Compare & Adjust How to Guide for Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager Application Lifecycle Management TABLE OF CONTENTS COPYRIGHT ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Motivation ................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 Method and Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Usage ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 One project as single source of truth .................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Solution as single source of truth ......................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1 Copy procedure for Major Release project ............................................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Major Release update by Compare & Adjust ......................................................................................... 9 3.2.3 Roll back changes from Projects to source Solution ............................................................................ 10 Run final Compare & Adjust .............................................................................................................. 10 Adjust changes .................................................................................................................................... 10 Business Scenario, Process, Step adjustments ............................................................................... 10 Interface Scenario adjustments ...................................................................................................... 11 Document Management in Compare & Adjust ................................................................................. 11 3.3 Template as single source of truth ..................................................................................................... 13 3.3.1 Roll out update by Compare & Adjust .................................................................................................. 13 3.3.2 Run final Compare & Adjust (Roll back from roll out to template) .......................................................... 15 Adjust changes .................................................................................................................................... 15 Business Scenario, Process, Step adjustments ............................................................................... 15 Interface Scenario adjustments ........................................................................................................ 16 Document Management in Compare & Adjust ................................................................................. 16 3.3.3 Final update of solution .......................................................................................................................... 18 4.0 Additional features in Compare & Adjust .......................................................................................... 19 4.1 Mass adjustment........................................................................................................................................ 19 4.2 Push compare............................................................................................................................................ 19 4.3 Structure attributes in Compare & Adjust .................................................................................................. 20 5.0 Linked Documents................................................................................................................................. 21 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM COPYRIGHT © 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, StreamWork, SAP HANA, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects Software Ltd. Business Objects is an SAP company. Sybase and Adaptive Server, iAnywhere, Sybase 365, SQL Anywhere, and other Sybase products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sybase Inc. Sybase is an SAP company. Crossgate, m@gic EDDY, B2B 360°, and B2B 360° Services are registered trademarks of Crossgate AG in Germany and other countries. Crossgate is an SAP company. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. 3 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM 1.0 Motivation Within SAP Solution Manager Release 7.1, SAP delivered capabilities to control and manage changes to Solution Documentation in the Application Lifecycle. These capabilities include the extension of the Compare & Adjust functionality to detect deltas between two (or more) dependent objects. For the first time, you can compare content of a project and a solution as well as propagate delta modifications from target back to the source. These capabilities are available for all types of Application Lifecycle use cases including: Project centric Solution as single source of truth Template as single source of truth Lifecycle model as single source of truth Compare & Adjust requires a clear definition of governance procedures for adjustment activities with an adjustment sequence, time constraints and responsibilities. This document describes the procedures on how, when and who could perform Compare & Adjust to control changes done to business processes and their assignments in different use cases. 4 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM 2.0 Method and Prerequisites In general, Compare & Adjust allows the comparison of structure content and its assignments to determine changes to the structure (business scenarios/processes/steps) as well as to assignments (transactions, documents, technical objects and attributes). The ability to compare two projects/solutions is allowed in two directions: From source to target (e.g. template changes during roll out) From target to source (e.g. information roll back from roll out project to template) Furthermore the comparison is allowed for all predecessors and successors in the SAP Solution Manager Application Lifecycle. Method Every structure node in SAP Solution Manager (business scenario, process or step) is defined in the system by a unique ID. Structure IDs are stored in a matrix. This provides for the historical trace of a node’s origin. This is explained in the following Figure 2.0-1 using an example of a single business process step. Figure 2.0-1: Compare & Adjust M ethod: technical realization The unique ID enables the comparison of projects and solutions that are directly or indirectly related. There are some restrictions due to the technical realisation of this functionality. Only one line of information is stored in the matrix for a template, an implementation project, a solution, a maintenance project or an upgrade project. If several projects of the same type are created based on each other, then only the most recent one is stored as a representative on the matrix for the appropriate project type. Please consider the following illustration in Figure 2.0-2. 5 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Figure 2.0-2: Compare & Adjust M ethod: restrictions In general, changes to structure nodes on different tabs are detected and include the following: Structure changes (changes on business scenarios/processes/steps) Addition/deletion of documents on the General Documentation tab (where a template project or BPR has been used) Addition/deletion of assignments on the Project Documentation tab (for projects excluding template project) Addition/deletion of assignments on the Documentation tab in solutions Addition/deletion of assignments on the Configuration, Development, Test Case, and Training tabs including documents In cases where a previously referenced document is copied when it is changed (known as “late copy”) Compare & Adjust does not display both a document deletion and a new document but a changed document with an unequal sign (see Figure 2.0-3). Figure 2.0-3: De tection of document conten t chang es This makes it easier to find changes in documents. Changes within a referenced document cannot be detected by Compare & Adjust. Compare & Adjust excludes the following: All changes made within the Administration tab between projects Status changes on the Configuration or Development tab Changes on document attributes or content if the document is not copied Changes on logical component assignment to business process steps Graphical representation of the business process Changes of remote objects, e.g. BC Set content or eCatt content 6 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Prerequisites 1) The main prerequisite of Compare & Adjust is that the structures to be compared are directly or indirectly related to each other. As pictured in Figure 2.0-2, it is not possible to compare occurences which are in the relation line but are not a part of the matrix. 2) To ensure that interface scenarios are considered during Compare & Adjust, they have to be resolved in the target project/solution (right mouse button: “Resolve External Interfaces). Once the interface information has been stored locally, it can be treated like a business process. Restrictions Up to Support Package 09 (SAP Solution Manager Release 7.10) it is not possible to detect changes on graphical business process representation (Component View tab). This includes the connections between business process steps, their order as well as the interface assignments. Recommendation To use the Extended Compare & Adjust it is recommended to use SAP Solution Manager Release 7.10 Support Package 06. 3.0 Usage Depending on the ALM concept, how Compare & Adjust is used can vary. In general, from the organizational point of view, the roll in activities are related as tasks to the team who maintains / owns the source of the data (for e.g Template Roll Out). However the roll back is typically seen as the last project activity to run against the source. After this run, persons who are responsible for business scenarios or processes have to bring deltas into their respective areas of responsibility. However the procedures dealing with old/new business processes/scenarios and assigned interfaces have to be clearly specified before using ALM and Compare & Adjust. The clear rules and procedures are described in the following chapters. 3.1 One project as single source of truth As business process structures are not re-used in other places, Compare & Adjust will simply be restricted to the comparison of the former with the current version. Figure 3.1-1: One Project as single source of truth 7 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM 3.2 Solution as single source of truth Compare & Adjust is restricted in the solution-centric model to only Solutions and Major Release projects. Due to the Check Out/In activation, changes made in maintenance will be automatically reflected in the solution after Check In. 3.2.1 Copy procedure for Major Release project In general we have two possibilities on how to scope the Major Release project from solutions. Below you will find detailed descriptions of the procedure and their comparison. 1) Copy Solution to Project In this method the SAP Solution Manager is copying the whole structure from solution into project. This includes: Business Scenarios Business Processes/Steps Interface Scenarios/Interfaces Scenario in-/dependent Master Data Scenario in-/dependent Organisational Units All assignments attached to the above listed structures So every structure node is then also comparable to the solution when you roll back changes performed on business scenarios, processes, steps, master data, organizational unit and Interface scenario structures. Just the global configuration node (visible in SOLAR02) will not be copied and has to be brought manually into the project scope if needed. Advantages Disadvantages All changes on every node will be detected including additions and deletions of structures and their assignments (transactions, documents or other technical objects). So, for example, new business scenarios created during this major release will be easily detected and localized in the source solution. Easy creation of project and content. Inflexible scoping for major release restricted just to one solution (mixing of different scenarios from different solutions is not possible). All business scenarios are copied independently if they are to be changed in the project or not. All interface scenarios have to be copied independently if they are going to be changed. 2) Select all relevant business scenarios from solution into project by input help in SOLAR01. For this method, the project has to be created first by using transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN. Within this transaction just the project, title and KW Enhancement has to be selected Afterwards relevant business scenarios can be selected on the Structure tab under transaction SOLAR01 for the major release project. Please select there for the source “Solution”. While copying, the system landscape for the project will be extended automatically. After relevant business scenarios are copied you can resolve (copy) all relevant interfaces by moving to the highest level of the structure tree and depressing the right mouse button. This action will propose interfaces which are still stored centrally in the solution so you can separate and copy only those which are relevant to be changed in this Major Release. By following this procedure you can copy: Selected Business Scenarios Business Processes/Steps Selected Interfaces Scenario dependent Master Data Scenario dependent Organisational Units 8 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Advantages Disadvantages Very flexible scope for Major Release project from several solutions. Only relevant scenarios or processes are in scope for the project. Flexible scope for interfaces. Newly added business scenarios will not be detected automatically especially if you combine several business scenarios from several different solutions. For such cases, the roll back into solutions requires a manual decision where the new scenario has to be stored to. Scenario-independent Master Data and Organisational Units have to be selected manually in case they have to be changed in the project. General Remark: To create project, please select a different KW Enhancement (e.g. /KWCUST/KW, release 630) to achieve the “late copy” document behaviour. For the second copy option, you can alternatively use the setting “Flag Documents to be Copied” while copying relevant business scenarios. Figure 3.2-1: Solution as single source of truth 3.2.2 Major Release update by Compare & Adjust During the time in which the Major Release project is running, the solution can be changed slightly by maintenance activities as well as by other projects. All changes brought into the Solution during a Major Release project can also be populated by Compare & Adjust periodically as a part of regular retrofit activities. For this purpose, please select from Major Release project menu Utilities Compare Project and select direct “Predecessor” for comparison nodes. The background job will flag all changes to the appropriate business scenarios/processes/steps on relevant tabs. 9 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Recommendation It is recommended to define time slots in which such an adjustment will be performed to all relevant projects besides the solution. 3.2.3 Roll back changes from Projects to source Solution After a re-design of the business scenarios/processes and successful testing, the changes have to be brought into the Solution from which the data have been taken from. Run final Compare & Adjust It is recommended to start the Compare & Adjust transaction always from the place that you would like to see the deltas in. In this case we start the compare from solution(s) using menu Utilities Compare Solution or by typing directly “compare“ into the command field. This will start the Compare & Adjust transaction with pre-filled fields for the Solution ID. In the area “Specify Comparison Nodes” please select radio button “Successor Nodes” and change the proposed entry in field “Source of Comparison Nodes” from “Solution” into “Project”. In field “Successor Project/Solution” select your Major Release project. Decide which tabs have to be compared in this comparison run and execute the transaction. These Compare activities can be seen as last project activities as the project team/management knows where the scope for their project is coming from. Hence the Compare information is made available and visible to business process owners who will adjust the productive business process information and merge changed documents. After the background job has completed, the detected deltas will be displayed in the appropriate solution and are ready for adjustment. The icon ( ) serves as the indicator for delta information noted for relevant business process structures with their tabs as well as interface structures. Adjust changes Due to the fact that the Solution itself is locked for changes, the adjustment cannot be done directly in the solution directory but has to be performed in the Maintenance project. In general, we can distinguish between two different types of adjustments depending on where the changes were detected. While the business process adjustment will be performed in a maintenance project, the changes on interface scenarios will be performed in the solution directly. Figure 3.2-2: Compare & Adjust Selection Business Scenario, Process, Step adjustments In order to perform the adjustment you have to check out all deltas relevant to business scenarios, processes and steps. All of them are signed by the icon . This icon will remain displayed also in the maintenance project and thus give information in which the business process owner has to make adjustment. To navigate between the relevant comparison differences use the search button as shown in Figure 3.2-3. Figure 3.2-3: Adjust navigation in SOLAR01/02 10 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM It will be necessary to switch the comparison source to the last Major Release project as shown on the following picture otherwise the Compare & Adjust popup will show no differences. Figure 3.2-4: Sw itch betw een adjustment sources This method will guarantee that all changes performed and detected during the comparison run, and all the changes will be adjusted to the structure (new steps, processes or scenarios) or on assignments (several tabs). Depending on the method in which the major release project has been scoped (see chapter “3.2.1 Copy procedure for Major Release project”) it might be necessary that new business scenarios have to be copied into the maintenance project manually as they will not be detected automatically. Please keep in mind that only structures which are common for both source and target can be compared. Example: Solution contains a business scenario “Procurement to Pay” containing the following business processes: Processing Shopping Carts Processing Purchase Requisitions in ERP Processing Purchase Orders in ERP Quality Assurance & Control Contract Management Logistics Invoice Verification Major Release project takes the following business processes Processing Purchase Orders in ERP Quality Assurance & Control into scope but not the whole “Procurement to Pay” business scenario. Besides making changes to the two business processes, it also adds the Warehouse process to this scenario. This new business process, Warehouse, will not be detected by Compare & Adjust as a part of the “Procurement to Pay” scenario and thus has to be adjusted manually and placed into the business scenario. Interface Scenario adjustments New business processes or scenarios can bring new interfaces into the solution. By including these processes and scenarios into the solution (via maintenance project) the interfaces are still linked to them as external interfaces. This means that their originality is still in the Major Release project. In order to bring them into the solution, an additional activity, Resolving External Interfaces, has to be performed after check in of all relevant business scenarios /processes. For this reason please select the highest structure node in the solution and depress the right mouse button. Thereafter, select the option to resolve external interfaces. This will give you the possibility to copy the interfaces into your solution and group them into already existing interface scenarios. Afterwards the adjustments on flagged interfaces can be performed directly in the solution. Document Management in Compare & Adjust Generally the document management in Compare & Adjust requires manual activities between Solution and Major Release or Roll Out projects. It is not necessary to perform document versioning for changes done in maintenance project by Check Out/In. This type of document content change will be adjusted automatically by check in into Solution. For all other projects with 11 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Solution as source, specific activities are required. During roll back of changes into solution we can distinguish between following four situations: SCENARIO 1 The document “A” hasn’t changed in either Solution / Maintenance or in projects with Solution as source. This situation is quite clear to handle because as the Compare & Adjust doesn’t show any differences, no activity is required. SCENARIO 2 The document “A” has changed during maintenance activities but remained unchanged in projects with Solution as source. This change (done by maintenance or other projects) will automatically be reflected in other projects in case they were created as described in Best Practice use case “Solution as Single Source of Truth”. SCENARIO 3 The document “A” has changed in project with solution as source but remained unchanged in solution. This change creates a copy of the original document “A1” in the project. However the source document stored still in solution is unchanged and still represents the productively used business process. In this case the Compare & Adjust will detect that the original document “A” has been changed and will flag this in solution. This is the most probable case as the major release project may redesign business processes so specifications, test cases or training material documents are expected to be changed. Merge procedure: Adjust the change by bringing the new version or the original document “A” into the source. To do so, you should select the option “Both” as shown on the illustration. This will assign the new version of the document to the source and you can start merging the document content by copying changed parts from the document copy “A1” into the original “A”. Afterwards the copy “A1” can be deleted from the productive business process context. 12 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM SCENARIO 4 The document “A” was changed in Solution as well as in the project with a Solution as source. The change in the project creates a copy of the original document “A” “A1”. The original document can be also changed in the Solution as result of maintenance activities. These changes will not be reflected any longer in the project as it already contains the copy “A1”. During the Compare & Adjust the two different contexts have to be merged into the original document “A”. Merge procedure: Adjust the change by bringing the new version or the original document “A” into the source. To do so, you should select the option “Both” as shown on the picture beside. This will assign the new version of the document to the source and you can start merging the document content by copying changed parts from the document copy “A1” into the original “A”. Afterwards the copy “A1” can be deleted from the productive business process context Recommendation It is recommended to define consolidation time frames in which the documentation from Major Release project will be merged and synchronized with the productive documentation. This time frame shall be aligned with the retrofit activities. 3.3 Template as single source of truth Importantly, in the use case template as a single source of truth; since the business process structures are re-used in several places, it makes the Compare & Adjust even more complex. Therefore we have to distinguish adjustments between Template and Roll Out projects, between Roll Out and Template and finally update for monitoring relevant business processes collected in the Solution. 3.3.1 Roll out update by Compare & Adjust During the active roll out, the source in template could be changed by other projects or by other template updates. These changes will be already partially synchronized with all available roll out/release projects when the changes were made on documents assigned to General Documentation, Configuration, Development, Test Case or Training Materials tabs. 13 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Figure 3.3-1: Template as single source of truth Changes to business scenario/process structures, additional assignments, or replacements have to be made visible by Compare & Adjust. To do, execute the transaction SA_PROJECT_UPGRADE directly from the roll out project by using menu Utilities Compare Project. Using the direct menu path, the selection screen will appear with the project ID already filled in. In the section “Specify Comparison Nodes”: … select “Successor Nodes” … In “Source of Comparison Nodes” select “Project” … Select the Roll Out project ID in the field “Successor Project/Solution” In the section “Compare Tabs” select all tabs which have to be compared in this run and execute the transaction. The Compare & Adjust run detects all changes on common business scenarios/processes/steps, interfaces, master data and organisation unit structures. After the background job has completed, you Figure 3.3-2: Compare & Adjust Selection can execute transaction SOLAR01/02 to adjust the detected changes. The adjustment can be done by taking over and approving the changes one by one or as a mass adjustment. The mass adjustment can be performed on the business scenario or process level. Depending on the selected structure level all changes will be adjusted to subjacent structure nodes. However, the adjustment should be done by project members responsible for the appropriate project parts. 14 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM This type of adjustment should always be done after the business process structures and/or assignments have been changed in the template project to ensure the synchronicity between the Template and Roll Out projects. In case new business processes which use new interfaces have been brought into the Roll Out project, you can resolve external interfaces if they have to be adopted in the Roll Out project directly. 3.3.2 Run final Compare & Adjust (Roll back from roll out to template) It is recommended to start the Compare & Adjust transaction always from the place where you would like to see the deltas in. In this case, we start the compare from the Template project(s) using menu Utilities Compare Project. This will start the Compare & Adjust transaction with pre-filled fields for Project ID. In the area “Specify Comparison Nodes” please select radio button “Successor Nodes” and change the proposed entry in field “Source of Comparison Nodes” from “Solution” into “Project”. In field “Successor Project” select the roll out project you want to bring back to the template project. Decide which tabs have to be compared in this comparison run and execute the transaction. These Compare activities can be seen as final project activities as the project team/management knows where the scope for their project is coming from. Hence the compare information is made available and visible to business process owners who will adjust the productive business process information and merge changed documents. After the background job has been completed, the detected deltas will be displayed in the appropriate solution and are ready for adjustment. This delta information will be indicated on relevant business process structures, their tabs as well as interface structures by icon . Adjust changes The adjustments for business scenarios/processes, master data and business unit folders as well as for interface scenarios will be done centrally in the template project based on flagged structures. The navigation between the relevant comparison differences can use search button as shown below. Figure 3.3-3: Adjust navigation in SOLAR01/02 Business Scenario, Process, Step adjustments While adjusting the changes it has to be decided how to roll back the additional information to the template. In case the changes on business processes are allowed (global attributes) the Roll Out project will adopt the business processes by changing documentation, thus assigning additional objects. This information can be rolled back directly to the original business process in the template project or copied manually to a new place as a “new” version of the business process as shown in Figure 3.3-4. How the adjustments will be embedded into the global repository/template influence also the suceeding or parallel Roll Out projects. In method I) changes will be adjusted to the source of the business process and thus accumulated in the original source, while method II) rejects the changes and manually creates a new specific structure for local variants. As method I) directly changes the content of a template, all rolled back changes can be automatically propagated to all parallel Roll Out projects which are based on the same content. Method II) can provide a package of modified or localized business processes in a separate template. 15 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Figure 3.3-4: Roll back of business process variant Interface Scenario adjustments All interfaces which have been resolved during the Roll Out project will be part of Compare & Adjust. Thus, all assignments such as documents describing the technical realisation and interface design will be detected and adjusted to the roll out/release of the template project. New business processes or scenarios can bring new interfaces into the template project. By including these processes and scenarios into the template project the interfaces will still be linked to them as external interfaces. This means that their origin is still in the roll out project. In order to bring them into the template project an additional activity (resolving external interfaces) has to be performed after all relevant business scenarios /processes have been copied into the template project. For this reason, please select the highest structure node in the template project and depress the right mouse button. Select the option to resolve external interfaces. This will give you the possibility to copy the interfaces into your template project and group them into already existing interface scenarios. Document Management in Compare & Adjust In general all changes made to documents stored in the template project will be immediately reflected in all Roll Out projects (exception: documents stored in template project on Project Documentation tab). However, in case new documents were created in a template project and have to be propagated to Roll Out/Release projects, a separate Compare & Adjust has to be performed. For the rollback of information to a template project, we can distinguish between the following four situations: 16 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM SCENARIO 1 Document “A” has not changed either in the template project or in the Roll Out/Release projects. This situation is quite clear to handle, since the Compare & Adjust does not show any differences, no activity is required SCENARIO 2 Configuration/Development/Training Material tab provides a document “A” which was changed in the Roll Out/Release project. The change creates a new document “A1” which replaces the original “A”. This document “A1” will be detected by Compare & Adjust as a new version of the original “A”. By adjusting you can replace the original “A” or bring the new “A1” document in addition to keep the changes separated in two documents. The content of the two documents, “A” and “A1”, can be also consolidated into the old “A” document. This will guarantee that all still running roll outs will get the update on the document. SCENARIO 3 General Documentation tab provides documentation which is not directly changeable in Roll Out/Release projects. However, copying the appropriate document from General Documentation tab into Project Documentation tab in Roll Out/Release project allows changes on already available documents. While the original “A” remains on the General Documentation tab, its copy will be changed in “A1” on Project Documentation tab. The Compare & Adjust detects the new “A1” document on the Project Documentation tab in Roll Out/ Release project and highlights it on the Project Documentation tab in the template project. Merging of the document content can be done by opening the two documents locally (after check out of the documents) and manual consolidation. The update of “A” will provide new information to all active projects automatically. 17 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM SCENARIO 4 Referenced documents stored in a specific reference folder (consider SAP Note 1236369) require no additional adjustment because they are synchronized across the template and all existing Roll Out/Release projects. So independently from where the document was changed the changes will be immediately visible in all projects using these business processes. 3.3.3 Final update of solution As a Solution is exclusively used for monitoring capabilities, the appropriate business process structure and transactional assignments have to be updated after every roll back process. The Compare & Adjust run for this Solution shall be performed just for the Structure and Transaction tabs as shown in the picture below. Figure 3.3-5: Final update of solution Recommendation 1) 2) Define consolidation time frames where the documentation from Roll out/release project will be merged and synchronized with the template/productive documentation. This time frame shall be aligned with the retrofit activities. Schedule Compare & Adjust from template to all active Roll Out/Release project and solution(s) after every roll back activity in which the Compare & Adjust differs 18 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM 4.0 Additional features in Compare & Adjust Aside from the standard functionality or compare changes between source and target as well as manual adjustments, SAP Solution Manager offers additional functions simplifying the procedures and navigation between places in which changes have been detected. 4.1 Mass adjustment As of support package 09 of SAP Solution Manager 7.10, Compare & Adjust offers a mass adjustment of changes. Instead of adjusting all changes manually by navigating from one structure node to another and from one tab to another you also have the possibility to mass adjust on the business process, business scenario or on the highest project structure level. The adjustment will be done then exclusively for the selected structures below. Example: If a specific business process has been selected, the changes will be adjusted for this particular business process and all business process steps belonging to this business process. If you select business scenario and mass adjust, the system will accept all changes for this business scenario including master data and organizational unit structures, business processes and appropriate business process steps If you select on the highest structure node for the project and mass adjust, the system accepts all changes for all structures belonging to the project. General Remark: New scenarios, business processes (as well as master data, organizational units or configuration structures) will not be detected by this adjustment if they were not directly in scope of this project already before. The mass adjustment can be modified by a BAdI AI_SC_PUSH_COMPARE and must be activated in IMG prior to first use. 4.2 Push compare The push mode for Compare & Adjust was designed to update several projects centrally from a template project at the same time. This change push can be related to a template ID which is used in several Roll Out projects. In this case, all changes represented in a released template will be pushed in one background job for all Roll Out projects. There are two ways to initiate the functionality: Selection of the template ID in SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN transaction and pushing the button “Distribute Project Changes” as shown on the Figure 4.2-1 below This will lead to Compare & Adjust in Push Mode transaction which allows you to specify which changes have to be pushed. Figure 4.2-1: Push for Template By directly using the transaction SA_PUSH_COMPARE. In the Push mode transaction you can flexibly select tabs and adjust them for all Roll Out projects at once. By default, the push mode follows a few basic rules: The standard BAdI implementation does not support the automated adjustment of structure deletions since this is critical. For documents you can choose between two standard implementations, one that deletes documents and one that doesn’t. 19 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM Changes on a document will just be pushed as long as the document has not been changed in the target. As long as not all changes can be pushed, the comparison will not be completed and the icon remains in the target project. So you can adjust the reminders manually. For the push compare, the system offers the standard copy options for documents. The decision made on this popup will have impact on the way in which documents will be managed. New assignments will be pushed in the same order as the original has been organized. Therefore transactions, documents and business process steps will be placed in the same order as they are organized in template project. In case changes have not made, completion will not be reached so the Compare & Adjust icon will remain The handling of all business process assignments can be modified by a BAdI AI_SC_PUSH_COMPARE. This extension can be used to decide which data have to be pushed and completed and which stays in unchanged status with flagged delta information in the target project. In case the BAdI is not implemented the system will inform users via an error message. Standard implementations can be activated in IMG. 4.3 Structure attributes in Compare & Adjust The handling of structure attributes has been managed by the flag “Structure Attributes” in area “Copied these attributes from Comparison Nodes:” The activation of this flag triggers the overwriting of structure attributes by Compare &Adjust. The overwriting was executed in the background without any additional manual activities. As of support package 09, the control of SAP and customer structure attributes is extended by the BadI SA_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE_COPY. This BADI controls in the transaction Compare & Adjust in Push Mode how the SAP and Customer attributes are handled. The BADI has two methods: ADD_OR_CHANGE_CUST_ATTRIBUTES ADD_OR_CHANGE_SAP_ATTRIBUTES The first method is used for the customer attributes while the second is for SAP attributes. Both methods are called for every structure element of the project or solution hierarchy to be compared. Example1: If the source structure element with attribute name ‘ATTRIBUTE1’ has the value ‘A’ and ‘B’ and the corresponding target structure has the attribute value ‘C’ for the same ‘ATTRIBUTE1’ … After running the report, the attribute ‘ATTRIBUTE1’ in the target structure gets the value ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. This behavior will be controlled by activated flag “Structure Attributes” before executing Compare & Adjust and the appropriate BAdI implementation. In case the flag is not activated, the attribute ‘ATTRIBUTE1’ in the target structure remains unchanged (value ‘A’ and ‘B’ only). Figure 4.3-1: Example 1 Example2: If the source structure element with single value attribute ‘ATTR_SINGLE’ has the value ‘A’, the same attribute ‘ATTR_SINGLE’ has the value ‘D’ in the corresponding target structure element. After running the report, the ‘ATTR_SINGLE’ keeps its value ‘D’ in the target structure element. The behavior of single attribute is controlled by parameter ‘IV_REPLACE_SINGLE_ATTR’ which by default is SPACE. Figure 4.3-2: Example 2 20 Best Practice: Compare & Adjust in SAP Solution Manager ALM 5.0 Linked Documents ALM Architecture Design in SAP Solution Manager Document Management in SAP Solution Manager ALM Business Process Redesign in SAP Solution Manager ALM 21
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