How to apply for a Smart and Skilled contract NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES JUNE 2014 WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU How to apply for a Smart and Skilled contract Contents Preparing to complete the Smart and Skilled application ......................................................................... 2 Accessing the application ......................................................................................................................... 3 1. Accessing the Smart and Skilled online application .................................................................................... 3 2. Logging into the online application ............................................................................................................ 6 Preparing the application ......................................................................................................................... 8 3. Points to note—a must read ...................................................................................................................... 8 4. Completing section 1—Eligibility ..............................................................................................................12 5. Completing section 2—Organisation.........................................................................................................13 6. Completing section 3—Program streams ..................................................................................................14 7. Completing Section 4—Qualifications .......................................................................................................15 Lodging the application .......................................................................................................................... 20 8. Validating and lodging ..............................................................................................................................20 9. Your legal obligations under the application .............................................................................................24 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY JUNE 2014 WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU This comprehensive, step-by-step guide will help your registered training organisation (RTO) complete the online application for a Smart and Skilled contract. As a companion to this guide, we have produced a video explaining the application process. The video is in two parts and has a total duration of approximately 30 minutes. It is available with other essential documents including the Smart and Skilled Contract and Operating Guidelines at A PDF copy of the online application questions is also available at the link above or you can download it at In order for the Department of Education and Communities to make an accurate assessment, detailed answers to the question are required. This information may take some time for you to gather. The application can only be lodged online. Please ensure that you use the supported browsers for STS Online: Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 (optimum), or Firefox. The optimal supported platform is Windows 7. The questions within the Smart and Skilled online application must be answered accurately, to the best of your knowledge and in accordance with the Smart and Skilled Application Terms and Conditions: The Department will expect evidence to be provided as part of contract monitoring and compliance. Any evidence indicating misinterpretation, omission or misleading answers may result in your Application not receiving further consideration. Online applications for a Smart and Skilled contract will: open on Monday 30 June 2014 close at 5.00 pm AEST on Friday 8 August 2014 For questions and information about the provider application email [email protected] For technical support only regarding accessing the online application phone 02 9266 8008. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 1 Preparing to complete the Smart and Skilled application There are three steps in completing the Smart and Skilled application. These include: Accessing the application – a secure AUSkey credential is needed for each person in your RTO who will be using the online application. Once an AUSkey is entered then your RTO can log into the secure Smart and Skilled application Preparing the application – the online application has a number of questions to be answered and these will be used to assess your RTO’s eligibility; organisational capacity; past performance and capability to deliver qualifications for each region where your RTO is interested in delivering. As part of this preparation you will need to collect information and evidence that will help you to complete the application. Examples of the type of information you will need for your RTO includes: Management and administrative experience Teaching capacity Learning and assessment resources Student numbers and profiles Delivery experience for qualifications Lodging the application – once all of the questions have been answered you can lodge your Smart and Skilled application. You will need to validate the application and acknowledge your legal obligations under the application. No applications will be accepted once the application closes at 5pm AEST on 8 August 2014. This guide gives you detailed information on each of these steps NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 2 Accessing the application 1. Accessing the Smart and Skilled online application 1.1 In order to access the Smart and Skilled online application, you must first have an AUSkey credential (‘AUSkey’). You’ll be required to log into the Australian Government Authentication Service using your AUSkey. 1.2 If you have not registered for your AUSkey, you need to contact the Australian Business Register as you will not be able to apply for a Smart and Skilled contract without an AUSkey. Please see for more information about AUSkey. 1.3 If you need help accessing State Training Services (STS) Online secure pages with an AUSkey, you can visit our help page at 1.4 RTO staff gaining access to an AUSkey will need to register for one of two types: 1.5 Standard AUSkey — for general access roles. The Standard AUSkey will be suitable for most individuals within your RTO. Administrator AUSkey — suitable for individuals responsible for managing and registering other AUSkeys for your RTO. Administrator AUSkey holders should be restricted to a small number of individuals who are in a position of authority within your RTO. Once you have your AUSkey, to access the Smart and Skilled online application, you must log into STS Online by selecting ‘Login’ in the top left corner of the State Training Services website at, and then pressing the blue ‘Login’ button under ‘STS Online’. This will open the Australian Government Authentication Service in a new window (shown below). Select your AUSkey from the drop-down menu, enter your password, and press ‘Continue’ to be redirected to the secure STS Online home page. It is a good idea to bookmark this page so you can easily access your application throughout the application period. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 3 1.6 There are two types of STS Online users: STS Online administrator and STS Online general user. The user type relates to your profile and the functions you can carry out in STS Online. 1.7 The STS Online administrator is the person in your RTO who is responsible for allocating and updating areas of access for staff using the STS online application. This can be done by selecting ‘Manage Access’ under the ‘Administration’ section on STS Online. 1.8 The first Administrator AUSkey holder to log into STS Online will automatically be given the role of STS Online administrator and assigned access to all areas as per the screenshot below (marked in red). If the first Administrator AUSkey holder who logs into STS Online does not have access to all areas of the site, you should notify Training Market Customer Support at [email protected]. 1.9 The STS Online administrator must assign each person with one of the following two roles: 1.“APL and RTO Application edit”: Multiple people can be assigned this role. People with this role can view and complete (whole or parts of) the application. 2.”APL and RTO Application Lodgement”: This role can be assigned to one person. This role is responsible for lodging the completed application. The person assigned this role should be the person in the RTO who has responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the RTO’s application, has the authority on behalf of the RTO to lodge the application and to agree to the application terms and conditions. The person with this role should also be assigned an “APL and RTO Application Edit” role. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 4 1.10 When you first log in as an STS Online general user with a Standard AUSkey, you will only be assigned access to ‘Apprenticeships and Traineeships’. To see your areas of access, click on ‘My Profile’. This page will also show the details of your STS Online administrator. For access to other areas such as ‘Your APL’, you must ask your STS Online administrator to amend your profile. Each time your profile is updated, you will receive an email confirming the changes. 1.11 When the Administrator AUSkey holder first logs into STS Online, an email will be forwarded to the RTO’s chief executive officer advising that the Administrator AUSkey holder has accessed the RTO’s STS Online site. Any other Administrator AUSkey holders who subsequently access STS Online will be given the same profile as an STS Online general user, i.e. ‘Apprenticeships and Traineeships’ only. 1.12 Your STS Online administrator can assign new roles and amend the profiles of other users by ticking appropriate boxes in ‘Manage Access’. When the administrator has saved the amendments for a particular staff member, an alert will appear on the screen stating that the access for that person has been updated. 1.13 The staff member whose access has been updated will receive an email advising them of the update. This email will be sent to the email address shown on your screen, which is taken from the details given when registering for an AUSkey. STS is unable to amend this email address. Please note: Only your STS Online administrator can give RTO Application Lodgement access to another staff member within your RTO. The RTO Application Lodgement function can only be assigned to one (1) person at a time. It is very important that the appropriate person within your RTO, like the chief executive officer, has been given access to RTO Application Lodgement as only this person can lodge your online application and agree to the application terms. Please ensure this person is available before the closing date and has the correct access to ensure that your application for a Smart and Skilled contract is received on time. Late applications will not be considered. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 5 2. Logging into the online application 2.1 Once you’ve entered your AUSkey, you will be redirected to the secure STS Online home page. 2.2 Click on the button ‘Your APL’. This will take you to the ‘Your APL’ page. 2.3 Once you’re at the ‘Your APL’ page, you can see under the ‘Tenders’ heading (top left-hand side) if the application is open to your RTO. You can access the application in two ways. To access the application and essential information about the application, such as the contract and the application terms and conditions click on menu item 1 “Tenders”. To go directly to the application click on menu item 2 “Applications for a Smart and Skilled contract”. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 6 2.4 The application home page is customised to your RTO and will show your application status, i.e. ‘Not started’, ‘In progress’ or ‘Completed and lodged’. The home page will also give a countdown to when the application will close and who and when last accessed the application. Please note: Once the Smart and Skilled online application has closed at 5pm AEST on 8 August 2014, no further amendments can be made and you can no longer lodge your application. Please note: The countdown clock is generated from the server of the Department of Education and Communities, not your organisation’s server. Therefore, if you see two different times on multiple users’ computers, it is just a lag in the refresh from our server and the times will correct at the next refresh. The application will close based on the clock shown in the application. 2.5 The application can only be lodged online. Please ensure that you use the supported browsers for STS Online: Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 (optimum), or Firefox. The optimal supported platform is Windows 7. Important: Please ensure that you read the following supporting documents and fully understand the contract conditions before applying: Smart and Skilled application terms and conditions Smart and Skilled contract Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines on: - provider performance - training and assessment delivery - record keeping, reporting and payments Smart and Skilled frequently asked questions Important: Access these documents and watch the video on how to apply for a Smart and Skilled contract on the website: NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 7 Preparing the application 3. Points to note—a must read Quality training relies on good information 3.1 High-quality training is central to Smart and Skilled. Therefore, we require a significant amount of information to ensure that we contract the right providers and adhere to the NSW Quality Framework. We recommend that you start the application as early as possible to avoid missing the closing date. 3.2 To prepare for the online application you will need to gather information and evidence relating to your RTO’s capability and capacity. Examples of the type of information you will need are: Management and administrative experience Teaching capacity Learning and assessment resources Student numbers and profiles Delivery experience for qualifications The online application will be open for six weeks 3.3 The Smart and Skilled online application is open for six (6) weeks from Monday 30 June 2014 until 5pm AEST on Friday 8 August 2014. While this may appear to be a long period of time, we recommend that you start your application early. As this is a new application format that requires detailed information about your RTO, please allow enough time to complete it. The online application has tools to help you 3.4 The online application includes a help facility that gives definitions of terms used within the questions. In some instances, websites and sources of information are given to help you answer questions. To use this facility, click on the . 3.5 The online application can be completed in one or more sessions by multiple people within your organisation who have been granted access (see section 1—‘Accessing the application’—for more information). 3.6 Your online application will be automatically updated daily with any changes or additions you make to your scope of registration. 3.7 Each session will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity and any work that has not been saved on the current page will be lost. We encourage you to save as often as possible to avoid this. However, each time you go to a new page your work will be automatically saved, so you’ll only ever lose the page you’re working on if the online application times out. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 8 Important: Please ensure that you factor in the requirement to enter information when allocating time to complete the online application, as late applications for a Smart and Skilled contract will not be considered. The online application will show how you have progressed 3.8 A progress bar will display at the top of the screen to show how you’re advancing through the application process. A tick will be displayed if all questions have been answered and no information is missing. A blue circle indicates the section that you’re currently working on, while a white circle indicates you haven’t yet started that section. Every question has been answered in this section Currently working in this section of the application Previously visited this section of the application, but it is incomplete You are not permitted to commence this section until you visit or complete a previous section Please note: The circle with a tick does not represent validation of your answers or denote that your answers are correct. It simply tells you that you have no missing criteria in that section. You will not be able to lodge your application if all sections have not been filled out correctly. Ticks must appear on the progress bar in every circle to show that all criteria have been completed before your application will be eligible for lodgement. 3.9 You must enter an answer to all questions. Put a zero in questions that require a number answer if you have no answer—do not leave it blank. It is possible to tick more than one answer for most questions. 3.10 Make sure you generate a progress report and check all the information in your application, and if necessary make any changes before you lodge your application. You can generate a progress report at any point in the application after you reach the ‘Qualifications’ section. Just click on the ‘Report’ button and your request will be placed in a queue. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 9 3.11 When the report is ready, we will send you an email to let you know the report is now ready to be viewed and can be downloaded and printed. Make sure you leave enough time to amend these errors so you can finalise and submit your application before the closing date. Please note: If you stay on the page after requesting the progress report, you’ll have to refresh that page for the link to the report to show. 3.12 Once you have completed and validated your application, a summary will display if there are any errors in the data you have provided. Each error in the summary is a link that will take you to the page where the error occurred. Follow each link to fix the errors. 3.13 Make sure your application is complete and includes all answers before you submit it. Amendments cannot be made to the application after the closing date of 5pm AEST on 8 August 2014. 3.14 While many users in your RTO can enter information into the online application, only one (1) person from each organisation is able to submit the application. This person is a user with RTO Application Lodgement access. 3.15 An error check will be made on each page as you proceed through the application. If there are any errors on the page, these will show up in red and you’ll see the error message below. You can choose to correct the errors right away by pressing ‘OK’, or you can simply come back to the errors when you wish by pressing the ‘Later’ button. Please note that you are able to skip questions in every section except for the Eligibility. All eligibility questions have to be answered in order to progress further. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 10 Please ensure the person who has the RTO Application Lodgement access is available to submit the application before the application closing date to ensure that we receive your application on time. We cannot accept any applications after the closing date and time. Please note: The questions within the Smart and Skilled online application must be answered accurately and to the best of your knowledge. We will expect evidence to be provided as part of contract monitoring and compliance. Any evidence indicating misinterpretation, omission or misleading answers may result in your Application not receiving further consideration. Online applications for a Smart and Skilled contract will close at 5pm AEST on Friday 8 August 2014 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 11 4. Completing section 1—Eligibility 4.1 Section 1—Eligibility contains 10 questions that you need to answer in order to assess your RTO’s eligibility for a Smart and Skilled contract. These questions can only be answered either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and must be completed in order to progress through the application. 4.2 On completion of these questions, based on your answers, your RTO will be either eligible to proceed to the next section, or not. If you receive the message below saying that you are unable to proceed with the application, then your RTO is not eligible to apply for a Smart and Skilled contract. You are, however, able to return to the questions and change your answers if you made a mistake. Otherwise, you can choose to exit the application. 4.3 If all answers are completed and you are deemed eligible, you’ll be able to move onto Section 2—Organisation. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 12 5. Completing section 2—Organisation 5.1 In Section 2—Organisation, you need to complete questions over four (4) pages. Again, all questions must be answered, otherwise you will not be able to lodge your application. The difference in this section (compared to Section 1—Eligibility) is that you can go back and answer questions at any time while proceeding through the application, as these questions about your RTO are not testing eligibility for subsequent sections in the online application. The screenshot below shows where you can see which page in Section 2 you are currently working on (circled in red). 5.2 You can answer the questions in any order you like over the four pages. If you wish to move to another page, simply click on the page you wish to jump to. An error check of the pages will occur as you proceed. If you have not completed the current page and want to move to the next, you will receive a message as below. Just click ‘Later’ and you can come back to that page later on. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 13 6. Completing section 3—Program streams 6.1 Section 3—Program streams is where you select the Smart and Skilled programs that your RTO wishes to apply for. These programs relate to different types of training supported under Smart and Skilled. 6.2 You can select or deselect the programs at any time by checking the box next to the program name. Please be aware that qualifications are linked to programs. Therefore, if you select or deselect a program, some qualifications could drop off your list of eligible qualifications to apply for. 6.3 When selecting the programs that you wish to deliver under the Smart and Skilled contract, you will notice that one program, ‘Targeted Priorities – Part Qualifications’, is greyed out. 6.4 If you opt to apply to deliver ‘Targeted Priorities – Pre-vocational and Part Qualifications’, you must first select one of the programs listed below. This is because you need to be approved to deliver at least one full qualification under one of the Smart and Skilled programs to be approved to deliver ‘Targeted Priorities – Pre-Vocational and Part Qualifications’. Entitlement – Full Qualifications Entitlement - Apprenticeships & Traineeships Targeted Priorities – Full Qualifications. You can find the information about RTO eligibility to apply for these programs at 6.5 In this application for a Smart and Skilled contract, we have not asked for units of competency to be listed. Therefore, all units of competency under any eligible full qualification applied for and approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) will be eligible for purchase. 6.6 Once you have successfully completed Section 3—Program Streams and saved your answers, the progress bar will be updated. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 14 7. Completing Section 4—Qualifications 7.1 In Section 4—Qualifications, you will give us information about which regions you can deliver training in, and your RTO’s capacity to deliver each qualification that you are eligible to apply for under a Smart and Skilled contract. 7.2 In your Qualifications Summary, a list will appear in the ‘Qualifications Not Started’ category showing qualifications that you are eligible to apply for under a Smart and Skilled contract. 7.3 This list of qualifications is populated by the programs you applied for in Section 3—Program streams. These programs are then matched to your RTO’s scope of registration, as approved by ASQA. Lastly, your scope is matched against the NSW Skills List and these are the qualifications that appear in your ‘Qualifications Not Started’ category. 7.4 A small number of recently superseded qualifications may appear in this category. This is to cover the situation where your RTO has not yet received ASQA approval for the new qualification. You may apply for Smart and Skilled funding using the superseded qualification code, but in order to enrol students under Smart and Skilled you will need to have the new qualification on your scope of registration. No prices are given for superseded qualifications. If your RTO has both a superseded and a new qualification on its scope of registration, and both show as available in your application, you should only apply for the new qualification. If you apply for both, only the new one will be assessed. 7.5 As you progress through your qualifications, you can have up to four (4) categories showing on the page: ‘not started’, ‘chosen not to apply’, ‘incomplete’ and ‘completed’. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 15 Not started (black header)—Before you start answering questions for any of the qualifications, this category has all eligible qualifications your RTO can apply for under a Smart and Skilled contract. Press the ‘Start’ button next to the qualification when you’re ready to begin. Any qualifications left in this category when you lodge your application will not be considered for the Smart and Skilled contract. Chosen not to apply (brown header)—This category has been created to make it easy to sort through qualifications that your RTO does and does not want to apply for. If you decide not to apply for a qualification, select that qualification from the list, then answer ‘No’ to Question 1 and click ‘Next’. This moves the qualification to the ‘chosen not to apply’ category and the qualification will not be considered in the assessment of the application. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 16 At some later time, while the application period is still open, your RTO may decide to apply for the qualification after all. You can do this by first selecting ‘Clear’ in the drop down next to the ‘Start’ button. The qualification is then moved into the ‘Qualifications not started’ category from where you can start applying. Incomplete (orange header)—This category will show qualifications that still require information from your RTO to be complete. You cannot have any qualifications left in this category when you go to lodge your application. You must either: - complete the qualification to 100% status and it will appear in your ‘completed’ category or - clear all contents from the drop-down menu next to the qualification and it will go back to your ‘not started’ category. Completed (green header)—Listed in this category are the qualifications that have all the information completed and are at 100%. You can, however, edit this information at any time before you submit your application. Please note: Any qualifications that are in the ‘not started’ and ‘chosen not to apply’ categories when your RTO is ready to lodge will not be included in your application and will not be considered for approval under the Smart and Skilled contract. 7.6 To begin adding qualifications to your application, click on the ‘Start’ button in the ‘Action’ column against the qualification. You can start qualifications in any order. You can also reorder the headings to suit your RTO just by pressing the toggle button next to the header, i.e. Training Package, Qualification, National Code or Program Stream. 7.7 Once you’ve pressed ‘Start’ next to the qualification of your choice, you must confirm if you want to apply for this qualification by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. You won’t be able to proceed with the application for this qualification if you don’t answer this question or your answer is ‘No’. If your answer is ‘No’, this qualification will be placed in the ‘chosen not to apply’ category. If you later decide to apply for this qualification, you can bring it back to the ‘not started’ category by selecting ‘Start’ and ‘Clear’. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 17 7.8 After confirming that you are applying for a qualification, you will need to indicate if there are any suspensions, sanctions and/or conditions imposed on this qualification. You can proceed with your application regardless of whether your answer is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. 7.9 The next step is to select the regions you wish to deliver this qualification in. You simply tick the regions you wish to apply for. Please remember that this is only for the qualification you have selected. 7.10 You can select the regions by either ticking the box next to that particular region or by clicking on the map in the area you wish to deliver. Please remember that it is best to use either one or the other as you may accidentally deselect a region by clicking the map and then ticking the box of the same region. 7.11 If you select a region by mistake, simply deselect it. Once you have all the regions you wish to apply for under this qualification, just select ‘Next’. Please note: Capital Region is the area around the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), excluding the ACT. ACT is highlighted in white on the map to show that it is not included in New South Wales. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 18 7.12 There are five (5) tabs for each qualification: ‘Regions’, ‘Experience in NSW’, ‘Trainers & Assessors’, ‘Strategies’ and ‘Resources’. Regions—This section must be completed for every region that you have selected to deliver for that qualification. If you select 15 regions, then you must complete this section 15 times (once for each region). While we realise that this is a large amount of information to provide, high-quality training is central to Smart and Skilled. Therefore, we require a significant amount of information to ensure that we contract the right providers with capability to deliver training to students in each region and adhere to the NSW Quality Framework. Sub-regions are identified for some regions. If you apply for these regions you will be asked to indicate in which sub-regions you can deliver this qualification. The list of regions and sub-regions can be found at Experience in NSW—This section asks for information on your RTO’s delivery of this qualification in New South Wales. (You only need to fill out this and the remaining three sections on this page once per qualification.) Trainers & Assessors—This section asks for details about trainers and assessors working for your RTO. Strategies—This section covers information about your RTO’s assessment practices. Resources—This section includes questions about training and assessment and recognition of prior learning resources that your RTO uses. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 19 Lodging the application 8. Validating and lodging 8.1 Before lodging your application, you should validate your data by clicking on ‘Validate Application’ button. 8.2 Any sections with errors or missed answers will be flagged in a red bar. 8.3 Click on any of the items above and you will be taken to the page with errors. Correct all missed or incorrectly filled questions. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 20 8.4 After fixing all errors on the page, you do not need to click ‘Save’ or ‘Next’ on the bottom of the page. Just click ‘Re-Validate’ on top of the page. Data will be saved and you will be taken back to the ‘Error Log’ when you can continue fixing further errors. 8.5 When you fixed all errors on a page and you click on ‘Save’ or ‘Next’ on the bottom of the page, to get back to the list of errors, click on the again. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY on the bar on top of your page and then on WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 21 8.6 If there are no errors, you will need to agree to the application terms and lodge your application by clicking ‘Lodge Application’ button located in the bottom left corner of the page. 8.7 Successful lodgement of the application will be confirmed on the screen. You will also receive an e-mail confirming the lodgement and advising that a copy of your ‘Smart and Skilled Contract Final Application’ is available for downloading on STS Online. You must save or print and retain a copy of the Final Application. A copy of the Final Application will be available on STS Online for four weeks after the application closing date. There are two ways to access it, via link on the ‘Your APL’ page and via ‘Welcome’ page of the application (see screenshots below). NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 22 8.8 Once the application period has closed, you will not be able to make any changes to the data submitted. 8.9 Please make sure your application is complete and contains all the courses/qualifications that you want to apply for before lodging. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 23 9. Your legal obligations under the application 9.1 By making an online application, your RTO acknowledges and agrees that it has and will comply with the Smart and Skilled application terms and conditions: The person making the application is authorised to do so on the RTO’s behalf. All information provided by the RTO in connection with the application is true, complete, accurate and not misleading in any way (the ‘application information’). The RTO is not aware of anything that would result in an adverse change to the application information before 1 January 2015. The RTO has printed out* and retains a copy of its application. The RTO: - will provide the Department of Education and Communities with access to the RTO’s sites - will provide the Department with any additional information relevant to this application within seven (7) days of a request made by the Department - authorises the Department to obtain information about the RTO or its personnel from any other Australian government agency - will provide all other assistance reasonably requested by the Department, for the purpose of deciding the RTO’s eligibility to be a Smart and Skilled provider. The Department may share application information with other Australian government agencies. * Please note: either a soft or a hard copy can be kept for the RTO records. A copy of the Provider Application Terms and Conditions can be found at NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES V1 DD/MM/YYYY WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOV.AU 24 © NSW Department of Education and Communities June 2014
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