How to get Starte d? Intelligence based Education process management software Standard Implementation Proposal This document guides you on your way to transform the traditional education to intelligent education because we believe every child is special and every child has a potential to excel in his field if interest if nurtured intelligently Three simple steps for transformation Following are the steps to be followed for transforming traditional education in to intelligent education 1. Be aware of the gaps in education 2. Bridging the gaps 3. Implementation • Challenges of every stake holder • Parents • teachers • Student • Management Be aware of the gaps Bridging the gaps • iSchool • How iSchool helps you • Students multidimentional growth • Module list • Prerequisites • Integration with other branches • How to implement • Roles and responsibilities • Training • Generalised plan Implementation CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Step I Be aware of the gaps in education The current system of education brings challenges to all the stakeholders of education below mention are few them Management Manage communication flow among stake holders. Integration of all activities performed in the school. To take care of pillars of school: Academic, administrative and finance. To maintain transparency in the system. To fight stiff competition. Students Every student is not able to get personal attention from teacher. Students are always overburdened. Only academic performance is considered while grading, Lateral thinking, Life skills and thinking skills are not measured. Teachers Teachers have to manage large amount of data. There are large numbers of students which need to be taken care of. Teachers have to deal with the repetitive administrative work. The process of continuous comprehensive evaluation need to be followed Manage time table and proxy scheduling. Parents There is always a communication gap observed between the school and parents. Parents are not regularly informed about the activities in the school. Parents generally are working which difficult make them to communicate with the school. There is no remedial action suggested by school on which they can act to improve the performance of their kid. CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Step II Bridging the gap: Understand iSchool 2.1 How does iSchool helps you? iSchool is a very comprehensive solution with 50 modules taking care of Academic to Administrative activities and drastically reducing the time and effort involved in routine education processes. I-Campus is much more than just college management software. It is 24*7 Online Anywhere Anytime solution which aims to bring Parents, Teachers and Management together to collaborate for multi-dimensional development of a student. iSchool has many analytical, data mining and decision making tools which give timely, meaningful information for taking effective remedial actions. The modules have been developed keeping in mind the needs of international curriculums and include tools for: Admission to alumni management. Continuous assessment and reporting (via SMS alerts & e-mails) Time-table management, Result generation & activity based learning Question Bank & i-Workbook, online tests facility Performance analysis, cluster & trend analysis over past years and Auto grading Online Feedback & reporting solutions (for Parents) Integrated HR, Finance Management solution (fee-payroll-accounts-leave) H/W integration (SMS, Smart Cards, Biometric, IVRS, etc) Placement and Training Management. 2.2 iSchool integration: CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Teacher homepage: Student/Parent homepage: CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 2.3 How iSchool brings up Student’s multi dimensional growth: iSchool believes “Every child is special” and can be groomed to excellence. Modules of iSchool are designed to helps your educators and parents to manage, analyze and assist in multi dimensional growth of student over the years. Online Practice Exam Results & Grades Projects Behaviour Cultural Sports Health Reading Habits Class Participation Skill Based Grading Home Participation Balanced Diet CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 2.4 50 integrated Solutions/Modules list: Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Module Name in each category Academic Activities Academic Plan Time Table Results & Grades Lesson Planning Question bank Online Exam Behaviour Analysis Learning at Home Class Participation Projects & Assignments Event/Activities e-Learning files Storage( Basic) Student Admission Process(Basic) Student Detail Profile Student Attendance Student Leave Online PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) Alumni Career & Placement(Basic) Sr. No 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Admin 41 MIS Transport Library Health Analysis 42 Hostel Information 43 Mess Information Dynamic Website(Basic) Multi User Management Finance Accounts Fee Management Payroll Inventory Management((Basic) Budget(Basic) 38 39 40 44 45 25 Human Resources HR Plan(Basic) HR Recruitment HR Profile HR Job Planning(Basic) HR Attendance HR Leave 26 HR Appraisal(Basic) 20 21 22 23 24 Module Name in each category Communication News Mail Forum SMS Calendar & Scheduler Thoughts Lost & Found Picture Gallery Guest Book Circulars Poll 46 47 48 49 50 51* Multiple Intelligence Analysis (Basic) CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Step III Implementation 3.1 Pre requisite of hardware and software: Hardware Support: *(if not existing currently) * Detailed Requirements to be listed mutually after the Work Order. **Note: Purchased iSchool software can be hosted on Online Dedicated Server of CEON. Hosting charge will cost additional Rs 1800/- per month with 2GB space. In this case, there is no need to buy a local server, but a good bandwidth internet is needed to access it in campus & at home. 3.2 How to implement: 3.3 iSchool integration with other branches: One iSchool instance would be running per school. On top of these, an iSchool Multi Branch Integrator s/w would run for MIS reports to Mgmt, centralised Finance/Budgeting and any other features as required by school mgmt i-School Multi Branch Integrator i-School at School 1 i-School at School 2 & so on for other schools Multi Branch Integrator may handle the following Centralized Q-Bank, Online Exams Document Mgmt & sharing b/w schools Central circulars/mails/notices Centralized finance/budgeting/transport/assets CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 3.4 Roles and responsibilities Sr. Roles No. Particulars Responsibilities & Methodology Deliverables (doc with sign) General Project Management Roles 1.1 Team Allocation CEON will deploy a dedicated Project Manager to manage the Project. Client will appoint one iSchool Coordinator at each School to assist the Project Manager. Monthly report to be submitted by both teams. Change in Client Team should be intimated 2 weeks before with complete handover to next team. Additional training can be given to new team on demand. -Team allocation chart for year1 signed by Client & CEON. -Quarterly Review Sheet of Team. 1.2 Infrastructure Availability CEON will intimate (by mail/written) the Client about any Infrastructure requirements 2 weeks in advance. Client will acknowledge the same and all necessary hardware infrastructures will be made available by the Client. CEON does not hold any responsibility for delay in the project resulting due to lack of necessary IT and other related infrastructure. In-house Server maintenance & security responsibilities lie with the Client. -Infrastructure requirement list. -Infrastructure availability confirmation sheet. 1.3 Data, Content & Image Availability CEON will intimate the Client about Data, content and image requirements 2 weeks in advance and Client is solely responsible for supplying data, contents and images in softcopy/files, unless CEON is hired specifically for this purpose on cost. After reminder deadline, delay in data by Client will lead to project delay. Delayed, wrong or Incomplete data will be charged for additional man days. -Module Data Collection Sheet by CEON. -Module Data Delivery Proof sheet by client. 1.5 Old Data Import ( after module process signoff) Import of large old/ archive data may be needed into the software and Client may provide this in Excel/Access from old software or file in Excel format given by CEON for each module. Old data will be imported only after Module basic process with sample data is approved by client. Data import may be treated as part of Customization if some specific programming needs to be done. Large Data import may need additional support man days on paid basis in advance. CEON will send/mail weekly back up of Data if it’s online installation. For offline installation, Client is responsible for regular manual backup of the software database (Auto backup facility can be enabled). In case of online installation, the data backup shall be maintained by CEON for 2 yrs from the date of Project start. -Data Import Format by CEON - Module Process Signoff by client 1.6 Data Backup - Right Data Import Confirmation Sheet. -Monthly Data Backup audit Sheet. CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Sr. No. Roles Particulars Responsibilities & Methodology Deliverables (doc with sign) Product Implementation Roles 1.7 Current System Analysis 1.8 Project Plan & Implementation Phases CEON will firstly conduct System Analysis of the current policies, procedures at the schools. (Number of man days will be as per Annexure 2). iSchool Coordinators from Client will be the facilitators for the same. SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document will be submitted by CEON within 2 weeks after analysis. After review and update, both parties have to sign it to freeze the scope and requirements of project. Additional analysis if required will be mentioned in SRS, if approved it will be carried out further on man-days charge. After SRS signing in clause 1.7, The Project Plan (mutually agreed upon by the CEON and Client) will be submitted and signed within 2 weeks. No Revert from client on Project Plan within 2 weeks will be treated as accepted Plan .The Project will consist of the following phases Implementation Phases (includes Installation, Orientation, System Analysis, Configuration, Customization & Testing with trial data). b) Go-Live1 for New Data Entry (includes Module Process Approval, Sample New Data entry, Training of Users & Admin ) c) Go Live2 with old data import ( after module sign off in Go Live1) d) Support Phase SRS signed by Client & CEON. -Project plan by CEON. a) 1.9 Product Installation (For Testing, For Regular Use) *In both Implementation and Go-Live phases, Core modules (as mutually decided between CEON and Client) will be taken up first Installation 1) For Testing & Customization with real Sample Data: Software will be installed with new blank Database. url will be Each module will be configured then tested for module’s sub-processes, links, reports & user’s page view on this Database with real 5-10 sample data. If some compulsory minor process customizations are required, it will be done by Ceon. Major requirement for new report can be done later. Client will reconfirm the process and after that module will be ready for old data entry/import and regular use in Installation2. Installation 2) For Regular use: will be installed parallel to step1. As soon modules are verified it will be enabled here for users. CEON will do/support for all basic data import, training to key users, all reports customization. User acceptance on this installation is taken. 1.10 Customization Requests/ New Feature Development As per SRS or during the Project Implementation, certain new features (customizations) will be desired by Users of iSchool. All change requests/bugs/new feature developments must be submitted online at by the Client authorized person. Only feasible requests will be taken up by the technical team of CEON, which reserves the rights to accept or reject a Change/Bug under given feasibility constraints. Feasibility will depend on limitation of architecture, time, cost, man power, dependency of other modules etc. CEON will plan to develop the submitted bugs/ customizations as per mutually agreed priorities. These developments will be planned and communicated to Client on a weekly basis. -Go Live1 Signoff -Go Live2 Signoff -Module Process Signoff for Golive1 by Client -Module Utilization Signoff for Golive2 by Client -Change Request (CR) document with approval by Client. -Feasibility Sheer on CR with man days & Cost by CEON. - CR Delivery Confirmation by Client, Payment CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 1.11 1.12 1.13 Data Entry 1-2 full-time Data Entry Operators may be required by the Client. These may be arranged by the Client or provided by CEON at per day rate basis. End users may also do data entry daily. CEON will only supervise the data entry. Training Client to provide the entire necessary infrastructure (Computer lab, Projector, PCs, Internet etc) for training on time. The schedule set for training will be strictly maintained with full presence of all related users. Any cancellations from Client side should be informed at least 3 days prior to the schedule or it will be treated as training conducted. User Acceptance Certificate 1.14 Signoff of services documents 1.15 Additional Roles Implementation of a module will consist of Installation and Setup. After Implementation Phase, each module will be reviewed by the Client for any necessary customizations. After customizations for each module (or in case of no customization), the Client will provide a User Acceptance Certificate for that module to the CEON. In case, the Client fails to review or does not suggest any feasible customization/ changes in the module within One month after Implementation, the module will be assumed Accepted by the Client. CEON will keep record of all Services provided onsite/offsite. Client will acknowledge these by signing the Service Documents with inputs. If service document is not signed and no revert is given to CEON within 1 week, then it will be treated as acceptance of services. Any delay in signing the document will cause in delay of next services. It may be added by additional Annexure in future if needed. - Each Module Data entry confirmation sheet by data operator. -Training Plan by CEON. -Training Attendance & Feedback by users -User acceptance certificate/feedback -Module Signoff Service documents sign off by clients Annexure CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 3.5 Training: IT culture building across the campus: We conduct regular training sessions for all users. In your school training can go for 2-3 years in phase every quarter for all set of users. Our certified and well trained trainers have help thousands of first time users of computer to be expert in using comprehensive software like iSchool Empowering Teachers Inspiring Students Training to Principal Workshop for Parents Class Teacher’s Training Coordinator’s Training Training to Staff Visitors from other School 3.6 iSchool implementation ideal network diagram: iSchool efficiently integrates every department and users of your school. It saves huge amount of time, man power and paper in day to day operations and communication. In the long term, it builds up as robust Knowledge Based Online Communication system. Below is an ideal sample network plan for a school. If your school is already networked or Wi-Fi enabled then project can be initiated immediately. Trustee / Director A.V Room Councilor Boys Hostel Exam Dept. Warden Library Computer Lab 1 Computer Lab 2 Activity ISchool Knowledge Server Mess Internet Modem Phy. Lab. Warden Girls Hostel Chem. Lab. Medical Room Teacher’s Room Coordinator Primary Section Teacher’s Room Coordinator Middle Section Teacher’s Room Coordinator SR Section Bio. Lab. Sales & Store Principal Vice Principal Accounts Reception Admission & Fee CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Transport Admin. Office 3.7 Generalized plan for chain of institutes: System Analysis+ Business Blue Print Customization & Updates Data Entry,Training & Utilization Feedback, Improvements ROI Analysis >> Months >> Timeline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pilot Implementation Schools Zone 1 Phase I Phase II Phase III 20M 15M 15M School 1 20M 15M 15M School 2 20M 15M 15M School 3 20M 15M 15M School 4 School 5 20M 20M 15M 15M 15M 15M 3.8 Team support From The School From The iSchool Project Coordinator Project Manager Academic Coordinator, Activity Coordinator and IT head(System Admin) 2 Technical Personnel for Customization 5-7 Dept heads to be involved 1-2 Trainer 2 Data operators for 2-4 months # Availability of school team is needed to meet for implementation and review. [Approx 3 sessions (2-3 Hrs each) per week during the initial 2-3 months] CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 About CEON CEON and its global reach: CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd is a company incubated at CIIE IIM-A, and is a pioneer in the field of Education working towards assisting teachers, parents & Campus management. Our award-winning flagship product iSchool, iCampus and MI an integrated & intelligent Education Process Management solution, has been developed over last 8 years in close collaboration with leading Campus, academicians and eminent Professors at IIM-A, IBM and is running successfully at institutions across India. We are proud to have HP as our partner. CEON offers accurate real-time information and Knowledge Management systems to the various stakeholders of an Educational Institute. CEON’s iCampus is an Intelligent Education Process Management (EPM) Solution for colleges. It is uniquely aligned to meet the needs and budgets of diverse schools and colleges throughout the country CEON is a global company having many of its clients in different countries as shown below CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583 Products and Solution: Over the last 9 years CEON team has been working to come up with integrated solutions for all kind of educational institutions. The 50 modules are comprehensive applications which are seamlessly integrated with each other. Currently there are three solutions offered by CEON these are: • Technical Approach • • • • • • Providing intelligence in education Shifting from automation to multiple intelligence Keeping you ahead of technology. Having technical robustness and security Help you evolve from report card to remedial card CEON thinks beyond automation. Global partners: Name Logo Zone M. S. Holding KUWAIT, MiddleEast CEVA KENYA, East Africa Primainfo Malaysia Sactech OMAN Silvertouch Gujarat India CEON Solutions Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, Shalvik Avenue, Naranpura (Cross Road), Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat, INDIA Registered Office : 54-Saptak, Sci. City Road, Behind Sukan Mall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA URL:, E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 079-64501583
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