B2 QUESNEICARIBOOOBSERVER Wednesday, June 18, 2008 QUESNEl ORIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, June 18, 2008 B3 THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com 3 Announcements QUESNEL • CARIBOO 215 Garden Equipment HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 1 - 3 5 c c Stihl g r a s s trimmer $ 4 5 . 992-8265 3 Announcements accepted HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm . Monday - Friday EEBsimaLas ,.15 •.;2i::. ..27 ..30 ..33 .;38 Buslnetspenonali....:. Healtti/Beauty ,..85 LOSI& Found ..70 Panonatt PsVcWcs/;.,...;.......,.'...'..,..-.. :,.75 ;.iSol).' . TravalToiin/VataUon .;.i...,..,..:..,8S JSWOBOJlifcHa Wantad >,.,;....,..,„^...,.„....„.„..125 AntliiaBi..,i..,.,...i..,..........;....;.165 Appilantes, ......160 Art* & Chriti .;.,.„;..,..,:....:.165 Aoellon*. ,...„.........170 BulldtaB Matertste.,......;.....i...„.175 CompulBrt ..;..180 ComliinmaBti i....,.............,......185 FIrearmt ;....„ 190 FlrawQod ;. .........195. Fresslmway..... 200 ' Fnrnllura.,',...'* .....,.*.....;'...205 OiiniB« 8alBt............,......;...,;..2l0 Bardtn Etjulpment.. 215 MiKallanaou.....;. ....„...220 " PAiisIc. ^.225 Sporting Gbodi.;.,., „„.,......230. 235 IhldftOlSwip... 240 flnlomOppoitonOln .,„.,254 . Cift«i«..;......,...........,..,... 258 Daytara ;.282 Edneatlan 268 Halp Wairtfd.,.;.... .....270 ProKtslonal , .........274 BklllodTladw...;.. .....;..278 tWortOQ....:...., ..............282 Voluntesn „ 288 Wort Wanlad. ..,..,200 S£BWCE5JB0J8a Ac(oimUng........ Appllancaa ,.v ............302 ....M* Automoilva 308 Balldlnfl SarvlCM 108 CaWttel 310 CarpantTv ;.,..312 CWIdCara , 314 : ClafiUng.,,......,....•,.,,.,...»,...,..,318 Contlnictloo 318 Oiywall ; 320 EducaUaQ/Tntorini. ...,,...322 Elartrle ; 824 Excavation 328 Flnanca/MotlBto* 328 Handyman ., 330 Hoffl* Improvamaiil 332 H«ma8appo(t... 334 HooMSmini. 138 Inmtmairt 338 ianlUrfal .*. »<0 UadaoaplaBAanlaiilng 342 MackliM/WaMliHl... 848 Muctllantom Sanrtcn 346 llnict4t*oia..... ...848 r»Wl«| fnttn P%tA9$n^tif 8S« W „,#».*-JM Pool«/Spas......;,..;......;.. .358 Boonng .360 Soowplowlng .;.,...............i.......362 1nm\ —364 TnicUng...k...;.....'.............;....;.366 Yard & Cardan .368 d o g s , h a m b u r g e r s , a n d get ApartoiBirts ...;...,..404; BartalorSoae................. ....408 Basement Suite .;^.........412 Caliina/CoUage«.....:... ......;...416 Commereial ........;.......420 Condoa ....;.,......424 Ouplax/Fourplei......,;.428 For Bant or Sala.. 432 Halls/Audltortuma Houwa , 440 Miscell8naoua,.;...........;.:...:...,.444 Moblta Home* ..............448 Modular Homaa .i.,;...;,„....,;.....,452 Boomt......ii,.^....;...................458 Boom $ Boafd.,.......,,.....„....'....460 Sanlor^etlraroant Actom. ...,...,..464 Shared Anommadallon.,.i:..;...,..468 ' Storaij»..,...,i.,.....„.....,....;..„..472 Siiltea„.;........,..i.,..."....,...;....476 Toaritt Accommodation^. ^.,., .480 Towtiliou»ea.i;.....,...,...;...;..i.....484 Wanted to Bent ...................488 W«ratioi»ea 492 ,506 Acreage/Lota Cablns/Cottaget.;..,.... ,512 CommerclelBinlnen.. ....:.,.;618 Commereial Propatty:. ,.....,..524 Condot.................. 530 Ouplek/Fourplea....... .........536 FamnAlantlie* .^„. 542 For Sale or Rent,....,..,,.;....; 848 ' Houses ...•..,.....,..,«.,,.,,.... :..554 l.alH(shar«„,.....;....,.......,.i ......i 680 Mohlla*,.... 668 Modatar Homes, ..;...;.672 Opeo House...... 5« •••>*•••«*• ••57S Out ofltiwn ,584 BV sites..,. ;;,.,.„.590 Towntioi«sos...„j..,l.„... .k ,696 PET8fABM6(Hl-|m Boartlng „.„,„„.., 608 Farm Equtpment , . , . , . „ , ; . ,.,..612 t^ed Sl S e e d , . . „ . . e i 8 Fnilt/Prodoce/Meat ;,.824' Horses..;., 630 Livestock ..; .„.„,.,.63B Pets 642 nailers..;..... 6W , BEOBESnOIIALlN-JiS „ GREAT SELECTION , AUTOMQIWEIfilfcin Canopies 750 762 768 774 788 788 782 Cm Classics farts S U I T S a 4i4's Thrcta Vans/Cases tegaiHetlcae Tknden 119 ^ m "Winner" Scooter 4 w h e e l , for Only $5.00/person. elderly o r h a n d i c a p p e d , n e v e r used. $5000 obo. 991-5066 $10/family. (250)983-7541 or ( 2 5 0 ) 9 8 3 - 7 5 4 2 Maytag 33 Obituaries 65 Lost & Found 170 Auctions family of Selgfried Fobe a n - Lost Rottie X 3 m o n t h s o l d lost BC Livestock is hosting the n o u n c e s h i s p a s s i n g o n April on West Side near Avison A v e . J u n e 6/08: If found call N i c k i e 9 9 2 - 6 8 6 8 w. Cryistal W a t e r s Quarter H o r s e Production Sale Sat. J u n e 2 1 , 1 p m @ the R a n c h , 7 8 0 6 N . B o naparte R d . , Bridge L a k e . F M I P h o n e 5 7 3 - 3 9 3 9 or 5 9 3 - 4 2 5 2 22, 2 0 0 8 with h i s family b y his s i d e . At the request of the f a m i ly a m e m o r i a l , s e r v i c e will npt b e , h e l d . D o n a t i o n s c a n be m a d e to JllNgftOURS; Mon-Sat9am-7pm Sun,9am-5pm the B C C a n c e r S o c i e t y in lieu of flowers. P e r m a n e n t carriers are required for the following: ( D o g w o o d . Mnt A s h , & R e d wood) (Viker, V a c h o n , P e d e r s o n & Flege) (Thompson, Sanderson & Pederson) (Alder & Willow) (Dennis, R a c i n g , R y a n , Toby & Westland) ( W a l k e m & Gordon) ( H a y m a n , Keith, Timothy & Yendreys) SUSPICIOUS DISAPPEARANCE: Julie Oakley Parker, August 2006. May the person responsible PLEASE come forward. We love Julie and miss her so muchli Julie's siblings 170 Auctions Mii OBITUARY Watklnsi All your old favorites, plus natural earth friendly h o m e c a r e products. P h o n e Indepen- To place an obituary tribute dent a s s o c i a t e . F e r n 7 4 7 - 1 5 2 2 please call 992-2121 TXipperware: for Bridal S h o w - TRIBUTES A A " o nmlr^rfc UBoERVER maim Prizes, or Updato you Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot and own, Adelle @ 747-2390 $104/triple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. www. mytupperwaro.ca/adollo The most complete coverage of Quesnel & area. R e a c h over 24,000 readers per w e e k $ 9 . 6 0 one issue l^nno'"^""""^" $19.00 six Issues $34.00 12 Issues C l i p , M a i l or Fax. 20 WOrd Classifieds TiJSiiii5^ FREE Items valued at less than $100 or pots to bo givon away will run Free for 4 Issues, OBSERVER FREE Intomet posting. AO our won) dassineda are posted Ml ttwIntMiMtat ticd8s*lfled.coni 1 BB Corson Avo Quosnol BC V2J 2Afl Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 Plus GST Name 1. 2. „ 5. 6. 9. 10. - _ _3 , 4 _ 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Additional words Ploaso pnnt your Bd wtTfi 008 v»ord pw lin«, Add Z7t per »vofd pw isstm over ?0 worda Bold race typo • dout)l». Box rontal $fl 00 Address Post Code Ph: Method of Payment Li Chequo • Monoy Ordor • Visa ••Print dearly and use dark pen for good (ax reproduction* • Saturday, Juite 21 11:00 AM Vehldes, Tools & General Merchandise EZ Cut Carpet Cutter. 12'Alum. Boat, Utility Trailer, Water Pumps, Compressors, Generators, Busy Bee Edge Sander, Beaver Dnll Press, 9hp Gas Engine "New", Industrial Blowers, Now Concrolo Cultor c:/w 6.5hp G a s Engine, Pressviro Washers, G o o d OnK B/R Furniture, Sofa Sots, Quantity of Wall Paper "30 Yard Rolls", Bar Fridges. "Consignments Now Being Accepted" FARM AUCTIOM 11:AM Prince OcorEe B C 6S65 Sutlcy Rd. T u r n Ha.st o f f O l d C a r i b o o H i g h w a y on to J o h n s o n R i l and c o n t i n u e to Sutley R d . , turn right. It is the second drive; way on the right ' 11.00 A M 111 7;00 PM and For all the news... Advanced Professional Driving p r o g r a m s at Taylor P r o T r a i n i n g with M o u n t a i n instruction. A i r E n d o r s e m e n t , C l a s s 1. 3 , a n d 4 is your P r o f e s s i o n a l c h o i c e . S t u dent funding available O . A . C . C a l l 1-877-860-7627 or visit o u r w e b at www.taylorprotraining. com Required Immediately, Lic e n s e d H e a v y Duty T r u c k a n d Trailer M e c h a n i c . Northern A l berta C a m p J o b . F a x r e s u m e to 250-545-8861 A PHONE DISCONNECTED? G r e a t h o o k u p rates. E v e r y o n e a p p r o v e d . N o t h a p p y with present p h o n e provider. S w i t c h for F R E E , k e e p s a m e n u m b e r . C a l l T o d a y l Protel R e c o n n e c t 1-877-852-1122 CERTIRED DENTAL cars, feed, motorcycles, 5th w h e e l s a n d other t o y s . B u i l d i n g s too. I a n 3 9 8 - 0 5 5 1 . l o n g d i s t a n c e 877-398-0551 www.buildstructures.ca Career Opportunity I-IARDWARK M A N A G E R ; V a n d e r h o o f and. Districts C o - o p e r n - U v e iinYites a p p l i c a n t s for Ibt* p o s i t i o n of H a r d w a r e M a n a g e r a $l.vS m i l l i o n H a r d w a r e o p e r a t i o n . R e p o r t i n g to the and p r o d u c t k n o w l e d g e , e x p e r i e n c e in retail m a r k e t i n g , l i i g h fridge $ 5 0 ; portable w a s h i n g m a c h i n e $ 7 5 ; c h e s t of d r a w e r s $ 1 0 ; large inside d o o r s $ 5 e a c h . ; table & four c h a i r s $20; bath tub $ 1 0 ; 9 9 2 - 7 8 1 0 or 992-5030 merchandising, and ability' to o r g a n i z e a n d c u s t o m e r service a l o n g delegate. for Qperations M a n a g e r , this m u l t i task p o s i t i o n requires .strong techitioal d a r d s in stan- vvith the O t h e r duties i n c l u d e p r o d u c t pricing, inventory control, b u d g e t i n g , and staff s u p e r v i s i o n . dep;\rtmcnf operations, and p o s s e s s initiative, g o o d c o m m u n i c a - i n t e r p e r s o n a l skills. Ci>-operiVti\e The Retailing System i>ffers a ct)mpetitive salary a n d a c o m p r e h e n s i v e benefits p a c k a g e , a l o n g w i t h excellent t r a i n i n g a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s for a d v a n c e m e n t . Toddler bed with crib mattress, Plea.se s e n d a d e t a i l e d r e s u m e , a k i n g w i t h salary e x p e c t a t i o n s to: r e m o v a b l e s i d e rails white, excellent condition. $ 5 0 . 0 0 D a y b e d f r a m e Ivory metal single or full m a t t r e s s $ 3 0 . 0 0 7 4 7 - 2 2 0 1 Vanderhoof and Box A selection fiinnoquipuKnt lUKJmise. inclmling '/77 O u Tnic I joixfer incliid ing Motiile dinx'iision .Sawiiiill, K20 liinis'lr.iLHi /l-Vll. IIIKI nuKv f'or listfiiyc us a Ikv .^faO mil MCELROY AUCTIONEERS (250)963-9497^^ 205 Furniture White metal table with 6 fabric chairs $175.00 747-0695 210 Garage Sales Sick of your job? Get paid what l-25l)-3f)7-44.35 you're worth working for yourself. F r e e 2 min. m s g : 8 8 8 - 3 8 4 - 3 9 6 6 A t t e n t i o n : l^-n l.ibo.'ssieri' June 21 st l O n m - 4pm. 742 R o i d St Furniture nnd many mIsc Homs. Multl Family G a r a g o S a l o l C h l l d ron'r. toys, clolhos & misc. houso(lold itoms, J u n o H l h & S^rA. 0 nm - 3 p m , 441 Dixon St Handy Mnna Auction: J u n o 28,2000 2549 Hydrnuljc R d . 1pm sharp. F n r m oqulpmont. nrchory oqulpmont, tools, carpontry tools, housohold Itoms. 8 a m - 4 p m . J u n o 21 & 22. S m a l l b u s i n e s s for s a l e , Groat cliontolo, groat location, Porfoct (or tho p o r s o n w h o is tlrod o l working for s o m o o n o o l s o nnd wants to bo thoir o w n b o s s Nnlc a m F l o w e r s & Gitts Ltd. Alter 6pm 250-249-5320 Cnp-lt Gonuino Truckwnro'" F r n n c h l s o opportunity nvnllnblo J o i n W o s t o r n C a n a d a ' s largest c h a i n of truck n c c o s s o r l o s s a l e s fli Installation c o n t r o s Loarn moro: Visit c a p - i t . c o m or C n l l n o b o r t / ' O 604-057-1211 SECOND We th.-juk all a p p l i c a n t s for their interest, h o w e v e r o n l y l l m s c selected (or a n interview w i l l be contai'led. FIRST AID, COMPUTER 1 1 2 S (one Tho (iQht ag<ilnst car>ci>f hns m,nny lna>s Tot)acco reduction is just ono ol Itiom enced F o o d and Beverage M a n ager, A p p l y in p e r s o n to K e v i n or J u l i e 5 0 0 R e i d Street Q u e s n e l OFA & WORKSAFE Level I (one day course): July 5, 8-5pm, $88 Transportation Endorsement (one OFA COURSES day course): June 30, 8-5pm, $200 Level III (two , day course): July 6, $108 week course): July 7, August 5, $670 Private Computer Classes are offered at $35/hr and will custom fit your individual needs from Beginner to Advanced. CO Tl ONWOOD HOUSE HISTORIC SITE fijroriwoooiiflJBf^ O P E N 2008 May 17tli-September 1st fcl: 250.992.2071 • Avww.cottonwoodhoiisc.ca IJ^SJ J J SMOKE... fi, S u n d a y J u n o 21 & 22. 1427 North F r a s o r Drivo Evorythlng must g o ! ! Begble's requires a n experi- 266 Education HAND "Moving S n I o " 0-4pm S a t u r d a y Red Bluff C o u n t r y P u b r e q u i r e s 3AI) Fax: ADVERTISE YOUR Outdoor b u s i n e s s In the B C H U N T I N G REGULATIONS SYNOPSIS 2008/2009 Publication - 200,000 c o p i e s , year long p r e s e n c e to o u t d o o r s m o n , call A S A P to got In next a n n u a l Issuo contact A n n o m a r l o at 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 6 3 3 5 ext 744 Front counter p e r s o n w a n t e d . C a s h i e r e x p e r i e n c e . B r i n g res u m e to R o b i n s D o n u t s a n d a s k for B o b . V a n d e r h o o f IK V0| m o n t h s - $ 4 / m o . . N o start u p fee 991-3201 254 Business Opportunities e d . A p p l y in p e r s o n to the G o l d e n S c i s s o r , 2 7 8 S . Birch A v e . , 100 M i l e H o u s e , B . C . or p h o n e 250-395-2666 a c o o k a n d waitress. A p p l y in person. Oistricts C o - o p e r a t i v e Gold's Gym m e m b e r s h i p for 21 winch luxl hrvisli t>l:MW', Cirapiile, Fully qualified hairstylist want- Ap- p l i c a n t s s h o u l d h a v e retail m a n a g e n i e n t experience, kJiovvledge of tion and ASSIS- T A N T required. H i g h energy. Communicative. Motivated. Enthusiastic. Team oriented. 4 days a week average. OrthoModule desirable. Box 3928 Smithers V O J 2 N 0 or enriail [email protected] Saturday ') ain lii sale linic Fortnore tietalls log on to our B n b y o n d Children's clothlnn website at www.hubcityauctlon8.cotn and n c c o s s o r l o s 1371 Pnloy Avo I; ^ 112? Soutii Ink-side Dr, mWilliiimisLoko » 39B88'15 f t j 270 Help Wanted washer, Small June 21/2008 IMMEDimm In order to service the professional needs ot my growing clientele, I require immediately an intermediate to senior level accountant. The ideal candidate will either be in the 3rd or 4th year of a course of studies leading to a CA or CGA designation or have successfully completed the ACIA course of studies. The candidate should have a good working knowledge ot computers and accounting software packages such as QuickBooks Pro, Profile and Simply Accounting. Experience in the use of CaseWare would be an asset. ; I offer excellent working conditions and the opportunity for professional growth. Remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications. Interested persons should forward their resume, together with references and salary expectations, to Ron or Dawn at the undernoted addresser in person. Oniy those persons selected for an interview will be contacted. R.E. Rasmussen, Chartered Accountant 223 Reid Street •Quesnel. BC V2J 2M1 E-mail: [email protected] Steel Shelters for boats, R V ' s , Viewing will bo only Jiiiii; 20 ers, W e d d i n g Gifts, Tournament Anyone Interested In these routes please call Jaicey at 992-2121. Westlnghouse stove excellent condition $ 2 2 5 . 0 0 . E n g l i s w a s h er a n d dryer working condition $ 2 2 5 . 0 0 . for the pair. 7 4 7 - 7 4 1 8 . 4699Ten Mile Lake Road •Ph/Fx: 992-3623 • www.ienmilenurseiY.com THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER 160 Appiiances REQUIRED L e a r n & E a r n at h o m e . M T I C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e 310-2MTI orwww.mticc.com old dryer, 3 2 " Triniton S o n y T V . $ 6 0 0 . 0 0 992-5465 It is with great s a d n e s s that the LAVA ROCK & SANTA FE SHALE Now Available ning J u n e 21 - 1 0 a m & 1 1 : 1 5 a m . Call Richard @ Weeping Cangana, Larch, Birch, Spruce 860 670 680 .090 705 710 715 720 728 730 735 749 ,,745 Motorola 2-way radios, various models, $50 - $ 6 0 0 . Autotel $ 6 0 0 . W i l liams L a k e 2 5 0 - 3 0 5 - 8 8 7 0 or 250-267-2952 Learn Thai 6hif S u m m e r s e s - Trailing • Wave • Super all varieties 31/2'V-99<t/ea. H5*''>/flat of 18 ORNAMENTAL & Flowering Shrubs mDU&tRifisg:fiM Equlpmaal LoBalng/nmber Machinery Mining.. Midland and s i o n s at C e a l Tingley P a r k b e g i n - SHADETREES Maple Hawthorne stoiHtig6r^39^ ^^...m : BEALESJKI££fiJl599 to munity. Hearty • Tea • Climbing C r a f t s m a n riding l a w n 4 2 " cut. U s e d very little. with 2 b a g g r a s s bagger. call 992-8050 220 Miscellaneous k n o w another part of your c o m - nEKTftl.4qMM , Alrcralt ATVa.. ; Boats/Marine Houselioats Motorcyeles,,.. BVs ReoUtt Snowmobiles Tirade/Swap on.Sunday 2 0 7 5 B a l s a m A v e . C o m e for hot or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B C Cbtirch >•»...••-••....•.*.«...•.••<.< Comma Evaats Congratulallons..... Enaagstntnt/Waddino. ..... FuneraJ Dlradory . . „ . . ^ . . . . . . j . . In Mamoriam.; OMiuarlBs.... Uianks.. BBQ a J u n e 2 2 n d , starting at 1 2 : 3 0 p m , 992-2121 Announptments :..;v.i...;....;...... ;3' • ;• • ..8 Anolysnarlw Bimw. like to invite y o u to Community Phone y/54 22 hp tractor. Comes $1,500 Maple Park A l l i a n c e C h u r c h would Medical Transcription D i p l o m a MultifamUy g a r a g e s a l e . Saturday, J u n e 21st, 9 a m - 3 p m . 2 5 2 6 Norwood R d . , Bouchie Lake. O p e n . M o n d a y to Friday 8 a m - 5 p m 266 Education 258 Careers 210 Garage Sales fax 250.992.5229 email [email protected] www.quesnelobserver.com Cor^lnulng & Adult Eduction U hnt^ IVtirk I in. Ounnrl. /IC Canodn 2007/2008 l*rograms are now posted on our website! 983-6900 «r nww.sd28.hc.ca Arc you 1^ in liH)^ ynir.s o/ <is'f unit yutnl (iiiulc 12 (ir<i(tii(ill<>n.'. ..coinr sec t4S nt Jltli-n Dixnit Cfiiin; 241Kliuluiiit Slrccl. Hours of Operation: M o n d a y l o T l u i r s d a y - Ham - 7:.l()pm .. . , C p n i c n t S|H'S>i»l>^<''-'1-7;.M) p m F r i d a y s - H u m - 3pn» yiiur (JuvxncI B4 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com Ph: 991-2\1\ See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.coni www.quesnelobserver.com 318 Construction 270 H e l p Wanted WILLIAMS LAKE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNrTY Cariboo Regional District PLANNING TECHNICIAN Applications are hereby invited for a full-time Planning Technician within its Planning Services Department. The preferred candidate should be a graduate from a college or university in a relevant field, have l^nowledge of legal property descriptions and legislation relating to land use planning, have l<nowledge of personal computers (including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and geographic information systems), have knowledge of mapping procedures and techniques, possess the ability to assist with the preparation of community plans and rural land use/zoning bylaws and conduct land use research, have the ability to perform duties under limited supervision, and deal pleasantly and tactfully with the public, contl-actors and government officials. A complete copy of the job description detailing the primary duties and responsibilities of the Planning Technician is available at http://www.cariboord.bc.ca. This is a Union position and is covered by the terms and conditions of employment as set out in the Collective Agreement between the Cariboo Regional District and the BCGEU. Accordingly, a three month trial period will apply. The salary for this position is $24.23 per hour. Applications, together with detailed resumes and accompanying references, should be forwarded to the undersigned by 4:00 pm, Wednesday, July 2, 2008. Begbie's Restaurant requires Pro Training is your Profession- ple equipment training. We have a program to meet your needs giving you the tools to succeed. Student funding available O.A.C. Call 1-877-860-7627 or visit our web page at www.taylorprotraining.com ^ Hunting guides and Wranglers needed for 2008 season. All horse back hunts north of FSJ in the Rocky Ivlountains. Call Jim 250-785-2205 Tim Horton's Quesnei South store requires weekend and graveyard persons. Please apply in person. Wanted: experienced log truck driver for hauling quota wood in Williams Lake area. Contact Sid 250-392-2331 Full time server/housekeeper positions available for seasonal resort on Quesnel Lake. June Oct; R&B included. Gratuities. www.eIysiaresort.com Experienced only, also 2nd cook. Elysia Resort (42 kms east of Horseflly) elysiaresort.com Email resume to [email protected] CANADIAN LYNDEN TRANS- Insert Operator Ladysmlth Press Experienced Insert Operator is required at tho Ladysmith Plant on Vancouver Island. Experience running a Kansa 480 is an asset Good wages and working conditions. Hourty wage will be based on experience. Shift work will be involved. Black Press is Canada's largest independent newspaper group with over 150 publications including community, daily and urban weeklies looitcd in BC, Alberta, Washington State and Hawaii. Please submit your resume in person by June 27th. 2008 to: Ladysmith Press Administration Ofrice 940 Oyster Bay Dr., Ladysmith, BC Or mall to; Ladysmith Press Administration Office Po Box 400 ladysmith, BC V9G 1V3 think Onty fo alt (h{f.r \VIKI ,ipiily re*/ B l a c k toi tin trtlrrvii^v mit he Press wwwblflckprcsvca REUSE i onl.n frM PORT (YUKON) Looking for; Experienced Drivers Hauling Ore from M\n\o Mine, north of Carmacks to Skagway Dock, Alaska starting Immediately. Qualifications, must have at least Hundred Thousand mile Super B Driver experience or Off Highway Logging Experience. Fax or mail resume and drivers abstract to (867)668-3196 R O . Box 33066 Whitehorse. Yukon Y i A SYS [email protected] LIMITS The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association is inviting applications for the position of Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the operation of the association including budgeting, tourism marketing, implementation of policy and procedures, staffing and liaising with various stakeholders. The position reports to a board of directors. The successful candidate will have completed a post secondary degree in business and/or marketing, or be able to demonstrate related training and experience. The ideal individual will possess a minimum of ten years experience in marketing, and five years in a management position. Also, they will have demonstrated excellent skills in strategic planning, marketing, interpersonal relations, communications, administration, a track record indicating innovation, the ability to build and motivate a team, and possess a valid BC drivers license. Preference will be given to c^andidates with tourism business experience. Extensive in^region and out-of-region travel is required. The successful applicant will be required to work some weekends. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Deadline for applications is 4 p.m. Monday June 23, 2008 Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association Attn: Human Resources Committee Box 4299. Williams Lake. BG V2G 2V3 Email; garyz(g!lincsat.com Car Stereo Installer Wanted We arc looking for a qualified Car Stereo Installer. Salary is based on a combination of base plus commission and will depend on experience. Please bring resume to 234 Borland Street, Williams Lake or fax A U D I O V I D E O ^t^gjrgggrnnnjl^i^ ' ° 250-^^2-^382 or email to [email protected]|' Ramada la seeking a part-time front dosk clerk. Applicant must be rellablo & flexible, willing to wori^ shifts and weekends. Must bo customer oriented and a team player. No phono colls ploaso, Fax resumo to: 992-2254 or email: ramadaquosnelbc.com Pormanont part-tlmo Oflico worker roqulrod (24-32 hrs por wook) Mnturo Individual with computer skills & somo bookkooplng oxporlonco preferred. Plonso send rosumo to box E. c/o Quosnol CnritXK) Obsorvor, 188 Corson Avo, Quosnol, BC V2J 2A8 K&C Jnnitorlnl roquiros 4 full timo team players. Musi bo oxporioncod, bondablo and UavQ transportation. Wagos abovo average. Contact Kolly 991-6410 278 Skilled Trades Mortgage Plasterers/ Lathers/ L^ibourers needed for Chilliwack stucco company Seeking reliable, responsible, fit individuals. DL, steel toe boots & hard had req'd. Competitive wages, benefits, travel /allowance available. Fax 604.795.3771 /Email info.emco® shaw.ca with references IS DEBT AFFECTING YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE? Turned down for a loan? Creditors calling? Do you have steady income? We can help. Call 1-877-220-3328 now for debt relief. NEED MONEY NOW? If you have home equity. We can help! Can't prove income, Slovy credit, bank says NQ! Call Rick at Rick Graves 8i Associates in Vancouver 1-604-306-0891 Required Immediately joumey- man plumbers and HVAC installer with experience. Good wage pkg. with benefits. Apply in person to Canadian Western Mechanical, 884 front st. Quesnel B.C. or contact 992-9807 speak to Dave or Danyl 346 Miscellaneous Services Dial-A-Phone Services: PAY- ING T O O MUCH? PHONE DISCONNECTED AND YOU NEED SERVICE? We can help! Call Us Todayl No Refusals! Long Distance 2 2 - 4.4 cents/min. TOLL F R E E 1-866-747-3425 LICENSED COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT MECHANIC Required for our Lower Mainland vehicle shop. This UNION POSmON offers • Excellent Benefits • Top Wages Fax: 604-539-1902 o|[email protected] 404 Apartments 1 and 2 bdrm apartment, 1 & 2 bedroom cabin. 1, bdrm. basement suite; In west Quesnel. 992-9772 Or 983-5156 Fast growing company requires journeyman plumberSi Class B igas fitters, sheet mietal fabricators and installers, refrigeration ahd appliance repair technician. Competitive wages and benefits. Apply to Lake City Mechanical in Quesnel. Fax: (250)991-0182 Email: [email protected] or mail resume to: 1231 Ca,ritK)o Hwy 97N, Quesnel BC V2J SYS Fir Crest Apts - 1 & 2 bdrm suites, North Quesnel. No pets, no parties. 992-6593 Renaissance I Apartments 290 W o r k Wanted Bachelor Energetic, hardworking, first 1 & 2 bedroom suites. Security entrance. year welder/heavy duty mechanic looking for work, if your willing to train. I'm willing to work. Twelve years experience with operating a bot>cat and trade school training on forklift, one yr. Contact L.awrence evenings at 250-638-8281 or Ikeeping® gmail.com From »500 /mo 575 Doherty drivef 992-1195 STAN'S AAOVING Boonles Daycare to open Au- EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY NIGHT TIME SECURITY PERSON Pinnacle Pellet Meadowbank Inc requires a night time Security Person for our construction site 4km north of Dunkley. Applicants may apply to Pinnacle Pellet Inc, 4252 Dog Prairie Rd, Quesnel. BC V2J 6K9 by mall or fax resume to 250-747-1712. Attention: Donna McAstocker gust 1st @ 1570 Dodds Ave. Quesnel. Licensed family daycare with spaces 0-12 years. Contact April @ 250-392-6592 CALL THE Call Stan Bergunder fc^ 991-0234 OBSERVTER to book your BCY Blanket Classified Renaissance II When you're looklnr) for n now pinco, |ump into action with tho cl.issifiotl.-j. Prv iate party ads ony lK (i H-c i ofnmerca il under cars, tnicte, SUV or vans fof 4 weeks, | OBSERVER 8/IflJinyO(/f lo be renevved o l r Iree, custon i efn is jil po tine vv^^^ | pj(;|yfgi Al ads mustbe prepad i. 188 C a r s o n Ave. OBSERVER 992-2121 554 Houses Scott's Renos: Framing, roofing, siding, drywall. decks, finishing etc... Over 20 years experience. 992-3774 314 C h i l d C a r e Experienced workers or In- experienced Workers, willing to mako roofing a career Wages and benefit package negotiable. 992-7393 Looking for truck or moving fan traveling to Kelowna to move a bed; Will pay portion of fuel. Call 250-804-2319 or 250-558-9742 cell. www.quesnelobserver.com 332 Home Improvement Realty Ltd. Full Real Estate Service at a Fraction of tlie Cost 992-2121 ! www.quosnolobsorvcrcom 1& 2 & 3 bodroom suiles Socurity ontranco from »500 /rno 575 Doherty Drive 992-2806 ^ www.onepercentreaity.com EAVESTROUGHING 328 Finance/ Chief Executive Offiter al choice; now offering multi- Wanted: server/housekeeper www.cariboord.bc.ca A L A N D WITHOUT Equipment Training at Taylor server. Apply at Penisola Restaurant Rick Brundrige, MClP Manager of Planning Services Cariboo Regional District Suite D, 180 North Third Avenue Williams Lake, BC V26 2A4 Phone: (250) 392-3351 / 1-800-665-1636 Facsimile; (250) 392-2812 E-mail; rbrundrige(a)cariboord.bc.ca CARIBOO CHILCOTIN COAST servers and line cooks^ Apply in person to Kevin or Julie 500 Reid Street Quesnel. Wanted: B5 THE THE Ph: 992-2121 Wednesday, June 18, 2008 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER QUESNEICARIBOOOBSERVER Wednesdayjune 18, 2008 • Continuous Gutters • 5"& 6" Commercial . • Facia Cover • Gutter Guards • Colours Galore A' FREE ESTIMATES FEATURE HOME 130Q Renyard Rd. Betty Anderson Call to list your tiome cell: 316-2388 Office: 747-8913 Gail Rick Bartels 992-6363 B O X 4243 Ouesnel V 2 J 3 J 3 t^n for feature info slieet 404 Apartments 448 M o b i l e Homes VISTA MANOR 2 bdrm trailer for rent $500/ md.. No cats. Located south of Quesnel. Ret. required. Available August 1st. 747-3401 LARK APARTMENTS 1 & 2 Bedroom suites for rent $500 & up Per Month. Call HOUSE FOR SALE 1372 Ellison Rd. 476 Suites 2 bdrm suite heat and elec. incl. No pets, n/d, n/s, ref required. Available July 1/08 $725/mn. 992-3354 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1040 sq. ft. on each floor, daylight bsmt, very good water supply, 1/2 acre lot, fenced backyard with 20x24 ishop, garden area, private and quiet dead end street. To view call 747-2541 after 7:00 pm. Offers welcome. $220,900. Immediate Possession Chase: 992--7a68 484 Townhouses 412 Basement Suite 3 B E D R O O M , 2 LVL. F R O M $550/Mo, Shuswap Sands - ChasOi NEW Moduline double wide 1056 Sq/ft. call to view today, eaglehomes/ ca 250-573-2278 evenings 250-515-3066 Up to 3 mo. reduced rent. Must have clean rental Wslory / references. Price Reduced for re-locating for appointment to view Bright 1 bedroom basement suite, t^lorth Quesnel. \iGas fire place, laundry $550/mo., 992-2362 Clean 2 bdrm ground-level basement suite, separate entrance, fenced yard, non-smokers, no pets. $625/mo., includes utili-. lies, references required. Available immediately 992-8650 416 Cabins/Cottages 1 & 2 bedroom cabins on Lewis Drive. 992-5837 RIDGEWOOD ESTATES Marion 250 992-1224 488 Wanted to Rent Rental wanted fOr end of June. 3 - 4 bdrms 992-5209 506 Acreages/Lots 5 acre Homesites near Hallis Lake $35,000 and other lands. Call 747-3515 524 420 Commercial Small Business Office Space for ront, Reid St., office support availablo, available Jan 1/07, contact Susanne @ 992-6644 For lease - 100 Mile. 3,300 sq/ tl Industrial building on 1/? acre fully usable corner lot. c-3 zoning. Groat highway visibility! $1,250/mo., 604-866-3315 or 800-663-8427 Wayne Walker For Loaso: 7/400 sq. ft. street lovol retail space. 1600 sq. ft. uppor lovol space. Downtown coro surrounded by parking. For loaso dotnlls call (250)991-2004 428 Duplex/ Fourplex 1 bdrm sulto In 4-plox $450/ mo., plus utilltlos 992-5115 osk (or Dob. 440 Houses Small 2 bodroom houso. $59.''>/ mo Ph 99?-51iri nsk tor f^ob Ocnutiful. rcmodolod upstnirn r.uitn, 3'l)drm , 2 bath, ovnr 1300 r.q. It , privnto backynrd/dock, hydro includod, $1 ,r,OD call David (•>) (004)309-3547 Commercial Property Commercial Property w/lake view Residence Plus busy Produce and Souvenir business. Lac La Hache $169,000. Call Shannon Kewley RE/MAX Top 20. 1-800-986-2670 [email protected] Produce Market wllh Commercial Proporty and Residence, Busy hwy location $169,000. Lac La Hacho. Shannon Kowloy RE/MAX 1-800-986-2670 pagor 536 Duplex/ Fourplex For Salo: 2 bdrm duplex, oach sido. $129,000. Fully rented lo oldor long torm tenants. 991-2685 North Quesnel home - 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 level With new birch hardwood flooring and rental suite potential. Viev}/ at www.propertyguys. com ID#68002 or call 992-6786. ¥br A l l Y o u r Plumbing Needs! Simple repairs or camplete installations LENNOX NOME COMFORT SYSTEMS THE O R EAT IM0C3ORS mAiwo "VfNiimTiON AmToNDmoliNQ An independent LENNOX- dealer 24 HR. SERVICE 991-0033 5.35% Northland Mortgages 992-7295 Immediate Possession Sor- ronto: Sorronto Placo Lot 39 NEW modular with gorago/bnsomont, lnko accoss, club houso, Kamloops Homes: Affordability cnll lo today, oaglohomos. is koy, chooso n Modular homo cn 250-573-2270 ovonlngs from P-nqln Homos 7510 Dal- 250-515-3060 las Drivo, only 5 minutos East Knmloops, Take Kokanoo Exit. Immedlato Possession Kam1 -250-573-2270 knmloopsr^oon- loops: Snqo Mondow Lot 10, glohomos.cn bonutiful docor, million dollar vlow of rivor. Cnll to vlow today FOR ALL THE NEWS... onglohomor.ca 250-573-2278 www.quesnelobserver.com ovonlngs 250-515-30G6. 554 Houses reasons! 3 bdrm, 2 bath rancher in move-in condition on .5 acre lot in Soulhills. $269,000 747-0157 I Fpr Sale: neWer 2 bedroom, 2 bath rancher, plus garage, patio & sun roof 8i extras. Outside unit at Aveline Place. Phone: 991- 5114 Fully finished 4 bdrm. 3 bath home on .37 landscaped acres in lakeview area. Walking distance to shopping and lake. Only 11 years old; lots of storage; room lor RV parking. View @ 2409 Dragon View Place. Quesnel or @ proportyguys.com /^68775 or call (250)747-0332 Beautiful 5,000 sq. ft. homo, 3 bdrm., 3 bath, laundry room, sunken l/r, d/r, f/r, kitchen, office - main floor. Part finished basement - 3 rooms plus bathroom. Parklike yard. Two car garage & largo workshop. $339,000 call 992- 5733 Throe bedroom, two balh. 1100sq/fl.. Uplands houso with finished bsmt for sale. Fenced yard with covered porch. $134,000 obo. Phono: 250-650-6604 for appointment, no realtors pleaso. 566 Mobiles 1988 14x70 with 12x18 addition. 3 bdrm.. 5 appliances, vaulted coillngs, 2 baths, vlow of Bouchio Lake on 5.0 privato ncros, nIco lot, 8x16 tool shod, $159,900; days 991-9701 or ovo 747-1969 Brand Now 2007 Modulino 14 X 66' mot)ilo: 2 bdrm; 2 bath; stovo, Irldgo, dishwashor, front load washer, dryor, Locatod nt Mount Vista Park, Avnilablo Juno Isl. $81,000 992-7905 or 903-5529 B6 QUESNEICARIBOOOBSERVER Wednesday, June 18, 2008 QUESNEl CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com ^^gl J^n^ www.quesnelobserver.com Have You Got Your Copy? Cell for your Free Brochure on these uptoming fours. C A R DAY TOURS Wif pRdUPlAtES AVAILABLE C L U B mm • Resutottifll )^M^ • A u t w i o t i i « ^^^"-^^ 1 www,crystalglass.ca% ^ ^^: ^ • monm Bafkenrllle Historic Towne - Sunday, July 6 EXCITING GETAWAYS Vancouver Cosino with a day in Washington - Sept. 24-28 ' Call Debbie 992-5169 or toll Iree 1-866-992-5169 T ^.^^w (f'\f^r;;^j^ Edmonton Christmas Delight- Dec. 4-8 ^^^--PSfesb.' acr^ ,22929 . W^g^js*- Novelties & Lingerie Inc. * Lingerie Sizes Small-4X * Adult Novelties * Kama Sutra Line * Mens & Ladies Underwear Dlscreaon Guaranteed 70:30-5:30 Monday to Saturday 105 McLean S t 992-2888 Ph: 250-747-1009 ^ ') 1157-BJadeRd. Quesnel. B.C. - June 30,2008 PubKcatioii August 27, 2008 We now offer private fVIOTORCYCLE Insurance Wendy (jm) J O H N S T O N MEIER @ S J I N S U R A N C E GROUP ContactKarenPowerior Roberts at 992-2121 (formerly Aim Insurance) across from Iho Post Offico 3 3 3 Reid S t . . 992-6611 PAVING QUESNEL B.C. • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Roads • Highways • Paridng Lots • Tennis Courts • Driveways fREE ESUMATES P h o n e 992-9033 • F a x 992-6030 1 1225 Hwy 97 N 992-6101 310»GLASS | Fort St. James Notional Historic Site - Sunday, June 22 Vidorio Gty Luxury Tour-Ort. 6-10 i ^ f t CISMS • Cmmercd • iMdustrlal TjlllgffN B7 ilief Is your current job holding you back? Break the chain and find a better Job Our datatHse of new jobs Is updated daily so you will always have access to the most current positions Visitor Register today wwwSQobnetwork,coni ^BCjobnetmtkl he Prospectors Car Club in Quesnel is Here to help promote interest in classic and modified cars, trucks and motorcycles. Each year the Club hosts the Goldpan SteakOut on the last v/eekend in August. A n auction is also held every year at this event. Our raffle tickets for this year will be available soon. W e are supporters of two local charities: OuesneI Special Olympics, which provides sports training to children and adults age 8 and up, for indtyiduals with physical disabilities & Big Brothers & Sisters, ' which is dedicated to helping children develop their full potential through friendships and mentoring programs including in-school mentors and teen mentors. A couple of mentlonable events over the past two weeks: Brenda McGilloway (1968 Ranchero G T ) , took her car to the Chrystal Kids Show & Shine in Edmonton on June 8th. N o trophies were awarded, but a lot of money was raised to support poor children. W e had 7 cars attend the Ashcroft Old-time Drags & Cache Creek Graffiti Days on June 7 & 8. Unfortunately, no one made it into the finals as the event was rained out. Also, the Vanderhoof Hootervllle Hoot was attended by two of the Prospector's members. After a great time there, they proceeded to the Falkland Show & Shine. Our Friday Cruise nights meet at A & W North, if you don't own a car, please stop by and enjoy the sights. The cruises begin at 7pm. Prospector's Club Meetings are held every 2 weeks throughout the season. Our next meeting is June 24th at the Pinecrest Centre on Pinecrest Rd. between Kal Tire and Fountain Tire. Our meetings are open to everyone, current and new members are always welcome. For more info contact Jo Mitchell at 992-3285, Ralph Givens at 747-1458, or Lori Anderson at 747-1696 '8!im«(S|«»f!!S(iiWil ^ Mi^iiisiisiuidl G e t !iB«s6Br PH:99I-0650 FAX:99I 0620 ^ G o o d ' . , i(reygghw.er;i.'.n, GRAVEL LTD 992-7281 J r cai$0BmRd. D. HEpPflER COflTRflCTifl$ Backhoe & Dump t h i c k Service Cell! • AUTO K ^i;^J^IE• Visit our website at www.prospectorscarclub.com 1337 Sam Toy Avo. 747-1495 B8 QUESNEICARIBOOOBSERVER Wednesdayjune 18, 2008 QUESNEICARIBOOOBSERVER THE Ph: 992-2121 566 Mobiles BC Built quality double section homes starting <g $98,900 delivered. Give us acall 250-573-1288 or toll tree 1 -866-573-1288 BC Built quality single section homes starting @ $69,900. Delivered. Give us a call 250-573-1288 or Toll free; 1-866-573-1288 572 M o d u l a r Homes 624 Immediate Possesision Kamloops: Sage Meadow Lot 10, beautiful decor, million dollar view of river. Call to view today eaglehomes.ca 250-573-2278 evenings 250-515-3066. Immediate Possession Sorren- to: Son-ento Place Lot 39 NEW modular with garage/basement, lake access, club house, call to todiay eaglehomes.ca250-573-2278 evenings 250-515-3066 Kamloops Homes: Affordability is key, choose a N/lodular home from Eagle Homes 7510 Dallas Drive, only 5 minutes East Kamloops. Take Kokanee Exit 1 -250-573-2278. kamlOopsOeaglehomes.ca 612 F a r m 636 Livestock Equipment Quality Limousin bulls for sale. Will add muscle, grovrth and performance to your herd. Hybrid vigor! All are polled, quiet & affordable! Hi-Valley Limousin 250-397-2306 479 New Holland swather. Case International 3450 Rognd Baler, Ford 5000 tractor. Massy Ferguson 165 Tractor, Fertilizer Spreader, Squeeze Chutes, Round Bale Feeder. Phone 250-296-3268 Fruit/ Produce/ Meat WEEKLY VEGETABLE BOXES. Our chemical-free, locally grown vegetables and herbs will be available in Quesnel beginning June 28, 2008. Choose from three share sizes. Call Judith © 255-7711 or visit http;//www. bonemeadowranch.com 636 Livestock Immediate Possession Chase: Shuswap Sands - Chase, NEW Moduline double wide 1056 sq/ft. call to view today, eaglehomes. ca 250-573-2278 evenings 250-515-3066 www.quesnelobserver.com 730 715 Boats/Marine Ph: 992-2121 RV's 730 20* Malibu boat w/cuddy. 642 Pets Gorgeous Registered stan- dard poodles, ten months old, two cream males, one cream female, two show quality, one of which started in agility. $1,200 each 392-2658 648 Hardtop, full canvas, Iriavel top, new windows, 243 V6,9.9 Honda 4 stroke, V.H.F. AlWFM radio. G.P.S. map plotter, $400 North Coast chip, fish finder, galvanized tandem trailer. New tires. $13,000. 250-747-1875 1995 24' Slumber Q u e e n Motorhome 460 engine, rear bed, large overhead bunk, micro., 6 pack CD player, very ciean. 133,000 km, new tires. $21,000.00 747-3144 Trailers For Sale: new condition 16' Hallmark KD7X16WT2 enclosed trailer. $6,500. Phone 991-0033 or 983-9312 630 Horses 14 yr. old well-trained Appaloosa gelding requires an adult knowledgeable rider with a firm hand. Trained in western pleasure and trail. Super easy to catch& adream to load. $3,500 Call 243-2063 660 Equipment Mobile Dimension Sawmill. Model 127. Economical lOOOcc gasoline engine. New saw blades. Excellent condition. Ready to cut lumber and timbers up to 22 ft. $13,000 243-2394 1996 Campion Allante 535 181/2'Bow Rider, 125 h Mercury. Includes an easy snap travel cover and separate operating top. Excell. cond. $11,000,992-8661 1997 Centurion 23.9' 5th wheel, air, sleeps 6, queen bed, bthrm, hot water, solar panel, big batteries, lite weight. Rob 250-992-2735 1984 24'Gitation Mototliome Bunk bed model, Ford 460, roof air, awning, Full bathroom-new toilet 3 way fridge, sleeps 6, oven with 4 bumer range $10,000.(250)747-2814 725 Motorcycles 578 O p e n House Want to get into motorcycling? Heres a good way lo start! 1978 Suzuki GS550E Ttiis classic bike runs well, has new paint, new chain, new sprockets, new battery and more, and has been well maintained. 72,000 kms. '92' Gulfstream Motorhome Proof of over 20 mpg, 6 0 , 0 0 0 miles, ex shape, 4 6 0 Ford, Roof/dash air. Gas/propane $ 1 8 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 Ph: 992-5075 Chassis, 146,000 km, sleeps 5, roof air, dash air, 3-way fridge, 4 burner stove w/oven, bthrm, hot water tank, awning, new tires. $14,500.00 For appt, to view 250-992-3551 $1,500. 316-0290 J u n e 21 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4930 10 Mile Lake Road 1992 Honda C T 7 0 . M i l e a g e 192 original kms., excellent s h a p e $3,300. P h o n e : 2 5 0 - 9 9 2 - 8 8 2 7 5 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 level on 1.25 acres. Asking $650,000. View at www.properlyguys.com #68778 or call 992-3570 or 255-7410 Now Available 70' wide gable 24' to 120' width - length can bo customized to any length YZ 1996 Free Standing Buildings clutch, Great for: • Agricultural • Equestrian • Equipment 250 new motorbike, chain, many Ken Rose IMi<me/l a \ : (25(1) 694-3500 I-877-4S5-3500 email: kr«se(<j,lakfsc*uu.in:l «ww.\vinl<lcrcaiivas,C€»ui af- ter market parts, Riding boots, $ 3 0 0 0 obo 7 4 7 - 3 2 4 2 CALL THE OBSERVER 2007 Wildwood LE 25' trailer, central heat, air, (ull bath, queen walk around mstr bdrm, sleeps 6, kitchen slideout, stove/ovon, microwave, tull Irldgo/trocz er, skylights, outsldo shower, dual batteries, northern pKo 3-way converter, trans 5 yoar ext.warranty after manulactor warranty bumpor to bumper, much moro. Used 3 times. $25,000, Ph: 249-0066 2004 Westwind 25' lYavel 'Frailer, island bod, pullout awning, plus many cxtra.s. Super clean. $17,900. 992-6136 to book your BCY ClE.E.NHMIi with Boh Mareh In attendance 660 Equipment $7500 A T C O Bunkhou.scs siariing from $3999 A T C O Kitchens staninjj; iVom $3959 l*orlable B u i l d i n g s slatting iVom $2959 Mct;tl l i u i k l i n g s , W a t c r / S c w a g e T a n k s Across Bowron at top end of Reid St lonf.liiiishoilsqft ii|iS,()nwn 2 bdrmr, up, 2 iKlrms down • f)ascmcnt recently redone • 2 lull baths, • o,ik A lit hardwood on mam • reinsulalert walls A coilino • new vinyl windows sidino - foofInQ fodono -3 :i;)'lots 90x122 - delnrhnd flnmon r.hoti walk to downtown . Call Dave at 1-250-828-2644 670 Logging/Timber 2003 Western Star trl-diivo log truck C o m o s with Dro<lox Quart axlo 4 bunk Short log trallor ARE YOU RENOVATING? CAU Bob Marsh Buv 992.7?0!? Cell: 983-5003 bobm«r»h<3'5oldc j^y. nH •'^ RF/MSC , 355 OUESNEL REALTY St. Laurent A v e . Blanket Classifiecl A T C O W e l l Sites starting from Thuro<lay June 19th • 6pm to ftpm Friday Juno 20th * 5:30pm to 7:30pm Sell your used stuff. OBSERVER CLASSIREDS Call 992-2121 2001 F o r d Taurus S E Loaded, very clean, 740 Snowmobiles Snowmobile w/cover: 2005 Polaris Rl^K 900, 166 - 50th anniversary. $14,500 plus tax new. Like new/3 rides. Sell $10,000 firm. 250-992-2169 or 250-983-2105. 2 0 0 2 P o l a r i s Pro X440fan,515km, excellent s h a p e $3,500.00 Phone:747-4402 1992 Ford Taurus, 4 doors, auto, light green, new transmission (Cost $3,200) New gas pump cost ($350), new 5 year battery. Asking $2,595. Private sale. 747-5128 leave message. '93 Lebaron, 4 dr. good condition, no rust, power window & locks. Good tires. Asking $3000 747-3648 1991 Thunderblrd Super Coupe, Mint condition, need to sell. $3,500 Call 992-6700 new helmet, bike/atv hoist included. W d H;iii l iJl e d < OM/'JM ^Program Avallabie''^ For Sale: 1978 Empress Class A motor home in good condition 454 chev, engine auto, trans., Air, bath, shower, furnace, fridge, new custom propane tank, new exhaust system, starter, etc... Reduced Price $8000. Ready to Roll. 992-5398 ho|son@telus. net 762 one owner 62,000 kms. $8,950.00 Cars 780 S U V s & 4x4s 2003 Dodge SX2.0, 5 spd. 4 dr., keyless entry. A M / F M / C D , tinted windows. $6,200. 991-3013 www.quesnelobserver.com 2002 diesel 7.3L. 150,000 knns, f u l l y loaded, e x c e t l . cond. 992-7861 2 sets of tires & W h e e l s . $38,000. Text/cell 983-9913 747-0149 786 Trucks 1992 Ford 4x4 XLT, 20,000 miles on rebuilt diesel motor. $4,500. Many new parts. 249-5232 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie-fiiily loaded 18,000km, extended 6 year wairanty. Reasonable down payment Take over 0% finance $500/mo OAC Phone 747-2592 1977 Chrysler New Yorker Restored/collector's item. $5000. $3,500 worth of spare parts. 992-3418 FWD, auto, 110000 km, black ext, fully loaded, power everything, A C , sunroof, lowered, full body kit, 17" rims. Stereo with custom built in IS", alarm, Euro taillights, indiglo gauges, spoiler, engine mods. Summer driven, excellent condition, too much to list, ^ $10,500.00 firm ?^2-5532 Long box 4x4, new trans, and exhaust, box liner, matching canopy. Nice shape. $9,950. For Sale-2005 Ford, F-350 crew cab. Lariat Superduty, Turbo Diesel 4X4 - Leather seats, Power locks & Windows, A / G : 255-4509 $35,000,747-8598 1998 GMC 1 ton pick-up. 2002 Ghevy Trailblazer 4 wheel drive, 6 cyl., automatic, loaded, tow package. $11,900. 747-0277 762 C a r s , 1989 20' Travelaire, 351 Ctiev Trussed Arch RV's See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com 1995 H O N D A PRELUDE SR. Winkler Structures OPEN HOUSE B9 THE See your ads on-line! Www.bcclassified.com For Salel 1032 New Holland bale wagon. Good condition. Call 747-8638 Wednesday, June 18. 2008 2005 Cavalier 2 dr. coupe 5 speed, ecotec, full instrumentation, exc. condition 50,000 kms Asking $8,500 obo Call 992-8911 '98 Grand am. new brakes, tune-up, transmission service, oil & lube. Good tires, extra tires and wheels. Excellent condition. 249-5340 $5,500 1995 Ford Taurus SHO. fully loaded with leather, cd player, 4 wheel disc, fast and rare car. $3200 747-3341 2003 Hyundai Accent GSl - 1998 Travelaire TC250, 74,000 km, VI0, awning, micro, air, crulso, sloops 6. $31,500.00 747-0905 ovcnlngs 2000 Mallard Feather 21'D-avel Trailer 3200 lbs, loadod wllh air, full bath, rcnrrin^ptM^liiMMnpQ. sic^^Hfjnijn. 65,000 km, silver, excellent shape, larger engine. 45 mpg, now brakes, winter tiros, remote start, sunroof, alloy wheels, lomalo driven, ono ownor - groat student car for fall. $6500 Ph. {250)747-1598 1997 Intrepid Sport 2003 Monte Carlo New motor, new Earnhardt Limited Edition, speedway white/black interior, 25,000 kms. Never driven In winter. Like new. transmission, good gas mileage. 747-2237 offers 1982CM250 Honda Motorcycle Now Tiros. Winrtshlold 22,000 kms, ovor flOmpt). Excollont condition RARE OPPORTUNITY 1966 Pontiac Beaumont Sport Deluxe. 350 c.i., 3 spd auto. NOT n's matching. Best Offer Ph: 747-4433 1986 Monte Carlo SS Now tiros, brakes, mufflers, shocks, alternator and water pump. Now Holley Street Avenger, new MSD distributor, new Edelbrock Air Gap Manifold, now Taylor high pertormance Ignition wires. Fast car. $8000.00 obo 747-8578 $1300.00 747-3144 1900 SUirnbor Queen C.ttnpor, loilft /4 riink h.iltiroom, q u o n n hrri, larnncn. fridgo, o v o n . c.ino«i r;K:k. VKOQO cnll 249-r)?r)r) ovf?nlngi Private party ads only (non-commerclal) under cars, trucks. SUV or vans for 4 weeks. To be renewed tor free, customer must phone within 5 days of last insertion. All ads must be prepaid. 188 Carson Ave. 992-2121 768 Classics 1979 Mercedes Benz G-230, 5 dr. version, std. OS.OOOkms. full sorvico records, garago kept, 4 mounted snow tires, excellent cond., accident free. Call 604-263-8121 ask for Hansjoerg 1998 Ford Wlndstar, Will pad out or sell as a whole for the right prico. Call 250-747-3317 8" 9' - Bring In your picture. 774 Parts 2003 Chevy Cavalier 2door 5 speed manual good condition 126,000 km $5,500 obo 747-0296 or 255-8015 O.B.O (250) 994-6809 - Wells 2004 Tahoe, black, loaded, air, locks, leather, etc... 230,000 hwy kms., beautiful condition, company maintained. $17,500. Call Jim ® 866-804-3371 OBSERVTER 2007 M o d o l , .sloops n, Immnrulnto C o n d i t i o n , u s o d 3 timos, n a s y tow, six yoar warranty, $ 2 6 , 0 0 0 Phono/Fax 250-295 6408 Frontier c n m p o r / Ico box. stovo fli hydraulic |ncks $7.'i0 Phono flip-7901 $11,900 1999 Dodge Heavy 1/2 ton pickup. New tires, V 6 auto. $5,950.00 255-4509 2004 Jeep Libedy sport, loaded, silver, air. auto, approx: 134,000 hwy kms. $12,800. Call Jim 866-804-3371 30ft Aero Lite T r a v e l Trailer MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE $19,900,250-747-3349 2001 Subaru Forester S A W D , great gas mileage, supen safe, great condition, fuHy-ldaded, no accidents, automatic, newer tires. 2005 Pontiac Persuit 24,000 km., excell. cond., as new. loaded, including OnStar. 2 1/2 years left on warranty. Take over payments. 992-7084 780 S U V s t't 4\4s '07 Equinox LT nnd towing packago, ground FX edition, leather, sunroof, ATC & moro.7400km. $39,000. 747-5136 Mint *84 4x4 Toyota, rebuilt high pertomfiance, 22R, 4 cyl, great gas mileage. New paint, 35" mudders 8. mags, 2nd set all seasons, 4-10 gears, hteadors, moon roof, many now parts 249-5157 2001 Ford Escape V6 4x4 fully loaded with leather, custom stereo.162.000 kms. Well maintained. Brand new tiros and rims as of May 28/08. $18,999.00, 992-5465. 1992 Explorer V6, auto. 4 wd, 210,000kms. Original owner winter tiros, remoto start, power windows, seats, cd, sunroof. $3550. 992-5884 786 1993 Ford RangerXKTcxtra cab, 2WD, V6 automatic < P/W, P/L, P/B, cruise control, matdiing canopy, boat rack, bed liner, wired for traQer, boat hitch, 260,000 km plus 4 winter tires/rims. Well taken care of. $4,000 Prince Gewge (250)963-6869. 2003 Dodge Dakota 2000 Dodge 1/2 ton, 5.2 litre, air, tilt, cruise. 132,000 k m , auto, excel, cond. good on gas, never winter driven. $9,800 obo. 747-1393 '99 GMC 3 door Ext. Cab 4X4 Tilt, cruise, power locks $6,800 Home-747-1552 or C e l l - 983-5067 plus cab. Back liner, 6 cyl., auto, CD player, new motor, only 1000 km. 3yr. unlimited warranty, $17,500.00 992-8010 2002 Chev Silverado Extra cab, 4 dr., 4.8 litre, auto, p/w, air, lilt, cruLsc, i-3.3.000 km. excell. cond.. good on gas. $ 13.900 obo 747-1393 Trucks 1998 GMC Diesel 3/4 ton, positrac rear end, running boards, aluminum roll-top box covor. now fuel pumps, oqulpF>ed to pull 5th wheel, never t>een In bush. 170,000km3. Will consider car or van as part payrr>ont. /VakIng $16,500, Phono: 747-1913 or 983-3582. 1993F-2504X4 Beg Cab, 220,0(X) km, Excellent Mechanically $3500.00 747-2277
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