1B – Deliver Results the First Time – Andy Bounds Graphic # On Screen Key Point Graphic Oct 16, 2012 Script (Voice Over) MUSIC / VISUALS OPEN The great Peter Drucker once said… the most serious mistakes are not a result of wrong answers…they are a result of wrong questions. If Drucker is right…these are dangerous times indeed... With so much data and uncertainty weighing on our decisions…asking the wrong questions…to arrive at the wrong destination…are mistakes we can’t afford to make. EN:01B:01 Andy Bounds EN:01B:02 ● Sales Trainer of the Year EN:01B:03 ● Best-selling Author EN:01B:04 Deliver Results the First Time Featuring Andy Bounds To help put us on the right course…here’s Andy Bounds. A communications expert…Andy Bounds has been honored as Britain’s “Sales Trainer of the Year.” His book…The Jelly Effect: How to Make Your Communication Stick…became a best-selling business classic. Listen as Andy Bounds explains how to deliver results…the first time. © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC EN:01B:05 Andy Bounds Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's fair to say that of all the things that can annoy people in business, having to needlessly do work again is pretty much at the top of the list. We're so busy we just do not have time sometimes to do things once but twice and three times. But the thing is people will ask you to do work and when they ask you to do work they think they're asking you to do what they want. And you do exactly what they say and 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 1 then it turns out it wasn't quite right. And it's so easy to think it's their fault or they think well it's your fault and actually it's nobody's fault, it's just that communication hasn't worked. But if we can get this right, if we can make sure that we never ever do things twice when they could have just been done once, what a huge saving that will be. And it's not just a saving in time it's the energy and the motivation that we can release by making sure things go as we want. In addition to management training very often I get called in by organizations to help improve their sales. The first time I noticed this was really important was when an organization rung me up and said, Andy, we'd like you to help our people with their cold calling. We've got about 200 people. We'd like to pile them in a room and we'd like you to improve their cold calling ability. So it's really clear what they want. 200 people in a room teaching them how to do cold calling. So it would have been great for me to say certainly. But actually I said to them this. Well thanks very much for that. Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions to make sure that we achieve exactly what you want from this work? Is that okay? Now what could the other person say? They said, "Well what do you want to know?" And I said, "How do you know that you need this? What's wrong?" And they said, "They're not very good at cold calling." I said, "Yeah but how do you know?" And they said, "Because they always take a long time to pick up the phone, they don't seem to want to do it and when they do it, it doesn't seem to work." 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 2 And I understand that. I mean I don't know about you but I personally don't particularly enjoy cold calling. If I have 3 things to do in a day, one of them is clean the toilets, one of them is to wash underneath the oven and the other one is to do cold calling, I'd probably do them in that order, you know. Audience: Laughter And if I run out of time to cold call because of the oven, never mind. It just happened. So I hate cold calling. A lot of people love it. I'm not demeaning it as a profession but it's not for me. So I said to them, "So what's the problem with the cold calling?" They said, "Well they don't pick up the phone and they don't get the results that they want." I said, "What results do you want?" They said, "Well I want someone to say yeah, that's great. Let's have a meeting." I said, "So you're not getting the meetings you want, is that right?" And he goes, "That is right actually because what happens is our business is great at closing sales. Every time we're in front of a customer they tend to buy. The problem is we just can't get in front of enough of them and I look at my salespeople and their diaries are pretty much empty." So I said, "So listening to this is it fair to say that if our work together made your people's diaries full, would that be a good outcome then?" They said, "That's exactly what I want." And I said, "If we could do that without anybody having to make a cold call would that alright?" And he said, "Oh yes, we all hate cold calling." So he'd identified what he thought was the problem and he said I want you to do X but he didn't want X, he wanted the outcome from X. He didn't want cold calling, he wanted full diaries. 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 3 EN:01B:06 "Afters" And if you think of this, this is what I call "afters." I've talked about afters in many different guises. But what I mean by afters is what people are left with afterwards. Nobody wants to be good at cold calling but afterwards they want appointments in their diary. Nobody I've ever heard in my life wants to hear about the company's corporate presentation but they're very happy to know how the company can help them after they've heard it. It's the same with any walk of life. I mean let me ask you a question. Some of you will have bought a newspaper before now and I imagine when you bought the newspaper you were absolutely convinced that you wanted a newspaper. I don't think you did. Based on afters, you don't want a newspaper. Why do you buy a newspaper? What do you really want? You want the news or the sports or the gossip or something to do on the train, whatever it is that's important to you. Nobody ever has bought a newspaper because they want one. Similarly, nobody has ever bought toothpaste because they want toothpaste. What do you want? You want clean teeth or to smell beautiful on Friday nights, whatever it is. Audience: Laughter EN:01B:07 People want the "afters" So nobody wants the thing. They always want the afters of the thing. Nobody ever has wanted a cold calling course. Ever. And similarly, none of you here and this is quite upsetting for me, are truly interested in what I'm talking about. You're much more interested in what you can do with it after I've stopped talking. Does this make sense? So if you don't want the newspaper and you want the news and you don't want toothpaste, you want clean 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 4 teeth and you don't want cold calling, you want full diaries and you don't want this session, you want the benefits this session brings you. Well think about it. If somebody says please can you do me a report on topic X? They don't want a report on topic X. They want what that report will give them, the afters of it. Now just as I could have easily delivered that cold calling seminar it wouldn't have been what the customer wanted, it wouldn't have achieved the results they wanted. I would have got paid but they wouldn't have got the value they wanted. Similarly, if somebody asks you to do a report on topic X, if you do the report it's what they asked for. You did what they asked for, not what they wanted. EN:01B:08 To Get Things Right the First Time: So how to get things right first time is EN:01B:09 To Get Things Right the First Time: never to do the thing that's been asked. ● Don't provide the "thing" EN:01B:10 To Get Things Right the First Time: ● Don't provide the "thing" ● Provide the "afters" it's to provide the afters of the thing that's been asked. EN:01B:11 ● Past Tense Now if you think about afters, there are three tenses in the world. There's the past tense, things that have already happened, EN:01B:12 ● Past Tense we have the present tense, today, ● Present Tense EN:01B:13 ● Past Tense ● Present Tense ● Future Tense and we have the future tense. Of those three, where do afters happen? Well they happen in the future because they haven't happened yet. So the best questions to ask to find what somebody truly wants is a future based question. So if I'm asked to speak at a conference and they say what will you talk about, my answer 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 5 is always the same. I have no idea. And they say, "What do you mean by that?" And I say, "Well it depends. What do you want your audience to do differently after I've spoken?" "We want them to be better at XYZ." "Okay, well I'll talk about this then. Okay?" EN:01B:14 To Deliver Results the First Time: So the first step to being great at giving people what they want the first time is to make sure that we can EN:01B:15 To Deliver Results the First Time: 1. Ask future based questions ask good future based questions. I'm going to give you two or three future based questions to start you off and then afterwards because this is just my personality speaking when I tell you my questions. Afterwards why don't you guys just work together to see if you can come up with a list which sounds more like your personality speaking rather than mine. If somebody says something to you like please can you produce a report on this, a future based question might be something like, sure, of course I can. EN:01B:16 "What are you looking to achieve?" Just so I'm clear, what is it you're looking to achieve with this report? Now the word "what are you looking to achieve," can you hear that's in the future? So we're not talking about what should go in the report, yeah? We're saying what should happen after the report. EN:01B:17 "What are your goals?" So one is, what are you looking to achieve? Another one might be, what are your goals with this? EN:01B:18 "What keeps you awake at night?" Some of you might have heard some of the questions that fly around the business community. What keeps you awake at night that you'd like to remove? Now I always think that sounds a little bit ... strange that 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 6 question. But I shared that question with a guy recently and he was talking to one of his customers and this guy worked for a bank and he said to his customer so what keeps you awake at night. And his customer said health. And he said what do you mean by that and he said well I've ... there's been a terrible situation. One of my friends has become very poorly and they don't have adequate cover and it's been real problems for their family so I'm just suddenly realizing how mortal I am. And so my friend said to him, "So would it help if I could give you some protection on that so you didn't need to worry about it?" He goes, "Oh yes. Yeah." Notice he didn't say please can you give me critical illness cover. He said I'm just concerned about this. So what keeps you awake at night if that suits your personality, that's a great one to use. One which I quite like using as well is, if you could give your colleagues just one or two or three things what would they be? What would you love your people to have that they don't have now? And all these future based questions, what do you want people to feel after they've read the report. As long as you start focusing on the future of the communication not the communication, the communication more or less writes itself. I asked a group of people a while ago to come up with some future based questions and just as I will do with you, gave them 2 minutes. I said come up with as many as you can. Try and get to 10 in 2 minutes. That's quite a challenge but sometimes people will say and what would success look 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 7 like, and how will you know it arrived, and what of the performance and they're just very good at it. So I asked this group of people to come up with 10 in 2 minutes and after about 4 seconds one person stops and says I've done it. Well how did you get 10 in 4 seconds? I teach this. I couldn't get 10 in 4 seconds. How have you done this? Audience: Laughter And he goes, "Where would you like to be in 1 year? Where would you like to be in 2 years? Where would you like to be in 3 years?" Well that's just cheating. So ladies and gentlemen, have a quick conversation. If somebody asked you to do something what sort of questions could you ask other than what are you looking to achieve? EN:01B:19 Participant Exercise Additional resources available at: www.CrestcomLeadership.com So, ladies and gentlemen, let's bring this back to the front. Did you find you could think of some questions? Yeah? It's not too hard to think of them actually. The hard thing is to realize you're supposed to ask them. You know. Because if you speak at conferences for a living and somebody says what are you going to talk about, it's a really easy answer to say A, B and C because that's the question that's been asked. And if somebody says could you help my people be better at cold calling, it's so easy to say yes or no. And if somebody says I'm not really happy with the performance review system we have in our organization, please could you do a 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 8 report on how we might improve it, it's so easy to say yes of course. So coming up with the questions is not the challenge. It's realizing that the communication is not the key thing, it's the afters of the communication that matters. Now imagine that you asked a question and you say, "So what are you looking to achieve from this?" And the person you're speaking to says something like, "I just want to enjoy my job more." It will be a mistake to go, "Great, I'll just go and write your report then," because you haven't got enough information. And don't forget when people ask you to do a report, they thought they wanted a report so the answer they give them will probably be very similar to the report. We need to break this and we need to get them in the future. EN:01B:20 To Deliver Results the First Time: So what should always happen is when somebody says their answer to your first question, EN:01B:21 To Deliver Results the First Time: 2. Dig deeper with a second question delve more deeply by asking some good quality what I call second questions. So you ask the next natural question. And there's various ways that you can do this but one of them is to think of the question words – when, who, what, where. So if somebody says, "I'm looking to enjoy my job more," I might say, "Oh really. Why do you say that?" "Well I'm just not enjoying it very much." "And when did this start? Is this a recent thing? And what do you think is causing it? So how do you think this report can help you enjoy it more?" Can you see the more second questions I ask, the better it is. If you remember the example I did with cold calling it wasn't as simple as, 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 9 can you do something on cold calling? Why? What do you want to achieve? Full diaries. You know it doesn't go straight there so you have to help him. Instead of using the question words like why, who, where, when, a great little phrase to use is "tell me more" or "go on." So if somebody says I'm just looking to get much closer to our middle managers here. You might say oh really. Tell me more. Or oh yeah, go on. So let's say you do this and the other person starts giving you the information that you want. This puts you in a really useful place because both of you are focusing on exactly what the other person wants which is the future, which is the afters. But there's a strange thing. Very often the first words out of somebody's mouth aren't really what they think so we need to dig a bit deeper. There's a saying that people don't buy or buy into what they need, they buy into what they want. So if you imagine somebody was just to walk in here now selling wigs, well I clearly need one. Because hair and I, we just don't really get along. Audience: Laughter So if somebody was to say to me, "Would you like this wig?" I would probably say, "No, it's okay, thank you, even though I need it." EN:01B:22 People tend to be motivated by "wants" So people tend to be motivated first up by what they want, not what they need. EN:01B:23 Good questions reveal "needs" So we have to ask good questions to find out what they really need. So let's say you're speaking to someone and you've done all the work and you've asked 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 10 the second questions and you've found out what the main thing is, it's a very powerful thing to say after that, "Okay, I've got that. So you want to improve the performance management system within our organization." Listen to these two words. EN:01B:24 To Deliver Results the First Time: 3. Ask "anything else?" "Anything else?" And do you know what happens when you say anything else? People normally tell you something else. And if they say, "Yes, I could actually do with breaking up this bottleneck in the production department," and then you're off on your second questions again. "Bottleneck? Tell me more. When did this start? Why's it a problem?" And so on. One way to do second questions, you do have to be careful not to be caught out doing this, is to repeat the last few words that someone says so if they say, "I'm worried about the bottleneck in the manufacturing departments." You might say, "The bottleneck in the manufacturing department?" "Yeah it's been there for a couple of weeks." "A couple of weeks?" "Oh yes, it's amazing I don't know how it started. I think it was because of Allen." "It was because of Allen?" "Yes, it was"... So as long as you don't get caught doing it. But you might just want to say, "Tell me more." EN:01B:25 To Deliver Results the First Time: 1. Ask future based questions Finally, when you've asked the questions so what are the phases. Number one, you ask future based questions. EN:01B:26 To Deliver Results the First Time: 1. Ask future based questions 2. Dig deeper with a second question Number two, you delve, you dig deep with the second question. EN:01B:27 To Deliver Results the First Time: 1. Ask future based questions 2. Dig deeper with a second question 3. Ask "anything else?" And thirdly you say anything else to make sure points come in. Now before I tell you the fourth and final 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 11 step, one more thing about asking questions. Firstly, when you ask a question and the other person is answering and you think it's your turn to interrupt them, always remember to wait, W-A-I-T and WAIT stands for Why Am I Talking? You know you want the other person to tell you things so let them speak. The other thing about asking questions is this. If you imagine drilling for gold underground and you had one of two tools that you could use, you could either use a spade, back breaking to get the gold, or you could use a drill. Now people would normally say well go with the drill because it's easier. But if you think the way that gold is underground, it's in seams and if you use a drill what will happen is you'll hit a seam of gold but you'll keep on going past it so you'll get to the gold quickly but then you'll only get a bit of gold and you'll drill past. If you've got a spade, it takes a bit longer to reach the bit of gold but what would you then do when you found it? You'd follow the gold. And that's what I think second questions are. If you say, "What are you looking to achieve?" "I want to enjoy my job more." That's a piece of gold. Get your spade out and follow the gold. And finally, when you've done all this questioning, you then ask them the most important question of all which is, "Of everything you've shared with me now, EN:01B:28 To Deliver Results the First Time: 4. Ask "what's your number one priority?" what's your number one priority here?" Of everything you've just told me now, what is your number 1 priority here? We're no longer talking about cold calling, we're talking about full diaries, we're talking about motivated people, we're talking about a sense 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 12 of energy in the workforce, we're talking about beating the competition. And when you say so what's the most important thing here and they say to be honest, full diaries. And you say great and what's the second most important. Beating the competition. And the third most important. And when you have this, you have this wonderful list of the first, the second, the third most important after to the other person. When you know this, do you think your communication to them will be better or worse? Audience: "Better" – "Yeah a lot" Better by quite a lot? Yeah, by quite a lot. By an awful lot. And do you know how you make sure the communication is exactly what they want? You repeat back to them what they've just said. So my understanding is you want me to create a communication which is going to achieve this first, this second this third. Is that right? They will hopefully say yes. And then you say there's a couple of ways we could do this. If you want I could do it in the report that you mentioned before. The reports tend to be quite long so it'll be thorough but it might be quite long. Another way we could maybe do it is when I've got some ideas, I could give you a call and we could talk about it and then maybe I could produce a shorter report for you. Which would you prefer? And do you know one of the great things about asking that, you are minimizing the chance to almost zero of not giving somebody exactly what they want because you asked the right questions to find out what was important and then you said and how would you like this information presented to 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 13 you. Now if I was to say to you let's grade ourselves between 1 and 10, 1 we're not very good, 10 we're very good. If you think about this, on a scale of 1 to 10 do you understand this or not, in other words one, I don't understand what you said, Andy, or 10, it makes sense. Make sense? Have you got like 10? Yeah, so it makes sense. The next question is this. On a scale of 1-10 one, I don't really think it's very important, 10, yes, I can see this would save quite a lot of time here. Where are we? Audience: 10 So what I've heard from you is this. Number one, that you can do it and number two, that it's important. Now the final grading out to 10 if I was to ask you how good are you at this, I would imagine we wouldn't be getting 10s. People would say I'm not a 10 yet. And to those people who think they're not a 10 at this yet, what's the only way you can get good at this? Practice. Do it. Practice and do it. My favorite quote about practicing was delivered by Fritz Kreisler who's a famous violinist and someone came up to him after he'd delivered a recital and said, "Fritz, I loved that. I would give my whole life to play as beautifully as you just did." And he said, "I did. I did give my whole life to playing this beautifully." So if you want to be great at asking questions, you have to practice. We might never be as good at asking questions as Fritz Kreisler is at the violin but in my world if we just did this once or twice a week the 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 14 difference we could make would be huge. And going the other way as well, when you ask somebody to do something for you and let's face it, as a manager, how often do we have to delegate tasks? Be very careful you don't just delegate the task but talk about the afters of the task. So don't say things like I'd like a report about supplier X. You would say I want to make sure we're getting the best return we can from supplier X so I need to find a couple of bits of information out to make sure that we're doing everything we can. Therefore please can I ask you to do a quick report which summarizes XYZ. So this works both ways. It's not just when you're receiving requests from somebody else, it's when you're giving requests to somebody else. And do you know the wonderful thing if you do this, ladies and gentlemen, nothing is perfect but there's a great chance that this will make a big, big difference to getting rid of one of the most frustrating things we said which is where you needlessly have to do work twice. Because if you ask these future based questions and work up from there, we really should be delivering what people want the first time. EN:01B:29 Additional resources available at www.CrestcomLeadership.com © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC 1B - Andy Bounds – Deliver Results the First Time / Key Graphics – Oct 16, 2012 © MMXII Crestcom International, LLC. Translation Script & Key Graphics Page 15
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