Neighborhood Youth Corp Receives Insufficient Help From Labor Dept. By TIM WRIGHT The county Neighborhood 'oiith Corps (NYC) program 15 faced drastic budget cuts 7 problem is enough job slots to on Poverty" of the Johnson ad- But the director is unsiife a meeting later this month will take care of everyone who ministration, is conducted by what the attitude of the state provide some information. _• '. wants training.' Manpower Training Division the program. Miss Luksich remarked that a "communications gap" exists between local agencies and the federal' government. There are so many levels of officials between the local agency and the people who make the decisions that she often has no idea what government policy is. She indicated that she had few problems with field representatives, however. The NYC is composed of three components: in-school, out of school and summer enrollees. The director said, "We need a more realistic in-school program with more year-round program with more year-round job slots." With only 65 job slots open for in school enrolles, the agency has a waiting list of about 100. "Our biggest problem is 18 through 21 year olds who we TEL AVIV (AP) — An Israeli can not help as ordered by the rmy patrol M e d six Arab in- federal government." Financial Trouble Itrators from Syria Tuesday i|ht in a gumfight on fflie cccu- The NYC program was in Igd Golan Heights, tihe Israel financial trouble from the beiiitary command reported. Six Arabs •A spokesman said tiiere were 0 Israeli casualties. !The Israeli commend also anpuruced the capture recently of 5 Arab guerrillas who it said 'ere part of " a widespread Al jataih sabotage network" operteig .around Hebron, in occuied territory south of Jerasa- mA spokesman said tihe gueirilig are accused of commattiiag if acts of terrorism in fflie past 8 momfihs, including an attack n> Jerusalem with two Katyuha rodkets in December. A ouse was damaged in. the ataek fouit there were no oasual- es. • Ari vices to the agency. Miss Luk- will be to the project and what Youth sich said that the board has •will happen to the program uiir places for the trainees, accord- The Neighborhood ng to the director. "The basic Corp, part of the original "War more than done its share. der revenue sharing. She hoped gram had 135 job slots (positions for training). The entire county program in 1970 had only 85 job slots, according to . er since the beginning of Misf Elsa Luksich, director of merica's> war in Vietnam. The failure of the federal govrrunent to respond with either nancial help or with adminisative efficiency has been a umbling block for the local puth corps agency. •'The youth training program igan in .Ogdensburg in 1965 as purely municipal project with ^connection with any county rograms. The Ogdensburg pro- 9 OGDENSBURG JOURNAL, THU..FEB. I t , 1 9 7 1 : of the U.S. 'Department of Labor. Success of Program ' Of the 535 out of school en- According to • a New York ollees who have been accepted Times article, Jan. 23, mansince the program began, 12 power training funds of that deper cent have been retained by ment would be placed in the original agency that train- the revenue sharing proposal of ed them; -15 per cent have President Nixon. This youth found other jobs; 25 per cent program would, therefore, have have left the county to find to be continued by the state and better pobs; 12 percent have the county. been terminated because' of an Miss Luksich has said that income change; 11 per cent cooperation by county Board of terminated because of a refu- Supervisors with her agency sal to accept remedial educa- has been very good. The board tion or "goofing off;" 10 per has provided more than its cent terminated because of iE- share of funds with "in-kind ness or marriage; 10 per cent services" such as office space have returned to school or join- heating, • office equipment and ed the armed services; and 5 other office services. The counper cent have been terminated ty is required by law to offer because of violations of the law. at least 25 per cent of the fedA youth is accepted for the eral funding in matching serprogram only if his family's income meets a certain specification: $1800 fox a single perSHOWERS son and $600 for each additionNEW ARRIVALS! al .person. In other words, a IT'S the "PETITE BOUfamily of three with an income TIQUE" for that something level of $3000 would be elibible new and different! to 'have a child trained under this program. -The average ALEDA'S LITTLE ELSA LUKSICH family which has a young perFOLKE SHOPPE 1003 Ford St. ginning, In 1966, funds for a drop-outs are doing badly by son in this program has six similar project in Massena the 9th grade and no one take children 85 per cent of these Open 1:30-5:15 P.M. • vhich never got off the ground any notice of him until are on welfare. vere ordered returned to t h e drops out, if then." Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bush federal treasury and could not In-school trainees work usualcalled on her sister, Florence te used in the county program. ly in their own schools getting B. Dusharme, a patient in E. According to Miss' Luksich, ev- training such as maintenance J. Noble, Hospital, Gouver- ery time the government has or office work. neur, Sunday. Mrs. Dusharm funded the project, it has cut The youth corps pays its is still unconscious after an au- iway more job slots and in ef- trainees out of funds provided THE FOLLOWING BANKS Will Be Open Regular Hours ALL DAY FRIDAY AND WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY For Washington's Birthday Ogdensburg Savings & Loan Assoc Ogdensburg Trust Company St. Lawrence County National Bk. St. Lawrence County Savings Bank DeKalb Junction tomobile accident, Feb v 4. frfmb ect, ordered some young peo>le off the training program. by the government. Johnny Patton, grandson of The agency operates by placMrs. Claude Patton of Hermon, ing people up to the age of 18 •eturned home Sunday after n non-profit institutions to- gain spending 11 days in E. J. No- 'ork-training. School drop-outs ble Hospital, Canton. vork up to 30 hours a week; Mrs. Allan Bowering attended lowevef, most of them are the Presbytery of Northern jetting remedial education and ALL BANKS WILL OPEN TUESDAY AT REGULAR BANKING HOURS HOW TO Since its inception in 1966, the program has processed 2400 enrolles: 535 were out of school and 790 in school; the rest were summer trainees. Miss Luksich commented that 'The cooperation of the agencies we place these trainees with has been very good." j spokesman New York, at Canton, Satur- ire urged to go back to school, There is no problem in finding Egyptian aeatiiwihile brushed ofif a pro- day, with Irene Bristol and Guy 'he director iioted that one of ;he basic problems is a rigidicsal by Premier Golds Meir riffin of Heuvelton. ly in the school systems that lat Israel and Egypt agree to a Welcome Americans auitoal reduction of their armed Mr. and Mrs. James Carvel allow a youngster doing badly in school to drop out. "Most 3irces along the Suez Canal, and Bea Peters attended a lie spokesman in Cairo baled baby shower for Mrs. Clark from ae suggestion " a maneuver (Betty) Carvel, Tuesday eveAround the World limed at escaping the blame of ning. forld public opinion." Imported & Canadian The spokesman, Mataoud Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alguire Cheese lafez, termed Mrs. Meir's called on her sister, Mrs. Howtatemienit Tuesday a rejection ard (Remoth) Griffith at the To the Editor: Delicatessen Meats YOUTH MINISTRY *f Egyptian. President Anwar Highland Nursing Home, MasTHANKS PEOPLE Party Foods M a t ' s demand last week for a sena, Sunday. pujibackjof Israeli forcesThe -youth ministry of the 'capSr ": Jong p Neighbor Night was held at United -Methodist. Church and He gave'iio inddoaifaioin, howev- Kendrew Grange, Saturday eve- it. John's Catholic Church of ir, ttat Mrs. Meir's stand-would ning with Lisbon,' Madrid, Morrisfowri would- like to thank iause the Egyptian government Crary Mills and DeKalb Junc- all the people who made the 0 reconsider its agreement to tion Grange furnishing the pro- contemporary worship service stand the cease-fire along the gram. held on Feb. 9 such a success. for another 30 days. All comments received were Mrs. Allan Bowering attend- complimentary. ed services Sunday at the Presbyteian Church, Heuvelton and We would also like to thank was a dinner guest of Mr. and the congregations for their par7 King St. West ticipation in the service. It was Mrs. Ivan Breaky. Revere Hotel appreciated and hopefully anBrockville, Ont. other service of this type will Neighbor Night is set for New officers for the Morris- Feb. 20, at DeKalb Junction be held. own Fire Department Aucliary for the 1971-72 year are Grange 112 with Macomb, Ed:hief - Rosemary Lake; 1st as- wards, Gouverneur and Old Deistant - Jeann Wilson; 2nd as- Kalb Granges furnishing the sistant - Agnes Barse; Secre- program. ary - Beverly Newton; treasHermon DeKalb Central urer - Harriet Barley; assisBRIDGE CELEBRATION ant secretary and treasurer - School closes Feb. 11 for the AND INFLUENCE Foods DOR READERS On Sunday, February 14,1971 Publish Your Own "PERSON toPERSON" The Gourmet Court Auxiliary Eiects Mew Officers VALENTINE WISH WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY in the Personal Column In The Sunday Advance News Men Gibson; conductress - winter recess. ignes Barse; chaplain - Dora Barse; - financial secretary 5essie LeBlanc; historian. Beatrice Gardner; reporter oyce McCaffrey; cards a n d lowers - Bessie LeBlanc; trusee for three years - Ruth Jarse; trusteee for two years Beatrice Gardner; trustee f o r >ne year - Anna Soulia. Installng officer was' Beatrice Gardner. There were three tables in play for Pinochle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer' Elsey Wednesday eveniny. Lena Smith won ladies first prize, an's USE THIS NOVEL WAY TO EXPRESS YOUR LOVE! Prescott, Ontario See E x a m p l e Below James Carvel, first for the men,' Arthur Mclntosh, men's low and Pat Bacon, ladies' low The next card party, for the benefit of the DeKalb Development Center, will be WedA covered dish supper at the nesday -at 8:15 p.m. at the :ew fire hall preceded t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Elsey. istallation ceremonies. We Welcome American Neighbors MOTHER SWEETHEART WIFE It pays to shop at Cowan's, bring this ad buy a $5.00 order and receive 50c return bridge fare. MOTHER, you're very precious. DEAR SUE — Happy Valentine MARY—You are the staff of life Its natural to love you. Happy Day with all my love. Be mine to me. Be my Valentine. Love Valentines Day. Son John Doe always. Your Beau Bob. husband Tom. "Canadian Goodies" Fresh Cheese Curds V2 1b. 39c THIS WEEKEND sample our cheese before you buy! Mild, Medium, Old and two year old Canadian Cheddar, Farmers and Colby too, try some Finnish & Swedish Cheese. Please Phone Ahead For'Larger Orders Grade A Large Eggs 49c doz. 2Y2 dozen tray ... $1.19 Milk—Canadian size bags 3 qts. 87c Pkgs. of 8 — 3 for $1.00 Advertising Literature Letterheads MILK SHAKES only 19c All others reg. price of only 212 Greene St. Ogdensburg, N.Y. n. Valentine Wishes Classified Advertising Dept. The Ogdensburg Journal Isabella St., Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 Please use only One Word Per Space — 20 Words I I Washingon's Birthday Special I President's Size Commercial Printing Division 30c "A Whole Pound of Goodness" Free Estimates — Call 393-3111 Northern New York Publishing Co., Inc. I I I Butterscotch Color Printing • Cards • Tags Envelopes • word message. (5c for each additional word.) I I Fresh Honey and Cream Donuts Precision printing of all your firm's stationary aod business forces. We're fast, efficient and reliable. See our facilities. We'd be glad to serve you. Just print your message on the form below, Clip, and mail, enclosing $1.00 to cover cost of 20 BANANA SPLIT I I _ Enclosed is $ 1 . 0 0 t o cover cost of above t o b e published S u n d a y , F e b . 14, 1971 | ••
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