How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day An introductory guide to crafting Ipsum a Lorem dynamite fundraising strategy. Dolor Pellentesque sed sem nec dui eleifend tristique. Inside… Learn how to raise money like a pro. Great for political campaigns, business meetings, charity events, community groups, and more! By Steve Bierfeldt @SteveBierfeldt Featuring 10 easy, sure fire steps to begin raising money in no time wddddd “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” Here’s why I put this guide together and why it matters When I finished up working on a campaign a few years ago, I started a small consulting firm that worked directly with candidates who felt compelled to do something about their government but literally didn’t know where to start. I wanted to focus on helping those without prior knowledge or experience, exactly those who were most in need of the training and technology being controlled by incumbent politicians and political consultants. Throughout my time in politics I’ve always heard of the need to protect every instance of training, political technology and tactics. “We need to protect this vital instruction, because it’s so good that if the other side gets it, they’ll use it against us.” At one time I might have agreed, but now I don’t buy this. For one, there is so much information available to those who have access and connections that it’s extremely unlikely there is some secret holy grail of data that the other side doesn’t know about. One side holds a training to teach its volunteers how to write a press release, and the other side does the same. Both groups do everything they can to keep out members from the other group. But if they’re both teaching exactly the same thing, does it really matter? When it comes to access to knowledge, from my experience I’ve found that the people who most need it, are the ones that those in power are trying hardest to prevent from getting it. All throughout history, those in positions of influence have tried to keep information hidden from the masses. Be it the translation of religious texts or the current battle to control and filter the internet, those in power know that when information isn’t controlled by a select few, then the ability to control those people decreases as well. I am indeed a firm believe in the old adage, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” I saw this after finishing up work on a Presidential campaign and I wanted to directly reach out to the type of candidates mentioned above. Going from “I see something wrong,” to “Congratulations on your election victory!” is a huge and daunting step. 2 I decided it was time for “The Little Guy” to have a chance too… Interested in learning more? While this eBook is provided as a free stepby-step guide to raising money immediately, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. I write about ways to make money, save money, and challenge yourself on my blog, Live Smart Not Hard. So when I grew tired of the waste, infighting and amoral character I saw amongst so many political campaigns, I took a break and decided to branch out a bit on my own. The majority of work I’ve done has been political in nature but the tips included here on how to raise money can be used by anyone. In my case, because so many of the candidates I was working with were so new to politics, often times they did not understand the inner workings that incumbent politicians and their staffs knew so well. Coupled with that, because they were so new and starting from scratch, they had virtually no money to get started, no money to pay staff, and certainly no money to pay consultants for fundraising training, (such as myself.) As I reflected on my many years of campaign, management and fundraising experience, I pondered what was the best way to help upstart candidates get elected, while listening to their concerns and uncertainty about devoting a large amount of money and resources. Email me, follow me on twitter @SteveBierfeldt or visit 3 wddddd “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” Major Mistakes I listened to candidate after candidate lament about how they were treated, mislead or taken advantage of by consultants, vendors and campaign staffers just looking to sink their teeth into the next paycheck. But was there another way? Could I come up with a product to provide to candidates who were unsure about running, just wanted to test the waters, or had not yet raised much money? Suddenly the idea hit me. A way for candidates to get a jump start on their fundraising goals, establish a professional presence, and begin the steps to engage in tactical voter outreach. Their campaign would then be primed to take-off while keeping costs extremely low and avoiding any type of contractual obligations. A dedicated fundraising program doesn’t just happen. It takes hard work and dedication. Below are three of the biggest mistakes made by those trying to raise money So I began putting together programs that filled that need. I crafted a program I called the “Basic Fundraising Package.” The premise was this, for $1,000 I would physically come out to your home or office and go through this entire training session. This eBook covers just a small bit of the full wealth of knowledge available. Not only would I go through these techniques, but I would physically sit there with you for the entire day. That’s 8, 10, sometimes 12 hours of me sitting right next to you. I’d work with them to write a script, craft a message, prepare responses, even work alongside them as we entered and typed in people’s names and phone numbers. I’d coach them on timing, pauses and even loudness and voice inflection. I’d physically stand next to, and sometimes over them, and push them to keep at it. “Keep making calls. Don’t stop to grab a beer, don’t stop to stretch, keep going, get comfortable and keep pushing for money. 1 Thinking it Will be Easy “I’ll throw up a website or a facebook page and I’ll watch the cash role on.” Nope. Be prepared. 2 Thinking it’s Too Hard It does take effort, so be prepared to work. But you’ll find people are eager to support good ideas and honest people. 3 Not Asking Someone What’s the #1 reason people say for why they don’t give to causes? “I wasn’t asked.” 4 Guaranteed Success And I was so confident in the success of the product, I offered potential clients a deal they just couldn’t pass up. The cost for the session was $1,000 and that INCLUDED all expenses. My time, plus airfare, car rental, and hotel was all wrapped up into a single price. During the session, if the individual did not raise at least $1,000 in cash received or pledged on that day, then I’d give them a full refund. This money back guarantee created a culture of ease among candidates who might have literally been spending all the money in their newly formed campaign bank accounts to bring me out there. If they didn’t raise the money I promised and they weren’t satisfied, I’d give them a full refund. So at worst, if they raised absolutely nothing, they’d be getting a free training and a full day of great fundraising advice. And you know what? Throughout all of the many fundraising training sessions I offered, I never even had a single opportunity for someone to ask for a refund. EVERY instance brought in more than the $1,000 promised, regardless of the size of the race. The program was an immediate success and I worked with many candidates just during the one election cycle. I worked with candidates running for local office, for Congress and U.S. Senate. In fact there is even a newly elected United States Congressman who received my fundraising training during a full day session in his kitchen. (Stay tuned to a future newsletter to learn more.) The training was a hit. In fact I still offer it to individuals, candidates and organizations on a case-by-case basis. Send me an email at [email protected] if you’re interested in a training session and I’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of working with you. And remember that even if you’re not involved in politics, the tips here are usable for every person in any field. The ability to sell an idea and raise money for it is worth learning. Be it a political campaign, non-profit fundraising or raising venture capital for a new business. 5 The Top 10 1. Decide how serious you are 2. Make a list of contacts 3. Choose the ask amount 4. Control the situation 5. Explain yourself & sell it 6. Keep quiet 7. Prepare for common responses 8. Build more contacts 9. Data, data, data 10. Follow up Craft Your Pitch • Why are you running for office, or supporting this charity, or starting this business? • Why should someone give to you? • What will you tell people you’ll do with the money? It’s important to craft your basic stump speech before you speak with potential donors. Do not wing it. I’ve traveled across the country and sat down with individuals across all different lines of work. And I’ve done it myself. I’ve asked for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, even as much as a quarter of a million dollars. And you know what? More often than not, I’ve gotten it! It’s not because I know some secret handshake or Jedi mind trick. It’s simply because I know the simple formulas that work. And I practice the very basic skills that allow activists, businessmen and candidates to raise money quickly and effective. “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” 1. Decide How Serious You Are Everyone should be willing to contribute their own resources to the cause they’re working on. And yes that includes money. Be it a political campaign, a non-profit group, a business startup, or a charity function, how can you ask other people to contribute if you are not willing to yourself? Lorem Ipsum If you are working to make something work, then you should be willing to invest your own capital in making it successful. You must be willing to contribute some of your own money as Pellentesque you beg, borrow sed and sem plead nec others to get behind your cause or idea. dui eleifend tristique. Remember you’re asking close friends and family to reach into their pockets in hard times and give you a contribution, and they want to see how serious you are. [Issue] :: [Title] It’s important to note however you should not be looking to spend a substantial amount of your own money. I’ll take it as a given that you’re not independently wealthy and can’t afford to self-finance your entire effort. When it comes to political campaigns, virtually every former candidate I’ve spoken with after the fact tells me the same thing looking back at their race, “haha, yea, I definitely spent way too much of my own money.” Why is that? Simple. It is MUCH easier to swipe your credit card or write out a check than to ask someone else for money. People know how to make money. “I’ll just work a few extra hours so I can pay for it myself instead of asking people.” When it comes to the list of phobias, more people fear public speaking than fear death. And asking someone for money, face-to-face, especially when they’re a close friend or family member, is tremendously awkward. But what’s more awkward, asking someone for money? Or not having any money and running a losing effort? Unless you are a millionaire, self-funding will make you broke. If you really believe in the cause, then you need to stand up for it. If you are unwilling to raise money, then do you really deserve to win your election, start your business or have your cause succeed? Unless you are a millionaire, self-funding will make you broke. If you really believe in the cause, then you need to stand up for it. If you are unwilling to raise money, then do you really deserve to win your election, start your business or have your cause succeed? 7 “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” Two Groups of Contacts: 1) Friends, family, neighbors, and individuals you talk to on a fairly regular basis. These people would never be surprised to hear from you. You have a good repore with them and/or talk to them fairly often. 2) Past contacts, those who may have fallen off the radar or those you might not know as well. Old college roommates, former teachers and coworkers, contacts from high school and friends on facebook. 2. Make a List of Contacts Forget about email, letters or online “money-bombs.” Personal solicitation is the fastest, easiest, cheapest and most cost effective way to raise money. It is also the most awkward, embarrassing and uncomfortable which is why won’t people avoid it, especially candidates. As I said, people are absolutely terrified of talking with people, especially in large groups. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once commented, “At a funeral, more people would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy.” To get your fundraising strategy started, the first step is to devote an entire block of time to listing out the people you have some type of connection with. This is literally every single person you know and have a phone number for. I’ll ruin the surprise for you, you’re going to call them and ask for money. 8 Use a program like Microsoft excel to create a basic spreadsheet that keeps rows and columns. Write down the name of every person you know and next to it, their phone number. Really dig here and pull all the names you can. Now I want you to take a break? Get a snack, watch TV show, take a nap. Now come back to your list and take a look. How do you feel? Is this it? Really? This is every single person you can think of? What if I told you the difference between winning and losing was whether or not you could come up with five additional names? You’d come up with five additional names right? Of course you would. Everyone would. So what does that tell you? That you were holding back the first time eh? It’s okay to admit it. But now you realize the hesitation everyone feels and how to overcome it. “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” Double It Not only do I want more than the five additional names, I want you to take your initial list and double it. Yes DOUBLE it. You may think this is crazy, but you just admitted you were holding out on me Don’t Think You Have Anymore Contacts to Find? The point is to continue to come up with contacts even when you think you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. In EVERY single session I’ve taught… EVERY one, I’ve always received the same response when I’ve told them to double their contacts, 1. Take out your cell phone and write down every single contact you have in your address book, no matter how old or outdated. “What?! You’re crazy! I’ve tapped out everyone I know.” Upon being asked additional questions, “Did you do this, did you do that?” They seem to always “find” additional contacts. Imagine that. 2. Go through your entire friends list on facebook, searching every profile for a phone number. **IMPORTANT** Now this is easily missed. Do not simply call the contacts from your phone, or pull up someone’s facebook profile dial straight then. You need to physically type out the name and phone number into that spreadsheet. I know this sounds like unnecessary work. “Why can’t I just go through my cell phone and call?” 3. Find the physical address or date book you keep in the drawer/closet/china cabinet. Simple. Because by putting them in a spreadsheet, you are building a file that you can use to take notes and list each call’s status. Plus after making so many calls and pitching the same message over and over, you WILL forget who you spoke with and what they said. 4. Ask your wife, husband or anyone else you life with, for names you might be forgetting. In addition to writing down the person’s name and number, write down any unique details about them and any issues they might be passionate about. Write down unique details about their location or what their schedule is, (lives in Hawaii, works the night shift, etc.) This will determine when you’ll call them 9 “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” 3. Choose the Ask Amount Ask High Now that you have your entire list of contacts, you’re going to write down the amount of money you think that person can realistically afford at that moment. Not what you think they want to give, what they can afford at that time. There are a few different philosophies on this part, so to be fair, different fundraisers have different opinions on this. If you called up Bill Gates to discuss his giving to your charity or startup company, he’d be offended if you asked him for $1,000. One technique is to determine the amount of money the person or their family spends eating out each month and then multiplying that by five. Whatever number you decide, write it down as the amount you’re going to ask for. Keep in mind, you ALWAYS want always want to ask for too much instead of too little. This confuses many people. And that’s not a poor reflection on Bill Gates, rather a reaction any decent businessman would have. After all, it’s already awkward asking your friends and family for money. The common reaction is that you want to lessen the blow. “I’ll only ask for $20 instead of $100” But not only is that the wrong way of thinking, it will have a negative effect. In contrast people will absolutely be offended if you ask for an amount too low. Plus you might price yourself out of a larger gift. What if they say yes to $100 when they would have also said yes to $200? Now here’s the catch. Now that have your “Initial Ask” we are not yet finished. Take that number and double it. A $50 asks becomes $100. A $100 ask becomes $200, and $500 becomes $1,000. Remember what I said earlier, this is the amount you think they can realistically afford. So if you think they can afford it, you want to stretch that out to something that might garner you additional money. 10 If Bill Gates is worth billions of dollars why would you waste his time asking for so little? He’s going to wonder how serious you actually are and why you didn’t do your homework to research his giving capacity. But if you left that meeting and immediately asked the guy who cleans Bill Gates’ gutters for the exact same amount, he might be flattered. “Wow he thinks I can afford $1,000, he must believe I’m rich!” It is ALWAYS better to ask for too much than too little. People may be shocked to hear such a large number, but they will rarely be offended by a large ask. “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” 4. Control the Situation 5. Explain Yourself An in person meeting is always preferable, (It’s a lot harder to say no to someone face to face) however because you’re going for sheer volume, you can call 100 people in the time it takes to travel to meet with one person. When you have the potential donor on the phone, keep it informal to start. “Hey Mike how are you doing?” Instead of, “Mr. Smith, thank you for listening to my important announcement.” People can disregard a text message, delete an email or trash a mail piece. But if you have them in person or on the phone, there is nowhere for them to go. On the phone they physically have to respond. If they know you, it is rare they will be so rude as to hang up on you. Control the situation by putting them in a position that provides the highest chance of getting a “yes.” Go back to your contacts and through the list of anyone with a unique situation. Less those, the best time of day to call is by far dinnertime or a weekend. There is a reason tele-marketers call during dinnertime, people are finished with work and are home. “I really appreciate your support so far and I’m tremendously serious about this race. However I simply need the funds to move forward and to run a competitive race I’ll need to bring in money and can’t do it without your support…” “Can I count on you to make a donation of __________?” This should begin as an informal call just like you are calling to schedule a barbeque, going to see a football game, or planning a play date for your kids. The potential donor usually is not aware of what you are calling for. Explain that you only needed to talk with them for a brief second, this enforces that you value their time and won’t take too much of it. Remind them that you are running for office, or if they don’t yet know, inform them. Speak for minute or two about your race, why you’re running, and importantly, what you’ve accomplished so far. Give them a sense that you have already accomplished some great things and are primed for victory. People like to hear you’ve already been successful. Work into your message that you’ve “already raised xxx” making it sound like a great accomplishment in a short amount of time. No one wants to be the first donor or even the only donor. Listen to ideas they have as well. Get feedback and allow them to make comments and suggestions. Allow a bit of back and forth, but don’t ask too many questions. 11 The purpose of the call is not to take their ideas; it’s to raise money. It should be a short call. After allowing them to inject their ideas into the discussion, speak for a minute about your big plans for the immediate and long-term future. This is your “pitch.” After you’ve made your pitch to them, you’ll go right into your ask. * It is perfectly alright to leave a message if you can’t reach them. But don’t get into details. “Hey this is Steve, I was calling to discuss something with you very briefly and I wanted your feedback, give me a call when you get this.” I understand checks, but how do I accept credit cards? Ditch the consultants who urge you to buy a pricey website before you do anything else. Raising money is your #1 priority, so get to it! Visit and you can form a free user name, link it to a bank account, and create a webpage able to accept credit cards within minutes of starting your phone calls. Piryx charges a flat fee of approximately 5%. Eventually, you may want to consider a credit card processor on your official website, but for now, this will work just fine. 6. Keep Quiet The #1 Rule of fundraising is: “First guy to talk, looses. “Can I count on you to make a donation of $500 today?” ::Silence:: ::More Silence:: While you don’t want the donor to feel THAT uncomfortable, you do want him to understand that the best way to end the moment is to give you what you asked for. Keep quiet because you WILL talk yourself out of a donation. Asking for money can be awkward, and even those with years of experience sometimes feel uncomfortable. Remember this is an actual skill that can be improved, so don’t forget, be silent. “Can I count on you for $500 Dollars?... I mean I know that’s a lot… I don’t want to put you in a hard spot… If you can even contribute half that, or maybe $100, that would be great…” Congratulations! You’ve just talked yourself out of a $500 donation without even waiting for their response. I’m not exaggerating for effect; I’ve heard people make this mistake countless times. “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” 7. Prepare for Common Responses Lorem Ipsum When you ask for money you’ll get one of three responses. “Yes”, “No” or an Excuse 1) “Yes” Pellentesque sed sem nec dui tristique.with something to the effect of: Youeleifend should respond “Great, thank you so much. It’s very important that I get these funds right away. And then: [Date] [Issue] :: [Title] • One of my staff is here with me and he can take your credit card right now • How can I get this from you? Check? Credit card When Can I Get It? • Can I send one of my staff over to your house or office? • I can meet you at the grocery store tomorrow morning, etc.” The Key is to get this money RIGHT AWAY or plan out a defined follow-up. 2) “No” “No” as in, they will not be making any kind of donation at all. Since these are friends and not cold calls, an unequivocal “No” response should be unlikely. You respond with “I understand completely. But this is extremely important to me however. Is there some way that you can help? Are there some other individuals who you can reach out to for me so I could raise some money from them?” See if you can get other contacts from this person. Or would they even be willing to make a call or two on your behalf? 13 “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” 3) Maybe, I’m not sure, Ehh, That’s too much, I can’t do that, Assorted excuse, etc. This is the most common response. They will say the dog is sick, their wife wants a new Integer metus. kitchen, or the kids need shoes, etc. They will give a reason why it’s, “not a good time.” They’ll be shocked by the high amount, they’ll say they can’t afford It, they’ll say they’re in the middle of roofing their house. All sorts of reasons. I’ve heard everything you can imagine. This is when you half your initial ask, (remember why you doubled it) Lorem. “I completely understand you can’t give that amount but as I mentioned this is extremely byline important to me. Even half of that amount would be tremendously helpful. Can I count on [Name] you for a donation of say ___ (1/2 your original ask) ::Remember to be silent here as you wait for a response:: If they hem and haw again, then half the amount again. Go to ¼ of your original ask. If they give the same response a third time, you should not go lower. It will get old and seem unprofessional to keep going lower, “What about this? Well what about that?” After three instances ask, “Hey I understand, but this is really important to me. What can you contribute to me today?” Do not ask, “Is there anything you can contribute?” Yes and No questions are easily answered with one-word statements. Make them make a decision about exactly what they can give. Plus it is MUCH easier for someone to just say “No” than to actually utter the words to their good friend or family member, “I am not going to give you anything.” Asking people for money is awkward. But not having any money… is much more awkward. 8. Build More Contacts Regardless of whether or not the donor gives to you, when the call finishes, make sure to thank them for their time and ask if they know others who would be able to help you out. If the donor was not able to give, then he may feel bad and want to recommend others. If he did give, then he has a vested interest in his money not being wasted and will want others to donate to you as well. Ask the donor to provide the legwork to introduce you to other donors. Ask if he’d be able to speak with friends. You just picked up an investor in your “business.” Make that money work for you. Turn that individual into another advocate for your efforts. There is a saying when it comes to fundraising, “The money is in the list.” 14 “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” A Successful Fundraising Ask has Three Major Parts There are three major parts to a successful fundraising strategy. 1) Asking 2) Data 3) Follow Up Everyone knows you need to ask. And everyone has some idea that you need to keep records. But follow up is by far the most disregarded and forgotten. Data and Follow Up are closely connected. It is imperative you keep solid data and have a record keeping system in place that takes care of donors and cultivates new ones. You need to follow up with donors, especially when they go out of you’re their way to contribute to your efforts. For larger donations, you should be sending a quick thank you card. This can very per campaign, say $100 as a benchmark. They can be quick, cheap, and best-case scenario your staff or intern should be filing them out. 9. Data, Data, Data Keeping good records is vitally important. If you don’t have a donor database, (you don’t need one to get started,) it is imperative you keep a record of who gave, how much, and ESPECIALLY who needs to be followed up with and when. That’s why you transferred your contacts over to the spreadsheet, so you’d have an easy place to store information and make notes and comments. Everyone who donated to you over the phone should receive a thank you. You want to continue to build the relationship between yourself and your donors. Personal solicitations sound daunting but in reality they are the quickest way to raise money. 10. Follow Up A few years ago I was working at a non-profit group in Arlington, Virginia. At a local dinner a gentleman running for Congress and I began talking. He was a first time candidate and didn’t know much about the process. I gave him some advice; talked with him about fundraising techniques and told him follow up was important. I agreed very much with his politics and wanted to see him succeed. As the conversation ended I gave him my business card and phone number and said, “Call me, I’ll share some ideas with you, and I’ll make a contribution.” Weeks go by, and he never called me. I ran into him again a couple of months later at another event. He actually sees and recognizes me from across the room. He comes over and says, “Ahh, I know, I know,” he says before I even have a chance to open my mouth. “I forgot but I’m glad you are here.” He and I talk again, I pull out another card, “Call me,” I say. “I will give you money.” He never calls. Perhaps he forgot, or perhaps he didn’t care, but either way his record keeping was poor. Candidates like that do not deserve to win and I didn’t lose any sleep when he lost his election. When someone says to you point blank, “CALL ME, I WILL GIVE YOU MONEY,” you need to call them. 15 “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” Final Thoughts from Steve Great job! If you’ve reached this point then you’ve gone through the full guide and know many of the same tried and true methods that professional fundraisers use on a daily basis. And best of all, you didn’t need to pay a party or consultant to teach you! I know I gave you a ton of information to think about. But I’m confident you can handle it. In fact, I’m guessing you’re eager for more information and looking for more ways to flex your fundraising muscle and learn more winning political techniques. By utilizing these fundraising techniques you’ll be on your way to a successful effort. By using the techniques and tips above, you WILL raise money. I’ve provided this training too many times to count and I have always seen it succeed. 1 Get your effort off the ground right away with an immediate injection of cash. 2 Put the systems and organization in place that ensure greater ease in raising money from here on out. 3 Provide the confidence you need to realize that raising money isn’t that hard after all. When I sold this training as a product to clients, I offered a money-back guarantee if it didn’t work. It worked every single time, and I’ve never needed to give a refund. Not only will you raise money that very day, but you’ll have the tools and skills to continue to raise money for caucuses or events in the future as well. 16 The rules and techniques taught in this guide are ideal for anyone who desires to learn how to raise money. “How to Raise $1,000 in a Single Day” Remember the 10 Steps to Follow When Engaging in this Initial Fundraising Strategy 1 Decide How Serious You Are Craft your message. 6 Keep Quiet First guy to talk, loses 2 1 Make a List of Contacts Every person you can think of. 7 Plan for Common Responses Yes, No, Maybe So 3 1 Choose the Ask Amount Too Much is better than too little 8 Build More Contacts People know other people 4 Control the Situation Timing is everything 5 Explain Yourself This is your moment. Sell it. 9 10 Data, Data, Data Record keeping is key Follow Up Go on, take the money and run.. This walkthrough is a proven guide to immediately raise money for your cause or campaign. Follow each tip and you’ll be on your way to a successful effort in no time. 17 Thank You Again I hope you have enjoyed this eBook as much as I enjoyed putting it together. No matter what your field of work or study is, you should be able to find something helpful when it comes to raising money. And Finally… If you haven’t slready, be sure to follow me on twitter @SteveBierfeldt and join the discussions going on at the Live Smart Not Hard Facebook fan page. Fundraising is a vital aspect of any cause or effort, whether you want to get involved in campaigns, improve your community or just learn savvy business techniques. Fundraising is a vital aspect of any cause or effort, whether you want to get involved in campaigns, improve your community or just learn savvy business techniques. I’m honored to be able to put this guide together and provide the free tools and advice usually closely held onto by vendors and expensive together and provide the free tools and advice usually closely held onto by vendors and expen Thanks again for subscribing and I look forward to provide more free tips on everything related to politics, campaigns and marketing strategies. -Steve Bierfeldt
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