Vol. 41, No. 18 Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper Sydney, Monday, May 3, 1937 How to Help or Hinder a Revival ILT Thou not revive us again: that W Thy people may rejoice in Thee?" Ps. 85 : 6. "0 Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy." Hab. 3 : 2. From these passages we conclude that God is anxious to revive His work. There are many other references which go to show the willingness and ability of God to save. May we not ask, then, why do we not see greater manifestations in the work of soul saving ? There can be but one answer — HINDRANCES. We will reverse the order and consider hindrances first, for if we can get these out of the way, something is sure to follow. What are some hindrances to a revival ? There are many, but we will give but three. I. Prejudice. II. Unconfessed sin. III. Bondage. I. PREJUDICE What is prejudice ? Divide the word and you have it — pre-judging. Many people are prejudiced and do not know it. You may be prejudiced and not be aware of it. Yea, you may be prejudiced to your own hurt; and this is a hindrance to God in His workings. A broad-minded man may become prejudiced, but upon investigation changes his attitude. It is the little, narrow man who retains a biased feeling. Sad to say, there are many of them. Without saying a word, one can sit back and send ' .13. mental waves of hate, or good will. affects not only individuals, but also e congregations. You may be prejudiced against the speaker. You have heard or read something, and gotten an impression that will make it hard for him to help you. You may he prejudiced against the singer, or the song book used; you may be prejudiced against the method of work, or carrying on the meeting. You hear another pray or speak, against whom you are prejudiced, and immediately you cease to fellowship and co-operate; hence you bring about a jar, a coldness, and thus instead of being a blessing and help yourself, you are a hindrance in the meeting. There are multitudes of good people in this position. Is there any wonder that it is sometimes days and weeks before the "break" comes ? It was when the disciples were with "one accord" that the Holy Ghost fell upon 0r them. It seemed to require at least ten days. We can hasten or hinder the outpouring of the Spirit. Prejudice is like a flaw in a window pane; a ray of sunlight may travel 97,000,000 miles in a straight direction, but when it reaches that little flaw, it is diverted and falls obliquely upon the floor. In like manner, the truth of God may have travelled from the eternal throne of God and passed down through the preacher's mind and heart; but when it reaches a prejudiced mind it is diverted and hardens rather than softens. It is an awful thing to have a biased or prejudiced mind. You cannot afford to hinder yourself, or others. Better for you had you been born a heathen, than to be held responsible for hindering others. II. UNCONFESSED SIN Now we come to another hindrance, more serious than that of prejudice. We read, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." Prov. 28 : 13. A person who comes into a gospel meeting with unconfessed sin in his past life will be like a 200-pound cake of ice in a baby's crib — the baby is bound to be affected thereby. He is like a water-soaked log which will not burn itself, nor let others burn and produce heat. He may pretend to be all right; he may assent to the truth; yea, he may take active part in the meeting, but if there is crookedness, or deception, in his past life he will be a hindrance, rather than a help. We were in a great camp meeting in Michigan. Five days had passed without a break. We became desperate and preached on confession and restitution. A minister's wife sat beside her husband in the audience, and when the truth of God began to come like hailstones, she became uneasy, trying to find a place to hide. But she was overtaken by conviction and succeeded in getting her husband to retire to their tent, where she made the confession of her life. She told him that she had at various times felt she ought to confess, but upon feeling a little relief of conscience, concluded this was sufficient, and later doubted the importance of making an open confession. This is a trick of the devil. Remember, nothing is made right until it is made right ! It is not enough while in a meeting, or on a sick bed, to promis-e yourself that you will make certain things right; and then, as time passes and you feel less compunction of heart, conclude that after all, perhaps it is not necessary to make a detailed confession. Right here is where Satan has gained many a victory. And right here is where many a person has gone insane. He trifled with convictions and backed down from light until he got into despair. Then reason toppled and he went mad. Do not blame this on religion. The grace of God causes no one to go mad. It is for the want of grace that many lose their minds. This woman's confession was about as follows: "Husband, I do not know what you will think of me. Years ago when I was a young girl, another lady and I kept a millinery store. We did well and made money until the panic came, when we began to run behind and saw that we were going into bankruptcy. We had a nice stock of goods, but could not dispose of them. We had them insured and one dark night with my own wicked hand (after many attempts to resist temptation), I finally yielded and struck the match that did the work, then hastily left the small building. In just a little while the place was in flames and, notwithstanding all the efforts put forth on the part of the townsmen, everything went up in smoke. But the fire did not stop there, for the wind arose and two entire blocks were burned, thousands of dollars being involved. The people were very sorry for the two girls, and the insurance company came forward without a word and paid what our policy called for. That was years ago and I have been a most guilty wretch ever since. I frequently tried to make myself believe (when overpowered by the Spirit) that all was well, but every time I hear red-hot truth I get uneasy. This is my - confession, and a great load has rolled off my mind and heart." It is needless to say that this one confession, though not made in public, brought so much of the presence and power of God upon that camp ground that other awful confessions were made. Backsliders, hypocrites, and unconverted church members quickly came forward in great numbers. Yes, unconfessed sin will hinder a revival. Not only unconfessed sins, but unconfessed faults, may hinder a revival. James says, ''Confess your faults one to another that ye may be healed," in soul, mind, or body. There is much in this. We have 2 known many cases where a humble confession of faults brought both healing and salvation. Faults in themselves may not be sinful, but when purposely covered up and defended, they may lead to sin. We are satisfied that many unsaved children would be brought to Christ if one, or both, parJuts could only humble themselves and confess. For instance: confess your harshness, your scolding around the home, your being overbearing and overexacting, your lack of tears and tenderness when you are reproving. We knew a preacher who gave his boy an awful beating because he smoked cigarettes. The boy left home and for many years has not been heard from. Had the father done some weeping back there, perhaps he and his wife would not be heartbroken now. III. BONDAGE A spirit of bondage will hinder the operation of the Holy Spirit. Many times when a meeting is about to close, we hear a timid soul pray through and finally leap to his feet declaring, "I will not be in bondage any longer." For days he was in bondage to another church leader, or his neighbour, or some relative, but at last he flings the,opinion of others to the winds and declares his freedom in God. Now, it was too bad that he did not get free in the beginning of the revival and thus many others would have been saved or helped by his example. If God wants you to give expression by an uplifted hand, or "Amen," the announcing of a hymn, or in any other way, do not quench the Spirit. "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Rom. 8 : 15. These are some ways of hindering a revival, or camp meeting. Now we wish to notice a few helps, and will take three to offset the three hindrances : I. Co-operation, II. Self-sacrifice. III. Prevailing prayer. I. CO-OPERATION What is co-operation ? It is simply everybody at it and always at it. If you think the evangelist has brought a revival in his suitcase, and as soon as he opens it, the revival will fly all over the community, you are sadly mistaken. Every one has a part and lot in this matter, and you can help in various ways. For instance: You can use a telephone, write post cards, hand out announcements, talk on the street, at the post office and everywhere you go — you can agitate the subject of the meeting. Little things make big things. The Brooklyn suspension bridge started with one tiny wire, then others, and then wire cables, and finally the great mechanical structure was completed; and now millions of tons pass over it every twenty-four hours. We read, "Not by might, nor by power," (margin, not by might nor by armies,) "but by My Spirit, said the Lord." Every one can speak to his neighbour and perhaps pray with him, loan a good book, give out some tracts, or secure subscriptions for a helpful paper, and thus start the leaven working in his community. Do not say you cannot do it! Susanna Wesley, the mother of nineteen children, felt irrepressible longings and requested her husband that she might start mid- AUSTRALASIAN RECORD week prayer meetings for the ladies. He reluctantly consented. The attendance increased until the house did not hold them. He remonstrated that she was getting out of her place, but later felt rebuked and gave his consent; and a great work for God broke out. Yes, you can help by cooperation to bring a gracious revival. II. SELF-SACRIFICE There is something beautiful about selfsacrifice. It pleases God and almost compels His recognition and assistance. One reason the old-time Methodists had such great revivals was that they counted it a privilege to walk ten or fifteen miles, sleep on the floor, and share their last crust of bread to help entertain others. Where is God working nowadays ? Not in big churches, but in mission halls, tent and camp meetings, and mission fields where there is a lot of self-sacrifice and selfdenial being practised; and you can help along this line ! Use that motor car to bring in two or three loads; that horse and buggy, or bob-sled; go out in the highways and byways and bring in the maimed, the halt, the blind! Write to some of your friends or relatives to come and make you a visit, and thus get them under the influence of the meeting; bring your hire ' help along with you to the meeting! Do not say, "It will cost too much to entertain, or take the man out of the field. Wife is nervous and we cannot have a crowd around us." I tell you it will cost you more not to do something! The majority of the people, yes, good people, are everlastingly taking in, but never giving out. They have sponge religion. They can sing, pray, or shout, but cannot fast, give liberally, or wrestle in secret prayer until something happens. Now, brother, if you would be a blessing to others, forget ease and fleshly desires and see what God will do. He can humble and bring down your loved ones who are proud and self-willed, but it may mean midnight praying on your part. What of it ! Would you not rather lose a little sleep, or a few pounds of flesh, and see a revival, than drift along like others and finally weep bitter tears over the downfall or damnation of those who might have been saved had you laid yourself out full length for God ? III. PREVAILING PRAYER Singing may be good, preaching may be fair, but nothing will make a meeting go, like prevailing prayer. A half-dozen prayers are worth more than a score of payers. Somebody had to prevail with Gan for your soul and for mine, and now in return we must prevail for others. John Wesley made a startling but true statement when he said, "Jesus Christ is not now interceding for a lost world, but rather for His saints, and He has left the intercession for men to His saints." If this be true — and we believe it is — what tremendous responsibility is upon us. The salvation of a lost world, simply for our asking, for our interceding, for our refusing to be satisfied with anything else ! This is no place for dry eyes, or making a show in the flesh. If we would see a revival, it will take all that is in us. We cannot bring it about ourselves, but we can beseech the God of all grace to pour upon the community a mighty awakening. The following is a remarkable case of 3/5 37 prevailing prayer: A man who had an only son had taught this bay to drink, gamble, and visit vile places. At the age of fortyfive the father was wonderfully converted, but now the boy had grown to manhood and was a profligate. The father deeply regretted his example and pleaded with the son to reform, but to no avail. Again and again he tried to persuade him to attend the house of God, but the billiard hall and theatre had more attraction. At last the father became desperate and told his wife to leave an empty chair at the head of the table every supper-time, as a testimony to his son that he was fasting and praying for his salvation. At first when the young man was apprised of it, he laughed, declaring, " will get tired of that; this will giv more to eat," and other light remarks. empty chair continued to testify, not for one week only, but two weeks, and three weeks. The son began to show signs of seriousness. Between conversation, when everything was quiet, the voice of the father could be heard in an undertone, pleading for the salvation of the boy. Finally the fasting started into the fourth week, and the boy declared to himself, "If this does not stop, I must either get saved or leave home." The fifth week began and the father was not at the table, whereupon hearing the voice of his father pleading and weeping, the son suddenly pushed. his chair from the table! The mother was a little alarmed lest he was angry and planned to go down town and drown his conviction. But instead, up the stairs he went, taking two or three steps at a leap, and throwing himself upon the carpet said, "Father, I know now that you love my soul more than something good to eat, and I must have this same salvation." Yes, if you prevail with God, it may mean fasting, sleepless nights, and many tears, but it is a good investment. 0 Lord, "wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee ?" Who then is willing to pray, "Lord, revive Thy work, and let it begin in my heart and my home !" "Revive Thy work, 0 Lord, Thy mighty arm make bare; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead And makes the people hear. "Revive Thy work, revive Thy work, And send refreshing showers ; The glory shall be all Thine own, The blessing shall be ours." E. & J. SHELHAMEMMI Advent Radio Church 213E, SYDNEY Subjects for Sunday Afternoon Sessions, 5.15 to 6 p.m. May 2: "The Unpardonable Sin; What Is It ? Who are Committing It ?" May 9: "A Great World-Wide Famine Coming; Are You Preparing for It?" May 16: ''What is the Cause of the Great Crime Wave Sweeping the Earth ?" May 23 : "Is the Story of the Flood True? Have We any Scientific Evidence of the Great Deluge ?" May 30 : "Evidence from the Tombs of the Pharaohs of the Truthfulness of God's Word." 3/5/37 Opening Exercises, Batuna, Solomon Islands Twenty-nine girl students and fifty-six boys, with the many others living at Batuna, gathered in the Batuna church on 'evening of March 14 to open the na Training School for 1937. fter the opening hymn Pastor Broad asked God's blessing on the school and those in charge. Brother A. W. Martin then welcomed the students back to school, speaking to them in tribes. The Marovo students were asked to stand, and they were reminded of the missionaries who have left their shores and gone to other lands; they were to follow in their steps. They sat down, and next the Choiseul students stood, then those from Ranonga, Dovele, Rendova, Malaita, Guadalcanar, Ysabel, and Duke followed, each receiving a welcome and admonition. Then a word to all was spoken, and attention was directed to our Master, for -we are to serve as He served. "Will Your Heart Ring True ?" was sung by sixteen boys and girls. The subject for the night was "Kinds of Men Wanted in the Mission Field." The first speaker, Mrs. Broad, told us that missionary teachers are wanted, and that when the teacher has conducted worship and school, his work is not finished; he has to go out among the people and do missionary work. The teacher's wife should expect to have to sit down beside dirty old women and make friends with them, and help them with their work and sewing. "Obedient Men" was the topic on which I was asked to speak. Through obedience to Him, God gives us opportunity to develop character. This was illustrated by two stories where boys proved themselves obedient and faithful, in spite of threats and pain. A duet and chorus entitled "To Do His Will," was next rendered by the natives. Pastor Barrett talked to us about "Particular Men." The story of Booker T. Washington, telling how particular he was when asked to sweep and clean a room, given as an illustration. Christ is our t example in tidiness. God is parlar, and He wants us to do all things decently and in order. "Single Men and Married Men," was the subject dealt with by Pastor Rangoso. He briefly told of David Livingstone, how he went out as a single man and later worked as a married man, and after his wife had returned to England, how he worked on alone till his death. God needs single men in His work to climb the hills, to be hunters for Him. He needs married men also to fill other places. He needs girls, and wives who are willing to go wherever their husbands are sent. Brother Martin next told us of the kind of teachers who are needed. The best way is to teach as Jesus did by using common illustrations so that the people can understand, and so the Scriptures are made plain. One illustration given was this: A little * AUSTRALASIAN RECORD boy who could not understand where his sins went when forgiven, was asked by his mother to clean his slate. The mother asked, "Where has the writing gone ?" "Oh, it's just gone," was the reply, "That's just like our sins," said the mother," and the boy understood. "The Urgency of the Call," by Pastor Broad, was our last talk. We were told of the many calls coming from Malaita, Guadalcanar, Choiseul, Ysabel, Rennell Island, and others. Some islands are still unentered. Who will go ? Ngatonga's words before the boat left Rennell the last time were, "Come back quickly. I will pray and you pray, and come back quickly." Time is short, soon Jesus will come. Satan is working hard to hinder, but God has said that "He will finish the work," and "a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." We must answer the calls quickly and help finish the work in the earth. "It Pays to Serve Jesus," was sung as a duet by the white teachers, and after the congregational hymn, "Hark! The voice of Jesus calling, who will go and work today?" the meeting was closed with prayer. EVELYN R. TOTENHOFER. Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Itinerating in Central New Guinea—Part I Immense ! The great island of New Guinea is truly so, in two dimensions, both in area, and in the height of its great piles of mountains. It is larger than New South Wales, which State contains Australia's highest mountain, having an altitude of 7,000 feet. By way of contrast, make a mental picture of mighty mountain chains thrown all over New South Wales, some with peaks towering to twice the height of Mount Kosciusko ! Even famous Mt. Cook of New Zealand falls 2,000 feet short of these. One such peak can be seen from the vicinity of our Ramu mission station. And what a beautiful object it is ! Were New Guinea in a latitude two thousand miles farther south, it would be a land of snow-covered mountains, almost twenty Switzerlands rolled into one, and with higher mountains. As it is, Dutch New Guinea has a snowcrowned peak. With this picture in mind, would you care, kind reader, to accompany us on a trip from the Upper Ramu toward Bena Bena ? With permission granted, and our carriers ready with camping equipment, food, and muskets, we commence a journey that will take us on a walk of about seventy miles by the time we return home about eight days hence. With our eyes turned westward, the trail is followed over grassy, undulating country from 5,000 to 6,000 feet high. After crossing the Onapinka Creek, a tributary of the Ramu River, patches of forest and open grass land are passed through, until we reach the timbered ridge of the Ramu-Purari Divide, on the slopes of which dwell thousands of people. Rain falling here will find its way either into the Gulf of Papua on the south, or into the broad Pacific to the north of New Guinea. It is a clear morning, and a glimpse behind us to the east before de- 3 scending the Purari slopes, reveals to our admiring gaze the deep blue profile of the great Finistere Range, and also that of the Beehive Range to the south. What a grand panorama ! The rugged mountain scenery to the west is as yet hidden by timber, and we drop rapidly from the cloud-covered divide to the floor of the narrow Gafatina River valley. It is unusually warm for this altitude, and heavy clouds gather threateningly. A camping place is reached just in time to escape a thorough soaking, and we are forced to camp early. The Komperi hamlets are close by, and soon a crowd has gathered to watch us. Finintigu was our goal, but we shall have to look to that tomorrow morning. In the meantime we have as much as we can do to find a dry spot. The people are friendly, and bring us an abundance of food. They even ask for injections, which we promise to give them if they return early next morning. Many remain to join in our evening worship. SECOND DAY.—Unfortunately for us, many small creatures have disturbed our rest. The natives gather early, and after worship several injections are given. Feeling that we have been able to render some practical help to those in need spiritually and physically, we continue our march, Following some hard work, we reach the top of the ridge dividing the Gafatina and Karmonontina valleys. Every step of our ascent has enriched the unfolding views, until from the summit can be seen a majestic panorama of the tumble of mountains and valleys lying to the west. WHERE A WHITE MAN MET HIS DEATH A long descent brings our party to the Karmonontina River, and several hamlets are seen located on the rich garden lands near its banks. A little farther on the Government police post is reached, which is known as the Finintigu station. The young officer comes out to greet us, and later our whole party is thoughtfully supplied with food. There is a touch of tragedy in this place, for the grave of a prospector, who was killed by natives, is seen near by. We note that in this part timber is conspicuous by its absence. This narrow valley is much warmer than the broad open Ramu Valley. Two hours farther on we decide to camp near a group of villages, and many of the inhabitants are found in our worship circle at the close of the day. THIRD DAY.—After morning worship, several injections are given. The boys having in the meantime prepared all packs for the trail, we are ready to continue our journey. Splendid views are obtained from the tops of the ridges, and the landscape becomes more rugged in appearance as we proceed. We camp near a village at the head of a large open valley, surrounded by marvellous mountain scenery. Above the clouds to the west Mount Michael shows its towering dome, nearly fourteen thousand feet high. FOURTH DAY.—A crowd of natives eye us curiously as worship is conducted this morning, and show deep interest in all that is done. Our party has increased by one, for a lad of about sixteen desires to join our Ramu mission. A. J. CAMPBELL AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 4 11111111111111111111111111113111111,1101,11,111111111211111111itsimi NORTH NEW ZEALAND Office Address: 84 Jervois Rd.. Auckland, N.Z. Telephone: 26-259 7iIIIIIiI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111 Forty-Eighth Annual Conference Session There was an air of peculiar expectancy pervading the Ponsonby church on Saturday night, January 30, 1937, when at eight o'clock the president-elect of the conference called the meeting to order. Why this meeting in a church building ? Because we could not hold our camp meeting, owing to the outbreak of infantile paralysis in the Dominion. The health authorities had definitely counselled against our holding a camp which would mean bringing children as well as adults together from various parts of the country. But we did so much want to hold a conference session to enable the work of the denomination to function properly and consitutionally during the year ! Therefore it was decided to call a session to commence on the Saturday night, and, if possible, have all the business completed before the next evening. And, God helping, it was done. The president-elect gave a comprehensive address; the secretary-treasurer presented a statistical and financial statement and the balance sheet for the year 1936; all departmental secretaries reported, as also did the evangelists and field workers; standing committees, after appointment, met and reported to the conference their findings, and these were in turn adopted; and the newly appointed executive committee conveyed to conference, before the adjournment, its decisions concerning the allocation of workers for the coming season. All of the at least 104 delegates, representing 26 out of our 31 churches, seemed to take a keen interest in the reports and discussions, and when the session closed, went back to their homes and churches determined to make 1937 a banner year in church activity and in victorious Christian living. Prior to the session, as has already been reported in these columns, Pastor E. B. Rudge, Australasian Division vice-president for the home field, and Pastor E. E. Roenfelt, the Division secretary, with Pastor R. E. Hare, had visited every church but one in the North Island outside, the Auckland district. The Auckland churches met in a large combined service in the Unity Hall on the Sabbath afternoon. The ministry of Brethren Rudge and Roenfelt was much appreciated at our session as well as in our churches. A number of changes had been made in the personnel of workers in North New Zealand by action of the Australasian session last year, and this conference felt happy to express confidence in its staff when the report of the committee on credentials and licences was adopted as follows: For Ministerial Credentials: N. C. Burns, R. E. Hare, L. R. Harvey, C. A. Paap, G. Robinson, F. L. Sharp, M. H. Whittaker, C. A. Wrigley. For Ministerial Licences: R. E. G. Blair, P. Glockler, A. G. Judge, H. M. Kent, S. T. Leeder, A. R. Mitchell. For Missionary Licences: W. P. Claus, Miss A. E. Douglass, Miss R. G. Dray, R. N. Heggie, Miss I. F. Johnstone. 3/5'87 For Probationary Missionary Licence : L. T. Hay. For Colporteurs' Credentials: F. E, Baker, J. H. Burton, Miss E. B. Butt, J. Ivey, J. F. Rubie, H. Thompson, W. Waterhouse. For Colporteurs' Licences: Miss I. Parker, J. H. Wade, I. White. Since the conference, the executive committee has granted further licences. It is hoped to carry on a strong evangelistic programme during 1937, and with this in view, the executive committee has allocated the staff as follows: Auckland: Pastor N. C. Burns, W. P. Claus, D. H. Watson, and Miss J. F. Johnstone. Paeroa: Pastor L. R. Harvey and R. N. Heggie. Gisborne: Pastor M. H. Whittaker. Hamilton (Waikato): S. T. Leeder. ,%@q6R9@l=gg@*gEOY * "REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY" "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy"! Have I not given thee six dawnings to be thine — For thy pursuit of study, joy, and labour No two alike in texture or design 'I "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy"! Have I not given thee six evenings for thine own — Of velvet silence veiled in misty starlight, And hung with moons like spheres of silver blown ! "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy"! It only have I set apart, to he a sign— Creation's seal, and pledge of thy redemption — And that the world may know that thou art Mine. — Jessie Wilmore Murton. gggg *g1 ?)q9g3g: New Plymouth: Pastor G. Robinson, L H. Graham, L. T. Hay. Wanganui: Pastor C. A. Paap, A. G. Judge, and Miss M. Teague. Napier and Hastings: Pastor C. A. Wrigley. Masterton: P. Glockler, Pastoral Work in Auckland: Pastor F. L. Sharp. From the various reports presented to the conference, we gleaned the following facts of interest: During 1936 the membership increased by 64, and at December 31 last stood at 1820. One hundred and twentyone persons were baptised. We have 21 church buildings, valued at £22,526. Four church schools operate in our conference-at Gisborne, Hamilton, Wanganui, and Palmerston North. The present worth of the conference is £9,617. Tithe receipts for last year reached the record sum of £12,352, an increase of 27 per cent over 1935. Offerings to missions totalled £7,135, of which £2,511 came through the Appeal for Missions, and £2,530 from the Sabbath schools. For every £3 sent to missions abroad, we received £5 5s. for local conference work. As evidence of God's blessing on those who return to the Lord's treasury His own in tithe, we noted that the per capita receipts had increased from £5 6s. 5d. to £6 15s. 9. per year. Faithfulness to God brings its reward. Our band of colporteurs during 1936 had visited nearly 40,000 homes, and from these had secured orders and sales for literature to the value of £6,656, or £2,531 above the year's aim. "Sales" mean "souls" to our bookmen, and they reported at least fifteen persons directly won for God through their efforts. The members of the fifty Sabbath schools in North New Zealand are determined to continue to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour," and to this end are bending their energie improve and increase. The aim to har the energies of our Missionary Volunt in active service for God is ever kept before the young people's societies, and their secretary reported growing interests. Conventions held during the year had stimulated not only missionary activity, but also Christian growth in the lives of the youth. Officers and departmental secretaries were elected as follow: President: R. E. Hare. Secretary-Treasurer: R. E. G. Blair. Tract Society Secretary: R. E. G. Blair. Home Missions and Missionary Volunteer Secretary: A. R. Mitchell. Sabbath School Secretary: Miss A. E Douglass. Field Missionary Secretary: H. M. Kent. Religious Liberty and Educational Secretary: R. E. Hare. Executive Committee: R. E. Hare, C. A. Paap, N. C. Burns, H. 0. Belworthy, A. F. L, Tindall, J. F. Jones, N. J. Bowman. A lively interest was manifested in the plans and recommendations adopted. Among these are the inauguration of the "Win-One" effort, by making practical use of the present series of Sabbath school lessons in working for neighbours and friends; the raising of the 1937 Appeal aim to £2,000, and the determination to reach the goal in three weeks (now an accomplished fact); the counsel to churches to exercise greater care in selecting leaders and teachers in Sabbath schools in order to strengthen them for more definite soulsaving work ; and the establishment of branch Sabbath schools. It was a short conference session; only three meetings were held, on Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon. But they were good meetings and enjoyed by all who attended. In the evening several hundreds of people gathere the Tivoli Theatre to listen to Pastor R felt's stirring message of confidence in and the ultimate triumph of the message, to view the pictures on the screen of trophies of the cross in the islands of the sea, and to see and hear the sound film of the 1936 General Conference session in the United States of America. While the epidemic of infantile paralysis robbed us of the privileges and blessings of camp meeting, yet we thank God that nothing can stay the onward progress of the third angel's message, even in our own part of the vineyard. The present seems unprecedented so far as openings for evangelism in North New Zealand are concerned, for had we six more teams of workers right now we could place them all in centres that are calling for evangelists. "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the 3'5/37 labourers are few;" therefore we all join, not only in praying, but also in working for a great ingathering of souls in 1937. R. E. G. BLAIR, Secretary. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD .1111,.111filitillIMINIIiiilnillii111111111,1111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111 SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES Office Address: 84 The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N.S.W. Telephone: UJ 5371 .11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111j West Wyalong Camp Meeting The College Abroad Thursday, April 1, found the Australasian Missionary College all astir with preparation for the most eventful time of the whole year — Ingathering week. All available means of transport were pressed into service, so that by the following afternoon more than thirty enthusiastic young men were on their way to many parts of the conference in order to arrive at their destination before the Sabbath hours. Thus they were enabled to make an early start the following week. Most bands travelled great distances in order to reach their territory. Some young men took train to Tenterfield and found their way to homes as far north as the Queensland border, whilst in the south an earnest band worked along the shores of Broken Bay, at the mouth of the Hawkesbury. Still others had the privilege of working as far west as Narrabri and Barren Junction, two prosperous towns situated on the edge of the north-western plains of New South Wales. At three-thirty Monday morning, the clarion call of the chapel bell floated out over the morning air to remind fifty students that they soon must be on their way to Newcastle. Shortly after five o'clock the train was steaming on its way, carrying this band of ardent workers, all happy at the thought of "sharing in the joys of service" when once at the journey's end. At the close of the day, the students found that the Lord had surely blessed their efforts and rewarded the faithful work they had done for Him, for more than twenty-five pounds had been collected. Pastor A. H. White and Brother Ulrich also spent some time in Newcastle, calling upon some of the firms with which the anitarium Health Food Company does siness. As they placed the need of our kiission work before some of these men, it was gratifying to see the way in which God moved the hearts of the donors, so that to date the amount collected from this source exceeds £100. On Friday evening in the vesper service, the students had the privilege of recounting some of the intensely interesting experiences. It was really inspirational to listen to the ways in which God had blessed the efforts of the week, both in a temporal and a spiritual way. The college aim is £275, but the amount collected to date is more than £400. When one sees such results one cannot but exclaim with Isaiah the prophet, "0 Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things." L. KENT. One of the happiest camp meetings, and at the same time one of the most spiritual, that the writer has had the privilege of attending was the little camp out at West Wyalong, New South Wales. It was held from March 18 to 22. Our far west brethren are, generally speaking, wheat farmers or connected with that occupation, and as the annual camp meeting of the South N.S.W. Conference takes place during their harvesting operations, they find it difficult to attend at that time. This camp in the west was situated beside 5 Harold Hollingsworth was present in the interests of the young people. The meetings were conducted by Pastors H. E. Piper, the president of the conference, A. L. Pascoe, and the writer. May God abundantly bless His children of the western plains of New South Wales. They love God's cause and showed it by their splendid gift of £40 on the last Sunday night for the work of our island missions. A. H. PIPER. Orange, N.S.W. It was a great pleasure to meet with the company of believers in the prosperous centre of Orange. Here we have Brother and Sister E. B. Ibbott, evangelical workers whose efforts have been blessed by God in establishing the believers who were gathered out under the labours of Brethren Llewellyn Jones, R. H. Powrie, and E. B. Ibbott last year, and the new Sabbath-keepers won this year. Young People in Attendance at the West Wyalong Camp Meeting a beautiful cicek. The tents were pitched in the shade of the trees growing along its banits. Morning by morning and evening by evening, these trees were vocal with the songs of the birds of various species and hues. Their songs seemed to join with the early morning and evening praise of the campers. It seemed to the writer that this was almost Edenic. A regular camp meeting programme was arranged and carried out. Many were the earnest exhortations of the few ministers present, and prompt and very sincere was the response on the part of the people attending the camp. There was a simplicity, an openness, and an earnestness about everything in connection with the camp that was indeed most helpful and spiritual. Happy indeed were we to associate with the fine company of young people present at the meeting. A picture of this group accompanies this report. A baptismal service was conducted on the Sunday afternoon, when several young people followed their Lord in this ordinance. The last meeting of the series was held on the Monday morning, when the ordinances of feet washing and the Lord's supper were celebrated. This in particular was a real spiritual feast, and we shall not soon forget it. Brother and Sister Bolte, on whose farm the camp was situated, were so kind and thoughtful for us all. Pastor H. Mitchell had the management of the camp, and left nothing to be desired in his work. Brother Sabbath, April 3, was a happy day spent in visiting new believers. The Sabbath school conducted at 2.30 p.m. was an inspiration. Then followed a service of consecration at which decisions were made which brought great joy to all hearts. Early on Sunday morning the workers were soon astir, visiting. At 10.30 a.m. it was my privilege to conduct a private baptism of a sister whose health forbade a public baptism. At noon, five car loads of our people journeyed thirty-six miles to the Bathurst church, and here we had the privilege of baptising thirteen new believers, twelve from Orange, and one from Bathurst. In addition to this number, four were received into church fellowship on previous baptism and profession of faith. Thus eighteen new believers were added to the church. Our dear people at Bathurst were very kind in placing at our disposal their church baptistry and facilities for the ordinances and Lord's supper. This service concluded a busy but very happy week-end. We thank God far these dear people, and we are very hopeful that it will not be long before a church is organised in Orange. H. E. PIPER. The Treasurer of the South N.S.W. Conference cordially thanks the anonymous sender of £1 Os. 6d. tithe. 6 Appeal News from Ringwood Society, Victoria Around the mountains by way of Ferntree Gully, Olinda, and Sassafras, every year our good elder takes his motor truck, loaded with Appeal enthusiasts. Usually two trips are made to cover this hilly territory, resulting in about five pounds each trip. Let me tell you something ! Our elder says that as far back as he can remember while his motor truck has been engaged in running to and from church, a distance of about ten miles each way, and on other mission activities, frequently carrying heavy loads of people over rough roads, he never remembers having an accident, nor even a puncture. The Inspired Word tells us that while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness their clothing waxed not old, nor was there any sickness among them. We have the same God as they had, and if we will place our cars and trucks more upon the altar of sacrifice for the finishing of the Lord's work, I can but believe that a similar blessing will be ours. Can one keep silent, and be content merely to look on and see others with faces aglow, getting all the blessings ? It is high time for us all to arise as one man and put our shoulder to the wheel. It is simply this: Now or never. Certainly we shall be all the better for taking part in God's great work, — better both in our physical health and with a brighter hope, and thus the coming of Jesus will be hastened. So poor was the response on Sabbath for volunteers to go out on the Appeal this year that the outing was almost abandoned because it would not pay for the petrol. Sunday dawned with the prospects of wet weather all day. Nevertheless, one or two laid aside their worldly pursuits and ventured out. Finally eleven were picked up, and off we went with a goodly supply of magazines, boxes, and receipt books. This was exactly half the number of workers of previous years. All seemed somewhat uncertain, and questioned whether it was worth while going on this round with such a few, especially with so much territory to do. Then, too, others were a little nervous about going out for the first time. And some of the number were only young children. However, soon the first stopping place was reached, and two strong young men were left with a supply of magazines to work through till 6 p.m., when they would be picked up. And so on, until Gideon's army was prayerfully gaining the ground. The day wore on, and all were wondering how the others were doing, until we started back again to pick them all up. And here the story changed. First we picked up two young ladies, both with faces beaming with joy which were indeed good to look upon, and both reported a wonderful time. One was a new Sabbath-keeper and, though shy at first, was greatly encouraged by her first experience. All were smiling now, and wondering how the next two ladies were getting on. Soon we met them, and all ears were strained to listen. One sister said, "I knew I would have a good day, because I made it a matter of prayer last night." Another said, "One would expect to find AUSTRALASIAN RECORD it very wearying going up and down to those houses, but, strangely enough, I do not feel the least bit tired, and could go on for a long time yet." "My!" said another, "my feet are not at all sore; I cannot understand it." "I have not had my dinner; in fact, I am not even hungry!" Then a child chipped in, "I have had a wonderful day! Not even one dog frightened me." She had 3s 6d., and the others about 25s. each. They were very disappointed at not being able to stay to do more. Next we picked up two boys, one of whom had previously made up his mind never to go out again, and it was all we could do to encourage him to go this time. As we pulled up, many voices questioned, "How did you boys get on ?" "I have eleven shillings," said this one, with uncontrolled emotion. "One lady gave me four shillings. I was nearly not going up to that house because it was so far up; but I am very glad I went." Could you have seen their happy faces, you could not have helped feeling happy too. They were not a bit tired or hungry, though they had had no lunch, and were very disappointed at being picked up so early. The Appeal had brought a new day for them. Off again we went to pick up the last two young men. "Where is your mate?" "Farther up." "And how did you get on?" "Well! We both have run out of magazines and had to work with only one, till it was well worn, and then we reluctantly gave it away. And then I sat on the roadside and waited for a whole hour, just when I was doing so well, waiting for you to pass by with more supplies. We have about 35s. each now." "All aboard!" called the driver, and the happy party moved on, while the tally of the day's takings continued. How different the scene from when we first started out! Every heart now thrilled with joy unspeakable, such as Heaven alone can give. Only half the number of workers of other years, and about £10, just double the total of other times. The following Sabbath witnessed an interesting praise meeting as some related their experiences. So great was the enthusiasm that it bubbled over into the next day. Easter Monday one young man walked all by himself over twenty miles up and down a mountain, worked for two hours, and collected £1. What have you to say about it, my friends ? Never has the writer seen such a wonderful manifestation of God's blessing, not alone in money gathered, but in actual interest as well. God is revealing His holy arm, and is cutting His work short in righteousness. Hasten the glad day, 0 King Eternal ! S. A. SLADE. WEDDING BELLS BURGESS - RISBEY.— As the last rays of a summer sun spread over the land in benediction, and the source of natural light slowly neared the western horizon, Brother Wilbur Burgess and Sister Emily Risbey met before the altar in our Perth church on March 4, for the purpose of joining in wedlock hearts and lives, long before united in love and service for God and each other. Brother Wilbur is a grandson of Pastor Steed, Senior, and the late 3 5,37 Pastor Burgess, who are well known to the people in South Australia. Many friends and not a few relatives witnessed the scene. We trust the fullness of blessing may be theirs as together they face the realities and responsibilities of life. W. T. HOOPER. HARRISON - NEWEY. — On March 29, at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Inverloch, Vic., Norman Robert Harrison, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Harrison, and Lillian May Newey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Newey, were united in marriage. The high esteem in which this young couple is held was shown by the many friends and wellwishers who attended the ceremony. May Heaven's richest blessing attend them. L. CURROW. McMILLAN - McAUSLIN. — On March 29, the writer had the privilege of uniting Brother John McMillan and Sister Myrtle McAuslin in the bonds of wedlock. The marriage took place in the Timaru church, of which they both were members. Loving hands had tastefully decorated the church for the occasion, and many friends were present to give their good wishes. May this union be greatly blessed of God. W. 3. SMITH. HARRIS - COTTRELL,— At the Coburg church, Melbourne, on Easter Monday, Mervyn Oscar Harris and Bertha Jean Cottrell were married in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. The bridegroom is a son of Brother C. J. Harris of Cooranbong and is employed at the Sanitarium Health Food Factory, Avondale. The bride's mother is one of Coburg's earnest members. As these young people continue their work for God, we pray that Heaven's blessing may rest upon them and fill their united service with sunD. SIBLEY. shine. OBITUARY McAUSLIN.— On March 25 at the Timaru Hospital, South New Zealand, Sister Clara McAuslin, in her sixty-third year, passed from her pilgrimage of pain and sorrow to sweet rest in Christ Jesus. Sister McAuslin was one of the charter members of the Timaru church, and for the last twenty-five years had been faithful to the principles of the third angel's message. Her last conscious moments revealed the fact that her hope was in the One who i the resurrection and the life. A lar company of relatives and friends gathere at the home and the graveside, where the writer spoke words of comfort and confidence in the anticipated resurrection. To her sorrowing daughter and friends we extend our heartfelt sympathy. S. H. SHELL. FOR ADOPTION.—Beautiful baby boy, born April 7, 1937, good parentage. Medical certificates and blood test supplied if desired. Apply care of the " Record," " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N.S.W. TO LET.—At Manly, Sydney's popular waterside suburb, furnished cottage, accommodates six. Also furnished fiat, central, suit couple. Apply Editor, " Record," " Mizpah," Wahroonga. 3/5/37 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD "The Light Shines Forth" UNION £12,510 REPORT TO APRIL 17 •Offl. Lat. Per Aim Wks. Rep. Total Cent Nth. N.Z. £1,950 3* £90 Nth. N.S.W. 1,120 7* 310 Sth. N.S.W. 2,200 5* 116 Sth. N.Z. 1,050 6* Sth. Aust. 850 4* Tasmania 530 3* Victoria 2,150 7* 122 W. Aust. 850 5 188 Queensland 1,060 2 586 £2,515 129 1,210 108 2,340 106 1,070 102 850 100 530 100 2,150 100 813 96 586 55 Total £11,760 43£1,412 £12,064 103 * Time taken to reach the aim. Very appropriate is the admonition, "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields," for it should remind us of the interests awakened while working on the Appeal, and the opportunities that are right before us, each to win one soul during 1937. We want you, too, to observe that the light has been flashed on in the lighthouse tower this week, Yes, the home field aim of £11,760 has been attained. The £400 to come from North Queensland and £350 from the Islands, will put in the windows. Truly, "the Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad." "God will do the work if we will furnish Him the instruments." As His people have gone forth to do His work, God has by His Spirit prepared hearts to respond to the appeals made. To Him we give the praise. Two more conferences are now rejoicing in victory, Victoria and North New South Wales. We extend congratulations to leaders and members in these conferences who have laboured untiringly to finish the work. See page 5 for a report of the successful effort at the A.M. College. The enthusiasm manifested in the Appeal this Nth. N.Z. £1950 Sth. N. S. W. £2200 Tas. NNE MEE £530 MINE Mill • MINE IIIN MIMI NMI NEM • NEM 111115 bE11111 11111111111 EEM NOM MOEN NEE. M. ■ MIS EMI MUSI MINN MEIN MMES W. A. S. A. £850 £850 MOM NEEN MIN MEM MINN 11111111111111 MUM MIN 11111111 • • Q EMI ■ 4 MEMI 111 ENN II ENO IN MN NOMMEN NENNIIIMIN NIONNIOEIME 111111111NEENN MUM mum g • mos "Co • ■ 111.111111 G 0 MM. 0 • ° • • MUM z • MIEMMEINBIE EMEIMMIMME IMEMEMEIMI• ••••••••• W HEMMEMEI OIMMEIMENE 1111•••••• 11111111111111111111 111111111111111111 11111•1111111111E 1111111111111111111, 111111111111111111•111 111111•1111111111111111111 • 1111111111111111111E 111111011111•11110111111 1•11111111111111111111011 1111111MINNUM •u•• NENE • MINE ❑ NEM NMI NMI MIEN ENS 111•111 MIEN IMMO NMI MIN 111•11111 sass NMI Urns MEE EMI Mau NEN MIN MINN NENE NUNN EMI NNE 111111111111 1155111 NEN MEI MINN IMMO NEM ENE NM MIME MEN MIN NEN NMI 1111111EMEIMENIN 11111111111111•ME111111 EIMMINEINEMIN M1111111111111M•111 11111•111111111111111111EN 1111111111111111•1•111111111 1111111111•111111111111111111 111•1111111111111111111•11 7 year has been an inspiration, and we are thankful indeed for the loyal service rendered. West Australia now lacks only £37. Queensland in two weeks is just past the half-way mark. It is gratifying to see the completed towers, and the good overflows already reported from some conferences, resulting in a Union overflow of £304. Let us not forget to lift up our eyes, and look on the fields. Pastor Robert Hare has written these verses for the occasion: "It is complete, the light shines forth ! Is your light shining, too ? It needs to shine that other hearts May gain a clearer view Of God's great willingness to save. There's work that we must do ! "Darkness is all around; earth needs The light that you might lend. Faith beckons on, the light must shine Alike for foe, or friend. That light — your light — is needed now, And to the journey's end !" A.U.C. HOME MISSIONS DEPT. Appreciation The home field goal of the Appeal for Missions attained and exceeded by 304 ! This is the good news that comes to us today as the result of four and two-third weeks of work on the part of our churches throughout the field. What a splendid example of what co-ordinated and willing service can achieve ! ,"Appreciation after effort is like sunshine after rain." With glowing hearts of appreciation we say, "Thank you," to all who have made possible this wonderful accomplishment. Out of the sacrifice in time and effort represented by this fine achievement will come salvation to many through contact with men and women who work in the Master's name and for His sake. Many a missionary's heart—some black, some white — will say: "I sing for hearts that ache and break; I sing for hearts that are true. 0 world so vast, 0 world so wide, I sing my song for you." "'Tis the human touch in this world that counts, the touch of your hand and mine, which means far more to the fainting heart than shelter and bread and wine ;— for shelter is gone when the night is Vie. o'er; and bread lasts only a day, £2150 but the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice sing on in the • K B. RUDGE. soul always." 1111. MEM MEM MEN NEM MINN NEM MEN NEM MUM NEM MINN N MI MIEN NEM MEN MEN MEN NEM Nth. N. S. W. £1120 • MEM Qld. £1060 • 101111 ED MIN 1111111 MIN MEI NMI SISIN ME 1111111 1111111 111•111 'I' AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 8 ,r•vernqes,rovvvv,,,,,,••••rt ustralatiiatt THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTiSTS Editor: Viola M. Rogers Single Subscription, per year, post paid . 5/Order through your conference office, or send direct to th. Avondale Press, Cooranbong, N.S.W. Printed weekly for the Conference by the AVONDALE PRESS (A.C.A. COORANBONG, Near the beginning of the Week of Prayer this "Record" will reach the majority of our readers. We would direct special attention to the article, "How to Help or Hinder a Revival." Let us each ask, " Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do ? " and determine that this Week of Prayer shall not pass as some others have done. Cr, E. W. Finkle and Pastor N. A. Ferris wiled for the Solomon Islands on April 17. Their families will go out a little later. Dr. Finkle will take charge of the new Amyes Memorial Hospital to be established tear Gizo, and Pastor Ferris is returning to resume his work as director of the mis-dons on the large island of Guadalcanar. A company of outgoing workers sailed for the New Hebrides on April 15 by tile "lVIorinda." We are happy to state that Brother Hamley Perry, whose condition of health necessitated his return to the homeland about three months ago, has recuperated sufficiently to go back to the island of Aoba, accompanied by his wife and little daughter. Brother Charles Tucker, accompanied by his bride, formerly Nurse Eulalia Hawken, is returning to our head station at Aore. The sixth member of the company is another new worker, Brother Albert Rose, who will be associated with Brother Tucker at the Aore Industries, "One of our boats had a very sad home coming to Batuna," Nurse Totenhofer wrote just before the training school reopened. "A few miles out, one of the students returning to school died. His death cast a gloom over the place. Instead of coming back to study, he came back to rest." Nurse Totenhofer desires to thank, through the "Record," all who have sent pictures for the Batuna Hospital, especially the friend in New Zealand who sent a number of rolls of pictures. The patients greatly enjoy looking at all the pictures that have been sent. Letter from Pastor Turner Our thoughts have very often turned across the Pacific to the Australian field, and naturally as a family we are often questioned as to how So-and-so is getting on, and what somebody else may be doing. We are now living in the home that was built for Pastor Daniells and recently occupied by Pastor Watson. Its name constantly reminds us of Australia, for it is "Hinemoa." It is very centrally located, being about seven minutes' walk from the General Conference office and about twelve minutes from the Washington Missionary 3/5137 College. Of course we do not- have the whole house to ourselves, for practically everybody here divides his house up anc lets the basement to one party, the attic to another, and the centre to somebody else. But we have all the room we require and are very comfortable. Since coming here I have spent very little time in Washington. Within three days of beginning my work I was sent to the South-western Union session at Keene, Texas, and from there to attend the Central Union session at Lincoln, Nebraska, and have recently returned for the Spring Council. Then early in April I go to Canada to attend sessions for the Canadian Union. The brethren have been exceedingly kind and have done their very best to make us all feel very much at home. This we greatly appreciate. The weather here is now delightful. Every evidence that spring is near can be seen on every hand. Within a few weeks the countryside will probably be very beautiful. Washington is a very delightful centre, while Takoma Park is also a pleasant place in which to live, excepting that it is becoming very thickly populated, "nd is no longer in the country as it was when the General Conference first began its work here. Correspondence from anyone in the Australasian field will be very heartily welcomed. Mrs. Turner and the children join with me in sending our very kind regards. W. G. TURNER. world, dancing and going to pictures. I would have been among them if I had been well." As the end drew near, Betty asked her aunt and another Adventist lady to relieve her tired mother. "I would have been an Adventist if I had lived," whispered the little sufferer. Then as her voice became halting and broken, "Will you help —mum—as you have—helped me?" Her mind was clear- to the last, and she kept saying, "Jesus is helping me. Oh, I know He will come quickly — then won't it be lovely to awake and see Him !" "Mother," she said at last, "don't buy any flower wreaths for me; but give it to the poor people who do not have the Bible," So the money that would hav bought flowers for Betty's grave went i stead to help carry the gospel to the dar people of New Guinea. There is a sequel to this little story. Betty's mother, in loneliness of heart, began to long for a knowledge of those vital truths her little girl had known so well. Now she, too, is studying this message, rejoicing in its simplicity, and looking forward to the day of reunion when the Lifegiver shall come. Let us pray that the candle which young Betty has lighted, may help guide the steps of both parents into the kingdom. PEARL D. NIPPRESS. Divine Leading in Sorrow It was a pleasing sight for all who were privileged to be present at the baptismal service held at Korela, Vilirupu, on a beautiful Sabbath morning when twenty-one candidates followed their Lard in the sacred ordinance of baptism. The mission family, with a goodly number of visitors from the village near-by, assembled on the shore to witness the scene. The placid waters of the lagoon, with the tall mountains standing out in the background, seemed a fitting place for the occasion. As we gathered there, our minds went back to the beautiful picture of the Saviour's baptism in Jordan. After a short service conducted by the writer, beneath the cool trees near the water's edge, Pastor Lock baptised the candidates, while the assembly sang well-chosen hymns. Our hearts rejoiced to see some of the men go forward who had, in days gone by, shaken the village with their threats. Their hearts have been touched by the Spirit of God, and any one can tell by the happy expression on their faces that a change has come into their lives. The village policA man and a councillor were among t number. With such influential men throwing their weight into the swing of mission work, we look forward to another year of service, and hope that greater things will be accomplished. We have already organised another baptismal class of 30 members who have cut clear from their evil ways and unclean foods. Dear readers, pray for the work here that souls may be gathered out fo; the kingdom of our God. C. E. MITCHELL. •"God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." So thought the watchers by the bedside of sixteen-year-old Betty Kirkbride, It was hard to believe the smiling, bright-eyed girl was dying, until one realised that the fire within which brought the soft colour to her wax-like cheeks was quickly burning out the young life. Eight years before, when Betty's parents had first arrived in Western Australia from Canada, they stayed with her aunt, who had newly accepted this message. She talked to the little girl about the coming of Jesus and other Bible truths, Her parents, being staunch Methodists, were not interested at the time. After a while Betty's father secured work, and they moved away into a home of their own. Years passed. Then came the dread news — young Betty had contracted a virulent form of consumption. At once her Adventist aunt began to pray that Betty would be converted before the little time left her had ebbed away. Then came the wonderful answer. On visiting Betty, she found her reading the Bible and quite conversant with many of its truths. One day when she was talking about going to sleep for only a little while till Jesus comes, her aunt asked, "Betty, where did you learn that ?" "Why, Auntie," came the reply, "you told me when we stayed with you years ago." The seed was bearing its harvest. With wonderful fortitude and resignation that amazed her relatives and friends, Betty waited for the call to rest. Once she said, "I am glad that I am sick because it has taught me to know Jesus. If I could choose again whether I should get tuberculosis at fourteen, I would choose it; because all my girl friends are in the Baptism at Vilirupu, Papua The Treasurer of the Victorian Confer ence acknowledges with grateful thank: remittances received regularly from "21 Friend" for use in mission work; also thl sum of £3 tithes from L.V.
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