Next Meeting: November 10th Cafe' la Cave - Des Plaines The Midwest Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Abbedoodle .......... . 2 Meeting Venue ....... . 3 Menu and Directions inside on page 3. Please RSVP to Amy Fu by November 6th. afu@alberto,corn or 708-450-3679. Members $35, Non-Members $45. There will be a $1 0 no-show fee. BEAUTY BUSTING - HOW TO DISTILL BEAUTY SCIENCE FROM BEAUTY BOGUS Chapter News ...... .4 & 5 Perry Romanowski Feature Article ...... 6 & 7 Vice President - Brains Publishing Chapter News ........ . 8 ABSTRACT While people have always held odd beliefs about cosmetics, treatment products, and beauty, the Information Age has made the propagation of erroneous beliefs much easier. Clever marketing messages, misremembered headlines and anecdotal stories shared on discussion boards have all contributed to the rise of a less critical consumer. Unfortunately, this lack of skepticism can also affect cosmetic scientists. In this presentation we'll review some common beauty knowledge and determine whether it is science or nonsense. We'll also talk about some logical tools you can use to protect yourself from falling for Beauty BS. Emeritus Comer. . .. . . . 9 Continuing Education ... 10 Help Wa nted .... ..... . 11 OCAC SCC EVENTS: BIO Perry Romanowski has spent the last 17 years researching and developing products to solve consumer problems in the personal care and cosmetic industry. His primary focus has been on hair & hair related products. He is currently Vice President of Bra in s Publishing which specializes in online science education. He has also worked for Alberto Culver most recently as a Senior Project Leader for Hair Care Innovation. Perry has been an active member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemistry and is currently the Area II National Director. He has also served various positions within the Midwest Chapter including Chapter Chair. SCCoop is published 8 times per year for members of the Midwest Chapter of the Society of C0smetic Chemists. Newsletter editor is Sandy Tschantz: STscbantz@l or Phone 847-249-6743 Advertising rates are $0400 annu - ally for each 2 X 2 space. Advertising manager Gary N9\Jdahl is your conlBct for ad placement andlorwaiting list Infonnation: Gneudahl@Hallsta{.com Perry received his B.S. in Chemistry from DePaul University and also an M.S. in Biochemistry. Additionally, he has written and edited numerous books and articles, taught the Beginning Cosmetic Ch emistry continuing education class, developed successful websites, and is an official world record holder. His latest book project is the third edition of Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry publi shed by Allured. He can be reached thorough his website where he is available for consulting about cosmetic formulating, testing, and Internet solutions. 101S FOil 10T$ • If ,.,. .. • MWSCC 1st Annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive Please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to the November Chapter Meeting to bring a less fortunate child some joy in the Holiday Season. See page 8 for more details. Phone 708-594-5058 Printing by Flash Printing, Inc. Franklin Park, IL. (847) 288-9101 All members who attend every meeting through November are eligible for big prizes! Game cards were handed out at the January meeting. If you attended all the regular meetings with your card· Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sep, and Nov. and turn in your completed game card at the November meeting, you win a prize! Additionally, there will be bonus prizes for the mid-year meeting in June, the Golf Outing in July, and the Technical Symposium in October. Ii TRI - K • "Forget about arriving - keep drivIng" - Frasier Chorus, "DrivlngH Where did all th e time go? I sit here dumbfounded that I've already arrived to the final Abbedoodle. In so many ways I feel like things were j ust getting started and here we are at the end. Maybe I should consider a violent takeover of power and begin reigning as your malevolent dictator but in the interest of peace, I'll peacefully allow our new chair to take the reins on November 10th. Instead of being violent, I'll j ust be thankful: 1. ' , . Th e Name You Know and Trust For Elega nt Ingredie nt Solutions·info@tn-k .com TRI -K FormulatIng Made Easy I'm thankful for the amazing support of all our members this year. As far as tough times go, [ and many of you are charting r-==::::::::=~:::=~::::::::::::~:-j ADVANCED _ T ES TIN GLAB 0 RATO RY unfamiliar territory. Most of us are optimistic about the future, but we were really unsure at the beginning of the year how our Chapter would weather the storm. Thanks to your involvement and support, we actually had an amazing year. At least three monthly meetings were completely sold out and we continue to see high turnou t for all our events, big or small. Rather than The' Sc··~· (l/''fl',' lirl!!' Th.· ;\ rl " I" Se"rl in!; thinking about cancelli ng events, we added two new events: a May meeting and our first Golf Outing. I'd also like to thank all the new members for joining - our continued success depends on the fresh energy and perspective that you bring. 513-489-8447 t"i '-Cl S'-.\ tt. 01!I11 I~ Ytarl "I" Salisl) inH Ihe M<1.;i D i","'~m ill!; :-ialimJaI ~11~ I mC mJl i (\n~ ll"I i~n ls O',r I'm thankful for the continued dedication and support of our volunteers. This Chapter would NOT be what it is if it were not for our amazing volunteer staff. I wasn't the guy that got us in Mario Tricocci. I wasn't the guy that planned and executed an outstanding golf outing. I wasn 't the guy that filled 12 pages of newsletter content every month. I didn't find venues, schedule speakers, take reservations, greet folks, or handle the finances at the end of the day. Instead, it was a group of folks that thankfully have as much or maybe even more passion for the Society as I do. r----------, I'm thankful for our great guest speakers, who each did an outstanding job fu lfilling our Society's mission of educating cosmetic scientists on trends, legal considerations, and state of the art technologies . I th ink we had a great speaker lineup this year and I' m confi dent we'll have the same next year. If our attendance is any reflection of the quality of our speakers, L it looks like we're doing a good job bringing in the right folks. CHEM SiL. SILl CON n, INC. We Provide YOUR Silicone Solutions"" Manufacturer of Specialty Silicones for Cosmetics and Personal Care 877.700.0302 . WW' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ..J Finally, I'm thankful for all the folks that have personally supported me in the past year. Your kind words have been a r:::-:---~-:----~-:-..., With Illmmtains of innotratit'e thinking, great encouragement. Jun' ~oaTS above the clouds. Now, I hand the reins over to Cinda Carlson, who I have full confidence in to do a much better job than I did. I'm sure she'll be j ust as eager to get your feedback, so don't ever hesitate to email her at chair@mjdwestscc .org with any comments, questions, or concems. I don't know what she has planned, but she's behind the ~ wheel now. I think I'll j ust sit back ., .... . .... and enjoy the scenery. . .... ,." /'- JEEN CORPORATION INTEANAnONAl.- 24 Mad;wn Rood, F<li rJUW, NJ 07004. VSA 973-439. 140 1 • Fa:< , 973·439-l402 .........., • fnIi;tai«n.""" IM-iOW.TlON IS IN OUR JEENS YOU CAN CQ(P..,T ON us - NATURAlJ.Y! 2 SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI • No. 8 November 10th MWSCC Chapter Meeting ~ Schedule 5:1 5 Board Meeting 5:30 Social Hour (Cash Bar) 6:30 Speaker 7:30 Dinner e.,.... oJ ~ waf. ffi~ aM S~ ~S"":f Cafe la Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd . Des Plaines, IL. 60018 (847) 827-7818 ~ew...Scia4 ! e.j.' e.. em 0,;4." Cfu £fw,m ~ 4 J..ic£en.: 0f'W, • • • m a- .wJa ~ ~ ou.a.m. ~. d..e ~ ~ in a. ~ w«te d4.UCe ..a1. oi.a.k ~ .......""...... ....- -- , \ {I , • I , I• i, ,- • -•I ,1 _.-'. I I" ........ --_._._. 'i ![ 1• -- --__ 0 , ,'- . .. .... __ 0:000 ..··"0 ..... o Integritv Inl!r..:dlcnh Corporation 1 . 0_. _ .lambentcOfJl·com P\oyIIIIIOR.,- c.-.1I029I! New Int llilrIG EL.'.· Cold Procesl om ~le ...... ~ ~ .. _ Tecrrical SaIft LH P..... E _ 10 Uses, l.Ow&r Coot NEW....Gadonoc ThIcUner1 Inl ltgrIBUTTER' •• Exotic Bur.e_ New IntlO"BUTTER C~a<:Y Connlt _".: (951)8117 .1 S84 Wftl eo.t MIlady tto.eI Cl ' OI782~2 HonevIe>< Extracts Ceftilled Org.nk ExI • I \~O~\lnl~r' \I""RIOlj~ I'." I ' "'-' ;;; _ ~~ Intlg,IQUAT' •. f'oIyqu.. 6, 1, 1PF & 11 Lea<ing ......,ulaaurw of ,t..clly! !cgrtdlt[!!J lor cot- Integrity Carbonwr •• C940. C940 Pm: ...,;:", cnoa a n g _ InIt9rI LIPIO'~tutai & E><OIIc:Oh COI'ICIIpIS allCl outs:anding . IntegrIVtTAM IN · D. 01.. & 01.50% Panthenol hig/Hlualill' products 10< Sldn. Hat and Cdor CotmeIic5 Mllcellaneou, 8RENNTAG W~" make beauty areaI'Ity . ' _," _ _ Ino """' """~OCO<II<O"I (9!>l)1167.()2g1 193I P _ DI1Yto • IL 1OO' 1-1H1 '""- (100)432·1111 • Fa (141) ~2 avolty IItId _ .... ~· Proudly Represent! 8o(ank;a 1fxtIaru ProYI!!ln" QUlllty Ingradl,nt•• nd formulation Id... 10 th PI'..on.I ...,. Indu.try. " 'w_ ~o • ~ SENSIENT (OJlIlTlC rlClllfJtHIU Chemicals - Minerals Colors· Surface Treatments for !Clew Advanced Pigment Technologies call Of email for more In formation 800-543-4524 cosmeticsales@sen"ent·tech,com SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI· No. 8 I _.. I• < I• -_. I .... -• A vegetarian allemalive is available, please notify Lisa Hilson before the event at Llsa@! .t::::== ;;;. \ ..~ ! [- ~ 3 2010 Teamworks Tradeshow Registration March 31 , 201 0 12-6 PM Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, IL (Chicago) Social Night March 30, 2010 -----_ .... -......_.-... _.--,.- HallStar Providing Customized Personal Care Chemist ry Solutions Tec hni ca l Support: 708.594.5058 Custome r Service: 817.427 .42S5 The Premier Industry Trade Show for the Personal Care Industry in Mid- America is now open to exhibitor registration with attendee registration to follow. ATTENDEES! Are you interested in attending the show, but not sure if you 'll find what you're looking for? Our new on line registration features an up-to-date listing of all exhibitors as well as an online map to ensure you know where to find them . Justification for your visit can be easier with opportuniti es to meet your suppliers of choice or find some new suppliers. Each exhibitor provides contact information allowing you to set up prescheduled meetings with them or to request specific information to be brought to the show, helping you find exactly what you need! Check it mIt at . EXHIBITORSI !~III LSONv 0 i> 6 '" Supplier o/Sp«:Ja/ty Ingredients All Naturol and CerfJIt«l Organll: ¢ Teamworks 2010 is proud and excited to announce its new online exhibitor registration process. Exhibitors now have the abi lity to choose the booth or booths of their choice using our online Exhibitor Map. Sheoond OIher Buttm. v.... "' ou..~""" Condiliotlint: Amll, 8otaniaoI El-. EIIo.., E.xIoIl&Iins ...! DoIi>wy hItidoo, Po/ymor1I fo< Hair~. SkIr> ~ " SPI' ~ T\o2 and. ZlncOoddt DiIpcIkn, Gollinf; "'F-II. N. IIU>OI W..... ""-d AIuI!IIno oro:l SiIlca 1761 S. Naperville Rd Whea ton. It 60189 ( www _ ._ ._ 800.665.3087 : ) ""=" Please follow this link to view the Exhibitor Map: httc :l/www.mytradeshows.uslMWSCC . Once you complete t he registration, view the map to see your company information displayed. As part of our new online Exhibitor Map we are now also able to d isplay the Teamworks 2010 Exhibitor Guide - live through the day of the show for all potential attendees to view at their leisure. This is marketing for your company beginning the day of your registratlon for Teamwork:s 2010! Payment is easy using your credit card and our PayPal system. To register you will need the following information: ~ 1. Company contact and company address, uri, and phone number far mal ~,·II,.. ·· .." \ ,!fIII,LI .h(. '11 ,l • ,\ ' ';f:,·!, .," .,.\ '.' ,(I -, ,(1-'\1 ,. " ,,~, , • I;;"".~J \.2- \, ,,' ·.,n·, ·1 in~r .. di, n', "n ' ,. ....... ' 4 .. "...... , " '.~"","" 2. 50 words describing products and services 3. Credit card - if paying by check complete the registration but don 't pay. Checks can be mailed payable t o Midwest SCC. If you have any q uestions, please contact Darrell Zehner at (708) 534-6200 or [email protected],corn . We hope you enjoy the ease of this new process and the marketing opportunity for your company. ... SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI. No. 8 see Membership and Dues Renewal by Cinda Carlson, Chair-Elect MWSCC We hope we are as important to you as you are to us. With the time to renew your around the corner, I wanted to let you know how much we 're membership in looking forward to having you as a member again next year. sec Personal Care and Pharmaceutical Ingredients Drug-Certified Facility • Glycerin • White Oi l /Petrol atum • Su rfactant. This has been a great year for the MWSCC. We 've had exciting educational monthly meeting, a c ontinuing Education Course, a Social night for the National SCC meeting here in Chicago, an Inaugural Golf Outing. What really made thi s great year possible was the involvement and support of individuals like you . 800.255.3181 Unlvarslty Park. IL Next year we have our Chapter meetings, Teamworks, Technical Symposium and educational opportunities lined up as well as a few extras. Unemployed members who have been paid SCC members for the last 5 years may also get a waiver of dues for one year to continue their sec membership by submitting the renewal form with unemployment details to National. FllilCOit The Fan ning Corpcnli<>n Solid scie nce. Solid products. fa nco r 1el,,, ... Q" a l i t~ raw mat er ill, ..... th P' ove n ' > 1 "(: lonoll,·/ a " d con pot ib Ii :y. Vis t us on the ·" . b :o I •• Qur <Orl~ l .t . p' odu C 111 0. If you no longer wish to be in the Midwest SCC, either 1) Send back the renewal notice with a sentence asking that your membership be cancelled. www. fannco Pho ne 3 12.,E3 12 34 Or 2) Send a quick e-mail with a sentence asking that your membership be cancelled to Helen McCarren, Membership Services, SCC, [email protected]. It's cheaper to cancel your membership and then get reinstated at a later date than to be dropped for non-payment of dues. (908) 56 1, ~200 Thank you again for your membership and support. Without you we wouldn 't have had a great year. If you have any questions on your membership please contact Chris Daraska at (630) 548-4632 or [email protected]. www .arc .com eo ... m.. tlc l ng.-..d! ..n tlo & Natural Performance Ingre d i e n t~ Natural Botanical Extracts Aloe Vera 1<k<u ' Fitz Chern Corporation Your eiwk:" for ingredienu fM 1M P".101UJ1 Can Indwrryl • CotInl. c . .. CMmIcale- Ac!Mt ;"gr.dientl, _ . cationic pn>ducto, .....,. ~ .,, '* , _!!Ie",. peaIt ohIne CCII'ICtIltr.t ... peaIt .... , _ . pro\eln prooluetl. eoIub«lsers. aurlactaOlS,.,.,_ active organics • He.-,....Aq... ~ _.IOJceit) . lnd ~uaCe~ 1t1~ 1ng and rTIeOIogy control • 111_•• USA Corp--Om.lt1lc:a1e 'U97Y. te ,St. L~ w i ' v 'I ~ ~. TX 75 05 7 Tel : 972 ' U I -7 500 800- 54 1-1476 Fa>: 97:1· 22 1·33 24 inlo ... ' l i '~C ' 9M iCI . ,o m SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI • No.8 ,",,- M~P • U . ZI.........zine _ 450 E. Doyon ......n.... Sub 175. tIaa<:a.ll60143 PH; m~.uu 5 The Chemistry Nerd 's Chemdecor Christmas Wish List By S. Tschantz - Lambent Technologies Last year I reviewed educational toys for both ki ds and adults. This year I decided to focus more on home decor, chemistry-t hemed home decor to be precise. I'm not sure why, but every now and then my nerdy side takes over and I get something I feel is absolutely rid iculous, only to find out later that it not only turns out to be stylish in an indle sort-of way, but out-right popular with friends and family. One such thing: My periodic table of the elements throw, obtained for FREE by referring a friend to ACS a couple of years ago (they have since offered a different color every year), Thi s blanket found its fame by being d ubbed "cool" and swiftly snatched up to swadd le whoever CQuid get their hands on it. Yes, there were even fights. Finally one day it disappeared and was later found hanging in a friend's office as the equivalent of a modern-day tapestry. I couldn't argue, for some reason it looked really cool there. Thank goodness my ACS anniversary mugs are hidden. But what else is available for Chemdecor? I was hoping to find something more, beyond the periodic table shower curtain and placemats. Of course , the internet didn't disappoint. I bring to you my top 5 Chemdecor Christmas Wish List. Rynner-UD. The Chemistry Time Clock A new way t o memorize periodic table atomic numbers! The numbers of the clock correspond to the element's atomic numbers (e.g. · H· replaces -1-, "He- replaces -2· , etc.) The clock follows a 24 hour day, taking us all the way to Chromium and giving us a little more of that trivial pursuit edge. Only $35 at jstrvIShakhashlrl/ChemTjmeClock.aspx #5 Industrial Imagination DELUXE HYDRODYNAMIC BUILDING SET, With the Deluxe Hydrodynamic Building Set you can build a model of an ice cream factory, a water t reatment plant, a disti llation plant or whatever your little industrial imagination dreams up! For only $90, not including shipping and handling, th is 300 piece set lets you build a model of a manufacturing plant w ith working tanks, p ipes, valves and pumps. A full-color instruction book provides build ing instructions and several examples of different structures you can build wit h the set. http://w ww.bridgestreettoys.cQm 114, The Good Chemistry Sail and p epper Shakers. Whil e the pepper is totally made uP. they are trying and the price is right at $15. There 's also a tea cup to match! You can find them here: -chemistry-salt·and-pepper· shakers 6 SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI· No.8 #3 Home Cocklall Chemistry Set Sure we've all enjoyed those test tube shots at the club, but now you can enjoy them at home. And it will even up the cleverness of those Pyrex mugs! The inner scientist in me cringes at some of the hazard signs, but I quickly got past it when the thought of day glow green jello® shots in those radio active tu bes. Reviews for this set can be found all over the internet at favorite geek gear websites like this one: http ://store,heljotropehome,c orn/cochset.html #2. The periodic coffee table. Forget about trying to find interesting coffee table books that end up with rings from moonlighting as coasters and there's no need for knick knacks on this table. Every stable element is sampled and individually embedded in solid acrylic. Retail ing at $9,463, they say the Periodic Coffee Table is a great way for scie ntists, ambitious parents and nerds to show off their love of science in the most indiscreet manner possible I bUp jUgadgets,bolngbolng.netl200a/OZ/24/the-perjodjc-coffee.html And the #1 Chemdecor gift for 2009 is .. . #1, Mad Scientist Blocks As many have said , ·Start 'em young!~ Perhaps these were what led Dr. Farnsworth to make his team of Atomic Supermen in Futurama or Dr. Horrible to start on his plan for social reform, either way they are a definite cut above your average alphabet block and will look great on your Periodic Coffee Table! Set includes all 26 letters of the alphabet. Made from sustainably harvested American Maple wood . laser engraved with no stains. dyes or finishes . Only $39 .95 at hHp:Uwww,xylocopa ,comID[odycVrnad:scjence-alphabet-blocks SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI· No.8 Save The Date! 2010 January 12th MWSCC Dinner and Education Meeling February 9th MWSCC Dinner and Education Meeting Manch9th MWSCC Dinner and Education Meeting Manch 30th Teamworks Social Night March 31st TEAMWORKS May 10th & 11th NYSCC Supplier's Day Raritan Center - NJ. June 3rd & 4th Annual Scientific Seminar Area I - Long Island #1. Mad Scientist Blocks Some absolutely mad examples: A - Appendages P - Peasants (with BPitchfor1<s) Bioengineering a . Quantum C • Caffeine o - Dirigible E - Experiment F - Freeze ray G - Goggles H - Henchmen I - Invention J - Jargon K - Potassium physics A - Robot S - Selfexperimentation T - Tentacles U - Underground lair V - Virus W - Wrench L - Laser X - X-Ray M - Maniacal NNanotechnology o - Organs Y - You, the Mad Scientist of Tomorrow Z - Zombies 7 Midwest SCC to hold "Toys for Tots" Toy Drive at November Chapter Meeting by S. Tschantz - Lambent Technologies This year, the Midwest Chapter Board voted to support a "Toys for Tots" Toy Drive at our most attended annual meeting. the November chapter meeting. The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation's most valuable resources - our children and to unite aU members of local communities in a common cause. sec Several other Chapters have contributed to this cause in the past years and continue to do so. The Midwest well. sec Chapter would like to join in this tradition as Two Marine volunteers will attend the meeting and collect the toys. The senior officer will attend in dress blues. Photos with the Marines are welcome and encouraged. If you would like to contribute, please bring one or more unwrapped toys ($30 value or less) for ages 0-13 to the November Chapter meeting at Cafe la Cave on November 10th. If you would like to contribute a toy but may not have had the ti me to pick up any toys before t he meet ing, there is a shopping center with a Target store on Manheim road right by the restaurant. If you're interested in what is most needed, the age categories of 0-2 years old and 10-13 years old are always in need. Toys for Tots is unable to accept toy guns (will not promote violencej, stuffed animals (some children may be allergic to the stuffing) and will not accept any books or DVOs. TOYS POft TOTS If you would like to make a monetary donation, please go to http;// to arrange to make a donation. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation was awarded Charity NaVigator's highest 4-Star rating for sound fiscal management (2005-2008). Their average program to support Service expense ratio: (2000-2008) is 97% program to 3% support. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation has met all 20 standards established by the Better Business Bureau WiseGiving Alliance. Please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to the November Chapter Meeting to bring a less fortunate child some joy in the Holiday Season. u.s. lUr_ CORPS RUIRVI 8 Any questions, please contact Sandy Tschantz at [email protected] SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI· No.8 The way we were by Denny Ciechna It's that time again, to blow the dust off some of the old pictures and see some of the members in their early yea rs. In addition, we also have a photo contest! The top two photos are of active Chapter members back in the day. Think you might know or recognize them? Email Denny Ciechna at DPCIEC [email protected] with you r answers before the November meeting and yo u cou ld win a prize! Winners will be announced at the November Chapter Meeting. PHOTO CONTEST Send the names of these members to Denny DPCIECHNA@COMCAST,NET and If you're right, you may win a prizel BtoChemica INTERNAIlONAl lIS c-I St • Md:wmt. Fl 3293'S USA Tel J211~344A • fi:lt J21142.!MI ---.rniJl:~_--- Ingredilnt 511. . . R.pllckIIglng QC • Documlntatl on w~ gel what you need.'" Ruger Chemical Co., Inc:. 800.274.7643 www.rugerchemlcal.oom 1987 sec Meeting: Stanley Maas, Dr. Nadim Shaath, Jeff Rakity, Rose Olcese, George Concar, David Moyler (UK). 1987 sec Meeting: Jeff Rakity. Dr, Nadim Shaath, Dennis Ciechna, Rose Oelase, David Moyler, Stanley Maas. This was the Felton Gang. EMD CMrniabIn<. 48il5out"~Ro.d G1bbotown.HJoaol7 www._mltal .... om 1987 SCC meeting: Archie Desai and Dennis Ciechna. SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI • No. 8 ~D 9 SCC Continuing Education Program The following courses are accepting registrations_ For course outlines and the registration form, please go to BASIC SKIN CARE SCIENCE FOR THE COSMETIC CHEMIST Instructed by Randy Wickett, Ph.D. November 11, 2009 Sheraton Newark Airpon We offer I broad ranp of products for Sldn-, Sun-, H.jr &Toiletrles THE CHEMISTRY & FORMULATIONS OF COLOR COSMETICS Instructed by Jane Hollenberg and Edwin Faulkner December 9, 2009 New York Hilton • Add~lves • Conditioning Igenl. -Emulstflm - Emoll!eMs • Perlo!mano;e , ddilive, • Orsanomodifled silicones - Spedalty surfacu nts • Ecocen eomplilM BACK TO BASICS: HAIR CONDITIONING Instructed by Colleen Rocafon December 9, 2009 New York Hilton !¥anlk GoIdtehmldt CorpoteIIon CMstI oe Da",lko, RegIonII 511.. Malll ~r "'ONI 6lo-5~8-463> em 63""740-5849 c!ulstine.d.... sb@e.< www.eYOnlk.comjpen1Jllll-cmo Beaker's Boggle By S. Tschantz Beaker has once again brought us one of her word search puzzles. Are you up for the challenge? She came up with the following word search based on the cosmetics industry. We were able to find 21 different words. How many can you find? We'll show you the easy one again. EMCO'''''"'w Plsnt l BI.fTOIU ,.~ NORTH CHICAGO, TL Alcohols ' Emul sifiers· Glyce rine Mineral Oils · Pro pylene Glyco l Silicones' Surfactanls ' Th ickeners (::ifi) (847) 689-2200 .~ -.- .--info@em,e_maH: o ,I E T H N C L I C I M 0 0 S 0 T E A y p L I L F.. nl,Hnuk ..,NJ ,U17 (201) $l1li-1)111 • (100) 172·7172 YOUR SOURCE FOR " UNIQUE SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS ~ FROM 5 CONTINENTS AND THE SEA 'Botanical ExtI'IdI& 8M.... '&olle Butte.. & 'Sell 111111, s..-.. & Sea Sctu~ ·Ad.... tng,"lonll &Mollwrtn.. "Vegellblo OUs - NItInI • OrganIc 'StabU-_""""'- 10 E A G L L C I 0 H E M Beaker's Boggle Oct 2009 Answers INTERNATIONAL SOURCING, INC . N I 0 L E V E C B E A U T Y S 0 0 A F L A E H A L 0 I I L S R A A T F E E L S K I N M T 0 I C L R E A N W M A Acne, Barrier, Bath, Bubble, Emulsion, Feel, Hair, Heal, Humectant, Irritant, Itch, lather, Lotion, Micelle, Moisturizer, 0 11, PABA, Pain, Pores, Razor, SKin, Soap, Sweat, Topical Amino Acids: Natural Solutions in the Science of Personal liM of arnirIo add-4ntved. lIUjacrtJIw, "'-rIanu and fiutt:rIonsl powrkr, for pmonoI CI1n prodw:#. f)jJC17m' I)IU /!!WII'M! o'I)INOMOTo. --- ~U, S""'.1no. r. : i/(Il ·m -3Hlll ' Fp: i/(Il ·348-5638 SCCoop November 2009 • Vol XLI · No. 8 5OO .... c a<ltm ~ D...... No.' h b,ooi<. IL 60062 T.I (84712\i1-MOO Fu: (e.712\i1. 1217 Web ""-.be1".com {1Bell SCHOENBERG Flavors & Frag rances TOM SCHOENBERG 815.514.0300 Con1act.: Jane Plnda, J"[email protected] Ka nil Engel , kttng el H:m y Tabel, ht [email protected] Ted Heinz , l heilll@bellfl,com KQOO T>1 [ OSILlfT® • & CISP[RSION SPEC IALIST ~OWO[R • Natu"llI OrfgIn Product:s _Dl>penlons Looking for a job? • StI1screen p\p IIE!i Its Looking for experienced high-quality employees? • KT24D PINu1e5cent PIriP'1E!i Its .1l'vetred PIriPI retlts a ~ • Mk:i ospI.err as Try the exceptional tensor effect of natural polyoses Bro ke n record s: I.nlo. effect • Immedla t. • Snort end long term ,nti.wrlnlo.Ie . etion • Film ForTners Don't forget to check current postings and submit your information to the Midwest see Website Careers section as well as the secoop newsletter! www.mjdwestscc,org It's easy, there is no fee, and all of our chapter members through -out the industry can view them. • 0elNvr"y SystemS www kobopl"oducts com T"I 908·757·00]) ,.. Mek.up holdlfl9 improYellMlfl t 5i1ab ~"",,--_ SLASr.o.._ .....iW.:.._ [OLabel I lnll~:;t~;~n':'uon W.,vw "orated! comlinlo In the Mid wesl Regio n: TH H il son Company 800.665 3087 DSM [email protected] The Perfect Blend p.'·~O",11 Laurichem, combines Jndustry expertise with fine ingredieflt:s to the cosmetic and personal care We're deda1ed 10 providing )'011 with enYlronme<1tatly Iriotndly ~ "-turely industry. Belter (ofmwtionl "an wim IGI Care, Hybrid Petroleum lS().Polymers .u"'-ctanb end $pKIeltle. for deti~ ~RiCHEM Ac:c:umelt Wues your personel care producb . 175 East Delaware Place, Suite 8609 Chicago, Il60611 P 312.335.1339 SCCoop November 2009 IGI care e USP Petroleum Panffin Wax Microcrystalline Wax The International Group 203·908-5774 e Vol XLI e No, 8 11 - Midwest Chapter 01 the Society 01 Cosmetic Chemists Sandy Tschantz, Newsletter Editor Lambent Technologies 3938 Porett Drive Gurnee, IL 60031 IO l ....... i<I"..~d s,u". 21 0 O un'VAR f • •rll.1d tij 0100' h i (911) 18Z·SS91 fa., (911) Ial'Sl1l ••• nting Dow Corning Sllicon.s Ou, "omp,.h.... ........ ,"""'., u • • " om .h* _ "d" ~" '''9 p.<><1uu,. Am~rch C~I _"olio . ... y o. iny , O<j'OIU .... lud ... . d, . .. " I . 1m," PI' 8ASF • CP K.. Cloda • Dow Corntn H3ya~hbJf3 • 'l " ORGANIC EXTRACTS Pwn. 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