Hans-Peter Ritt How to build Links between Regions and Sectors Approach and Results of the Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” The multinational platform “Preparing for eContent.plus”, jointly initiated by Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, was created to establish closer cooperation’s in the field of digital content in this four-country-region. All the stakeholders working in the field of digital content were invited to take advantage of the initiative's offers, and to actively partake in its activities. Within the nearly two and a half years of operation between 2004 and 2007 the initiative „Preparing for eContentplus“ succeeded in establishing a lively platform which enabled cooperation’s between relevant players in the Central European regions. Moreover the Central European platform „Preparing for eContentplus“ was also able to find attention within Europe and to attract private and public organisations all over the place. The following pages will give You a deeper insight into the objectives, activities and results of the Central European platform “Preparing for eContent plus”. Contents 1. Objectives, Structure and Activities ...........................p. 2 2. Feed-Back and Results ............................................p. 7 3. Suggestions from the Participants .............................p. 14 project management milestone management gmbh karmeliterplatz 1/15 a - 1020 vienna t + 43.1.2128522.11 f + 43.1.2128522.9 2 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Objectives, Structure and Activities Focusing on the common competitive challenge being small economies, the four involved countries Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia took steps to strengthen co-operative structures and activities to reach critical mass in respect to the European landscape. The Objectives On a more operative level the main objectives of the joint platform are described as such: To improve the mutual knowledge of the different markets within Central Europe To build links not only between the regions involved, but also between different sectors. To deliver orientation on the European Commission's programme eContentplus. To initiate specific international co-operations, be it funded projects or any other business. To attract other regions in Europe and set up interactions with them. The Instruments To conduct it’s activities and to manage the whole platform, “Preparing for eContentplus” developed four main instruments working hand in hand. 1. A series of two-day conferences, the „Orientation and Matching-Days“, each one focusing on different areas of digital content. Theey took place in Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna. 2. Both, national contacts as well as a central Info-Point with a countious online presence in five languages, providing informations and supporting the workflows. 3. A balanced operative structure with well anchored national intermediaries and a strong co-ordinating plattform management. 4. A broad and careful integration of different national and international organisations and persons on different levels. 3 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Focusing strongly on face-to-face meetings at the conferences the platform-website served as the digital backbone of the social interactions. The site distributed the necessary information and produced contents in five languages. The Participants One main goal of the initiative was to network the actors within the region of Central Europe – another one was building a platform, that reaches and appeals to different business sectors. Participants from all over Europe Participants at "Preparing for eContentplus" Vienna Bratislava 18 Budapest 12 5 Prague 4 Austria 3 8 91 10 10 11 73 17 0 15 15 8 24 20 6 27 7 59 30 45 Czech Republic 60 75 Hungary 90 105 Slovakia 120 other countries .mi l estone 4 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” The 428 registered participants were from all over Europe – and beyond i.e.: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and USA. Assortment of various business sectors What kind of organisation are you w orking at? Multinational Company 2% Large Company 3% Archive/Library 6% Research Organisation 7% Small /Medium Size Company 32% Federation / Professional Organisation 8% University 11% Other 17% Administration 14% .mi l estone The composition of the participants shows the success to reach different stakeholders. We would like to emphasise the high number of SME, which demonstrates that the platform appears to be interesting for different cooperation’s. The Structure The main challenge of developing the structure of the initiative existed in finding an adequate response to the inherent complexity. The initiative had to sail between two extremes, overcomplexity on one hand – and horrible simplifications on the other. The solution developed consisted in a set of bodies and boards with different jobs to fulfill. These boards integrated the main differences up from the starting phase, they included representatives from different regions and different sectors. On national levels there were direct contacts and co-operation between the single representatives and multipliers. Within the over-all structure of the initiative the platform management served as responsible co-ordinator of all bodies. 5 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” The complete structure of the platform “Preparing fur eContent.plus” consinsted of the following five entities, formal bodies and focused groups: The Steering Committee Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, AT Christop Raber, Ministry of Economy and Transport, HU Gabriella Simor, András Galambosi, Ministry of Finance, SK Zuzana Pargacova, Valentína Michálková Ministry of Informatics, CZ Jan Prokšík, Martin Hiršal, The Core Team Karel Charvát, CCSS – Czech Centrum for Science and Society Romana Križová, Cross Czech a.s. Gerhard Laga, Alexander Foidl, WKO – The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Hans-Peter Ritt, Plattform Management Bea Sáfár, Ferenc Hargitai, MATISZ – Hungarian Association of Content Industry Emöke Zákai, MTE – Association of Hungarian Content Providers Rudolf Takáč, SPPR - Project Management Association of Slovakia The Advisory Board Jaroslav Cech, Czech E-Learning Network Jerzy Celichowski, Open Society Institute Peter Tomaz Dobrila, KIBLA Multimedia Center Nikolaus Futter, Compass-Verlag Markus Huber, Collettiva Design GmbH Hans Petschar, Austrian National Library Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp, Hungarian Association for GeoInformation Martin Sperka, Slovak University of Technology Ágnes Szilágyi, Eduweb Distance Learning Company Samo Zorc, Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology The Platform Management milestone management gmbh 6 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” The Sponsors and Supporters Austrian National Library, Austria Computerwelt, Austria Czech Asssociation for Geoinformation, Czech Republic eConTec Umbrella, Eureka EnterMedia, Austria European Multimedia Forum, Belgium FFG, Austria IVSZ, Hungary The Speakers at the Conferences In addition to this structure, also the invitation and selection of speakers to the four conferences followed the strict rule to have represented both, different regions and business sectors. Speakers at the four Conferences Zuzana Bauerová Ministry of Culture, CZ Martin Baumgartner FFG, NCP, AT Peter Baumgartner FernUniversität in Hagen, DE Maria Bendl Federal Ministry for Economy and Labour, AT Agnes Bereczki MATISZ, HU Peter Bíro Ministry of Finance, SK Karel Charvát Czech Centrum for Science and Society, CZ Christian Dögl UMA information technology, AT Monika Gajdosikova Ministry of Finance, NCP, SK András Galambosi Ministry of Informatics & Telecommunication, HU Ferenc Hargitai MATISZ, NCP, HU Max Harnoncourt factline Webservices, AT Josef Havas Intergraph, CZ Martin Hiršal Ministry of Informatics, NCP, CZ Vladimír Hořejší Deputy Minister of Informatics, CZ Ádám Horváth IT-Advisor Ministry of Education, HU Jan Hylén OECE/CERI, FR Mihály Jambrik Ministry of Informatics & Telecommunication, HU Andrea Kárpáti Eötvös Loránd University, HU Dušan Katuščák Slovak National Library, SK Adolf Knoll The National Library of the Czech Republic, CZ Rok Kokalj Nevron d.o.o., SI Peter Kruzliak Geomatika, SK Miroslav Kukučka Ministry of Transport, Posts + Telecommunications, SK 7 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Speakers at the four Conferences Gerhard Laga WKO - The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, AT Gertraud Leimüller arge creative wirtschaft Austria, AT Walter Mayer Progis, AT Valentína Michálková Ministry of Transport, Posts + Telecommunications, SK Federico Milani EC, DG Information Society and Media Ludovit Molnar FIIT STU Bratislava, SK Jiri Novobilsky Central European Data Agency, Czech Republic Krister Olson EC, DG Information Society and Media Eva Pauknerova DG Joint Research Centrum, IT Hans Petschar Austrian National Library, AT Spyridon Pilos EC, DG Information Society and Media Christoph Raber Federal Ministry for Economy and Labour, AT Hans-Peter Ritt Milestone., Project Management Iván Rónai Ministry of Education and Culture, HU Bea Sáfár MATISZ, NCP, HU Michael Seifert WIFI – Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut, AT Gabriella Simor Ministry of Economy and Transport, HU Gabriele Singer APA-Multimedia, AT Václav Slaboch VUGTK, CZ Richard Swetenham EC, DG Information Society and Media Mihály Szabolcs Inst. of Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing, HU Rudolf Takáč Project Management Association, SK Ádám Tichy-Rács Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU Zdenek Uhlir Memoria Mundi Series Bohemica, CZ Erich Weichselgartner Institute for Psychology Information, DE Stepan Zezula Ministry of Informatics, CZ Péter Zsolt Neumann House, HU Balassy Zsolt Hungarian Association of Content Industry, HU 8 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Feed-Back and Results One of the most difficult questions in the context of a platform like „Preparing for eContentplus“ is concerning the success. Notably the initiative targeted on mid-term goals, so quick and directly measurable results were not expected. In order to obtain feedback on the general approach and the activities, different kinds of sources of information had to be combined. Feedback by Word of Mouth At the conferences we saw consortia forming themselves during breaks, we listened to presentations of projects, developed at the previous conferences. In addition to that there are single successstories “behind the curtain”, and there are personal statements. “It is a valuable initiative which should be “It is unique to have different continued. It’s an excellent idea which sectors on one panel, so I’d should be copied in other areas of Europe.” like to ask you all …” European Commission OECD Results from the EC programme As the initiative did not target at one specific call of the ECprogramme, we expect the main results in the context of the 3rd call in 2007. But the figures comparing the two first calls show some hints regarding the work of the initiative. Relevant organisations could be reached Organisations submitting Proposals and participating in Preparing for eContent.plus Call Country Austria 1st Call, 2005 Submission Shortlisted 13,9% 41,7% 2nd Call, 2006 Submission Shortlisted 41,7% 3rd Call, 2007 Submissi Shortliste 35,7% Czech Republic 30,6% 20,0% 20,0% 33,3% Hungary 18,5% 57,1% 57;1 % 66,7% Slovakia 21,1% 33,3% 33,3% 75,0% In both categories you can observe a definite increase between the first and second call. The numbers show explicitly that “Preparing for eContentplus is relevant for national actors, which are also relevant for the EC programme. 9 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Results of the Online-Survey In March 2007, we asked all conference participants as well as the recipients of our newsletters to evaluate the platform, it’s activities and it’s outcome. Key Data 785 registered persons received the invitation to the onlinequestionnaire, every single person was able to participate only once the online-questionnaire was accessible from 4 March 2007 to 18 March 2007 in the end we received 124 valid responses, that’s a return rate of 15,8% The Respondents of the Survey How was your involvement in the initiative "Preparing for eContent plus"? 100 90 89 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 18 11 5 5 2 4 0 n=143 Participant at one of the conferences Member of Steering Committee Member of Advisory Board other Speaker or Moderator at one of the conferences Member of Core Team Sponsor or Supporter .milestone Viewing the individual involvement of the answering people in the platform “Preparing for eContentplus” we see a broad allotment of the roles that corresponds very well with the real allotment during the activities of the platform. 10 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” As you will see in the following chart, there is a wide distribution of different organisations and sectors. Above all public authorities, private enterprises and associations/intermediaries are represented strongly. What kind of organisation are you working at? Consultant NGO 2% 1% Research Institute 3% University 8% Public Authority 30% Archive, Library, Museum 9% Association 20% Private Enterprise 27% n=118 .milestone In comparison to the registered and documented participants at the four Orientation- and Matching-Days the private sector seems to be a little bit underrepresented in the survey. In w hich country is your organisation located? Luxembourg 2% Germany 2% Finland 1% Belgium 1% Greece 2% Bulgaria 2% United Kingdom 1% France 1% Other European Countries 5% Austria 24% Slovenia 4% Italy 5% Czech Republic 12% Hungary 20% Slovakia 18% n=118 . mi l es t one The distribution of the respondents regarding country of origin of their organisation corresponds to the distribution of participants in the whole initiative. 11 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” In w hich of the activities of the platform "Preparing for eContentplus did you participate? 50 Conference on Geographical Data in Prague 45 45 35 30 33 29 25 25 20 15 10 Conference on Scientific Content in Budapest 37 40 17 28 Conference on Educational Content in Bratislava Conference on Cultural Content in Vienna Subscribing the New sletter Documents and Dow nloads 5 0 n=116 Using other contents of the w ebsite .milest one Due to the fact that the survey was conducted shortly after the conference in Vienna, this conference is represented more than the others. Noticeable is that the web based services were used to a large extent. 12 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Opinions regarding the platform Overall Impression unsystematic diversified vague pr e va t iv e he ns i exclusive confusing in no co m in vi tin g fo cu ss ed re n tra w am bi el lo ns pa rg an us tio va nt re le standard irrelevant t is ed bl e What is your over all impression about the platform Preparing for eContentplus? conservative n=79 milestone. The platform „Preparing for eContentplus“ appeared profiled and outlined to the audience: „relevant“, „well organised“ and „comprehensible“ received the highest approvals. Opinion about the single activities What is your opinion about the single activities of the platform ? 100% 90% 80% 25 22 27 70% 60% 50% 1 5 4 8 40% 30% 7 4 8 12 Conf er ence " Sci enti f i c Content Conf er ence " Educati onal Conf er ence " Cul tur al Content" Newsl etter " i n Budapest Content" i n Br ati sl ava i n Vi enna Conf er ence " Geogr aphi cal Content" i n Pr ague excellent good balanced 1 8 16 13 5 11 27 24 9 7 0% n=11 8 7 11 20% 10% 7 35 14 20 18 bad terrible 15 Documents and Downl oads 6 Other contents on the websi te not applicable . mi l est one The participants attested all the activities mainly as excellent or good! Only a few answers are neutral or explicitly negative. Besides the four conferences the online services reach both a high usage and a high assessment. 13 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Major outcome – Overview In general the usefulness of the initiative for the single person and respectively the organisation is highly approved. In w hich respect w as the platform useful for you and your organisation? 100% 9 18 90% 15 24 25 34 80% 37 43 70% 57 51 60% 48 52 50% 41 56 40% 45 39 34 30% 29 20% 32 22 10% 29 26 13 16 15 T ak i ng f i r s t Wor ki ng on st eps i n spec i f i c E U ot her E ur opean P r oj ec t s Cooper at i ons 12 0% Or i ent at i on on Or i ent at i on on Or i ent at i on on E s t abl i shi ng E s t abl i shi ng t he t he Cent r al t he s peci f i c Cont act s i n Cont act s i n Commi s si on E ur opean Cont ent A r eas Cent r al E ur ope P r ogr amme Count r i es n=92 E ur ope very useful useful E s t abl i shi ng 6 Ot her col l abor at i on not useful/ not applicable . mi l est one The answers correspond to the preset main goals of the initiative – according to the attendees the goals have been reached. In each of the following four items, between 70% and 90% of the respondents think, the platform was “very useful” or “useful”: Orientation on the EU programme Orientation on the specific Content Areas Orientation on the Central European Countries Establishing other Cooperation’s 14 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Major outcome in Detail The more detailed second question asks about the major outcome, the question allowed the maximum of three answers. On the one hand the results validate the answers from the first question and on the other hand bring up additional aspects. The major outcome for your organization Participate in the Platform Others 3% 6% Contacts to persons and organisations 24% Advice on eContentplus 5% Info on content related Topics 8% Contacts in Central Europe 8% Orientation on eContentplus 13% n=115 Partner for other Activities 7% Partner for EU Projects 10% Gain European Visibility and Experience 8% Info on Content Areas 8% .milestone The largest percentage relate to the categories of international presence, experiences and contacts. 30% mentioned the usefulness of socialising and making contacts to other people and organisations. Furthermore … 18% of answers focused “information and support concerning the eContentplus programme”, almost 16% regarding dealing with “specific fields of digital content”, and 17% of the respondents said that potential cooperation’s regarding EU projects and other joint activities resulted from participating at the platform. 15 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” How to continue? The closing part of the questionnaire was dedicated to the question whether and how to continue with a platform like this. A series of three questions asked about the opinion of the audiences. Should there be a follow-up Should a platform like this be continued in Central Europe? 3% 23% 74% n=87 Yes, because ... Yes, if ... No, because ... .milestone Actually the outcome of the question whether this platform should be continued was quite pleasing. Especially positive is the fact that 97% gave a favourable opinion to continue such an initiative in Central Europe. 16 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Reasons for continuing this platform Reasons for continuing this platform it strengthens Central Europe 19% it suppoorts and strengthens collaborations 18% to netw ork and meet people 16% direct contact w ith commission it integrates other 4% different 4% sectors 6% brings EU programmes closer 6% it is valuable and useful 12% exchange of ideas and experiences 15% n=68 .milest one All the respondents answering “Yes, the platform should be continued“, 74% as mentioned above, where asked to tell us the reasons why the platform should continue. The shown answers can also be interpreted as achievements of the platform and may spot the non-planned effects the respondents see the positive benefit and achievement of the platform mainly in the four following areas: Strengthening Central Europe (19%) Supporting cross-sectoral collaborations (18%) Facilitate networking and contacts (16%) Exchange ideas and discuss experiences (16%) 17 The Central European Platform “Preparing for eContent.plus” Suggestions for a continuation The last question of the survey, again presented to all of the respondents of the questionnaire, was about asking for suggestions for a further continuation of the platform. Suggestions for the platform address more the companies more 4% involvement of EC 4% cover more content-areas 6% more carry on as now 15% other 11% eu-programmes 6% kontaktbörse 7% netw orking and incubator 8% more project focused 13% online community and database 10% include more countries more practical 8% advice 8% .milestone n=61 The answers brought a broad range of suggestions, although a big part of them head into a few similar directions. The greater part of the suggestions was on different aspects of strengthening the interactive potentials of the platform: “more project focused” “online community” “networking, incubator” “kontaktbörse” 15% 10% 8% 7% Besides this the following extensions of the platform were suggested: either to include more countries, to include more European programmes or to cover more content-areas. But first of all it is to mention that 15% of the respondents said that the initiative should be continued without changes in the same way as up till now.
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