. Example You have a POWER List showing billing documents. You could offer the selection criteria “billing date” so that the user can later retrieve the data directly the way he searches for it. To implement the remote functionality you have to call the 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_SELCRIT with its requite parameter. CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_SELCRIT' EXPORTING i_powl_context = lv_context i_destinations = lt_destinations IMPORTING e_status_flags = lt_status e_selcrit = lt_selcrit e_messages = lt_message. Now you will get lt_status lt_selcrit lt_message as a exporting parameter of the function. Again you have to feed the exporting parameter of the feeder class as shown. [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL IF lt_selcrit IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_selcrit INTO ls_selcrit. APPEND LINES OF ls_selcrit-remote_selcrit TO c_selcrit_defs. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. same as you have to set the parameter e_selcrit_defs_changed and e_default_val_changed IF lt_status IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_status INTO ls_status. e_selcrit_defs_changed = ls_status-remote_status-selcrit_changed. e_default_val_changed = ls_status-remote_status-def_values_changed. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. d) GET_FIELD_CATALOG function Implementation Purpose: This method describes the field catalog to be used for query results table and the UI properties of the particular fields. To implement the Remote POWL, you have too the same type of modification at your feeder class. Demo implementation are as bellows CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_FIELDCAT' EXPORTING i_powl_context = lv_context i_destinations = lt_destinations i_selcrit_vals = i_selcrit_values IMPORTING e_status_flags = lt_status e_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat e_messages = lt_message. [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL Now fill the field catalog with the received set of data. IF lt_fieldcat IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_fieldcat INTO ls_fiedlcat. APPEND LINES OF ls_fiedlcat-remote_fieldcat TO c_fieldcat. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. IF lt_status IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_status INTO ls_status. e_default_technical_col = ls_status-remote_status-default_tech_col. "e_fieldcat_changed = ls_statuse_visible_cols_count = ls_status-remote_status-visible_row_cnt. e_visible_rows_count = ls_status-remote_status-visible_col_cnt. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. Importing Parameter I_POWL_CONTEXT Provides Remote POWL information I_DESTINATIONS POWL Remote Function Call Destination I_SELCRIT_VALS Selection Criteria Table Exporting Parameter E_STATUS_FLAGS Remote POWL Status List E_FIELDCAT Remote Field catalog META description E_MESSAGES Remote POWL Message META description [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL e) GET_OBJECT_DEFINITION function Implementation Purpose: Define data container (Method “GET_OBJECT_DEFINITION”)This method is used to define the container (e.g. specify field types) where the selected data gets stored. Caching and other mechanisms of the POWER Lists technology will be handled automatically in the background based on these settings. So there is no need to explicitly take care on things like caching data and so on. (defines the data type of the actual (internal) query results table as to be delivered by GET_OBJECTS) Same as , you have to implement the GET_OBJECT _DEF function for remote POWL CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_OBJECT_DEF' EXPORTING i_powl_context = lv_context i_selcrit_vals = i_selcrit_values i_destinations = lt_destinations i_format = lv_format IMPORTING e_status_flags = lt_status e_obj_def = lt_object_def e_messages = lt_message. Importing Parameter I_POWL_CONTEXT Provides Remote POWL information I_SELCRIT_VALS rsparams Table I_DESTINATIONS POWL Remote Function Call Destination I_FORMAT Remote POWL Format Type Exporting Parameter E_STATUS_FLAGS Remote POWL Status List E_OBJ_DEF Remote POWL Object Defination E_MESSAGES Remote POWL Message META description READ TABLE lt_object_def INDEX 1 INTO ls_object_def. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. e_object_def ?= ls_object_def-remote_obj_def. ELSE. [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL f) GET_OBJECTS function Implementation Retrieve data from the backend system (Method “GET_OBJECTS”) Here you need to define the data retrieval itself. This can be either a very simple database select (e.g. select * from xyz) or a complex selection where you use existing SAP function modules or your own coding.Same as , you have to implement the GET_OBJECT function for remote POWL. Here is some implementation code. CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_ASYNC_COLLECT_OBJECTS' EXPORTING i_powl_context = lv_context i_destinations = lt_destinations i_selcrit_vals = i_selcrit_values i_format = lv_format importing e_results = lt_results * E_CONSOLDATED = e_status_flags = lt_status * E_CONS_RESULT = e_messages = lt_message . Importing Parameter I_POWL_CONTEXT Provides Remote POWL information I_DESTINATIONS POWL Remote Function Call Destination I_SELCRIT_VALS rsparams Table I_FORMAT Remote POWL Format Type Exporting Parameter E_RESULTS Remote POWL Result E_CONSOLIDATED Remote POWL Single-Character Flag E_STATUS_FLAGS Remote POWL Status List E_CONS_RESULT E_MESSAGES [Type text] Remote POWL Message META description How to ... Develop Remote POWL IF lt_message IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_message INTO ls_message. APPEND LINES OF ls_message-remote_messages TO e_messages. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_data> TYPE INDEX TABLE. READ TABLE lt_results INDEX 1 INTO ls_results. assign ls_results-remote_objects->* to <fs_data>. IF sy-subrc eq 0. e_results = <fs_data>. ENDIF. g) HANDLE_ACTION function Implementation Purpose: Define buttons and their actions (Methods “GET_ACTIONS” & “HANDLE_ACTION”) By maintaining the two methods GET_ACTIONS and HANDLE_ACTION, you have a huge variety of options to improve the POWER Lists significantly. First you need to define the buttons with name, index and more (GET ACTIONS). Second you need to define the actions which should be initiated if the user presses such a button. The action can simply be launching a transaction and forwarding the business object parameters to it. Or it could be used to simplify a whole process by using the buttons to call several function modules in a sequence Importing Parameter I_ACT_CONTEXT Information about current action to be performed I_POWLR_CONTEXT Provides Remote POWL information I_CHANGED Action changed I_FORMAT Remote POWL Format Type Exporting Parameter E_STATUS_FLAGS Remote POWL Action Status Information E_MESSAGES Remote POWL Message META description E_PORTAL_ACTIONS Follow-up action in portal for Remote POWL [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL To implemented the remote POWl action , call the 'POWLR_HANDLE_ACTION' with parameter as you call the other function previously. CALL FUNCTION 'POWLR_HANDLE_ACTION' DESTINATION lv_destinations EXPORTING i_act_context = lv_act_context i_powlr_context = lv_context i_changed = lv_changed_str IMPORTING e_status_flags = ls_status e_messages = e_messages CHANGING c_objects = lv_objects_str c_selected = c_selected c_action_defs = c_action_defs. Now you have to set the value at the exporting parameter of the feeder class handle action method. IF lt_message IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_message INTO ls_message. APPEND LINES OF ls_message-remote_messages TO e_messages. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. IF ls_status IS NOT INITIAL. " LOOP AT lt_status INTO ls_status. e_do_refresh = ls_status-remote_status-do_refresh. e_selected_changed = ls_status-remote_status-selection_changed. [Type text] How to ... Develop Remote POWL e_actions_changed = ls_status-remote_status-action_changed. c_first_visible_row = ls_status-remote_status-first_visible_row. c_first_visible_scroll_col = ls_status-remote_statusfirst_visible_col. cl_powlr_utility=>deserialzie_xml2data( EXPORTING i_xmlstring = lv_ob jects_str importing data_object = c_result_tab ). E_RESULT_LINES_CHANGED = 'X'. ENDIF. 7. Utility Class and It’s Use In the Package POWL_REMOTE , there is a Utility class to facilitate user in conversation of Data Type, XML & RTTI etc. Here is the few details of the Utility Class. Method Description CONSTRUCTOR CONSTRUCTOR SERIALIZE_XML Serialize the XML String From the DATA, [mainly use in reference to send data from host system to remote system and vice versa ] DESERIALIZE_XML De-serializes the xml String which is already Serialize, [mainly use in reference to send data from host system to remote system and vice versa ] SERIALIZE_RTTI2XML Gets the data description [ data rtti to XML conversion] DESERIALIZE_XML2RTTI Gets the data reference from the description SERIALIZE_DATA2JSON Serializes the result as a JSON string SERIALIZE_RTTI2XSD Serialize the data type info as XSD schema SERIALIZE_DATA2XML Serialize the data Object as XML STRING GET_DESC_REC Recursively builds the type info GET_REFERENCE_REC Recursively builds RTTI DESERIALZIE_XML2DATA Desterilizes the XML data and fills it to the table [] CREATE_XMLDOC Creates a xml document from a given xml string RENDER_XMLDOC Renders the xml document as string BUILD_JSON Builds the JSON string recursively NORMALIZE_SEL_CRITERIA Updates the data type definition for the sel criteria UPDATE_ACTION_DEFINITION Updates the remote action definition IS_COMPATIBLE Checks if two RTTIs are same GET_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS Gets the additional runtime parameters [used for Portal Navigation ] SET_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS Sets the additional runtime parameters [used for Portal Navigation ] [Type text]
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