Instructions for businesses with a WET obligation Wine equalisation tax – how to complete your activity statement Other activity statement instructions are available for pay as you go instalments, pay as you go withholding, goods and services tax, fringe benefits tax and luxury car tax. Visit or phone 13 28 66 for more information. NAT 7390-05.2012 OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations. If you follow our information in this publication and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we must still apply the law correctly. If that means you owe us money, we must ask you to pay it but we will not charge you a penalty. Also, if you acted reasonably and in good faith we will not charge you interest. If you make an honest mistake in trying to follow our information in this publication and you owe us money as a result, we will not charge you a penalty. However, we will ask you to pay the money, and we may also charge you interest. If correcting the mistake means we owe you money, we will pay it to you. We will also pay you any interest you are entitled to. If you feel that this publication does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, you can seek further assistance from us. We regularly revise our publications to take account of any changes to the law, so make sure that you have the latest information. If you are unsure, you can check for more recent information on our website at or contact us. MORE INFORMATION For more information about wine equalisation tax (WET): n visit our website at n phone us on 1300 137 290 n fax us on 1300 130 916 n email us at [email protected] For more information on completing your activity statement: n visit our website at n phone us on 13 28 66. If you do not speak English well and need help from us, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, phone us through the National Relay Service (NRS) on the numbers listed below: n TTY users, phone 13 36 77 and ask for the ATO number you need n Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users, phone 1300 555 727 and ask for the ATO number you need n internet relay users, connect to the NRS on and ask for the ATO number you need. This publication was current at May 2012. © AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2012 You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products). PUBLISHED BY Australian Taxation Office Canberra May 2012 JS 23699 INTRODUCTION Wine equalisation tax (WET) is a value-based tax which generally applies on the last wholesale sale of wine, usually between the wholesaler and the retailer. If you make wine or import wine for consumption in Australia, or if you sell it wholesale, you normally have to pay WET. WET applies at 29% of the value of the wine at the last wholesale sale, before adding goods and services tax (GST). For the purposes of WET, wine includes: n grape wine, including sparkling wine and fortified wine n grape wine products such as marsala and vermouth n other fruit and vegetable wines, including fortified fruit and vegetable wines n cider and perry n mead and sake. Self-assessment for indirect taxes commenced on 1 July 2012. When you lodge an activity statement for tax periods that commence on or after that date, you will still need to include the amounts of indirect tax payable and any credits that make up your net amount. The Commissioner is taken to have made an assessment based on that net amount on the day you lodge the activity statement. Your activity statement is treated as being a notice of assessment signed by the Commissioner and issued on the day it is given to us. For more information about self-assessment, visit our website at – ‘More’ – then select ‘Rulings and law’ – then select ‘Introduction of selfassessment for indirect tax laws-an overview’. If you report and pay GST using a pre-printed instalment amount (option 3 on the activity statement), don’t complete the WET section of your activity statement because we have included your WET in this amount. You will still need to report WET payable (1C) and WET refundable (1D) when lodging your Annual GST return. This is due at the same time as your income tax return. If you report and pay GST annually, you don’t have to report WET on monthly or quarterly activity statements. You will need to report WET on your Annual GST return. WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT 1 YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT This is a sample quarterly activity statement. Your activity statement will contain all of your reporting requirements and may not look exactly like this sample. SAMPLE: Business activity statement – front This bar code is used by our electronic scanners to identify your activity statement. Office use only 41950110 Business activity statement Michael Jones Pty Ltd 123 Lower Mountains Road MT PLEASANT NSW 2222 This is the reporting period that the activity statement covers. It’s usually a month or a quarter. The document ID is a unique identifier for each activity statement you receive. These are important dates. They indicate when you have to lodge your activity statement and when you have to make a payment. C January to March 2010 When completing this form: ■ print clearly using a black pen ■ show whole dollars only (do not show cents) ■ if reporting a zero amount, print ‘0’ (do not use NIL) ■ leave boxes blank if not applicable (do not use N/A, NIL) ■ do not use symbols such as +, –, /, $. 12 123 123 123 ABN 97 999 999 999 Form due on 28 April 2010 Payment due on 28 April 2010 GST accounting method Contact person who completed the form G21 $ 1905 OR Option 1: Calculate GST and report quarterly Total sales G1 Does the amount shown at G1 include GST? (indicate with X) $ Export sales G2 $ , , .00 Other GST-free sales G3 , Yes , .00 No $ , , .00 Capital purchases G10 $ , , .00 Non-capital purchases G11 $ , , .00 Report GST on sales at 1A and GST on purchases at 1B in the Summary section over the page and then complete the other sections OR Option 2: Calculate GST quarterly and report annually Total sales G1 Does the amount shown at G1 include GST? (indicate with X) $ , Yes , .00 No Report GST on sales at 1A and GST on purchases at 1B in the Summary section over the page and then complete the other sections NAT 4195-01.2010 Cash Option 3: Pay GST instalment amount quarterly Complete Option 1 OR 2 OR 3 (indicate one choice with an X) Your Australian business number (ABN). This is the method (cash or non-cash) you’ve chosen to report GST if you’re registered. Contact phone number Goods and services tax (GST) For the QUARTER from 1 Jan 2009 to 31 Mar 2010 Document ID Write this amount at 1A in the Summary section over the page (leave 1B blank) OR if varying this amount, complete G22, G23, G24 Estimated net GST for the year Varied amount for the quarter G22 $ , , .00 G23 $ , , .00 These are your contact details. We use this information to contact you if there is a problem with your activity statement. Write the G23 amount at 1A in the Summary section over the page and then complete the other sections (leave 1B blank) Reason code for variation G24 PAYG tax withheld Total salary, wages and other payments W1 $ , , .00 Amount withheld from payments shown at W1 W2 $ , , .00 Amount withheld where no ABN is quoted W4 $ , , .00 Other amounts withheld (excluding any amount shown at W2 or W4) W3 $ , , .00 Total amounts withheld (W2 + W4 + W3) W5 $ , , .00 Write the W5 amount at 4 in the Summary section over the page and then complete the other sections [JS 15209] Methods of payment BPAY: contact your financial institution to make this payment from your cheque or savings account. Quote biller code 75556 and your EFT code (shown on the front of the payment slip) as the customer reference number. Direct credit: you can electronically transfer funds to the Tax Office’s direct credit bank account using online banking facilities. Use BSB 093 003, Account number 316 385 and your EFT code. Phone 1800 815 886 for assistance if required. Direct debit: have your payment deducted from your financial institution account (not credit cards). Phone 1800 802 308 for a direct debit request form and/or details. n4195-01-2010_with type.indd 1 Mail payments: mail the payment slip together with your cheque or money order using the envelope provided. Please do not use pins or staples. Do not send cash. See below for cheque information. Post office: payments can be made at any post office by cash, cheque or EFTPOS (where available and subject to daily limits). A $3,000 limit applies to cash payments. Your payment slip must be presented with your payment. Cheques/money orders should be for amounts in Australian dollars and payable to ‘Deputy Commissioner of Taxation’. Cheques should be crossed ‘Not Negotiable’. Payments cannot be made by credit card, or in person at any Tax Office branch or shopfront. 7/22/10 8:59 AM To make sure we scan your activity statement correctly: a black pen nleave boxes blank if they don’t apply to you, unless we ask you to write ‘0’ (do not write N/A) nrecord whole dollars only – leave off the cents nif reporting a zero amount write ‘0’ (do not write NIL) ndo not use symbols such as +, -, /, $ ndo not write any additional information on your activity statement – contact us if your details have changed. nuse 2 WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT SAMPLE: Business activity statement – back Summary PAYG income tax instalment If you are using GST Option 3 leave 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F blank Amounts you owe the Tax Office Only complete Option 1 OR 2 (indicate one choice with X) GST on sales or GST instalment 1A $ , , .00 Wine equalisation tax 1C $ , , .00 1E $ , , .00 4 $ , , .00 PAYG income tax instalment 5A $ , , .00 FBT instalment 6A $ , , .00 Deferred company/fund instalment 7 $ , , .00 1A +1C + 1E + 4 + 5A + 6A + 7 8A $ , , .00 Option 1: Pay a PAYG instalment amount quarterly T7 $ Luxury car tax Write the T7 amount at 5A in the Summary section OR if varying this amount, complete T8, T9, T4 PAYG tax withheld Estimated tax for the year T8 $ , , .00 Varied amount for the quarter T9 $ , , .00 Write the T9 amount at 5A in the Summary section Reason code for variation T4 OR Amounts the Tax Office owes you Option 2: Calculate PAYG instalment using income times rate PAYG instalment income T1 $ , T2 % OR New varied rate T3 . T1 x T2 (or x T3) T11 $ , GST on purchases 1B $ , , .00 Wine equalisation tax refundable 1D $ , , .00 1F $ , , .00 Credit from PAYG income tax instalment variation 5B $ , , .00 Credit from FBT instalment variation 6B $ , , .00 1B + 1D +1F + 5B + 6B 8B $ , , .00 .00 , Luxury car tax refundable % .00 , Write the T11 amount at 5A in the Summary section Reason code for variation T4 This is the section where you summarise your reporting obligations and calculate whether you are due a refund or you need to pay. A close up of this section is shown on the following page. Payment or refund? Fringe benefits tax (FBT) instalment Is 8A more than 8B? (indicate with X) F1 $ Write the F1 amount at 6A in the Summary section OR if varying this amount, complete F2, F3, F4 Estimated FBT for the year F2 $ , , .00 Varied amount for the quarter F3 $ , , .00 Write the F3 amount at 6A in the Summary section This is where you sign and date your activity statement. Reason code for variation Yes, then write the result of 8A minus 8B at 9. This amount is payable to the Tax Office. No, then write the result of 8B minus 8A at 9. This amount is refundable to you (or offset against any other tax debt you have). Your payment or refund amount 9 $ .00 , , Do not use symbols such as +, –, /, $ F4 Declaration I declare that the information given on this form is true and correct, and that I am authorised to make this declaration. The tax invoice requirements have been met. Signature Date / / Return this completed form to Australian Taxation Office Locked Bag 1793 PENRITH NSW 1793 HRS MINS Estimate the time taken to complete this form. Include the time taken to collect any information. Activity statement instructions are available from or can be ordered by phoning 13 28 66. The Tax Office is authorised by the tax laws to collect this information to administer those laws and may pass information to other government agencies. More information about privacy and access to your tax information is available from This is the payment advice that you use when making a payment. PAYMENT ADVICE - 60 0000 0156 03 Michael Jones Pty Ltd 97 999 999 999 Australian Taxation Office Locked Bag 1793 PENRITH NSW 1793 97999 999 999 9999 n4195-01-2010_with type.indd 2 7/22/10 8:59 AM If you have a WET, luxury car tax (LCT), or fringe benefits tax (FBT) obligation, all three boxes will appear on your activity statement. Ignore the boxes that don’t relate to your activities. WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT 3 WET LABELS ON YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT TABLE 1 Assessable Calculation method Amount of WET payable Wholesale sale of wine n Sale $ Retail sale of grape wine (including cellar door sales) n Half retail price method, or n average wholesale price method $ Retail sale of wine that is not grape wine n Half $ Own use connected with retail sale of grape wine n Half retail price method, or n average wholesale price method $ Own use connected with retail sale of wine that is not grape wine n Half $ Wine producer rebate overclaimed n In dealing LABEL 1C – WINE EQUALISATION TAX Include at 1C all the WET that you are liable to pay in the current reporting period. price of wine (excluding WET and GST) x 29% retail price method retail price method must be used the final activity $ statement for the financial year, subtract the amount of wine producer rebate you’re entitled to claim for the year from the amount you’ve claimed for the year. Total wine equalisation tax payable (copy to 1C on your activity statement) $ Table 1 lists the most common transactions or assessable dealings on which WET is payable. Use the table to work out the type of dealing you have made and which calculation method to use. Some of the terms used in the table are explained on page 5. Write the total amount payable at 1C on your activity statement. If you have no WET to report, write ‘0’ at 1C. 4 WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT DEFINITIONS Assessable dealings Transactions that attract WET are known as ‘assessable dealings’. For the dealing to be assessable, the dealing must be registered or required to be registered for GST. Wholesale sale A wholesale sale is a sale to an entity that buys the wine to resell it. Half retail price method LABEL 1D – WINE EQUALISATION TAX REFUNDABLE Include at 1D the amount of WET refundable. Table 2 lists the most common reasons for refunds. Use it to calculate your total refund and write this amount at 1D on your activity statement. If you have nothing to report, write ‘0’ at 1D. TABLE 2 Grounds for WET credit Amount of WET refundable You paid WET twice $ You forgot to quote your ABN when you purchased wine $ You sold wine (on which WET had been paid) to someone who quoted an ABN and you excluded the WET from the selling price $ You exported wine GST-free and the WET you paid on the wine was excluded from the selling price $ You sold wine (on which WET had been paid) to an eligible traveller, followed export rules, and you excluded the WET from the selling price $ You wrote off bad debts that included WET you’d paid $ You’re entitled to the wine producer rebate $ Total wine equalisation tax refundable for credits and rebate (copy to 1D on your activity statement) $ The half retail price method uses the following calculation: (50% of the retail price including WET and GST) × 29% Average wholesale price method You can only use this method if, in the relevant tax period, at least 10% by value of your sales of grape wine are wholesale sales that are both: n the same vintage as the grape wine to which the dealing relates n produced from the same types, varieties or blends of grapes as the grape wine to which the dealing relates. You work out the average wholesale price using the weighted average of the prices (excluding WET and GST) for wholesale sales of grape wine that fall into the above category for the tax period. Using the average wholesale price method, you calculate: the average wholesale price × 29% Own use Own use includes any of the following: n consuming the wine n giving wine away, for example, a winery supplying free tastings of its wine or a promotional giveaway n transferring ownership of wine under a contract that is not a contract for the sale of wine. Wine producer rebate The producer rebate scheme entitles wine producers to a rebate of 29% of the wholesale value of eligible domestic sales. To be eligible for the producer rebate, you must be the producer of that wine. This means you manufacture the wine from grapes, other fruit, vegetables or honey you produce or purchase, or provide the grapes, other fruit, vegetables or honey to a contract winemaker to be made into wine on your behalf. Any rebate you receive is assessable income for income tax purposes, so you must declare it in your tax return. WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT You must enter an amount at labels 1C and 1D on your activity statement: nenter actual amounts, even if your liability and refund are the same nenter zero if you have nothing to report. 5 LODGING AND PAYING CORRECTING MISTAKES You can correct a mistake by striking it out in black pen. Write the new information as close as possible to the boxes for the label. Do not use correction tape or fluid – this causes problems with scanning which will delay the processing of your activity statement. If you realise your mistake after lodging your activity statement, you usually need to lodge a revised activity statement. Phone us on 13 28 66 for a revised activity statement. Revised activity statements are also available from the business portal, if you are a registered user. The due date for lodging and paying is pre-printed at the top right hand corner of your activity statement. You can lodge and pay electronically, by mail or in person, but you need to do it on time to avoid interest and penalties. Even if you have no amounts to report for the period or are having difficulty paying, make sure you send us your activity statement on time. YOUR MAILING ADDRESS To ensure you receive your mail in a timely manner your address details must be correct. To update your address for receiving activity statements, you can phone us on 13 28 66 or log on to the business portal if you are a registered user. To register for the business portal or for more information visit or phone us on 1300 139 051. HOW TO LODGE Online You can lodge electronically using one of the following: nthe business portal nelectronic commerce interface (ECI) over the internet nyour registered tax agent or BAS agent. For more information on electronic lodgment, visit or phone us on 1300 139 051. By mail Mail your original, completed activity statement with your cheque in the pre-addressed envelope provided. If you misplace the envelope, you can send your activity statement to: VIC, TAS, WA, SA, NT NSW, QLD, ACT Australian Taxation Office Australian Taxation Office Locked Bag 1936 Locked Bag 1793 ALBURY NSW 1936 PENRITH NSW 1793 6 WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT LODGING AND PAYING By direct debit It’s important that you send your original activity statement, not a copy or a version generated from a commercial software package. If you use a commercial package, make sure you copy the information onto your original statement. HOW TO PAY You will need to complete a direct debit request to have your payment electronically deducted from your nominated bank account. If you make a payment at Australia Post, or you pay electronically, you still need to send your completed activity statement to us either by mail or electronically unless we advise you otherwise on the form. We do not accept credit card payments. By mail You can send a cheque using the pre-addressed envelope provided. If you have lodged your activity statement electronically, include the original payment advice slip with your cheque. Make cheques payable to the ‘Deputy Commissioner of Taxation’ and cross them ‘Not negotiable’. Don’t attach your cheque with pins or staples and don’t send cash. At Australia Post You can pay in person at Australia Post outlets using your original payment advice slip. You can pay with cash (a $3,000 limit applies), money order or cheque. EFTPOS is available at most Australia Post outlets for savings and cheque accounts. To order additional or replacement payment slips, phone us on 13 72 26. By direct credit For more information about paying by direct credit or BPAY: nphone us on 1800 815 886 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, or nemail us at [email protected] For more information about BPAY, contact your financial institution. For more information about direct debit: nphone us on 1800 802 308 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, or nemail us at [email protected] WHAT IF YOU CAN’T LODGE AND PAY ON TIME? You need to phone us on 13 28 66 to check if alternative arrangements can be made. Even if you can’t pay on time, you must still lodge your activity statement by the due date. The general interest charge will apply to any amount not paid by the due date. A penalty may also apply if you fail to lodge on time. You can electronically transfer funds to our direct credit bank account using online banking facilities. Use BSB 093 003, account number 316 385 and quote the EFT code from the payment slip in the lodgment reference field. By BPAY® You can use your financial institution’s BPAY facility to pay by phone or over the internet. Use Biller code 75556. The BPAY reference number is the EFT code on your activity statement. WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT 7 EXPECTING A REFUND? Generally, if you have an Australian business number (ABN), we can only pay refunds directly into your nominated financial institution account, so it’s essential that we have your correct account and branch (BSB) numbers. Your nominated account must be at a branch of the institution in Australia. To change your financial institution account details, phone us on 13 28 66. You need to provide proof of identity. We will ask for your tax file number, ABN or name and specific identifiers (for example, information from a previously generated tax notice). If you don’t have an ABN, we will pay your refund by cheque. If you haven’t lodged a previous activity statement or if you have provided incorrect bank details, we may not issue a refund. We may offset a refund against a tax debt and/or any other Australian Government debt, for example a Child Support Agency debt. CAN YOU MAKE A VOLUNTARY PAYMENT? You can make a voluntary payment, but you can’t make voluntary payments on your activity statement. If you have an electronic funds transfer (EFT) code, you can make a voluntary payment by BPAY or by direct credit. If you don’t have an EFT code, phone us on 1800 815 886 for help. CHECKLIST Have you: completed labels 1C and 1D (even if they are zero)? checked your calculations? copied amounts correctly on to your activity statement? You may need to: n complete any other sections that apply to you and copy the totals to the summary section n calculate whether you must make a payment or if you’re entitled to a refund ncomplete the payment or refund details ncontact us to update your address (see ‘Your mailing address’ on page 6) You must: nsign and date your activity statement nlodge your original activity statement (not a copy) by the due date npay any amounts you owe by the due date. Alternatively, you can mail your payment to: VIC, TAS, WA, SA, NT NSW, QLD, ACT Australian Taxation Office Australian Taxation Office Locked Bag 1936 Locked Bag 1793 ALBURY NSW 1936 PENRITH NSW 1793 It’s very important that you include the following information with your voluntary payment: n payment type, for example WET payment n your ABN or tax file number n your full name and address (as shown on the front of your activity statement) n a contact phone number, including the area code. 8 WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT KEEPING COPIES OF YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT You should keep a copy of your activity statement and the records you used to prepare it for five years after they are prepared, obtained or the transactions completed (whichever is later), in writing and in English. Information stored on magnetic tape or computer disk is not in a written form. These records must be in a form that is readily accessible and easily converted into English. If you don’t have access to a photocopier, you can download a copy of the activity statement from and record the information from your original activity statement onto this copy and file it for your records. WINE EQUALISATION TAX – HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ACTIVITY STATEMENT 9
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